[00:26] ciao a tutti [00:26] !it [00:26] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [00:27] E: Unable to locate package pulseaudio-equalizer help? [00:27] scusa, ma dove lo scrivo? [00:28] nineball: It can't locate it because it doesn't exist. [00:31] ok, thanks [00:34] ok found it [00:46] Hi All [00:46] i-m runnig xubuntu 13.10 [00:47] on a live cd , Ive flashed the iso using unetbootin saving space for persistence [00:47] however whenever I log off i just lose all data [00:47] how do I check if persistence is working_ [00:47] _ [01:18] Hey guys. I'm going to preface this by saying I'm brand new to linux, so I'm sorry if I end up asking something stupid. [01:19] Anyways, I have a question about AMD Catalyst drivers [01:21] On my completely fresh install of xubuntu 12.10, I tried "sudo apt-get install fglrx-updates fglrx-amdcccle-updates fglrx-updates-dev" [01:22] I let it do its thing, and when it was finished, I tried the command "sudo aticonfig --lsa" [01:23] this returned the message "aticonfig: no supported adapters detected" [01:23] Did I do something wrong? [01:26] what card you have? [01:26] Oh right. I have two 7870's [01:29] I think that might be to new for the drivers from the repo [01:29] hey [01:30] Ok. So I should get ones from the AMD site? [01:30] i'm trying to set a local static IP on my Desktop behind a router [01:30] which file should I edit, also what dhcp package needs to be removed? thanks [01:31] check [01:32] xubuntu305, go with the latest beta from AMD. oddly stable was borked for me [01:33] bbajo, no need to remove anything, just edit your connection settings (via tray icon) [01:33] i thought i needed to remove dhcp so my computer doesn't request a new ip [01:33] i'll try the tray [01:34] i'm in ipv4 settings right now [01:37] how do i put in multiple dns servers? [01:38] there is one line for it [01:38] do I use commas? [01:40] what is search domains? [01:40] Hi - just wondering what the best way is to locate drivers for my older epsom workforce 520 all-in-one printer. Epsom's do not work for xubuntu, as far as I can tell (I'm new to linux) [01:41] *epson (not a bath salt or as british place) [01:49] have you tried the built in printer setup? [02:31] xubuntu804: i have had many epson printers that work.. just try it with the GUI as kRush suggested [03:56] firefox is runing like crap and is takeing up a bunch of cpu and frankly is starting to piss me off. so what should i do? [03:56] holstein_: its me zack can you help me [03:56] hello? [03:57] zsw_: anyone can help you.. just ask [03:57] zsw_: you'll need to be patient, and not use bad language [03:57] i did its bin like 3 minuets [03:57] zsw_: what do i do? i use a different application [03:57] what "bad leanguage" did i use [03:58] zsw_: im not looking to be combative.. you look above and see what might be considered inappropriate, and consider not using that languge.. or not.. [03:58] i only use firefox i dont like explorer [03:58] ok [03:58] zsw_: there is not "explorer" that im aware of for linux [03:59] zsw_: i use chrome.. lots of folks like chromium [03:59] !info chromium [03:59] Package chromium does not exist in saucy [03:59] !info chromium-browser [03:59] chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 32.0.1700.102-0ubuntu0.13.10.1~20140128.970.1 (saucy), package size 33979 kB, installed size 124154 kB [03:59] i dont like chrome personaly [03:59] what do i do about cpu % [03:59] zsw_: thats why i have, and still am making other suggestions... see above ^ patients [04:00] !info midori [04:00] midori (source: midori): fast, lightweight graphical web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3+dfsg-0.1 (saucy), package size 1104 kB, installed size 3408 kB [04:00] i have patince [04:00] i wated for a responce at ubuntu for about 15 min [04:00] zsw_: i have not, and am not experiencing issues with firefox.. are you up to date? are you running the version from the repos? [04:01] i dont know where do i see my firefox v [04:45] anyone know the location of that test pattern image with the burning screen in the middle? === fibz_ is now known as Flat4ForLife === Flat4ForLife is now known as `Fibz` [06:40] My Xubuntu 13.10 boots to a blank screen with blinking cursor after grub.. removing quiet splash from the bootoptions shows: "EXT4-fs (sdb1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro" how to fix that? [06:41] ESL|fzninuse: that isn't the error just some info on what's happening [06:41] you could try nomodeset on the kernel line [06:41] !nomodeset [06:41] A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [06:42] nomodeset relates to gpu. this error references the filesystem mount ... [06:42] ESL|fzninuse, ask in the main #ubuntu channel. [06:42] thanks [06:42] i've tested it with nomodeset already [06:43] it just mentions that an option is errors=remount ro === CraHan|out is now known as CraHan [06:57] <`Fibz`> boot live and check the logs? [06:59] i can boot if i go to recovery mode and then choose "resume" [07:00] <`Fibz`> the logs should at least have a hint at what is going on [07:02] ok === GTB3NW_AWAY is now known as GTB3NW === map is now known as Guest57880 === GTB3NW is now known as GTB3NW_AWAY === CraHan is now known as CraHan|out === CraHan|out is now known as CraHan === CraHan is now known as CraHan|out === CraHan|out is now known as CraHan === CraHan is now known as CraHan|out [11:05] Hi All [11:05] I installed Xubuntu on a USB stick w persistence however nothing persists after I reboot [11:05] I used unetbootin to install both partitions [11:06] and just that. Am I missing some steps_ [11:06] ? [11:07] is anyone there_ [11:08] ? [11:08] xubuntu410, ask over in #ubuntu === CraHan|out is now known as CraHan === CraHan is now known as CraHan|out [13:26] hi people, I wanted to know if there is a way of modifying the copy progress window. I want to make it look similar to the copy progress of midnight commander === CraHan|out is now known as CraHan [13:37] anybody know how to change icons? I realy don't like some of them, so, i want to redraw them/download new and change default. Where icons is placed? [13:38] superprower, /usr/share/icons/youricontheme [13:38] and how to apply it? [13:39] settings manager -> appearance? [13:39] i'l try. Thanks you. === CraHan is now known as CraHan|out [13:45] how to know which size of icons i using? [13:47] superprower, whatever size that is appropriate. depends on a lot of things. [13:49] knome, sorry, i'am don't understand this. My english is very bad. Can you repeat this easier, please? [13:49] superprower, there is no single correct answer. [13:50] superprower, you might be using any, or every, depending on the situation. [13:50] knome, oh, well. So i need to replace each size of icons, if i need to use new icons everywhere? [13:51] superprower, yes [13:51] knome, thanks [13:52] superprower, what's your native language? there are channels in various languages available if that'd be easier for you? [13:53] knome, it's russian, but i think, i will get no answer on channel. So, better to use some dictionary, but get realy good answer here. [13:53] *on russian channel [13:59] ok, and another question. I has a windows iso file, so, i want to mount it to extract some icons and sounds. Is there a way? [14:00] mount -o loop disk1.iso /mnt/disk [14:01] bizkut, and i can replace "disk" with any name, like, /mnt/winxpimage? [14:01] yes [14:01] the path needs to exist though [14:01] thanks [14:04] ok, and how to unmount it? [14:06] bizkut, ? [14:06] umount /mnt/disk [14:07] Pici, doesnt work [14:09] Pici, oh, it is [14:09] Pici, i thoght i need to write uNmount, sorry [14:09] nope, 'umount' === CraHan|out is now known as CraHan [14:56] Does anyone here currently run Xubuntu 14.04 in a Virtualbox environment? [14:56] After the last round of updates the guest additions seems to be failing. [14:57] Not the end of the world obviously, but always handy to know I'm not the only person experiencing it :) [14:58] CraHan: i think #ubuntu+1 is the channel to use :) [15:06] koegs: oh cool, didn't know that existed. Thanks for the tip :) [15:07] ~/70 [15:07] oops === Guest57880 is now known as mapps === CraHan is now known as CraHan|out === genii_ is now known as genii === CraHan|out is now known as CraHan === GTB3NW_AWAY is now known as GTB3NW === CraHan is now known as CraHan|out === GTB3NW is now known as GTB3NW_AWAY [18:33] ciao a tutti [18:33] !it | xubuntu319 [18:33] xubuntu319: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [18:34] !cookie | knome [18:34] knome: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [20:01] hi [20:01] how can i increase swap size easily? [20:01] gecko_x2: i would just use gparted.. though, i would likely elaborate, and probably end up determining its not needed [20:01] # swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation [20:01] #UUID=ca409d45-3483-412c-9b33-6b75ca1bd93a none swap sw 0 0 [20:02] well [20:02] only got a gig of ram [20:02] ok.. and you are having issues where you run out of ram? [20:02] and trying to compile toolchain with crossdev-ng [20:02] how big is the swap? [20:02] ram out of ram and swap [20:02] i dunno [20:02] new system, new to ubuntu [20:02] sounds like you are expecting too much from the hardware.. but, i would use gparted [20:03] oh [20:03] it's 1 gig [20:03] a partition [20:03] thought it was a file.. [20:03] gecko_x2: its a partition.. not like a page file [20:03] k k [20:04] well i should create a 4 GB swap file and use that [20:04] i just need this thing to compile :\ [20:04] there really is not "should". just what you need [20:04] so.. [20:05] gecko_x2: gparted is the tool i use to resize partition.. you could take a 4gb (or more) USB stick or *any* drive, and make a swap partition on it, and unmount the current swap and mount it [20:05] dd if =/dev/zero of=/var/swap.. [20:05] gecko_x2: i dont use dd.. i use gparted [20:05] well there's no free space on the hdd [20:06] gecko_x2: correct.. you will use gparted to relaim that space, or use *any* other hard drive to create a swap partition [20:06] say, you had a 20GB hard drive.. with 19 for OS and 1 for swap. you go and resize the OS partition to 16 and the swap to 4 [20:06] k.. iinstalling gparted [20:07] OR, you plug in *any* drive, and create whatever size swap you want/need.. unmount the current swap and mount it [20:07] that can be a USB stick [20:07] i'll try to resize [20:07] should u use swapoff first? [20:07] gecko_x2: resizing partitions is *not* trivial [20:07] gecko_x2: as i said, i would use a live CD [20:08] god damnit [20:08] gecko_x2: you dont install gparted into the current os [20:08] just need this thing to compile [20:08] gecko_x2: also, please dont curse [20:08] :p [20:08] gecko_x2: nothing about xubuntu is preventing that compiling.. if you need bigger swap you can have that [20:09] i'd rather just create a file with dd and use that as swap for now [20:09] resizing partitions is *not* trivial.. i would have my data backedup.. or, just use another device [20:09] no need for rebooting etc [20:09] gecko_x2: im sure you would like to just use the machine to do what you are trying to do... but, thats not the case.. you have configuring the machine incorrectly for the task you are trying to do [20:10] gecko_x2: you can, and should use gparted to create the partitions.. its a GUI tool.. i would suggest it and not dd [20:10] !dd [20:10] lol [20:10] i'm creating the swap file. [20:10] i just said i can't run gparted on a live system [20:11] gecko_x2: you *can* and will have to if you want to resize the os partition [20:11] lol [20:11] i'm making the file with dd [20:12] gecko_x2: not likely [20:12] why lol [20:12] gecko_x2: but, feel free and do what you like.. enjoy! and good luck [20:12] dd can really ruin things if you are not comfortable with it [20:12] look [20:12] all i'm doing is creating a file, running mkswap and swapon on it [20:13] gecko_x2: sure.. as i said, enjoy [20:13] it's not like the motherboard will explode [20:13] lol [20:13] gecko_x2: i never said anything about the motherboard [20:13] gecko_x2: dd is nicknamed "disk destroyer".. you can search and read about how you can break things [20:14] gecko_x2: if i were making a swap parition, i would use a partition command.. or the GUI i suggested [20:15] if you want to use dd, a tool that is not intended for creating partitions, and is able to wipe out data easily just by switching syntax, for for it.. but, i have, and still do suggest a tool designed for the task at hand [20:15] i created the file [20:15] swapon /tmp/swapfile [20:16] sudo free -m [20:16] total used free shared buffers cached [20:16] Mem: 985 908 77 0 10 647 [20:16] -/+ buffers/cache: 250 734 [20:16] Swap: 3060 38 3022 [20:16] there [20:16] 3 gigs of swap [20:16] now to recompile.. [20:16] almost enough ;) [20:16] if you just had 4, like you stated you required === mtrd is now known as EugeneBandit [20:53] hi folks [20:53] how can I install dropbox on Xubuntu? [20:53] !drobox [20:54] !dropbox [20:54] henrylinux: https://www.dropbox.com/install?os=lnx [20:55] ok, so no apt-get... [20:55] * genii jabs ubottu [20:55] * henrylinux jabs also [20:55] henrylinux: if dropbox wants to make that package available to debian/ubuntu, or any linux repos, they can [20:55] oh, I see [20:55] henrylinux: otherwise,, you get it from them [20:55] there might be PPA's [20:55] holstein, thanks, I will [20:56] but you use those at your own risk (like the downloads from the dropbox page...) [20:56] !info thunar-dropbox [20:56] Package thunar-dropbox does not exist in saucy [20:56] !info nautilus-dropbox [20:56] nautilus-dropbox (source: nautilus-dropbox): Dropbox integration for Nautilus. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.4.0-3ubuntu0.13.10.1 (saucy), package size 91 kB, installed size 362 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) [20:56] well, it's the same with spideroak anyway [20:56] That's the one that downloads it. [20:57] i thought that was just the context menu, for nautilus [20:58] That too. [21:09] Is there a way to undoe the nautilus connection? [21:09] (did it via apt-get install nautiflus-dropbox) [21:10] had to install nautilus as well but I'd like to try and stick to Thunar [21:10] because all hail Thunar [21:10] i woudnt have. i would have addressed this by installing the package i referenced above. now, you need to decide if you want to keep nautlus or now [21:10] not* [21:11] holstein: It mearly recommends nautilus, or I wouldn't install it myself. [21:12] thats what i was thinking... [21:15] damnit, after I unstalled nautilus + nautilus-dropbox, I can't follow the official instruction because I don't have the overlay-scrollbar installed [21:16] the for Unity ... [21:21] (I don't have that, use dropbox...) [21:21] henrylinux: so, what are you stuck at, exactly? [21:22] being unsure what to do... do I need nautilus for the meta package nautilus-dropbox? [21:23] henrylinux: was it pulled in automatically? [21:24] So, sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends nautilus-dropbox though it isn't a metapackage. [21:24] trying it out right now [21:25] seems so [21:25] ok I removed nautlius, Dropbox opens Thunar [21:26] bookmark added aaaand everything back to splendid now. :) [21:26] thank you === CraHan|out is now known as CraHan [22:12] help how to hide the launcher [22:12] nineball: what launcher? the bottom panel? you can right click and see settings [22:13] the bottom [22:13] nineball: feel free and take a screenshot... or try my suggestion.. if you are afraid of breaking something, test in the guest account, or a live CD [22:15] i auto hide it but sill can see a small line [22:15] nineball: there is a hidden panel size settings.. i think referring to it as a panel will help you find it [22:15] how do i take a snap shot then send it so you can see it? [22:16] !screenshot [22:16] Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it. [22:16] nineball: though, i know what you are talking about, and have changed that in gnome and in xfce [22:17] http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=5829 for example [22:24] well got it some what === CraHan is now known as CraHan|out === CraHan|out is now known as CraHan === CraHan is now known as CraHan|out === CraHan|out is now known as CraHan === GTB3NW_AWAY is now known as GTB3NW [23:04] hi [23:05] hello? [23:05] !hi | xubuntu1500 [23:05] xubuntu1500: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! [23:08] hello [23:08] how can I instal a driver for my canon printer? [23:09] xubuntu842: depends.. you really might not need to.. have you tried the "add a printer" gui? [23:09] where do I find this? [23:09] cuz I'm new to this [23:09] :D [23:09] xubuntu842: in the menu.. add a printer [23:10] xubuntu842: is the printer USB? [23:10] yess [23:10] xubuntu842: just plug it in, and try printing [23:10] doesnt work [23:11] xubuntu842: ok.. and, it may *never* work.. [23:11] xubuntu842: in the menu, you will see a way to add a printer.. try that [23:15] alright [23:15] it's working [23:15] thnx [23:15] so simple [23:16] xubuntu842: sure.. cheers! === GTB3NW is now known as GTB3NW_AWAY [23:44] hi how do i put the time bar back on top? [23:45] nineball, time bar? [23:45] you mean the clock back into a panel? or the panel itself [23:45] ? [23:46] i install xfce i like to add or put back the top bar with the time ? [23:46] nineball, what's your native language? [23:47] english [23:47] okay, in that case try to use some punctuation as it helps us understand you better [23:49] sorry [23:50] i just installed xfce i not sure what it is call i like to put back the i will call it the time bay with log out time network connection? [23:50] bay=bar [23:50] nineball: what i usually suggest is, use the live CD, or the guest account, and play around with removing and adding elements [23:51] nineball: otherwise, you can read about removing your user config to get xfce back to defaut, or just right click and add what you like back. === CraHan is now known as CraHan|out [23:52] holstein how do i get xfce to defaut? [23:52] nineball: one way is to remove the user config settings, then, default ones will respawn [23:52] holstein how do i that? [23:52] nineball: for example.. http://askubuntu.com/questions/224006/resetting-xfce-panels-to-default-settings [23:53] nineball: above is an example ^^ [23:53] for me, i just move things.. i dont remove.. i move them and test, then i can revert if i like