
nathaneltitanehello! i would like to become a maintainer for an application that hasn'T been updated for a while as a deb package. I have created my ppa, generated the project, described the branch and asked for a pull (CVS), the first build attempt returned this: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/166382622/buildlog.txt.gz i am not really experienced with any of this.. could someone help me please?00:13
sarnoldnathaneltitane: it looks like your build scripts try to use network resources when building; the buildds do not allow builds to use any networking.00:15
nathaneltitanesarnold: hence, what should i do? upload the code manually?00:15
TJ-nathaneltitane: You should be uploading (dput) the debianised package source to the builder00:16
sarnoldnathaneltitane: yeah, either as a new 'upstream tarball' in the build or modify the source via debian patching00:16
nathaneltitanesarnold: afaik, i'M not familiar with deb patching, though upstream tarball sounds best.00:18
nathaneltitanegive me second to test00:18
nathaneltitanesarnold: i just pulled the source from cvs on my system and made a tarball00:19
nathaneltitanehow do i push it?00:20
nathaneltitaneplease bare with me, it's the first time i do this, and as much as I've read the links and indications, i'M still somewhat confused00:20
sarnoldnathaneltitane: do you have an 'unpacked' tree anywhere, with e.g. debian/control file and debian/changelog and so forth?00:20
nathaneltitanesarnold: nope00:21
nathaneltitanedid a cvs pull, plain and simple00:21
sarnoldnathaneltitane: indeed, I've been doing it for 1.5 years and still lack the vocabulary to explain what I do and how to make it work :) hehe00:21
nathaneltitanei need to 'debianize it' using the build-essentials?00:21
sarnoldnathaneltitane: can you apt-get source an existing package from the ubuntu archives? that'd give you an unpacked source tree00:21
nathaneltitanethere is no ubuntu archive00:21
nathaneltitanei'm the one setting it up00:22
nathaneltitanethe source is in cvs00:22
sarnoldnathaneltitane: oh! okay. then there's a bit more work ahead of you :)00:22
sarnold(Please forgive me, all I do is pull existing stuff, make tiny changes, and push it back. :)00:22
nathaneltitanewell ideally, that'S what i'll be doing too :)00:22
nathaneltitaneso i have a pull.. what now00:22
Unit193sarnold: Tip, use dh_make, handy for creating a template to work off of.00:24
sarnoldnathaneltitane: well, there's two different ways of doing packaging; there's the newfangled "ubuntu distributioned development" method, which is pretty well dscribed at http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/ -- but it always felt like a lot of extra overhead compared to the older more traditional debian packaging..00:24
sarnoldUnit193: ooh. that looks cool.00:25
nathaneltitanelet'S get started the 'easy' way then00:25
Unit193sarnold: Yeah, used it for the first time recently, pretty nifty.  Note that the older release you're running on, the more slightly outdated it'll be (dh8 vs dh9 on saucy)00:26
sarnoldnathaneltitane: Unit193's suggestion of dh_make looks fantastic; apt-get install dh-make and check out the dh_make manpage. it looks straightforward and simple. :)00:27
sarnoldUnit193: yeah, that makes sense. most tools I'm used to using do require running fairly new releases to keep building for fairly new releases. :) hehe00:28
sarnoldUnit193: Thanks for the pointer, this'll save tons of time :)00:29
Unit193sarnold: Sure, welcome.00:29
nathaneltitanesarnold: looking into it00:32
nathaneltitanewow, that seemes to have worked like a charm sarnold00:38
nathaneltitaneso i now have an ldview-4.2.1/debian dir tree00:39
nathaneltitanei used the Tar.gz i pulled as the original source00:39
sarnoldnathaneltitane: nice!00:44
sarnoldnathaneltitane: check out the debian/changelog file and make sure it looks useful and then try to build with dput: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Uploading00:45
nathaneltitaneshouldn't i make the install dirs first?00:46
sarnoldnathaneltitane: heh, I was just hoping it would Do The Right Thing :)00:47
Unit193Also all the debian/*ex files.00:47
nathaneltitanesarnold, all the ex files look good00:48
nathaneltitanei have no changes file....00:54
sarnoldnathaneltitane: that might not be an issue for a first upload?00:55
nathaneltitanesarnold, i still dont get which one i need to upload00:56
nathaneltitanei have the deb tree and the tar gz that was generated by dh-make00:57
sarnoldnathaneltitane: hrm. sorry, I hadn't realized the dsc wouldn't be sufficient for the upload.01:02
Unit193You normally dput the changes file.01:13
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infinityUnit193: s/normally/always/01:22
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dokoinfinity, can't see that11:14
infinitydoko: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gccgo-go/1.2-0ubuntu511:18
infinitydoko: The FTBFS on armhf and powerpc.11:19
dokourgh, and the non-build on ppc64el ...11:20
dokojamespage, ^^^11:20
infinitydoko: The non-build on ppc64el is because we're purging the archive.11:20
infinitydoko: It'll get a build record tomorrow.11:20
infinitydoko: Shot in the dark, but libgcc-4.8-dev would imply perhaps a mismatch for headers/static library from the 4.9 libgcc1?11:21
dokono, thats blindly shooting11:22
infinityHence "shot in the dark". :P11:23
infinitydoko: Mostly just want to know that whatever that issue is, it's not something that's going to screw the ppc64el rebuild tomorrow.  If it's specific to gccgo, or gccgo-go, then yay, if it's something that needs fixing with libgcc, on the other hand...11:24
infinitydoko: Erk.  So, on x86, I have a /usr/lib/<triplet>/4.8/libgcc_s.so symlink to /lib/<triplet>/libgcc_s.so.111:28
infinitydoko: On ppc64el, it's a linker script instead of a symlink.11:28
infinitydoko: Seems an odd disparity.11:28
infinityOh, maybe that's intentional too, since some arches need -lgcc?11:29
dokoit's intentional. the .so symlink is just missing11:36
infinityWhich symlink?11:39
qenghoHi all.  I'm trying to boot a CD for the first time in ages.  I find I'm dumped into a initramfs shell, but it's not clear why -- no messages or anything.  A strange thing, I think, is that after the shell prompt, the kernel displays the device-discovery lines for the CD device.  So, I suspect that it's trying to rotate root, hasn't settled USB, aborts silently.13:46
qenghoI found this to be the same for when I'm booting off a UMS stick too.  Device discovered about 1 sec after being dumped into a initramfs shell.13:50
qenghoTrusty daily image of yesterday, for that^.13:50
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tewardis there a reason that some packages only have arm64 and ppc64el builds and not builds for other architectures?18:11
Ampelbeinteward: They most likely have been built in earlier releases for i386, amd64 etc18:15
tewardAmpelbein: ah, okay, i see.  it would only show builds for a given release if, say, the version changed?18:16
teward(the package in question seems to have remained the same version since Quantal)18:16
Ampelbeinteward: Yes, pretty much. Once a binary package is published, that version will not be rebuilt.18:17
tewardokay, that threw me off on Launchpad18:19
Ampelbeinteward: Like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aoetools -> Uploaded in lucid, built for the architectures that lucid was released with. Then, in precise, the armhf was introduced, so it was built there.18:19
AmpelbeinQuantal didn't have a new architecture, so no build records at all.18:19
AmpelbeinSaucy then got arm64 and finally trusty got ppc64el18:19
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Noskcajdarkxst, What do we still need to get gnome-desktop 3.10? Also, are there any 3.12 parts we want?20:29
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highvoltageogra_: thanks so much22:59

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