
bigjoolsbjf: yeah it's a packaging bug, is filed somewhere01:59
bjfbigjools, cool, just wanted to let you know in case you wanted me to file a bug for it03:02
smoserroaksoax, tomorrow. sorry.03:50
=== mwhudson is now known as zz_mwhudson
bigjoolshi :)04:26
Lord_SetGetting some awesome pxe errors04:26
Lord_Set2014-02-11 20:01:17-0800 [HTTPPageGetter,client] Logged OOPS id OOPS-9168ac1b2e875425f6b7ee91899da19a: No exception type: No exception value04:26
Lord_Set2014-02-11 20:01:17-0800 [HTTPPageGetter,client] Logged OOPS id OOPS-e3d0e778908b133237b872870492049b: ParserError: while parsing a block mapping04:26
Lord_Set          in "/etc/maas/pserv.yaml", line 60, column 504:26
Lord_Set        expected <block end>, but found '<block mapping start>'04:26
Lord_Set          in "/etc/maas/pserv.yaml", line 68, column 604:26
bigjoolsdid you modify pserv.yaml?04:27
Lord_SetI uncommented the lines that shouldn't have been commented out like the tftp server lines04:27
Lord_SetDidn't touch anything else04:27
bigjoolsit uses defaults, you don;t need to touch them04:28
bigjoolscan you paste me your config?04:28
bigjoolsor better, revert and try again and see if it workd04:28
bigjoolsLord_Set: can you re-comment those lines04:34
bigjoolsthey don;t line up with the block so it's confusing the yaml parser04:35
Lord_SetThat worked! thanks04:38
Lord_SetNot sure why it had those uncommented04:38
bigjoolsme neither04:38
Lord_SetDoing a big test deploying on a full rack for Openstack deployment04:44
Lord_Seterr deployment04:44
Lord_SetThe rack is at SwitchNAP in Vegas :)04:45
bigjoolsroaksoax: I took the liberty of implementing the packaging change for the tool renaming: https://code.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/maas/packaging/+merge/20590106:54
bigjoolswaiting for your review06:54
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
rvbabigjools: I'm using the package from the daily PPA and a node enlistment just failed with: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6918675/.  I'm guessing maas-enlist  needs updating… ?07:55
Lord_SetQuick question for you guys... What do you reccomend for remote power management and provisioning of MAAS nodes? WoL? IMPI? ILO 4?09:09
Lord_SetWe are running most HP 5th and 6th generation servers I believe with ILO 2 natively built in.09:10
Lord_SetAlso outside of that any suggestions or recommended paths for openstack, hadoop, and savannah deployment once the NAAS nodes are deployed?09:11
Lord_SetOur original test platform was with Mirantis but decided to move away from it due to its inability to provision across geographical locations easily.09:12
jtvLord_Set: generally IPMI.  Don't know about HP specifically — no experience with the ILO driver, but it's supposed to have some peculiarities.09:21
bigjoolsLord_Set: ipmi2 will work OOTB09:57
bigjoolson HP09:57
rvbajtv: well, I guess what we've done must be standard for packaged Django applications.  But if you think we can do better, it's worth talking to Andres about it.10:16
jtvWell seeing now that we didn't use peer auth, I would guess that something in the infrastructure doesn't support it.  In fact it rings a vague bell.10:17
rvbajtv: just filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/127930411:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 1279304 in MAAS "Node commissioning results are not displayed in the UI" [High,Triaged]11:39
rvbajtv: btw, did you resolve your uvtools issues?11:52
jtvIt's a libvirt problem — you now need to ensure that the "default" network is started.11:56
rvbaIs this something that will be done by uvtool or does this mean we need to update maas-test?11:57
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
rvbajtv: testing a Saucy MAAS server now…13:59
jtvrvba: keep an eye on the console.14:01
jtvThe traceback happens before the JSON data dump.14:02
rvbajtv: I don't have a monitor hooked up to the node.14:02
rvbajtv: but the test should fail correct?14:02
jtvI don't know.14:03
jtvI had test failures, but those might be for different reasons.14:03
jtvIt's quite possible that the error gets ignored and things work more-or-less-OK.14:03
rvbaThat would explain the success testing stuff in the lab.14:04
jtvDon't we have any validation of Node.system_id anywhere?  I'm not seeing it in the model or the form.14:04
jtvSometimes I guess having really really slow hardware has its advantages.14:04
rvbaDon't know if we validate system ids anywhere.14:05
jtvAnyway, I fixed the bug (probably mostly on intuition) for trunk in Burlingame, because the python 3 stuff looked more urgent then.14:05
=== frankban_ is now known as frankban
jtvrvba: here's a stab at the form approach to the API call → https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/maas/validate-network-nodes-filter/+merge/20597214:41
rvbajtv: cool, I'll have a look in a moment.14:44
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=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
tomixxx4hi, does anyone have a download link to a boot images which can be used from the nodes?16:13
tomixxx4or can i simply install "ubuntu server" on the nodes too?16:14
jtvtomixxx4: the cluster controller imports those by itself.16:16
jtvThere's a button in the UI.16:16
tomixxx4jtv: ok but assume the network interface is "unamanged", how can the nodes get the images then?16:16
jtvThe DHCP server has to be told to make the nodes netboot from the cluster controller.16:17
jtvThat's the custom DHCP server configuration I mentioned in the past.16:17
tomixxx4jtv: maas-dhcp-server does not work in my case16:17
jtvWhat's the problem?16:17
tomixxx4jtv: when i boot the nodes, the nodes print out "TFTP prefix: unable to loacte configuraiton file"16:18
tomixxx4jtv: so, i want to boot from a usb-stick. the question is, if i can simply install the same ubuntu server image than used for the maas-server16:19
* jtv greps source16:19
jtvGot me there.  I don't know!16:20
jtvBut netbooting is pretty central.16:20
tomixxx4jtv: ok, the dashboard mention sth about "avahi boot"16:20
jtvI never looked into that... maybe rvba would know.16:21
tomixxx4jtv: i have tried many things to get this dhcp - functionality to run, but i have still made no real progress. i have re-installed maas a few minutes ago ;)16:21
tomixxx4my last hope is to ignore dhcp-server-funktionality, connect the nodes directly to the external-network (so that they have i-net-access) and voila. but first i need a boot image16:22
jtvNo chance of running the built-in DHCP server?16:23
tomixxx4no, it seems not. :( i never got thhis error before (TFTP prefix...) but since i tried to NAT in order to connect the nodes to the i-net, it does not work anymore.16:24
tomixxx4even if i clear NAT-tables now, i get this error message16:25
tomixxx4I have also tried to reboot ubuntu server and so one.16:25
tomixxx4iptables after reboot was empty but the nodes were not able to download the pxe images...16:26
tomixxx4jtv: the original problem was: if the nodes have no access to internet, juju does not work16:27
jtvThe error does seem to mean that the node is trying to download its boot image over TFTP, which is good.16:28
tomixxx4jtv: juju does not work, because i have to deploy multiple lxc containers on a single node and the lxc-container creation failed because of no internet16:28
jtvNo way of giving the nodes access to the internet?16:28
jtvThe TFTP connection should be straight to the cluster controller, so within the network you control — that part shouldn't require internet access, as long as the cluster has imported the images.16:29
tomixxx4the idea was maas-dhcp-server + NAT, as the dhcp-server has two interfaces, one connected to the outside-internetworking-network16:29
jtv(By the way, if you want to look at the images, they're on the cluster controller under /var/lib/maas)16:29
tomixxx4jtv: yeah, the images are there16:29
tomixxx4resp. the were there16:30
jtvYou should be OK running the DHCP server on the gateway — just a matter of making sure you configure the right interface.16:30
jtvIf the interface is already configured when you set up MAAS, MAAS will pick it up automatically with its details, and you can just set up DHCP in the MAAS UI.16:31
tomixxx4jtv: i got an bash script from gmb for the NAT thing so this should not be the problem.16:31
tomixxx4jtv: interface-configuration looks as follow: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6920783 and bash script for NAT: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/692078716:35
tomixxx4whereas eth0 connects the server to the nodes and eht1 connects the server to the i-net16:36
jtvThat part looks good.16:37
jtvA bit too tired now to understand the shell script...16:37
tomixxx4jtv: i have already attache dns-nameserver to the eth0, because otherwise there is a lookup problem later on in juju16:37
tomixxx4jtv: 11:37 p.m. ? ^^16:39
jtvJust about!16:39
jtvSo... it sounds as if you're successfully doing NAT and DNS?16:39
tomixxx4dont know, maybe this tftp-exception is caused by misconfiguration16:40
tomixxx4jtv: at least, dhcp seems to work because the nodes get their ips and so one16:41
tomixxx4jtv: but they cannot downlaod the boot images...16:41
jtvWhere exactly was that TFTP error message, by the way?  On the node's console?16:42
tomixxx4yep, on the nodes console16:42
jtvThen something you might try is force the tftp server to log to a file.  It produces lots and lots of debug output, really horrible, but I find it can help debug these problems.16:43
jtvUnfortunately I'm about to fall asleep and don't recall where that can be done.16:44
jtvWe direct the output to /dev/null because there's just too much.16:44
jtvBut if nothing else, it would tell you whether the TFTP server got the node's request at all.16:44
tomixxx4kk, i will try this but first i will try to do sth witouth dhcp16:45
jtvI think it'll be harder!16:46
tomixxx4what is the option "use the fast installer" ?16:47
tomixxx4in the node menu16:47
jtvAll MAAS can really tell the node is: "next time you wake up, netboot.  Now, reboot."16:47
jtvThe fast installer has some kind of ready-made image.16:47
jtvDoesn't always apply, but when it does, it installs the nodes faster.16:47
tomixxx4jtv: and i do not need dhcp for this?16:47
jtvYou probably still do, because DHCP is part of the netbooting process.16:48
jtv(DHCP is really an extended version of BOOTP as I understand it)16:48
tomixxx4how does the maas-server know, when the node is "ready" ?16:55
tomixxx4j4i: installing "ubuntu server 12.04.03" as node boot image does not work17:04
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jtvtomixxx4: a node becomes Ready when it completes the commissioning phase.  It reports that to the region controller through a web API.17:16
jtvAt that point, it is available for users to allocate.17:16
jtvWhen a user has the node allocated, it will be in Allocated state.17:16
tomixxx4i know, i had already nodes allocated :D17:18
tomixxx4i was so far17:18
tomixxx4question just arrised because i have tried to install boot image from usb-stick but nodes did not become "ready" after installation17:19
tomixxx4DOES maas dashbourd confuse ethernet-names?17:21
jtvI don't understand that last question...17:23
jtvYou can't just boot from a USB stick completely; MAAS boots the node several times, with different images and options.17:23
jtvThe images are (1) an ephemeral ("commissioning") image for enlistment & commissioning; and (2) an actual installer for deployment once you allocate.17:24
tomixxx4how many times boot maas, because i always have to manually POWER ON my nodes17:24
jtvOops, there's my message to stop working and come home.  :)17:24
jtvOnce for enlistment, once for commissioning, and once for deployment.17:24
jtvOnce it's allocated to you, it's yours to reboot as often as you like.  :)17:25
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=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away

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