ochosi | behold, trusty's new greeter looks: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-2014-02-11-005943.php | 00:00 |
knome | note, the ugly lego person not included by default | 00:01 |
* knome hides | 00:01 | |
ochosi | yeah, that's your loss though! | 00:01 |
bluesabre | fancy | 00:32 |
bluesabre | btw, documentation is not very fun | 00:32 |
bluesabre | sorry slickymaster and jjfrv8 for making you do so much :) | 00:32 |
slickymaster | np, bluesabre | 00:33 |
knome | bluesabre, depends... ;) | 00:33 |
Unit193 | bluesabre+1 | 00:37 |
bluesabre | so, once I populate this with more than old screenshots and lorem ipsum, it should be sufficient, slickymaster? http://wiki.smdavis.us/doku.php?id=menulibre_usage | 00:39 |
slickymaster | lol bluesabre, wasn't that the parole docs? | 00:44 |
bluesabre | quick copy+paste job :) | 00:44 |
bluesabre | and adding the dos structure | 00:44 |
bluesabre | *docs | 00:44 |
slickymaster | but yeah, I think that we'll be able to work with it | 00:44 |
bluesabre | k | 00:44 |
bluesabre | I'll try to wrap that up tonight | 00:45 |
slickymaster | thanks for that bluesabre | 00:45 |
slickymaster | jjfrv8: ^^^ | 00:45 |
bluesabre | sure thing | 00:45 |
jjfrv8 | just got here and saw it. thanks. | 00:45 |
Unit193 | jjfrv8: Hello! | 00:46 |
slickymaster | hey, jjfrv8 my proposal for the xfdestop of the settings-preferences chapter: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6911856/ | 00:46 |
slickymaster | ping me after you see it | 00:46 |
jjfrv8 | hey, Unit193 | 00:46 |
jjfrv8 | slickymaster, will take a look here in a sec | 00:46 |
slickymaster | if you're ok with it, I'll make a MP | 00:46 |
slickymaster | okie dokie | 00:47 |
jjfrv8 | bluesabre, will the MenuLibre docs have to be flavor-agnostic, unlike the xfce stuff we've done up til now? | 00:48 |
jjfrv8 | or maybe not agnostic actually but show things like how it works with Unity? | 00:48 |
ali1234 | does it even work with unity? | 00:49 |
jjfrv8 | in his screencast on his website, the older version did | 00:49 |
bluesabre | jjfrv8: I'll add screenshots for each DE and a section on that support | 00:49 |
bluesabre | ali1234: unity, xfce, gnome, lxde, cimmamon, mate | 00:49 |
ali1234 | kde? | 00:49 |
bluesabre | never tried | 00:49 |
* bluesabre is not a fan of qt/kde | 00:50 | |
ali1234 | it should do, they have a menu and it uses xdg | 00:50 |
bluesabre | but theoretically it should | 00:50 |
bluesabre | it's based on alacarte's code | 00:50 |
bluesabre | but, it works | 00:50 |
bluesabre | :) | 00:50 |
bluesabre | I should check that out at some point | 00:51 |
ochosi | :) | 00:51 |
bluesabre | though I think kde has their own menu editor | 00:52 |
slickymaster | I'm off | 01:05 |
knome | hf slickymaster | 01:05 |
jjfrv8 | slickymaster, sorry, I know it's late for you. I should have my comments ready for you tomorrow | 01:05 |
slickymaster | jjfrv8: I'll catch up on your feedback on the logs, later on | 01:05 |
slickymaster | cy guys tomorrow | 01:05 |
slickymaster | -> | 01:05 |
Unit193 | jjfrv8: So do you want me to set -R jjfrv8 on every MP? :P | 01:06 |
jjfrv8 | will I know any more about them than the first one? | 01:06 |
Unit193 | Hah, there's a chance. Just thinking generally. | 01:07 |
jjfrv8 | sure, why not. I might even learn something. | 01:07 |
Unit193 | (Not from me! :P ) | 01:07 |
jjfrv8 | :) | 01:07 |
elfy | knome: thanks - missed that | 01:35 |
knome | elfy, what? :) | 01:36 |
elfy | :) | 01:36 |
bluesabre | section 1/3 complete: http://wiki.smdavis.us/doku.php?id=menulibre_usage | 01:42 |
bluesabre | *phew* | 01:42 |
knome | bluesabre, ooh ooh | 01:42 |
knome | off, see you all later | 02:08 |
forestpiskie | ochosi: no way to do anything other than log back in when logged out presently - all the menu's have gone | 02:18 |
jjfrv8 | slickymaster, my comments/suggestions at http://paste.ubuntu.com/6912644/ The line numbers refer to those in your original paste. | 02:41 |
bluesabre | foresktpiskie: edit lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf, comment out show-indicators | 03:06 |
bluesabre | i.e. | 03:06 |
bluesabre | #show-indicators= | 03:06 |
a5m0 | hmm my mainline kernel updater installed the low-latency kernel :/ not sure if good or bad | 03:23 |
Noskcaj | ochosi, pong | 04:52 |
Noskcaj | There's too much scrollback for me to read that, plus i have cadets in two hours | 04:52 |
forestpiskie | bluesabre: thanks | 07:44 |
forestpiskie | ochosi: the user box in the login screen is half black/half white here :) | 07:44 |
ochosi | forestpiskie: yes i know, xubuntu-default-settings are currently lacking | 08:09 |
ochosi | forestpiskie: the other thing is that a greybird update hasn't landed yet | 08:10 |
elfy | ok - just shouting out when I see stuff :) | 08:10 |
ochosi | i pushed it already yesterday, but you'll have to wait for them to land | 08:10 |
ochosi | sure | 08:10 |
ochosi | i appreciate it | 08:10 |
ochosi | it's really really annoying that we can't even push to x-d-s, so merge-requests are just hanging out there | 08:11 |
elfy | I can understand that - is the change to lightlocker from xscreensaver waiting for the same thing? I assume so | 08:12 |
ochosi | yeah, it's similar | 08:14 |
ochosi | i mean someone would still have to upload changes, but without even having them in our bzr branches, who would upload them... | 08:14 |
elfy | :) | 08:15 |
ali1234 | what is x-d-s? | 08:15 |
elfy | xubuntu default settings | 08:15 |
elfy | I saw that micahg was actioned to push Noskcaj's dmb membership to e-mail voting yesterday | 08:16 |
ochosi | aha | 08:17 |
ochosi | did anything happen there? | 08:17 |
elfy | only that it was pushed to e-mial vote | 08:17 |
* elfy apparently got subscribed to a whole bunch of stuff as a byproduct of being in the CC | 08:17 | |
elfy | much scratching of head ensued ... | 08:18 |
ochosi | :) | 08:18 |
elfy | ochosi: aaand - login box is now white and offwhite - so I guess that's the greybird update | 08:21 |
Unit193 | No more black. :( | 08:21 |
elfy | no more black | 08:24 |
elfy | #useful - can see things without glasses again :p | 08:24 |
ochosi | good to hear | 08:46 |
zequence | Does Xubuntu have both xubuntu and xfce sessions? And if not, how do you go about removing the xfce session? | 08:50 |
ochosi | it does | 08:50 |
zequence | ok. thanks | 08:51 |
ali1234 | it has both sessions but there are no obvious differences between them last time i tried | 08:55 |
ochosi | i think less stuff is started by default in xfce, and settings are more upstreamy | 08:57 |
ochosi | e.g. menu-file | 08:57 |
elfy | ochosi: when you know that xscreensaver and light-locker are sorted in the seed could you remind me - I'll need to sync the test tracker for it | 09:35 |
ochosi | elfy: ok, will do | 09:37 |
ochosi | but generally, i don't know who will update the seed (i guess micahg ?) | 09:37 |
ochosi | there should be merge-requests ready | 09:37 |
ochosi | if not, they'd be easy enough to do | 09:37 |
elfy | yea understood - I'm completely at sea tbh - I generally only notice when I go and physically look, unless I remember to check changelogs - and it's usually updating during the first cuppa ;) | 09:39 |
Unit193 | ochosi: There are. | 09:39 |
elfy | Unit193: thanks | 09:41 |
slickymaster-job | morning all | 09:46 |
ochosi | morning | 09:48 |
slickymaster-job | morning ac | 09:48 |
slickymaster-job | ochosi: | 09:48 |
elfy | hi slickymaster-job | 09:54 |
slickymaster-job | hey elfy, good morning | 09:56 |
slickymaster-job | ochosi: can you confirm me whether the Xfdesktop -docs will be migrated to docs.xfce.org/ before docfreeze? | 10:18 |
slickymaster-job | jjfrv8: didn't knew about that convention. In the Mugshot section I just used &mugshot; so I'm going to reflect the convention also there so it will be corrected. | 10:37 |
slickymaster-job | jjfrv8: As for the other suggestions, I think you're right and I've made the necessary changes accordingly | 10:37 |
ochosi | slickymaster-job: when is doc-freeze again? | 10:48 |
slickymaster-job | ochosi: March, 20th | 10:49 |
slickymaster-job | ochosi: I'm asking because, presently we have its section in the Xub -docs yet linking to bluesabre's wiki | 10:50 |
ochosi | yeah, i thought you were asking because of that | 10:54 |
ochosi | i'll see to it that it gets there in time | 10:54 |
ochosi | i've already thought of two ways, 1) being the versioned docs, 2) being updating what's there now | 10:54 |
ochosi | and i asked eric and he's fine with it | 10:55 |
ochosi | so basically i'll wait for the versioned docs a little longer and in case that doesn't happen in time, we can land them in the mixed mode | 10:55 |
ochosi | (i.e. reflecting 4.8-4.12) | 10:55 |
slickymaster-job | ok, let us wait then | 10:57 |
ochosi | well, i suggest you change the ref in the xubuntu-docs to xfce.org already now | 11:00 |
ochosi | that way we're not dependant on anything | 11:00 |
ochosi | (i have edit-rights on docs.xfce.org to the worst) | 11:01 |
ochosi | with dependant i mean: dependant on freezes or anything | 11:02 |
ochosi | as long as docs.xfce gets an update before our release, it's fine if our docs point there | 11:02 |
slickymaster-job | ok, I'm going to do a MP by lunch time and I'll include that correction in it also | 11:02 |
ochosi | great | 11:02 |
ochosi | if you're tracking the docs-process somehow, feel free to put in a workitem for you or me that says "check whether docs.xfce already holds info on xfdesktop4.11" | 11:03 |
slickymaster-job | thanks for the heads up, ochosi | 11:03 |
ochosi | that way we can keep an overview | 11:03 |
ochosi | no problemo | 11:03 |
slickymaster-job | just a last thing ochosi, the link will still be http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfdesktop/start, right? | 11:04 |
ochosi | yes, ideally it will | 11:04 |
slickymaster-job | ok, I'll use that one | 11:04 |
ochosi | thing is, with versioned docs it might be xfdesktop/4.12/start | 11:04 |
ochosi | but we'll see about that | 11:04 |
ochosi | point to the master-page now | 11:05 |
slickymaster-job | okie dokie, I'll use http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfdesktop/start for now, and if needed it will be corrected | 11:06 |
ochosi | yup | 11:06 |
ochosi | (or we add a notice on that start page that there are docs for multiple versions) | 11:07 |
slickymaster-job | if it gets to that, it's a good solution | 11:07 |
slickymaster-job | ochosi: added that in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-t-docs | 11:35 |
knome | bluesabre, Unit193 could you prepare a new xubuntu-docs upload? | 12:22 |
Unit193 | knome: Translations? | 12:22 |
knome | would really like to get all the new stuff in the branch in in trusty now | 12:22 |
knome | Unit193, with or without translations, maybe latter would be better if it's doable | 12:22 |
Unit193 | Pending review? | 12:22 |
Unit193 | Ah, then perhaps don't merge that yet. | 12:22 |
knome | would be good to get them in relatively soon | 12:23 |
bluesabre | knome: could you poke micahg to get some traction on the merge requests? | 12:23 |
ochosi | +1 | 12:23 |
ochosi | FF is approaching... | 12:24 |
knome | bluesabre, i have | 12:24 |
bluesabre | k, thanks :) | 12:24 |
knome | micahg, ping | 12:24 |
Unit193 | [knome] Find out how to ship translated documentation: DONE Oh? | 12:24 |
knome | Unit193, well, your work item | 12:25 |
knome | Unit193, basically, we know how (one way) to ship them | 12:25 |
knome | and i'm fine with that | 12:25 |
Unit193 | Well, it's quite static, build time too. :/ | 12:25 |
knome | that's better than no translations for trusty | 12:25 |
knome | we can improve it later | 12:26 |
Unit193 | OK. | 12:27 |
knome | or do you have an idea how to pull out a developer from nowhere along with more time for micahg? | 12:27 |
knome | it's not too late to improve them this cycle | 12:28 |
* Unit193 is no dev. :D | 12:28 | |
knome | well that's why i was asking whether you knew how to get one to appear from nowhere :P | 12:28 |
bluesabre | if we could summon mrpouit, he can also handle mergey stuff | 12:29 |
knome | but seriously... just shipping translations in any way is a huge improvement from the situation in 12.04 when released (outdated docs with no translations) | 12:29 |
knome | if the build time is slow, who cares? | 12:29 |
knome | we don't have dozens of languages anyway | 12:30 |
Unit193 | Build time = updated at build time. | 12:31 |
knome | hmm well, | 12:32 |
knome | we could drop that | 12:32 |
Unit193 | I'd like ru finished, and es at >80, but meh. | 12:32 |
knome | and just make sure we've updated before. | 12:32 |
Unit193 | No, there is no updated at build time, that's my point. :P | 12:32 |
knome | aha | 12:32 |
Unit193 | Anywho, got a mockup? | 12:32 |
knome | for what? | 12:33 |
knome | the languages frontpage? | 12:33 |
Unit193 | Yeah. | 12:33 |
knome | btw, are we translating the startpage? | 12:33 |
knome | no? | 12:33 |
knome | the languages landing page needs to be similar to that | 12:33 |
knome | do we want to translate those? | 12:34 |
knome | do you know how to add a similar page? | 12:34 |
Unit193 | As far as I know, no, there is no translation of the startpage. | 12:34 |
knome | considering the user picks a translation there... | 12:34 |
knome | maybe it isn't sane to translate it | 12:34 |
knome | unless we can get automatic language probing. | 12:34 |
knome | was thinking we could try to use some JS, but looks like there isn't really a clean way to get even browsers language preferences? | 12:37 |
knome | -? | 12:37 |
Unit193 | I wouldn't. | 12:38 |
knome | and i wonder if those are even updated when using another language in ubuntu, probably not | 12:38 |
knome | point being, if you don't have JS, then you'll get the english version | 12:38 |
knome | if you do, and non-english language that exist is identified, you'd get redirected to the language version | 12:39 |
Unit193 | Landing page English, Language names in those Languages. Can depend on that the most really. | 12:39 |
knome | you think we should add those in the main about page, or another? | 12:40 |
knome | was thinking it could be a list in the main page as well | 12:40 |
knome | maybe not one per line, but a long listing at the bottom | 12:40 |
Unit193 | http://unit193.net/xubuntu/ <---- that page. | 12:40 |
knome | that's a bit meh | 12:41 |
Unit193 | (Not like how I have it.) | 12:41 |
knome | blah | 12:41 |
knome | maybe we should review that page altogether | 12:41 |
Unit193 | Don't like it on that one? Where else? | 12:41 |
knome | reworked. | 12:41 |
knome | we should probably drop the introduction paragraph. | 12:42 |
knome | at least the "the ubuntu project..." | 12:42 |
knome | then maybe add a new heading for "xubuntu documentation" | 12:42 |
knome | and rename "get help & support" to "other support methods" or sth. | 12:43 |
knome | and rethink the "report bugs" | 12:43 |
knome | maybe we could be a bit more verbose on the "get involved" section | 12:43 |
knome | and drop the "report bugs" bullet point | 12:43 |
knome | i'll come up with a new draft for that today. | 12:43 |
slickymaster | knome: if you'd be so kind: https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/+merge/205771 | 13:37 |
knome | slickymaster, done | 13:57 |
slickymaster | ok, knome | 14:00 |
slickymaster | thanks | 14:00 |
knome | no problem | 14:00 |
knome | slickymaster, now go update the blueprint;) | 14:01 |
slickymaster | i'll do it when i get back to work | 14:01 |
knome | have been cleaning them up again, already looks better: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-t/group/topic-t-flavor-xubuntu.html | 14:01 |
knome | well i can do that now, i have the page open | 14:01 |
slickymaster | having lunch as i type | 14:01 |
knome | done | 14:01 |
slickymaster | appreciate it | 14:02 |
slickymaster | tk :) | 14:02 |
knome | heh, np | 14:03 |
knome | rather update the blueprints than do all the work items ;) | 14:03 |
slickymaster | no doubts about that ;) | 14:03 |
knome | ochosi, bluesabre: bug 1277149 ? | 14:04 |
ubottu | bug 1277149 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar's "set as wallpaper" plugin doesn't work anymore with xfdesktop4.11" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1277149 | 14:04 |
knome | ochosi, bluesabre: [xubuntu-dev] Look into creating a GUI for light-locker settings (or integrate into xfce4-powermanager): TODO ? | 14:05 |
ochosi | knome: what about that bug, there's already a branch by Noskcaj | 15:36 |
ochosi | and yeah, not sure what will happen wrt light-locker UI | 15:36 |
knome | ochosi, okay, is it being tested? | 15:36 |
ochosi | by whom? | 15:36 |
knome | anybody? | 15:36 |
ochosi | not sure? | 15:36 |
ochosi | :) | 15:36 |
ochosi | bbl | 15:37 |
brainwash | ochosi: do we have to backport all the xfdesktop fixes/changes? | 18:01 |
brainwash | currently I only report upstream and hope that a new possible release will land in trusty eventually | 18:04 |
slickymaster-job | bbl -> | 18:07 |
ochosi | brainwash: if there's a bugfix-only release, we can get that in after FF | 18:20 |
ochosi | if there are no features, then we can't, that's the easy rule | 18:20 |
ochosi | asking for exceptions is possible, but tedious | 18:20 |
brainwash | is adjusting the icon size/spacing a bug fix? :) | 18:21 |
brainwash | the new release will be a mix of bug fixes and small new features I guess :/ | 18:22 |
brainwash | ochosi: can you confirm https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10685 ? | 18:25 |
ubottu | bugzilla.xfce.org bug 10685 in General "wallpaper thumbnails are missing sometimes" [Minor,New] | 18:25 |
brainwash | or is your SSD too fast? | 18:25 |
ochosi | brainwash: yeah, i think i see that as well | 19:25 |
Noskcaj | ochosi, you pinged? | 19:47 |
ochosi | Noskcaj-school: yeah, i just wanted to inform you about the gtk3 indicators/panel status | 22:06 |
ochosi | what i pinged you about came after the ping | 22:06 |
* Noskcaj-school searches for logs | 22:06 | |
ochosi | Noskcaj-school: head-line: we should try to get our stuff independently of whether ubuntu manages to fix the indicators before FF | 22:08 |
ochosi | because they can also fix them afterwards (and probably will) | 22:08 |
ochosi | and we can do the same, if a panel-release happens after FF | 22:08 |
ochosi | and i vaguely remember you mentioned preparing them for uploading soonish | 22:08 |
Noskcaj-school | ok, i'll get some git snapshots working on when i get home | 22:09 |
ochosi | great! | 22:09 |
brainwash | we also need a new xfce4-indicator-plugin release | 22:10 |
ochosi | yeah, but that's pending on the panel-release | 22:10 |
ochosi | so git-snapshot for both now | 22:11 |
ochosi | and update them to release as soon as possible | 22:11 |
brainwash | can you confirm https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10658 ? | 22:11 |
ubottu | bugzilla.xfce.org bug 10658 in Panel "GTK3 indicator area background turns transparent/black occasionally" [Normal,New] | 22:11 |
brainwash | not that important anymore, because you intend to make the panel transparent (80%) | 22:11 |
brainwash | so this glitch won't occur | 22:12 |
ochosi | yeah, but still, it should be fixed | 22:12 |
ochosi | and your patch looks valid at first glance | 22:12 |
brainwash | that would be great | 22:12 |
Unit193 | Sure it will, just might not notice as much. Also non-default config. | 22:12 |
ochosi | and i can reproduce it | 22:13 |
Unit193 | Yep. | 22:13 |
ochosi | andrzejr: could you take a look at this bug and the patch attached? https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10658 | 22:13 |
ubottu | bugzilla.xfce.org bug 10658 in Panel "GTK3 indicator area background turns transparent/black occasionally" [Normal,New] | 22:13 |
brainwash | I guess that eric should have a look and fix it | 22:13 |
ochosi | eric has no push-rights to the panel | 22:13 |
ochosi | so he could only prepare a patch | 22:13 |
brainwash | yes, but he provided the transparency fix initially | 22:14 |
ochosi | but since you did that already, it's better to ask someone who has push-rights to the panel | 22:14 |
brainwash | I'll add Andrzej to the cc list then | 22:15 |
brainwash | better fix the stuff now and don't bother with it later before or even after release | 22:16 |
brainwash | ochosi: no bold font for the icon labels anymore, correct? | 22:20 |
ochosi | brainwash: you mean in the panel? | 22:20 |
ochosi | and if so, where exactly? | 22:20 |
brainwash | nono, xfdesktop | 22:21 |
brainwash | font is normal now, was bold before | 22:21 |
ochosi | yeah, murrine's shadow setting is broken, so xfdesktop's is used instead | 22:24 |
ochosi | can't draw a shadow around the whole character anymore | 22:24 |
ochosi | and that turned out more readable, end of story | 22:24 |
brainwash | ok | 22:24 |
ochosi | knome: re: the patch for thunar, it was written by xfdesktop's maintainer, so i'd presume it works fine | 22:34 |
ochosi | and it's fairly clear why the current plugin can't work and what has to be done | 22:34 |
ochosi | so a rather straight-forward thingy | 22:34 |
knome | ochosi, sure, thanks | 22:35 |
dockelley | Hi, can anyone tell me the status of time-admin and users-admin in Xubuntu trusty? I can't find them in alpha2. "Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?" --Chicago - | 22:37 |
ochosi | dockelley: how can you not find them? | 22:39 |
ochosi | they're in the settings-manager here (also on trusty, daily though) | 22:39 |
brainwash | dockelley: gnome-system-tools got fixed, you should download and apply the latest updates | 22:39 |
knome | they might have been not around for alpha 2, there was some failed packaging magic... | 22:39 |
dockelley | Thanks so much. That installed them. Now I can know who and when I am! | 22:45 |
slickymaster | hey, if gst finally got fixed, bug 1185396 can also finally be solved | 22:50 |
ubottu | bug 1185396 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "users-admin crashed with SIGSEGV in gst_user_profiles_get_for_user()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1185396 | 22:50 |
brainwash | and bug 1016932 | 22:52 |
ubottu | bug 1016932 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "Setting user as administrator doesn't give him sudoing rights" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1016932 | 22:53 |
brainwash | too bad it's not maintained properly anymore | 22:53 |
slickymaster | yeah, but apparently gst still has a maintainer at debian | 22:55 |
brainwash | ..who did not comment on your debian report yet :( | 22:57 |
brainwash | will the normal user even notice this segfault? | 22:57 |
brainwash | apport gets deactivated on release | 22:58 |
slickymaster | you're right brainwash not even taht he has been able to do so far | 22:58 |
slickymaster | IMO, no. | 22:58 |
brainwash | maybe the MATE guys fixed it in their fork mate-system-tools | 22:59 |
brainwash | I'll take a look at their changelog | 23:00 |
slickymaster | it would be great if they did | 23:00 |
brainwash | but.. does it still segfault? I did confirm that it does on trusty back in december | 23:02 |
brainwash | and apport is enabled since alpha 1 or? | 23:03 |
ochosi | xnox: ping | 23:03 |
ochosi | xnox: since you offered your help once in case we were in need of an uploader, this would be a package waiting for upload: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1279113 | 23:14 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1279113 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] xubuntu-community-artwork" [Undecided,New] | 23:14 |
bluesabre | I think xnox is a debian maintainer | 23:18 |
Unit193 | Both. | 23:19 |
xnox | bluesabre: am a Debian Developer and Ubuntu Core Dev. | 23:21 |
bluesabre | super cow powers | 23:21 |
bluesabre | :) | 23:21 |
ochosi | indeed :) | 23:22 |
bluesabre | awesome | 23:22 |
bluesabre | xnox: does that mean you get two copies of every valve game? | 23:22 |
bluesabre | :D | 23:22 |
knome | bluesabre, no, it means he gets double bug mail | 23:22 |
bluesabre | and he hangs around us | 23:23 |
bluesabre | poor xnox | 23:23 |
knome | maybe he's a bug mail collector | 23:23 |
knome | bugistelia | 23:23 |
ArchXfce | Hi! | 23:26 |
ochosi | !hello | 23:26 |
ubottu | Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu-devel! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! | 23:26 |
ArchXfce | I'm an Archlinux user that simply loves Xfce and the work you did with Xubuntu. | 23:27 |
* knome bows | 23:27 | |
knome | ouch! the forehead hit the table! | 23:27 |
ArchXfce | I'm trying to use some of yours indicator on Arch, but it seems I've got some problems... | 23:28 |
Unit193 | Is the AUR pulling from bzr or a released version? What's wrong? | 23:28 |
ochosi | ... and have you read this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Saucy/Gtk3Indicators | 23:28 |
ochosi | (and the other one at s/Saucy/Trusty/) | 23:29 |
ArchXfce | I can add the indicator plugin to the panel, but even if I install an indicator, it won't appear there. | 23:29 |
ArchXfce | Mmm... So basically all my packages are outdated? | 23:29 |
ArchXfce | 12 Unity-for-Arch/indicator-sound 12.10.2daily13.11.25-101 (unity) [installed] 15 Unity-for-Arch/libdbusmenu-glib 12.10.3daily13.11.25-100 (unity) [installed] 16 Unity-for-Arch/libdbusmenu-gtk2 12.10.3daily13.11.25-100 (unity) [installed] 17 Unity-for-Arch/libdbusmenu-gtk3 12.10.3daily13.11.25-100 (unity) [installed: 12.10.2-3] 19 Unity-for-Arch/libindicator 12.10.2daily14.01.29-100 (unity) [installed] 29 Unity-for-Arch-Extra/x | 23:29 |
Unit193 | ArchXfce: What about xfce4-panel? Needs to be from git and compiled with the gtk3 wrapper. | 23:30 |
ochosi | that's one way to look at it | 23:30 |
ochosi | or you use the gtk2 indicators only | 23:30 |
ochosi | (the ones that work are -sound and -application) | 23:30 |
ArchXfce | Unit193: thanks, but I prefer (if I can make it work) the solution proposed by ochosi. The problem is, I've got indicator-sound installed, but it won't show up and I don't know how to get some information on what's wrong. | 23:31 |
ArchXfce | Is there a way to launch it from the terminal to see what I'm missing? | 23:32 |
Unit193 | I see, then you will need the indicator-sound-gtk2 package, and you get get more output if you run the panel from the terminal. | 23:32 |
ArchXfce | Unit193: thanks, but I see that I need gtk2-ubuntu package to make it work. I think I'll do it tomorrow. | 23:34 |
ochosi | good luck then | 23:34 |
knome | ArchXfce, remember... if everything fails, you can always install xubuntu | 23:34 |
ArchXfce | Just a question: if I want to do it exactly *the Xubuntu way* should I compile the gtk3 version? | 23:34 |
Unit193 | ochosi: What was the last xfce4-indicator-plugin to work with gtk2? | 23:34 |
ochosi | 1.0 iirc | 23:34 |
ochosi | from 2.0 it supported gtk3 only | 23:35 |
ArchXfce | knome: I already use Xubuntu at work, at home I prefer something more *fun* :D | 23:35 |
knome | ArchXfce, building packages is fun? | 23:35 |
* knome makes note not to attend ArchXfce's "parties" ;) | 23:35 | |
ArchXfce | knome: building packages, trying to do exotic things like *steal* other DE component... I like those things :D | 23:37 |
ochosi | daily packages of the indicator-plugin can be found here btw: https://code.launchpad.net/~landronimirc/+archive/xfce-daily | 23:37 |
ochosi | lderan: peng! | 23:38 |
knome | ArchXfce, have fun with that :) | 23:38 |
ali1234 | ArchXfce: you need very up to date indicator libraries for it to work | 23:39 |
lderan | ochosi, hello | 23:39 |
ArchXfce | Ok, let's consider this a challenge, I'll try to do my best | 23:39 |
ochosi | lderan: disclaimer: knome set me up to this! | 23:39 |
ArchXfce | Thanks *A LOT* for the informations! | 23:39 |
ochosi | lderan: soo, he mentioned that you might be up to writing a small settings UI in python..? | 23:39 |
knome | hah! | 23:39 |
lderan | ochosi, sounds interesting | 23:40 |
ArchXfce | Have a nice day/night, bye! | 23:40 |
ochosi | lderan: we've been thinking about doing one for light-locker | 23:40 |
lderan | ah i see cool | 23:41 |
ochosi | Unit193: wanna subscribe the sponsors to the wallpaper-pkg bug? | 23:41 |
ochosi | lderan: there are not many settings to implement, but the crucial thing is that we don't store the settings anywhere currently | 23:42 |
Unit193 | Kind of want a pointer on how to upload one that has (LP: 923487) without changing the version that'll be in Ubuntu. :P | 23:42 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 982421 in Me TV "duplicate for #923487 "epg_event row replaced for id" is causing high usage of harddrive" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/982421 | 23:42 |
ochosi | lderan: so we might have to work around that somehow, should be still possible as a xubuntu-only solution for now though | 23:43 |
lderan | ochosi, i would be up for that :D | 23:44 |
ochosi | lderan: cool, mind if i PM you about that instead of flooding this chan? | 23:44 |
lderan | sure | 23:45 |
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