
koellsomeone here?01:07
knome!someone | koell01:09
ubottukoell: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:09
koellknome: im currently on lubuntu and tried xubuntu now in virtualbox. i really like the look and feel the design team of xubuntu create. it looks much better than the default xfce. i would like to install xfce on my lubuntu machine but with the style of xubuntu. is it possible to do that and how?01:17
knomekoell, you can install the package xubuntu-desktop to get the "full" xubuntu desktop set of packages01:21
knomekoell, note that this will most probably install additional software as well01:21
koellknome: but i can unwanted software uninstall right? so i get the same xubuntu experience with this package? the same desktop, icons, style <3 ?01:22
koellman why does xubuntu look so good <3 <3 <301:25
xubuntu467hi all, does anyone know how to automate handbrake-gtk from thunar?01:33
xubuntu741Greetings community How I can change the language of all the system to Spanish?. what are the commands on terminal?02:47
nanotubeok so... is it possible to force the update manager to just stick itself into the notification area, rather than popping up? after installing some updates that require a restart, it keeps periodically popping up and saying 'zomg restart', and it did that while i was typing, and whamo, accidental restart. this is undesirable.03:33
Unit193nanotube: gconf seems to have a /apps/update-notifier/hide_reboot_notification var.04:15
nanotubeUnit193: isn't gconf gnome?04:32
Unit193You can use `gconftool` to set them still.04:33
nanotube$ gconftool-2 --get /apps/update-notifier/hide_reboot_notification04:35
nanotubeNo value set for `/apps/update-notifier/hide_reboot_notification'04:35
xubuntu772how y'all doing?04:58
Unit193nanotube: I mearly disabled it myself, kept the daemon running for the motd notifications only.04:58
nanotubemm maybe i'll give it a whirl. or maybe just switch to 'activate focus stealing prevention', though that's been too zealous and doesn't bring up even something i deliberately start.05:02
nanotubefwiw, i'd really like the old "icon in panel" approach. why did the have to go and ruin a perfectly good update notification...05:03
Unit193It's a new "feature", but before release wouldn't even let you close it.05:10
nanotubeso... can xubuntu tweak stuff to its own design? or are we mostly stuck with whatever ubuntu pushes?05:21
holsteinnanotube: its not so much 'stuck'.. the packages need to be in the repos05:23
nanotubeholstein: well i meant, either tweak the config, or have a patched package with desired mods?05:24
nanotubemaybe in a special xubuntu-specific repo?05:24
holsteintheres not a xubuntu specific repo05:25
holsteinjust the main ones for ubuntu.. but, the configs get set as needed05:25
nanotubehm so it would theoretically be possible to tweak the default gconf/dconf settings to make update-notifier less insane?05:27
nanotubeand while we are at it, maybe document said settings somewhere.05:27
holsteinits all open, so literally anything should be possible05:27
nanotubewell, anything other than actually modifying the package, it seems. :)05:28
holsteinid be ok if it werent there at all. i dont mind manually updating.. you can see where preferences are challenging to deal with05:29
nanotubeholstein: sure, but it is easy to do what you want - the gui allows unchecking the check for updates box.05:36
nanotubeit is not easy to do what i want, which is to have less obtrusive notifications. :)05:36
Unit193nanotube: It used to tweak the settings, the settings have been removed.05:37
lalopaloany good guides on getting catalyst driver properly installed on xubuntu05:42
holstein!ati | lalopalo05:42
ubottulalopalo: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto05:42
lalopaloubottu: TY05:43
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:43
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nikolamI were just going crazy about find using too much cpu and disk08:09
nikolamand i don't remember telling him to index my disks08:09
simpleuserHi there. My left speaker is dead. Is there a way to tell Xubuntu to put all sounds in the right one ? Like switching to mono instead of stereo ?08:58
simpleuserfibz_, ?09:25
fibz_oh oops. i can because this is Ubuntu Studio09:27
Sysipulseaudio settings don't have mono in output options? I can't check right now09:28
fibz_i'd install qjackctl  click start, then connect then patchbay then repatch both left and right into the working speaker for now09:32
simpleuserSysi, don't find any09:33
simpleuserfibz_, wow, the hard way ^^09:33
simpleuserIt seems i found a way :  amixer sset Master 100%,0%09:34
fibz_that will get you going untill you find a better answer.09:34
fibz_there you go09:35
simpleuserbut i'm not sure, i have to find a mp3 that clearly indicates me if i get both sides in my right speaker09:35
fibz_audacious's visualizer09:35
fibz_it has a mode that shows left and right separately09:36
simpleusergreat, i test that09:36
Sysihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTvJoYnpeRQ works on html509:40
simpleuserThanks Sysi09:41
simpleuserdoesn't work09:41
simpleuseri mean the video works ^^09:41
simpleuserbut i don't have mono09:41
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AussieDownUnderOi nikolam10:09
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AussieDownUnderso erm, lack of hotkey/shortcut keys in xubuntu12:44
AussieDownUnderHow does one acquire some?12:44
GridCube>settings >keyboard >shortcuts12:44
GridCubealso there are lots and lots of the already12:44
AussieDownUnderNeed hotkey for terminal, system monitor, bringing up & navigating through the menu with a keyboard12:45
elfymenu is alt+f1 and arrow keys work afaik12:50
GridCubeAussieDownUnder, there are many shortcuts already, "alt gr"-f1 will call the menu, ctrl-esc the desktop menu, meta-t will call the terminal12:50
GridCubealt-f2 will call the appfinder12:51
AussieDownUnderWhat's the meta key lol?12:51
GridCubemeta is the windows key12:51
AussieDownUnderOh, I know it as the Super key, I did look up the other names of it but forgot12:51
elfyAussieDownUnder: some of the default shortcuts 'call' it Super12:52
AussieDownUnderThose don't seem to work12:54
AussieDownUnderI am using the desktop-ubuntu thing for ubuntu12:54
AussieDownUnderLooks exactly like xubuntu & seems same functionality so far12:54
GridCubemeta-t for terminal, meta-e for text editor... meta-w for "exo-open --launch WebBrowser" XD12:54
GridCubeAussieDownUnder, then you are not using xubuntu12:55
AussieDownUnderWell those last hotkey worked12:55
GridCubectrl-esc should open the menu in any desktop ever12:57
GridCubewell, maybe not "ever"12:57
AussieDownUnderBrings up what would come up  when you right click the desktop12:57
GridCubeyes, and the last entry is the appmenu12:58
koellhow to get rid of the shortening behaviour with the dots ... ?13:16
AussieDownUnderAll of the extra thinking & responsibility of involved in using xubuntu is somehow making me smarter.13:47
AussieDownUnderexcept I can't type13:47
starratsI've installed irssi on terminal, so how do I get to work?14:23
starratscurrently using weechat14:24
Sysirun it, connect to networks, join to channels14:25
Sysi/connect chat.freenode.net ; /j #xubuntu14:25
Arpad2I have some re-occurring problems with the panel menu button freezing and not reacting on mouse click14:40
SirLagzanyone had any issues unable to login to xfce ? I can login to OpenBox but not XFCE14:42
SirLagzxfce just dumps me back to the greeter14:43
flux242does anybody tried trusty tahr based xubuntu distro?14:48
elfyflux242: yes14:48
flux242are you on it now?14:49
xubuntu488hello everybody14:50
elfyflux242: yes I am - but if you've got questions about it that are 'support' then either #xubuntu-devel or #ubuntu+1 please14:50
flux242elfy: no, can you peform a simple test for me?14:51
elfyflux242: perhaps14:51
flux242elfy: I just want to know if the case insensitive search for non english file names works in the catfish 1.014:51
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elfyflux242: I've not got any non-english filenames that I know of14:52
SirLagzDEBUG: Seat: Stopping display server, no sessions require it14:52
SirLagzAnyone know why i would be getting that sort of message when I try to login to XFCE ?14:52
flux242elfy: do you speak english only?14:53
elfyI'm afraid so14:53
flux242elfy: well can you create files with the following file names (semicolon separated) then (just copy/paste): Тест;тест14:56
flux242elfy: and then searh for: тест14:56
elfyflux242: appeared to work here15:01
flux242elfy: so has it found 2 files?15:02
elfyno it found one15:02
flux242elfy: then it doesn't work15:03
flux242elfy: ok, thanks, I'll file a bug on the launchpad then15:04
flux242elfy: If you create 2 files: test;Test and search for test it finds 2 files15:05
elfyyep - I can confirm bug when you report it15:06
flux242elfy: I've created the bug here https://bugs.launchpad.net/catfish-search/+bug/128060715:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1280607 in Catfish "Case insensitive search for non english file names doesn't work" [Undecided,New]15:25
flux242elfy: please specify catfish version you use15:26
elfyflux242: all done15:27
flux242elfy: thanks15:27
wrongplacewhat is a size mismatch? how do I fix it?15:30
wrongplaceW: Failed to fetch http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:/ownCloud:/desktop/xUbuntu_13.10/./amd64/libowncloudsync0_1.5.1_amd64.deb15:30
wrongplace  Size mismatch15:30
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wrongplaceW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:/ownCloud:/desktop/xUbuntu_13.10/  Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/download.opensuse.org_repositories_isv:_ownCloud:_desktop_xUbuntu%5f13.10_Packages)15:47
wrongplacehow do I fix that?15:47
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sohail-ahmedI need to edit my sources.list file since I am not being able to install any thing and the default or the one text editor installed is vi. but I dont know how to use it. Is there a command to change the sources.list16:56
sohail-ahmedand I am on the command line only16:56
holsteinyou should have nano as well17:02
holsteinsohail-ahmed: ^17:02
holsteini mean, if you only have the command line, and you want to edif a file, you'll need to learn a command line text editor, or use a live CD17:03
bekkssohail-ahmed: So which ubuntu are you on then?17:03
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sohail-ahmedits ubuntu server 12.0..17:06
sohail-ahmedyea I guess that might be the only chance, I was hoping to install some graphical interface but this bad source list problem caught17:08
holsteinsohail-ahmed: you can run "sudo apt-get update" and paste errors17:08
holstein!paste | sohail-ahmed17:08
ubottusohail-ahmed: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:08
sohail-ahmedholstein, I think that would be possible for me to paste the entire error list, since as you might have guessed I am typing through another system.17:10
holsteinsohail-ahmed: pastebinit near the end of what i linked should help17:10
sohail-ahmedI am on the different system17:11
holsteinsohail-ahmed: pastebin it allows you to boot directly from the command line only system17:11
holsteinsohail-ahmed: i understand that.. but, a volunteer here will need to see the specific error messages17:12
sohail-ahmedyea I agree, but how can I make happen that?17:12
holsteinsohail-ahmed: one way is the suggesting i am making above with pastebin it. you can explore that method and report if you are having issues.. or, use a live cd and edit the fie you are trying to edit in a gui editor from the live environment17:13
holsteinsohail-ahmed: if the promblem is "i want to edit my sources file in a GUI" use a live CD17:13
sohail-ahmedlet me try here, you might get some idea. I have already typed 'sudo apt-get update' couple of times since my fresh install an hour ago. So now the "sudo apt-get update " gives: reading package ... Done,  Reading package list .. done , E: unable to locate package update17:16
holsteinsohail-ahmed: and those errors can be because of many things.. not only a bad sources file17:17
holsteinsohail-ahmed: could be you dont have a lock on var17:17
holsteinsohail-ahmed: i need more information.. and im not convinced you need to edit your sources file.. and i dont know what you mean by "fresh install"17:17
holsteinsohail-ahmed: is this xubuntu 12.04? ubuntu server 12.04?17:18
sohail-ahmedubunut server 12.0417:18
holsteinsohail-ahmed: and you just fresh installed it? and you are trying to add xfce?17:18
holsteinsohail-ahmed: if its a fresh install, nothing is wrong with the source file.. if you didnt break it, its not broken17:19
sohail-ahmedbut nothing is being installed17:19
holsteinsohail-ahmed: please share more information about the error from "sudo apt-get update"17:19
sohail-ahmedfor example sudo apt-get install gedit17:19
holsteinsohail-ahmed: sure.. but that doesnt mean the source file is bad17:19
holsteinsohail-ahmed: what is the error from "sudo apt-get update" ?17:19
sohail-ahmednot the source file. I mean the default repository selection is bad17:20
sohail-ahmedI need to change the the repository17:20
sohail-ahmedits pk.ubunut/archive ....17:20
holsteinsohail-ahmed: its not. nothing you are telling me indicates that is the issue. if its a default fresh install and you didnt break that, it should be fine17:20
holsteinsohail-ahmed: i will need to see the exact error.. you are welcome to try #ubuntu-server since that is the operatin system you  are using17:21
sohail-ahmeddo you know how to change the repository through command line17:22
holsteinsohail-ahmed: yes17:22
sohail-ahmeddon't you think that may solve the problem?17:22
holsteinsohail-ahmed: but thats not the issue.. *and* you can change those from a live CD using gedit17:22
holsteinsohail-ahmed: no, i dont.. you havent shared an error with me that makes me think that is the issue. and its a fresh install17:22
holsteinotherwise, a fresh install doesnt have much data in it to protect or backup, and it takes me about 6 minutes to install ubuntu server, so, consider a fresh install17:23
sohail-ahmedactually I dont know at this point how to share the error or out put from another command line system.17:23
holsteinsohail-ahmed: ok.. do you want to use gedit to edit your source file?17:24
holsteinsohail-ahmed: you can load *any* ubuntu or linux live CD on the system, and load up gedit and edit the file17:24
holsteinsohail-ahmed: this will give you gedit in a gui on that hardware running live where you can edit the sources file.. which i do not think is the issue17:25
sohail-ahmedso there is no work around?17:25
holsteinsohail-ahmed: ?17:25
holsteinsohail-ahmed: ^^ above is a work around.. using vim or nano is a work around17:25
sohail-ahmedmeaning how can I give you my out from the other system?17:25
holsteinsohail-ahmed: i would use pastebinit17:25
sohail-ahmedwould you please ellobrate17:26
sohail-ahmedI have two pcs17:26
holsteinsohail-ahmed: are you seeing 404 errors?17:26
holsteinsohail-ahmed: then, the sources doesnt seem to be the issue17:26
holsteinwhat is that error? E: cant do what?17:27
sohail-ahmedW: unable to connect to pk.archive.ubuntu.com:http...17:27
holsteinsohail-ahmed: load up a live CD and edit the sources as you please17:28
holsteinor, use nano in the command line17:28
sohail-ahmedso when I would be in /etc/apt/sources.list, should I replace pk.archive... with usa.archive...17:28
holsteinsohail-ahmed: looks just like this from your current system http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Precise_Repositories#Edit_the_repository_sources_list17:29
holsteinhttp://repogen.simplylinux.ch/ is a nice source generator17:30
sohail-ahmedwhich is more technical to use nano or vi?17:33
holsteinsohail-ahmed: ?17:33
holsteinsohail-ahmed: use whichever you can use.. or use gedit from a live CD17:33
holsteinsohail-ahmed: the instructions i linked suggested nano, as did i17:34
holsteinnano is already installed.. and the insructions for how to use it are easy to find and printed in the screen17:34
holsteinsohail-ahmed: http://mintaka.sdsu.edu/reu/nano.html for example17:35
holsteinthough, i would just get the sources i want, and copy to a USB stick and mount it and backup the curent one, and mv the new one im place17:36
holsteinthis could also be easily done using a live cd if one didnt want to be using the terminal17:36
sohail-ahmedI have made all the changes I wanted. To be exact, I have changed all "pk.archive.ubuntu.com...." to "archive.ububtu.com....". I think I am right????17:38
holsteinsohail-ahmed: i would refer to the source generator i linked to make sure that the sources i want are the ones i have17:38
holsteinsohail-ahmed: you should have the current one backed up and know easily how to revert, so trying it wont hurt anything17:39
sohail-ahmedBut I used my sources.list from the xubuntu installation//17:39
holsteinsohail-ahmed: i dont know what those are, friend.. but, its your responsibility to make sure you have the proper sources file.. if you have a default xubuntu 12.04 installation, the sources should be fine17:40
holsteinsohail-ahmed: you wouldnt, for example want xubuntu 13.10 sources in server 12.0417:41
sohail-ahmedyea thanks, Its a working xubuntu system through which I am writing to you. I guess that would be a good bet.17:41
holsteinsohail-ahmed: dont "guess".. if its xubuntu 13.10, and you are using those sources in 12.04, thats *bad*17:42
holsteinsohail-ahmed: is that the case?17:42
holsteinsohail-ahmed: be *certain*.. ask.. look.. elaborate17:42
sohail-ahmedyes, but I have only changed the initial phrases, as "pk.archive.ubuntu....."    to       "archive.ubuntu...."17:43
holsteinsohail-ahmed: friend, use the source generator i gave to generate the sources..17:43
holsteinsohail-ahmed: if you want to try what you have done, try it.. know how to revert17:43
sohail-ahmedok mate. In the source generator link there is no ubuntu server should I use Precise 12.04 LTS17:44
holsteinsohail-ahmed: if that is what you are using.. 12.04.. then yes17:45
sohail-ahmedits working....17:46
sohail-ahmedThankyou God bless you!!!17:47
sohail-ahmedI have another little question, if you don't mind17:47
holsteinsohail-ahmed: just ask.. a volunteer will chime in if they can help17:48
sohail-ahmedI have actually installed ubuntu server on my old pentium 4 pc that was just collecting dust. My plan was to use it as a file server. For that I have to install ssh-server on my ubunutu server, correct?? but the problem I am not sure is that ssh may not be able to connect to the server from my office which is behind NAT. What can I do to over come that?17:50
sohail-ahmedDo I need to buy a domain????17:51
holsteinsohail-ahmed: a domain name? you dont need a domain name for what you are trying to do17:52
holsteinssh is one way to share files.. there are many others17:52
holsteinsohail-ahmed: you want to put your machine at home? the file server?17:52
holsteinnad what "office is behind nat"? where you work?17:53
sohail-ahmedyes my office network17:53
holsteinsohail-ahmed: network? or another phyiscal place? not under your control17:54
holsteinsohail-ahmed: what office netowrk?17:55
holsteinsohail-ahmed: like, another physical location?17:55
holsteinsohail-ahmed: or, just your office network at home?17:55
sohail-ahmedmeaning in my office I don't connect to internet direectly but through a organizational server, meaning I am behind a router over which I have no control.17:56
holsteinsohail-ahmed: "in your office" like, in your house? or another physical location?17:56
sohail-ahmedanother physical location, the place where I work, my file server/ubunut server would be in my home.17:57
holsteinok.. so, you have no control over the office.. period17:57
holsteineither you can connect to what you make, or not.. there are tricks for that.. running the servers on common ports they likely wouldnt block17:57
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sohail-ahmed:( I have control over my office but not on the router I am using there.17:58
holsteinsohail-ahmed: i suggest a service. something like dropbox, if the office doesnt block it17:58
holsteinotherwise, you set up ssh locally, and test.. then you'll get the IP for your home, you can get that from http://www.whatsmyip.org/17:59
sohail-ahmedI have a static ip.17:59
holsteinsohail-ahmed: you will connect locally to the ip of the box at or whatever.. something like that17:59
holsteinthen, the static ip that you reference above that you will determine as i indicated will be what you access from the outside17:59
holsteinyou will be able to, on your home router, forward the ssh port to the machine.. 22 is the default.. so, you would forward port 22 to for example18:00
holsteinyou may want a static IP on your lan for that machine.. you may use any domain name to point to the ip of your home.. http://dyn.com/dns/ is what i use.. a free account18:01
sohail-ahmedso my ubuntu server sets a fixed local ip, the ifconfig gives,
holsteinthere are many security implications in what you are trying to do that should be accounted for18:01
holsteinsohail-ahmed: it doesnt 'get' one.. you'll give it one if you want it to have one18:02
holsteini dont know anything about your lan.. typically, next time you reboot, or the power goes off, that server can get *any* other 192.168.1.whatever IP from the router18:02
holsteinsohail-ahmed: you configure it to use *.5 all the time.. or something outside the DHCP range.. like or whatever18:03
sohail-ahmedIsn't it the case that the server while configuring the network gives itself a static local ip?18:03
sohail-ahmedthat wont chaange after a reboot18:03
holsteinsohail-ahmed: no18:03
sohail-ahmedhow can I give it a static ip.18:03
holsteinsohail-ahmed: not typically.. thats up to you and how you set up your router18:04
holsteinsohail-ahmed: as i suggested, you can give it a static ip oustide the DHCP range18:04
sohail-ahmedwhats the command to set the static ip on my ubuntu server?18:04
holsteinsohail-ahmed: http://askubuntu.com/questions/180925/how-to-setup-static-ip-in-ubuntu-server-12-04 is what i reference18:05
holsteinor, i use the router to "reserve"18:05
holsteinand trust no labels18:05
holsteinsorry.. ignore the labels comment.. for another channel18:06
sohail-ahmedthanks for link18:06
nanotubeoh and speaking of package management - am i the only one who's sad that synaptic isn't in the default install?18:18
elfyI'm not sad - easy enough to install it18:19
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Random832Why does the Display Settings window come up whenever i plug in my AC adapter18:22
Random832or, not always, but sometimes, randomly, it's weird18:22
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Belial`i installed the gnome-shell package in xubuntu 13.10 but when i go to log out/in i don't have an option to pick gnome-shell.19:06
Belial`just xubuntu session and xfce19:06
Belial`what am i missing?19:06
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krytarikBelial`: Install the package "gnome-session" too.19:15
Belial`krytarik, thanks19:16
YuhanSMy laptop is having trouble logging on automatically to wireless. Keep getting authentication box19:17
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YuhanSThis just started happening about a week ago. Before that all was fine.19:19
YuhanSSomeone suggested that this  could be a glitch in the gnome keyring.19:21
krytarikYuhanS: Are you now autologging in too, and before you weren't?19:22
YuhanSI don't know...I'm completely new to this! I just logged in and asked my question.19:23
krytarikYuhanS: I mean to your desktop.19:24
YuhanSI am logged on to my laptop. If I open and shut the lid with the system on it logs in.19:24
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xubuntu155Hello, just trying out this webclient while xubuntu is installing!  Nice feature!19:48
krytarik!hi | xubuntu15519:48
ubottuxubuntu155: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!19:48
xubuntu155does the install option to 'skip' while the installation is going on still ensure that the installtion will complete and leave the user with a usable system?19:51
xubuntu155or should it be used with caution?19:51
arctichenryEllo all, anyone know of any good ways to get xubuntu to like a mac?19:51
xubuntu155hello krytarik , thanks for the welcome19:52
krytarikxubuntu155: Well, since it offers that, it should be fine, though those things will be left non-configured, and may have to be configured later.19:53
krytarik!mac | arctichenry19:54
ubottuarctichenry: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages19:54
arctichenryWould the install be any diffrent for xubuntu then ubuntu? Any aditional things to consider/do?19:54
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krytarikarctichenry: Oh, you mean Xubuntu vs. Ubuntu - no, not really. :)19:57
arceyeslower than a slow thing compaired to windows, that's all i can say,  but it is free :)20:02
nanotubeelfy: well sure, and i do, but still. :P20:07
Unit193nanotube: And how to purge software-center and app-install-data* right?20:08
uszastyHi. I have problem with my graphics, GeForce 7600GT, from gigabyte. Have installed latest stable properiaty drivers (304.something, installed by ubuntuxtreme script)20:10
uszastyAnd after some playing time screen is starting lag20:11
uszastyWhole screen, and game fps counter don't show any loss or something20:11
uszastyI'm used mint for some time, and this not occured there20:12
nanotubeUnit193: well i just leave them be, disk space is cheap, but ... yea. :)20:12
uszastyAnyone? Something? It's making me sad, because mint is something overloaded, and there drivers won't work :|20:16
arceyeuszasty, without sounding all negative and of no help what so ever.   welcome to linux, in maybe 10 years it will catch up ( when enough users move to it for hardware developers to think about support , like that will ever happen ) )20:17
uszastyYeah, but i know it's work on ubuntu... well, clone, because I don't have other word to name it, and won't work on ubuntu itself?20:18
knomearceye, there are other channels to discuss that. please don't do it here.20:20
Unit193I have 304.88-0ubuntu8 on saucy, I don't see that issue so can't really help.20:21
arceyeuszasty, I have a similar problem, in the last 3 days I have installed and removed 6 different disto's , the only one which gives me hope of working is xubuntu , even that is slower than a PIII 450 running winXP20:21
Unit193arceye: Go into Window Manager Tweaks and turn off the compositor, should give it some help.20:22
uszastyOkay, still not perfect, but it's better than nothing :) Thanks :)20:26
arceyeUnit193, I Don't see it20:26
arceyeUnit193, where exactly should I see these tweaks ? in windows manager I see style, keyboard, focus, advanced .20:35
Unit193arceye: Not Window Manager, Window Manager Tweaks, then the Compositor tab.20:36
arceyeUnit193, and whee exactly do i find that ?20:36
Unit193Settings Manager20:36
Unit193(or launch xfwm4-tweaks-settings)20:37
arceyeUnit193, found it , now I need to uncheck enable display compositing right ?20:37
arceyeUnit193, dont that and what should work differently now ?20:38
arceye*done even20:39
Unit193Graphics are likely faster, you disabled the compositor.20:40
uszastyWhat it actually does?20:40
uszastyThat compositor thing?20:40
arceyeUnit193, I was hoping the refresh rate of any open window would improve , or is that something else ?20:40
Unit193Transparency, some "pretty" stuff basically.20:40
uszastyAhh, ok, don't need it anyway...20:41
Unit193uszasty: You'll likely notice the most on that bottom panel.20:41
arceyeUnit193, here is the problems I have, this is whay I have so much negativity ,  opening apps takes forever, refresh rate of windows is visibly very slow , I listen to music streamed from windows media center a lot and when opening any app the music stops until app is loaded20:43
Unit193arceye: This is actually hardware, not a VM right?  Also, computer specs?20:45
arceyeit is hardware yes,  I am trying to move away from winXP and it's EOL soon, but the performance in the same hardware is falling terribly short20:47
arceyehardware spec is AMD64 3200+   2GB Ram aith ati 3650 gfx < i know there are some gfx drivers problems and no support but that can't be the answer as I ran ubuntu 10.04 some years ago on the same hardware and it was great20:49
holsteinarceye: you have tried the proprietary driver in lubuntu/xubuntu ?20:52
holsteinarceye: seems like you were here already, and i suggested stock lubuntu and trying the proprietary ati driver for your hardware.. have you?20:53
Slayershey all20:53
SlayersNeed some help here, setting my mining rig up20:54
Slayersanyone got some spare time?20:54
holsteinSlayers: i think the support avenue for whatever mining software you are tyring to use might be "better". though, if you are having specific issues, state them, and a volunteer may be able to assist20:55
arceyeholstein, I was and I tried lubuntu which didn't work, I don't know how to install the proprietary drivers, I am afraid everything which kind of works will die , as it has in the passed20:55
SlayersI just installed the latest drivers and then rebooted, and had 4 choices to choose from, Ubuntu, memory test, memory test(and alot of text) and something else20:55
holsteinarceye: you need to get to a point where "fear" is not an issue. have your data backed up, and do an install, and test the driver that is likely to make your hardware work best20:55
Slayersi tried Ubuntu and it was some kernel issues not syncing and VFS: unable to mount root fs on unkown-block or somethin20:56
bekksSlayers: Did you compile your kernel yourself?20:57
holsteinSlayers: just get us the *exact* error message.. and let us know hwat hardware and drivers yuou tried20:57
arceyeholstein, it's not data loss I am afraid of its the hours of time it takes, is there a point and click install of proprietary drivers or do I have to do command line crap ?  ( not meaning to be offensive here )20:57
holsteinarceye: if you want to try the proper drivers, you will need to try and install the drivers20:58
bekksarceye: there is no point and click installing game. :)20:58
holsteinarceye: there are many ways.. GUI package managers20:58
holsteinarceye: what i usually do is fire up synaptic and search for the package/s i need/want, and try them based on.20:59
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto20:59
holsteinarceye: this is the "best" next course of action.. the proprietary driver can address the issues yo ustate having20:59
SlayersIm at the same screen again with these options: Ubuntu, Advanced options for Ubuntu, Memoy test(memtest86+)and Memory test(memtest86+, serial console 115200) which one shall i take to start it properly?20:59
holsteinSlayers: what driver did you install?20:59
arceyeholstein, gui package managers I can handle, they are point and click ,   I have seen that site I think followed it to the letter and ended up fomatting the hard drive 15 minutes later :(21:00
holsteinSlayers: you may need to start by removing whatever you have done, and starting over21:00
holsteinSlayers: i would use the ones in the repos.. try removing those and using the ones in the repo21:00
holsteinSlayers: the default version included in ubuntu. in the defaul repos=repositories21:01
holstein!ati | Slayers21:01
ubottuSlayers: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto21:01
holsteinthats actually good for your issue as well21:01
Slayersill check that out21:01
Slayersi got a guy helping me21:01
Slayersbut he went brb21:02
Slayersbut okay21:02
Slayersill check that out21:02
Slayersbtw that is ubuntu21:03
Slayersis xubuntu and ubuntu same thing?21:03
Slayers(almost same thing)?21:03
holsteinSlayers: no.. xubuntu *is* ubuntu21:03
holsteinSlayers: you take ubuntu, and you can make it xubuntu.. it uses the same sources21:04
holsteinthe drivers available in the repos for both.. and are the same drivers21:04
Slayerswill it help anything for you if i tell my graphick cards?21:08
holsteinSlayers: i have asked that information, but the link should help you determine..21:09
arceyeholstein, is there a list of all the packages I need to install so I can use package manager , If I blindly follow the command line instructions my OS will be broken in no time21:09
holsteinSlayers: one option is, amd has not offered a drvier for you that will support the funcionality you seek in linux21:10
Slayersshould i try something else, like BAMT?21:11
holsteinSlayers: you should keep in mind that the vendor hasnt promised you linux support, is my only point21:11
holsteinSlayers: you should try the supported driver in the repo that you and arceye are having a hard time installing21:12
holsteinwhat i do is search for a specific guide.. i'll run "lspci" in the terminal, and take the line there that describes the hardware, and search "that line ubuntu".. not "xubuntu", or "lubuntu"..21:13
holsteini want to see how someone with that specific hardware deals with it.. basically, you install the module, and reboot...21:14
arceyeholstein, I will do that without a problem, help me add the line I need to the repo for none free and tell me what I need to get, or can I search the repo using "ati 3650 supported drivers"21:15
holsteinarceye: i dont search "the repo".. i search the internet21:16
holsteinarceye: the repo has a few different ati drivers there.. but not many21:16
holsteinarceye: for example, this is someone with your exact hardware http://askubuntu.com/questions/77661/how-do-i-install-ati-radeon-hd-3650-driver-on-my-pc21:18
holsteinthere is also the vesa driver to test with.. which, on hardware of that vintage, i would be ok using..21:19
holsteinit would be easy enough, arceye , to put an xorg.conf in place to test with, and see that the driver *is* the issue.. right now, i think you are assuming linux is slow on that hardware21:20
holsteinit might be nice to just take the graphics driver support out of the equation, so you can see if you are interested in running linux or not21:20
holsteinif you had well supported intel hardware, or if the manufacturer allowed ubuntu/linux to provide support for that hardware, you would basically just install the OS, and all the drivers would be there, in the kernel21:21
arceyeholstein, That post was in 2011 things are very different now, I feel like I will be blindly following an out of date tutorial so leading to bigger problems, can you understand my worry here ?21:21
holsteinarceye: not really21:22
holsteinarceye: there is not worry.. just unsupported hardware that you will have to take on the responsiblity of providing the support21:22
holsteinarceye: try the vesa driver, since that is "easy" and see if you want to bother with it21:23
holsteini realize its frustrating,a nd ideally, AMD would recognize your frustrations, and let the driver be provided.. but, that is likely not to happen anytime soon21:23
arceyein answer to your previous question of the intel hardware and everything just working then of course I would be interested, I want to run linux for the very reason it's free, I understand it will never stack up to windows, but it's free, I just want it to work21:26
holsteinarceye: well, thats not a question.. just a statement. and its not really about "freedom".. just specifically about linux support21:27
holsteinarceye: its not about "stacking up to windows"21:28
holsteinarceye: that will be a specific opinion.. the support *is* there for many devices, and there is not way windows can "stack up to it" .. but that is not the issue here21:28
holsteinyou just have a problematic case.. just as you might have a printer laying about that windows 7 wouldnt work with.. its not a short coming of windows 7 that it cant use that printer.. there is just not hardware support for it21:29
holsteinarceye: that being said, it should be relatively easy for you to try the vesa driver and remove the driver support from the equation on your system21:30
arceyeok, I am not in any way going to argue which is better, you are helping me and I appreciate it.21:32
holsteintheres a reason why you arent rushing out and purchasing windows8 for that hardware.. its because there is not support for it.. its not a short coming of windows 8 that it doesnt support your hardware21:32
holsteinand ideally, the "help" would come from where it does for windows.. from AMD themselves.. but, thats either not happening for your specific hardware, or not available21:33
holsteinwith the popularity of steam coming to linux, this issue of grahpics support is getting *much* better.. but for newer hardare21:34
holsteinnothing linux is doing is making that better.. its just the manufacturers getting involvde in provided the support, since its becoming commercially viable21:35
arceyeI AM buying windows 8 for my gaming pc, and I hear what you say about steam, I was in fact looking to purchase a steam box, but I am going to wait until I see if it fails or not21:36
holsteinarceye: then, you can see *exactly* what i mean in person. you can take win8 and put it on that hardware.. then, you can ask yourself if its somehow a shortcoming of win8 that its not working thre21:37
arceyeanyway back to the help if possible .. vesa drivers how and where21:37
holsteinarceye: the xorg.conf i linked21:38
holsteinyou put in in place, and reboot and test21:38
holsteinarceye: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1270209 is the link.. has the file there.. you save it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:39
holsteinyou can run gedit with admin privs.. gksudo gedit ..it will open.. copy/paste what you find in that link.. save it as "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".. reboot, knowing how to get rid of that file from a live CD or  tty if it doesnt work21:40
holsteinarceye: dont worry about the resolution for now.. simply test this driver  and the responsiveness21:41
arceyeholstein, 2 questions : I dont' have a file called xorg.conf in that location, so do I have to make it ? if I get a blank screen on reboot how do I then fix it ?21:43
arceyeholstein, step 1 how do I actually make this file to put the text into ?21:46
holsteinarceye: you open gedit as adminsitrator using "gksudo gedit" from a terminal. copy paste the contents from that link. specifically http://paste.ubuntu.com/6939799/21:46
holsteinthen, you *save* it to "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"21:47
holsteinnot x11.. must be "/etc/X11/xorg.conf21:47
holsteinyou wont edit a file there, since there is none.. you will save the contents to that file21:47
holsteinarceye: if you get a "blank screen".. you can load up a live CD and remove "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" and get back to where you are. *or* use a tty and do it from the command line21:48
arceyeholstein, liveCD sounds like the plan :)21:48
holsteinarceye: i think its easy, and you'll have a GUI.. a normal filemanager21:49
arceyeI have got the DIR open  but not got gedit installed,  can I use abiword and save it with the correct extension e.i .conf21:50
holsteinarceye: you can do many things from there.. you could use another editor.. you can install gedit.. you can use whatever editor you want21:51
holsteinsudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:52
holsteinsudo apt-get install gedit21:52
holsteingksudo "whateverGUIeditor" and continue from above21:52
holsteinarceye: i also would try and just power through this as quick as possible.. i typically try the 3 (or more) driver options as quick as i can and determine if im going to keep the hardware, and/or what purpose its going to serve21:57
arceyeI am trying, I made the file but I can't save it to the correct dir ( I guess I need to be root to do that )21:58
arceyesorry, I have made the file ages ago but I can't put it in /etc/X11  no access22:07
knomearceye, in terminal: sudo cp /path/to/your.file /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:08
knome(assuming you want to overwrite/copy to the latter location, i'm jumping in from the middle)22:08
arceyeknome,  thanks there isn't an existing file in there so nothing to overwrite22:09
arceyeholstein, file is there, now I just reboot right ?22:11
arceyeholstein, if that file wasn't there to begin with then it isn't being used, so why would it be used now, or it it only used if present ?22:14
knomearceye, xorg.conf is only used if present22:14
arceyeknome, thanks22:14
arceye<<---  prepares to reboot fingers and toes crossed and waiting for the gotcha22:15
xubuntu907hello, everyone22:20
xubuntu907im having trouble with the installation gui22:21
xubuntu907does anyone has a problem with installing xubuntu 13.20?22:22
knomexubuntu907, please ask the real question22:22
knomethat is, describe what is not working in the installation gui22:22
xubuntu907the screen is incomplete and shaky22:23
knomexubuntu907, did you try with the "try xubuntu" option?22:23
xubuntu907and cant see the buttons to go any further22:23
xubuntu907nope, went right for the installatinon22:23
knomei would see if that has problems as well before debugging it further22:24
knomeif it has problems as well, you might need to set some more options for the installer to be able to proceed22:24
xubuntu907right, knome, thanks, im trying it first22:24
arceyeholstein, well..   it rebooted and I now have 2 screens which are mirroring eachother22:24
xubuntu907it surely has something to do with my nvidia graphics card22:25
arceyecan I change the resolution using settings manager / display , or do I have to edit that xorg file ?22:25
knomexubuntu907, that's possible22:26
knomearceye, if the settings manager dialog shows the options (if you have created the xorg.conf file in the right way), of course22:26
arceyeok left screen now has a limit of 1084 x 768, so do I alter that in xorg.conf file22:29
=== emma_ is now known as emma
arceyeknome, movie playback is now a slideshow , So I assume the xorg.conf thing wasn't the answer22:39
arceyehow do I delete the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?   I am guessing it will have to be done in terminal but what is command ?22:45
bekksarceye: USe the configuration program of your graphics driver, you dont need to delete files.22:45
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
knomearceye, sudo rm ...22:46
arceyeknome, sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf   ?22:47
knomearceye, yes22:47
knomeOTHER USERS: please do not type that command. it might break your system22:47
arceyesorry for that, it never occurred to me that someone would do that22:48
knomeno problem22:48
arceyedone now so reboot again22:48
arceyethat's better :)22:52
arceyenow.. if I blindly follow this tutorial http://askubuntu.com/questions/77661/how-do-i-install-ati-radeon-hd-3650-driver-on-my-pc   how do I undo it, if it breaks everything ?22:54
bekksRun the .run with --help and pray it has an uninstall option.22:55
arceyein fact, sorry I can't follow it, it is directions to uninstall proprietary drivers and I thought I needed to install them22:55
bekksSo uninstall them again, as they broke your system.22:57
arceyeadvise me on which package manager to install22:57
bekks!ati | arceye22:58
ubottuarceye: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:58
arceyebekks, I'm sorry but I can't follow what it is saying, it goes off on too many tangents, too many ifs and butts23:00
bekksarceye: you install the driver manually, dont you?23:00
arceyeI don't do anything manually I need a package manager first but don't know which one to get, my xubuntu doesn't have one installed that I can find23:01
bekksDid you manually install your graphics driver: yes or no?23:02
arceyeI currently have whatever was installed by the OS on clean install23:03
bekksSo you have a package management system called dpkg, and a frontend called apt-get   -- and only these are required for that guide.23:04
arceyebekks, I am reading that page and can't see where the actual install is done, it gets to the point of how to recover when it breaks ( fills me with confidence ), up to then all it has done is told me how to find out what gfx card I have, then made and edited a new xorg.conf file23:12
krytarikarceye: Just begin with checking the Additional Drivers tool for any 'recommended' proprietary drivers for your graphics device.23:20
arceyemy current ati drivers are ( I think ) a wrapper provided for Mach64, Rage128, Radeon, FireGL, FireMV, FirePro and FireStream23:20
arceyekrytarik, no additional drivers available , No proprietary drivers in use23:23
impossiblewhats the bottom panel called in xubuntu23:25
krytarikarceye: It seems like, your card as well, isn't supported by the proprietary ATI/AMD driver anymore - in this case, you can only continue using the default, open source 'radeon' on, and live with the performance it delivers.23:29
arceyeis that what I already have , from what I just said about the drivers I think are installed23:30
impossiblexfce uses compiz?23:32
krytarikarceye: Yup - you can verify that with: "lshw -C video".23:33
krytarikimpossible: Nope, not by default.23:34
impossiblegreat! thanks krytarik23:34
arceyekrytarik, I run that command and get a message you should run is as super user23:36
arceyekrytarik, I do su then it refuses my password :(23:37
krytarikarceye: Yeah, I know, it still delivers the correct, needed info.23:37
bekksarceye: use sudo, not su.23:37
arceyeok thanks I though sudo    was short for super user do23:38
krytarikarceye: Yup, it is - rather than what you've just tried instead, which is -logging in- as root.23:40
arceyethe output is Product RV635 configuration : driver -radeon23:40
krytarikarceye: And the root account is by default disabled in Ubuntu.23:40
krytarikarceye: Yup, there you go. :)23:41
krytarikarceye: Btw, what version of Xubuntu are you using?23:41
arceyekrytarik, so that is what I have , I am using 13. something23:41
krytarikarceye: Do you have the same issues when running a Live session too?23:43
krytarikarceye: Because usually the 'radeon' driver should do fine enough at least.23:43
arceyeI would say yes, I ran live only for a few minutes to see if it allowed the use of my dual monitor, once I saw that it did, I installed23:44
krytarikarceye: Then I'd try it with just the same things you are having issues with currently.23:45
arceyekrytarik, I guess it will have to do, it will work for basic office type stuff and basic net browsing.23:49

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