
Kilosmorning all06:23
Kiloshi Squirm 06:25
Trixar_zaOh hey Squirm06:33
Kiloshi Trixar_za 06:34
Trixar_zaWho was this 'pi' user?06:34
Trixar_zaMorning Kilos06:34
Squirmhappy birthday Trixar_za !09:26
Squirmyou're getting old bud09:26
Kiloshaha happy birthday Trixar_za 09:26
charlgood morning10:56
charlMaaz_: coffee on10:57
* Maaz_ puts the kettle on10:57
Maaz_Coffee's ready for charl!11:01
charlMaaz_: thanks11:01
Maaz_charl: Okay :-)11:01
charlwb Kilos 12:54
Kilosohi ty charl 14:35
charlhi Kilos 15:20
theblazehenhey Kilos charl15:23
Kiloshi theblazehen 15:23
theblazehencharl, how fast is your net?15:25
charlhi theblazehen 15:27
charlat home or at work?15:27
charlat home i am on crappy ziggo cable internet15:27
charlat work we have gigabit ethernet with fibre link between buildings and 40gbps uplink in addition to a link to the internet exchange across the road15:28
theblazehencharl, wherever you can run a cryptocurrency?15:28
charlmy home internet is this: https://www.ziggo.nl/#producten/alles-in-1/extra15:29
charli don't use cryptocurrency15:29
theblazehenWas hoping you could help stress-test15:29
theblazehencurrently doing 30 tx/s15:30
charli don't know how that works, cryptocurrency15:30
charlisn't it cpu-intensive ?15:30
theblazehenonly initial sync15:30
theblazehenBut mining is often done on GPU, but mostly ASIC for bitcoin15:30
charlapplication specific integrated circuit ?15:31
charlsome special chips they use?15:31
theblazehendo sha256 really fast15:31
charla friend of mine does it on his mobile phone15:31
charlsome android stuff, no idea, no interest either really15:31
theblazehenjust the client I assume?15:31
charlafaik he can mine too15:32
charlbut he has a gpu cluster at home15:32
charlhe took a old rack-mounted server thing, big box15:32
charland he stuffed it full of as many gpus as possible15:32
charlmaybe he has a picture up, lemme check15:32
theblazehenooh nice15:33
theblazehenHow much cash did he lose past week?15:33
theblazehenI'm gonna get gpu soon15:33
theblazehenROI in 3 months15:33
charlno idea, haven't spoken to him in the last week15:35
charloooh it's a mess but look through this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/twobombs/sets/72157626536549115/15:35
theblazehenprice dropped really dar15:35
charlhis computer is a complete disaster15:36
charli have never seen such a "kloterij" in my life15:37
theblazehenhe does bitcoin on nvidia cards?!15:37
charli have never seen kabelsalat like that in my life15:39
charlmy head hurts and my stomach turns when i look at his machine15:39
charllook at that one photo he stuck an extra PSU at his machine with ducktape15:41
charljust to power all the gpus15:41
charlis that englishman's site back up again?15:42
charlthat one that got ddosed a few weeks back15:42
theblazehenyeah, site is back up15:42
theblazehenAnd beta going good15:42
charlwhat's the url again ?15:42
theblazehencrypto currency that I was talking about now15:43
charlooh it's a java app ...15:44
charlthat's can't be fast for mining ?15:44
theblazehenactually it's fast enough15:44
charlcalculations it's pretty good but can you access gpus ?15:44
charli am a java developer myself15:45
theblazehenthis won't run on GPU15:45
theblazehenAnd needs fast DB15:45
charlwhat happened to the claims he's a fraud and his passport photo15:45
theblazehentotally different to other cryptos15:45
theblazehenNot sure, stopped paying attention to those guys15:45
charlhold on if it's not processing-intensive how does it work15:46
charlhow do you create artificial scarcity15:46
theblazehenWhat do you mean?15:47
charli mean to generate bitboins are difficult15:47
charlcomputationally expensive15:47
charlso you can only generate a limited number of them15:47
theblazehenThe transaction is verified 3 times by different hatchers, then each gets share of tx fee15:47
charlthat's why they are worth something15:47
theblazehenAnd theen to produce more there is interest and hatchers get paid based on amount of tx verified15:48
charloh it's a whole different model15:48
charlnot based on a computationally expensive algorithm ?15:48
charlah ok now i get why it's a java app :)15:49
charlif you don't need gpus etc15:49
theblazehenah, yeah15:50
psydroidhi charl 15:54
psydroidhi theblazehen 15:54
psydroidwhy are these apps even written in java?15:54
theblazehenhi psydroid 15:54
theblazehenpsydroid, easy dev?15:54
psydroidtheblazehen, I guess so, yes15:54
charlhi psydroid 15:55
psydroidbut I don't find it takes me significantly more time to write in c++15:55
charljava is nice for developing web app backends15:55
psydroidthere are just way more possibilities to shoot yourself in the foot15:55
charlbecause all the biggest frameworks are written in java15:55
psydroidyes, I understand15:56
charli like writing web app backends in java and web-related stuff15:56
charlbut for good applications that run directly on the computer, definitely c or python15:57
inetproKilos: what frequency can I use to irritate the neighborhoods dogs?16:39
Kilosi havent tried ones to worry dogs but if that works it will affect your dogs too16:42
=== psydroid1 is now known as psydroid
inetproI'll try it again next time, for now they are quiet again16:55
Kilosyou undertand frequencies now inetpro ?16:56
inetproI think it's more the noise levels that scare the animals than anything else16:57
Kilosevery different sound is a different frequency16:57
Kilosas is every colour too16:57
Kilospeeps and all animals are sensitive to certain frequencies16:58
Kilossome hurt16:58
inetproI'm not so sure the PC speaker is accurate16:58
Kilosit should be close16:58
Kilosnot sure how fast they can actually vibrate16:59
Kilosi dunno if you get special high definition speakers16:59
inetproplaying with modulate on FM produces some interesting sound variations17:00
Kiloslol ya but fm is high normally\17:00
Kiloslike our radio stations17:00
inetprocould build a house alarm with this thing17:02
inetproburglar alarm as well17:02
Kilosthey sounds/frequencies to affect bugs are beyond our hearing17:02
Kiloshaha inetpro i just mailed telkom and asked if they can put a wifi goodie by this cell tower17:50
Kilosthis is the reply17:50
inetprohaha, good luck :-)17:50
KilosPlease note that we will send this to our planning team. Thank you for supporting 8ta17:50
inetprothey will most probably laugh at that17:50
Kiloswell lets hope17:51
inetprothere's very lttle hope17:51
Kilosthere are lots of businesses in the area so who knows17:51
inetproyou must be joking17:52
Kilosit cost me i email so what can i lose17:52
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:56

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