
rwwpleia2, ph<tab>ohnvm: http://lococouncil.ubuntu.com/2014/02/16/interim-report-on-2014-census-effort/ => I assume we responded to prodding for this? Are we one of those 6 states they mention>08:46
darthrobotTitle: [Loco Council | Interim Report on 2014 Census Effort]08:47
pleia2rww: yep, we responded16:35
pleia2and we're eligible for disks16:35
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
nhainesMy laptop computer is running *way* too nicely.  I should probably upgrade to trusty.21:11
rwwpleia2: nice21:29
rwwnhaines: lol, I've had the same thought21:29
nhainesrww: I just kicked off the 1GB download.  We'll see how it goes.21:57
ianorlinI have run a trusty vm inside trusty22:18
ianorlinI mostly keep finding little user interface bugs in lubuntu trusty22:18
nhainesianorlin: keep reporting them on LP so the Lubuntu team has a chance to fix them!22:30
ianorlinI know22:31
darthrobotTitle: [Reported bugs : Bugs : ianorlin]22:31
nhainesianorlin: good work.22:32
nhainesI'm really looking forward to Ubucon this year.23:10
* ianorlin is too23:11
nhainesI'm not sure if I'll have Ubuntu on my phone this year... sort of depends on how the next couple of days of development go.23:14
ianorlinalthough first year going23:21
nhainesianorlin: it's an interesting blend of a really serious, professional conference with a overwhelmingly community feel.23:26
ianorlinthat sounds good23:49

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