
infinitywgrant: Do we know what causes the above, BTW?  It is just some touchy hard-to-hunt-and-fix race, or scary corruption somewhere, or...?00:39
infinity(I've always been inclined to not care deeply, sinc the workaround is easy and not a big deal unless it was a 24h GCC build, but... Sometimes it's a 24h GCC build)00:40
wgrantinfinity: That wasn't the actual error00:40
wgrantThe error was "Server said:"00:40
wgrantIt's some librarian network glitch, I believe.00:40
infinityServer said: nothing?  Whee.00:40
wgrant  File "/srv/launchpad.net/codelines/soyuz-production-rev-16916/lib/lp/services/librarian/client.py", line 104, in _checkError00:41
wgrant    raise UploadFailed('Server said: ' + response)00:41
wgrantUploadFailed: Server said:00:41
wgrantIt should probably retry in that case, but it's a bit complicated.00:41
infinitywgrant: Like I said, not a big deal, just a curiosity.00:42
infinity(We still see the odd hash mismatch too, which is disconcerting, since we no longer have bitflip-prone hardware..)00:42
wgrantDo we?00:42
wgrantI haven't seen any of those recently :/00:42
infinityYeah, I see a failed hash upload once a month or so, maybe.00:42
infinityArch random.00:43
infinityWe're not abusing the same python-doesn't-do-http-post-properly misfeature of the chroot uploads, are we? :)00:43
wgrantFortunately not.00:43
infinityNah, can't be that, or it would die a lot more often.00:43
wgrantPython sucking at MIME is unrelated to XML-RPC.00:43
infinityAnd more reproducibly on builds of a certain size.00:44
infinitywgrant: I forget, did we actually hack around that for the chroot case?00:45
wgrantinfinity: You don't want to know.00:46
infinityI'm pretty sure I once knew.00:46
infinityAnd forgot.00:46
wgrantKeep it that way.00:46
infinityWas it uglier than my "why not have the client null-terminate, and the server strip?" suggestion?"00:46
wgrantYou asked for it: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/view/head:/lib/lp/soyuz/model/distroarchseries.py#L17200:47
infinitySo, yes, it's worse that my suggestion, from a performance POV.00:47
infinityBut, transparent.  So yay.00:47
wgrantRight, the main point is that it's transparent to the client.00:48
wgrantIt works around the broken data from the client, while allowing a proper client fix later.00:48
wgrantWithout breaking protocol.00:48
infinityI don't think you get to make fun of cprov's code for a week.00:48
infinityAlso, it would be infinitely better without the comment.00:48
infinity"doesn't match?  add random shit and try again."00:48
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darkxstanyone able to bump mozjs24 through the new queue? so I can get the other bits (gjs/gnome-shell etc) uploaded over the weekend05:36
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jamespageplease could a member of the SRU team review the openvswitch-lts-saucy source package I uploaded a while back to fix bug 126222514:36
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1262225 in openvswitch (Ubuntu Precise) "openvswitch 1.4.6 is not compatible with the 3.11 saucy HWE kernel" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126222514:36
jamespageits the same approach we took with the lts-raring kernel14:37
=== tyhicks` is now known as tyhicks
bdmurrayWhat are the release task wiki pages?  For new releases and making a release EoL.15:31
bdmurrayah, I think I found it15:31
rsalvetistgraber: we now have an i386 tarball published from cdimage, what needs to happen to get that tarball published via the system-image server?15:33
rsalvetiogra_: ^15:33
ogra_rsalveti, we only have the tarball15:33
rsalvetiogra_: isn't that enough?15:33
rsalvetior do we need a device tarball as well?15:33
ogra_rsalveti, i assume you want the android package too15:33
rsalveti /tarball/images/15:33
rsalvetiright, for now just a tarball is fine15:34
rsalvetias that's what is used by the ubuntu-emulator script15:34
ogra_currently x86 skips in in live-build15:34
ogra_rsalveti, it doesnt use any android bits ?15:34
* ogra_ assumed you want boot/system at least15:34
ogra_rsalveti, i also havent enabled it by default yet ... will do so after didrocks' image has build15:35
rsalvetiogra_: hm, true, the current one is extracting the kernel from the boot image15:36
rsalvetibut the previous one wasn't15:36
rsalvetibut having the system image for the rootfs tarball would already help me a lot15:37
ogra_rsalveti, if you only use the tarball and no android system.img for the container i think that would need changes on the system-image,u.c side15:37
rsalvetiogra_: well, the tarball is always generic, right?15:37
ogra_(though if you only need the tarball i would just pull it directly=15:37
rsalvetithe android image I produce it myself15:37
rsalvetiogra_: it's just that the logic we have pulls it from system-image15:38
ogra_rsalveti, on cdimage it is generic ... system-image stuffs the system.img in place15:38
rsalvetiand we also use the system-image format when booting the emulator15:38
rsalvetiogra_: thought that this was happening during flash15:38
rsalvetiogra_: the rootfs tarball in system-image is still generic15:38
ogra_rsalveti, well, it dumps links and dirs in place15:38
rsalvetithat's why we have the device tarball and the rootfs tarball there as well15:38
rsalvetiogra_: but that's generic enough15:38
ogra_rsalveti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6931793/ (from rootstock)15:39
ogra_rsalveti, thats the bit that system-image does in generatos.py15:40
ogra_(which rootstock does during install)15:40
rsalvetiogra_: right, and that's what I'm using locally :-)15:40
rsalvetiogra_: that's why I said they are generic enough for the emulator, because I'm already using it :-)15:41
ogra_well, i was wondering if we shouldnt just have the emulator wrapper script do that15:41
ogra_it is trivial enough15:41
rsalvetiogra_: why if we can just download the system-image rootfs?15:41
rsalvetiand that rootfs will be there anyway15:42
rsalvetiwith proper id and such15:42
stgraberI'd expect i386 emulator to be similar to the armhf emulator and we sure have a device tarball for that one15:42
rsalvetistgraber: yeah, that will happen soon15:42
rsalvetistgraber: it's just that we got the rootfs tarball already15:42
stgrabersystem-image can be configured not to ship with a device tarball but only in a separate channel15:42
stgraberand I don't think we want to create a separate channel just for the i386 emulator :)15:42
rsalvetistgraber: but can't we just publish the rootfs tarball?15:42
rsalvetior do you need a device image there as well?15:43
rsalvetiyeah, we don't want a separated channel, no15:43
stgrabersystem-image won't publish an image if it's lacking any of the configured tarball for the channel, so no, for our existing channels, it's not possible to publish an image without a device tarball15:44
ogra_you could surely do that if you clone stgraber15:44
ogra_so he has time to chaneg the code :)15:44
rsalvetiright, will just push harder to get the device image in place15:45
ogra_rsalveti, i guess that needs some magic in the adnroid package then ... and we need to enable the android part in live-build15:46
ogra_(since system-image pulls from cdimage and expects the device files there)15:47
rsalvetiogra_: yeah15:47
rsalvetibut I got a bunch of things to do first anyway15:47
rsalvetilike qt packaging, mir and so on15:47
darkxstanyone able to bump mozjs24 through the new queue? so I can get the other bits (gjs/gnome-shell etc) uploaded over the weekend16:50
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
lamontanyone know anything about gccgo-4.9 being mode 0?19:10
seb128lamont, see #is scrollback some 9 hours ago if you have it19:10
seb128lamont, doko uploaded a version that nuked libgcc1 content and made apt, chroots and other things unhappy19:11
seb128lamont, the binaries got chmoded to avoid users getting it19:11
* lamont had just concluded that19:12

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