
waldo323Good evening00:02
rick_h_party party00:10
* waldo323 parties in a container00:12
lmorchardI was about to say "contain yourself" but thought better of it00:12
cmaloneyUbuntu 14.04 still stips with Python 2.x?00:19
cmaloneyships, rather?00:19
cmaloney(defaults, whatever)00:19
rick_h_yea, 2.7.6 right now00:19
rick_h_though might change00:19
rick_h_and 3.3.400:20
rick_h_on python300:20
cmaloneyHuh. Thought they might have bumped to 3.x00:20
rick_h_well I've heard both ways I guess00:20
cmaloneyyeah, just found that interesting00:20
cmaloneyYeah, no biggie either way00:20
jrwren3.3.4 just shipped 2 days ago? its in already?00:20
cmaloneypython3 is what ships00:20
rick_h_well trusty is in early stages but yea just checked my laptop00:21
jrwrenbut yeah, 2.x will be around for a long time00:21
cmaloneybut installing python gets you 2.7.600:21
cmaloneyI think Arch swapped that so you had to do python2 to get 2.x00:21
rick_h_I'm not sure when/how that change will happen. It's been talked about for 3 releases00:21
cmaloneyJust installed ubuntu14.04 in an LXC container00:21
cmaloneyso was playing with that.00:22
rick_h_just remember that it's not the 14.04 kernel00:22
cmaloneyYeah, noted.00:23
cmaloneyStill says 3.2.000:23
cmaloneywhich is what 12.04 has00:23
cmaloneyBut PostgreSQL 9.3, so yay yay00:23
rick_h_good luck00:23
cmaloneyI think I have jsivak3 convinced to use LXC over RVM.00:24
rick_h_yea, lxc for the win for dev00:24
rick_h_so cheap to create and so easy to destroy00:24
rick_h_and for most apps much lighter to run things00:24
jrwren9.3! ROCK ON00:24
jrwrenthey skipping 9.2 then eh?00:24
jrwrencuz iirc 13.10 was still 9.100:25
cmaloneyI think it's partially because there's an official repo for PostgreSQL now00:25
cmaloneyso not hard to get ported over.00:25
jrwrennot so hard to get packaged!00:25
lmorchardDat live coding example01:19
cmaloneyYeah, it's pretty mad sexy.01:22
cmaloneyThough I'm sitting next to rick_h_ and he's threatened me if I use it.01:22
rick_h_*grumble grumble*01:22
rick_h_*stpud RoR wannabe pain the $#@$#@ magic 'it just works...until you have to trace a failure...' $#@$#@@"01:23
cmaloneySO the problem with it is it's awesome until it doesn't work01:23
cmaloneylike most of computing. ;)01:23
cmaloneygot it. ;)01:23
rick_h_Truths of Life from Rick: 'If it demos well, you'll hate it in a month because it won't scale for @$#@'01:24
cmaloneyBut yeah, I could see this being fun to debug if you have to go in too deep01:24
rick_h_'If it has a learning curve, buckle up because you'll live on this in a month'01:24
rick_h_magic variable BS!01:24
lmorchardAlthough I just scared myself by looking up how angular knows what the parameter names are on a controller function01:24
rick_h_yea exactly01:24
cmaloneySo what do you tink of Ember / React? ;)01:24
rick_h_the layers of magic to make it work is nuts01:25
* cmaloney is getting an adrenaline rush from living on the edge.01:25
rick_h_and forget using your standard lint tools, debugging, etc01:25
lmorchardIt parses the string representation of the function with regexes01:25
* rick_h_ covers ears LALALALALALALALALA01:25
rick_h_I looked at it a while ago and ran away screaming01:25
lmorchardI haven't gotten around to playing with ember or react yet01:25
rick_h_reactjs I want to tinker with. It's a partial solution at one point, widget/components01:25
rick_h_not tried to see how easy you can fit it into an existing toolchain01:26
cmaloneyI don't now any Javascript so the less I have to play with it the better IMHO01:26
rick_h_ember is big...big...big and not tried it out. I think it does some of the DOM databinding crap I hate01:26
cmaloneyah, fun fun01:26
lmorchardI started building a toy market app for eve online, but its all fairly boring jquery and bootstrap01:26
lmorchardLots of01:27
cmaloneyBut we're still on JQuery at work so I'll have a while before I do anything work-related with either.01:27
lmorchardLittle json data APIs, grids, and autocompletes though01:27
rick_h_lmao, lovely traceback there01:27
rick_h_"it broke...what went wrong?"01:27
cmaloneyrick_h_: point taken01:27
lmorchardPromises in js are pretty hawt01:28
lmorchardOh but those are routes not promises01:28
rick_h_we just got through killing them after months of getting sucked into them01:28
rick_h_until they get past the A+ spec promises are flawed badly01:29
lmorchardHmm, not sure what the downsides are yet, but then I'm not in super deep with them yet01:30
rick_h_come to dinner, I'll explain :)01:31
rick_h_it took me 3 days into a sprint to covince folks01:31
rick_h_though chrome is working on fixing the big issue01:31
lmorchardI have been using caolan/async for more complex stuff01:31
lmorchardAnd promises mostly on the node sever side too01:32
jrwrenember layers of magic?02:35
jrwrenlike backbone adn angular and al the others don't also have layers of magic02:35
rick_h_lmorchard: not seeing any email jump out as 'les' to me.04:08
rick_h_oh wait, me@lmorchard.com04:09
rick_h_hmm, and yea throwing a 406 back. So something's busted.04:10
rick_h_ah "You've already marked your account for reactivation.\nPlease check your email for the reactivation link. Make sure to\ncheck your spam folder."04:11
rick_h_that should be showing up but it's not04:11
rick_h_lmorchard: I removed the user since it was never activated so you can start fresh with a signup04:13
rick_h_and filed a bug on the error not getting displayed to the user04:14
waffor the record, in *actual* angularjs production code, you don't use the dependency-injection-via-parameter-name stuff04:46
wafsince that doesn't play too well with code minification04:46
cmaloneyGood morning12:28
cmaloneyI think I'm turning into rick_h_14:03
rick_h_ruh roh14:04
rick_h_I'm going to be replaced14:04
cmaloneyI've got tmux acting as a tiling window manager14:04
brouschcmaloney: Why? Is more of your hair falling out?14:04
rick_h_ooooh, low blow brousch14:04
rick_h_you're not exactly going in for a perm this week :P14:04
cmaloneymy hair is following the economy and is in a light recession14:05
cmaloney(though experts say it's more of a depression)14:05
cmaloneyYeah, I thought you might get a kick out of that rick_h_14:05
rick_h_cmaloney: hey, you're on the curve. Tiling has taken longer than most, but you'll get there14:06
cmaloneyOnly problem is it doesn't respect vi keybindings14:06
cmaloneyso when I want to get to the other window I have to tell myself it's not a vi split. ;)14:07
cmaloneyNot 100% convinced but flipping between a shell on the right and code on the left is making me happy right now14:07
cmaloneyAnywho, down periscope.14:08
rick_h_yep, and when your window manager tiles you can do that with gvim, chrome, etc :P14:08
rick_h_have fun14:08
akellingwhat tiling wm are you guys using?14:08
rick_h_AwesomeWM here, _stink_ uses something else. I can't remember. I think he got off of the original one14:09
rick_h_widox: was tinkering with xmonad, not sure if he's still on that14:09
widoxi3 now14:10
rick_h_widox: ah right cool14:10
rick_h_we've got guys using a few different ones14:10
akellingAwesomewm is very nice. I used i3 for some time  then went back to fluxbox14:10
widoxI dig it, config is super easy14:10
rick_h_I <3 our tech/geek levels in this channel14:10
wolfgerwhat's that you say, cmaloney? Your hair recession is depressing?14:12
wolfgerI tried tiling.... just can't quite love it14:13
wolfgerI like my eye candy, and I like working on things in full screen mode14:14
rick_h_ugh, fullscreen?!14:14
rick_h_only on my stupid 1300px laptop and even then I tend to split a bit14:14
brouschAndroid is full screen. That's all you need14:15
jrwrenlmorchard: for a few minutes here I was trying to figure out if you were a different les.14:18
jrwrenthen I realized you are probably not from Kansas14:18
akelling[Slashdot] Enlightenment E19 Pre-Alpha Released (technology) -  well that was quick. Seemed like E17 took forever to be released.14:23
jrwrenit did take forever. my guess is that it still isn't out :p14:25
wolfgerwhat happened to e18?14:39
wolfgerI believe e17 was "out".... insofar as, people were using it14:39
wolfgerI just don't think it ever hit the level of "finished stable product"14:40
jrwrenI was j/k14:41
jrwrene17 did finally get an official release a while back.14:41
wolfgeroh, sweet14:44
wolfgerI do need to check that out again, then14:44
wolfgere was my favorite, way back when14:45
cmaloneySeriously? http://www.zdnet.com/mozilla-to-deliver-ads-in-its-firefox-browser-7000026216/14:45
cmaloneyYeah, e17 finally was released.14:46
akelling^ *sigh*14:52
_stink_akelling: i use stumpwm15:22
rick_h_ah, I thought you swapped off of that15:22
_stink_i tinkered... but i went back home.15:22
rick_h_my bad15:22
_stink_it's just so warm and cozy.15:22
jrwrenwolfger: i dont know how usable e17+ is, but I know technically it is rock solid.15:32
jrwrenI trust raster a lot.15:32
jrwrenrock solid libs.15:32
jrwrenthose e libs make gnome and kde look like Win32 crap :p15:32
cmaloneyjrwren: agreed15:44
cmaloneyalso, the zip command under Linux makes me pine for tar.gz files15:45
cmaloneyand that's saying something15:45
jrwrencmaloney: same!15:45
jrwrenwhy isn't there a good unzip tool for linux? maybe we should make one?15:46
jrwrenits a pretty simple thing to do.15:46
cmaloneyI dunno15:47
cmaloneyI would think one could do "zip filename.txt" and have it do something intelligent15:47
cmaloneybut no.15:47
cmaloneyhas to be "zip filename.zip filename.txt"15:48
cmaloneywhich is a royal PITA if you have multiple files that are one-to-one files to zip.15:48
cmaloney(not looking for solutions btw. It's already resolved)15:49
cmaloneyrick_h_: ;)15:49
cmaloneyI know this channel. Ponder something and get 14 ways to fix it. ;)15:50
cmaloneywell, ha! I beat you to it! :)15:50
jrwrencmaloney: that is what I'm saying, make your own version of zip and unzip cmdline tools which follow unix conventions more closely15:58
wolfgerHuh... I don't recall ever having an issue with zip. Maybe it's just a command line thing?16:02
wolfgernot sure why anybody would ever *want* to zip from command line16:03
_stink_because it's fun16:03
wolfgermore fun than tar? Inconceivable!16:07
_stink_well, no.16:07
jrwrenum, because I downloaded a zip file, with curl and now I need to extract it?16:08
jrwreni'm not sur ewhy anybody would ever *want* to zip from outside a command line16:08
wolfgergood point16:12
rick_h_anyone done anything with GSoC? greg-g maybe?16:44
greg-gI haven't directly16:47
greg-gbeen with 2 orgs that have done it (CC and WMF) but wasn't in the group mentoring16:47
rick_h_ok cool16:47
rick_h_I'm thinking of seeing if I can submit bookie to work with someone.16:48
rick_h_might be interesting16:48
brouschrick_h_: I may be a co-mentor this year for a Kivy GSoC under the PSF16:52
brouschWell, I will be a co-mentor if Kivy gets in16:53
brouschI think 3 students are interested16:53
brouschYou would be a good mentor16:56
rick_h_cool, I'll make that my CHC task tonight to look into it. I've thought about trying it out a few times but it always sneaks up on me17:01
rick_h_I hear streaming is killer for smaller artists18:11
cmaloneyTrivium is not a smaller band. :)18:11
cmaloneyBut yeah, that's insulting18:11
rick_h_sounds like one to me :P18:12
rick_h_Trivium, Vengeance Falls (Roadrunner) #15, 17,225 sold18:12
rick_h_that sure sounds a bit small18:12
cmaloneyYeah, sadly that's actually not bad for a metal album18:14
rick_h_right, but as far as streaming royalties go, that's small.18:15
rick_h_I'm not sure how the industry will hold up in a streaming world18:16
greg-gI'll tell you why they aren't popular, $10 words like "perdition"18:16
cmaloneygreg-g: ^^18:16
cmaloneyrick_h_: I don't know either.18:17
greg-gcmaloney: tip one: don't create music videos like they mattered in 90s.18:19
greg-gthough I do appreciate them18:19
greg-gthough, wow, over a million views18:19
greg-gyeah, "trepidation"?, they're over the head of most metal heads ;)18:19
cmaloneygreg-g: Ahem18:20
greg-gwow, that scream18:22
greg-gInsert my usual comment about how I love the drumming/guitar, but can't deal with the screaming18:23
cmaloneyThat's "Tom Araya" scream levels.18:23
cmaloneygreg-g: That one took me a bit to get into18:23
cmaloneybut it's a hell of an album18:23
cmaloneyEasily one of my favorites that I found in 201318:24
* greg-g nods18:24
* greg-g holds his post-rock/post-metal closely18:24
cmaloneyOh I love my post-rock / post-metal18:25
greg-gyou should do some episodes of it!18:25
cmaloneyI have!18:25
* greg-g looks18:25
* greg-g hangs head18:25
cmaloneythough not complete episodes18:25
greg-goh, I was going to say, I don't remember a post-rock episode like the uhh, what was it called....18:25
greg-gjrwren metal18:26
greg-gCLUB METAL18:26
greg-gthat's it18:26
greg-gjrwren: just fyi, I think of you whenever I think of club metal18:27
cmaloneyYeah, I could pull off an epiode like that18:27
greg-galso, in case you didn't see: http://www.zdnet.com/change-your-passwords-comcast-hushes-minimizes-serious-hack-7000026118/#ftag=RSS14dc6a918:29
greg-gfor any comcast users18:29
akellinghow comcastic.......18:33
akellingwheres my google fiber?18:33
akellingTrivium first time hearing this band but they are not bad.18:35
cmaloneyakelling: Yeah, they're pretty good.18:56
akellinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wB0hg4_JH0I - BOBAFLEX - BURY ME WITH MY GUNS ON19:01
jrwrenwhat is club metal?19:11
akellingNu Metal according to wikipedia19:12
jrwrengreg-g: i don't like screaming screatch metal either. that is why I like harmonic metal like Sonata Artica and operatic death metal like nightwish, xandria, epica19:13
jrwrenewe, I dno't like Nu Metal19:13
jrwrenwhy do I remind you of NuMetal greg-g ?19:13
akellingSo no Korn, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Staind, Deftones, Distrubed, and Slipknot.19:14
greg-gNuMetal == Limp Bizkit?19:14
greg-gno, not that19:14
akellingSo most of my fav bands19:14
greg-gentirely not what cmaloney has on his Club Metal episodes19:14
jrwrenyes, I hate all that crap.19:14
greg-gjrwren: I don't know how to describe, download a Club Metal episode from OMC :)19:15
jrwreni didn't even know deftones sounded like that.19:15
cmaloneyI use it to refer to more industrial stuff19:44
greg-gthat's the word I couldn't think of20:14
n0psup guys20:14
jrwrenoh, well I do love me some industrial.20:17
jrwrenbut that wouldn't be on OMC20:17
=== dickweed_ is now known as mrgoodcat
cmaloney16volt would definitely be on OMC21:18
cmaloneyand had they kept their CC license they would have been21:18
cmaloneyHey n0p!21:18
cmaloneyjrwren: ^^21:19
jrwrenyes, I mean no CC so they wouldn't be on OMC.21:36
jrwrenlack of CC was the ONLY reason I said they wouldn't be21:36
rick_h_cmaloney: I need a backup admin for GSoC :)21:38
rick_h_http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2014 and create a profile and let me know the username please?21:38
akellingalmost beer thirty21:41
cmaloneyrick_h_: craigmaloney21:57
rick_h_cmaloney: thanks!22:11
jrwreni just looked over the mug ipv6 meeting slides.22:23
jrwrenno mention of dhcp prefix delegation?22:23
rick_h_waf: cmaloney greg-g widox or anyone else https://docs.google.com/a/mitechie.com/document/d/1F51s9_faKf_GraKthtT0mCsQQvu-LMdnLwlliSZ3rJ4/edit22:55
rick_h_appreciate any feedback on tasks lists, the notes, other tasks that might be cool/useful.22:55
rick_h_I just did a first pass, will tweak more at CHC tonight22:55

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