[09:10] zequence: got really far yesterday ... vbox install went fubar and ended up in 640x480, then a hardware install refused to do anything, by the time I'd installed ubuntustudio-desktop on top of a spare xubuntu one - I'd had enough [09:10] not working till thursday - so I'll try and get a bunch started off before then [09:10] elfy: You installed Ubuntu Studio trusty? [09:17] in a vm it did, on hardware it failed from image - installed the bits for it from synaptic in an existing xubuntu install [09:17] elfy: There might be some problems with the kernel. I had it fail on one machine [09:17] But nice to know install is possible [09:18] I saw in the backlog here - I'll have another look later today with the daily - see if it's any different [09:18] I was supposed to do some testing last weekend. Only got the images downloaded last night [09:18] :) [09:19] when it's milestone testing times - give me a shout if you've got time issues and if I can do some when I've done ours I'm happy to help [11:54] working on ubiquity plugins. The plan is we start using other flavor -desktop packages, only perhaps overriding a few things, and also perhaps adding our own custom theme [11:55] Though, we should probably keep a custom DE, just for the hell of it [12:14] Cool. Working [15:12] OvenWerks: I had to remove the deletion of the XFCE session in the -default-settings postinstall script [15:13] OvenWerks: We can't remove files that belong to other packages [15:14] OvenWerks: I was able to add a package selection plugin for ubiquity, which is more or less straight imported from one of two Edubuntu plugins [15:14] OvenWerks: Next, I will work on the DE agnostic part. We'll still need a default DE, but the user will be able to install any of a set of DEs during install [15:15] OvenWerks: I applied for PPU (per package uploader) for our packages, but failed, much because of that postinstall script :P [15:15] Going through all our packages now, making sure they are in good shape. [15:16] Once there's a alpha version of -controls ready (maybe in one weeks time), I'll have that uploaded too [15:16] There will be a few changes this cycle, no doubt