
=== dicklicker is now known as Greekboy
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nvrpunkanyone know how to get transparency back on gnome-terminal using tahr?02:02
nvrpunkso oddly when I pull up "about" in gnome-terminal my transparency settings work02:14
nvrpunkbut not otherwise :P02:14
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=== CraHan|out is now known as CraHan
=== CraHan is now known as CraHan|out
=== CraHan|out is now known as CraHan
=== CraHan is now known as CraHan|out
=== CraHan|out is now known as CraHan
JediMasterhi guys, I've just done an apt-get upgrade, which upgraded libgcc1, which in turn added gcc-4.9-base and now apt-get is broken with: apt-get: error while loading shared libraries: libgcc_s.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:34
JediMasterI can see: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1 on my 13.10 boxes but on this 14.04 install it does n't exist10:35
JediMasterI still have the package in /var/cache/apt/archives but dpkg -i'ing the package hasn't fixed it, it does appear to be missing the file from the archive (which is also only 1kb in size, and installs successfully)10:37
JediMasterhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/amd64/libgcc1/filelist shows that it should be in the package10:39
JediMasterit appears the package may have been pulled10:45
JediMasteras the packages.ubuntu.com site shows version 4.8.2 and not 4.910:45
JediMastersaying that, I've reinstalled the 4.8.2 version that the packages site shows, doing an apt-get update/upgrade brings back 4.910:46
JediMasterwhich then breaks it all again10:46
JediMasterok, downgrading to libgcc1 4.8.2 fixes the issue, but as soon as I apt-get update/upgrade again 4.9 is brought in and the package is completely broken, breaking apt again (amongst other things)10:57
Nothing_MuchHey guys, I'm having a problem with my online accounts11:00
Nothing_MuchThey aren't showing up on Ubuntu 14.04 (Unity)11:00
JediMasterbug #1280183 confirmed =D11:07
ubottubug 1280183 in gcc-4.8 (Ubuntu) "Package missing /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1, breaks apt-get etc." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128018311:07
JediMasterty ubottu bot =)11:07
=== CraHan is now known as CraHan|out
JediMasterI was testing some upgrade scripts, so was apt-get update/upgrading a lot, and the package suddenly popped up, so must have been one of the first to install it, heh11:09
=== Greekboy is now known as dicklicker
=== dicklicker is now known as cocksucker
Nothing_MuchI need some help with the online accounts settings not showing up on Ubuntu 14.04 Unity11:12
=== cocksucker is now known as DickLicker
=== DickLicker is now known as Adolfhitla
Nothing_MuchI need some help with the online accounts settings not showing up on Ubuntu 14.04 Unity11:16
=== CraHan|out is now known as CraHan
Nothing_MuchI need some help with the online accounts settings not showing up on Ubuntu 14.04 Unity12:06
Nothing_MuchI need some help with the online accounts settings not showing up on Ubuntu 14.04 Unity12:22
eyfourNothing_Much: What, exactly, is "not showing up"? The panel icon?12:26
Nothing_Mucheyfour: I hit "Online Accounts" on the top right corner menu and the Settings manager shows up with nothing else12:27
Nothing_MuchIt just shows the Settings manager12:27
Nothing_MuchWhenever I boot up my computer it complains about not seeing online accounts12:27
eyfourNothing_Much: That happens on my system as well. It could be a work-in-progress bug, but I didn't know the problem was still there.12:29
eyfourNothing_Much: I rarely use Online Accounts anyway, so I am afraid I cannot be of much help.12:30
Nothing_Mucheyfour: Ah okay, I thought I was the only one. :)12:30
Nothing_MuchYeah the Online Accounts needs some refinements12:30
Nothing_MuchI only started using them just recently12:30
Daekdroomeyfour, Nothing_Much Probably a work-in-progress bug from the transition to unity-control-panel.12:31
Nothing_MuchOhh, from the Gnome control panel?12:31
DaekdroomYeah. It was forked.12:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1257505 in gnome-control-center-signon (Ubuntu) "Create Unity Control Center so can remain on old GNOME Control Center version" [Medium,In progress]12:32
BluesKajHowdy all13:45
Nothing_MuchSo how do I disable the desktop search using CTRL?13:46
Nothing_MuchSo how do I disable the desktop search using CTRL?13:46
Nothing_Much(If I posted twice, sorry)13:46
Nothing_MuchSo how do I disable the desktop search using CTRL?14:09
hitsujiTMOhmm, according to top vmware workstation is using 140% of my cpu .... thats nice i guess14:14
hitsujiTMOsorry, wrong channel14:14
Nothing_Muchnp hitsujiTMO14:17
sandGorgonok - the big question needs to be asked : is 14.04 getting systemd ?14:19
sandGorgonhmm.. that's a bummer, now will need to wait to 14.10 to upgrade14:21
Nothing_MuchsandGorgon: It might actually14:28
Nothing_MuchUnless you already saw the article14:28
sandGorgonNothing_Much, yup14:28
DaekdroomI think it's too late for them to switch to systemd for 14.0414:28
Nothing_MuchAlright then14:28
sandGorgonNothing_Much, but it seems 14.04 remains on upstart . Hoping that the ubuntu-gnome guys switch over for 14.04 then (I'm still on 12.04)14:29
Nothing_MuchYeah probably14:29
Nothing_MuchSo how do I disable the desktop search using CTRL?14:29
Nothing_MuchCan someone explain to me why CTRL sends Team Fortress 2 back to the desktop?14:41
Nothing_MuchUbuntu Unity 14.0414:41
nvrpunkI dont play games so no clue14:43
nvrpunkbut i think it uses Mir14:43
nvrpunkand I have no transparency in my gnome-terminal14:43
nvrpunkhave you tried changing settings in Gconf?14:44
Nothing_Muchnvrpunk: I'm not on Mir currently14:44
Nothing_MuchHang on a sec14:44
nvrpunkalso check keyboard under sytem settings and the shortcut tab14:46
nvrpunkit may be there as well14:46
nvrpunkI used Ubuntu-Gnome unfortunately14:46
Nothing_Muchnvrpunk: Doesn't look like there's a shortcut in the keyboard settings..14:50
geniiSomething odd... At lightdm screen I often switch to consoles with ctrl-alt-F# keys and login, etc. My hostname is set to default of "ubuntu" .. today I see that on tty1,tty3,tty4 like: Ubuntu Trusty Tahr (development branch) ubuntu tty1      ...but on tty2, tty5, tty6 I see:  Ubuntu Trusty Tahr (development branch) dhcppc5 tty2  ... logging in then shows regular hostname at prompt though. Where is this "dhcppc5" coming from?14:55
Nothing_MuchOh my god14:55
Nothing_MuchApparently Ctrl + W is a close focused window function!!14:56
pietro10Hi. GTK+ programs running in KDE do not use the proper kerning, letter spacing, etc. as evidenced by other KDE programs. Oddly, Firefox looks right, but the GTK+ standard dialogue boxes it uses don't. I have gtk*-engines-oxygen installed; this appears to happen regardless of engine. I tried installing gnom,e-settings-daemon, but that dind't work. What can I do? Thanks.18:10
pietro10ok my thing seems to be an issue with cairo?...18:17
pietro10[13:55] <pietro10> oh here's some fun18:56
pietro10[13:55] <pietro10> the KDE session locker is ALSO using the wrong font kerning!18:56
chrispecoraroi cannot get the 14.04 resolution to be anything other than 640x480 in virtualbox19:02
chrispecoraroand the virtualbox addons says that the headers are not installed for the current version, even though that they are. Any info?19:02
bekksThey arent installed.19:09
bekksThe guest additions dont lie.19:09
BluesKajchrispecoraro, boot the guest OS then install guest additions from devices19:17
elfychrispecoraro: it's not just you - nor is it not installing the guest additions19:20
elfygot the same issue here - so have a few others I know19:22
chrispecoraroso should I just go back to 13.1019:22
chrispecoraroI had 13.10 installed but then I upgraded to Mavericks and the sound stopped working and other problems (compiz is using 200% of the CPU)19:23
chrispecoraroSo my 13.10 is hosed, and my 14.04 is hosed too!19:23
chrispecoraroUnfortunately, I cannot install Ubuntu on the MacBook19:24
chrispecorarowarranty issues, according to our IT guy...19:25
chrispecoraroSo I'm stuck running ubuntu in VirtualBox (unless there are other options)19:27
=== CraHan is now known as CraHan|out
=== CraHan|out is now known as CraHan
=== CraHan is now known as CraHan|out
=== Guest86534 is now known as Belial`
huayraHey there23:50
huayraWant to move from 13.04 straight to 14.0423:50
huayrais it possible to do that now?23:50
huayraI am skipping 13.1023:50
huayraUsing Ubuntu with Unity (actually defaulting to Classic, but still)23:50
huayraI can live with a broken system or even install from scratch if I have to, but my main aim now is to get to 14.0423:51
huayraIn whatever state it is23:51
jtayloryou can only upgrade over 13.1023:51
bekksYou cannot skip 13.1023:52
jtaylorthough you could try the direct upgrade, but its likely to fail23:52
huayrawill that be the case once 14.04 is released as well?23:52
huayraok I will try the direct upgrade then23:52
jtayloronly upgrade from 13.10 and 12.04 is supported23:52
huayrasources.list? or can I tweak update-manager in some way?23:53
huayraFeeling adventurous tonight :D23:53
jtayloryou probably need to edit sources.list23:54
huayrajtaylor, thank you very much23:55
huayrabekks, thanks for your reply as well23:55
huayralet's see how this goes23:55
jtaylordon't be surprised when it borks your system :)23:55

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