[00:28] Question: Is MoinMoin wiki markup based on something? [00:46] belkinsa: http://moinmo.in/ [00:46] Duh, I could of looked that up myself. [00:47] ub ubuntu has its own CSS ... as to the people accepting css that works is and has always been a problem. [00:48] It is why I no longer ask people to help... they help and propose fix and it never happens... it is a good way to get people to give up on helping. [00:52] first, i don't think anybody had a problem with the css. second, how does ranting help? [00:56] knome: with the greatest respect, I had a css person look over the errors on ubuntu wiki pages. some of the corrections were applied, some were not. This goes back a couple of years. And as for ranting?..... when you head but a brick wall year after year... you will decide to call a spade a spade, and an eejit an eejit. [00:58] i guess i understand your frustration, but i have a hard time understanding rants in team channels. nobody here can solve your problem with the canonical IS [00:59] knome: the css was found to be wrong and some of it was replaced... you fail to understand the 'fun' I had before I resigned from such eejits who have no idea of the actual problem and are simply more concentrated on getting elected to some 'council'... you know full well what happened to ubuntu beginners team when it went council. Let us not pretend councils are killing ubuntu. [01:01] Are is the mailing-list server lagging a bit? [01:01] Or not. [01:02] belkinsa: the servers can be hit... I was told that there was some spam kicking about so the servers may be under stress. [01:03] Ah. It looks like Yahoo kicked me off when I sent that e-mail the first time. [01:03] phillw, maybe i do fail to understand what you've been through, but it doesn't really warrant ranting over it on a random channel, at a random time [01:04] belkinsa, re: mailing list, not exactly. but i guess since such pages exist... [01:05] They do and it seems that no one has ever used them. And I think it is what eagles0513875 is looking for. [01:05] i've just edited the page [01:05] knome: I'm not ranting :) I'm at peece... I am looking forward to learning how https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/964705 is solved and how lubuntu 14.10 moves forward. [01:05] Launchpad bug 964705 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "System policy prevents modification of network settings for all users" [Medium,Confirmed] [01:05] What one? [01:05] also dropped the note about personal pages, because we purged them some time ago [01:06] belkinsa, the one you asked about... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide/Communication [01:06] Ah, right, right. [01:07] knome: and for once... mark has not thrown his toys out of the pram. That is always good :D [01:07] And is there a way to make sandbox pages invisible to the admins and subscribers? [01:08] belkinsa: invisble? I doubt, sandbox... dead easy :) [01:09] phillw, good luck with it. [01:12] knome: as bhodi-zazen (the founder of ubuntu beginners team) has agreed to help make the non-pae kernel... I'm hopeful that he will make it. For the others who doubt? Well, go bet against the founder of UBT. [01:13] It's not *what* you know... it is *who* you know. [01:13] i thought we ended the ranting already? [01:14] it appears that people doubt that I am committed... it is at that point I get into rant mode.... [01:15] so many people telling me that I cannot make it happen.... so many idiots... I only need one person who can make it happen... such fun :P [01:17] phillw, i'm not judging whether you are committed or not. i'm saying you should stop the ranting. [01:20] i'm off for now, see you all later [01:22] knome: the Release squad should not over ride the release team members... it was the idea that us flavours had the 'yes' or 'no' at release time... receiving a complaint from an OP for a 'release' that we said was not to be released and getting a complaint that it broke some ones computer?.... How would you feel if if that happened with kubuntu and got a people making comments that it is crap? [01:24] * belkinsa eyerolls [01:30] belkinsa: such is life.... you can understand why I do not engage people in conversation :) [01:31] I can, but sometimes the tone is a bit rant like. [01:31] Is the Community Help Wiki having loading issues? [01:34] belkinsa: I'm a blunt northerner .... I call a spade a spade and a shovel a shovel.... [01:37] belkinsa: (and knome ) have a read of http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/6210074/Northern-humour-in-jokes.html and then work out why I hate 'councils' :) [02:13] Planning this Global Wiki Jam will be harder than I thought....sigh. [11:50] hey guys [11:51] i'm translating trusty docs and i encountered a strange string.. https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/ubuntu-docs/+pots/ubuntu-help/sl/116/+translate the last bit sounds strange to me [11:51] "when you log into your account THEM" ? [11:52] "in them" i guess [11:52] ahh.. that makes sense [11:52] thanks knome [11:52] np. [11:52] anybody working on ubuntu-docs that could update the original string? [12:03] while on subject updating strings.. string #128 has 'providors' which should probably be 'providers' [12:04] string #143 has 'slect' [12:05] * CrazyLemon wonders if he's flooding the channel with these reports [12:12] CrazyLemon, if you're familiar with bzr (and willing to dig deeper), you could send a merge proposal [12:13] knome i'm familiar but i dont want to download the whole repo just for few typos [12:16] CrazyLemon, you could do a --lightweight branch [15:14] CrazyLemon: I'll take care of your issues. Your first issue is line 88 of accounts-add.page. Delete them. Your third issue is line 43 of accounts-add.page. Second issue: accounts-provider-not-available.page:31. In future is would be great if you could submit bug reports. [15:15] dsmythies delete what? i'm translating the docs.. i didnt build it yet [15:19] dsmythies: I was just saying what needs to be done: I.E. After you have added the accounts, each application you have selected will  automatically use those credentials when you log into your account. [15:29] CrazyLemon: Your typo corrections have been fixed in the master code. Thanks for reporting them. [15:30] dsmythies np [15:30] in future should i rather open the bug report instead of copying them here? [15:30] /s/the/a [15:31] CrazyLemon: Yes, please. [15:31] dsmythies one bug report per typo or all typos in one bug report? [15:33] CrazyLemon: Whatever works for you is fine by me. For the one per bug report type, I tend to lump them at about 5 per commit anyhow. [15:33] ok [15:38] knome: belkinsa: The help.ubuntu.com changes from yesterday went live maybe a couple of hours ago.