[00:27] another day, another outage report [00:27] I know why Opsen tend to be drunkards now [00:27] I was looking around for a beer around 12:30 today [00:34] lol [00:55] nice. [01:17] rick_h_ thanks for the nice comment on my keyboard post. :) [01:18] gamerchick02: hey, if anyone can appreciate someone appreciating good hardware [01:18] :) [01:18] have you tried a Max Keyboard? [01:18] and i really really like the Browns. [01:18] nope, but I've tried many [01:19] that's cool, many people do love the brows [01:19] browns [01:19] i *might* get a Ducky for work but i fear it being stolen. :( [01:19] ah, that's not fun [01:19] true [01:19] what do you recommend for a close office situation? [01:19] browns with o-rings on them? [01:19] I'm not a good person to ask. I've not had to worry about that [01:20] ah [01:20] so I just used browns and made people suffer [01:20] that was after I use buckling springs for a while [01:20] i usually don't but there are 3 people sitting in my cube and right over the wall is my boss [01:20] and someone finally commented on it [01:20] hah [01:20] but I've been home-only for a while so I don't even hear it any more [01:20] ah [01:21] well i love the browns. i like the initial actuation of the blue but without the CLACK you get when you bottom [01:21] it's more like a bump [01:21] click-bump instead of click-CLACK [01:21] yea, I'm a big fan of loud. Though I've been on the kenisis for a while which is more quiet [01:21] but dang if my HP board at work doesn't feel like typing on a mashed potato [01:22] yea, once you get a good keyboard you start to get picky about laptops, etc [01:22] i am a fan of loud too but i wanted smaller and less… gaudy [01:22] I'd find myself getting double letters and such using junk keyboards [01:22] Razer is gaudy [01:22] yea, I'm with you. Mine are all plain [01:22] I mistype all the time on the one at work [01:23] i will say… and i might get smacked for it… but the macbook air keyboard is nice. [01:23] good spacing, good actuation, and they feel nice. [01:23] yea, best laptops keyboards are thinkpad (though it might be past tense :/) and apples I think [01:23] *nods* [01:24] i made a good choice on this laptop. i don't think i'll go anything else right now [01:24] for mobile laptop computing. it's no hassle. and i want no hassle for a laptop. i'l muck with the desktop but i want no effort for a laptop [01:24] :) [01:24] i'm getting old. don't mind me [01:48] hm... [01:48] not that i'm writing my talk for tomorrow's mug right now or anything [01:49] shame on you. i'm definitely not doing the same thing right now. [01:50] but anyone have notes on the tool that widox (i think) used for creating slides. from (i think) latex [01:50] hm.. or maybe not widox,. maybe waf. [01:50] yeah, that was me. one sec [01:50] https://github.com/waf/latex-presentation [01:50] i would like to attend MUG sometime but it's on the same night as my Nile meeting. [01:50] written in beamer [01:51] and i can't be in two places at the same time. [01:53] waf, other than being so "backslashy", https://github.com/waf/latex-presentation/blob/master/presentation.tex is really nice. [01:53] where do the src/*.tex files come from ? [01:54] smoser: it comes from the pygments tool, 'pygmentize'. one of the output formats is latex [01:55] http://pygments.org/docs/formatters/#LatexFormatter [01:56] for the "src/*.tex" files, the file "foo.tex" is handwritten, and the file "foo_syntax.tex" is the result of running "foo.tex" through pygmentize with the LaTeX formatter [01:57] ok. thanks. [02:01] smoser: you've got it set. You can just use the blog series that stephan has been doing [02:01] smoser: I loved the chrome from lxc one today [02:43] Good evening [10:40] Good morning [10:41] What, too early? [10:47] morning [10:47] heh, I'm still adjusting time zones [10:47] up at 5 [10:47] but yea, most people still not around [13:12] Good morning [13:15] party [15:27] party hardy === UnFixed_ is now known as UnFixed === ___________ is now known as ReFixed [16:30] "Bitcoin is boring because it's just dudes hoarding making false scarcity. Not a useful currency. It's beanie babies." [16:31] Hah! [16:58] rick_h_: Do you have a rick_h_-approved roof rake? [16:59] i like that analysis of bitcoin [16:59] rick_h_ should work for Consumer Reports, have a column: "Rick Approved" [16:59] greg-g: That's a good retirement plan [16:59] :) [17:02] Why is there no roof roomba? [17:05] jrwren: yeah, a buddy who has a protected twitter account tweeted it, I couldn't retweet (easily) so I copy/pasted here :) [17:05] wtf is the point of a private twitter acct? [17:16] nfc [17:22] people like sharing with smaller groups, it's kind of normal sometimes :) [17:24] Yeah, but I wonder if people expect it to be between their mouth to God's ears and nobody in-between [17:24] greg-g: I love the beanie-babies analogy. [18:01] jrwren: "wtf is the point of a twitter acct?" <- I fixed that for you. :-) [18:01] oh wolfger [18:01] the point is the same as being on an IRC channel. [18:01] I used to be an avid user, then I stopped, then I went back to Twitter and was like "what purpose did this ever serve?" [18:03] IRC is good for conversing. Twitter pretty much sucks at it. (I was once upon a time going to write a Twitter client that simulated IRC, with hashtags being separate channels) [18:11] Twitter is terrible for conversations. [18:11] it's good for quick one/two [18:12] "here's a pic of my X" "oh, how do you like the X" [18:12] * greg-g nods [18:12] "@bonehead212: And that's precisely why I don't tell the pharmacy joke" === ReFixed is now known as ColonelPanic001 [18:27] wolfger: you are following the wrong peeps then :p [18:30] jrwren: I used to think Twitter's problems were ones of curation [18:31] but honestly the more I use G+ and pump.io I'm thinking the 140 character is great for broadcasting ideas but terrible for conversation. [18:32] and it's especially easy for folks to talk past one-another and generate noise. [18:33] i just unfollow those people; [18:33] honestly, I agree with you, but by unfollowing the folks who don't understand the comm medium, I get more value [18:34] maybe that's the best approach [19:09] Twitter is like IRC if I only saw the things that 15% of the room types [19:09] Because I don't follow the entire world [19:11] so if cmaloney strikes up a conversation with, say, waf, then it's going to be like I'm in the room with a friend who's on the phone with a total stranger. Nobody likes that. [19:14] .@wolfger You should have smelled that one coming a mile away [19:14] and when did snapl become cmaloney, anyway? I thought his new name was Calamine Orgy [19:15] (for those who don't get the reference: http://decafbad.net/2013/08/16/for-future-reference/ ) [19:15] my analog rice to you, good sir [19:16] I think those are good after-dark and before-dark Penguicon names :-D [19:17] hah [19:18] My Penguicon name would be Erg Flow [19:51] this is my daily "setuptools is infuriating" message :) [19:52] jrwren: :) [20:02] i got through it, its just not intuitive. [20:02] it's only infuriating if you misuse it. ;) [20:02] http://pythonhosted.org/setuptools/setuptools.html this is my bible [20:02] in this case it was dead simple, not doing the stupid complex stuff I was a few weeks ago [23:54] #mugorg meeting happening now [23:54] ;)