
ali1234when i run steam the indicator background goes transparent00:56
Unit193Updates do it for me.00:58
bluesabrelooking at it funny does it for me00:58
bluesabreslickymaster, jjfrv8: let me know if you need me to document anything beyond this. http://wiki.smdavis.us/doku.php?id=menulibre_usage00:59
bluesabreI'll try to populate the other menulibre pages now00:59
jjfrv8bluesabre, thanks. I'll read through it while doing upgrade tests :)01:02
bluesabrefinished the rest of the pages too01:10
bluesabremenulibre docs: http://wiki.smdavis.us/doku.php?id=menulibre-docs01:10
ochosiali1234: have you tested the patch here yet? https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1065801:25
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10658 in Panel "GTK3 indicator area background turns transparent/black occasionally" [Normal,New]01:25
jjfrv8bluesabre, I've read through the pages and they did shed some light for me.01:47
jjfrv8once I get my machine back after the upgrade testing I'll try working with it again.01:52
jjfrv8I had some issues with launchers disappearing after adding and saving and I couldn't figure out how to get a launcher to go under a newly added directory01:53
jjfrv8but maybe I was doing something wrong.01:53
bluesabrethat might be something I overlooked01:58
bluesabreI'll go ahead and make it so new launchers added when a directory is selected are inserted in that directory02:01
bluesabreI'll shoot for a new release this weekend02:03
jjfrv8first time ever in my life I've done an actual upgrade. is this normal? http://imagebin.org/29284802:11
Unit193Just about, though I use do-release-upgrade myself.02:11
jjfrv8ok, I was following the testcase: update-manager -d -c02:13
Unit193(I'm putting in context, not quite sure what the GUI will have.)02:14
bluesabrejjfrv8: usually we only get those during the dev cycle02:17
jjfrv8ok, so no need to report it then?02:18
jjfrv8back tomorrow (today)02:28
bluesabreprobably safe to report it just in case, but it has probably already been logged by somebody02:32
Noskcajochosi, current error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6918300/05:41
Noskcajochosi, any idea about the ftbfs?08:28
ochosiNoskcaj: why is configure running twice?08:29
NoskcajI have no idea08:30
Noskcajperhaps the dh_autoreconf xdt-autogen08:30
ochosithe last build problem i saw and that we got fixed in the daily packages for the indicator-plugin was related to that08:31
ochosiit ran ./autogen.sh first and then ./configure08:31
ochosianyhow, it's weird, that first there's no gtk3 support and in the second configure there suddenly is08:31
NoskcajI'll have a look at the daily ppa package.08:42
ochosithe daily PPA package is only for the indicator-plugin though08:43
ochosiand it's here: https://code.launchpad.net/~landronimirc/+archive/xfce-daily08:43
NoskcajYeah, but i can probably copy d/rules08:44
ali1234ochosi: that patch isn't right :/09:11
ali1234eric_the_idiot: what do you think https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10658 ?09:14
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10658 in Panel "GTK3 indicator area background turns transparent/black occasionally" [Normal,New]09:14
ali1234(the patch patches your patch)09:14
ali1234maybe it should actually if if(alpha > 0 || ..09:24
Unit193knome: Can you approve half or my merge now, half later? :P09:39
slickymaster-jobmorning all10:59
knomeUnit193, hah, you got to do two separate merges in that case :P11:53
ochosi#info: new light-locker stable release (1.2) planned for the weekend (adds time-based locking feature), bregma said he'll try to package it before FF12:39
ochosifolks, have any of you noticed how unusable awful gthumb looks in trusty?13:21
ochosiit uses a headerbar, which ubuntu patched out in all other gnome3 apps, not sure why this one slipped13:22
brainwashochosi: so they patched most of the gnome 3.10 apps to hide it.. interesting13:31
ochosiyup, e.g. evince13:48
ochosiit even has a normal menu again \o/13:48
ochosiasked around, seems we'd have to fix gthumb ourselves. do we really want to ship an app with two window-decorations? http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-2014-02-12-150415.php14:04
ochosiali1234: do you think your xfwm4 patch would be safe to include in 14.04 to prevent this mess ^ ?14:04
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Arch-XfceHi everyone, it's me, again :D15:47
Arch-XfceSadly, I can't find a way to compile easily ido-gtk2 on my Arch box and I need that software to have Xubuntu sound gtk2 indicator on Arch.15:48
Arch-XfceBut I'm not easy to scare so I'm looking for some instruction to compile xfce-panel with gtk3 support.15:48
Arch-XfceSomeone can help me or point me to some sort of guide?15:48
* knome points Arch-Xfce to #archlinux15:50
* knome is good at misreading today15:50
Arch-XfceWell, in this you're probably right since it's not directly a Xubuntu problem.15:50
knomethough i'd still ask that channel about ido-gtk215:50
knomeand possibly #xfce-dev for the gtk3 panel stuff15:51
Arch-XfceThanks anyway ;)15:51
knomeno problem, and good luck15:52
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eric_the_idiotali1234, unless we're doing sanity checks on the alpha value, why have the if statement? I submitted a patch to the bug report.16:11
knomeis there anybody in the team who would be interested in being an admin for the xubuntu facebook and/or google+ groups?16:19
knomeor, why not outside the team as well16:19
holsteinknome: you can put me on the short list16:19
holsteinknome: i admin a facebook LUG page16:20
knomeholstein, you should be in touch with pleia2 16:20
knomeholstein, we have a few admins per group, but we're looking to add more people into them16:20
holsteinknome: not sure about G+, but, i bet i can handle it16:20
knomeholstein, so it's not like you'd have to take care "running" them really...16:20
holsteinyeah.. just check in every now and then.. i can do that16:20
holsteinget alerts and put out fires :)16:20
knomeyep, and maybe post a news here and then or so16:20
holsteinsure.. 16:21
knomesomething like that :)16:21
knomepleia2, ping!16:21
knomeholstein, and thanks! i'd be happy to add you to the admins :)16:21
knomeelfy, what are your plans re: the "improving QA tasks"? would you like to do that during the cycle, or after?16:24
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ArchXfceHi everyone, I'm trying to compile xfce4-panel with gtk3 support17:56
ArchXfceI already tried with --enable-gtk3 and --with-gtk3 but with no success.17:56
ArchXfceWhat kind of option I need to pass to autogen.sh?17:56
ArchXfceThanks :D17:56
ArchXfceI already asked on #xfce and #xfce-dev with no success :(17:56
holsteinthey will be the ones to answer.. its coming from them17:58
holsteini would just go back to the basics. do you have everything that is required..17:58
ArchXfceholstein: I know, but I also know that many people here know the kung fu of Xfce, so...17:59
ArchXfceYes, I've got everything, it just give me this warning: configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-gtk317:59
ArchXfceSo I guess I'm passing the wrong parameter to autogen.sh17:59
holsteinsure.. and im not kicking you out of here, or anything... im just saying, its not from here17:59
holsteinwhy would that be a recognized option?18:00
ArchXfceholstein: I don't know, with Parole or libxfceui I can enable gtk3 support this way18:00
holsteinArchXfce: sure.. but, they are different applications with different code18:02
holsteinArchXfce: you would need to talk to who creates that code and ask how to enable that, specifically18:02
ArchXfceholstein: just found out that xfce4-panel is already with gtk3 support... I'm an idiot.18:03
ArchXfceThanks ;)18:03
pleia2I still haven't got into contact with the g+ guy to add more admins :(18:19
pleia2happy to have holstein added as fb admin, the RSS syncing takes care of actual posting, the work is mostly responding to private messages (mostly answering "please ask support questions in public areas, $link")18:20
holsteinpleia2: im into it.. however i can help18:20
pleia2holstein: can you PM me the email address you use for facebook? (only way I can add new admins)18:23
knomepleia2, what kind of contact information did we have for the g+ admin again?18:27
pleia2knome: google hangouts/talk, sharing posts on g+ (which should email him, depending on settings)18:28
knomewe don't have a direct email?18:29
knomeand what's his name again18:29
pleia2I sent a message in hangouts a couple days ago, previously shared a post18:29
pleia2Knez Nenc18:29
knomehope he asnwers soon18:29
pleia2hasn't posted in a while :\18:30
pleia2had I known that regular admins couldn't add new people, I would have handled this resource differently!18:30
knomeany idea how google handles takeovers?18:31
pleia2that's my next avenue of exploration18:31
knomeoki, thanks for taking care18:31
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Noskcajthunar fix is done, xkb-plugin is now 0.7, might need testing19:22
NoskcajDo we have a decision on what default menu we'll have for 14.04 yet?20:14
Unit193Default is still the same.20:16
Unit193ochosi: Another option since gthumb has that terrible menu problem would be to drop it, it's not really needed since Ristretto isn't so terrible anymore.20:17
Noskcaj+1, it's better to use xfce stuff rather than gnome's forgotten child20:18
Unit193Actually, it's more that Gnome didn't forget about it that broke it. :P20:19
NoskcajStupid panel, why won't you build20:25
knomeochosi, Unit193: i've always wondered if we really need gthumb, and you've been telling me "camera support"20:30
* Unit193 hasn't.20:30
NoskcajI never really understood the need for gthumb, but t least it's not two years outdated anymore20:30
knomewhich is a boring argument, because most of the cameras are supported through... whatever it's called, but they are mounted as drives anyway20:30
knomeNoskcaj, camera support and collection management over a basic image viewer.20:31
knomeGridCube, had time to do testing this cycle?21:35
Unit193Noskcaj: https://unit193.net/xfce/21:35
knomeUnit193, 'lo21:35
* Unit193 runs.21:35
knomenot asking for anything21:35
brainwashanyone here testing gtk3 indicators (especially the sound one)?21:43
brainwashbug 1231796 needs some attention21:43
ubottubug 1231796 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "Loading animation fails/looks bad when starting a player" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123179621:43
brainwashlow priority21:44
Unit193"PEND - Add process-related tasks as events in the xubuntu team calendar" <--- You happy with what I've done so far, knome?21:44
knomeyou might have noticed i added some more events21:45
Unit193To the wiki or calendar?  Any I missed?21:46
knomeadded beta2 dates21:47
knomeand such21:47
elfyknome: there were a bunch of things added to the blueprint, you can mark them MEH or POSTPONED 21:55
knomelike? :)21:55
Unit193knome: http://paste.openstack.org/show/ODz3dqxV7oZje09yf3pQ/21:57
knomeUnit193, ack21:58
knomethough i don't know about the urgency field21:58
knomedo other docs packages have medium?21:59
Unit193knome: At least in Debian, it's the new default.22:02
Unit193If you don't like, drop back to low.22:03
knomei'm more than fine with it22:04
knomejust wanted to check that it's the norm22:04
knomepleia2, welcome back!22:09
pleia2linode is having issues today :(22:10
Unit193knome: Well, I don't technically know in Ubuntu. :P22:30
Unit193knome: But, that's the packaging update, can build off of that and upload.22:30
knomelooks good to me22:31
Unit193If I can upload without filing another bug, then I'll do it.  If not, I'll punt over to bluesabre. :P22:32
Unit193So, we're clearly all neglecting QA. :/22:37
Unit193knome: Ohohoh!  I can just steal #1251332 or #1238718!22:38
ochosiknome: i'm in favor of dropping gthumb and always was in favor of that22:49
ochosishotwell is far better at managing collections, for what i personally need22:49
ochosifwiw, i've reported a bug upstream about the problem with the headerbar in xfce22:50
knomeochosi, heh, so you are actually proposing to replace gthumb with something else?22:50
ochosiyeah, s/gthumb//22:50
knomeso you're not22:50
knomeyou are proposing to drop22:50
knomenot replace22:50
ochosii was just making the point that even for what it does, i don't like it so much ;)22:50
knomeyou going to be able to make the meeting tomorrow?22:51
ochosii'm seriously planning on22:51
ochosicause there are some updates22:51
ochosiand i haven't been there for a few22:51
Unit193I don't have updates. \o/22:52
knomeochosi, good.22:53
knomeUnit193, in that case, can you add the gthumb-issue to the agenda?22:53
knomeis there somebody who'd be willing to chair the meeting tomorrow?22:54
ochosiknome: you won't be there?22:54
knomei most probably will, but i think it would be beneficial for the project that somebody else than the soon-not-to-be-project-lead-anymore would be willing/able to chair a meeting22:54
Unit193knome: Erm, I have no real reasons to remove it other than the silly header bars not working, I hardly ever use it, and all that.22:55
slickymastermaybe elfy?22:55
knomeUnit193, i wasn't asking your opinion, we can discuss that tomorrow :P22:55
Unit193Depends if the wiki is terrible.22:58
knomewell if it is, it's a project for the whole evening22:58
GridCubeknome, to be honest no, i've not tested much22:58
GridCubeonly once in alpha 122:59
knomeGridCube, do you think you'll be able to do run more testing later?22:59
Unit193knome: I have to leave in ~5. :P22:59
knomeGridCube, also, if not, or even if yes, would you like to help some other way?22:59
knomeUnit193, you can come back to it later, you slimy procrastinator22:59
GridCubeyes sure22:59
GridCubesincerely i just forget to do it23:00
Unit193knome: ...It won't keep me logged in. :/23:00
knomeno problem, but good that i reminded you then ;)23:00
knomeUnit193, :P23:00
Unit193Also, had a shower, not slimy. \o/23:00
Unit193knome: Not kidding, I just logged in, and now it's signed me out.23:00
knomeprobably won't keep me in either, so...23:00
Unit193Wait, I'm in. \o/23:01
knomeGridCube, we also have the flyer in progress, so you might want to poke pleia2 about that23:01
GridCubethe windows to xubuntu thing?23:01
knomealso, always things to translate23:01
GridCubei've heard something about that but not much really23:01
knomeno, that's done and was released already23:01
knomeit was mostly a startubuntu project23:02
knomewe're planning our own flyer23:02
knomeit's been ongoing for a while...23:02
knomenot sure if all the prepared/written content is there23:02
pleia2we have a google doc, sec23:03
Unit193Someone on the bugs team may want to subscribe to the not yet existing xubuntu-community-artwork source package.23:03
pleia2the wiki page is "ideas" - that google doc is what we're firming up for real23:03
Unit193pleia2: Sorry, I know you asked me, but I couldn't think of :words:23:03
Unit193I'll take another look, just can't now.23:04
Unit193knome: Done, actually.23:04
pleia2Unit193: it's ok, you can make it up to me by chairing the meeting tomorrow :)23:04
knomeUnit193, ta ;)23:04
pleia2it's easy, just wave your hands around and copy what knome did in the last meeting (that's what I do)23:04
knomeyes, chairing the meeting works23:04
knomepleia2, hehe23:04
pleia2I already chaired -women and -doc meetings this week, I'm out of chairs23:05
* slickymaster thinks that Unit193 has nowhere to run23:05
pleia2oh, california too!23:05
Unit193slickymaster: Watch.23:05
pleia2ooh my startubuntu flyers should be here tomorrow23:08
pleia2knome: look, someone else printed it first https://twitter.com/Start_Ubuntu/status/432574310981459968/photo/123:09
knomepleia2, retweet?23:10
knomemeh, maybe not23:10
knomeit's not clear that it's xubuntu :)23:10
pleia2I'm thinking xubuntu blog post when I get my printed materials, talking about the flyer, have picture of mine, picture of that, and links to all the translations ("and you can translate too!")23:11
knomeand a picture of your cat lying on it?23:11
pleia2there's probably no avoiding that23:11
knomeno, i insist on that23:12
GridCubea cat always works23:35
knomeUnit193, soooo... would you please finish the xfce4-panel sponsorship process?23:52
Unit193knome: I thought I was looking at the docs?23:52
knomeUnit193, you could look into both :)23:52
knomei heard you've prepared the package for panel, so it shouldn't be too much work to finalize the process23:53
knomeUnit193, or is that too much to ask?23:55
Unit193knome: I did the easy part, next part is perhaps pushing it to bzr somehow, merging it actually...23:56
Unit193And, if that's the case I did it wrong.23:56
knomeUnit193, i'm sure you could get some help for that23:57
Unit193Jackson has done a lot of that.  I'm good if I can do a debdiff or something, but I don't think I can do bzr without breaking it.23:58
knomei learned the last time debdiffs should be okay if the update doesn't involve binary files...23:59
Unit193Not trying to get out of it exactly, just that using that method isn't going to work so awesomely for me. :/23:59
Unit193I like the Debian way far, far, far better.23:59

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