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apb1963I seem to have lost my printscreen ability04:16
apb1963When I press the printscr button it opens a browswer to  ksnapshot04:16
ScottyKFresh install of Kubuntu 13.10. How do I tell Firefox to automatically open up Ktorrent when I click on a torrent file?04:27
IdleOneScottyK: you should be able to right click, open with > select ktorrent, check the box that says always use this.04:44
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topoihey anyone help me with a gpg setup in evolution?04:59
topoialso, the evolution package in muon is v out of date05:00
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lordievaderGood morning.10:15
hewhomustgood evening10:16
lordievaderHey hewhomust, how are you?10:24
lordievaderHey edgar_, how are you doing?10:51
edgar_im good how are you10:52
edgar_im new to IRC what do people talk about?10:53
simion314hi, anyone having issues with latest firefox? HEre firefox hangs on each page that has javascript in it11:15
=== jackyalcine is now known as jalcine
BluesKajHey folks12:21
zooruI need help. Im talking with you using the phone14:05
zooruLast  night i dist-upgraded kubuntu14:05
zooruNow after booting a black screen appears saying14:06
zooruFilesystem check or mount failed14:06
zooruAnd i can't do a thing14:06
zooruI need to work and i just... i don't know how to solve this14:07
zooruPlease?? Im crying ;( ;(14:19
rbergzooru: do you have a installer cd or usb around? you should be able to boot that and figure out whats going on14:23
zooruI cant use the console?14:26
zooruI have root access14:26
zooru rberg14:26
rbergohh yeah sure you can, I assume it dropped you in an emergency shell.. do you have any special configurations? raid, lvm, fancy disk controllers?14:36
rbergotherwise,  assuming you are ok at the block level I would fsck any filesystems then verify /etc/fstab is correct and attempt to mount them14:40
zooru Please wait rberg14:43
n8w|guys do u know how to overcome the issue with hard links(file is hardlinked 1 time(s), skipping!) while usin srm?14:46
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cornfeedhobois anyone else having trouble with youtube after the updates a few days ago?16:12
douglsec cornfeedhobo16:15
douglyoutube on nvidia with nvidia drivers = ok16:17
BluesKajcornfeedhobo, are your other audio sources working ok?16:31
BluesKajer media sources rather, cornfeedhobo16:34
cornfeedhobono, this got more messed up quickly16:34
cornfeedhoboi think its my ISP16:34
cornfeedhoboi switched to my vpn and all the issues i am having disappeared16:34
BluesKajunless your gov't is blocking16:36
cornfeedhobonope, the vpn is to my datacenter, which is like a 30 minute drive away16:39
cornfeedhoboits the isp i am pretty sure16:40
BluesKajon vpn my irc lag is around 50 ms, on my ISP it's 150 ms, go figure16:41
BluesKajsame irc server16:41
cornfeedhoboscrew this16:45
cornfeedhoboi am running the vpn full time now16:45
cornfeedhoboi cant trust any connection i dont control anymore. i swear16:45
ZooruHello, I need help. I-m using a live cd because I can-t acces to my kubuntu installation :(16:46
ZooruI get this every time I boot16:46
ZooruFilesystem check or mount failed. A maintenance shell will now be started. CONTROL-D will terminate this shell and continue booting after re-trying filesystems. Any further errors will be ignored16:46
ZooruAnd if I type reboot, poweroff. etc it freezes and I have to switch it off phisically16:47
BluesKajZooru, have you tried update/upgrade in the virtual console /TTY ?16:47
ZooruBluesKaj: how? This happened after a failed upgrade16:49
BluesKajZooru, ctl+alt+F1-F6, login , then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:49
Zooruok buy16:49
Zooruwithout the live cd16:49
Zooruor using it?16:50
ZooruI did an upgrade, and what I remember is something like16:50
BluesKajwithiut the live cd, unless you can't get the grub menu16:50
Zoorusomething about dependencies: open:812432213 closed:143912435416:50
Zooruthat numbers are random16:50
Zooruafter that the console said16:51
Zoorusorry for the > symbol, I-m using the amercian layout and I-m spaniard16:51
ZooruI don-t know where is the simle colon16:51
BluesKajso this is after you choose a kernel in grub ?16:52
ZooruIt boots16:52
Zoorubut then I get this message16:52
ZooruAnd I have a shell16:52
Zooruwell, maintance shell16:53
BluesKajyes, but can you get to a virtual console as I posted above16:53
ZooruI think yes?16:53
BluesKajor better yet , choose the recovery kernel in grub and choose repair packages in the dialog that appears16:54
ZooruI did it16:55
BluesKajthen startx16:55
Zooruand it not works16:55
BluesKajthen choose network in the dialog then,  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:57
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geniiblastery: Hello! If you have some question regarding your Kubuntu, just state it to the open channel and then see if someone may be able to assist.17:59
blasteryI have a problem! My battery was empty while doing an upgrade, since then I couldnt boot into Kubuntu anymore. "kdestart" was missing. So I manually reinstalled kde-workplace-bin. Now I can log in again, but apt-get upgrade says "The following packages have been kept back:kde-runtime plasma-scriptengine-javascript".17:59
blasteryWhen trying to install kde-runtime manually it says: The following packages have unmet dependencies:17:59
blastery kde-runtime : Depends: kde-runtime-data (>= 4:4.11.5-0ubuntu0.1) but 4:4.11.3-0ubuntu0.1 is to be installed17:59
blasterySomehow something got broken18:00
geniiblastery: Have you tried: sudo apt-get -f install   ..?18:00
blastery0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.18:01
blasteryYes this is strange, google didnt' help me.18:01
blasteryDo you need anymore information I can provide?18:01
geniiblastery: If you do: sudo apt-get update    ... and then: apt-cache policy kde-runtime-data    .... what does it say then?18:02
geniiBleh, work. Back in a few minutes18:02
blasteryThis -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6921269/18:04
blasteryMaybe I could manually purge/remove one of those packages and reinstall after reboot?18:05
blasteryI can handle terminal/console, so it wouldn't be a big deal if the desktop doesnt start. I just want to have a clean system again :)18:05
geniiblastery: I think I would try something like: sudo apt-get install kde-workspace-bin=4:4.11.3-0ubuntu118:10
geniiblastery: Apologies on lag, back and forth from computer18:10
blasteryE: Version '4:4.11.3-0ubuntu1' for 'kde-workspace-bin' was not found18:10
blasteryNo problem, thank you very much for your support!18:11
geniiblastery: What says apt-cache policy kde-workspace-bin  ..?18:11
geniiblastery: Probably best then to try the lower version listed: sudo ap-get install kde-workspace-bin=4:4.11.2-0ubuntu118:14
genii*apt-get   ( forgot a T there...)18:14
blastery:( something really got broken. isnt there some kind of reset to bring everything to the same version again?18:15
BluesKajgenii, sudo dpkg --configure -a ?18:16
blasteryMaybe I could try to upgrade to Kubuntu 14.04 Beta and everything will be upgraded to a common version?!18:17
geniiblastery: What says result of: ls /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-workspace-bin*    ..?18:17
geniiblastery: Don't upgrade without stable packages first!!18:17
geniiMeh, work again, AFK18:17
blastery_Sorry my internet connection went away.18:21
blastery_Did you write anything while I was offline?18:21
geniiblastery_: What says result of: ls /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-workspace-bin* ..?18:21
geniiblastery_: ...and also not to try upgrading to 14.04 until your 13.10 is sorted out ;)18:22
blastery_ok :) But it was just an idea that everything maybe would get to a commong version again...18:22
blastery_maybe I could do apt-get clean?18:22
geniiblastery_: It will just get caught up even worse in unresolved dependencies, etc18:23
blastery_ok then better not do it18:23
genii!info kde-workspace-bin saucy18:23
ubottukde-workspace-bin (source: kde-workspace): core binaries for the KDE Plasma Workspace. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.11.5-0ubuntu0.1 (saucy), package size 1824 kB, installed size 8742 kB18:23
genii!info kde-runtime-data saucy18:24
ubottukde-runtime-data (source: kde-runtime): shared data files for the KDE base runtime module. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.11.5-0ubuntu0.1 (saucy), package size 6661 kB, installed size 12433 kB18:24
geniiblastery_: Looks like your German mirror may have mixed versions available right now18:24
blastery_so i could try changing the mirror18:25
blastery_i'll try18:25
geniiblastery_: I would change all the de.archive.ubuntu.com to just archive.ubuntu.com   and then re-run the sudo apt-get update, and then check the available versions for kde-workspace-bin and kde-runtime-data to see if they match18:26
blastery_in what file again?18:26
geniiblastery_: /etc/apt/sources.list18:26
blastery_ok thanks.18:26
geniiAFK 3-5 minutes18:26
blastery_It is updating now!18:30
blastery_Your idea was great!18:30
blastery_Thank you so much!18:30
blastery_I switched to "us" update mirror.18:30
geniiblastery_: You're welcome :)18:32
blastery_Have a nice day and the feeling you helped somebody ;)18:32
ZooruBluesKaj: I have to tell you something18:33
BluesKajit's a shame the de repos aren't kept up to date18:33
* BluesKaj waits :)18:33
ZooruI'm uploading the pic, 1 sec18:35
ZooruBluesKaj: http://i.imgur.com/Oz0QdyD.jpg18:35
ZooruI'm still waiting18:35
Zooruafter choosing network option18:36
Zooruon the grub18:36
BluesKajrecovery kernel nonexistent ?18:36
ZooruBluesKaj: what?18:37
BluesKajZooru, in grub18:37
ZooruThisd option is inside the safe mode18:38
geniiBluesKaj: Some of the mirrors are maintained by individuals or small organizations and not always synchronized regularly, unfortunately18:38
Zoorurecovery mode18:38
ZooruBluesKaj: ↑18:38
mannycan anybody help me with wireless connections?18:38
genii!details | manny18:39
ubottumanny: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:39
mannythere is no option foe enable wireless in kubuntu 13.10 in network settings?18:39
BluesKajZooru, looks like your install or upgrade failed during the installation procedure18:40
ZooruBluesKaj: yes that' what happened18:40
mannythere is no option foe enable wireless in kubuntu 13.10 in network settings?18:40
BluesKajZooru, do you have separate / and /home partitions ?18:41
geniimanny: Are you able to use pastebin from that machine by the wired connection?18:41
mannyI haven't tried pastebin yet, but wired connection works fine18:41
geniimanny: If you can then, please pastebin result of: sudo rfkill list18:42
ZooruBluesKaj: in that machine... no :/18:42
mannysudo rfkill list18:44
manny[sudo] password for pc:18:44
manny0: ideapad_wlan: Wireless LAN18:44
manny        Soft blocked: no18:44
manny        Hard blocked: no18:44
manny1: ideapad_bluetooth: Bluetooth18:44
manny        Soft blocked: no18:44
manny        Hard blocked: no18:44
manny5: hci0: Bluetooth18:44
manny        Soft blocked: no18:44
manny        Hard blocked: no18:44
BluesKajZooru, suggest you try to reinstall18:45
lordievadermanny: Please use pastebin.18:46
lordievader!paste | manny18:46
ubottumanny: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:46
ZooruBluesKaj: it's possible to reinstall without deleting user's data?18:46
lordievadermanny: Could you pastebin the output of "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep SSID".18:48
geniimanny: Well, it's obviously seeing your wlan adapter since it's listed as the first one. and it's also not turned off in hardware or in software.18:49
* genii slides lordievader a small box of tasty cookies18:49
lordievadermanny: That is odd, could you pastebin the output of: lspci -k|grep -A2 Network18:51
geniiLooks like the wifi adapter in many Lenovo are problemmatic Broadcom types18:52
lordievadermanny: Did you install the driver for your Broadcom card?18:53
genii!broadcom | manny ...as according to the method described here?18:53
ubottumanny ...as according to the method described here?: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:53
BluesKajlenovo here, no probs with BCM wifi18:53
geniiBluesKaj: Must be one of the lucky ones! ;)18:54
BluesKajwell, it's 14.04, think wifi with BCM is solid on it, installs with ubiquity during the installation procedure, genii18:56
BluesKajZooru, do yo have a live cd or media to usw to transfer/backup users files to another destination or pc /18:57
lordievadermanny: Can you answer genii's question?18:57
geniiBluesKaj: My old Gateway laptop I got so frustrated with the Broadcom card that I actually yanked it out and put an Atheros instead18:57
lordievadergenii: Got a very old Broadcom in my desktop, I'm actually quite happy with it. It supports monitor mode with injection :)18:59
mannyActually I'm new to irc and not know what to say?18:59
geniimanny: Was the method you used to install the driver for your wireless card the same as in the link I gave from the bot, or was it some different way?19:00
mannyhow to check if drivers are installed?19:01
geniimanny: sudo lshw -C network    ... there is a lot of output. But if a driver is loaded it's name will be in the line that starts with "configuration: .."19:04
geniimanny: Maybe just use the pastebin site for the output so we can read it instead19:04
mannygenii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6921570/19:06
lordievadermanny: "lspci k |grep -A2 Network" also gives you the driver.19:06
lordievaderMight be wrong here, but I don't think a driver is loaded for the broadcom.19:07
BluesKajanother command, lspci -vvnn | grep 14e4 , should show the diver if loaded/installed19:08
* genii returns to his desk and commences reading19:08
geniimanny, lordievader: Yes, no driver is installed for the Broadcom19:09
geniimanny: I would suggest to follow the instructions previously given, at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:10
lordievadergenii: Was about to link to it.19:10
mannysudo apt-get --reinstall install bcmwl-kernel-source. Does this command will work19:11
lordievadermanny: That is what the guide says ;)19:14
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mannylordievader: tried installing from this link but failed to install it. http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php19:32
lordievadermanny: It is in the repo, no need to download it from broadcom.19:35
lordievadermanny: Have you executed all of the precise commands that where listed for the STA driver?19:40
mannynot sure, tried this command sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source19:41
lordievadermanny: Ok, and those modprobe commands?19:47
mannywhich modprobe commands?19:50
lordievadermanny: The ones in the guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#Installing_STA_drivers19:50
mannyerror  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6921844/19:53
falsobuio_hello there. i have dual boot laptop. with win8 and kubuntu. i want to delete all the partitions that have to do with win8. the first issue is that i have like 8 partitions and do not know which ones to delete.20:18
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falsobuio_i am sorry to have to resend this. I have a dual boot laptop. with win8 and kubuntu. i want to delete and merge all the partitions that have to do with win8. the first issue is that i have like 8 partitions and do not know which ones to delete.20:24
gomiboyfalsobuio_:  Applications -> System -> Kde partition manager From that program you can delete windows partitions, but if you want to extend your root linux partition you have to boot from a cd like systemrescuecd20:27
falsobuio_gomiboy thanks for the reply it would not be urgent to extend my linux partition. just to delete everything that windows has on my HD. I will "merge" the partitions that have been formated to unallocated space after deleting all the unnecessary partitions. the issue now is that i cannot choose anything in partition manager as all the actions/buttons/etc are greyed out, like disabled.20:30
gomiboyProbably because they are mounted, right click and select unmount20:32
falsobuio_The file system on partition /dev/sda8 could not be unmounted.20:36
falsobuio_and while i manage to unmount (on some) partitions, still the icons are disabled.20:37
gomiboyfalsobuio_: are you italian?20:38
falsobuio_but i speak:p20:39
gomiboyso you know your nick means "false dark" :)20:40
falsobuio_sure i do20:41
gomiboyback to the problem... you say that on an unmounted windows partition everything is still disabled..20:41
gomiboydid partition manager ask you for your password when you launched it?20:42
falsobuio_yes and i entered it correctly20:43
gomiboydoes it recognize the windows partitions? They should have "ntfs" under "type"20:45
falsobuio_check the printscreen20:48
falsobuio_u can see the disabled icons plus the ntfs of windows 8. F** windows create like 5-6 partitions, i do not know how many20:49
gomiboyi see... and you have a efi system... of which i don't know much about...20:52
falsobuio_cos'e efi??20:52
gomiboya sort of bios replacement to implement secure boot and other stuff... for sure you should stay away from sda2 or your system will not boot anymore...20:55
falsobuio_oh ok20:55
falsobuio_got it.20:56
falsobuio_this is setup in bios and the boot options, while only like this win8 could be installed20:56
falsobuio_no one can help me?21:09
topoirandom, but... i just had to declare that i've finally finished distro-hopping. Kubuntu is my home.21:11
topoialso: Chakra is balls.21:13
falsobuiohere is the parted -l21:38
fkmTo whoever (here/upstream/downstream) reverted the stepping on the KMix system-tray icon from 15% back to 5%: You are my hero! <321:48

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