
dgarstangWhat was that file I could remove that would make cloud-init run again?00:35
harlowja@ /var/lib/cloud00:55
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=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
smosernatorious, ping19:49
smosernatorious, hm...20:25
smoserharlowja, what do you think about http://paste.ubuntu.com/6922017/20:25
smoseri think i'm going to do that.20:25
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
natorioussmoser: whats up?21:26
smoseroh. sent you a mail.21:27
smoserplease sign cla, and theen i'll pull your merge proposl21:27
natoriousawesome, thnx21:28
smosernatorious, merged. and pushed.22:00
smoserplease give it a whirl and test and fix anythign that falls out.22:00
natoriousthnx.  I also like the idea of having the distro author go thru verifying the modules.  22:01
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=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
harlowjasmoser seems fine with me22:55

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