
kzettsHi, is there a way to specify screen resolution before install? like at the end of the boot options?00:26
kzettsI really dont want to use nomodeset00:26
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v1adimirXfce4-Netload-Plugin: Error in initializing: Interface was not found. ( s28.postimg.org/w72ohqxn1/Screenshot_02112014_01_37_45_AM.png ) << This is a new moment! xD00:46
v1adimir^^ Runnin' on Oracle VM 4.3.6 r9140600:47
starratsme too vladimir00:48
v1adimirstarrats: oh i just posted a screenshot, with an error, right b4 u joined00:54
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v1adimirs28.postimg.org/w72ohqxn1/Screenshot_02112014_01_37_45_AM.png (but it still werx)00:54
starratscan't see it00:55
aarmnnhey all02:22
aarmnnI'm getting an error of error: "attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'"02:22
aarmnnabout half the time I start up from my xubuntu USB stick02:23
aarmnnit's a grub error i think02:23
holsteinoh.. is the stick going bad?02:23
holsteinaarmnn: you arent able to boot?02:23
aarmnnit's always had problems booting02:23
aarmnnholstein, it boots right about half the time02:23
holsteinaarmnn: boot "right" ?02:23
holsteinhow does it boot "wrong"?02:24
aarmnnit freezes on grub with an error of error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'02:24
aarmnnwhen it doesn't boot02:24
aarmnnI need it to boot consistently because i'm going to use it from a remote location02:25
holsteinsure.. and, they always boot consistently for me.. and i havent heard others with this issue, so, my first reaction is.. is the stick bad?02:26
holsteinthe other would be what im finding when searching..02:26
holsteinhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/229715/booting-ubuntu-failure-error-attempt-to-read-or-write-outside-of-disk-hd0 for example02:26
aarmnnI don't know how to tell if it is bad02:26
aarmnnyeah i read that one02:27
holsteinwell, you can take another stick and test it.. that would remove the stick from the equation02:27
aarmnn"Booting from a LiveCD and altering grub.cfg to access the block device by name instead of UUID was the fix for me."02:27
aarmnn^don't know how to do that, because grub.cfg is reeallly long02:27
holsteinhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/397485/what-to-do-when-i-get-an-attempt-to-read-or-write-outside-of-disk-hd0-error suggests its a grub issue02:27
aarmnnand there's many instances of UUIDs02:27
aarmnnanyone know how to alter grub.cfg to rename UUID to block device names : P02:28
holsteinaarmnn: i use gparted to find the names.. you can just change them02:29
holsteinthough, you can fiddle around here, and if hte stick is bad, the stick is bad02:29
aarmnnit's a new stick02:29
aarmnnnothing weird partition wise02:29
holsteinaarmnn: new ones go bad as well.. they *all* go bad02:30
holsteinim not saying you have a bad stick. all im saying is, you dont know if you have a bad stick, and thats not a common issue that im aware of, or witnessing02:30
holsteini remember actually changing manually *to* using UUID's02:31
aarmnnthe grub.cfg is very confusing to me :/02:31
aarmnnit's so long02:31
holsteinthen, go with what you know02:31
holsteinits quite easy to test another stick02:31
holsteinor, do a grub repair02:32
aarmnnno other usb devices boot on it now, maybe because of my funky hardware setup02:32
aarmnnI'll have to remove some hardware to use another stick02:33
aarmnncan I do a grub-repair on the stick that boots half the time? My main one?02:33
holsteinaarmnn: what "funky hardware" setup?02:33
aarmnnlots of GPUs02:33
holsteinaarmnn: i use boot repair from a live CD https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair02:34
aarmnni don't have a CD drive or a hard drive, but I can try putting boot repair on another usb i guess02:35
aarmnncan I post a pastebin link of my grub.cfg?02:36
holsteinaarmnn: "live CD' just refers to the iso02:36
aarmnnmaybe you can tell me what to edit02:36
holsteinaarmnn: not really.. UUID's are specific to your setup, and i find them (personally) using gparted and looking and making a note of the UUID02:37
aarmnni've never used gparted, can I use it without a separate usb?02:37
holsteinaarmnn: i use the live iso via USB.. a "live USB" *is* what i use (and refer to as live CD) to repair grub using what i linked02:37
aarmnnif other USBs worked on my system right now, I could actually use your recommendations02:39
aarmnnsorry :/, I'll have to try some other time after digging out hardware02:39
holsteinaarmnn: im not sure what you are talking about "if other usb's worked"02:40
aarmnnfor some reason, my safety liveUSB isn't working02:41
aarmnnmy safety liveUSB worked before I installed a few GPUs02:41
holsteinaarmnn: confirm what reason... one easy way is boot these stick on *any* other machine02:42
holsteinaarmnn: you installed a few "graphical processing units" ?02:42
holsteinshould be easy to remove those, and test the sticks.. whatever you do to the hardware to break usb boot will not be related to xubuntu02:43
holsteinor grub02:43
aarmnnI've had the exact same boot problem with my main USB before and after the GPUs02:43
aarmnnit's my other safety liveUSB that works 0% of the time02:43
holsteini would take the sticks to other machines.. you have already tried other sticks on that machine. if the sticks boot on other machines, and that machine doesnt boot the sticks.. then i say the issue is with the machine02:43
aarmnnmy main USB works 50% of the time02:43
holsteinaarmnn: just make another live USB02:44
holsteina safetly live USB is just an installer.. just a live system.. its nothing to sweat protecting..*easily* replacable02:44
aarmnni can try that holstein, but what would have altered my live USB? I mean it's used "live" unlike my main one02:45
holsteinaarmnn: if it works on other hardware, and not that one.. then *nothing* could have altered it.. it's just fine in that scenario, and the altering was your altering the hardware that prevents the booting02:46
aarmnnunfortunately i only have one 64-bit system :/02:46
aarmnnso i can't test it on other computers02:47
holsteinaarmnn: feel free and explain the relevance02:47
holsteinaarmnn: the "safety live system" is 64bit?02:47
holsteinaarmnn: just make a 32bit one. and test on *all* your machines02:47
holsteinas i said above, you have no reason to protect that live system. its just a live system..02:48
aarmnni understand02:48
LiquidedgeI'm using Samba for the network.  Is there a way to tell Xubuntu to connect to a share as a different user?04:08
holsteinLiquidedge: i use gigolo04:24
holstein!info gigolo04:24
ubottugigolo (source: gigolo): frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1+dfsg-1 (saucy), package size 143 kB, installed size 753 kB04:24
LiquidedgePerfect.  Thanks!04:24
holsteinshould be promted for user/pass04:24
LiquidedgeOh, looks like I already have it installed.04:25
LiquidedgeIt's not doing that.04:25
holsteinto answer the question. sure.. threre are ways to connect to shares as different users04:26
LiquidedgeOkay, sorry for not being exactly specific.  So, for the natural follow-up, how?  Gigolo doesn't seem to be doing it.04:28
PublicStaticVoidMy wireless keeps dropping, I think I need a better driver06:28
PublicStaticVoidalso how can I make my trackpad disable for a few seconds when I am typing like windows does?06:28
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dangtrinhntHi everyone, have a dummy question: how can I write a patch fix for a xubuntu release?07:36
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baizondangtrinhnt: ask this question on #xubuntu-devel07:41
Unit193What do you mean?07:41
baizondangtrinhnt: ah you mean for yourself. Well you need to take the source code and compile it then afterwards07:43
dangtrinhntbaizon: yes, i just want to fix on my computer first, then if it is ready, I will contact xubuntu-devel team07:56
baizondangtrinhnt: you need to take the source code, fix it there and compile it then afterwards.07:58
dangtrinhntOh, thanks baizon!07:59
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prasad_how to get my computer icon in xubuntu09:30
prasad_nybody knw09:30
fibz__use Nautilus. you can create a shortcut on your desktop09:31
bazhangxubuntu uses thunar does it not09:41
Unit193And xfdesktop.09:42
cfhowlettbazhang, by default, it does.  but I believe nautilus is also packaged for some reason09:43
bazhangcfhowlett, thanks09:43
bazhangjust seems odd to recommend nautilus as a first step09:43
Unit193cfhowlett: Of course it's packaged, but not installed by default.09:43
cfhowlett"of course" ?  why ? if xfce/thunar are present?09:44
cfhowlettor did I use an imprecise verb?09:44
Unit193Because the repo isn't exclusive to what Xubuntu uses, Ubuntu Gnome uses it...09:44
cfhowlettUnit193, noted.09:45
xubuntu601buongiorno qualcuno sa spiegarmi come installare un gio win su xubuntu09:57
ubottuxubuntu601,: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:58
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cfhowlettsuperprower, greetings10:42
superprowerAnybody know why the microphone level gets lower by himself?10:42
superproweri mean, he's volume level, slowly, but it's getting lover10:43
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nikolamsuperprower, maybe some application is doing that. Skype is known to do it by itself, you can turn it of in it's settings.11:10
superprowerAnybody know the command to clear the screen? Like cls in pascal/windows cmd?14:07
superprowerknome, big thanks14:08
baizonknome: this was a hard one :P14:08
xubuntu173when istalling xubuntu 13.10, choose physical volume for encryption for swap partition. How do you specify the use of a random security key for swap only?14:21
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nikolamIt's ALL so FULL of bugs (13.10 64bit). I tried burnind CDRW .iso with K3B and Brasero and first one couldn't do it and Brasero 'kind' of did, but then crashed. Only Xfburn managed to blank CDRW and burn .iso (slow but he did it)14:51
nikolamneed to reboot to upgrade BIOS flash from that CD..14:52
starratsI have had no bugs omn my xubuntu 13-10 nikolam, sorry you are having this problem.14:54
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daleyHi, does anyone here know about customising desktop themes?16:07
knomedaley, that's a large subject.. what's the actual question?16:09
daleysorry, basically I have just installed xubuntu 13.04. I have download a custom desktop theme in the form of a tar.gz file, and have no idea how to install it16:11
daleyI tried extracting it to usr/share/themes, but it isn't showing up in the style tab of appearance16:13
koegswhich theme exactly and did you extract it into a subfolder or directly into /usr/share/themes16:20
daleyaxe theme, from xfce-look.org, and I extracted it directly in there16:24
xubuntu607I installed a program through Synaptic. Unfortunettly I can not see a shortcut in list of programs. Program have a gui and work with gui in other people. The only way it work's now is through terminal comand. How to add shortcut o the program to program list ?16:37
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bazhangwhat's the program16:43
xubuntu532Hello!  I've been trying to install Xubuntu on a new system and every time I try to install it it gives me a warning that says "/dev/sda contains GPT signatures, indicating that it has a GPT table...."16:52
xubuntu532It won't let me get past this screen.16:53
daleywell this has been enlightening16:54
xubuntu532Any thoughts on what to do?16:55
daleygoogle it16:56
xubuntu532I have and have tried everything on a few different threads.  No result.16:56
daleywell I came here for help myself, and got no response, besides other questions16:57
daleybeginning to think linux is a pain in the balls16:58
daleyhi xubuntu607 how can we help?17:01
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superprowerxubuntu552, man, just backup your files and convert your drive to MBR18:20
bazhanghe's gone18:27
superprowerwell, i was too slow18:29
superprowerCan anybody help me? My usb-mouse has 2 additional buttons, but they work as "back" and "forward", i want to disable this binding18:30
superprowerSo, do i need to fix the drivers?18:30
superprowerOr there is eathier way?18:30
superprowerSorry for english.18:31
xubuntu223HI. New to Xubuntu. Using precise pangolin. I had a functioning ethernet connection on an older dell but after turning the computer on its side I lost the connection. I have tested the router etc. and that is good. I did an ifconfig but I suspect the computer has failed to recognize the nic. I plugged in a usb network card, but the problem persists: so not hardware?  .18:36
ubottuXubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Xubuntu.  Download at http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu  Release notes at http://xubuntu.org/news/12-04-release/18:37
xubuntu223HI - sorry, I don't know what hotplugged means :-(18:37
bazhangplug in *after* the machine is booted and running18:38
xubuntu223no, I attached the usb nic, then booted18:38
bazhangwhats the ethernet nic18:39
bazhangdid you ifup eth018:39
xubuntu223th eplug and play usb nic says this on the pack: 10/100 Mbps to RJ45 LAN network18:40
bazhangok, and if you could get the inbuilt eth0 to work, that would be better, right?18:41
xubuntu223onboard it is an integrated nic (into themotherboard ) on a dell optiplex SX28018:41
xubuntu223...yes prefer to activate the onboard18:41
bazhangcould you please paste.ubuntu.com the terminal output of lspci18:42
bazhangif it's a different computer, then just give us the single line here18:43
bazhangctrl alt T then lspci18:43
bazhang"l" as in list18:44
xubuntu223It is a different computer. I ran the command and have about 30 lines of response. Do you want a particular line?18:44
xubuntu223Oh I see...18:45
bazhangethernet controller....something something18:46
xubuntu223It is a broadcom NetXtreme BCM5751 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express (rev 01)18:47
xubuntu223...another thing you might need to know is I was messing around with the network connections after I lost connectivity, and deleted the formerly functioning automatic wired connection18:50
xubuntu223...so now I just vane a never-used automatic on the list18:51
xubuntu223..."enable networking" is activated.18:51
bazhangdoes ifconfig show a eth018:52
xubuntu223It doesn't, as far as I can see.18:53
xubuntu223There is a response to that command, but eth0 noes not appear in the response18:53
bazhangjust lo and wlan0?18:53
xubuntu223just lo, no wlane18:54
bazhangwhat about sudo ifup eth018:54
xubuntu223The computer does not have a wireless card18:54
bazhang0 as in zero18:54
bazhangeth is not wireless18:54
xubuntu223Thanks - I know eth0 is not wireless. sudo ifup eth0 gives...18:56
xubuntu223Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth018:56
bazhangis this a dual boot?18:57
bazhangthats odd18:57
bazhangdoes sudo ifdown eth0 return anything18:57
xubuntu223"ifdown: interface eth0 not configured18:58
bazhangfollowed by sudo ifup eth0  ifconfig eth0 mtu 150019:00
xubuntu223I ran that whole string as a single command and got 5 lines, all starting with "ignoring unknown interface..."19:03
xubuntu223I ran just ifconfig eth0 mtu 1500, and got "SIOCSIFMTU: no such device"19:04
Belial`when i create launchers in the top panel how do i make it to where it's not a pull down list? i'd rather have all the shortcuts go across the bar and be visible all the time.19:12
Belial`http://i.imgur.com/85hnl9h.png here's what it's doing now.19:12
elfythat's nested launchers isn't - just have them in seperate launchers wouldn't do that19:14
Belial`ah, so just keep adding them to the panel separately..19:15
xubuntu223just keeping my thread alive - not very familiar with IRC19:16
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bazhangthats ok, just searching still19:18
bazhangwhat does ethtool -i eth0  return, if anything19:19
bazhangthat nic has/had a bug related to the tg3 module not being properly loaded19:19
xubuntu223That returns: "The program ethtool is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install ethtool"19:22
bazhanglets install that, and linux-firmware19:23
xubuntu223Ran the command, but some got an error because not internet access19:25
xubuntu223Is this on the install disk, or should I get these with my functioning connection, burn them, and load from disk?19:26
bazhangjust a moment please19:27
xubuntu223ok. Thanks much BTW.19:28
bazhangthats a .deb ; you dl it on this machine, then install it on the other19:32
bazhangusb stick to transfer over19:32
xubuntu223right. will do.19:34
bazhanghttp://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/ethtool  <--- this one you need to choose which arch you are on, ie 64bit or 32bit19:34
bazhanghopefully just the linux-firmware will get this going19:35
xubuntu223I ran that on the xubuntu machine, but the software centre says a later verion is already installed :-(19:40
xubuntu223here are some specifics fom the sudo apt-get install ethtool report...19:43
xubuntu223Err http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/main/e/ethtool/ethtool_3.1-1_1386.deb Could not resolve 'ca.archive.ubuntu.com'19:46
xubuntu223..yes there is a space (not underscore) in the returned url, but not that it matters for me19:47
bazhangwell, thats because you want to download on *this* machine, then transfer the .deb to *that* machine19:48
xubuntu223Failed to fetch...and then the same url  and file info19:48
bazhangvia usb stick19:48
bazhangie, not via apt-get19:48
xubuntu223then: E: Unable to fetch some archives, try running apt-get update or apt-get --fix-missing.19:49
bazhangright, we are *not* using apt-get here19:49
xubuntu223ok. :-)19:50
xubuntu223I'm gathering that is a software-getting app that might be useful at other times19:51
bazhangso the link I gave above of linux-firmware..etc.deb  , you download on the internet connected computer, insert usb stick, and copy to the non-internet machine19:51
bazhangonce you have copied it over, you can try either double-clicking (should work) or via command line, if it does not19:52
xubuntu223yes, I downloaded from the link on that page, then moved the file to the xubuntu maching and double-clicked. Software centre opened, and called it "firmware for linux kernel drivers"19:53
xubuntu223... until last friday when the internet connection was dropped I was updating xubuntu whenever it opened pretty much19:54
xubuntu223but this also happened as I was rejigging my entertainment centre to accomodate a new smart TV. Is the TV interfereing?19:55
bazhangso lets check ifconfig -a   again19:55
xubuntu223This functioning machine is windows...19:56
bazhangyes, ifconfig -a on the non-internet one19:56
xubuntu223I get a lo report19:57
xubuntu223...about the tv, I have not tried disconnecting the tv and then rebooting the ubuntu machine.19:58
bazhangthe tv?19:59
bazhangI would simply restart the xubuntu machine with the ethernet cable attached and see if the tg3 module loads correctly20:00
xubuntu223ya - just a thought. see comments above bout new smart tv20:01
bazhangie, once you have installed the linux-firmware package20:01
xubuntu223Thanks. I tried to install the linux firmware package, but the software centre said it was not installed because I already have a more recent version installed - reboot anyway?20:05
bazhangdoes the tv have its own internet connection?20:07
xubuntu223no - tv, windows and linux computers all run off the same router20:09
xubuntu223just disconnected the tv from the router and rebooting linux machine20:10
bazhangI'm just wondering if something happened to disable the module thus recognizing the nic, does a live cd allow for the nic to be seen and connect?20:11
bazhangok, lets wait for that, then20:12
xubuntu223reboot with tv disconnected did not help.20:14
bazhangcould we try with booting from a live cd now?20:18
xubuntu223ok - two questions. Somehow I missed your link to ethtool above, so I got that, put it on a usb drive, moved it to the ubuntu machine and double clicked. Software centre warns me not to install unless I trust the source, but does not allow me to install (install button is inactive) - do you want me to install from the command line?20:23
xubuntu223...and second question - what is a live cd?20:23
bazhangwell a live medium of some kind, ie the iso is written to it, and is used to install, do disk partitioning, or simply test if a standard configuration works correctly20:25
bazhangthe iso file is written to either a cd/dvd/usb stick depending on the iso size20:25
xubuntu223the only thing i have on cd is the  desktop image I used initially to install xubuntu - will that work?20:26
bazhangonce the iso is written to the media, you need to set in bios to boot from that *first*20:26
bazhangyes, thats what we want20:27
bazhangbe sure to set in bios to look for it first20:27
xubuntu223Ok - I think I can set the bios. I will put the cd in, reboot, go to bios and run from cd first... does that seem right?20:28
bazhangdifferent computers have varying keys that need to be pressed to get into bios, could be del key or some other, it will say20:28
bazhangI'd set in bios first, then put in cd, reboot20:29
sleeziohello, i removed zeitgeist from xubuntu, only problem i have so far with removing it is software center, it depends on the zeitgeist logger(core) be installed...which means everytime you load up software center, either it sends your zeitgeist log(database) to ubuntu or gives them access to it...is there a trick to get software center to run without it?20:36
xubuntu223ok I have changed bios and booted from live cd20:37
xubuntu223I have the option to "try xubuntu"20:37
xubuntu223Ok up and running20:40
bazhangdoes it get an internet connection20:40
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xubuntu223yes it does!20:41
bazhangis using the software centre a necessity?20:41
xubuntu223maybe just re-install xubuntu?20:42
bazhanghow old is the install?20:43
xubuntu223just last november20:44
xubuntu223maybe october20:44
bazhangwere you planning to stick with precise for the longer term? go with the newer LTS in April, or some other20:45
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xubuntu223no plans20:45
xubuntu223this is my first time with linux, so just learning.20:45
bazhangI guess it depends on how much data you might have to back up, if you have a separate /home partition, the speed of your internet while installing20:46
bazhangalthough the more recent versions allow you to preserve /home if I am not mistaken20:47
xubuntu223not much to save.20:47
xubuntu223it is just a home computer. I want to set up a home network but not sure if that is possible between windows, linux, and smart tv20:48
bazhangok. well it's great that the nic is recognized, for starters20:48
bazhangoh it's very possible20:49
xubuntu223Yes - and btw thanks VERY much for your help and persistance20:49
bazhanghah. just plain luck20:49
xubuntu223it may seem like that to you - luck comes to the prepared, as they say.20:50
xubuntu223...do you have a thought on what distro is best suited to home newtork on an older machine as in my case?20:51
bazhangwell, in future, you might want to open a /msg with ubottu , the channel bot, it helps to search for packages20:51
bazhangas a kind of tv box, controller centre?20:51
xubuntu223I'll check that out - thanks again.20:53
bazhangsome of the "smarter" smart tv's have a usb slot that really override that need20:55
bazhangunless you wanted it as a kind of streaming server type setup20:56
xubuntu223well I'm getting into waters too deep for me here. I have yet to really understand my tv... I'll have to do some more reading.20:57
xubuntu223I do want to be able to play the movies on my external (windows) drive on the tv, so I'm guessing a LAN would do that...20:58
xubuntu223then the xubuntu machine might be able to be available in that LAN20:58
bazhangI'd first do a check on the sides/back of the tv for a usb slot21:00
xubuntu223that sounds useful to me. anyhow I'll need to do some learning on networking and smart tvs21:01
bazhangwell, we are always here :)21:01
xubuntu223...yes tv has multile usbs and hdmi slots, as well as analog inputs21:02
xubuntu223...but no vga input21:02
bazhangyou could check the manual for the tv, and see if those usb allow for reading from files on the usb sticks21:02
bazhangor simply plug one in, and hit usb on the remote21:03
xubuntu223good idea. I'll try it.21:03
bazhangbut we are getting offtopic :)21:03
xubuntu223yes - I'll sign off. Thanks again.21:04
sleeziothis is weird, i ran "apt-cache depends software-center" and it doesn't list zeitgeist-core...yet, since i've removed zeitgeist and try to launch software center from terminal, it tells me it can't find "ImportError: No module named zeitgeist_logger"....are they trying to hide this from users?21:04
bazhangsee you :)21:04
bazhangI'm not sure there sleezio ; is using the software centre a must?21:05
sleezionot really, i just find it strange that even linux coders are going the way or violating privacy these days21:05
bazhang!find zeitgeist21:05
ubottuFound: gir1.2-zeitgeist-2.0, libzeitgeist-1.0-1, libzeitgeist-1.0-1-dbg, libzeitgeist-2.0-0, libzeitgeist-2.0-0-dbg, libzeitgeist-2.0-dev, libzeitgeist-2.0-doc, libzeitgeist-dev, libzeitgeist-doc, python-zeitgeist (and 12 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=zeitgeist&searchon=names&suite=saucy&section=all21:05
bazhangI'd seriously doubt that, but there are privacy options that can be ticked/unticked in the settings21:06
mappswhy does apapche look to be running 4/5x ?21:33
mapps1 time as root and rest as user apache21:33
bekksmapps: Because it starts as root, then creates the forks, and the forks are answering your requests.21:41
mappsthanks mate21:42
mappsi understand now21:43
mappshttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2204469&page=2 -- thats what in struggling with :(21:44
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=== GTB3NW is now known as GTB3NW_AWAY
=== CraHan is now known as CraHan|out
staffykidhi, being a newbie to xubuntu I noticed in my home folder a .xauthorization file, it looked like others that had .bash and so on, being a complete ninkampoop I deleted what I believed were temp files, they are not in the bin as I used shift-del to remove them, is there any way I can get the xauth file back or is it a complete re-install?23:44

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