
=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_
hatchjujugui ping, anyone around?21:22
hazmathatch, pong21:25
hatchhey hazmat I'm just doing some weekend hacking and can't for the life of me remember the command to build the gui from within the deployed charm21:26
hazmathatch, define deployed charm and build gui?21:27
hazmathatch, the gui charm has config options for source21:27
hatchgui charm is deployed to ec2 and I want to modify a file then re-make it on prod21:27
hatchyeah, I don't want to pull down a whole new branch or push up a whole new thing if I can help it21:27
hatchthing being gui source21:28
hazmathatch, not sure that's an option you'd have to hack under the hood for that.. http://manage.jujucharms.com/~juju-gui/precise/juju-gui/config21:28
hatchyeah I do, I remember there was a fairly 'simple' hack but I  can't remember heh21:29
hatchoh well21:29
* hazmat pulls latest charm21:29
hatchI'm on ~2g right now so uploading/downloading is painful haha21:30
hatchmake that - anything- is painful :D21:31
rick_h_hatch: howdy21:32
rick_h_hatch: you have a branch of the charm right?21:33
hatchrick_h_ I have been trying to not pull it down21:33
hazmathatch, modifying /var/lig/juju-gui and then make and maybe restart guiserver should do it i think21:33
hatchit would probably take a day at this speed21:33
hazmathatch, you on the slopes?21:34
hatchhazmat was going to but decided to go to the lake instead21:34
rick_h_hatch: just commit and push that change to a branch21:34
rick_h_hatch: then update teh juju-gui-source to that hash.21:34
rick_h_errr that branch21:34
rick_h_hatch: it'll take a few min but then it'll rebuild from that branch21:34
rick_h_hatch: and it'll do it on ec2 so not an issue21:35
hatchrick_h_ seems like kind of a round-a-bout way no? should I not be able to just edit the code on the charm and `make something` to have it re build?21:35
rick_h_you only have to get up the git push21:35
rick_h_hatch: well ootb it's using a unzip'd dir and not a real env21:35
hazmatif its on remote21:35
hatchrick_h_ ohhh right21:35
rick_h_hatch: so things like dev deps and such might not be there yet21:35
rick_h_hatch: so it's a few steps, I think the git branch thing is the cheapest way atm. 21:35
hatchok I guess I'll have to do it the normal way21:36
rick_h_hatch: you can configure it to use uncompressed files and such21:36
hatchyeah, I need to edit too many things21:36
rick_h_hatch: and then you should be able to fine those files and edit them, but then it's a non-prod env21:36
hatchneed prod21:36
hatchoh wells21:36
rick_h_then yea, make a branch and let the ec2 machine do the fetch/build21:36
hatchnew slack task! make target in the charm to build from local source ;)21:37
hatchhazmat good work on the Digital Ocean plugin :) 21:54
hatchI can't wait to give it a try21:54
hatchhopping back offline, thanks for the help22:05

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