
phillwHi good people, can some one have a look into bug 964705 I thought it had been solved, but it seems solved everywhere but ubuntu00:16
ubot2`Launchpad bug 964705 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "System policy prevents modification of network settings for all users" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96470500:16
lfaraonethat awkward moment when you reply to a mailing list posting and realise you are Wrong a few seconds afterwards.00:26
lfaraonealbeit only partially00:27
phillwlfaraone: it is called life... we have all done it, do not beat your self up over it.00:44
=== TheLordOfTime is now known as teward
MichaelTunnellhello, I submitted a bug in my package regarding the repo version but I have no received an update except from a bot turning it to "confirmed".01:15
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1278233 in uget (Ubuntu) "Update uGet for 14.04 Trusty Tahr (needs libappindicator)" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:16
MichaelTunnellthe same bug was reported in October of last year for an older package but no one (who could fix it) commented on it then either.01:17
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1246697 in uget (Ubuntu) "Uget tray icon not showing" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:17
MichaelTunnellthe same bug was already reported 2 years ago. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/uget/+bug/92513701:18
ubot2`Launchpad bug 925137 in uget (Ubuntu) "uGet not built with AppIndicator support" [Wishlist,Confirmed]01:18
MichaelTunnellso can I please get someone to help me fix the package?01:18
TJ-You should contact the package maintainer01:19
MichaelTunnellI did. He is the Debian guy for the package but he hasn't responded about it either01:20
MichaelTunnellall I need is to make it build with libappindicator...that's it01:20
TJ-Well it would be best to get the change into Debian and then sync with that, if he is maintainer for both, then he's the guy01:22
tewardhave you considered filing a bug on this in Debian?01:22
tewardbecause that's probably the best way to get their attention01:22
MichaelTunnellbut Debian doesn't use libappindicator, that is an Ubuntu package unless I'm mistaken01:22
TJ-MichaelTunnell: Ahhh, I see what you mean, so there needs to be a diff between Debian and Ubuntu01:23
MichaelTunnellyes, and that is the only diff01:23
tewardwhich release were you expecting to get this in01:23
tewardbecause i think you might have a problem getting this SRU'd, and this would only get into trusty01:23
teward(this close to feature freeze, though... I dunno)01:23
TJ-MichaelTunnell: Are you able to produce the diff/patch so the maintainer can merge it?01:23
MichaelTunnell14.04 which it is already in the repo for 14.04 with our latest release...just that one feature is not01:23
TJ-I'd think if the maintainer has been lax, an FFE  wouldn't be rejected01:24
MichaelTunnellteward: I dont mind getting backports later as long as I can get it into trusty01:24
tewardconsidering uget is in universe i don't think it *has* a maintainer01:24
tewardor, at least not a maintainer in Ubuntu01:24
MichaelTunnellyea the maintainer is just the guy from debian01:24
teward(this is the case with a lot of packages)01:24
MichaelTunnelland he just pulls the debian version in01:24
tewardactually Ubuntu does that on their own01:25
tewardautosyncs ;P01:25
TJ-You'd need to grab a MOTU and offer them a patch, probably a bzr branch they can easily merge01:26
MichaelTunnellwhat does that mean01:27
TJ-Masters of the Univerise01:27
MichaelTunnellok that makes even less sense01:27
MichaelTunnelloh ok01:27
tewardactually you'd need a Sponsor01:27
tewardnot necessarily a MOTU01:27
TJ-The maintainers of the "Universe" pocket01:27
tewardTJ-: perhaps you need to read up on sponsoring01:27
ubot2`You can find out about the package sponsorship process here http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess - For !UDS sponsorship see http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/sponsorship/01:28
tewarddoesn't *require* a MOTU01:28
tewardbut they will critique your stuff01:28
MichaelTunnellnot sure how to make a patch01:28
MichaelTunnellthough we have a ppa with the correct stuff01:29
MichaelTunnellif that doesnt help I can contact the main developer and see if he will do it...I'm pretty much the designer with only slight programming...so this is past my skill level01:29
TJ-Where's your PPA?01:30
MichaelTunnellonly thing in there is uget01:30
tewardyou have two versions :p01:30
tewardwhich one is based off the debian version01:31
tewardor off the ubuntu version01:31
tewardif neither are based off those then the patch has to be made by hand01:31
MichaelTunnellwe made the ppa version before both01:31
MichaelTunnellso guess neither01:31
MichaelTunnellexcept for an old version but not recents01:32
tewardwhat actually needs to be done to make this work01:32
tewardi may be able to try and handwrite a debdiff for you assuming you have a bug for this01:32
MichaelTunnelllibappindicator needs to be included in the Ubuntu package...thats the only thing wrong with the ubuntu version01:33
tewardthat's vague01:33
tewardis it a build dep or a runtime dep or both :P01:33
TJ-MichaelTunnell: I don't see any diff between your latest package and the one in Ubuntu01:33
tewardnext question is whether the two bugs on this are dupes of them01:33
MichaelTunnellone is an issue from an old version01:34
MichaelTunnellthe 2012 bug is old01:34
MichaelTunnellmy bug is for 1.10.4 and the other is for 1.10.301:34
TJ-OK, my mistake, I ran against the wrong directory!01:34
MichaelTunnellthough the difference between those two have nothing to do with libappindicator01:34
TJ-MichaelTunnell: so all you want to add is debian/control Build-Depends "libappindicator3-dev,"01:35
MichaelTunnellthat should be all that is needed but to be honest I am not totally sure as I'm just the lowly designer :)01:35
TJ-lets find out then01:36
MichaelTunnellwait are you saying you are doing that or do Ineed to contact the dev?01:38
TJ-I'm doing it01:40
TJ-MichaelTunnell: Do you have a clean Unity-based system you can test the binary on - one that hasn't had the package installed previously ? I don't use Gnome here so not sure if I can test it correctly01:44
MichaelTunnellI can load up a liveusb sure01:46
TJ-Hmm, it seems ok. On KDE I have a green "G" icon01:47
MichaelTunnellI havent tried it in kde on ubuntu01:47
TJ-I might have a clean desktop VM here, let me check01:47
MichaelTunnellwhere do I get the package to test it?02:13
TJ-MichaelTunnell: http://iam.tj/projects/misc/uget-trusty-appindicator.png02:14
TJ-Is that correct?02:14
tewardTJ-: did you build it locally on your system (pbuilder or sbuild or something?)02:15
MichaelTunnellTJ-: yep that looks good02:16
MichaelTunnellclose the app and tell it to minimize to tray02:16
MichaelTunnellthen try "show main window" from tray02:17
MichaelTunnelland that would mean it works fine02:17
TJ-MichaelTunnell: Yes, that works02:20
TJ-teward: Yes02:20
MichaelTunnellthen awesome02:25
TJ-MichaelTunnell: OK, The bug is now linked to my bzr branch containing the fix, so you just to get it sponsored and merged02:25
MichaelTunnelli have no idea how to do that02:25
TJ-MichaelTunnell: If you refresh the bug-page you'll see it under "Related branches"02:25
MichaelTunnellhow do I get it sponsored?02:26
TJ-MichaelTunnell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess02:27
TJ-MichaelTunnell: I've proposed it for merge, you can watch its progress here:  https://code.launchpad.net/~tj/ubuntu/trusty/uget/lp1278233/+merge/20657102:32
MichaelTunnellsweet thanks02:34
MichaelTunnelldo I still need to get it sponsored?02:34
TJ-It might help to get some attention, but the merge request should be seen in the queue, it just depends if anyone is interested/free enough02:35
MichaelTunnellI know someone from Canonical who might be wiling to throw some eyes at it (he isn't a developer which is why I didn't ask for help from him about this issue)02:37
MichaelTunnellthank you very much for your assistance02:38
TJ-MichaelTunnell: You're welcome, fortunately for you it was a trivial patch :)02:39
MichaelTunnell:) indeed...we typically don't have large bugs so if we do have bugs it is usually something like this :)02:40
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phillwbdmurray: ping.17:20
phillwhi.. any bug masters about?17:25
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