[16:26] Hi womans [17:58] [18:03] #startmeeting [18:03] Meeting started Tue Feb 11 18:03:56 2014 UTC. The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [18:03] Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [18:03] who all is here for the meeting? :) [18:04] * belkinsa is here [18:05] http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/Agenda [18:07] belkinsa: can you update that to move your agenda items down under "Agenda"? [18:07] o/ [18:07] (they're in the demo area, so I was a bit confused :)) [18:07] Oh, sorry, I can. [18:07] #topic 1311 Blueprint updates [18:07] #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-women.org/+spec/community-1311-ubuntu-women [18:07] Done [18:08] so we still have a fair amount to do before the end of the cycle, anyone have any updates? [18:08] I have none. [18:09] I'm HERE! [18:09] I am late, but sorry [18:09] dolasilla has translated and set up a demo of the contribution matrix that can be viewed in its temporary home here: http://dagobah.princessleia.com/Matrix/ [18:09] ...yeah, was about to write that :) [18:10] sorry to interrupt [18:10] welcome Cheri703 [18:10] Oh, I remember now. (about the quiz) [18:11] eventually this is something we'd like to see on community.ubuntu.com, which we can point to [18:11] Wow, awesome job. [18:12] And I think it is ready, but I need to look at it closer =. [18:12] Can we have something in between "quite well" and "very little" for the "how well you know ubuntu" question? or is it pretty much set as is [18:13] we'll want to review it and probably add some more logic, and a disclaimer about what all the landing options are (might seem strange to folks that development isn't considered) [18:13] Cheri703, agreed. [18:13] Cheri703: sure [18:14] pleia2, agreed on this also. [18:14] ok, if we don't have any more blueprint updates, we can move on to the rest of the agenda [18:14] #topic Discussion on the upcoming election [18:14] Cheri703, we can modify of course [18:14] Could that preview be for anyone in the Community? [18:14] "upcoming" is actually this summer :) but we want to be prepared this time [18:14] is *everyone's* term up this election, or? [18:14] #link http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/LeadershipElectionProcess [18:14] Cheri703: yep, everyone [18:14] Cheri703, for the moment I did not touch the logic, just the landing pages [18:15] because I have been so MIA I was going to happily step down. :/ I feel bad for vanishing for the past several months [18:15] belkinsa: you can share it, but I wouldn't tell the whole world, the server it lives on is a bit unreliable (it's a cheap VPS) [18:15] dolasilla: ok awesome [18:15] Cheri703: I think it's fine to finish serving out your term, it's only a few more months [18:16] pleia2, alright. I think think about going about it. [18:16] (as long as you're ok with it) [18:16] sure! I will try to be less of a flake [18:16] now, since we often have to do a 2nd call for nominees, I'm thinking we move all the dates on the link above up a month [18:17] pleia2, I fully agree [18:17] so July 7th - August 5th <--- change that to June 7 - july 5th [18:17] err July 5th [18:17] I agree also. [18:17] and June [18:17] bah [18:17] I had it right :) [18:17] someone want to take an action item to bump all the dates on the wiki page 1 month? [18:17] I will take it. [18:18] and also add something for May 30th to "find someone to run the election" [18:18] it has to be someone who isn't running [18:18] I can help with any of the steps (it's not scary/hard to run) [18:18] thanks belkinsa [18:19] Not a problem, but I only can change the dates. I'm thinking about running in it. [18:20] great [18:20] #topic Focus on discussion ProjectHarvest (Seems to have enough feedback now) [18:20] #link http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/ProjectHarvest [18:20] feedback is at the bottom of the page: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/ProjectHarvest#Feedback [18:20] I will tentatively offer to help run the election [18:20] we can discuss what's involved [18:20] It seems that it could be used but the UI is lacking the look and ease of using it. [18:20] thanks Cheri703 :) [18:21] belkinsa: *nods* [18:21] I think we have all the feedback we're going to get, and these are actionable ideas [18:21] * belkinsa nods [18:22] so I'm wondering how we want to organize this feedback so it is actually something people can work on [18:22] I think it's needed for the ease for surer. [18:22] sure* [18:24] should also figure out how one would set up a harvest dev environment, so it can actually be worked on [18:24] +1 [18:24] maybe follow up with dholbach to see what he suggests [18:24] I think someone outside our team, but in my LoCo, wants to also help to develop it. [18:24] great [18:25] ok, I can follow up with dholbach about a dev environment and we'll go about organizing ideas into action items from there [18:25] #action pleia2 to contact dholbach about harvest dev environment [18:25] ACTION: pleia2 to contact dholbach about harvest dev environment [18:25] #action belkinsa to update LeadershipElectionProcess with new dates [18:25] ACTION: belkinsa to update LeadershipElectionProcess with new dates [18:26] #topic Discussion of the next vUDS (Next UDS: 11 - 13 March 2014) [18:26] Is is to early for this? [18:26] so, we haven't historically done the mid-cycle UDS since our blueprints cover 6 months [18:27] I have no objections if someone wants to run one, but I can't (work obligations) [18:27] I can find someone in the team to run it for you, pleia2. [18:27] anyone is welcome to do so [18:28] * belkinsa nods [18:28] Didn't Dholbach run it for us last time? [18:28] I ran it, he just controlled the hangout stuff (someone on jono's community team always does) [18:28] Ah, I see. [18:29] what would it be about, saying what we are doing + looking for new ideas? [18:29] if we get it on the schedule we don't need to worry about that part, we need a session leader to run the show and have an agenda to keep things moving along [18:29] we've already got our plate pretty full of projects, so I'm not sure what we'd talk about [18:29] Yeah. [18:30] dolasilla: it's a time for brainstorming ideas for the next 3 months, so we sit together on a hangout and come up with ideas, etc [18:30] just like old in person UDS, but virtual :) [18:30] pleia2, oki, right, now that I remember we actually already had a virtual one together [18:30] yep! [18:31] so I think we can leave this out there, if someone wants to create a blueprint and run one, just let me know and I'll help getting it submitted [18:32] needs to be in by next friday [18:32] (I'll be at a conference then, so earlier is better :)) [18:32] we'll definitely have one at the next UDS in May (not scheduled yet) [18:33] Would be it better to just do the one in May? [18:33] belkinsa: that's what we usually do, just the ones at the beginning of the cycle and plan for 6 months out [18:34] Okay, if skipping is the solution, then I'm alright with that. [18:34] * pleia2 nods [18:35] so if anyone really wants one for March and has an agenda, let me know and we'll get it scheduled, otherwise we'll just do the typical one in May [18:35] #topic Any other business [18:35] anyone have anything else they wanted to bring up but wasn't on the agenda? [18:35] Nope. [18:36] nu [18:38] I need to leave. Let me know via email in case you have already some ideas to modify the quiz [18:38] cheers! [18:38] Cheers, dolasilla. [18:39] alright, thanks everyone [18:39] #endmeeting [18:39] Meeting ended Tue Feb 11 18:39:28 2014 UTC. [18:39] Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-women-project/2014/ubuntu-women-project.2014-02-11-18.03.moin.txt [18:39] Not a problem, thanks for the meeting.