
BeldarNetCatty, Why not load an image/release to the phone that will run the backup as an option.00:00
Beldarcwm is a free download, just need root is all I believe00:00
nathaneltitanehello! i would like to become a maintainer for an application that hasn'T been updated for a while as a deb package. I have created my ppa, generated the project, described the branch and asked for a pull (CVS), the first build attempt returned this: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/166382622/buildlog.txt.gz00:01
nathaneltitanei am not really experienced with any of this.. could someone help me please?00:01
harsesusthis isn00:04
harsesust the dev channel00:05
rwwnathaneltitane: have you set up bzr launchpad-login yet?00:06
harsesusthat would be #ubuntu_devel i believe00:06
rww#ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-packaging00:06
nathaneltitanerww: i've done it all through the launchpad web platform00:06
nathaneltitaneand no, i do not think i have00:06
nathaneltitaneharsesus: thanks00:07
rwwnathaneltitane: probably want to ask one of those channels, I don't do packaging work so they probably have better instructions than me :)00:07
fredlllllhello. i have a problem using my Avertv A800 in ubuntu 13.10. it doesnt show a frontend0. when booting it says "no frontend attached by ...."00:07
fredlllll hello. i have a problem using my Avertv A800 in ubuntu 13.10. it doesnt show a frontend0. when booting it says "no frontend attached by ...." any idea?00:10
pietiebreinHi all, does anyone know how to do a frugal install of a 13.10 iso from 12.04 (meaning no external media)?00:12
LeMikewhere to ask questions about makefile ? i wonder if I can have a group that is "invisible" to the make command00:12
=== adamculp is now known as Guest5568
TJ-LeMike: You could do it using ACLs00:13
TJ-LeMike: see for example https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissionsACLs00:14
LeMikeHm. Well I just learn makefiles, I call those "foo:" groups. Currently I like to include another group "install:" but want to avoid that `make install` can be run. In addition it seems like variables can't be defined in that "group"00:17
LeMikeBut thanks TJ- . got to google a lot00:17
TJ-LeMike: You're lost me!00:19
LeMikeLine https://gist.github.com/sourcerer-mike/f6516962d7d0e752bf69#file-makefile-L13 is my current problem. After that I try to "include" another "group"00:20
silenzhey how can i check if the latest graphics drivers have been installed?00:21
z1hazeanyone have experience battling an ntp attack?00:22
LeMikesilenz: lshw -c video00:22
Beldarsilenz, The updates give you the latest in the repos for your release.00:23
silenzah ok00:23
z1hazejust nulled my box and was good up to 20gbps00:23
silenzthe gui seems a little laggy in ubuntu00:23
silenzlike slightly laggy i dunno if thats just ubuntu or what00:23
LeMikecan a makefile group call another group but with using the local variables TJ- ?00:28
Beldarpietiebrein, you could do a netboot (mini) as a frugal, and use grub to boot the iso. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot00:29
pietiebreinI've tried using Unetbootin, but GRUB complained about a kernel needing to be loaded. I think Unetbootin might be obsolete.00:31
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Beldarpietiebrein, handfulls of usb loaders, make sure the sum on the iso is correct and if needed reformat the usb or try another.00:35
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impossiblewhat can i use to download audio from youtube videos into OGG format00:36
impossiblei dont wanna use media human, any open source apps?00:36
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pietiebreinthanks for the help00:38
jattI installed the saucy hardware enablement package on 12.04 and after that there is no /var/log/Xorg.0.log file00:40
jatteverything works but the xorg log file is not there00:40
jattis this a known problem?00:40
ldiamond_I can't seem to find moonlight on ubuntu. I installed mono but I still can't run silverlight websites. Trying to install moonlight takes me to dead pages on the mono project. Anyone know how to get moonlight?00:43
rwwldiamond_: you don't, because it's discontinued00:43
tgp1994Hi everyone, I'm trying to setup nxserver, although when I connect with the client, it says that an unknown command was issued and it drops the connection. nxserver.log is not being written to despite me setting it to 5 in the config and rebooting the server, can someone help explain why logging is not working?00:44
ldiamond_rww what's the alternative?00:44
rwwldiamond_: no idea, sorry00:44
lukemorrisonldiamond_:  Which websites are you trying to access?00:45
ldiamond_Funny thing the Microsoft website forwards to Mono's website for installing silverlight.00:45
ldiamond_DrTax ufile t200:46
rwwbecause silverlight is also discontinued00:46
ldiamond_some crappy software really.00:46
ldiamond_Oh really?00:46
ldiamond_Wow, I always wondered why people wrote silverlight software00:46
rwwyep, as of 201200:46
rwwerm, wrong date. but it is00:46
n^izzoldiamond_: I had the same problem, I ended up making a vertual box00:48
ldiamond_yea I usually run it in a VM00:48
ldiamond_but I thought I'd give it a try on mono00:48
krilleany1 got RUST working on any linux dist?00:49
apb1963Is there any reason I should not change my display manager from kdm to something else?00:49
krilleWhy do you want to change?00:50
apb1963krille: Too many problems and I want to rule it out as the source00:51
krillewhat kind of problems, also how to reply?00:51
canaimaaalguien habla español00:52
TJ-!es | canaima00:52
ubottucanaima: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:52
krilleBut yeah, i switched from kdm to lightdm00:52
krillesolved some problems, generated others :)00:52
apb1963krille: This link is essentially a pretty good description of my problem..  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133510100:52
apb1963krille: Are there any gotchas I should be aware of before I make the switch?00:53
krilleNot that i am aware of, that problem you were having was kinda large. so do the switch and hope it works00:55
krilleI have to go now, hope someone here can help you!00:55
=== geudrik|away is now known as geudrik
OerHeksapb1963, so how urgent is that issue from 2009 today?00:55
apb1963OerHeks: I don't understand your question00:56
OerHeksapb1963, that post,it does not show what hardware, so it is a wild guess what your issue will be00:57
OerHeks* with your hardware00:57
=== hdevalence is now known as hdevalence|away
apb1963OerHeks: It's hard to imagine it would be the hardware - which in turn implies it would be driver specific, when in fact there are a   variety of people reporiting similar problems00:58
apb1963sorry for the typos... the repos have an old version of KVirc and it also has a bug00:58
apb1963OerHeks: The bug I'm having is with a trapped mouse01:00
robodudewhere is the mouse trapped?01:00
apb1963OerHeks: Fortunately it seems to be limited to s aingle app.01:00
tgp1994I'm trying to setup nxserver, although when I connect with the client, it says that an unknown command was issued and it drops the connection. nxserver.log is not being written to despite me setting it to 5 in the config and rebooting the server, can someone help explain why logging is not working?01:00
apb1963robodude: It seems to get trapped inside nixnotes01:00
apb1963robodude: if I rightclick - no matter what desktop I'm in or what other window... I get the nixnote menu01:01
apb1963robodude: if I show/hide nixnote, that seems to fix it.01:01
robodudeapb1963: ok, is nixnote up to date?01:02
apb1963robodude: yes01:02
robodudeapb1963: what version ubuntu you running?01:02
at54tli need help in changing the font color for when I type message in xchat please..01:03
at54tl13.10 x6401:03
robodudeapb1963: Are you using a desktop system other than the default?01:04
TJ-apb1963: You're very much *not* alone, there are widespread reports of the issue and it affected me for a time when I was using 9.x through 12.04, I used to Ctrl+Alt+F1 then Alt+F7 back to X to workaround it. I spent a lot of time trying to diagnose it but never could get to the root cause.01:05
OerHeksnixnote from ppa?01:05
at54tli need help in changing the font color for when I type message in xchat please..01:06
=== geudrik is now known as geudrik|away
TJ-apb1963: Also, if you have a terminal session running, try doing "xdotool key XF86Ungrab"01:07
=== SrRaven is now known as zz_SrRaven
Brett_Hello, I have just installed Ubuntu minimal on my computer. Is there a way to upgrade everything to normal Ubuntu from here?01:08
TJ-Brett_: normal? You mean Desktop?01:08
TJ-Brett_: "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"01:08
Brett_Okay, I will try that01:08
apb1963tj- what's that do?01:08
lukemorrisonat54tl: Look at the Preferences menu under Settings01:09
TJ-apb1963: what it says! ungrabs the pointer01:09
jjholtI have a laptop with a Mini-PCIE/MSATA SSD what filesystem should I use? I've been told that using a journaling FS is bad for ssd's01:10
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest16085
bernardoctHi y'all! I'm trying to run a java swing application on Ubuntu 13.10 but the GUI is not showing. It's a code from my class and I've seen it woring, so I'm sure the code is not the problem. Any ideas?01:10
Guest16085hi everybody i have a problem with my external hard disk...look like ubuntu don't recognize01:10
at54tli click on a color and it wont apply it01:10
Guest16085someone can help me?01:11
lukemorrisonGuest16085: Does Windows see the drive?01:12
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herpderphurrGuest16085: What sort of external HDD is it?01:12
Guest16085is a wb essential01:13
Guest16085usb to mini usb01:13
at54tlso what do i to change font color?01:13
TJ-Guest16085: In what circumstance does Ubuntu no 'see' the drive? From a Live ISO try session, during installation, after installation in a regular session?01:14
herpderphurrWhen I look in htop, the memory is separated into 3 sections: used, buffers, and cache. What do buffers and cache mean?01:14
JordanJ2Does Ubuntu support booting with secure boot and UEFI enabled?01:15
Guest16085now i am in live...i have w7 and also ther not show me hard disk external01:15
bazhangat54tl, try in #xchat01:15
Guest16085hard disk make sound start and stop01:15
TJ-herpderphurr: See "man 8 vmstat" and the section on Memory01:16
herpderphurrThanks TJ-01:16
TJ-JordanJ2: Yes01:16
barry_hi was looking for some advice on installing flash players any resources ?01:18
barry_thanks in advance01:18
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash01:19
JordanJ2TJ-, So I should be fine dualbooting with Windows 8?01:19
blx32Boa noite01:22
TJ-JordanJ2: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:22
blx32Algum brasileiro?01:23
ggreerJordanJ2: it took some effort, but I managed to get dual-booting working. make absolutely sure you have a separate restore disk01:23
ggreeryou can create one in windows 801:23
rww!br | blx3201:23
ubottublx32: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.01:23
clypsoHey. I cannot get my microphone to work. I check sound settings and it shows for my webcam that its there. Mute is not on. Alsamixer is all setup high and nothing is muted. I have no idea why it wont play any sound ><01:23
clypsoRecord any sound****01:23
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JordanJ2ggreer, I believe I have one01:29
ggreerok, cool01:29
JordanJ2I made one with acer01:29
ggreerdon't want to lose your windows 8 install completely :)01:29
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=== whoevoer is now known as whoever
JordanJ2The acer one should be good right?01:30
clypsoI cannot get my microphone to work. I have checked alsamixer and seen that all volume is up. I have checked "Sound Settings" and it also shows my webcam (which is the microphone) and shows that its working properly. Yet it does not make any sounds at all. I also made sure mute was not selected.01:32
ggreerI don't know. probably01:32
=== root_ is now known as Guest52480
christian__Hello, Cant download the GPU Drivers i need for Linux Zorin8. I have the .run file but it wont install.01:34
hitsujiTMOchristian__: zorin8 is not supported here01:35
TJ-clypso: If the camera has a microphone, is it connected via a USB audio device, or by analog connection to the default sound device's input port?01:35
christian__Well I think they are similar in how they run a .run file. What do I open it with?01:35
SmurfierAnyone feel like helping with a network issue?01:38
Stainedhatchristian__: you would just "chmod +x file.run" to make sure it's executable then run it with "./file.run"01:38
clypsoIt is connected via USB @TJ01:38
Stainedhatchristian__: if it doesn't install the drivers correctly it probably needs to be patched.. amd is notorius for having limited support. I think only 12.04 is supported right now01:38
Dbuggerhey guys. Is there a command in the Terminal I can use to get the IP address to where a URL resolves?01:39
Stainedhatwhats the problem Smurfier?01:39
StainedhatDbugger: dig url.com01:39
SmurfierStainedhat: I'm trying to get my Ubuntu machine and my windows network to get along.01:39
DbuggerStainedhat, thabks!01:39
Stainedhator dig +short url.com for just the ip01:39
lukemorrisonchristian__: You can also try #ZorinOS01:39
Stainedhatno prob01:39
StainedhatSmurfier: why aren't they playing nice?01:40
TJ-clypso: you probably have to select the usb audio device as the default input device, usually the alsa config sets it to -2 priority01:40
clypsoCreative Live Cam Optia Pro VF0380 Web Cam. That is my webcam brand. It connects via USB @Tj01:40
clypsoHow do i do this TJ01:40
StainedhatSmurfier: or maybe I should ask what are your trying to do between them01:40
SmurfierDon't know. Never had this happen before. All of the computers can ping each other, but the ubuntu one doesn't show up on the network or sees the windows machines.01:41
SmurfierJust trying to share files.01:41
StainedhatSmurfier: have you setup samba?01:42
StainedhatSmurfier: is the share on the windows machine or the ubuntu machine?01:42
Stainedhatare you running windows 7 or 8?01:44
Smurfier8 on my laptop, 7 on my desktop01:44
clypsoHEY TJ. It shows "Front Mic" under Realtek ALC7888 chip. Instead of my webcam. How do i switch this ?01:44
Stainedhati think in 8 you need to turn on network discovery and file sharing.. search for network and sharing center the change advanced sharing settings.. turn on both then check for the other shares on your ubuntu machine01:45
SmurfierDid that about a month ago.01:45
cuddylierTo use a SSD as cache on ubuntu do I need a hardware RAID card?01:46
TJ-clypso: From what I can see, the Linux kernel mainline doesn't have support for that device01:47
StainedhatSmurfier: have you tried mounting it with mount.cifs on the ubuntu machine?? and you've edited your smb.conf with your linux share?01:47
mguycuddylier: RAID has nothing to do with SSD caching01:48
clypsoWell i have had this webcam microphone working before. But ok =/... It was working on ubuntu too01:48
cuddylierOkay,  my knowledge is more lacking than I thought01:48
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SmurfierStainedhat: Don't know how to mount that. I added the share via the gui and checked the file to make sure it was there. If I use the ip address through windows I can get to the share.01:48
cuddyliermguy Am I able to use a SSD as cache with no extra hardware then?01:48
SmurfierJust can't get ubuntu to see the windows network.01:49
mguycuddylier: You need software support01:49
cuddyliermguy Is that in ubuntu by default? I couldn't find a lot on Google about it.01:49
TJ-clypso: OK, maybe it is recognised automatically by the driver but the config has problems, but I see bug reports for other distros about it, and don't see any quirks handling for its ID in the kernel driver01:51
clypsoyea . Very depressing haha01:51
clypsoSo maybe just throw webcam in a big bond fire with my windows cd's ?01:52
StainedhatSmurfier: Ok, so it works from the windows side to linux which is good. for the windows share to mount in linux you may need to type the following: "sudo mount.cifs //windowsIP/sharename /home/user/mountpoint -o user=username"01:52
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Stainedhatmake sure the directory /home/user/mountpoint exists and is empty01:53
mguycuddylier: no it is not01:53
TJ-clypso: does it show up in the log files when it's connected? unplug, do "tail -f /var/log/kern.log" then plug-in, wait until the messages stop, then Ctrl+C to stop the tail. Then !pastebinit the output so I can look01:54
cuddylierDo you happen to know where I can find documentation on it? I'm a complete noob.01:54
TJ-cuddylier: To use an SSD as a cache, you would use "bcache" - block cache01:54
derekCan someone help me with audio on 13.10? Fresh install.01:54
mguycuddylier: http://askubuntu.com/questions/252140/how-do-i-install-and-use-flashcache-bcache-to-cache-hdd-to-ssd01:55
SmurfierStainedhat: command not found01:55
Guest62820does anyone know an easy method for software overclocking my arm enabled ubuntu device?01:57
cuddylierhmm.. SSD cache seems quite complicated to setup01:57
StainedhatSmurfier: ok just try: "sudo mount -t cifs -o username=username,password=yourpass //windowsIP/sharename /home/user/mountpoint"01:58
Xuisce1hi all01:58
Guest62820does anyone know an easy method for software overclocking my arm enabled ubuntu device?01:58
irssi-mikei've used setfsb but not from linux and not with arm02:00
hitsujiTMOGuest62820: that would be a hardware dependent thing. you'd have to ask peeps who use the same processor02:00
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
RedLanceGreetings.  My Ubuntu 12.04 LTS box is saturating my internet connection.  How can I figure out what it's running that would do that?02:02
SmurfierStainedhat: Success! (until my laptop's ip address changes)02:02
lucasredsn0wIs it ok to replace gcc with llvm as the system's default compiler?02:02
StainedhatSmurfier: cool, just set your laptop up with a static ip and you're good to go02:03
TJ-RedLance: "iftop"02:03
StainedhatRedLance: Wireshark02:03
lucasredsn0wOh I love WireShark02:03
RedLanceWireshark looked good, until it said I had no adapters capable of capturing...Will iftop have the same requirment?02:04
FuuqUmiistso how do i make a shortcut to a file on the panel?02:04
lucasredsn0wI will now compile it02:04
lucasredsn0wRedLance: run it as root02:04
lucasredsn0wiftop works for me02:04
RedLancelucasredsn0w: Ahhh, ok, thanks02:04
Stainedhatahh yes, iftop would be good to isolate the traffic to a particular process.. no no problems with iftop02:05
Stainedhatand yes, sudo wireshark then ignor the warning02:05
TJ-RedLance: iftop is the utility to use. "sudo apt-get install iftop" then  "sudo iftop -i <interface-name>" e.g. "sudo iftop -i eth0"02:05
RedLanceWill either one of them work if I have the network cable disconnected?02:05
derekI just installed 13.10 and my audio isn't working. I've checked alsa mixer and nothing is muted; speakers are known good (work on my win 7 machine), and I've selected the correct output (HDA Intel PCH). Can someone give me a hand?>02:05
lucasredsn0w Ahh... I'm not quite sure02:05
StainedhatRedLance: yes, just choose your wireless adapter as the capture interface02:06
TJ-RedLance: The interfaces don't go away, so yes, of course.02:06
RedLanceStainedhat: No wireless in this box02:06
TJ-RedLance: obviously, nothing will be happening so you'll not see any data02:06
mguyRedLance: Does your firewall/gateway show traffic stats at all?02:07
TJ-RedLance: also, learn how to use it: "man iftop"02:07
RedLanceAlright, I'll have to make the rest of the family "suffer" while I get some traffic02:07
RedLancemguy: Sadly no...02:07
StainedhatRedLance: my bad i misread your question.. yes but i don't think you'll see much traffic with the interface disconnected02:07
lucasredsn0wRedLance: Yesterday I've attacked my home router with my computer02:08
RedLanceOk, thanks everybody.  I'll go give it a whirl.02:08
StainedhatRedLance: you can also try lsof -i02:08
lucasredsn0wAnd my home's network shut down02:08
lucasredsn0wFor.. nearly an hour02:08
lucasredsn0wI've sent 100GB of traffic to the router02:08
irssi-mikeRedLance: if you're wireless and connecting from an old machine a mixed mode router would drop when you connect to it overall02:09
Stainedhatlol lucasredsn0w that sucks.. same thing happened to me when I was testing zmap.. started vthe scan and within 10 second the entire network ground to a halt02:09
RedLanceirssi-mike: Nope, not wireless.02:09
AmbiguousOutlierwhere do i put the iso on host for kvm?02:09
RedLanceWhen I hook mine back up, my ping times to my ISP nameserver go from 6ms to 4000ms02:09
lucasredsn0wAmbiguousOutlier: Anywhere you want02:09
lucasredsn0wAnd edit the settings02:10
AmbiguousOutlierlucasredsn0w: i can't navigate to it?!02:10
derekI just installed 13.10 and my audio isn't working. I've checked alsa mixer and nothing is muted; speakers are known good (work on my win 7 machine), and I've selected the correct output (HDA Intel PCH). Can someone give me a hand?02:10
lucasredsn0wAmbiguousOutlier: ah....02:11
AmbiguousOutlierChecking installer location failed: Could not find media '/mnt/afs/documents/Virtual Machine/ubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64.iso'.02:11
RedLanceThanks again everybody!02:11
Xuisce1np RedLance02:11
lucasredsn0wAmbiguousOutlier: Recheck your path again02:11
lucasredsn0wAnd make sure your kvm have the +r access02:11
skraito-0x71hi all02:12
irssi-mikederek: could be hardware failure, if not that i suspect it really is muted, try installing gnome-alsamixer and confirm it twice that is not muted also make sure you are in the audio group02:12
Xuisce1hi skraito-0x7102:12
Xuisce1welcome to #ubuntu02:12
=== Smurfier_ is now known as Smurfier
irssi-mikederek: pulseaudio has config files you can alter to unmute at system level02:12
skraito-0x71hey guys02:12
skraito-0x71:) nah i don't want to say this02:13
skraito-0x71but Our os is really good guys02:13
skraito-0x71we are sorry ubuntu02:13
skraito-0x71thx Xuiscel02:13
skraito-0x71is linux02:13
lucasredsn0wskraito-0x71: Tell us the reason02:13
lucasredsn0wWhy "your os" is better than ours02:13
skraito-0x71is coded from scracth02:13
pietro10Is there a way I can find out what a  GTK+ and a KDE program see as the fontconfig? so I can figure out why my GTK+ programs use different font rendering in the absence of fonts.conf - http://imgur.com/dyfjNcz (GTK left, KDE right) - Thanks.02:13
kloeriskraito-0x71: no more spam please02:13
lucasredsn0wskraito-0x71: A lot of os is coded from scratch02:14
Stainedhatskraito-0x71: what exactly is your os?02:14
lucasredsn0wskraito-0x71: And there is Ubuntu channel so other topic are not so welcomed02:14
lucasredsn0wthis is02:14
derekirssi-mike: just checked in gnome-alsamixer... nothing is muted. it's not a hardware failure either. Sound worked an hour ago when this machine ran Windows.02:14
skraito-0x71take alook you'r self02:14
skraito-0x71i upload kde version soon02:14
chareI am liking linux mint02:14
charegoing to completely abandon ubuntu02:14
Stainedhatskraito-0x71: no, but thanks for the offer haha02:14
chareand yo guys can't stop me02:14
Xuisce1umm ok chare  whawtever you want02:15
charewe both know that ubuntu has become crap02:15
derekmaybe a permissions issue.02:15
dereklet me try something02:16
Xuisce1chare:  ok02:16
PlasmastarHis site misidentied me as a proxy.02:17
IdleOneback to your regularly scheduled support :)02:18
roadrunnerh,i everyone02:18
roadrunneris there anybody?02:18
jonbryannope :x02:19
roadrunnerguys I wanna ask question about Perl02:19
AmbiguousOutlierlucasredsn0w: hi, I triple checked iso location and tried via local and network install, not sure what you meant by +r access02:19
irssi-mikederek: the pulseaudio conf i metioned is in /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/analog-output-speaker.conf02:19
lucasredsn0wAmbiguousOutlier: chmod02:20
Bashing-om!ask roadrunner02:20
StainedhatPlasmastar: that site was a trap02:20
roadrunneris it possible programming TCP with Perl?02:20
PlasmastarStainedhat: How so?02:20
AmbiguousOutlierlucasredsn0w: I have permission, virsh -c qemu:///system list, returns what wiki said it should02:21
roadrunnerI develop multiplayer game. I need to learn how to Socket Programming02:21
roadrunnerwhere can I learn this topic with usage Java or Perl02:22
StainedhatPlasmastar: The site redirected to 0x71.org which is full of stuff like this: "0x71 (xc) Our True Jesus Church Hacker 0day xExploit"02:23
irssi-mikeroadrunner: isn't there a perl channel02:23
AmbiguousOutlierrmmod kvm02:23
AmbiguousOutlierError: Module kvm is in use by: kvm_intel02:23
PlasmastarStainedhat: Ssshhh, not so loud. xD02:23
rwwStainedhat: it isn't a trap, it's just a highly delusional person. let's move on02:23
PlasmastarBut yeah, I've seen the crap on the original site.02:23
Stainedhatpropaganda mostly but if you look at the source code it's sketchy at best02:24
Stainedhatmoving on...02:24
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confusedmarsupiaHi there, is there an alternative to samba which actually works out of the box when sharing with 7?02:27
Xuiscehi all02:28
irssi-mikeconfusedmarsupia: i've read that nfs is faster but less secure02:28
tharkunconfusedmarsupia: nope unless you mess with Windows to accept ssh conections which is not particularly easy02:28
confusedmarsupiasecurity is of zero concern,  my aunt just wants  it to work and she will not touch a config file or terminal02:29
tharkunirssi-mike: nfs and windows don't exactly mix nicely02:29
irssi-miketharkun: good to know02:29
confusedmarsupiaI want the equivalent of "turn off all security and share everything with everyone"02:30
irssi-mikeconfusedmarsupia: well seems like you could map a network drive, would be the easiest thing for her02:30
tharkunconfusedmarsupia: the last time i messed with mandriva they had a nice kde interface to configure samba. Actually gnome also has one I'm just not familiar with it02:30
confusedmarsupiaIt seems strange that sharing is not a default part of ubuntu, is there a reason for that?02:32
\x00NetFlix Desktop Icon is not OPENING.02:32
confusedmarsupiaeh, screw it, I think I'll tell her to use thumb drives.02:34
\x00How about her index drivers02:35
AmbiguousOutlierdoes anyone know what this means? rmmod kvm02:35
AmbiguousOutlierError: Module kvm is in use by: kvm_intel02:35
AmbiguousOutlier~$ rmmod kvm02:35
AmbiguousOutlierError: Module kvm is in use by: kvm_intel02:35
irssi-mikeconfusedmarsupia: if you're sharing a folder in windows then linux file manager or nautilus (not sure which one is default) will display it under networks02:36
daftykinsAmbiguousOutlier: it means the module is active. what are you REALLY trying to do?02:36
confusedmarsupiait doesn't irssi-mike, the windows computer shows up but it wont open02:37
confusedmarsupiasimilarly, the windows pc sees ubuntu but wont open the shared folders02:37
irssi-mikeconfusedmarsupia: if you want to share linux files with windows then of course samba, once you map the drive windows will retian the login information.02:38
AmbiguousOutlierdaftykins: following this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation, but my virt-manager on the guest is throwing up an error stating it can't find the iso02:38
irssi-mikeconfusedmarsupia: meaning your linux will be drive L:\ in win 7, for example02:38
daftykinsAmbiguousOutlier: so you put it in the path it expects?02:39
AmbiguousOutlierdaftykins: Checking installer location failed: Could not find media '/home/rhys/ubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64.iso'.02:39
AmbiguousOutlierrhys@banana:~$ ls02:40
daftykinsAmbiguousOutlier: are you committed to KVM? virtualbox no good?02:40
AmbiguousOutlierKVM was supposed to be the official supported VM?!02:40
daftykinsAmbiguousOutlier: regardless of whether it is i don't have any experience with it, so i'm just asking02:41
AmbiguousOutlierdaftykins: cool, i'll google virtualbox, know any good how to's?02:42
daftykinsAmbiguousOutlier: nothing off hand i'm afraid. just be sure to use the non-open one if you want things like USB support02:42
confusedmarsupiayeah, no the ubuntu machine still can't see any of the win shares and trying to map a drive just says windows can't access the ubuntu machine02:46
confusedmarsupiathis is a pretty crappy user experience and I am getting raged at here.  I searched in the software centre, but i am not seeing any samba gui options02:47
confusedmarsupiaor more acurately, it says samba has a gui, but there is no reference to it anywhere and running "samba" just starts the service.02:48
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herpderphurrI'm thinking about converting one of my partitions to a btrfs partition. Would anyone recommend (or recommend against) doing this?02:49
SchrodingersScat!info gadmin-samba | confusedmarsupia02:50
ubottuconfusedmarsupia: gadmin-samba (source: gadmin-samba): GTK+ configuration tool for samba. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.2-0ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 129 kB, installed size 434 kB02:50
SchrodingersScatconfusedmarsupia: I found that with 'apt-cache search samba'02:52
irssi-mikeconfusedmarsupia: add her username to group sambashare and edit one config file, should be all that need to do with samba. ubuntu should see the share whether you have network discovery on or not so that's a mystery ( i would try rebooting ubuntu)02:52
confusedmarsupiawe've decided to just use google drive, its much easier than all this palaver. Thanks anyway.  In future i don't think I'll be recommending ubuntu for my family02:54
irssi-mikeconfusedmarsupia: dropbox is actually a great thing too02:54
confusedmarsupiaindeed, anything that just works is better than things which don't02:55
SchrodingersScatssh/rsync is better anyway02:55
fishcookeri have server that doesn't install xorg.. i want to disable input devices; mouse and keyboard.. what should i do?02:56
AmbiguousOutlierwhat package needs to be installed virtualbox guest02:57
Xuiscehey all02:58
AaronBMy Ubuntu gives me a letterbox every time I try to change the resolution to 1600x900, anyone have any suggestions?02:58
antrueyawhy isn't ubuntu one working???03:01
irssi-mikefishcooker: what have you tried to get to "doesn't install xorg" and i'm not sure about the disabling inputs, i supose you could modprobe -r or something03:02
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irssi-mikeAaronB: i use scaling with the comman xrandr, man xrandr is all i can think of03:05
antrueyareally.. why the #¤%&#¤/ cant ubuntu one file storage just use the same password as the web page03:06
antrueyanow it isnt even working.. fuck ubuntu03:06
AmbiguousOutlierantrueya: chill out and try again tomorrow, it'll all be fine in the morning03:07
antrueyawhy does it say AUTH_FAILED when I use correct password03:08
irssi-mikeantrueya: try using caps, maybe you had cap lock on when you set it up03:11
irssi-mikeKekai: you got a question?03:13
KekaiI run A lenovo Ideapad model s10 Netbook. I have 200GB of Hard dis space and 512mb of Ram. I want to upgrade to 13.10. I currently use 12.04 LTS. Is it a good Idea to upgrade to a non LTS version to prepare for 14.04 LTS?03:14
KekaiWill my Hardware support anything higher than 12.04 LTS?03:14
BeldarKekai, wait till 14.04 is released and upgrade to it, both are lts03:15
KekaiI heard of new features in anything past 12.04 LTS and I didnt know if I should upgrade.03:16
rwwKekai: there are two supported versions to upgrade to directly from 12.04: 12.10, and 14.04 (when it's released). If you upgrade to 12.10, you will then have to go 12.10 > 13.04 > 13.10 > 14.04, which will suck03:16
rwwKekai: download a 13.10 live CD and boot from the CD (without installing) to try it out?03:17
aaron_Does anyone have any idea how I can get rid of the letterboxes on my screen when I am in 1600 x 900 reso?03:17
Kekaiso I cant download the ISO and do a Hard drive?03:17
Kekai*Hard drive wipe?03:17
rwwKekai: that would work too, yes03:17
Kekaiokay I am backing up my data.03:17
irssi-mikeyour netbook isn't a server so i would toss the latest stable software on it and if your hardware isn't brand spanking new you shouldn't have any problem with either03:18
Kekaiwell its old03:18
Kekaifrom 200903:18
Kekaimy first PC to have ubuntu03:18
Kekaiprevious had Windows Vista on it03:18
wheatthin:) my computer is from 2008.. runs great on ubuntu03:18
Kekaiwhich version?03:19
Kekaioh good03:19
bblinderlubuntu for those older ones, works brilliantly.03:19
wheatthinbut then again... it's a server 0.o03:19
Kekaioh no03:19
XUisce1hi all03:19
wheatthinxubuntu would be my next install if my graphics card wasn't capable03:19
irssi-mikeKekai: vista was complete disaster03:20
Kekaiirssi-mike: I agree03:20
Kekaiit RSOD on me03:20
Kekainot even 6 months after I bought it03:20
XUisce1hi Kekai03:20
XUisce1and irssi-mike03:20
KekaiI am losing faith in MS03:20
wheatthin<-- dual quad core xeons, so just cause it's old doesn't make it utterly useless :P03:21
bblinderwheatthin: out of curiosity, why xubuntu over lubuntu?03:21
KekaiVista was a disaster, 7 is okay unless you got a bug in it that makes it look pirated.03:21
irssi-mikeKekai: I liked 3.1, xp and then 7.. 8 made me crazy until 8.1 came out03:21
wheatthinbblinder, just cause you get more graphical functionality.. and it's rounder I guess, so more appealing03:21
Kekai8 is a disaster03:21
XUisce1thats true i hate Vista as much as the next persoon03:21
Kekaimy Xbox caught fire03:21
Kekaithe 360 died of RROD a week after purchase03:21
irssi-mikeKekai: 8.1 lets me obviate that awful "blitz screen"03:22
Kekaiso I am losing faith int he company03:22
wheatthin8.1 just takes some getting used to, as long as you don't have the rt version lol.. but that's for another channel03:22
KekaiNow lets talk programs03:22
KekaiIn 12.04 LTS I run Google chrome, Skype, Quassel/KVirc, Spotify, and Nightingale03:23
KekaiThese are my main staples on All the ubuntus I had03:23
FoxhoundzHow can I create a network folder from a PC running Windows 8.103:24
KekaiDo any of these have compatability issues.03:24
FoxhoundzI've established a direct PC-to-PC connection using an ethernet and assigned them both static IPs03:24
irssi-mikeKekai: spotify, what for, win's got hostednetwork built in03:24
Foxhoundzboth are pinging each other correctly03:24
irssi-mikeKekai: never mind i thought you meant conectify03:25
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Xuiscetest test03:26
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aliendude5300how can i delete every file that my user has access to, excluding the home directory on a live system (not using root user)? I want to prepare for a reinstall and clear out any garbage.03:27
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KekaiI meant for Ubuntu 13.1003:28
KekaiIf there was any issues I should be aware of with the aforementioned programs03:29
KekaiI have 12.04.03 on a USB key03:29
FoxhoundzSomeone must know!03:29
Kekaiand now I have 13.10 on a USB key03:29
Kekaimany USB keys03:29
pietro10Is there any other place (or another network?) where I can go to get help with my gtk+ apps on kde font problem if no one here knows?03:33
eflynndo you have any suggestions for setting up a pressed? i have vmware fusion and the ubuntu iso03:35
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KekaiI thought I would ask the AskuUbuntu community03:40
Ademan_anyone know where evince stores its bookmarks?03:40
desti_T2upgrade ram03:40
eflynn512mb? ew03:40
desti_T2(even if you don't update)03:40
KekaiI tried03:41
KekaiI get black screens and it wont start up03:41
Kekaitried a 2GB03:41
Kekaibut what worries me is that he tried to deteriate me from upgrading03:41
Kekaiany reason why?03:41
ggreerhow can I disable that drum sound on startup in 13.10?03:43
ggreerall the guides seem to be for older versions of ubuntu that don't use unity03:43
apb1963OerHeks: yes, nixnote from ppa.... sorry for late reply.. I got pulled away03:44
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KekaiMaybe I might switch to persay a lighter *buntu03:59
hewhomust_xfces nice04:00
Kekaithe other Linux I had was based of Xubuntu04:00
hewhomust_xfce i think you mean not xubuntu04:01
Kekaiit said at the startup and download screen "Based off Xubuntu 12.10"04:02
hewhomust_hmm whats it called?04:02
Kekaiany problems I had they sent me to Xubuntu sites to fix them04:02
KekaiVoyager Linux04:02
Kekaiwhat about using Gnome?04:03
Kekaiis that lighter?04:03
hewhomust_kekai how much ram do you have?04:05
KekaiThis thing came out in 200904:05
jasefThat seems a little low even for 2009 o-o.04:05
hewhomust_i would recommend xfce04:05
Kekaiits a netbook04:06
jasefAhh, that explains it I guess.04:06
Kekaiit came with windows XP on it04:06
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
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hewhomust_openbox is my favourite light alternative04:07
Kekaiorignally I was gonna upgrade to ubuntu 13.1004:07
Kekaii currently run 12.04 LTS04:07
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hewhomust_Kekai:  if its fast enough just use it04:07
Kekaiit used to be fast04:07
Kekaibut lately its running slow04:08
Kekaiso i was gonna do a wipe and start fresh with 13.1004:08
hewhomust_Kekai: mostly full?04:08
Kekaiout of 200 I am using 10 GB04:08
hewhomust_wow so 190 free thats weird04:09
Kekaiit started when I download the google hangout plugin04:09
Kekaibut thats been gone for sometime now04:09
redlanceOkay...using Wireshark, I determined that my computer was participating in the DDoS thru the NTP monlist exploit.  However, I see no evidence that my computer is running the NTP daemon...So now I'm more confused...04:11
KekaiSo I looked up the requirements for 13.1004:12
KekaiSaucy Salamander (13.10 32-bit)04:13
Kekai384 MB of RAM04:13
Kekai700 MHz processor (about Intel Celeron or better)04:13
Kekai5 GB of hard-drive space04:13
KekaiVGA capable of 1024x768 screen resolution04:13
KekaiEither a CD/DVD drive or a USB port for the installer media04:13
Kekaisory for the spam04:13
hewhomust_wow pastebin much04:13
KekaiI have 512mb of ram and 5GB HDD space04:13
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redlanceWhy would my computer be responding to an NTP request when it is not running the NTP daemon?04:15
nisheewhen i try to install app using terminal ..an error occurs .could nt open lock file var/lib/dokg/lock04:15
hewhomust_nishee ps -ef | grep apt04:15
Bashing-omnishee: Have you more than one instance of the package manager(s) open at same time ? apt, software center or synaptic ?04:16
nisheei dont understand wat u said04:18
nisheei am new to this opearating sys04:18
daftykinsnishee: check the software centre / update manager isn't open04:19
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nisheeyes it is open04:21
jozefkhow do I activate nvidia driver and use it instead of nouveau?04:24
b0xwith great pain04:28
obsidianRecently, my Mozilla applications stopped working, well, actually they stopped starting i.e., whenever I clicked on 'Firefox' or 'Thunderbird' in my application launcher, nothing happened. I tried launching my applications from the command line to see what the heck was up and for whatever reason I get this error "Could not create gnome accelerators directory '~/.gnome2/accels': Permission denied." I found a temporary work-around at04:28
obsidianthe command line with 'sudo' but do I really have to give Firefox and Thunderbird super user privileges whenever I want to use them?04:28
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somsipsounds like at some point in the past you've run something as sudo when it wasn't needed, and that has incorrectly changed permissions on some directories, so now you need to use sudo again just to make them work04:29
obsidiansomsip, interesting. Thanks, so ..do you know (off the top of your head) if there's any quick fix?04:30
KekaiDoes 13.10 come with Wifi drivers?04:30
somsipobsidian: run it in terminal, and look for which directories are 'permission denied'. IF these are in home, you should be safe to chwon obsidian:obsidian -R {directory}, or whatever your user name is04:31
rwwor just do that with directory set to /home/obsidian/04:31
somsiprww: make sense04:32
obsidianAwesome! Ok, ..thank you. I'm gonna give it shot ..04:32
Bashing-omnishee: You get it figured out ? All good now ?04:33
daftykinsnishee: you can't install via terminal when either are open04:35
Tom1how to install puppy linux with ubuntu using grub?04:38
aidalgolIs configuring grub2 any different, from the user's perspective, when using EFI?04:38
BlueProtomanHow come certain packages are kept back when I try to run sudo apt-get upgrade?  And how can I update said kept-back packages?04:40
rwwBlueProtoman: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:40
James0r2trying to revert to xfce 4.10 from 4.11. removed the xubuntu ppas after using ppa-purge but i'm still on 4.1104:41
Beldaraidalgol, to broad a question really, can you define the configuring you mean?04:41
BlueProtomanrww: What's the difference between that and regular upgrade?04:41
aidalgolBeldar: Is the process still 1) update-grub 2) install-grub ?04:41
TLFit's there an explanation for apt-cache to work like charm as a regular user, and to take more than 10 minutes for a single search as a root user?04:41
obsidiansomsip, here's the verdict: I changed the permission of the folder in question with chmod and now my Mozilla apps are working just fine from the app launcher! THANKS A TON!!04:41
James0r2here is my apt-cache policy for xfwm4 http://paste.ubuntu.com/6941286/04:41
aidalgol*after installing a secondary OS04:42
Beldaraidalgol, Grub has a boot partition in a efi is all update is the same04:42
Tom1 aidalgol: i mean i have installed ubuntu and puppy linux on same hdd, but when grub appears i can only see the ubuntu os, it doesn;t shows me the puppy linux os .04:42
aidalgolBeldar: Great, thanks!04:42
Tom1Beldar:i have installed ubuntu and puppy linux on same hdd, but when grub appears i can only see the ubuntu os, it doesn;t shows me the puppy linux os .04:43
aidalgolTom1: Sounds like you just need to run update-grub, then install-grub (with the appropriate arguments, so read the man pages first).04:43
James0r2anyone help me out?04:43
irssi-mikeaidalgol: 90 percent positive it's grub-install and not install-grub04:44
aidalgolirssi-mike: Oh, right.  It *used* to be the other way 'round.04:45
aaron_Anyone able to help me with some screen resolution issues?04:46
somsipobsidian: cool04:48
DiplomaticoHello I need help with non detected pen drive...04:49
James0r2trying to revert to xfce 4.10 from 4.11. removed the xubuntu ppas after using ppa-purge but i'm still on 4.1104:50
Ben64Diplomatico: unplug it, wait 10 seconds, plug it back in, wait 10 seconds, then pastebin the output of "dmesg"04:50
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DiplomaticoBen64, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6941337/04:56
Ben64Diplomatico: not seeing anything being plugged in. are you sure the drive works? does the usb port work for other devices?05:00
DiplomaticoThe usb port does work.05:00
DiplomaticoThis pen drive is not working since I formatted it.05:00
DiplomaticoIt's not recognized by any OS.05:01
DiplomaticoI even opened it, and tested the continuity with a multitester...05:01
DiplomaticoAnd it read ok.05:01
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Ben64uh... you shouldn't be attaching a multimeter to a flash drive. if its not working on any computer, it's likely busted05:02
Flat4ForLifethis ^^05:02
Flat4ForLifeyour pen drive worked before you formatted it?05:03
DiplomaticoIt worked.05:03
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DiplomaticoYes, it was recognized.05:04
Flat4ForLifewhat did you format it to? and what did you use?05:04
DiplomaticoSo far I formatted it with gparted I think, in Puppy.05:04
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DiplomaticoAnd then, boom, not recognized.05:04
Flat4ForLifeso even gparted doesnt recognize it?05:04
DiplomaticoNot Gparted, nothing...05:05
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=== Dr_Manhattan is now known as DrManhattan
Flat4ForLifehave you tried it in another computer? not just another OS?05:05
DiplomaticoYes I tried different computers.05:06
Flat4ForLifeas Ben64 said, if no computer recognizes it, then it probably died05:07
DiplomaticoIt's so unlikely to be dead, because it's just after formatting, it's suspicious.05:08
DiplomaticoI think I formatted it to ext3.05:08
DiplomaticoCan't remember for sure.05:08
Flat4ForLifewell, gparted would recognize that. however, it could have been that something was not recognizing it after you formatted it and just needed to be done another way, but when you put the multimeter on it then it fried it05:09
Flat4ForLife"could" have, not saying it did05:09
DiplomaticoThe multimeter was one of the last actions.It didn't work way before testing it.05:09
Flat4ForLifeany indicator light or anything on the pen drive?05:10
Ben64even if the format failed hard, it'd still show up in dmesg05:10
Ben64its not sending any information at all05:11
Diplomaticono ligths...05:11
DiplomaticoOk, so no hope.05:12
DiplomaticoNot even a clue to what to do with the hardware??05:12
Flat4ForLifeits a flash drive, just toss it and get a new one05:12
DiplomaticoThat would be the easy/capitalist way.05:13
DrManhattanno no no05:14
DrManhattanDiplomatico, do you have a windows VM?05:14
DrManhattanlet me see if bootice has a linux version05:14
DiplomaticoNo, DrManhattan.05:15
DiplomaticoWhat is that>?05:15
DiplomaticoIs it the virtual thing for windows?05:15
DrManhattanDiplomatico, a program called bootice is what I use to restore flash drives to their original state when i format them strangely05:15
DiplomaticoOk, let me try it!05:16
DiplomaticoDo I google it?05:16
DrManhattanit is a program for windows, so you'd need a windows VM or a windows box05:16
DrManhattanHold on I'll get you the directions too05:16
DiplomaticoOk, ty...05:16
DrManhattanhttp://www.pendrivelinux.com/restoring-your-usb-key-partition/   and go down to where it says "Or alternately, Windows users could use BOOTICE"05:17
DiplomaticoI'm starting a Windows pc...I'll download it there...05:18
Flat4ForLifewould ubuntu run very well on a older laptop? pentium 4, 650ish mb ram, 128mb video card?05:19
ianorlinI don't think with unity05:19
ianorlinit could run lubuntu05:19
Flat4ForLifeok ill look at it. any other suggestions for a linux laptop?05:20
AnsemHey, I'm having weird permissions issues on a CIFS share I'm mounting from a NAS05:22
AnsemSpecifically, I can't alter permissions on all sorts of files, and I don't even seem to own directories I create05:23
DiplomaticoFlat4ForLife, I downloaded bootice...05:23
Flat4ForLifeI think you were meaning DrManhattan05:23
DrManhattan:) all good05:23
Flat4ForLifeNo biggie05:24
DiplomaticoI got bootice.05:24
DiplomaticoNow?What to do?05:24
DiplomaticoCall Batman...05:24
DrManhattanhttp://www.pendrivelinux.com/restoring-your-usb-key-partition/   and go down to where it says "Or alternately, Windows users could use BOOTICE"05:24
DrManhattanthen follow those directions05:24
DrManhattanand I want to openly apologize to the channel for doing windows stuff here but it is a very special case and this is a solution I know works, at least for me05:25
DiplomaticoBad luck,05:25
DiplomaticoIt doesn't show in the destination disk...05:25
DiplomaticoNot recognized.05:25
DrManhattanHmm what does disk management show05:26
DiplomaticoWhere is disk management??05:26
DiplomaticoYou mean device manager?05:26
Flat4ForLifecontrol panel > admin tools > device manager05:26
DrManhattannot device manager05:27
DrManhattanDISK management05:27
Flat4ForLifeisnt disk management in device manager?05:27
DrManhattanright click my computer, select Manage, go down to disk management05:27
cuddylierWhy is this cronjob going every minute instead of hour?05:27
cuddylier* */5 * * * screen -S creative -s bash -p 0 -X stuff "`printf "\015plotme resetexpired plotworld\r"`"05:27
cuddylierI mean every 5 minutes05:27
DrManhattanits under computer management05:28
ianorlincuddylier: do you have an * in minutes05:28
DiplomaticoGot it.It shows only the HDD.05:28
DrManhattanDiplomatico, the drive is hosed05:28
DiplomaticoSo, yeah...05:28
cuddylierianorlin Yes05:28
ianorlinthat does it every minute05:29
Flat4ForLifeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand back to square one05:29
DiplomaticoWhat's that?? Dead?05:29
cuddylierWhat do I put instead if I want it to be just every 5 hours?05:29
DrManhattanDiplomatico, ruined05:29
DiplomaticoAlrighty then!!!05:29
DiplomaticoThank you so much even for a lost cause!!!05:29
DiplomaticoThank you again!05:29
DiplomaticoI shall use it as a key holder!!05:29
ianorlinput sometihng different in minutes as that does it every minute as * means any time in that range05:29
mogeyNeed help setting up xfx Radeon HD 6670 GPU for Ubuntu please. No idea what to do05:32
Flat4ForLifewhat version of ubuntu?05:33
jozefkhow can I get nvidia drivers working?05:34
Flat4ForLifejozefk, what version of ubuntu? what card do you have? what have you tried?05:34
mogeyubuntu 13.1005:34
Flat4ForLifemogey, have you used the "Software and Updates" option in system settings?05:35
jozefkFlat4ForLife, 12.04.4 64bit. nvidia optimus, which is supported now natively by latest nvidia drivers I read on the internet. so far what I tried is this: first it was working with nouveau drivers but the external monitor on HDMI didn't work good. graphics were delaying and so on. so I tried bumblebee, that one messed up the whole thing. now I want to just install nvidia drivers and use those and see if it will work05:36
Flat4ForLifejozefk, same with mogey, did you try the "Software and Updates" option in system settings to install the proprietary drivers that way?05:38
Flat4ForLifeim unsure if thats in 12.04 though05:38
Flat4ForLifejust asking05:38
mogeyive done the software and updates, but when i click details it doesnt show my gpu under graphics05:39
Flat4ForLifeunder "Additional Drivers" it doesnt list your card?05:40
jozefkFlat4ForLife, I installed the drivers from Additional software but they are not in use05:40
mogeyya and underneath it says this device is using and alternative driver05:41
=== Dystinio is now known as HDRDanny
Flat4ForLifejozefk, what happened exactly after you installed the nvidia drivers through there?05:42
Flat4ForLifemogey, have you followed a guide such as this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD05:44
Guest4194what is *nix05:45
Guest4194& posix environment?05:45
Flat4ForLifebased on unix05:45
jozefkFlat4ForLife, it happens nothing. intel is working only05:45
Flat4ForLifejozefk, did you run the xconfig during/after install?05:46
jozefksudo modprobe nvidia05:46
jozefkFATAL: Module nvidia not found.05:46
jozefkxconfig? no05:46
jozefkI actually tried to run X -configure05:47
jozefkstill don't see anything happened05:47
Flat4ForLifeafter you install the nvidia drivers, you need to run nvidia-xconfig to redo your xconf file, and blacklist the stock drivers05:47
jozefkstock driver? nouveu?05:47
jozefkI blacklisted that already05:47
Flat4ForLifeok, did you create aliases in your blacklist file for nvidia drivers?05:48
=== geudrik is now known as geudrik|away
Flat4ForLifereconfigure your xconf file?05:48
Flat4ForLifehave you followed a guide such as this jozefk https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia05:49
Flat4ForLifehi [[LEONN]]05:49
jozefkI haven't created aliases05:50
jozefklet me try now fist the nvidia-xconfig05:50
jozefknvidia-xconfig: command not found05:50
[[LEONN]]I made some05:51
jozefkI don't have xorg.conf file05:51
Flat4ForLifejozefk, are you back on nouveau? did you remove the nvidia drivers?05:51
[[LEONN]]with bans y everthing05:51
jozefkno I am not back on nouveau and I haven't removed nvidia drivers.05:52
ItsMeLennyi have a program that wants to access /dev/tts/USB0 which doesnt exist, is there a way to temporary link usb to that location05:52
grendal_primehas anyone got netflix-desktop to work?05:53
mogeystill trying to get the latest drivers for xfx Radeon HD 6670 on Ubuntu 13.10 saucy. any idea whta i need to do?05:54
jozefkthis looks like many people have problems with graphic cards in linux. what a hell05:55
jozefkwill buy computers with intel graphics only in the future05:56
Flat4ForLifemogey, did you see my post from a little bit ago?05:56
Ben64jozefk: the problem is optimus for you, my nvidia cards work fine05:56
q0Is modern compiler implementation a good book to get into comp design and things like superscalar and the alternatives ?05:56
jozefkwhat is the problem with AMD then?05:57
Flat4ForLifejozefk, some people do some people dont...cant throw it all out just because some have issues05:57
Flat4ForLifei have a nvidia card that no one can get to work either. but im still dinking around with it05:57
Ben64jozefk: amd has never been great on linux05:57
jozefksudo: nvidia-xconfig: command not found06:00
Flat4ForLifeItsMeLenny, have you looked at symbolic links?06:01
Flat4ForLifeoh nvm, h quit06:01
Ben64Flat4ForLife: what nvidia card can you not get working?06:01
Flat4ForLifeGeForce 8600M GT on my macbook06:01
jozefkI need HDMI to work or my main OS can't be Linux06:02
Ben64Flat4ForLife: should work with latest driver06:02
Flat4ForLifeBen64, it doesnt. i have tried 3 different versions06:02
Ben64you may be doing something wrong, nvidia is pretty painless to get going06:03
Flat4ForLifejozefk, if you are not on nouveau and have not uninstalled nvidia drivers, what are you currently using to boot?06:04
jozefkFlat4ForLife, intel06:04
Flat4ForLifeBen64, i very well could be, yes. i have tried many different resolutions online and had some help in here. couldnt get it working06:04
Ben64Flat4ForLife: are you sure its a video card problem and not a screen problem06:05
Flat4ForLifeBen64, how would it be a screen problem?06:06
Ben64Flat4ForLife: not giving correct edid so it can't tell what res to run at06:07
Flat4ForLifei tried setting the res manually, still wouldnt work06:07
=== bocaneri is now known as Sauvin
=== hdevalence is now known as hdevalence|away
Flat4ForLifejozefk, did you install the latest linux headers before installing bumblebee/bbswitch?06:11
Flat4ForLifeBen64, it could be a screen config problem, but i still haven't been able to get it to work06:16
biomanPlease have a look at this shot : http://postimg.org/image/76ckwuisn/06:20
biomanI've tried Ubnuntu 12.04-4 lts, but dont' like like. Back to my distro, some foler icons in Xfce are the ubuntu ones, not my theme.06:21
biomanCan anyone help me please ?06:21
=== geudrik|away is now known as geudrik
Ben64bioman: i'm not sure what you're asking06:26
biomanBen64: look at the shot : the "Musique", "Images", "Téléchargemnts" icons are not the right ones06:28
jozefkFlat4ForLife, I installed the headers together with bumblebee06:28
jozefkand bumblebee worked but not on HDMI06:28
jozefkI was not able to get HDMI working06:28
Ben64bioman: what distro are you running?06:29
biomanBen64: I think I've found how to get my icons back : https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xdg_user_directories I use Arch06:30
Ben64then why are you in ubuntu support?06:31
Flat4ForLife!arch | bioman06:31
biomanBen64: because that's ubuntu related06:31
Ben64bioman: i don't see how it's ubuntu related when you're in arch06:32
arceyeis it possible to write a little batch file kind of thing to open a terminal with a specific command ? I know a batch file is a windows thing but it was the best way I could describe what I want to do06:40
icerootarceye: gnome-terminal -e your-command06:42
Ben64arceye: yes, but it's usually a bash script, not batch in linux06:42
=== geudrik is now known as geudrik|away
arceyeiceroot, Ben64 thanks06:44
ainxhello need help here06:47
ainxi got some trouble with installation flashplayer and i need to abort and stop the installation because i was install it manually06:48
ainxanyone here?06:49
irssi-mikeainx grab the gz from adobe then cp the .so to /usr/share/mozilla/plugins06:50
ainxno, i mean06:51
ainxi mean i need to abort ll the proccess installation flash06:51
irssi-mikeor is it /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins06:51
irssi-mikeainx: you mean you want to stop apt-get06:52
irssi-mikeainx: not sure i've ever had to do that but if you abort with ctrl+c i think it would leave apt-get hanging06:53
irssi-mikeso dont do that06:53
ainxstop forever and never to do this "dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem"06:53
ainxbecause it's can be06:54
=== duoi_afk is now known as duoi
GregtedAnyone online know how to edit text in Scribus?06:57
BlitzHereHi all06:59
BlitzHereQuck question07:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:00
mogeyatest version of amd drivers acceptable for ubuntu 13.10?07:00
BlitzHereCan I install an EFI enabled sustem through the mini ISO?07:00
BlitzHereMy system boots in legacy mode jsut fine07:01
BlitzHereBut jsut want to know07:01
mogeydoes anyone know the latest version of amd drivers that are acceptable on ubuntu 13.1007:01
BlitzHereI suppose I could create a ~100MB and mount it at /boot/efi during installation but would that even work?07:01
=== Sauvin is now known as NotSauvin
AnsemHey, weird issues07:02
AnsemI have a CIFs share from a NAS07:02
AnsemI can create files, but I'm still getting back permission errors07:02
Ansemas in, I do 'touch blah', get a permissions error, but then blah is there07:03
BlitzHereSigh, I should read mote07:07
BlitzHereDoes boot-repair work off live boot USBs?07:07
Busybyeskihow can i make ls recursive?07:12
Busybyeskioh.. i'm an idiot07:12
=== Ozera is now known as Ozera_zz
l0o0I waa confused about the output when i used vgaswitcheroo to switch bwtweent IGD and DIS. The output is 0:DIS: :DynPwr:0000:01:00.0 1:IGD:+:Pwr:0000:00:02.0 2:DIS-Audio: :Pwr:0000:01:00.107:24
l0o0Both IGD and DIS are powered07:24
thurstylarkI need some help mounting an smb share hosted by a ubuntu server and mounted by a second smb server. I keep getting cifs error 13 and I have no idea how to fix it.07:25
thurstylarksorry. second ubuntu server.07:25
l0o0I have Ubuntu14.04 on my laptop07:26
MaximumTimboHello, I have two users on the same machine and I want them to have access to the same folders. Some of the folder that I want to share are hidden, like wine. I want to avoid installing the same applications for two users. How?07:41
ainxhelp please ;(07:43
jozefkis there anybody with optimus nvidia and ubuntu 12.04.4?07:44
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== dan_ is now known as Guest33484
Prest0is ther any linux terminal that shows the promp line in bold, then all the results parsed? something like a chat...it will be much more easy to read08:00
Prest0than everything in same color and joined08:01
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI08:02
whizkidWhat do we hav here?/08:02
=== duoi is now known as duoi_afk
whizkidelementary os is awesome. :))08:04
=== asad is now known as Guest88460
Gneawhizkid: is that an app available in ubuntu?08:04
whizkidNope! its an ubuntu based distro.08:04
rww(see #elementary for discussion and support)08:06
GneaUEFI baffles me. I transferred my HDD to a new system and it doesn't seem to like booting into an X environment.08:06
Gneaand it won't say why, either.08:06
GneaI guess ubuntu needs to know how to handle uefi... perhaps grub is what I need to look at08:08
jjavaholicwhere can I find an app for bulk xmp tag-value adding08:12
jozefkDoes it makes sense to install lxde on Ubuntu 12.04 and use it instead of unity? Would it work and how long?08:16
keplrWhy not use Lubuntu?08:21
rwwbecause they already have Ubuntu installed, I expect08:22
jozefkIs lubuntu LTS?08:22
rwwjozefk: Lubuntu 10.04 was unofficially, I think 12.04 isn't, and 14.04 will be.08:23
jozefkThat's why I would like to install lxde on Ubuntu if possible and if it is supported08:24
irssi-mikejozefk: i'd compare your choice in GUI to which brand of tires to use will void my warranty08:29
jozefkDon't know if it will work and be supported or not08:31
Wugwhen it comes to "officially supported", most things are supported via trial and error08:32
Wugonly a few simple sets of things are easily and uniquely reproducible, and have a subject matter expert here to help with08:32
Wugit might be that what you want is impossible, or it might be easy, but chances are only one or two of us here has ever done it, and they're probably afk.  you won't know until you try08:33
Wugif you run into issues along the way, post about them and those of us who have run into similar problems in the past will chime in as they notice08:34
Wugyou can do too many things with ubuntu to document or support all of them.  sometimes you're on your own08:34
jozefkSo you are saying most of you are just using unity?08:34
WugI was irritated by unity at first but it has grown on me08:34
Wugand gotten better08:35
jozefkThen I have to get used to it too08:35
Wugwell, you certainly don't have to08:35
Wugbut experimenting with your graphical environment is a fairly in-depth undertaking08:36
Wugit will require lots of time, work, and experience to get anything done.08:36
Wugand also research08:36
Wugbut if you have no shortage of those things, you can change it to be however you want08:37
irssi-mikejozefk: i like unity and gnome but on a machine with less resources lxde all the way08:37
jozefkDon't have time08:41
dzhusMy Postgres won't start, does anyone have ideas why? http://dpaste.com/1624758/08:47
rwwhewhomust: they're running as root in the first line08:49
rwwso not that08:49
hewhomustyeah just noticed it after i said that08:50
MaximumTimboI was messing users and groups trying to make sharing of folder between two users on the same computer a little more seamless. Both of my users are now "standard" and my root password no longer works. How can I fix this?08:50
Andenanyone good at xbindkeys syntax? i'd like to make my Mouse button 5 (supposedly called b:9) to become my left shift08:51
Andeni can kinda get it to work but not completely, i want it to simulate keydown when pressing b:9 and keyup when releasing b:9 but the following doesn't work:08:52
hewhomust MaximumTimbo: what do you mean your root password doesnt work?08:52
MaximumTimbohewhomust, just what I said....08:52
Anden"xte 'keydown Shift_L'"08:53
Anden"xte 'keyup Shift_L'"08:53
Andenb:9 + release08:53
hewhomustMaximumTimbo: tried using passwd?08:54
Andenall that happens is that nothing happens when i press down on the mouse button and when i release it it constantly holds down shift >_<08:54
MaximumTimbohewhomust, passwd doesn't work08:56
hewhomustMaximumTimbo: tried booting into a live cd chrooting into the partition and changing the password?08:56
MaximumTimbohewhomust, I've never done that before. Docs?08:57
irssi-mikei think all u gotta do is mount /dev/sdaX /mnt then chroot /mnt but i could be wrong08:58
hewhomustirssi-mike:  your right08:58
hewhomustthats it08:58
hewhomustthen just run passwd user08:59
irssi-mikesudo fdisk -l to find X08:59
hewhomustMaximumTimbo: how did you add them to the groups too? you might have just removed them the other groups09:01
humbagMaximumTimbo: as each user, enter 'groups' in terminal, if you do not see the word sudo you must enter the filesystem from a live cd or usb09:11
humbagsee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot   and  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=213514609:11
hewhomusthumbag: he gone09:12
=== _QueTrepasseSJF_ is now known as _QueTrepasseSJF
jozefkwhich release of Ubuntu most of the people here use? latest or LTS?09:22
rwwjozefk: latest09:23
hewhomustlts cant be bothered upgrading every 6 months09:24
cloudy_nzI'm using 13.04 and grumpy now updates have been cut off09:25
ActionparsnipHi ruda09:26
hewhomusthi Ruda09:26
jozefkI kind of like LTS too09:28
Rudado U speak polish ?09:29
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.09:29
ActionparsnipHi lefluff09:35
hewhomusthi LeFluff09:35
LeFluffI have no idea what to talk about, I just miss Ubuntu.09:37
hewhomustlol what do you use?09:37
LeFluffNot quite Ubuntu09:38
hewhomusti hate macs09:38
hewhomustbut thats just an economic position09:38
LeFluffThe economic thing got me actually. Spent money on OS X apps..but I so want Ubuntu09:39
ActionparsnipLefluff: there are mac channels here on freenode09:39
ActionparsnipLefluff: ubuntu also runs on mac09:39
LeFluffI miss Ubuntu, not OS X09:39
geirhaLeFluff: Install VirtualBox, then install Ubuntu in a VM09:39
hewhomustgods i hate os x even more than the price of macs09:40
LeFluffbetter than windows, but its no Ubuntu.09:40
LeFluffI just need to tighten the belt, wipe a cheap netbook...09:41
ActionparsnipHewhomust: and "build quality" they always shout about. Funny things are macs09:41
LeFluffVM idea was good btw09:43
LeFluffjust didnt want to put a 6yo mac through that. HDD is.......shaky.09:44
LeFluffI dont want to tear down a mini for the third time.09:44
LeFluffThumb drives are fast on read, painful on write09:45
hewhomustthe thing i hate the most about macs is the proprietary hardware crap09:46
hewhomustos x09:47
LeFluffDriver hell09:47
LeFluffNot like its helped them in sales either09:48
hewhomusti actually think the os looks pretty cool might run it in a virtual machine09:48
hewhomustfurther problems though09:49
LeFluffNot as cool as Ubuntu. I'm just tempted to go buy a dang external09:50
LeFluffmy wallet hurt09:50
LeFluffI really just need something that will run a minecraft server in runlevel 309:51
LeFluffMaybe I'll just install server on the mac09:51
wonderworldhi how would i reinitialize an USB device on a remote machine? can't go there and plug it in and out. have ssh access.09:52
LeFluffwhat device09:52
LeFluffif u have ssh, reboot09:53
LeFluffok  well later09:54
wonderworldcant reboot the machine. must run09:54
LeFluffservet eh?09:54
LeFluffdoes it show in lsusb?09:55
LeFlufflove 2 all09:56
wonderworldyes sure09:56
wonderworldi need to reinitialize it with the kernel09:57
pietro10well I built a fonts.conf that caused fc-match to produce the same output as it did before; now I just have to make sure KDE programs stay the same... next time I reboot09:57
pietro10until then, thanks anyway09:57
=== AC_BF2 is now known as AC_BF
jotanplsI need help setting up PHP, more precisely I have a couple of questions regarding the difference of folders between windows php and linux php. E.g. I can't reach index.php with apache2 running and everything, not even via /index.php10:19
c2tarunjotanpls, did you enable site from apache10:22
jotanplsc2tarun: elaborate, I get the ' Sight works ! ' message when I type in localhost10:22
ikoniajotanpls: that's not really "php"10:22
ikoniajotanpls: thats just index file extensions in apache10:22
jotanplsikonia: glorious exposition comrade10:23
ikoniajotanpls: and that's exactly the same in windows as it is in apache10:23
ikoniajotanpls: what ?10:23
c2tarunjotanpls, can you please share the output of "ls /etc/apache2/sites-available"10:23
jotanplssure thing c2tarun10:23
* c2tarun just wondering if anyone still use jEdit. (I like it very much)10:24
ikoniajotanpls: are you using ubuntu or crunchband ?10:24
ikoniacrunchbang ?10:24
jotanplsI'm using crunchbang10:24
ikoniajotanpls: ok, I see you asking in #crunchbang, please keep it in there, not this channel10:24
ikoniajotanpls: this channel only deals with ubuntu.10:24
jotanplsikonia: Well it is built on both, and this channel has a way bigger supportcommunity10:25
ikoniajotanpls: it's different though, hence why we don't support crunchbang10:25
ikoniajotanpls: crunchbang has some good members, I see you asking in #crunchbang, so please keep it there10:25
c2tarunjotanpls, also it is not advisable to ask same questions at two different channels. You might waste someones time.10:26
c2tarunask on anyone channel and be patient. Also try #PHP channel.10:26
ikoniac2tarun: it's not a php problem10:26
ikoniait's apache index page extensions10:26
IOerrorHi all.  I just installed 13.10 server x32 on my netbook with a pendrive and now all it does is blink _ instead of booting into the OS.  I've tried reinstalling a few times and get the same issue.  Halp?10:30
sevenup   rules:   http://jumbastic.com/magegorules.html10:32
ikoniasevenup: why are you pasting that here ?10:33
hewhomustlol wtf10:33
ikoniahewhomust: no-need for that comment or language10:34
=== jonas_ is now known as Guest29977
hewhomusthi jonas_10:35
IOerrorOh wow.. when I boot into rescue mode and get to a shell, if I type "ls" I get "Floating point exception"10:35
=== h2o is now known as Guest60947
hewhomusthi jumpin10:38
jumpinwie gehts?10:39
hewhomustnot bad10:39
IOerroris there a reason LVM would not work?10:40
=== dave is now known as Guest25387
IOerrorI think that's what my problem is10:40
MickiIch habe ein Problem mit meinem Web+TV Stick von Pro7. Wenn ich den in den USB Port stecke stürzt der Rechner ab. Der Screen geht  weg und ich kann nix mehr machen.10:40
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!10:42
aeon-ltdMicki: gehe zu #ubuntu-de10:42
MickiSry, wusste ich nicht. Danke für die Info.10:42
aeon-ltdkein problem10:42
OsBinAsdas is gut :)10:43
IOerrorOk, LVM wasn't the problem.  Is there a way to see why this machine won't boot into Ubuntu Server?  This blinking "_" isn't helpful.10:45
ikonialooking at the step before the failure would be a start10:46
IOerrorGoing to try manually creating partitions :/10:47
ikoniawhy ?10:47
ikoniawhat makes you think that is a problem10:47
IOerrorBecause that was the only way to get Ubuntu desktop to install/boot10:47
ikoniasounds a weak approach10:47
IOerrorBut desktop cripples my poor little netbook10:47
IOerroragreed, but I don't know how to see what the issue is10:48
ikonianarroing it down10:48
ikoniaeg: does it hit grub, does the kernel start to boot, what point in the boot process does it hit, you see the partitions from live media,10:49
IOerrorOk, if I boot into a Live CD, I can see the partitions just fine, I try reinstalling GRUB and it still won't boot.  Install LILO and I get the same problem.10:49
IOerrorI don't know if it even hits the bootloader, it just does to a blinking _10:50
ikoniare-installing grub, installing lilo - it's just random10:50
ikoniaok - I can't help you as you are just doing random things10:50
ikoniaproceed as you feel best, good luck10:50
=== zz_SrRaven is now known as SrRaven
Prest0what does happend when you break the bandwith limit of your vpn? you can't connect to it ?10:54
ikoniadepends on how you set up the vpn10:54
ikoniait's your vpn, you set the policy10:54
Prest0i dont get it10:55
ikoniawhat don't you get ?10:55
Prest0isnt the bandwith limit the limit of gb the vpn can move in/out10:55
Prest0its says 500 gb bandwith in the shop, so i can move 500 gb of data each month10:56
ikoniawhat do you mean ?10:56
ikoniaright yes, how is that anything to do with your vpn - thats a limit from your ISP10:56
Prest0500 gb of bandwidth = the data you can move, or the speed limit you can move your data10:57
=== joel is now known as Guest4538
Guest4538I have a question : there is a message on my desktop: sofware index is broken: how can I fix it?10:58
Guest4538I have a question : there is a message on my desktop: sofware index is broken: how can I fix it? I'm on ubuntu 12.1010:58
Prest0the data you can move, okey so lets say i connect to my vpn 24h/day using remote desktop, and in 2 days i already trasnfered 500 gb of data10:58
Prest0what happends the rest of 28 days10:58
Prest0i cannot connect to it ?10:58
ikoniaask your ISP10:59
Prest0my isp? or the isp of the vpn provider?10:59
RubasPrest0: if it is a good ISP, they will limit your connection (with a lower coonection)10:59
ikoniait's nothing to do with VPN - that is a network limit from your ISP10:59
ikoniaPrest0: whoever set the 500GB limit10:59
RubasPrest0: where do you see 500gb limit?10:59
Prest0my isp? or the isp of the vpn proider?10:59
ikoniathis is nothing to do with ubuntu11:00
ikoniatalk to your ISP/VPN provider11:00
ikoniatalk to them then11:00
ikoniathis is nothing to do with ubuntu11:00
ikoniayeah, we saw the first time11:00
Prest0500 gb Bandwidth says11:00
ikoniatalk to them11:00
ikoniait's nothing to do with this channel11:01
Prest0yes but as anyone was talking and linux people usually know a bit more than others...11:01
Prest0i was asking11:01
Guest4538ikonia, please can you afford this: sofware index is broken on my ubuntu 12.10, how can I fix it?11:01
ikoniaPrest0: talk to the provider11:01
ikoniaPrest0: they will tell you for certain11:01
ikoniaGuest4538: delete the index ? let it re-load it ?11:02
ikoniaGuest4538: depends what you've done to break it11:02
Prest0my ISP provider? or the one of the VPN?11:02
ikoniathe person who imposed the limit11:02
Prest0must be the shop where they sell the vpns then11:02
ikoniaright, then talk to them11:03
Prest0is Cpanel needed for anything?11:03
Rubaswhat are you using the vps for?11:05
hewhomustPrest0: cpanel isnt even supported on ubuntu11:05
Guest4538ikonia, I know nothing about this, I'm about to install R packages and then it shows something: I've no right to write on my library system file, and overthere it appears this message: sofware index is broken11:06
Prest0i was talking about VPS not VPN11:12
humbagGuest4538: you need to update and remove obsolete repositories and upgrade before installing new things11:12
yellabs-r2hello all..11:14
yellabs-r2i see iso builds of ubuntu that say's its build for 64-bit Mac ( AMD64) , what does that mean ?11:15
yellabs-r2they run on mac hardware ?11:15
aeon-ltdyellabs-r2: yes, the amd name is not a processor specification here11:18
yellabs-r2i see11:19
yellabs-r2thanks for the info , downloading daily build right now ..11:21
yellabs-r2have a nice day ,,11:23
aeon-ltdyou too11:23
ShadowStriderhello can somebody help me with dual boot problem?11:26
ShadowStriderSo I have two SSD. The other has windows 7 and the other xubuntu. When I try to boot from xubuntu, I can't see windows 7 on the list11:29
ShadowStriderthis is in the grub list11:29
John_John_is this the chat for the other flavors of ubuntu like kubuntu for example ?11:30
humbagShadowStrider: first things first, have you run sudo update-grub11:30
humbagJohn_John_: you can msg the bot alis to find other channels11:30
John_John_humbag: whats the command for that please ?11:31
humbag /msg alis list *ubuntu* -min 2011:32
ShadowStriderok there's the output11:32
ShadowStriderSo if I reboot, I should see windows 7 on the list?11:33
humbagShadowStrider: looks like it :)11:34
ShadowStriderOk great! Be back soon11:34
ShadowStriderJust great, I was able to have windows 7 on the boot list and w7 fired up!11:38
AmbiguousOutlierI'm trying to configure KVM the next step on the wiki requires this file /sys/hypervisor/properties/capabilities which is missing? Do i need to install hypervisor11:42
MasterOfDisasterAmbiguousOutlier: check if all necessary kernel modules are loaded with lsmod.11:43
AmbiguousOutlierMasterOfDisaster: What am I looking for kvm_intel is there, can't see anything to do with hypervisor or xen11:45
bekksAmbiguousOutlier: kvm is the hypervisor.11:46
AmbiguousOutlierI'm having trouble with this step; By default, if you booted into XEN kernel it will not display svm or vmx flag using the grep command. To see if it is enabled or not from xen, enter:11:47
AmbiguousOutliercat /sys/hypervisor/properties/capabilities11:47
AmbiguousOutlierYou must see hvm flags in the output.11:47
vmuseranyone has experience with dual gpu's ?11:51
bekks!anyone | vmuser11:52
ubottuvmuser: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:52
AmbiguousOutlierIs this an issue for setting up kvm on my server >> rhys@banana:~$ rmmod kvm12:00
AmbiguousOutlierError: Module kvm is in use by: kvm_intel12:00
bekksAmbiguousOutlier: rmmod kvm_intel12:01
AmbiguousOutlierbekks: rhys@banana:~$ rmmod kvm_intel12:01
AmbiguousOutlierlibkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:753 kmod_module_remove_module: could not remove 'kvm_intel': Operation not permitted12:01
AmbiguousOutlierError: could not remove module kvm_intel: Operation not permitted12:01
bekkssudo ...12:01
AmbiguousOutlierbekks: thanks12:02
vmuserHow to set up dual GPUs on Ubuntu 13.1012:05
vmuserthe displays panel isn't working12:05
AmbiguousOutlierKVM is installed on my host/server, I then have virt-manager installed on client.  Where should my iso be stored, i can't seem to select them when I browse local or network install12:11
Guest89508hi. unity is not working in normal mode but working fine in 2d in ubuntu12.04. this problem is comign after installing fglrx drivers12:12
Mocquewhat is sudo stand for? and why sudo?12:14
TJ-Mocque: Super User DO12:14
bekks!sudo | Mocque12:14
ubottuMocque: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo12:14
Mocquei see.. hanks12:14
TJ-you're welcome... Tom12:14
Mocqueand ls stand for? > fedora12:15
MasterOfDisasterMocque: list12:15
MasterOfDisasterMocque: usually, manpages answer these question12:15
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)12:17
AmbiguousOutlierI've added a connection to virt-manager, if i create new VM, I get a;12:18
AmbiguousOutlierWarning: KVM is not available. This may mean the KVM package is not installed or the KVM modules are not loaded. Your virtual machines may perform poorly.12:18
m             warning          you may be  watched12:18
linuxearthwhen did ubuntu came into existence?12:23
cfhowlettlinuxearth, see the wikipedia entry12:23
linuxearthi just wanted to know the date12:24
cfhowlettlinuxearth, stay in main channel for ubuntu support.  Ubuntu is one of the most popular distros for linux newcomers12:29
Maurice_la_saucihi, I got some problem with the firewall, even if I allow IN & OUT the HTTP & HTTPS service, it doesn't work. Somebody knows why?12:31
ShapeShifter499is ubuntu basically debian sid/unstable with canonical patches?12:33
cfhowlettShapeshifter, neither debian nor canonical would describe it so12:34
ShapeShifter499cfhowlett, two people in #debian-next on OFTC just agreed with me12:34
cfhowlettShapeShifter499, oh, well then ...12:35
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cfhowlettBardamu, greetings12:50
hewhomusthi Bardamu12:50
bugs_buggerhi there. anybody here savvy with logical volume management? i upgraded my system and used an existing lvm setup. now, when i extend a partition with lvextend, it displays as being bigger with lvdisplay, but the filesystem itself(nemo) shows it in its old size. do i need to apply the new lv-size to the filesystem somehow?12:51
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto12:51
BardamuI have an error when I'm trying to install ubuntu: (initramfs) unable to find a medium containing a live file system12:52
bekksbugs_bugger: you need to resize the filesystem, too.12:52
TJ-bugs_bugger: lvresize doesn't automatically extend the contained file-system; depends on the FS type12:52
BardamuMy iso is good I checked with md5sum12:52
bugs_buggerbekks, TJ-: i know i did that once but forgot. since i use lvm i can't use gparted or the like to resize the filesystem of the partition. is that correct?12:53
TJ-bugs_bugger: When using lvextend/lvresize, both have a --resizefs option12:53
BardamuI tried to make bootable my usb with dd_rescue, lili usb creator...12:53
TJ-bugs_bugger: If it's an ext file-system, just do "resize2fs /dev/mapper/VG-LV" ... that will usually do an online resize12:54
bugs_buggerTJ-: thanks! that switch i did not find in the documentation12:54
bugs_buggerTJ-: resize2fs...im gonna write that down for the next time. thank you. do i need to do that on swap as well?12:56
bekksbugs_bugger: If you resized swap - yes.12:56
TJ-bugs_bugger: No, for swap you'd "swapoff /dev/..." then "mkswap /dev/...." then "swapon /dev/..."12:56
bugs_buggerthanks guys. finally i got space to breathe again ;)12:59
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ubottujonathan_b,: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )13:00
bugs_buggerTJ-, bekks: have a nice sunday ;) (assuming respective gmt). bugs out.13:01
=== hdevalence|away is now known as hdevalence
cfhowlettjonathan_b, again - yes we see you.13:08
jonathan_bjust testing 2 xchats the gnome xchat and the X Xchat13:09
christophe_Salut il y a des personnes qui parle le Francais  ici ??13:09
irssi-mikedesole, je ne parle pas francais13:09
ubottuchristophe_,: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:09
cfhowlettjonathan_b, please use the testing channel for that13:10
christophe_oki merci13:10
uporotchristophe, hi! u speak russian?13:10
John_John_lets say that after a few months the new version comes out. am i forced to reinstall my system from scratch ? or there is a command to auto upgrade my entire system to the latest version ? for example from 13.10 to 14.13:11
cfhowlettuporot, pretty sure that's grench13:11
cfhowlettJohn_John_, in a perfect world, you can just upgrade to the new version.13:11
TJ-John_John_: We have the "do-release-upgrade" tool for that, and the GUI has it's own front-end. You'll get a popup notice when a 'distribution upgrade' is available13:11
irssi-mikeBardamu: i'm not sure but sometimes them usb creators suck, try a different one13:12
John_John_TJ-: is it a tool that is already built in and activated in ubuntu by default ?13:12
TJ-John_John_: Yes13:13
John_John_thank you:)13:13
_TWSif 12.04 LTS is supposed to be supported until 2018, how horrible will it be by then if it's already horribly out of date now?13:23
gordonjcp_TWS: it won't be horrible at all13:23
gordonjcp_TWS: everything will be patched up to date13:24
gordonjcp_TWS: if you want the latest and greatest use 13.10, and if you want to live on the bleeding edge 14.0413:24
_TWSno, I want stable and up to date13:24
cfhowlett_TWS, gee I don't know - let me jump in my time machine and see13:24
_TWSnot bleeding edge13:24
cfhowlett_TWS, so then install the latest release and enjoyu13:25
_TWSbut 12.04 is already way behind on updates in the dev system13:25
gordonjcp_TWS: no13:25
ubottu_TWS,: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)13:25
gordonjcp_TWS: 12.04 is always absolutely bang up to date13:25
ActionParsnipTws, LTS is 5 years not 613:25
Ben64if you want up to date and stable, use 14.04 when it comes out13:25
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: lts packages have more scruitinized so will be updated less frequently13:26
pulsar78for a filesystem expert: formatting an efi partition fat32 (32mb min size) gives error:not enough clusters. But 512*65536=32mb13:26
_TWSwhen it comes out... maybe13:26
_TWSfor now, so many hoops to get gcc and other stuff updated13:26
Ben64pulsar78: 32MB and 32MiB aren't the same13:26
ActionParsnip_tws: precise is supported til April 201713:26
_TWSheck, I was actually surprised a fresh install didn't have gcc13:26
gordonjcp_TWS: why would it have gcc?13:27
ActionParsnip_tws: why, not everyone wants to compile13:27
gordonjcp_TWS: normal people never need to compile13:27
_TWSnormal people?13:27
=== hdevalence is now known as hdevalence|away
ActionParsnip_tws: yes. Regular users wanting to web browse and chat will probably never need gcc13:28
gordonjcp_TWS: do you understand the point of Long Term Support releases?13:28
_TWSand to think people getting pissy about FreeBSD changing the toolchain from gcc to clang13:28
_TWSweb browse = firefox on windows13:28
TJ-gcc is installed by default by ubuntu-desktop in order to support DKMS builds of out-of-tree kernel modules, such as nvidia and fglx, virtualbox, etc., in later releases13:28
cfhowlett_TWS, ???13:28
_TWSserver = Freebsd and/or linux when necessary13:28
gordonjcp_TWS: this discussion is better suited to #ubuntu-offtopic13:28
pulsar78Ben64: sorry, i meant 32 MiB13:29
MonkeyDust_TWS  sure you're in the right channel?13:29
_TWSyeah, thsi is ubuntu, right13:29
Tom1gordonjcp: i want to add puppy linux to grub2 menu, in ubuntu , how to do it?13:29
_TWSI was wondering why the LTS version was so far behind13:29
gordonjcpTom1: why are you asking me?13:29
gordonjcp!grub | Tom113:29
ubottuTom1: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:29
MonkeyDust_TWS  tell that in #ubuntu-offtopic, not here13:29
pulsar78Ben64: weird is when i use +33M it works ..13:29
gordonjcp_TWS: it's not13:29
gordonjcp_TWS: it's always absolutely patched up to date, with the latest updates13:30
ActionParsnipTj-: i dont have it installed here. It will be pulled in as a dep of nvidia-current but its not default13:30
_TWShow is talking about the ubuntu toolchain off topic/13:30
MonkeyDust_TWS  this channel is for support13:30
_TWSthat's why I had to add a custom ppa to get gcc 4.8?13:30
ActionParsnip_tws: LTS release concentrate on being rock solid, so packages are scruitinized and tested more13:30
gordonjcp_TWS: why would you install a different version?13:31
TJ-ActionParsnip: It's in the suggests stanza for the -desktop packages ("apt-cache rdepends gcc | grep desktop | wc -l" = 5)13:31
gordonjcp_TWS: that's stupid13:31
ActionParsnip_tws: the inbetween releases are not so concerned with stability as the LTS releases so packages are more frequently ugraded13:31
_TWSbecause I'm working with bleeding edge software.  I just don't want a bleeding edge OS too13:32
TJ-_TWS: that's what chroot's are useful for13:32
the_joker__TWS, sorry me not getting it either .... you work with bleeding edge ... software but refuse a bleeding edge system ?13:32
TJ-the_joker_: Very sensible; the last thing you want is your own system being unpredictable13:33
_TWSjoker: if you're hunting for pigeons, do you really want to do that from the back of a speeding truck?13:33
the_joker_@TJ- yes, or any other ... container / chroot like solution ...13:33
cfhowlett??? What the hey?13:33
_TWSbleeding edge software does not require bleeding edge platform13:34
MonkeyDust_TWS  did you have support question, too?13:34
ActionParsnipTj-: ahh http://paste.ubuntu.com/6943153/ not in Lubuntu then :-)13:34
Ben64_TWS: yet you're cool with using PPAs to get bleeding edge stuff.... anyway, this still isn't on topic here, you can continue pondering the meaning of LTS in #ubuntu-offtopic13:34
OerHeksthis is going nowhere13:34
ActionParsnip_tws: if you compile using bleeding edge libs then you will need those in the OS to make them run as deps13:35
_TWSok, I'll go there and let you go back to talking about the best way to dumb down server-class OS to desktop browsing13:35
ActionParsnip_tws: so ipso-facto you will need a bleeding edge platform to run it on, due to deps13:35
TJ-_TWS: with the 12.04 LTS Enablement Stack  you can keep with the up-to-date kernels and X stack, and then use LXC or chroot for your development stack13:35
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server13:36
adqwd             warning          you may be  watched13:38
adqwd  do   usa & israel   use  the internet ( youtube, facebook, twitter, chat rooms,ect...)to collect informations,,,,can we call that spying ?13:38
adqwddo they record&analyse everything you type????13:38
adqwdwhy they ask for ur name,age,gender,occupation,place of work,ur mobile number.............ect, can they use these informations harming you?!!13:38
adqwd                                       warning          you may be  watched13:38
adqwd  do   usa & israel   use  the internet ( youtube, facebook, twitter, chat rooms,ect...)to collect informations,,,,can we call that spying ?13:38
adqwddo they record&analyse everything you type????13:38
adqwdwhy they ask for ur name,age,gender,occupation,place of work,ur mobile number.............ect, can they use these informations harming you?!13:38
adqwd                                     warning          you may be  watched !13:38
adqwd  do   usa & israel   use  the internet ( youtube, facebook, twitter, chat rooms,ect...)to collect informations,,,,do they record&analyse everything you type????can we call that spying ?13:38
adqwdwhy they ask for ur name,age,gender,occupation,place of work,ur mobile number.............ect, can they use these informations harming you?!!13:38
adqwd                            warning          you may be  watched13:38
adqwd  do   usa & israel   use  the internet ( youtube, facebook, twitter, chat rooms,ect...)to collect informations,,,,can we call that spying ?13:38
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!13:38
* TJ- darns his socks13:38
adqwd             warning          you may be  watched13:38
adqwd  do   usa & israel   use  the internet ( youtube, facebook, twitter, chat rooms,ect...)to collect informations,,,,can we call that spying ?13:38
* cfhowlett waits patiently for the !ops to smit13:39
ActionParsnipDoesnt seem to be happening but its stopped so is fine13:40
=== mi is now known as Guest99692
TJ-"Excess Flood" ... quite appropriate for southern England right now :)13:40
ActionParsnipTj-: yeah its crazy down there. Fine up here in Yorkshire :)13:40
Ben6414 lines in 5 seconds... where were the floodbots?13:40
Ben64oh, they are all gone :S13:41
TJ-Ben64: They've been permanently withdrawn13:41
ActionParsnipTj-: or was thatba bit 'cold'....like 'murrica13:41
cfhowlettBen64, wait, what?  no floodbots anymore?13:41
ActionParsnipSeems not13:41
Ben64look at the user list, no floodbots... thats not helpful ActionParsnip13:41
TJ-The owner of the Floodbot Copyright revoked permissions (see the discussion on the ubuntu-irc mailing list)13:42
ActionParsnipBen64: i cant see the user list on my client13:42
ActionParsnipBen64: well i can its just not overly useful13:42
MonkeyDustActionParsnip  type /names13:42
jasefI should NOT have typed /names.13:43
pulsar78Ben64: it seems to work at exactly 32.5MiB, which i find to be strange.13:43
jasefClient froze for a few seconds and the darned thing printed all the names in the server status window13:43
Ben64pulsar78: 32.512207031 by my count13:44
pulsar78Ben64: any idea why that is ? 66584 sectors instead of the 6553613:46
cyruseckWhen I try to run steam I get this error: "You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run:13:48
cyrusecklibc.so.6" How can I go about adding this dependency?13:48
Ben64pulsar78: nope, i'm no expert on fat3213:48
pulsar78Ben64: same problem here :/13:49
ActionParsnipcyruseck: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue13:49
user__Is wireshark terminal-based?13:50
=== hdevalence|away is now known as hdevalence
jasefI beleive it can be.13:50
cyruseckActionParsnip: Ubuntu 13.10 \n \l13:50
TJ-user: No, it's a GUI front-end to libpcap; tcpdump is the CLI front-end13:50
jasefAh. I forgot that. It's been a long time.13:51
ActionParsnip!info libc6:i38613:52
ubottuPackage libc6i386 does not exist in saucy13:52
user__TJ-: what's a CLI front-end?13:52
ActionParsnipcyruseck: seems to be libc6 but you'll want the 32bit one13:53
jasefuser__: Command Line Interface13:53
ActionParsnipcyruseck: could ask in #ubuntu-steam13:53
user__jasef: do you know how to install tcpdump?13:54
ActionParsnipUser__: be sure to add your user to the wireshark group amd log off and on13:54
cyruseckActionParsnip: Ok, Sorry didn't think of asking there13:55
jasefuser__: not offhand, but my assumption would be 'sudo apt-get install tcpdump'13:55
ActionParsnipUser__: according to what I am seeing online, wireshark has a GUI13:55
user__ActionParsnip: yeah the default is GUI13:56
ActionParsnipUser__: dont see what cli cant be an option though. Useful on servers.13:56
user__just how to figure out the configuration options I guess13:59
ActionParsnipUser__: man pages and examples online are great starts14:00
macpoolcould some one suggest if there is an issue with the kernel. here are the contents of /boot http://cl.ly/image/1F1i2U2U1W1Z14:00
BlackFlagGood morning! I am having difficult to set the monitor resolution of a philco notebook, l41si. Can someone help me? Thanks!14:00
ActionParsnipMacpool: looks fine, you have 2 kernels installed14:01
cfhowlettmacpool, yep - 2 kernels it is14:01
ActionParsnipBlackflag: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue14:02
ActionParsnipMacpool: what issue are you seeing?14:02
ActionParsnipBlackflag: its a single line so no need to pastebin14:04
BlackFlagActionParsnip, wait a second. I will reenter the chanel from the notebook14:04
macpoolActionParsnip: *** System restart required *** even after rebooting. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/b04a2488ac3ba84e47dd14:04
ActionParsnipMacpool: ive seen this. Gimme a sec14:05
ActionParsnipMacpool: sudo rm /var/run/reboot-required14:05
jasefDon't really want to install ubuntu again to be able to do troubleshooting, but I'm curious: has anyone else ever had the issue where their wireless card is constantly RF_KILL'd as long as NetworkManager has started?14:05
ActionParsnipMacpool: then reboot14:06
kryerror: Failed dependencies:14:08
kryglibc >= 2.4 is needed by flash-plugin-
kry/bin/sh is needed by flash-plugin-
kryEncountering this error when trying to install Adobe Flash with RPM14:08
BlackFlagThe output of cat /etc/issue : Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS \n \l14:08
OerHekskry, why RPM ?14:08
cfhowlettkry, ?  rpm flash?  why?14:08
ActionParsnipKry: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue14:08
kryI don't know, I just read it I need rpm to read .rpm files14:08
ActionParsnipKry: see my command above, what is the output please?14:09
cfhowlettkry, output of cat /etc/issue14:09
macpoolActionParsnip: trying14:09
kryUbuntu 13.10 \n \l14:09
BlackFlagActionParsnip,  the output of cat /etc/issue : Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS \n \l14:09
ActionParsnipKry: not only does Ubuntu use deb files and NOT rpms, you also have flash in the offical ubuntu repos14:10
kryActually I'm using Lubuntu, but the channel is nearly empty14:10
cfhowlettkry, same process in lubuntu14:10
ActionParsnipKry: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:10
ActionParsnipKry: then use lubuntu-restricted-extras14:10
ActionParsnipBlackflag: run: sudo lshw -C display ,what is the product line?14:11
BlitzHereCan someone help my system boot in EFI mode?14:11
ActionParsnip!efi | BlitzHere14:11
ubottuBlitzHere: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:11
BlitzHereActionParsnip: I read that. I tried using boot-repair14:12
BlitzHereI installed using mini.iso14:12
BlitzHereBoot repair keeps thinking I don't have EFI partition14:12
BlackFlagActionParsnip, does it need pastebin?14:13
ActionParsnipBlitzHere: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting is another good link14:13
ActionParsnipBlackFlag: just need the product line, you can pastebin the entire output if you like14:14
kryNow I got a Microsoft EULA I can't ok down14:14
cfhowlettkry, tab and space bar to OK that one14:14
OerHekskry, use tab to select and hit enter14:14
ActionParsnipKry: use TAB then ENTER14:14
kryGot it14:14
BlackFlagproduct: 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter14:15
OerHeksBlackFlag, sounds like SIS?14:16
ActionParsnipBlackflag: oh, those can be a massive headache. Ive only see those things work with an xorg.conf file. You will not get 3D acelleration on that GPU under Linux14:16
kryDo I have to use lubuntu-restricted too, or that's not needed anymore?14:16
BlitzHereActionParsnip: http://imgur.com/kJcpIR814:16
BlackFlagYes, SIS... =/14:16
BlitzHereThat's my config right now14:16
ActionParsnipKry: younwill want the lubuntu one to accommodate the subsystems in Lubuntu14:16
BlitzHereI'm on a live system14:17
BlackFlagI tried to creat a xorg.conf, but i not had success, ActionParsnip14:17
ActionParsnipBlitzHere: ive not used uefi. Im avoiding it as much as possible14:17
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu14:17
wheatthinBlackFlag, use sudo or gksuo14:17
BlitzHereI'm going to try and see if my computer boots in non UEFI mode14:18
ActionParsnipBlackflag: i can give you mine and you can set the resolution as you need and the driver will be sis and not nvidia14:18
kryNow it works, thanks14:18
ActionParsnipBlackflag: you will need gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf ,to get write access14:19
ActionParsnipKry: why did you think you needed the RPM, when Ubuntu uses DEB files?14:19
kryI don't know, Adobe page gave me a choice of .YUM, .tar.gz or .rpm14:20
ActionParsnipBlackflag: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ybhfiwvuh2zcbii/xorg.conf14:20
cfhowlettkry, next time use the software center to install14:20
kry.rpm looked the shortest14:20
BlackFlagwheatthin, i did 1) sudo stop lightdm 2) loged in tty1 3)sudo X -configure 4) copy and past xorg.conf to /etc/X11 and edited it 5) sudo start lightdm...14:20
ActionParsnipKry: if you had done some research instead of running to the Adobe website you would have seen how it is installed14:20
BlackFlagThank you ActionParsnip ! I will try it14:21
wheatthinBlackFlag, did you copy it over with sudo too?14:21
ActionParsnipBlackflag: you'll need to tweak it.14:22
BlackFlagwheatthin, yes I did it with sudo14:24
=== hdevalence is now known as hdevalence|away
kryWhat if I want to install something that is not in the Software centre?14:25
cfhowlettkry, doable14:25
ActionParsnipKry: then you will need source or a deb file14:25
ActionParsnip!away > hdevalence|away14:25
ubottuhdevalence|away, please see my private message14:25
kryWhat is the reason for .rpm then?14:26
ActionParsnipHi demian14:26
demiancan someone help me with installing something14:26
ActionParsnipKry: for rpm based distros like Suse, Mandriva etc14:26
cfhowlettkry, RPM is for redhat linux distros  - different flavor of OS14:26
ActionParsnipdemian: install what?14:26
demianits backup software for android.. the download is a .tgz file -- and I dont know how to take it from there.14:27
jozefkWhy LTS releases are every two years and then they are supported for 5 years? What's the reason for over lapping?14:27
kryDoes Lubuntu have gnome-system-monitor or something like that?14:27
demianThe archive has files such as run.sh and adb14:28
BlackFlagActionParsnip, do i need to change something more or only the driver?14:28
jasefjozefk: a lot of corporate entities are very slow upgrading their systems.14:28
ActionParsnipBlackflag: what is the highest res you can run?14:28
jasefjozefk: Usually, if there's not a good reason to, people will avoid upgrading critical systems full stop.14:28
BlackFlagActionParsnip, 1280x80014:29
cfhowlettjasef, as demonstrated by people STILL running XP ...14:29
jasefcfhowlett: that fact makes me cry.14:29
ActionParsnipjozefk: give people chance to plan for upgrades, comlanies will do years of testing etc for when they upgrade a production server14:29
jozefkHow about users here in the channel? What do you do when new LTS is out? Waiting till 2017 or install the new one?14:30
cfhowlettjasef, that fact makes me laugh.  I'm in China looking at so many XP cash registers and Point Of Sale systems ...14:30
ActionParsnipBlackFlag: then change the res in the xorg.conf file ifnit is differnt14:30
kryHey, I'm still running XP too14:30
cfhowlettjozefk, different users, different needs.  ME: LTS only14:30
jasefcfhowlett: What.... why the hell would they use XP? Wouldn't you want Windows Embedded on them if they're running Windows?14:30
ActionParsnipjozefk: i reinstall each new LTS then it bakes til the next one is out14:30
cfhowlettjasef, *china* does things - different.14:31
ActionParsnipJasef: if they arent on the web and the shoe fits, why not?14:31
jozefkThat means most of you do reinstall every two years. Makes sense14:31
kryCan you upgrade between LTS versions?14:32
OerHeksjozefk, or any 6 months14:32
jasefI, unfortunately, don't have a computer that I can run Ubuntu on consistently right now.14:32
ActionParsnipjozefk: i do, but some just leave it til its dead. Some reinstall every new release14:32
kryWithout having to delete the previous system?14:32
cfhowlettkry, you can upgrade directly from LTS to LTS so - 12.04 to 14.0414:32
jasefLaptop wireless doesn't work with Network Manager, use my desktop for Windows games, except the CPU is burning up and overheating constantly right now14:32
OerHekskry, sure you can14:32
BlackFlagthere is difference in the frequency, but i dont know how to write it... te output of hwinfo --monitor is here, ActionParsnip http://pastebin.com/EFuzPNBZ14:33
ActionParsnipKry: if you like. I like a fresh install without fluff from the old install around14:33
kryHow do I run a .run file?14:33
ActionParsnipBlackflag: i though my file had that...14:33
qenghoHi all.  I'm trying to boot a CD for the first time in ages.  I find I'm dumped into a initramfs shell, but it's not clear why -- no messages or anything.  A strange thing, I think, is that after the shell prompt, the kernel displays the device-discovery lines for the CD device.  So, I suspect that it's trying to rotate root, hasn't settled USB, aborts silently. Advice?14:33
jozefkBest distro :)14:34
ActionParsnipKry: are you wanting to install Nvidia drivers per chance?14:34
ActionParsnipjozefk: in some cases14:34
kryNope, VBox guest additions14:34
kryIt worked for Autorun under Ubuntu, but it has some problem here14:34
ActionParsnipKry: the guest additions are installed using virtualbox itself14:34
jasefJust type sudo ./blahblah.Run14:35
ActionParsnipKry: the app will download an iso you can mount14:35
jasefI don't know why I capitalised the R.14:35
kryIt's been already done14:35
jasefActionParsnip: the iso file has a VBoxAdditions.run file on it.14:35
ActionParsnipJasef: ah14:35
kryIt's mounted, but that one doesn't want to run14:35
kry-r-xr-xr-x 1 kry kry  9665995 nov   29 18:47 VBoxLinuxAdditions.run14:36
jasefkry: try sudo sh ./VBoxAdditions.run14:36
ActionParsnipKry: sudo bash filename ,should do it14:36
demianSo when I try to install it, I get this in Terminal:14:36
demiansudo ./run.sh14:36
demian./run.sh: 2: ./run.sh: ./adb: not found14:36
demian./run.sh: 7: ./run.sh: ./adb: not found14:36
jasefWell, with the correct filename; it's beea  long time since I've used VBox additions.14:36
ActionParsnipDemian: id contact the author, the email address is on that page. Is the extracted file from the archive not a scrip of some kind?14:37
demianYes, run.sh is a script I believe. The adb file is in that archive too14:37
demianThe script is 8 lines long14:38
kryBuilding the main Guest Additions module ...fail!14:39
kry(Look at /var/log/vboxadd-install.log to find out what went wrong)14:39
=== phenom is now known as Guest12111
BlackFlagActionParsnip, doesn't work =/14:39
kry/opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-4.3.4/src/vboxguest-4.3.4/build_in_tmp: 62: /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-4.3.4/src/vboxguest-4.3.4/build_in_tmp: make: not found14:40
kryCreating user for the Guest Additions.14:40
kryCreating udev rule for the Guest Additions kernel module.14:40
kry/opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-4.3.4/src/vboxguest-4.3.4/build_in_tmp: 62: /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-4.3.4/src/vboxguest-4.3.4/build_in_tmp: make: not found14:40
kryCreating user for the Guest Additions.14:40
kryCreating udev rule for the Guest Additions kernel module.14:40
kry/opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-4.3.4/src/vboxguest-4.3.4/build_in_tmp: 62: /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-4.3.4/src/vboxguest-4.3.4/build_in_tmp: make: not found14:40
kryCreating user for the Guest Additions.14:40
kryCreating udev rule for the Guest Additions kernel module.14:40
jasefkry: from memory, it needs build-essential and the kernel headers14:40
jasefKry: please paste long things in a pastebin instead of putting them all in the chat14:40
jasefkry: to fix the make errors, run 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'14:40
Guest12111What exactly does ubuntu do, when it says 'install alongside (my other distro)'?14:41
jasefGuest12111: gives you an option on startup to choose which to load.14:41
kryI will just buy a goddamn Mac....14:41
Guest12111jasef, I mean, what drive does it pick to install into?14:41
cfhowlettGuest12111, new partition, install ubuntu, setup grub to boot multiple OS's14:42
macpoolActionParsnip: there is no such thing now.14:42
jasefGuest12111: I believe it will choose free space if it's there, otherwise resize the largest partition.14:42
demiankry, why?14:42
macpoolwhat was that command about, that you sugggested?14:42
Guest12111jasef, cfhowlett thanks14:43
visualrealityinkI am using linux and am trying to develop on a USB thumb drive. All of my libraries are linked and fine. However when I try to compile the Debug folder returns permission denied. I checked the status of CHMOD and they are 777 and owned by my user. Any ideas why Ubuntu is keeping me from compiling from the drive.14:44
kryWhat does this sh command do?14:44
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:45
cfhowlettvisualreality develop on a USB thumb drive?   sounds painful - and silly14:45
visualrealityinkcfhowlett, it is for portability not silly at all. Very valid question in fact.14:46
cfhowlettvisualrealityink, fair enough14:46
ActionParsnipMacpool: no such thing as what?14:46
kryHeader files are missing, but it's doing something14:47
visualrealityinkccfhowlett I just assumed that it was a ubuntu permission issue and not a GCC issue as I do not have the problem on Mac or Win although they are "child proofed" ;)14:47
ActionParsnipBlackFlag: you will be fighting that file til it does. SiS are far from friendly14:47
BlackFlagActionParsnip, I know it =/ Thank you14:48
ActionParsnipKry: is the OS not working fully as it was, before you started addig the additions14:48
tolland_I have a peculiar crashing issue, that might be hardware. but it's reliably triggerable, so I would be interested if anyone could suggest a debugging method14:49
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kryWhat do you mean by not working fully?14:49
kryI can't put it for the correct resolution, mouse wheel does not work14:49
kryBut these are more likely the problems with VBox, and additions should fix them14:50
ActionParsnipKry: ahh makes sense. The additions arent always needed, seems they are in your case.14:50
kryLike they did with Ubuntu14:50
tolland_If I move my laptop from the docking station to the wall power, (so on battery for say 30 secs), the machine stays on fine. However when I maximise firefox and click on change tab. the whole machine freezes14:50
tolland_I thinkk that changing the firefox tab is probably exercising some virtual memory feature that allows firefox to put the tabs to sleep for resources14:51
tolland_it doesn't happen also in chrome.14:51
tolland_however the machine is hung, so there is no option to check the dmesg or /var/log/syslog14:51
TJ-tolland_: does the docking station contain a separate GPU?14:52
tolland_TJ-: yeah, it appears to have DVI output which is not on the laptop14:53
kryNow both work14:53
TJ-tolland_: I'd take a bet that the X server is freezing when the GPU is ripped out from underneath it14:54
TJ-tolland_: open a terminal whilst connected to the docking station, run "tail -f /var/log/kern.log" and then undock and do whatever you do... see what the kernel is saying/complaining about. If nothing there, do the same again but "tail -f /var/log/Xorg.0.log"14:54
tolland_TJ-: ah. well it wasn't using the docking station Video out, just has it available14:54
tolland_TJ-: hehe. perfect. didn't think of soomething like that.14:55
tunageisn't your kernel header version supposed to match your kernel source version?  http://sprunge.us/IieX14:58
TJ-tunage: No... The headers are used for building object code against the kernel, the kernel source is more like the GPLv2 requirement to provide source code15:01
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu15:01
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:02
tunageisn't this the ubuntu kernel source path?  -? /lib/modules/3.11.0-15-generic/15:07
tunageTJ- thank you!15:08
TJ-tunage: no, that's the binary modules and module symbols path15:08
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D3llTr33Inform anyone know if there is any certification accompanying proof 199 of Ubuntu?15:12
TJ-!br | D3llTr3315:14
ubottuD3llTr33: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:14
f4rm0rhey all, I need help upgrading from 12.4.415:15
macpoolActionParsnip: The command you suggested "sudo rm /var/run/reboot-required"15:16
macpoolwhat that command means?15:16
pyb0k3hhi, i am learning latin for school, my keyboard is currently setup for US/English keyboard layout, i want to change keyboard layout for latin, but I don't see latin listed, is it because it is too similar to English?  I just need to be able to enter vowels with macron symbol15:16
f4rm0rit says that no upgrade is available to me15:16
SuperEngineerf4rm0r: maybe because that *is* the latest15:16
pyb0k3hi know i can use character map, but maybe i can create a hotkey for the vowels with macron symbol?  what is best way?15:17
f4rm0ris not that 13-ish?15:17
SuperEngineer12.04.5 is still just a thought15:17
KekaiHello again15:18
D3llTr33msg #ubuntu-br15:18
SuperEngineerf4rm0r:  [better option than 13.10 imho is to wait for 14.4 - much better option]15:18
f4rm0rhow so, if I might ask? (my usb pendrive is gone, o cant download live cd and I am sitting without cd-reader)15:19
KekaiI run Ubuntu 13.10 on a lenovo ideapad netbook and I am having troule with my wifi drivers. I went to the site and downloaded the correct broadcom packages. and installed it but nothing is happening.15:19
SuperEngineerf4rm0r: what does it say in upgrade manager [settings tab under the "notify" option... you might want to set that to something other than "..for LTS releases only" & take it from there15:22
f4rm0rI have it set to "every release"15:23
f4rm0rand I have tried on every server in mny15:23
f4rm0rin my country including Main Server15:24
gnutshi guys15:26
f4rm0rSuperEngineer: it stands on "every release" not LTS so nothing wrong there, and I have tried main servers and other servers as well, but nothing >..<15:29
TraintopHi Folks; I have a question concerning ubuntu 12.04 and thinkpads; before I upgraded to 12.04 I used a script ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/6943706/ ) to rotate the screen according to the tablet-orientation, but in 12.04 it doesn't work anymore... -any suggestions or should I try a fresh install?15:29
SuperEngineerf4rm0r: I am now at a loss - it really should tell you/notify you - dunno if a restart would help to make the setting "stick" but otherwise I am at the end my knowlege on that one - maybe someone else could jummp in here to help?15:31
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=== phenom is now known as Guest88778
f4rm0rSuperEngineer: Let us hope that old google will help me solve the problem as it helped me upgrading from 10.04 to where I am now ;315:33
visva_12Hi. I have changed my themes for icons with Faenza. But, the text highlight background under folder icon did not change, how do I please help me to change the color?15:33
Guest88778I am trying to dual boot my ubuntu 13.10 with another distro. But all of them strike out at their respective grub installs (tried Mint, Elementary, Ubuntu Studio). Thoughts?15:34
AmbiguousOutlierhello, virt-manager browse local is greyed out so i can't select an iso to build a vm15:35
TJ-Guest88778: Are you configuring them to use a separate /boot/ partition/file-system, or does each contain /boot/ in its respective rootfs?15:35
SeveasAmbiguousOutlier: you probably need to install the relevant KVM tools locally. Or worse: you rcpu doesn't support kvm.15:36
f4rm0rsuperEngineer: could it be because I run xubuntu-dektop instead of ubuntu-desktop?15:36
TJ-AmbiguousOutlier: Have you selected the "ISO" radio-button above the Browse button?15:37
Guest88778TJ-, I was trying for all partitions to have their own, but I read somewhere that things have changed with UEFI, and there should be a dedicated /boot15:37
visva_12How do I change the text highlight color of folder icons? Please help,15:38
AmbiguousOutlierSeveas: yes remote cpu supports VM it's a xeon15:38
MonkeyDustvisva_12  it's a !themes issue, i guess15:38
TJ-Guest88778: If you're installing on a UEFI system, it will have a GPT partitioning scheme, with the EFI System Partition as the first partition of the boot drive, containing a vfat file-system. Within that, each boot-loader will install its own EFI loader under /EFI/<os-or-loader-name>/15:39
AmbiguousOutlierTJ-: Yes, then when i select browse a pop up appears and the browse local button is greyed out15:39
Titaniumis there any problems to expect if i do not configure a partition for swap?15:39
SuperEngineerf4rm0r: dunno off hand - hang on a mo, I have a 12.04 netbook using Xubuntu - I'll see what changing the setting does on that15:40
TJ-AmbiguousOutlier: is the user a member of libvirtd group ("getent group libvirtd") ?15:40
SuperEngineerf4rm0r: {p.s. why run the Xubuntu desktop? Why not just install Xubuntu?15:41
Guest88778TJ-, I do have that. /boot/efi is the first segment of the drive. But new installs failing at their bootloader installations.15:41
f4rm0rwell, I do have xubuntu installed15:41
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=== hdevalence|away is now known as hdevalence
TJ-Guest88778: maybe they're not starting in EFI mode? And therefore can't do a legacy MBR install since the system is configured for EFI15:41
* SuperEngineer starts up netbook15:42
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy15:42
f4rm0rSuperEngineer: even tho I have xubuntu installed, I am thinking of going over to ubuntu, but since I do not have a pen-drive, nor the space on my HDD... I cant do a fresh install :b15:43
visva_12MonkeyDust: Yes, I have successfuly installed faezna themes, but the text highlight color of folder names won't change, can yo please tell me how to?15:43
Guest88778TJ-, so how do I get them to start in EFI mode?15:43
AmbiguousOutlierTJ-: rhys@banana:~$ getent group libvirtd15:44
AmbiguousOutlierrhys@banana:~$ sudo adduser `id -un` libvirtd15:44
AmbiguousOutlierThe user `rhys' is already a member of `libvirtd'.15:44
TJ-Guest88778: ensure the installers can boot in EFI mode (that their media has an EFI simple-boot layout)15:44
TJ-AmbiguousOutlier: OK, so not the obvious issue. I'm assuming you've completely logged-out and back in so that membership is in effect?15:45
AmbiguousOutlierTJ-: remote server has rebooted, yes15:46
SuperEngineerf4rm0r: lol - I changed update manager to "for any", restarted it & it told me 12.10 was available [+ option to upgrade]15:46
f4rm0rSuperEngineer: then I have to use my knowledge in google, and hope that changing desktop env will help15:47
SuperEngineerf4rm0r: good luck15:47
TJ-AmbiguousOutlier: Hang on... you're running  virt-manager locally, managing a remote instance? In that case that is expectd behaviour, you can't mount a local resource that way, it has to come from a storage pool on the server itself15:47
f4rm0rSuperEngineer: Thank you :315:48
Guest88778TJ-, I checked, the installers can boot in EFI. What now?15:48
badcomDoes anyone know of a good Linux troubleshooting training?15:49
MonkeyDustbadcom  trial and error15:49
badcomMonkeyDust I want an easier one15:50
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MonkeyDustbadcom  that's the easiest way, learning from your own mistakes15:50
MonkeyDustlike we all did15:50
badcomMonkeyDust I'm afraid of breaking the company's server =/15:50
f4rm0rwell, time to relog and see if it works :b15:50
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MonkeyDustbadcom  then stay away from it15:51
TJ-Guest88778: Not sure, my guess would be that the grub 0xEF02 boot-loader partition is being re-written by each distro's grub-install, which will only point to that distro's /boot/grub/ where the grub.cfg menu file is15:51
AmbiguousOutlierTJ-:  Unable to complete install: 'Invalid install location: Mounting location '/var/lib/libvirt/images/ubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64.iso' failed'15:51
Guest88778TJ-, that's what I figured. So I am now trying to let the default settings have at it. I selected the 'install alongside' option, and nothing changes.15:52
AmbiguousOutlierTJ-: now worries, I've got to the next step, thanks for your help.15:52
TJ-Guest88778: My guess is you need to do a hybrid install. Single manual install of grub to a separate GPT linux partition, don't allow the installers of the distros to auto-install grub, and then run efibootmgr manually if needed to add grub to the EFI boot menu15:53
Guest88778"Failed to install grub-efi to /target/", and then it crashes. Every time.15:53
TJ-Guest88778: Sounds about right, it's a complex scenario when you require grub to be shared amongst installations that all want to manage it15:53
Guest88778TJ-, yeah. Would that mean having to reinstall my current ubuntu install?15:55
TJ-Guest88778: No; but it'd need some thinking about to design the implementation to avoid issues. You'd ideally want a single distro to manage grub, but be aware of the other installs so it can correctly rebuild the grub config when doing "grub-install" or "update-grub"15:56
Guest88778TJ-, and how do I stop the other distros from trying to install grub on their own?15:57
TJ-Guest88778: most installers have an (advanced) option to choose whether to install a boot-loader.15:57
Guest88778TJ- so elementary apparently lacks that ability to skip bootloader installation.16:02
Guest88778I tried to have it install its own loader into its separate partition, but that won't fly either.16:02
mrguserAda org indonesia ngak?16:04
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia16:05
phidahI have a new ubuntu server installation that accepts ssh connections, but it rejects my password which works fine if I log in to the terminal directly. There is just a ssh_config in /etc/ssh - could it be that sshd is not installed?16:05
mrguserMana sieh nie org nya?16:06
Titaniumis here any guide to setting up the open source ATI drivers on ubuntu?16:07
SamopotamusI have mounted my DD-WRT NAS to a remote machine (Ubuntu Server) through OpenVPN.  I can create directories in it, but I cannot actually create or edit files.  I thought just having authenticated when I mounted the drive was enough, is this not the case?16:09
mrguserNgak ada org indonesia nieh?16:09
=== Ozera_zz is now known as Ozera
keksincphidah: try installing it and it'll tell you16:14
dwarderhow to mv file.jpg file_epoch_date_here.jpg16:15
Seveasdwarder: mv file.jpg file_$(date +%s).jpg16:17
TeraJL_i know how to limit my cpu speed, but is there any way to limit my disk speed?16:18
dre_hey guys16:18
odraCan someone help me, I have an audio problem.16:18
Seveas!someone | odra16:19
ubottuodra: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:19
bekksTeraJL_: I dont think so - but why are you trying to?16:19
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odraFor some reason when the volume is too high the audio "disappears"16:19
f4rm0rSuperEngineer: it works now, to be able to upgrade to 12.10 tho, it only works in the terminal o.O16:19
dwarderSeveas: thank you16:19
dre_i have this url that works in my browser but when i try to run it with wget it gives syntax error near unexpected token `('16:19
SeveasTeraJL_: interesting question. You could run some heavy I/O in the background, but other than that, I think modifying the disk driver is the "easiest" option16:20
Seveasdre_: quote the url16:20
Seveasso, wget "http//the.url.here"16:20
TeraJL_but it's an ssd.. running some heavy IO don't seem very god16:20
odraLike, if my volume is on 100% and I'm listening to something that's even a little loud, the speakers disappear from the sound settings and the audio skips16:20
odraBut if the volume is around 66% that doesn't happen16:20
odraI think I have some sort of driver problem :S16:20
cormoi ned help ....16:21
TJ-dre_: You probably need to quite the URL because it contains shell expansion characters16:21
Seveasodra: that's a new one... anything in dmesg?16:21
f4rm0rdoes anyone know why I cant upgrade through the update manager, but only through the terminal with do-release-upgrade? o.O16:21
odraI don't think it's a problem with the hardware because on my windows boot I can play audio louder than the 66% volume in ubuntu without any problems16:21
bekksTeraJL_: Thats not true. A SSD is built for high I/O.16:21
Seveascormo: and we may be able to help you, but not if you don't tell us what the problem is :)16:21
cormoubuntu 12.04 .... xbmc .... plugin XVDR-UPDATE16:21
dre_how do i do that16:21
bekksTeraJL_: If you limit it, I may send you an old hdd, and you send me the SSD in return :)16:21
tunagef4rm0r apt-get update && apt-get upgrade16:22
cormodon't work16:22
Seveasdre_, wget "http//the.url.here"16:22
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dre_ok let me try that16:22
f4rm0rtunage: thank you, will try that :316:22
TeraJL_bekks: but it has a limited use... my intention to limit it is just so i can go to the bathroom while league of legends is loading .. i know it's a stupid reason, but i got curios if it's possible :)16:22
odraSeveas: no16:23
bekksTeraJL_: It has no limited use.16:23
odraSeveas: at least I don't think so16:23
bekksTeraJL_: Unless it is an 10y old SSD, it has not limited use.16:23
tunagef4rm0r  opps  ->   apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade16:23
SeveasTeraJL_: haha, excellent purpose :)16:23
odraSeveas: Is dmesg some sort of system log? Are the last lines the newest?16:23
crankharderany ideas why ubuntu would hang on the GRUB screen?  loads up, shows me what kernels i can select and is immediately unresponsive16:23
f4rm0rtunage oh, I can do that dist-upgrade with do-release-upgrade but thank you anyway, and now I know a way to upgrade with apt-get as well x')16:24
TJ-TeraJL_: Try the "ionice" command16:24
Seveasodra: the 'dmesg' command displays the content of the kernel logging buffer, it contains the most recent messages from the kernel. And yes, the last lines are the newest16:24
tajamulcan anybody develop multiloader a  flashing software for bada phones(samsung wave phones) for linux16:24
f4rm0rya learn something new veryday ;316:24
tunagecrankharder borked kernel16:25
dre_thanks guys16:25
Seveastajamul: probably someone can, but that's rather offtopic in here I'm afraid16:25
odraSeveas: Either there is nothing or the pattern is just really big, I can't tell. I see something about IPV6. :|16:25
dre_it worked16:25
TJ-crankharder: Freezes whilst just displaying the grub menu, or is it going on to load the default kernel and freezing at that point?16:25
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Seveashello mrguser16:26
dre_any have experience with asterisk16:26
f4rm0r*drags a magnet over another hdd16:26
f4rm0rwill it still work?16:26
mrguserhello :)16:27
odraSeveas: This had happened before, after a system update, I think I was able to solve it then by reinstalling the audio base. This time, however, that didn't work :/16:27
tajamulok i modify my question can someone develop it for ubuntu so that it can be used for porting ubuntu to samsung wave phones16:27
crankharderTJ-: on the menu16:27
bekkstajamul: Can someone develop ehat exactly?16:27
tajamulit is a little piece of sofware 149 kb16:27
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mrguserCan you help me?16:28
bekkstajamul: What is "it"?16:28
odraSeveas: On an unrelated note it seems to be recognizing a microphone even though my microphone isn't in. I think my audio is just messed up :S16:28
tajamuli have completely shunned windows but this softare makes me to go back to windows16:28
Seveasmrguser: you haven't told us what you need help with yet :)16:28
dinesh21Can someone tell me how to solve wubildr.mr error?16:28
bekkstajamul: _which_ software?16:28
f4rm0rtajamul: what is it named?16:29
Seveasodra: it's probably detecting that you have a microphone *input*, not necessarily a microphone plugged in to it16:29
tajamulmultiloader is a flashing software for bada phones(samsung wave series phones)16:29
mrguserplease answer16:29
tajamulit will help us to port ubuntu to these phones16:29
bekksmrguser: First state your problem please.16:29
bekkstajamul: So port it. :)16:30
arceyeneed help with wired network problem. I boot pc network is fine , use the pc for a short while and network speeds grinds to a halt16:30
odraSeveas: Either way this sucks. If I put it on 100% it breaks, but 66% is not loud enough :(16:30
tajamulas bada os was shunned by samsung and users are left in wilderness thety have ported android to it now it is ubuntus turn16:30
MonkeyDustmrguser  start with a question16:30
odraSeveas: And on sound settings 100% isn't even the highest volume16:30
Seveasodra: I agree. Maybe file a bug report on launchpad?16:30
dinesh21wubildr.mbr error while booting16:31
bekkstajamul: Personally, I dont see any responsibility of Ubuntu at that point. It is not Ubuntu who needs that software.16:31
Seveasdinesh21: try installing Ubuntu properly, not using wubi16:31
tajamulbut it will provide ubuntu a great platform16:31
f4rm0rtajamul: you could ask in the ubuntu forum if anyone wants to help ya with it, tho it is not ubuntus responibilty to port it to linux16:31
omgwtfanyone wants to try to troubleshoot my openvpn server with me ? :D16:32
bekkstajamul: Ubuntu has nothing to do with Android. No Ubuntu platform at all.16:32
Seveas!anyone | omgwtf16:32
ubottuomgwtf: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:32
tajamulit is small bit of software that will be helpful in porting ubuntu to wave phones so kindly  create a version of it for ubuntu16:33
TJ-bekks: tajamul http://developer.ubuntu.com/2013/12/announcing-ubuntu-and-android-dual-boot-developer-preview/16:33
f4rm0rI find it fun that my small acer aspire one 10" does not restart when over 90% nor does it even throttle x'D16:33
tajamulfor flashing we have to go back to windows which is hectic16:33
f4rm0rPS: sorry for off-topic, but I am being alone and I am bored more or less, and flash wont work, reinstalled it several times, so I cant watch anime nor any more nor Youtube16:34
arceyewhat would cause mu xubuntu to slow to a crawl after approx 1 hour16:34
tajamuli tried to make it work on wine but it doesnt16:34
Seveas!ot | f4rm0r16:34
ubottuf4rm0r: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:34
TJ-tajamul >>> http://developer.ubuntu.com/2013/12/announcing-ubuntu-and-android-dual-boot-developer-preview/16:34
Seveastajamul: as you can see, nobody in this channel seems interested. Maybe ask on the forums or contact canonical?16:34
f4rm0rubottu: thank you, somewhere where I can spend my spare time :316:35
ubottuf4rm0r: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:35
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FiremanEd!bug 1232816 > FiremanEd16:36
ubottubug 1232816 in Gwibber "Gwibber 3.4.2 in 12.04.4 does not allow the adding of Twitter accounts, blank dialog box" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123281616:36
SamopotamusPhone Ubunu is going to be more Linux-y than Android, right?16:36
jasefmsg NickServ identify Monz20049216:37
jasef... that worked terribly16:37
kyle__jasef: TIme to change that password buddy....16:37
TJ-jasef: time to change you password... and your DOB!16:37
SeveasFiremanEd: the > and | features are only supported by the encyclopedia plugin (the one with all the factoids), not the bugtracker plugin16:37
jasefNot my DOB :p16:37
* Samopotamus googling any other uses of name "jasef"16:37
FiremanEdthanks Seveas16:38
tajamuldoest it make a great newspaper headline shunned by samsung helped by canonical16:38
kyle__On my 13.10 boxes, alt-tab stopps working.  SO does the windows key to bring up the exposay type thing.16:38
TJ-jasef: good job, I can cross you off the birthday card list :)16:38
Seveaskyle__: install ccsm and bring them back :)16:38
kyle__It works for a while, then it stopps working altogeather.16:38
mrgusercan you help me?16:38
Seveas!info compizconfig-settings-manager | kyle__16:39
ubottukyle__: compizconfig-settings-manager (source: compiz): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:0.9.10+13.10.20131011-0ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 1080 kB, installed size 4491 kB16:39
Seveasmrguser: no.16:39
Luyinmrguser: not if you don'T say what your problem is... :P16:39
SeveasLuyin: he's been told that several times :)16:39
kyle__The other (obvious?) question is, if this is a known enough issue that people can respond so quickly, how come it hasn't been fixed?16:40
jasefWell.. 11.04 is installed, now just to upgrade step by step until network manager breaks to determine where the problem started16:40
mrguserwhat this?16:41
Seveaskyle__: I don't think it's a well-known issue, in fact you're the first one I know of that has it. But with ccsm you can set many hotkeys quickly, so that's an easy fix16:41
Seveasjasef: hah, that's going to suck, doing 5 dist-upgrades in a row.16:41
kyle__Seveas: Ahh.  I'm trying to figure out WTF it works, then dies.  Even the shortcuts in the keyboard control panel are set to none when this happens.16:41
jasefYeah well... recent versions break my wifi the second NetworkManager starts.16:42
Seveasjasef: maybe try just recompiling the 11.10 and newer NetworkManager packages on 11.04? Should be a lot quicker.16:42
mrguserim using nokia e6316:42
jasefDependencies could be a b**** though16:42
dpyhi guys16:42
mrguserplease speek indonesia16:43
Seveaskyle__: o...k... any files in your homedir owned by root? (I had something similar when I accidently broke ~/.gnome or something)16:43
Seveas!id | mrguser16:43
ubottumrguser: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia16:43
dpydoes anyone know if there is a pulseaudio package for ubuntu somewhere that has the equalizer-sink module?  And why isn't this compiled be default?16:43
kyle__Err.  I don't think so.16:43
Seveasjasef: true, but I think you'll be alright there, what's the NetworkManager version in 11.04?16:43
dpydo I now really have to compile my own pulseaudio to get that module?16:43
TJ-kyle__: Have you tested whether the same thing occurs in a new user's clean profile? That'd help indicate if it is system-wide, or related to your user's configuration16:44
jasefSeveas: How do I find out again?16:44
Seveasdpy: the normal pulseaudio package has that, at least on 13.1016:44
Seveasjasef: apt-cache policy network-manager16:44
Seveasdpy: dennis@spirit:~$ apt-file search equalizer-sink16:44
Seveaspulseaudio: /usr/lib/pulse-4.0/modules/module-equalizer-sink.so16:44
TJ-jasef: Did you capture kern.log and/or syslog when it failed? That can be very useful in determining what's broken16:45
kyle__TJ-: THere's only one user, so I could add a new one..but if the behavior repeats, it may be a week or two on a new profile before it happens.16:45
jasefseveas: 0.8.416:45
jasefTJ-, no, I didn't; it was ages ago and I needed my laptop up and running quickly.16:45
bluebasherwhy can't I play movies on my laptop? I upgraded to the latest distro...16:45
tajamulplease please develop multiloader for ubuntu16:45
TJ-kyle__: If the settings are being removed, as the config utility seems to show, either the config is being corrupted or some background process is changing things16:45
Seveasjasef: that's going to give you problems, dist-upgrade until you hit an 0.9 version, after that the recompile trick should work16:46
TJ-jasef: shame. It might be worth striking out to test the 14.04 live daily ISO16:46
tajamulall developers please develop multiloader for ubuntu16:46
dpySeveas: This is 12.04LTS16:46
Seveastajamul: you're being annoying now. Please stop.16:46
TJ-!ot | tajamul16:46
ubottutajamul: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:46
dpyI've tried apt-file, no hits16:46
Seveasdpy: so you need to upgrade :)16:47
jasefMight be, but I'd have to install it; I think the live one worked16:47
dpySeveas: can't, company laptop16:47
jasefSeveas, downloading all the natty updates!16:47
TJ-dpy: "dpkg-query -S 'module-equalizer-sink.so'  "16:48
dpyTJ-: No I don't have the file16:48
dpyand no package accessible through my sources has it either16:49
bluebasheri tried to install the restricted updates to play my movies...  it won't do it! :-(16:49
dpymy pulseaudio is the kxstudio one btw, but I can switch to anything I want, except that I don't know where to get the right package16:50
Seveasdpy: a quick google only showed one for 9.10 - looks like you need to do some recompiling with equalizer-sink enabled16:50
dpyyeah that sucks16:51
TJ-dpy: It wasn't added to the pulseaudio package until 13.0416:51
dpybut the module has been there for ages16:51
dpywhy not compile everything when you create a package I wonder16:51
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Seveasdpy: maybe it was of very low quality (a common reason to exclude some optional extras)16:52
TJ-dpy: looking in the source's commit history16:53
dpySeveas: just don't enable it, would have been my choice16:53
dpyI think I'm also going to ask in kxstudio..16:54
dpyis there a way to see which ppa is providing a package?16:56
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TJ-dpy: module-equalizer-sink was added in bzr revision 180, ubuntu version 1.3.0-0ubuntu1, 2013-02-14, see bug #107854316:57
ubottubug 1078543 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu Raring) "[raring] Pulse audio fails to start with error 'Failed to open module "module-esound-protocol-unix": file not found'" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107854316:57
whoeverhi all,  i am adding programs to alacarte, and the entry is not showing in alacarte after I create it, but it is there, how can I fix this?  the multiple entries do show in dasher when I type the program name though16:57
ubottugeudrik, please see my private message16:57
AKILEShi people16:59
nomineIs anyone here GPEN certified?17:03
whoeverAKILES: hi17:03
MonkeyDustnomine  what is your actual issue?17:04
SupaYoshianyone here has a tutorial on how to delete an ssl certificate (self-signed) and recreate a new one?17:04
nomineMonkeyDust: I would like to get GPEN certified, but the course it just too expensive ~5000$. The certification exam is around 600$. I'm already OSCP certified, and I would like to know if I should go ahead for GPEN.17:05
bcgrownOn the CBC olympics flash player,  it just shows a black box instead of playing anything.  If I right-click I can see all the Flash menu stuff.  Anyone know the fix?17:05
whoeverhi all,  i am adding programs to alacarte, and the entry is not showing in alacarte after I create it, but it is there, how can I fix this?  the multiple entries do show in dasher when I type the program name though. I am on 13.1017:05
Seveasnomine: try asking on security.stackexchange.com - that's a much better audience for your question17:06
nomineSeveas: thank you very much!17:06
AmbiguousOutlierhello, I'm trying to improve the graphics on my KVM via virt-manager. I want to use spice, but it says no module name spiceclientgtk17:07
AmbiguousOutlieri've installed spice-client-gtk17:07
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ajoulis there an easy way to uninstall grub other than using the installation disk?17:10
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ajoulis there an easy way to uninstall grub other than using the installation disk?17:10
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MonkeyDustajoul  "easy" depends on how skilled you are17:12
petr33is there any person who can help me with pure-ftpd?17:12
Seveas!anyone | petr3317:12
ubottupetr33: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:12
ajoul<MonkeyDust easy means easy as in less work17:12
Seveasajoul: not even the Ubuntu installation disk uninstalls grub afaik, you'll need the repair disk for whatever other OS you have17:13
Kang-ananhow to download ububtu17:13
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Saucy, and help keeping the servers' load low!17:13
ajoulSeveas assuming I have access to my windows machine and can boot to it, then is it possible?17:14
MonkeyDustKang-anan  ubuntu.com17:14
Seveasajoul: most likely. If it's not UEFI and not using some weird encryption software that mucks about with the windows bootloader, an fisk /fixmbr should get rid of grub17:14
Seveasajoul: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/6901317:15
Seveasit talks about dos, but applies to non-uefi windows too17:15
envoltIrc works fine on windows phone too17:16
jasefenvolt, I'm curious, what IRC client do you use for Windows Phone.17:18
dpythe equalizer-sink module apparently adds a lot of gnome dependencies, which the kde purists don't like...17:23
dpyI personally don't care17:23
dpyHDD is dirt cheap17:23
dpytime is priceless17:23
dpyI just want things to work17:23
Seveaspurists, schmurists :)17:25
someone755hi! i have a problem with setting up nginx's virtual host. everytime when i open up the page it's not available. what could be wrong?17:26
Seveassomeone755: you probably made a mistake somewhere :) Tell us the hostname and pastebin the conifg17:28
someone755Seveas: http://pastebin.com/G1W083au17:29
dpySeveas: https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/pulseaudio-eq?field.series_filter=precise17:31
dpythis ppa has the pulseaudio with equalizer17:31
dpyThe tricky bit was to force-downgrade from the kxstudio packages17:31
TJ-someone235: have you correctly sym-linked the config to the sites-enabled/ directory?17:31
dpynow I have to pin these17:32
someone755TJ-: yes, with sudo ln -s sites-av..../domain.tld sites-en..../domain.tld17:32
dpyholding is the correct term here17:33
TJ-dpy: You could have fetched the source for the current package, modified it to install the module, incremented the version, and built it as a matching deb, then there wouldn't be the same downgrade issues17:33
TJ-someone755: anything in the error log?17:34
Seveassomeone755: well, that may have created a broken symlink, pastebin the output of ls -la /etc/nginx/sites-enabled17:34
someone755TJ-: nothing17:34
Seveassomeone755: also, don't redact domain names if you want us to check things...17:34
someone755Seveas: the symbolic link is in red color, is this good or not?17:35
Seveassomeone755: no.17:35
Seveassomeone755: pastebin the output...17:36
someone755Seveas: i think that I figured out what's wrong17:36
dpyTJ-: It's not a real downgrade, it's from 1.1 to 1.1, except that in order to upgrade, these PPA's add release suffixes17:36
someone755Seveas: I didn't write the whole path to the file17:36
bish0p_I'm trying to install a file, but it's telling me I'm missing python2.617:36
GRILLITHow can I install all dependencies of a dpkg?17:36
bish0p_Does anyone know what package I need to get?17:36
dpyTJ-: this solution is must more efficient17:36
dpyTJ-: apt-get install pulseaudio=version17:36
dpyyou can't beat that17:36
TJ-I do, frequently ;p17:37
GRILLITbish0p_: just type sudo apt-get install python2.617:37
TJ-but it still doesn't do what I ask it to :D17:37
Seveasbish0p_: none. You can't install what you're trying to install. Don't just install random .deb's as that won't work.17:37
bish0p_I tried that, it threw a bunch of errors.17:37
Seveasbish0p_: what are you trying to install?17:37
SeveasGRILLIT: Ubuntu switched to 2.7 quite a while ago, 2.6 is no longer available.17:37
bish0p_Uh, pesterchum. http://www.mspaforums.com/showthread.php?37333-PESTERCHUM-3-14-1-New-Pesterchum-%286-26-3-41-8eta-pg54%2917:37
GRILLITSeveas: oh right17:38
GRILLITHow can I install all dependencies of a dpkg?17:38
Seveasbish0p_: http://www.mspaforums.com/showthread.php?43922-PESTERCHUM-3.41-Updated-Pesterchum!-New-Thread has new instructions17:38
bish0p_Augh, I missed that. Thanks.17:39
someone755Seveas: it is possible to run more diffrent domains and pages on port 80 on nginx?17:39
SeveasGRILLIT: open it with software-center, it'll do that. alternatively, just install it with dpkg -i (which will error out) and then run apt-get -f install (which will fix the errors by installing dependencies)17:39
Seveassomeone755: yes17:39
GRILLITSeveas: cheers17:39
chrillsterHi,  just wonder, is it possible to set up webdav server using webmin? Server 12.04. (yes im a newbie)17:40
TJ-someone755: Most web-servers can do named virtual hosts, if the browser supports HTTP v1.117:40
Seveassomeone755: for example, kaarsemaker.net and seveas.net (and some more...) run on the same IP with nginx17:40
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.17:40
jhutchinschrillster: webmin is a bad idea in general.17:40
Seveaswow, that factoid got mellowed down a bit17:40
Seveasdon't use webmin. Ever. Same for cpanel.17:40
chrillsterjhutchins I realize that. I set up my https  server for streaming media from command line. Then i noticed i couldnt mount https as a windows network location.17:41
chicobcntengo el ubuntu instalado17:41
chicobcny estoy utulizando ahora17:41
Seveas!es | chicobcn17:41
ubottuchicobcn: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:41
chicobcncomo se instalan las cosas?17:41
chrillsterSo im not sure, ill probably try webdav, unless anyone know any better alternatives?17:41
someone755thank you for help!!!! :)17:41
jhutchinschrillster: You have to know how to fix things manually when webmin breaks, but it can cause more breakage than if you just did them manually to begin with.17:42
chrillsterjhutchins ill stay away from wbmin17:42
chrillsterI heard of owncloud, but im not sure you can stream from that clouddrive.17:42
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dragonslayhow about virtualmin chrillster ?17:45
jhutchinschrillster: FOSS Web Hosting Control Panels include: <DTC>, <GNUPanel>, <ISPConfig> and <ispCP> Omega.  Don't use <Webmin>.   http://wiki.debian.org/HostingControlPanels17:46
skinkittenglitsj16, \o, hey friend in the ubuntu&&canon trenches17:46
skinkittenglitsj16, look at this http://paste.ubuntu.com/6944450/17:46
HelloWorld321I'm having trouble with gparted.  I have an ext4 partition named sda1 with 9gb; I have an "extended" partition named sda2 with 1MB, that houses a linux swap partition named sda5; then finally I have 30gb unallocated.  How do I move the sda2-extened/sda5-swap so that I can expand sda1 to include the unpartitioned space?17:48
Xuiscehi HelloWorld32117:48
bekksHelloWorld321: No.17:49
jasefHelloWorld321, you can technically delete your swap partition and recreate it after expanding.17:49
HelloWorld321Hi Xuisce.  Thanks for taking a look.  I'm pulling things around, and it seems that the only things it will let me do are: shrink sda1, expand sda2.  I can't seem to touch sda5 nor expand sda117:49
XuisceHelloWorld321:  as bekks said no17:50
HelloWorld321Thanks jasef.  Is that safe?  Is ...17:50
HelloWorld321so no?  don't do it?17:50
HalloguysHey, has anyone every heard of the term "junk utility"?17:50
HelloWorld321but what I could do is mount a new partition?17:50
bekksHelloWorld321: Shrink sda2 to exclude the unpartitioned space, move it, so you have sda1, unpartitioned space, sda2. Then merge the unpartitioned space into sda1.17:50
HalloguysI need to know for school...17:51
dragonslayHalloguys, bleachbit?17:51
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bekksHalloguys: You need to know "Anyone ever heard of a utility XYZ"?17:51
HelloWorld321tx bekks.  I'll poke a bit at sda2.17:51
jhutchinsHelloWorld321: Are you trying to do this from the system you're altering, or did you boot from a gparted disk?17:52
Halloguys"junk utility" is not a name or something, it is a real term, as far as I know17:52
Seveasnever heard of it17:53
bekksHalloguys: A real term describing what?17:53
glitsj16skinkitten: hi o/ .. was doing a household job .. having a look at that link17:53
jasefI would assume it to be utility apps that serve no real purpose, like registry cleaners on Windows.17:53
HelloWorld321jhutchins: Ubuntu Live Cd.  I have gparted iso also.  For more technical details, it's actually a vbox vdi that's just been resized, because I originally allocated just a tiny bit of space, and now I'm starting to use it.17:53
HalloguysA replacing command for a thing such as te commanong like thatmething like that17:53
OerHeksHalloguys, you might want apt-get, it can  remove junk utilities17:53
Halloguysand it's supposed to be self-made17:54
bekksHalloguys: Can you please rephrase?17:54
jhutchinsHelloWorld321: You do have a backup of any important data on the system?17:54
SeveasHalloguys: you mean an alias?17:54
Seveasthen say that :)17:54
MonkeyDustkabel_zz  with pleasure, when we know what's wrong17:55
HalloguysNo it's not an alias17:55
dpyI'm all up and running again17:55
dpyPPAs are great17:55
bekksHalloguys: So what is it then?17:56
kabel_zzplease learning to hack ubuntu17:56
glitsj16skinkitten: the make errored out, probably you need to install another dependency, let me have a look at it and i'll report back .. also, the make step never needs sudo, only the make install step, but we can give it another try when i've tracked down the possible dependency .. refresh the old memeory cell here would you: using ubuntu 12.04 yes?17:56
MonkeyDustkabel_zz  define "hack"?17:56
kabel_zzhack creditcart with ubuntu17:57
MonkeyDustkabel_zz  wrong channel17:57
Halloguysbekks, It is supposed to be a replacing command for such a command such as 'rm', or something like that17:57
Seveaskabel_zz: I suggest you get the hell out of here.17:57
jasefkabel_zz, you'll receive no help doing that here.17:57
DJones!illegal | kabel_zz17:57
ubottukabel_zz: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:57
Xuiscekabel_zz: nope17:57
Xuiscekabel_zz: please ask a question or get out17:57
Xuiscehey sasa8417:58
kabel_zzkidding me17:58
sasa84how to reset password for lists.ubuntu.com? i forgot it and i'm the admin :\17:58
jasefkabel_zz, nothing illegal will be supported here.17:58
bekksHalloguys: Actually never heard of something like that in the past 20 years.17:59
sasa84hello Xuisce17:59
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
jasefHalloguys, do you mean if someone makes a script/utility that replaces the original 'rm' command with something else?18:00
aaronr_Hi everyone. Trying to backport a package from trusty to precise with backportpackage, but i'm getting a Dependency Wait on launchpad because one of the packages depends on a -dev package that's in trusty's universe repo18:00
aaronr_how do I tell backportpackage to look in universe?18:01
Halloguysjassf, Yes18:01
Xuiscewelcome to #ubtu aaronr_18:01
aaronr_thanks Xuisce18:01
skinkittenglitsj16, correct! ubuntu 12.0418:01
HelloWorld321bekks: I think you misspoke.  You said to shrink sda2 to exclude the unpartitioned space.  That was already the case, but I wasn't able to move it.  What seems to be working is I expanded sda2 to include the unpartitioned space, moved sda5 to the end of sda2, and then shrunk sda2 back down.  Now I have: sda1, unpartitioned spade, sda2 and am merging the unpartitioned space indto sda118:02
glitsj16skinkitten: thanks, let's run: sudo apt-get install libgutenprint-dev libgimp2.0-dev libijs-dev libgs-dev foomatic-db-gutenprint | pastebinit .. to see were you stand and paste the link here please18:02
HelloWorld321I haven't committed the changes yet.  It gave me a warning about grub and moving boot partitions, when I moved the sda5 swap partition.  I'm a little fuzzy about grub, though.  I do this move, then I boot, then grubloader complains and then I tell it where I moved sda5?18:03
aaronr_hmm, seems my question is wrong. the original package is in universe and it can see that18:04
aaronr_but it can't see a -dev package it depends on18:04
skinkittenglitsj16, hm, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:04
aaronr_i just get backportpackage: Error: The package 'libdvbcsa-dev' does not exist in the Ubuntu primary archive in trusty, trusty-security, trusty-updates or trusty-proposed18:05
aaronr_but this would imply otherwise: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libdevel/libdvbcsa-dev18:05
OerHeks!find libdvbcsa-dev trusty18:05
ubottuFound: libdvbcsa-dev18:05
bekksHelloWorld321: Are you doing all that from a livecd?18:06
OerHeks!info libdvbcsa-dev trusty18:06
ubottulibdvbcsa-dev (source: libdvbcsa): free implementation of the DVB/CSA (development files). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.0-2 (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 45 kB18:06
HelloWorld321bekks: yes, tx.  So far.  I'm running gparted from a livecd.18:06
aaronr_launchpad build log is here: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/166447926/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-amd64.opencaster_3.2.2%2Bdfsg-1~precise1~ppa1_MANUALDEPWAIT.txt.gz18:07
aaronr_trying a local build18:07
HelloWorld321bekks: I'm about to commit those changes, once I figure out what to do about the grub18:07
bekksHelloWorld321: Without the exact warning you get we cant help you.18:07
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tewardaaronr_: I'm not sure whether or not this matters, but https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdvbcsa/1.1.0-2 is relevant...18:07
glitsj16skinkitten: that's to be expected if you did the step earlier, i'm rdownloading the gutenprint source from cvs to get on the same page .. give it a minute18:07
skinkittenglitsj16, yes sir, :)18:08
tewardaaronr_: according to the Launchpad page for it, for Trusty, it only has arm64 and ppc64el builds18:08
tewardaaronr_: if your package is building for some other architecture, it might run into this problem because the software doesn't have i386/amd64/etc. builds18:08
aaronr_teward: Oh. Well that'd explain it for sure.18:08
aaronr_looks like i should backport that from quantal then18:09
tewardaaronr_: or rather, port it from Quantal to Trusty18:09
tewardaaronr_: mind waiting a bit first?18:09
* teward wants to check the publication history on the package18:09
learnerMy touchpad is not working after installing ubuntu 13.10 .18:10
HelloWorld321bekks: "You have queued an operation to move the start sector of partition /dev/sda2.  Failure to boot is most likely to occur if you move the GNU/Linux partition containin/boot"18:10
Sot[ user ]18:11
bekksHelloWorld321: Yeah, you may have to reinstall grub afterwards.18:11
HelloWorld321bekk: I'm not sure if /boot is in the sda1 or sda218:11
HelloWorld321and that's a pretty simple operation?18:11
aaronr_teward: my target platform is (eventually) precise18:11
bekksHelloWorld321: It cant be in sda2, since thats an extended partition.18:11
bekks!grub2 | HelloWorld32118:11
ubottuHelloWorld321: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:11
aaronr_or do i need it working on trusty to then backport it?18:11
tewardaaronr_: for a PPA you shouldn't need it on Trusty, I thought you were doing the opposite18:11
tewardaaronr_: it doesn't exist in Precise, that's the problem.18:12
aaronr_backportpackage: Error: The package 'libdvbcsa-dev' does not exist in the Ubuntu primary archive in quantal, quantal-security, quantal-updates or quantal-proposed18:12
aaronr_https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdvbcsa/1.1.0-2/+build/3451818 seems to disagree18:12
glitsj16skinkitten: what exactly did you download from the gutenprint CVS? i used the bottom link 'download GNU tarball' from http://gimp-print.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/gimp-print/print/18:12
tewardaaronr_: i think your backportpackage is broken18:12
HelloWorld321okay.  could it be in sda5?  (to me, they're practically synonymous sda2 & sda5, since sda2 looks like some kind of wrapper for sda5)18:12
bekksHelloWorld321: No.18:12
bekksHelloWorld321: sda2 is a container, containing swap, e.g., and it might contain more partitions.18:13
HelloWorld321Then I prolly won't even need to reinstall grub, since /boot isn't in sda2 or sda5, the partitions getting moved.18:13
tewardaaronr_: oh, try just using `libdvbcsa`18:13
ghsCD stays in blank same after burning. How to fix it ? I tried with k3b and brasero.18:13
tewardaaronr_: rather than the binary name18:13
aaronr_oh, omit the -dev?18:13
tewardaaronr_: the source package is called `libdvbcsa`18:13
aaronr_ah, yes of course.18:14
tewardaaronr_: if you look at the packages.u.c page (http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libdevel/libdvbcsa-dev) you'll see it says "Source package libdvbcsa"18:14
aaronr_thanks :)18:14
HelloWorld321So I'ma commit.  Do I reboot next?18:14
tewardaaronr_: if that doesn't work, i can backport the package in a PPA and you can just copy it out to your PPAs or something.18:14
HotSwapHey, does anyone know if i can install the modern and legacy nvidia drivers at the same time?  I have an old geforce card i want to use as an extra monitor on a separate x screen18:14
ghsCD stays in blank same after burning. How to fix it ? I tried with k3b and brasero. Can someone me help ?18:14
HelloWorld321If I have trouble on reboot, the grub docs say: "sudo grub-install /dev/XXX"   ... where XXX will be sda5 ?18:15
asyoulikeithey, is anyone able to help me encrypting the hd before installing xubuntu?18:16
pfifoHotSwap: no18:17
HotSwappfifo, both modules cant be loaded at once eh?18:17
HotSwapi figured that would be the case18:17
skinkittenglitsj16, http://sourceforge.net/projects/gimp-print/files/gutenprint-5.2/5.2.10-pre1/18:18
HelloWorld321I've committed.  I think my next step is reboot from sda1.  If I have any trouble, then I'll get to the bash prompt and type "sudo grub-install /dev/sda5"18:18
pfifoHotSwap: use HW acceleration for the good one, and use standard vesa driver for the crap one18:18
bekksHelloWorld321: No.18:18
HotSwappfifo, yeah that just hit me after I responded to you.18:18
HotSwapthat'll work great18:18
bekksHelloWorld321: Installing grub ito swap makes perfectly no sense.18:18
aaronr_strangely the trusty build of libdvbcsa compiled okay on launchpad.18:18
aaronr_not sure how i made that happen18:19
tewardaaronr_: i made a fib btw...18:19
tewardaaronr_: i misread the builds page, since that package hasn't been updated in version number since, like, Quantal, the packagesa re just copied and not rebuilt18:19
HelloWorld321So I'm likely to have no trouble, since grub is certainly pointing to sda1.  But if I do have trouble, then I'll type "sudo grub-install /dev/sda1"18:19
tewardaaronr_: so it has i386, amd64, etc.18:19
tewardbut the "builds" list doesn't state them because it's just copied18:19
SupaYoshiAnyone knows, I want to serve a different website for when people come to my domain and when you go to the local hostname?18:19
SupaYoshiI tried doing Virtuelhost: hostname:8018:20
aaronr_ahh okay18:20
SupaYoshibut that didnt work well18:20
bekksHelloWorld321: /boot is on sda1  and grub points to sda.18:20
glitsj16skinkitten: thanks, let me download that and see if i can get it to build here without errors, i'll keep u posted18:20
aaronr_yeah i'm probably making this more difficult than it needs to be by trying to backport a package from an unreleased version of ubuntu :)18:20
aaronr_unfortunately opencaster doesn't exist before trusty it seems18:20
HelloWorld321bekks: tx.18:21
PMtoCoinsfacing mailing issues with nginx on Ubuntu server 12.0418:21
PMtoCoinsanyone who can help18:21
TJ-HelloWorld321: when using "grub-install" you point it to the device to receive the master boot record, not a partition/file-system on that device (unless doing something very unusual)18:22
PMtoCoinswhen I am sending mail using php script it delivers in the spam box and shows return path as www@info@mydomain.com18:22
aaronr_right, requeued the build. thanks for the help teward18:22
* aaronr_ crosses his fingers18:22
HelloWorld321tx TJ-.  I'm rebooting now.18:23
tewardaaronr_: you're welcome.  note you'll have to backport the dependency in your PPA first, and upload it there before it builds.18:23
aaronr_yeah i think i've done that18:23
tewardaaronr_: then the newly uploaded dep has to build first, before it can be used by your other depwait-ed package18:24
aaronr_https://launchpad.net/~aaronr/+archive/opencaster shows libdvbcsa in there now18:24
zatanhi how can i stop certain packages from being updated?18:24
PMtoCoinsanyone who can help me with linux server running postfix18:24
tewardaaronr_: no it doesn't.18:24
tewardaaronr_: https://launchpad.net/~aaronr/+archive/opencaster/+sourcepub/3917649/+listing-archive-extra18:24
tewardaaronr_: i don't think it's started a rebuild on libdvbcsa yet18:25
TaraxNeed help to find my Wifi with Xubuntu, find neighbours nets but not my own18:25
tewardaaronr_: because the build was cancelled18:25
skinkittenglitsj16, thanks18:25
aaronr_gah, yeah.18:25
tewardaaronr_: so you're still in square one18:25
aaronr_i thought that build was very fast!18:25
aaronr_now i know why18:25
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tewardaaronr_: you didn't hit "cancel build" did you?18:26
tewardaaronr_: also, I suggest you prepend my nick to your messages, if you want to direct them to me, otherwise they could get lost in the channel activity on my client18:26
=== skramer__ is now known as skramer_
aaronr_teward: yeah i did, i cancelled the build of the libdvbcsa from trusty becuase of the arm issue18:27
tewardaaronr_: okay, that's the problem then18:27
tewardaaronr_: you should rerun the build or reupload the software (with a slightly higher version number)18:28
aaronr_teward: what i did wrong was not deleting it and resubmitting the version from quantal (which is high enough to satisfy the build dep)18:28
HelloWorld321Yup, yup.  That warning scared the spit out of me, but it rebooted just fine with nothing to do about the grub loader.  Tx: bekks, Tj-, Xuisce, jasef, jhutchins, and even ubottu, but especially bekks.  Thanks guys.  Scarey warning, simple operation.18:28
tewardaaronr_: aaah, okay, but you'll have a new issue there, you'll need to up the version number on your upload to the PPA.18:28
tewardaaronr_: just because how the system works.18:28
perlite11hey how can I force apt-get to install a package? I was configuring nagios and removed the directory /etc/nagios and now I can't remove or install the nagios3 package18:28
aaronr_ah ok18:28
aaronr_seems sensible18:28
glitsj16skinkitten: make went cleanly :) .. suggestion: start afresh by removing the extracted source tree and extract the gutenprint-5.2.10-pre1.tar.bz2 again, cd into it and run: ./configure --disable-test --enable-maintainer-mode --without-doc | pastebinit if you would and show the link18:28
Xuisceno problem  HelloWorld32118:28
tewardaaronr_: just make it ~ppa2 insteadl18:28
tewardaaronr_: with the rest of the version string being identical to what yo uused before.18:29
aaronr_k, reuploaded with the suffix incremented18:29
glitsj16perlite11: the postinstall or preremove scripts probably are looking for that dir, try to make it again, even when empty18:31
perlite11glitsj16: It's complaining about particular files in that directory missing; I'll try restoring those18:32
smaragdHello have anybody of you problem with mint 16 eth0 statistics? wlan tx / rx in ifconfig for wireless works good but not for ethernet.. :/18:32
wheatthinsmaragd, maybe should try mint channel18:33
OerHekssmaragd, better use ubuntu, as mint is unsupported here18:33
skinkittenglitsj16, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6944728/ ^^18:33
streulmahello, I have 2 SSD drives, which one should I place in my PC? OCZ 240GB with 1 reallocated sector (so Ubuntu disk utility says), or 128GB Sandisk which is OK?18:33
glitsj16perlite11: yup, or remove the nagios3 related files in /var/lib/dpkg/info18:33
smaragdthanks for point18:34
leemerrimanMany years ago I had an option to install Ubuntu as a Windows program or something similar, is that still a thing?18:34
bekksleemerriman: No.18:35
wheatthinleemerriman, you're talking about the wubi installer?18:35
leemerrimanbekks: Is there any way to install Ubuntu (or really any other Debian-based distro) without some sort of CD or USB stick.18:35
leemerrimanwheatthin: That sounds right, yes18:35
glitsj16skinkitten: looking good, proceed with: make clean && make .. and let it run, can take a while but i've got the rest of the evening so no worries there18:35
OerHeksleemerriman, there is a WUBI installer, but not for win818:37
skinkittenglitsj16, wow thank you so much18:37
perlite11glitsj16: thanks. that totally worked18:38
skinkittenglitsj16, how do I repay you?18:38
wheatthinyeah it's unsupported, but there is a wubi installer18:38
glitsj16streulma: perlite11, welcome18:38
wheatthinanybody know how to get opencl working with ati and ubuntu 13.x?18:38
glitsj16skinkitten: you just did, and i got a few extra beans on the forum by posting :p18:38
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glitsj16streulma: sorry, wanted to say i'd go for the OCZ and then i added to it sorry18:39
HelloWorld321glitsj16: how does that work?  beans on forum?18:40
skinkittenglitsj16, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6944763/18:41
stephen__Does anyone know of pinguyOS?18:41
glitsj16HelloWorld321: not sure exactly, but i think each time you post to a thread you get a 'bean', apparently you need a minimum of 10 beans to make edits to your profile etc18:41
bekksstephen__: We heard of it, but we dont support it in here.18:41
stephen__Ahl I made the switch from Ubuntu to pinguyOS earlier this week. I think you should give it a try18:42
OerHeksstephen__, sure, they have their own channel http://pinguyos.com/irc-chat/18:42
stephen__oh ok. Thanks for the help18:42
glitsj16skinkitten: same error as before, i suspect i've got something installed that you're missing, having a look at that18:43
yidakii need a terminal command to kill pulseaudio18:43
user___pkill -9 pulseaudio18:43
user___or whatever the process name is, try pulse if that doesn't work18:44
glitsj16skinkitten: can you run: dpkg --get-selections | pastebinit please?18:44
smaragdHello have anybody of you problem with mint 16 eth0 statistics? wlan tx / rx in ifconfig for wireless works good but not for ethernet.. :/18:44
daftykinsmint != ubuntu, we cannot support that here18:44
daftykinsyou'll need to look elsewhere18:44
OerHeks!mint | smaragd18:45
ubottusmaragd: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:45
smaragdomg srry wrong forum....18:45
skinkittenglitsj16, not all of it appears? I only get from man-db ... z18:46
skinkittenglitsj16, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6944791/18:46
yidakiuser: i type in exactly "pkill -9 pulseaudio" and push enter in terminal?18:47
user___yidaki: yeah18:47
user___try pulse then18:47
user___ps aux | grep audio18:48
glitsj16skinkitten: we'll try it again with: dpkg --get-selections > /tmp/skinkitten-gutenprint && pastebinit /tmp/skinkitten-gutenprint18:48
yidakistill nothing18:50
yidakii am getting choppy delayed audio out of vlc player18:50
yidakikilling pulse audio fixed it in mint18:50
yidakiany other ideas on how to kill pulse audio?18:51
skinkittenglitsj16, where's the tmp folder?18:51
skinkittenTheDrums, what a great name.18:52
lickalottguys, I'm trying to launch a non-installed windows app (via wine) from within a .desktop file.  I've gotten it to work before but can't seem to get it this time.  Can someone tell me what I might be doing wrong?  http://pastebin.com/MtgYFGnC18:52
glitsj16skinkitten: under /tmp, so out of your home dir18:52
lickalottit's a stand alone executable18:52
user___yiadki: yiadki: if that didn't work, most likely pulseaudio isn't the problem18:52
yidakihow do i know if i have a compatible sound drier?18:53
glitsj16skinkitten: you can exchange /tmp with anything you want in your home/<user> dir, it's just an intermediary file you can remove if the pastebin showed full output this time18:53
user___yidaki: above my head18:54
manornkHey guys, When i try to connect via ssh on my ubuntu, i am not able, however, i am able to connect to other computer via my ubuntu18:54
glitsj16yidaki: pulseaudio -k should kill it18:54
MedoBusybox  v1.18.5 (ubuntu.1:1.18.5)18:55
Medowhat cause that error18:55
lickalottmanornk,  is ssh enabled on your ubuntu machine?18:55
lickalottmedo ???18:55
manornklickalott: Yes, I get error  attempting method password failed, but i am able to connect to other computers18:56
Medolickalott: what ?18:56
lickalottwhat are you using manornk ?  command line ssh, remmina, putty?18:56
lickalottwhat error medo?18:56
lickalottall I see is a version message18:56
manornklickalott: command line ssh18:56
lickalottdefault port manornk18:57
manornklickalott: 2218:57
glitsj16lickalott: there looks to be a line feed between line 6 and 7 in your paste, the Exec=... needs to be all on one line18:57
lickalottmanornk, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-840280.html18:57
SupaYoshiI want to make apache have 2 websites, 1 for the intranet on port 80, and one on public on port 8018:58
lickalottit is glitsj16  it just copied to pastebin that way18:58
SupaYoshiNow i tried doing this with virtualhost, and then the internal IP and the external IP18:58
SupaYoshibut that doesnt work.18:58
manornklickalott: Thank you.18:58
lickalottlemme know if that works18:58
SupaYoshiSo I am wondering, do I need to add a interface for the external IP?18:58
SupaYoshibecause adding the xternal IP to ports.conf doesnt work18:58
manornkI have one more question, about Ubuntu touch, i want to port it on my device Geeksphone Peak, how hard is it18:58
SupaYoshiI basically get the same website as the internal site.18:58
lickalottSupaYoshi, you need to open the public side on your router/firewall18:59
SupaYoshilickalott hehe i done that sorry18:59
SupaYoshiI get the website on the public address18:59
* lickalott bows out on the ubuntu touch thing18:59
SupaYoshiI just set a different enabled-site for the external address18:59
glitsj16lickalott: ow ok, is the wineprefix and the path to virtualdub.exe correct?18:59
SupaYoshibut still it gets served the same website as interal.18:59
lickalotttrue glitsj1618:59
SupaYoshii have VirtualHost 77.165.xxx.xx:80 for external.19:00
lickalottSupaYoshi, same folder just accessed differently or do you have to folder with the same sites (i.e. two different paths)19:00
SupaYoshiAnd VirtualHost for external;.19:00
lickalottsorry, that was a question19:00
SupaYoshiAnother folder, and another path :)19:00
SupaYoshifirst site, /var/www/homesrv second (external /var/www/public19:01
SupaYoshiNow however, when you go to the public site you get /var/www/homesrv19:01
lickalottand that's all pointed to correctly in the .conf?19:01
SupaYoshiWhich conf? :P19:01
lickalottapache (i forget which one specifically)19:01
SupaYoshiI tried this but it didnt work19:02
SupaYoshithat gives an error, that it cant bind because the port is in use already :319:03
glitsj16lickalott: only other thing i see is that you used .. StartupWMClass=VirutalDub.exe .. mind the spelling of VirutalDub.exe, also you don't need the .exe part in that StartupWMClass19:03
=== jadne is now known as dramas
Medocan someone help me with that error ?19:05
manornkCan anyone help me with porting ubuntu touch?19:06
bekksmanornk: Porting it to what/where?19:07
daftykins!touch | manornk19:07
ubottumanornk: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch19:07
manornkbekks: On Geeksphone Peak. ubottu, thank you.19:08
OerHeksMedo, what error? you only gave "Busybox  v1.18.5 (ubuntu.1:1.18.5)"19:08
MedoOerHeks: yes followed with built in shell and initramfs19:09
MedoOerHeks: and another error message with an older ubuntu version19:10
OerHeksMedo, use paste.ubuntu.com for the complete error and let us see19:10
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MedoOerHeks: that error appear when i try to login using my usb to live ubuntu19:11
skinkittenglitsj16, http://bpaste.net/show/eMPsMOf0riZfuJBhlULK/19:11
MedoOerHeks: not my installed system and current now im using windows X(19:12
wernerHerzoghi guys, a friend of mine wants to replace windwos xp with linux; he wants to use wubi; what is new with wubi, is it even on the ubuntu iso anymore?19:12
DaekdroomwernerHerzog, If he wants to replace XP (i.e. erase it), he definitely shouldn`t use Wubi19:13
wernerHerzogDaekdroom, that's what I'm telling him, but he is scared :D19:13
wernerHerzogfirst time intalling ubuntu for him19:14
wernerHerzogI just want to make it easy form him19:14
bekkswernerHerzog: Winn XP will be EOL in a few months, and Wubi is unsupported, and will not work on Win8.19:14
yidakihow do i uninstall programs i dont want?19:14
wernerHerzogoh shit19:14
bekkswernerHerzog: If you want to make it easy, install him a virtual machine.19:14
MedoOerHeks: ???19:15
MonkeyDustyidaki  sudo apt-get purge [package], or use the software center, or synaptic19:15
wernerHerzoghe wants to dual boot xp and ubuntu for the two month xp is supported19:15
bekkswernerHerzog: Then set it up as he wants it.19:15
yidakiwhere do i find synaptic?19:15
bekksyidaki: You have to install it.19:15
MonkeyDustyidaki  in the software center19:15
wernerHerzogbekks: yeah, I guess I'll have to do it, he wanted to do it himself though19:16
OsBinAs<yidaki> in meniu19:16
wernerHerzogwhich is a good thing, he'll learn more19:16
bekksOsBinAs: Only after he installs it, since it isnt installed by default.19:16
OsBinAs<yidaki> so in home folder somewhere19:18
OsBinAs<bekks> :)19:18
MonkeyDustOsBinAs  type yi [tab], see what happens19:18
bekksOsBinAs: Nope, not in the home folder.19:18
OsBinAs<MonkeyDust> lad nothing hapends :D19:19
jhutchinswernerHerzog: Dual booting is different from wubi.19:19
=== satan is now known as sa`tan
jhutchinswernerHerzog: Linux installers have been setting up dual-boot systems for more than a decade.19:20
jhutchins...more than two I think.19:20
jhutchinswernerHerzog: wubi installed to the Windows filesystem, which was not really a good way to do Linux.  Cygwin is better if you need linux-on-windows.19:21
glitsj16skinkitten: connection dropped here, so i missed your paste if you posted that .. can you provide the link again please?19:21
skinkittenglitsj16, sure, http://bpaste.net/show/eMPsMOf0riZfuJBhlULK/19:22
OsBinAsgot problems with metaspolit framework any on good to give a hand?19:22
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apb1963jhutchins: I put 8 distributions on 1 hard drive once19:26
apb1963using lilo19:27
skinkittenglitsj16, ?19:30
TJ-skinkitten: what are you (trying) to build, and on what ubuntu release?19:36
glitsj16skinkitten: took a bit long, can you: sudo apt-get install libcupsmime1-dev libcupsppdc1-dev and start the build again with: make clean && make?19:37
skinkittencanon pixma mg2520 driver from gutenprint pre-5.2.10 TJ-19:37
TJ-Ahhh, the build log looked sort-of familiar19:38
glitsj16TJ-: i was just diffing skinkitten's package list to determine what he might be missing, builds fine here but i'm not on 12.0419:38
_1_yersonalguien habla espanol19:38
_1_yersonquien habla espanish19:39
manornkCan't connect on my ubuntu with ssh, but i can from my ubuntu onto other computer. It says that password is incorect19:39
TJ-glitsj16: I thought it might be a missing headers issue, looks like you've got it covered :)19:40
glitsj16TJ-: not sure :) first time i build gutenprint from CVS, so feel free to drop in19:41
douglmy 13.10 install hangs looking for some efi crap on a drive that has since been removed can someone help me? I am checking fstab for efi stuff19:41
bekksmanornk: are you trying to ssh in as root?19:41
TJ-glitsj16: do you have a 12.04 chroot?19:41
manornkbekks: I am trying from my Android. I can connect on my brothers computer, but on mine cant.. p.s. My brother is using arch linux19:42
glitsj16TJ-: nope, i was looking into that19:42
bekksmanornk: That doesnt answer my question.19:42
glitsj16TJ-: but i'm kinda low on disk space here .. any idea how much space that would take?19:43
manornkbekks: PermitRootLogin yes19:43
bekks!root | manornk19:43
ubottumanornk: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:43
bekksmanornk: Log in as user, not as root.19:43
manornkbekks: My mistake, I am trying to connect as user, manornk.. sorry19:44
RonniSHey, where can I find information about when php will be updated on 12.04 LTS?19:44
glitsj16skinkitten: sorry for the confusion while talking to TJ-, do keep us informed on where you're at ok :)19:44
TJ-glitsj16: probably about 200MB for a buildd19:44
RonniSit is dangerously close to end of life19:44
glitsj16TJ-: ow i should manage that, thanks19:45
TJ-glitsj16: I've got one here ... what's the CVS repo source reference (web page) so I can compare that version with what's in our repos19:45
skinkittenglitsj16, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6945137/19:45
manornkbekks: My mistake, I am trying to connect as user, manornk@ip19:46
glitsj16TJ-: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gimp-print/files/gutenprint-5.2/5.2.10-pre1/ .. the .tar.bz219:46
bekksmanornk: If you are trying to connect as your user, and you get the message that your password is incorect - then it is incorrect.19:47
manornkbekks: I know it isn't, i am using it every day.19:48
glitsj16skinkitten: TJ- .. we're always erroring on the same backend_common.c:633:3 as skinkitten's paste shows, not sure where that resides19:49
TJ-glitsj16: yeah, I think it is relying on a MACRO that is missing19:51
manornkbeeks, any suggestions?19:52
manornkbekks, any suggestions19:52
TJ-glitsj16: skinkitten I'm looking at overlaying the trusty debian packaging to that gutenprint source, so we can build it using the standard Debian/Ubuntu packaging toolset19:52
glitsj16TJ-: makes sense, skinkitten has been trying to get the canon printer going for days now, and missing MACRO isn't something i'm good with, really appreciate your input19:53
jhutchinsmanornk: ssh is rather limited in it's error messages on purpose.19:53
jhutchinsmanornk: Do you have an AllowGroups statement?19:53
skinkitten^^ thanks TJ- glitsj1619:53
jhutchinsmantovani: What does /var/log/auth.log say?19:53
glitsj16skinkitten: i'l keep following the thread, but TJ-'s much more experienced with this :)19:54
jhutchinsSheesh.  Sorry mantovani19:54
skinkittenwith the deepest of gratitude, thanks glitsj1619:55
TJ-skinkitten: Give me 10 minutes to get myself up to speed, then I'll be back with you19:55
skinkittenthanks TJ- :)19:55
RonniSHey, where can I find information about when php version will be updated on 12.04 LTS?19:55
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glitsj16skinkitten: if we get it working we'll make a new forum post, there were other people wanting the same pixma mg2520 to work .. we'll let TJ- do his magic and cross fingers heh19:56
XHEART24hi everyone.19:58
XHEART24is there an antivirus for ubuntu 12.04 lts? i find my computer running too slow while surfing the web19:58
cvtsxclam av as one i think19:58
cvtsxbut its all command line19:59
Ben64XHEART24: antivirus isn't necessary on linux, and it wouldn't help your web browsing speed19:59
bekks!clamav | XHEART2419:59
bekks!antivirus | XHEART2419:59
ubottuXHEART24: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus19:59
XHEART24ok great.20:00
joshudoes the lived load into RAM, so I can safely eject the CD and attach a different one?20:00
XHEART24other than that i like this ubuntu.20:00
cvtsxubuntu is nice20:00
humbagXHEART24: i think noscript plugin speeds up browsing, but you have to train it20:00
XHEART24train it?20:01
XHEART24sorry for the question. just do not know, still learning20:01
AKILESit's ok XHEAR...20:02
AKILESreally almost(all) virus, are make for windows20:03
XHEART24humbag - how i train the noscript?20:04
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glitsj16lickalott: did you get the desktop file working? just noticed that you could have made a typo in the Exec line --> /home/weed/Downloads/APPZ/Nandub_1.10.4/VirutalDub.exe .. which should be ../VirtualDub.exe20:04
MonkeyDustAKILES  linux virusses hzve been made too, but they have no effect20:04
tewardAKILES: only partly true, a super large majority target windows, more are targetting macs, and Linux is in its little niche where there's very few viruses.  It's not virus proof though.20:04
XHEART24akiles, that is good no know.20:05
humbagXHEART24: it operates as a whitelist, so you have to allow useful javascripts as you browse, but suspicious or slow javascripts will not be run20:06
XHEART24hmmm ok20:06
AKILESyes it is, I say again "almost"20:07
AKILESthks for your attention!20:08
gupta_dishanti am new to ubuntu20:08
gupta_dishantany help will be appreciated20:09
AKILESabout what ?20:09
gupta_dishanti am looking forward to do android app development and c++ programming20:09
ice9how to change file's UID?20:10
felipesierraHI everybody20:10
felipesierraI am new in ubuntu, i have a problem20:10
gupta_dishantbasically i am using ubuntu for  almost first time20:10
gupta_dishantso can you help me with a link to some guide or20:10
gupta_dishantor stuff20:11
gupta_dishantto browse through20:11
felipesierrathe sistem does not reconigze my usb20:11
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:12
dishantthanks :)20:13
OerHeksgupta_dishant, else there are lots of wiki pages, and free fullcirclemagazine20:13
dishanti am fine with the GUI part..need to get into terminal commands :)20:13
dishantwill go to wiki pages if needed..thanks anyways :)20:14
SamopotamusUbuntu needs to clean up their goddamn documentation regarding Samba.  I just spent about fifteen minutes following a guide, only to find a note at the bottom: "Note: This method no longer works"20:15
felipesierramy friends, my system does not reconigze my usb media...can you help me please?20:16
bekksSamopotamus: It is a wiki, you may update it too.20:16
streulmagood evening20:16
streulmafor an SSD, should I use 8GB swap ?20:16
Samopotamusbekks, would that I had the know-how.20:17
glitsj16gupta_dishant: : you can also install the abs-guide package, which offers an introduction to bash shell scripting20:17
bekksstreulma: Use as much swap as your RAM, for being able to suspend to disk.20:17
Ben64streulma: how much ram do you have20:17
skinkittenglitsj16, :)20:17
streulmaBen64: 820:17
SamopotamusI'm just trying to mount a CIFS drive.  I don't understand why this is so hard to find reliable documentation for.20:17
SamopotamusThis is a routine task.20:17
Ben64streulma: if you don't need a hibernate, then you don't really even need a swap partition, and i'd recommend against having one on an ssd anyway20:18
glitsj16skinkitten: also into shell scripting? the guide's a nice introduction if you haven't seen it yet20:18
streulmaSamopotamus: Ctrl+L in Nautilus, smb://user@host/share20:18
DavyHHi.  Following problem under Unity/Compiz on 13.10: Ctrl-Q isn't received by my X clients.  xev trace shows Control_L being pressed and released, but when I hit 'q' in between, I get focus-related events instead.  Probably something I did, but I don't know what.20:18
DavyHThings I've tried: bind Ctrl-Q in Keyboard->Settings to clear other bindings, then unbind it again.  That didn't change anything.20:19
SamopotamusI'm using the command line20:19
DavyHHaven't found anything on Google -- search-term suggestions welcome.20:19
DavyH(or rather: sufficiently non-generic search terms :))20:19
streulmaSamopotamus: sudo mount -t cifs -o user=foobar,password=foobar,rw,hard,nosetuids,noperm,sec=ntlm // ~/mnt/mount_point20:19
Samopotamusdoing sudo mount -t cifs -o username=[user], password=[pass] //remote/path /home/me/local/path doesn't allow write access20:20
skinkittenglitsj16, I'm interested :)20:20
streulmalike this20:20
SamopotamusI'll try yours streulma20:20
Ben64Samopotamus: you might want to set your uid in the mounting options20:21
SamopotamusI have tried that Ben6420:21
koellomg jono bacon is using a thinkpad <320:21
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DavyHSo if anyone can tell me how to find out where keypresses are intercepted in Compiz, that'd help me a lot.20:21
streulmaBen64: what do you recommend? having swap or not to swap? I don't need hibernate20:21
SamopotamusI've tried so many iterations of sudo mount -t- cifs...20:21
glitsj16skinkitten: cool, installing the abs-guide together with experimenting and the #bash channel should make a good start :)20:22
Ben64streulma: you probably won't need one under normal circumstances20:22
TJ-skinkitten: glitsj16: gutenprint 5.2.10 has introduced a new common backend code which requires libusb and some 'interesting' integration with cups. All existing Ubuntu Ubuntu printer-driver-gutenprint packages do not contain libusb support. The build error is because the headers from "libusb-1.0-0-dev" package aren't installed. I'm not sure if installing that will be enough, but give it a try. I'm investigating what is needed to package 5.2.10 to include libusb,20:23
TJ-based on the 14.04 packaging, and then backported to 12.04!20:23
streulmaBen64: ok, if I need one, I can make this with /dev/zero and /swapfile20:23
DavyHSamopotamus: does this help?  //server/Software       /server/rw/Software     cifs    rw,uid=username,iocharset=utf8,credentials=/root/server.creds,noauto    0 020:23
Samopotamusstreulma, it looks like you have given me in thirty seconds what DAYS of Googling have not20:23
Ben64streulma: yep20:23
DavyH(line from my fstab)20:23
SamopotamusI'm going to dissect your line of code and figure out the difference between what several messageboard posts and wikis have told me and yours.20:24
SamopotamusDavy, I'll try that in my fstab20:24
SamopotamusDavyH, I've also been running into an issue where the VPN is possibly not up yet so fstab doesn't mount it until I run mount -a20:24
glitsj16TJ-: wonderfull! odd that it didn't complain here about it.. i don't even have libusb-1.0-0-dev installed20:25
SamopotamusI don't understand why so many guides from stackexchange and ubuntu forums are so error-ridden20:25
bekksSamopotamus: Then you caant automatically mount, but you have to ensure the vpn is up.20:25
skinkittenTJ-, :( libusb-1.0-0-dev is already the newest version.20:25
skinkitten0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.20:25
SamopotamusIsn't there an option for fstab to wait until the network is up?20:26
bekksSamopotamus: The network is not enough. The VPN will start after the network is up, and you have to wait until the VPN is up.20:26
TJ-skinkitten: That tells us that "./configure" didn't locate those headers and therefore didn't add the correct "-I..." include path20:27
TJ-skinkitten: I'm almost ready to do a test-build here20:27
SamopotamusSo basically it has to be done through cronjobs or some other method than fstab, right bekks?20:27
bekksSamopotamus: Cronjobs wont help you at all at that point.20:27
SamopotamusWhat do you recommend bekks ?20:27
bekksSamopotamus: The most convinient method is to run "mount -a" manually.20:27
MrZoneAnnyone know if there is a Ubuntu Touch for Xperia Z1?20:28
DavyHSamopotamus: non-authoritative answer: Init scripts typically mount local filesystem types (ext4, btrfs, ...) early in the boot, and network filesystems (cifs, nfs, ...) later.  There's a sigil you can use for network-dependent filesystems (e.g. ext4 on iSCSI).  But that won't help you here.20:28
SamopotamusI don't believe in doing things manually.  There has to be a way20:28
bekksSamopotamus: Then good luck in finding it.20:28
SamopotamusThere's got to be a way to tell crontab to run this command like ten minutes after startup or something.  It's a 99% solution20:28
ViaJulia30VERSalguien habla español?20:29
ioanbubyhi,i have written a python script and i want to give this script to my friends but they are using windows20:29
bekksSamopotamus: Crontab is a 1% solution. Crontab does not check wether the network is up, it osnt even interested wether the VPN is actually running, etc.20:29
skinkittenTJ-, hm how do I tell ./configure to include it?20:29
ioanbubyhow can i make a executable from this script?20:29
SamopotamusYeah, bekks , but it would just give time and assume that the VPN is up.20:29
bekksioanbuby: You cant, basically.20:29
skinkittenglitsj16, abs-guide? where can I get that?20:29
bekksSamopotamus: Which is the most unreliable approach possible.20:30
SamopotamusBetter than the "no approach" approach20:30
ioanbubywhy not?20:30
bekksSamopotamus: You have been given a 100% approach.20:30
Seveasioanbuby: google for pyfreeze or cx-freeze20:30
Samopotamuslol, manually?  I can run that anyway if it fails20:30
glitsj16skinkitten: it's a package that is in the regumar ubuntu repos, sudo apt-get install abs-guide20:30
Seveasioanbuby: but that's so far off-topic in here, it's not even funny :)20:31
bekksioanbuby: Because you cannot make a crossplatform python binary out of some code you have.20:31
bekksSamopotamus: You will have to run it manually, cause your approach will fail. Anyways, good luck.20:31
ioanbubyok i understand20:31
SamopotamusThanks bekks20:32
glitsj16skinkitten: if you have it installed, point your browser at file:///usr/share/doc/abs-guide/html/index.html and you're good to dive in20:32
skinkittenE: Unable to locate package abs-guide20:32
ioanbubymy friends must have python installed and run this script from command line20:32
ioanbubyin windows20:32
bekksioanbuby: Yes.20:32
ioanbubyi don't use windows anymore20:32
SeveasSamopotamus: if you want to run things after the network is up, add scripts to /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d20:33
DavyHSamopotamus: there HAS to be a hook that allows you to run arbitrary commands dependent on your VPN.  Like the 'post-up' directive in /etc/network/interfaces.20:33
SeveasSamopotamus: this is woefully underdocumented though :)20:33
SamopotamusThanks Seveas and DavyH20:33
TJ-skinkitten: are you using amd64 or i686/i386?20:33
bekksDavyH: No there is no requirement to implement such a hook. It strongly depends on the VPN.20:33
SeveasSamopotamus: of course that assumes you run the vpn via networkmanager.20:34
Ampelbeinskinkitten: You have to have the "multiverse" repository enabled.20:34
DavyHbekks: agreed, there's no standard, but I'd expect it of any reasonable implementation.20:34
glitsj16skinkitten: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/abs-guide .. so it should be installable in 12.04 .. what does apt-cache policy abs-guide do?20:34
SamopotamusSeveas, I am embarassingly new to VPNs.  I just followed the guide for installing OpenVPN.20:34
bekksDavyH: Even if it exists, the vpn administrator most likely disabled hooks for clients for safety reasons.20:34
SamopotamusThe server is mounting a drive from a client20:34
* Samopotamus is the VPN administrator20:35
SeveasSamopotamus: ah, ok, that's slightly different20:35
Seveasyou want the server to mount an nfs share from the client after it connected?20:35
DavyHAnyway.  Last appeal for help with my problem? -- Ctrl-Q not being passed to my X clients under Unity/Compiz?20:35
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest64530
skinkittenTJ-, x86_6420:36
SamopotamusIt's SMB/CIFS not NFS because the drive is physically mounted to a DD-WRT device.20:36
SeveasDavyH: search for that keycombo with ccsm to see if it's assigned to something?20:36
TJ-skinkitten: thanks, I'll build that20:36
SamopotamusDD-WRT doesn't have out-of-the-box NFS20:36
SeveasSamopotamus: but the server is mounting from the client after the client connects, right?20:36
DavyHSeveas: I thought ccsm was deprecated?  But I have no better ideas.  Trying now...20:36
RarrikinsDoes anyone know how to add tracks to a playlist in Rhythmbox?20:37
Ampelbeinskinkitten: Follow http://askubuntu.com/questions/89096/how-do-i-enable-the-multiverse-repository and you will most likely be able to install abs-guide. Multiverse isn't enabled by default.20:39
SeveasSamopotamus: hmm, you can do something with openvpn's --up, but I'd probably abuse fail2ban for this20:39
skinkittenthanks Ampelbein20:39
impossiblei am on ubuntu 12.04.4 but my mouse only moves up and down, it works fine in 13.10 and 14.0420:39
Seveasfail2ban is in essence a "watch log and do things" daemon, I'd make it watch the openvpn log and mount things when the client connects20:39
impossibleanything i should update? kernel or driver?20:39
SeveasSamopotamus: scratch that20:40
Samopotamushmm, I know only a little about fail2ban20:40
SeveasSamopotamus: openvpn's server mode has a --client-connect option, which you can use20:41
DavyHSeveas: no luck so far with ccsm.  But when I try to bind arbitrary keys (e.g. Ctrl-Alt-f), ccsm shows the key as <Primary>, e.g. <Primary><Alt>f.  NO idea what that means.  Researching, but suggestions welcome!20:41
SamopotamusOk, I'll check it out.20:41
SeveasDavyH: ah! your ctrl key got remapped20:41
SeveasDavyH: check the keyboard settings, it can be done there20:41
SeveasDavyH: or else gnome-tweak-tool20:41
=== Ozera is now known as Ozera_zz
kristenbbMy ubuntu computer doesn't start anymore, the screen remains purple, I don't know what's wrong. Can someone please help ?20:42
streulmakristenbb: that seems like a graphical problem20:43
DavyHSeveas: I'm uncertain.  `xev` shows the key returning the keysym Control_L, and `xmodmap` shows Control_L as the Control modifier.  But I'm checking as you say.  (And VERY grateful!)20:43
BeldarSo I installed grml-rescueboot this is iso booting with grub 2 yourun this command to load a grml folder in boot,  sudo mv ~/ISO/some release.iso /boot/grml/ MY question how do I clean that grml folder in boot with the cli20:43
kristenbbstreulma: what can I do to solve it?20:44
Seveaskristenbb: kristenbb do you see the ubuntu logo at all during boot, or is the screen just purple? What happens if you hit <alt><f1>?20:45
DavyHSeveas: also all other Control-[x] keys work normally, and 'q' does too.20:45
skinuxWhat command will tell used/free RAM (Physical)?20:45
TJ-Samopotamus: I'd add the script "/etc/network/if-up.d/openvpn-localmounts" (which should be called by runparts after "/etc/network/if-up.d/openvpn", and in your script simply do  "[ -n "$IF_OPENVPN" ] && sleep 10 && mount -a"20:46
streulmaskinux: free -m20:46
kristenbbSeveas: It happened multiple times, and it was hanging, so I tried pressing reset a couple times. Now it doesn't show the logo anymore. Nothing happens with alt f120:46
streulmakristenbb: ctrl + alt + f120:46
kristenbbstreulma: nothing either20:46
streulmakristenbb: do you have installed now a new video driver like nvidia ?20:47
kristenbbstreulma: no I have not, but it could have been updated, I don't know20:47
Paddy_NIDoes anyone know the name of the tool (I think it's CLI only) that was developed specifically for keeping daily ISOs for *buntu up-to-date ?20:47
skinuxCached doesn't necessarily mean used, right?20:47
Paddy_NII'm fairly certain that it is not zsync20:48
manornkHow can i start song from another computer on my computer via ssh20:48
bekksskinux: ram used for cached is considered to be usable by an application when the application needs it.20:48
Seveaskristenbb: and <alt><f7> (try <f1> through <f8>, one of them should show some text)20:48
skinuxI see 117 free, 517 Cached, 14 Buffers20:48
bekksskinux: You see more when running "free -m". Pastebin it please.20:49
kristenbbSeveas: I tried all from f1 to f12, none do, the screen remains purple20:49
Seveasmanornk: ssh other.computer.name mplayer /path/to/file20:49
streulmaskinux: look at - + buffers cache20:49
skinuxUsed: 3172 Free: 65020:49
=== Ozera_zz is now known as Ozera
bekksskinux: So you have 650 free.20:50
Seveaskristenbb: unfortunately that leaves very few avenues for troubleshooting. Best suggestion I can give you is to boot from a live cd, backup your /home folder and reinstall.20:50
bekksskinux: Yes.20:50
skinuxThat's not much out of 2-3G20:50
bekksskinux: Unused RAM is wasted RAM. Be happy much of your RAM is used as cache.20:50
kristenbbSeveas: I can reset and start in recovery mode ? that's the only thing I can do, basically, but i don't know what to do with it20:51
Aleksei__skinux: Are you sure that you are watching the -/+ buffers/cache line?20:51
skinuxYes, that was the last set of numbers I gave.20:51
bekksskinux: And can you please pastebin "free -m", still?20:51
skinkittenAmpelbein, sudo apt-get update says to run sudo apt-get update....http://paste.ubuntu.com/6945461/20:51
manornkSeveas: no, no.. I want it to open on the computer that I am holding, to use data on computer via ssh20:51
bekksskinux: Please pastebin it, since free -m gives 11 numbers, not 5 as you pasted.20:51
Seveasmanornk: ah, mount the remote computer via sshfs then :)20:52
manornkSeveas: Thanks20:53
TJ-skinkitten: glitsj16: progress update... building for precise x86_64 in a buildd... its not completed yet20:53
SeveasI had that for a long time until I bought a nas that supprted NFS properly :)20:53
=== Ozera is now known as Ozera_zz
=== Ozera_zz is now known as Ozera
skinkittengo TJ- !20:56
filosofixitI have a bind9 caching nameserver installed, but now it just stopped working. When I "dig google.com" I get this message : ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 4318220:57
streulmaso  easy, save packages in synaptic for use on another PC, system got installed in few minutes20:57
kristenbbso what Can I do to troubleshoot my computer that is not booting ?20:57
Seveasfilosofixit: check the bind logs, if it returns SERVFAIL, it'll have logged what failed20:58
hewhomustkristenbb what exactly did you do?20:58
filosofixitSeveas : will do... :)20:58
irssi-mikekristenbb: unplug it and hold down the power for 30-60 seconds20:59
kristenbbhewhomust: not much, I rebooted the computer, as I do many times, but this one time it didn't start, so I tried to hit the reset button  a couple times, and since it still stay hung, I came here for help20:59
kristenbbirssi-mike: what's that supposed to do ?21:00
irssi-mikeremove any battery except of course the cmos battery which this should reset21:00
hewhomusthi botsis21:00
botsisi want to transfer a file from an ubuntu laptop to a debian desktop, and i'd like to do it via an ehternet cable... how should i connect both computers ?21:00
Aleksei__kristenbb: As you can boot in rescue mode, install pastebinit via sudo apt-get install pastebinit and run pastebinit < /var/log/Xorg.0.log, then paste its output here.21:01
glitsj16TJ-: was on the phone .. the support you provide is just amazing and generous :)21:01
kristenbbirssi-mike: i doubt this is a battery problem, the computer does start, it's just ubuntu that doesn't start.21:01
hewhomustbotsis can you ping the debian desktop?21:01
filosofixitSeveas : Lots of errormessages like this : error (no valid KEY) resolving './DNSKEY/IN':
irssi-mikekristenbb: oh, purple screen, you need to blackout nouveau21:01
botsisdont know, i am a networking noob21:01
kristenbbirssi-mike: come again?21:02
mogeyanywhere i can download wins 7 for free21:02
hewhomustgo into the debian and type ifconfig in the terminal21:02
hewhomustmogey nowhere21:02
irssi-mikekristenbb: in grub, hit e21:02
mogeyi remember there use to be a site like piratebay21:02
hewhomustmogey why are you here21:03
mogeycause i cant get my games to work on linux21:03
mini_isoi am installing 12.04 using the latest (2014) mini.iso. The PC has less than 512MB RAM. Shall i install Lubuntu Minimal install or Ubuntu LXDE Desktop? Which is one is lighter?21:03
kristenbbirssi-mike: okay, done, what then?21:03
hewhomustlubuntu should work nicer better integration21:03
TJ-skinkitten: glitsj16: slight delay; managed to issue the command the recreates the build environment, instead of the command to build the source inside it... snakes and ladders :)21:04
mini_isohewhomust, what is the difference between the 2 aforementioned choices?21:04
skinkittenTJ-, snakes & ladders :)21:05
kristenbbirssi-mike: I hit 'e'.21:05
irssi-mikekristenbb: add this nouveau.modeset=021:05
kristenbbirssi-mike: where? anywhere?21:05
skinuxHere is free -m: http://pastebin.com/n9zGYfmk21:05
TJ-skinkitten: Time for a strong coffee methinks!21:05
hewhomustmini_iso: lxde on ubuntu you just install the lxde desktop environment on the top of ubuntu while still having unity, the other you just get lxde with ubuntu packages21:05
skinkittenTJ-, ^^21:05
glitsj16TJ-: :p strong as in an irish one, great idea21:06
irssi-mikekristenbb: before the word splash21:06
TJ-glitsj16: Hmmm, I'm not building the kernel too :p21:06
Aleksei__skinux: you have 2090 MB of used RAM, 1732 free.21:06
=== Hassen is now known as minest
kristenbbirssi-mike: you mean in the /boot/vmlinuz line ?21:07
streulmairssi-mike before the words quiet splash // kristenbb21:07
skinuxI do now. The set of two numbers I gave you before were before my computer froze and I had to restart21:07
streulmakristenbb: /etc/default/grub21:07
hewhomustmogey found your free windows 7 yet lol21:07
kristenbbstreulma: what? i'm a bit lost21:07
streulmakristenbb: after placing and saving the file, do sudo update-grub21:07
gastrulahello everyone, I'd used an audio converter a while ago. it was very handy and well-functioning. I however forgot its name as I didnt install it again on my new distro. it was the one I found after leaving sound converter, which for some reason didnt work anymore. can you help me know the name of the audio converter again?21:07
mogeyLOL! nop21:07
streulmakristenbb: you must edit /etc/default/grub21:08
kristenbbstreulma: I have no idea what you're talking about, so far I hit 'e' in the grub menu, I have no prompt where I can edit the file you're talking about21:08
irssi-mikekristenbb: blah blah blackout quiet splash, i think he means to set it permanently but first you must get in21:08
Aleksei__streulma: what you said is how to make it permanent (though there is a better way). It's a different story.21:08
gastrula..it was somehow like audio-video download-convert combined.21:08
glitsj16skinkitten: that paste suggests double entrees for http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-security/multiverse, you can use # in front of one to comment it out or simply remove one of them in your /etc/apt/sources.list .. after that you should be able to install abs-guide21:09
kristenbbirssi-mike: I don't see the word blackout. There is indeed a line mentioning quiet splash though21:09
kristenbbirssi-mike: do you want me to reproduce this line here?21:09
irssi-mikekristenbb: okay21:09
Aleksei__skinux: use top to check what processes consume most of RAM.21:09
kristenbbirssi-mike: linux /boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-33-generic root=UUIDDD=878839...789 ro quiet splash $vt_handoff21:10
skinkittenthanks glitsj16 :)21:10
=== Dr_Manhattan is now known as DrManhattan
streulmakristenbb: before quiet splash like I said // irssi-mike21:11
Paddy_NIAh I got it, it was zsync. I had confused it with testdrive :-)21:11
kristenbbstreulma: so it becomes linux /boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-33-generic root=UUIDDD=878839...789 ro nouveau.modeset=0 quiet splash $vt_handoff ?21:12
streulmakristenbb: yes21:12
kristenbbirssi-mike: do you confirm?21:13
irssi-mikekristenbb: okay do you have nvidia or radon or any kind of graphics on board21:13
kristenbbirssi-mike: yes I do have nvidia21:13
gastrulaI think I found it21:13
glitsj16gastrula: winff perhaps? if you didn't install it thru a PPA you could try a search in the software center if you haven't already21:13
gastrulaglitsj16, exactly!21:13
gastrulaI just found it at askubuntu21:13
kristenbbirssi-mike: do you confirm I am supposed to add 'nouveau.modeset=0' between 'ro' and 'quiet splash' ?21:14
irssi-mikekristenbb: if you do then put nouveau.modeset=0 before the words quiet splash at grub after striking e21:14
gastrulaglitsj16, it is really the handiest I had so far21:14
irssi-mikeit's not a permanent thing, you wont make any mistake21:14
irssi-mikejust something to try21:14
kristenbbirssi-mike: ok, then what?21:14
glitsj16gastrula: indeed a very nice tool21:15
irssi-mikehit enter21:15
kristenbbirssi-mike: enter just adds a newline21:15
Aleksei__irssi-mike: you mean Ctrl-X?21:15
kristenbbAleksei__: am I to hit ctrl X?21:15
irssi-mikekristenbb: then don't hit enter, read the screen and determine what you need select to proceed21:15
kristenbbit says ctrl x or F10 to boot. But I don't know if 'booting' is what i need to do to proceed. Is it?21:16
Aleksei__kristenbb: there is a help text at the bottom of the screen. Press the key combo to boot, but delete the inserted line.21:16
Aleksei__kristenbb: yes, just boot.21:16
kristenbbctrl x just adds a x, that's weird21:17
kristenbbi'm trying F1021:17
Aleksei__kristenbb: virtualbox?21:17
irssi-mikekristenbb: yes you need to boot, your box isn't showing anything but a purple screen, usually this fixes a black screen21:17
kristenbbAleksei__: no it's a real computer21:17
kristenbbirssi-mike: ok I hit F10, and this made me quit grub, but I'm back to the purple screen.21:17
Aleksei__kristenbb: strange. Try F10 then.21:18
kristenbbAleksei__: ^21:18
kristenbbam I supposed to hit reset and try something else now ?21:18
irssi-mikekristenbb: i don't know grub that intimately, maybe make your edits and then tab and select boot21:19
Aleksei__kristenbb: If I remember correctly, boot in rescue mode succeeded?21:19
TJ-skinkitten: glitsj16: Just hit the same issue as you *with* libusb-1.0-dev installed... investigating21:19
* cvvmaster 376030169333021 09/16 3723 Michele hoff PO BOX 393 qld qld Australia Australia21:19
kristenbbAleksei__: errh I'm not sure what you mean by succeeded, but yes I do have a recovery entry in grub, do you want me to try that?21:19
glitsj16TJ-: probably not related but i configured using the  --disable-test --enable-maintainer-mode --without-doc switches21:20
DavyHSeveas: update: I gave up.  Logged out, nuked ~/.config/{compiz-1,dconf,gtk-2.0,gtk-3.0,nautilus,session-state,unity-tweak-tool}.  And the problem went away (along with most of my configuration).21:20
Aleksei__kristenbb: there'll be sort of a menu there. At least if it does boot to it :).21:20
DavyHSo it was something in my config.  No idea what though.21:20
kristenbbAleksei__: so in grub, I have 2 choices : 'ubuntu' or 'advanced options for ubuntu' (there's also 'e' to edit commands or 'c' for a command line). I'm choosing 'advanced'. Now there's 2  choices (apart from 'c' and 'e', still available): ubuntu with 3.8.0-33 generic or the same one in recovery mode.21:21
changeguyis there a guide to installing microsoft true type fonts or whatever they are called?21:22
kristenbbAleksei__:  i'm choosing recovery mode.21:22
Aleksei__kristenbb: yes.21:22
kristenbbAleksei__: some white lines appeared on the screen. Now I have a menu that offers some choices (resume, clean, dpkg, failsafeX, fsck, grub, network, root, system-summary) along with their description. Which one should I choose ?21:23
OerHekschangeguy, they are part of the meta package ubuntu-restricted-extras21:23
Aleksei__kristenbb: failsafeX21:23
irssi-mikekristenbb: maybe nouveau.blacklist=1 is the tag you need to pass at boot21:23
changeguyOerHeks: will that fix some fonts showing up really bad looking21:23
changeguyOerHeks: its an internet math book that pops up, and the font is all messed up looking21:24
OerHekschangeguy, sure, it is the ttf-mscorefonts-installer package21:24
MonkeyDustchangeguy  best way to find oud, would be by trying21:24
kristenbbAleksei__: it now asks 'continuing will remount your / filesystem in read/write mode and mount any other fs defined in /etc/fstab. Do you wish to continue ?'. Should I say 'yes' ?21:24
TJ-skinkitten: glitsj16: OK, we have an explanation. The line that fails to compile calls the function "libusb_get_version()". That function wasn't added to libusb until 2012-04-19 ... way after precise features were frozen21:24
irssi-mikekristenbb: add it after "quiet splash"21:25
glitsj16TJ-: great detective work21:25
ajoulWhy I can't access the ubuntu hard drive from my windows21:25
Aleksei__kristenbb: yes, that's what is being done during normal startup.21:25
ajoulhow to do that?21:25
changeguyOerHeks: anything pactuliar I need to do after installing that package?21:25
kristenbbAleksei__: okay, now a few white lines appeared (not much), and it's hanging. The first ones mention fsck.21:26
OerHekschangeguy, nope, when you install restricted-extra's, an popup will apear to accept the UELA, thats all21:26
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Aleksei__kristenbb: can you make a photo or at least type it briefly?21:27
gastrulaglitsj16, thank you for your help, good night!21:27
ramsub07Hi guys ports 3000 and 3001 are open for me, which run ppp and nessus respectively. How do I stop it ?21:27
Aleksei__kristenbb: maybe consecutive resets damaged your filesystem.21:27
k1l_ajoul: no need for caps. thanks21:27
glitsj16gastrula: welcome, have a good one too21:27
gastrulathanks :)21:28
changeguyOerHeks: was it restricted extras or ttf-mscorefonts-installer that I should have installed?21:28
michagogo|cloudajoul: You'll need ext4 drivers21:28
kristenbbAleksei__: there are 7  lines, the first 3 mention fsck, the 4th mentions dosfsck, the 5th mentions /dev/sda2 clean, the 6th says '/dev/sda3 contains a file system with errors, check forced'. And then it's hanging at the next line (7th), which is '/dev/sda1: 3 files, 252/189768 clusters'.21:28
ajoulmichagogo|cloud how do you suggest I get them?21:28
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MonkeyDustajoul  have you asked in ##windows how windpows works?21:29
ramsub07Hi guys ports 3000 and 3001 are open for me, which run ppp and nessus respectively. How do I stop it ?21:29
ajoulMonkeyDust how about you keep your opinion for your self? I am simply asking how to support Ubuntu with Windows which is under the topic21:29
OerHekschangeguy, ubuntu-restricted-extras, and  ttf-mscorefonts-installer is part of that21:29
kristenbbAleksei__: maybe it would be wise to let it think for a while, maybe it's trying to repair the filesystem? I think this operation can sometimes be quite long. But there is no output mentioning what's it's doing, it's just hanging21:30
TJ-skinkitten: glitsj16: It seems it was only being used to print a version report locally. I've simply #ifdef-ed it out... build continuing21:30
TJ-skinkitten: glitsj16: build complete... trying to make the debian binary package now21:30
MonkeyDustajoul  are you in windows now?21:30
Aleksei__kristenbb: Yes, wait for a few minutes. Do you have a LED indicator showing hard drive activity?21:30
ajoulMonkeyDust no21:30
kristenbbAleksei__: no sorry I do not.21:31
ccReynoldsI have a question about setting the desktop when starting over vnc.  It is using unity, but I want to use gnome-fallback.  Is this the correct spot for that?21:31
ajoulMonkeyDust I am in Mac Os, should I join MacOSx rather?21:31
MonkeyDustajoul  guess so, yes21:31
compdocccReynolds, which version of ubuntu?21:31
skinkittenTJ-, you're something!21:31
ajoulMonkeyDust are you in ubuntu now?21:31
k1l_ajoul: you need ext4 drivers. how to do that in windows ask in ##windows21:31
compdocccReynolds, shouldnt be a problem to install21:32
irssi-mikekristenbb: one thing is the splash screen in the boot parameter is that purple screen, remove it and you should see where a list of "going ons" which might yield more info on why it's not getting over the hump21:32
kristenbbAleksei__: by the way this time ctrl alt F2 works (but shows a black screen). only F1 and F7 offer something else than a black screen. F1 is where I was, and F7 shows some white text, (around 15 lines), the last one being 'udev start/running'21:32
skinkittenglitsj16, looked through this example file:///usr/share/doc/abs-guide/html/arrays.html#EX68 interesting, can you give me some motivation to run with on learning bash? What can I do with it? what do you do with it?21:32
ajoulMonkeyDust pick another fight than redirecting people through channels. It is not Samsung customer care, that is the positive of getting HUMAN help. If you know you answer if you don't you shut up21:32
glitsj16TJ-: looking good .. together with skinkitten we should be able to update the forum post later on21:32
k1l_ajoul: stop that drama now! ask in ##windows how to install ext4 drivers in windows21:33
MonkeyDustajoul  please try to behave, join the windows channel if you want advice on how windows os works21:33
ajoulok k1l_ appreciate your help21:33
Ouyesanyone use cloud to backup your data?21:33
ccReynolds@compdoc i have it installed.  I can't figure out where to set it to default so when i log in w/ a vnc client it comes up.21:33
k1l_!guidelines > ajoul21:33
changeguyOerHeks: OK so if I don't want all that extra stuff, just stick to the microsfot packages right21:33
ubottuajoul, please see my private message21:33
TJ-skinkitten: glitsj16: If this builds I'll push it to my PPA so it's widely available21:33
compdocccReynolds, mine just works. Have you tried selecting 2d when logging into the console? maybe that sets the default21:34
aandreHello everyone!21:35
compdocccReynolds, you can set the 2d session in .vnc/xstart21:35
OerHekschangeguy, not sure if that is an option21:36
glitsj16skinkitten: bash scripts are very powerfull tools, to give an example, i use a few to automate things like backups, cron jobs, setting a manual volume for certain mail/notification tools, etc .. and also a few to regularly build from git sources21:36
Aleksei__kristenbb: If the bootup doesn't continue even after a few minutes, then reboot the system by pressing Alt-SysRq-U, Alt-SysRq-B (better than reset), then press e in GRUB, then delete quiet and splash parameters and add nouveau.modeset=0, then press F10 to boot. It should give you a lot more verbose output, so we can determine what's wrong.21:37
kristenbbAleksei__: what is sysrq?21:37
aandreTrying to install xubuntu 12.04.4 on a HP ProBook 4540s with Win7 pro already present,  the Win partition is not displayed on the ubuntu partition manager. Would you know why?21:38
Aleksei__kristenbb: it's a key, same as Prt Scr. May require Fn on notebooks.21:38
glitsj16skinkitten: whatever you feel could use some extra kick for making your ubuntu life more enjoyable i'd say, depends on what you do .. you can also understand the system scripts better if you know a bit of bash (logic) so basically it is something that is usefull throught all linux distros21:38
aandreThe whole hard drive is annotated as free space...21:39
=== RickyB98 is now known as rickyb98
skinkittenglitsj16, diving in :)!21:41
lolihunter__hello i have a problem with xwinwrap unde ubuntu 13.10 and gnome 3. It work all fine but after under 1 second the video is gone and the normal background is shown or a black background21:41
kristenbbAleksei__: I did all that and pressed F10, I still have a purple screen.21:42
MonkeyDust!info xwinwrap21:42
ubottuPackage xwinwrap does not exist in saucy21:42
MonkeyDustlolihunter__  what's xwinwrap?21:43
lolihunter__xwinwrap is to set video loops as background21:43
lolihunter__i have few nice ubuntu styled animated background loops that i want use21:44
lolihunter__but when i start it, the video is gone after 0.1-0.2 seconds and the normal background is back21:45
MonkeyDustlolihunter__  maybe contact the guy who created it http://linux.softpedia.com/developer/Shantanu-Goel-26331.html21:45
TJ-skinkitten: glitsj16: I've modified the debianised source package, and it's currently build-testing in my buildd. I have to drive over to the uni now but should be back in an hour, if all has gone well, I'll push the source up to launchpad for a PPA build21:46
Aleksei__kristenbb: now that's strange. OK, let's try another thing. Do you know which partitions mount where? What is sda1, sda3?21:46
lolihunter__i have think maybe any here knows a little about xwinwrap and maybe know a solution21:46
kristenbbAleksei__:  I'm not sure, sorry, this is not something I do very often. But if I am able to see what's inside, I could tell you which is which.21:46
MonkeyDustlolihunter__  and tip: don't just install anything you wfind on the net21:47
lolihunter__yes i know that butxwinwrap is the most used one for videos as background21:47
streulmaI have to go, goodnight21:47
lolihunter__its a little older but sstill work, i only dont know why it wont on my21:47
lolihunter__or maybe anybody know a other methode to use videos as background?21:50
glitsj16TJ-: no rush, drive safe21:50
kristenbbAleksei__: what do you want to know?21:51
Aleksei__kristenbb: Do you have a Live CD/USB? It will be much easier to repair the system from it.21:53
JuJuBeeI have to reinstall grub2 after a windows install.  If Linux is on sdb5, when I execute the grub-install command, shouldn't it be sda?21:53
kristenbbAleksei__: ok I'm launching one right now.21:53
usr13aandre: Did you find it yet?21:54
MonkeyDustlolihunter__  http://www.unixmen.com/use-a-dream-video-as-animated-background-in-ubuntu/21:54
JuJuBeeMy windows partition is sda2 I should add21:54
aandreusr13: still not21:54
MonkeyDustlolihunter__  now i see, it mention xwinwrap, too21:54
kristenbbAleksei__: ok, I just launched a live cd, what now?21:55
usr13aandre: There is no reason why it should be there, (unless you've deleted it).21:55
lolihunter__and i dont know why the video is only shown under 1 sec21:55
ajoulHow to remove GRUB, after uninstalling ubuntu21:55
lolihunter__i use also gnome 3.821:55
Aleksei__kristenbb: run `sudo fdisk -l' to determine Linux partitions, then run fsck on them.21:55
usr13ajoul: If you rumove grub, how will you boot your computer?21:56
kristenbbAleksei__: what does run fsck on them mean? what command am I to use ?21:56
k1l_ajoul: run a windows cd and install the windows bootloader. how to do that ask the windows guys in ##windows21:56
aandreusr13: i'll reboot and see, but i'm sure Win is still there21:56
usr13ajoul: Oh, you removed Ubuntu... ok.21:56
ajoulk1l_ I tried but that didn't work is there another way to remove it?21:56
usr13ajoul: Boot to the other OS and restore it's own boot loader.21:56
Aleksei__kristenbb: `sudo fsck device_path'21:57
kristenbbAleksei__: as in sudo fsck /dev/sda1 ?21:57
Aleksei__kristenbb: yes.21:57
k1l_ajoul: you will need a bootloader anyway to boot something. so either use grub or install the windows one. but again: ask the windows guys how the want their bootloader to be installed21:57
CrazyZurferHi guys... I've got a samsung laptop with JBL sound system and it has a subwoofer under the laptop, and for no reason it stops working after like 30 seconds of no use.. so I have to turn the audio off and on again to make it work.. and it's pretty anoying turning that off and on all the time.. any clue what could be wrong21:58
aandreusr13: Windows still boots21:58
usr13kristenbb: But do it on unmounted partitions only.21:58
usr13aandre: Try again.21:58
kristenbbusr13: what does that mean?21:58
usr13aandre: (Pretty sure you'll find it next time.21:58
kristenbbusr13: all of them are unmounted, since i'm on a live cd, no ?21:58
usr13kristenbb: Good21:59
usr13kristenbb: Make sure they are not monted before doing filesystem check on them.21:59
usr13kristenbb: Check and see.  Use command   mount22:00
usr13kristenbb: (You could have all of them mounted for all we know.)22:00
Aleksei__usr13: I don't know of any Live CD, which automatically mounts all partitions, but you are right to be careful.22:02
hil hi guys, a little help here. Using wifi and an ethernet cable i get speeds of 50kbps on a 2mb link. But when i tether from my phone i'm able to use all the bandwidth provided by the phone's connection.What's wrong?22:02
usr13hil: How are you doing the speed test?22:03
aandreusr13: It'll be the thrird time. But let's see ;)22:03
hil<usr13> i use the resources option on the network monitor app22:04
lolihunter__i testet it again and it only works withut the fillscreen mode22:04
kristenbbAleksei__: so I have 3 partitions, sda1, sda2 and sda3. sda1 is very small and flagged as 'boot'. The output of fsck sda1 didn't seem worrysome. sda2 also checked clean. Now fsck sda3 is more problematic: '/dev/sda3 contains a file system with errors, check forced. pass1 : checking inodes, blocks, and sizes. pass 2: checking directory structure. Directory inode 7241755, block 0, offset 0, directory correcupted. salvage<y> ?    What should I do ?22:04
usr13aandre: I really do not have an explanation for not seeing partitions in the partition manager.  Ive done a lot of installs, never had that happen before.22:04
Aleksei__kristenbb: say y.22:05
usr13kristenbb: What type of filesystem is on sda3?22:05
kristenbbAleksei__: it now says 'missing . in directory inode 7241755, fix<y> ? Yes again?22:06
usr13kristenbb: As Aleksei__ suggests,  y   (repair it)22:06
hil hi guys, a little help here. Using wifi and an ethernet cable i get speeds of 50kbps on a 2mb link. But when i tether from my phone i'm able to use all the bandwidth provided by the phone's connection.What's wrong?22:07
usr13kristenbb: I usually run fsck with the -y option in the first place, (that way I don't have to do it again and again...)22:07
kristenbbAleksei__: it now says 'setting filetype for entry '.' in ??? (7241755) to 2. Missing '..' in directory inode 7241755. Fix<y> ?22:07
usr13hil: What part of the world do you live in?22:07
Aleksei__kristenbb: press y every time it asks to fix things.22:08
usr13hil: I think you need to use some sort of online speed test.22:08
Aleksei__kristenbb: If there are too many and you are tired, relaunch with -y option, as usr13 suggested.22:08
usr13hil: Like http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/22:08
usr13kristenbb: just keep hitting y22:09
kristenbbAleksei__: ok, it finished, if i rerun it, it now says clean. What now ?22:10
kristenbbAleksei__: should I try to reboot without the live cd ?22:10
aandreusr13: Nothing changed... Uh, it might be an naive question, but, in a LiveCD session, would an apt-get upgrade change something? Before launching the installation wizzard again.22:10
BrenHello can someone help me with a question I have about whether a driver exists or not for a wireless adapter I'm using?22:11
Aleksei__kristenbb: Now reboot. Add nouveau.modeset=0 to the kernel cmdline. If it doesn't boot correctly, press Alt-SysRq-S, wait a bit, Alt-SysRq-U, wait a bit, Alt-SysRq-B, then boot into Live CD again.22:12
skinkittenglitsj16, is there a shorthand way of saying $. I'm seeing it a lot in bash scripts, and wondering if there's a single syllable word for it :)22:12
BrenCan someone tell me if my wireless adapter will work with ubuntu?22:13
aandreusr13: This problem might come from UEFI, it's the first time i use a computer featuring this technology. And i'm not at ease with it. Apparently this mode isn't set. The Windows install doesn't use it. But we never know...22:13
usr13Bren: Probably will.22:13
hilthanks usr13. Speed is normal for downloads and stuff . the real problem is in updating .It's just so slow even after choosing the best server but is fast only when i'm tethering from my phone22:13
KicksledkidBren: It's pretty universal22:14
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BrenCan someone check? I have a Netgear WNA3100 wireless adapter for my desktop22:14
Brenor at least link me to where I can check22:14
kristenbbAleksei__: sorry I misread your instructions, and rebooted normally without the kernel cmdline. It is booting fine ! Am I to assume my problem is fixed  ?22:15
skinkittenglitsj16, just learned its called expand!22:15
SpartanS63Does anyone here have an Nvidia Optimus laptop with multiple monitors connected?22:15
KicksledkidBren: whats the problem? is it not working or do you just want to be sure22:15
Brenwell I want to be sure before I install ubuntu22:15
hilusr13: Speed is normal for downloads and stuff . the real problem is in updating .It's just so slow even after choosing the best server but is fast only when i'm tethering from my phone22:15
Aleksei__kristenbb: Ah, that's great. If it is stable to boot fine, then your problem is fixed.22:16
Kicksledkidoh ok.22:16
kristenbbAleksei__: or, as you said, hitting 'reset' multiple times is what caused the file system being corrupted, but the underlying problem as to why the computer didn't start in the first time still is there?22:16
Aleksei__kristenbb: Yes, but now at least you can check the logs next time.22:16
KicksledkidBren: is it a fairly standard adaptor?22:16
kristenbbAleksei__: so as a general rule, it's better to hit the power button just once or the shortcuts you mentioned, rather than hitting reset ?22:17
BrenKicksledkid: last time I installed ubuntu, it wasn't working properly.. I had to install something that would emulat windows drivers and when I did a system update for ubuntu it wiped it or something.. basically my wireless wasn't working after then. I'm trying to see if there's a native driver for it.22:18
BeldarBren, when I google 'WNA3100 ubuntu' I see pages of info, I would look there, it may be some work is all.22:18
Aleksei__kristenbb: The shortcuts I mentioned sync the remaining data, remount the filesystems read-only and only then reboot. It prevents filesystem corruption.22:18
ice9how to run Gnome 3 with Wayland?22:18
BrenBeldar: there's no driver index I can search to see if the driver exists or not? I'm looking for something native :P22:19
KicksledkidBren: oh ok I see now... thats weird..22:19
kristenbbAleksei__: what is the difference between s,u, b ?22:19
Aleksei__kristenbb: Sync, remoUnt, reBoot.22:19
BeldarBren, Not that I know of, if it were me I would get a card or usb that plugs and works. I see nothing but windows emulations as you described.22:20
kristenbbAleksei__: I see. Well thank you very much for your help.22:20
BrenBeldar: does eyefinity or something similiar work for ubuntu? I'm using windows at the moment and I've got an ati radeon 6850 graphics card.22:20
petzuphello, i have problem with ubuntu hibernation, isnt it working good on 13.10?22:20
usr13petzup: Try suspend22:21
petzupsuspend works22:21
BeldarBren, I have no idea what eyefinity is.22:21
Aleksei__kristenbb: you are welcome. Hopefully the issue doesn't happen again.22:21
petzupyep, suspend works pefrect22:21
kristenbbAleksei__: if it does i'll be sure to come back here again, and hopefully i'll find you :). Thanks, i'm logging out now.22:21
Breneyefinity basically forces the 2 screens to act as 1 so essentially my start bar for windows spans across the entirety of the two monitors. I hoped that's explained well enough22:22
BrenBeldar: basically does ubuntu support multi monitor setup?22:22
BeldarBren, generally yes.22:22
BeldarBren, I assuming you are looking to dual boot?22:24
BrenBeldar: actually I'm on windows and all the computers are infected. I doubt the virus will run on ubuntu... trust me I've reformatted many times and can't get rid of the virus22:25
petzupokey hibernation is bug22:25
petzupwhat about disabling bluetooth on startup?22:25
glitsj16skinkitten: sorry, my head was caught in the fridge .. :) you're diving in allright, enjoy22:26
gh0stHEY!  U GOT IT!22:26
find-helphi how can i use the 'find' command to list all files starting with either 0 or 1 character  at the begining of the filename. e.g find 1.jpg 11.jpg but not 30-1.jpg22:27
centauryGreat thanks22:27
gh0styo centuary22:27
centauryHaha im still nobb with irc22:27
find-helpive being trying find . -name 0* -o -name 1* -ls but that doesnt shwo all the files as expected22:28
centauryso you from usa?22:28
gh0stwell using pidgin's wierd interface defs does not help if ur a noob22:28
hil_I'm having very slow update speeds even  after choosing the best server both on ethernet and on wifi. The speed only picks up when i tether from my phone.I'm a newbie and now getting the hang of commands around here.22:28
Brenfind-help: type 1*.jpg and 0*.jpg I believe22:28
gh0stbut i'm glad we were able to work thru it22:28
centaurywhat other chat clients do you suggest/22:28
Brenfind-help: in most respects, an asterisk is a wildcard so yeah you can try that22:28
gh0stwell for windows, mirc22:29
centauryyes me too. how do you know so much about chattin etc?22:29
Brenfind-help: if that doesn't work then you'll need to use some regex22:29
gh0stfor linux i would go with xchat22:29
gh0sti been on irc since like 200122:29
centauryare you a programmer?22:29
gh0steehhh... more of a.. hacker22:30
find-helpBren: tried that doesnt work22:30
gh0stbut i can program22:30
centauryNice! I want to learn. Do you use Metasploit?22:30
Brenfind-help: your only option is to used regex to match the files you're looking for22:30
gh0sti mainly find exploits via google but unless u wanna pay for a license to metasploit, u should get kali linux22:30
gh0stalso comes with most tools u would be using22:31
gh0sti think tho we should switch to a private channel b4 we piss of these people22:31
centauryand open source i presume?22:31
centauryokay are you on google talk?22:32
gh0sti don't know about that.  i got a google acct22:32
gh0stanyway u should log out and log back in but in #gh0standcentuary22:33
jrtappersKali is quite good from a live USB for playing with22:33
CrazyZurferHi guys... I've got a samsung laptop with JBL sound system and it has a subwoofer under the laptop, and for no reason it stops working after like 30 seconds of no use.. so I have to turn the audio off and on again to make it work.. and it's pretty anoying turning that off and on all the time.. any clue what could be wrong?22:34
ice9how to change file's uid?22:34
Brenfind-help: you still there?22:34
find-helpBren: Thansk for the advice my solution was to use find \( -name "1*" -o -name "0*" \) -print22:34
find-helpBren: might not be technically classed as a regex but it works for me :-)22:34
Brenfind-help: so you got it working?22:35
red_i m22:36
ulkeshIn running lscpu (or cat /proc/cpuinfo), I see my "cpu MHz" is 1600.00, however I have a core i7 quad that is supposed to run at 3.4GHz. Anyone know why this would be and/or how to fix it?22:36
ianorlinit is saving power by not running as fast22:37
ulkeshianorlin: potentially, I suppose I'm just wondering if what it says is the min, the max, or the "active"22:37
toobluescDoes anyone know how to install grub without writing the modules to /boot/grub ?22:38
ulkeshianorlin: nevermind, it's "active"...i just revved the CPU and saw that it did indeed change.  Thanks for the help22:39
loawhat can be wrong if my hotkey don't work&22:41
Baudratemaybe its cold22:42
CrazyZurferelvis: hola?22:43
aaronr_teward: wandered off for a bit, but when I came back it'd compiled. will see if it works tomorrow. thanks for your help!22:44
elvisCrazyZurfer: necesito ayuda22:44
CrazyZurferelvis: no puedes hablar inglés?22:44
CrazyZurferelvis: trata #ubuntu-es22:44
honyis there any way to convert videos to flv formats using terminal22:49
honyis there any way to convert videos to flv formats using the terminal ???22:51
loahony, try google ffmpeg flv convert22:52
Lasiviandebating going with a linux softraid box (home setup, simple mirroring) or sticking with my old Highpoint 2224 card in a Windows machine. My "moderate" level of linux knowledge concerns me. Is this a bad idea? thanks22:53
CarlFKhony: I was just trying that a few weeks ago - I had a problem: the flv claimed it was 1000fps, which caused ffmpeg to error.  do I gave up.22:54
loaflv with 1000 fps O_O22:55
loawhat was that? slowmo porn?22:55
CarlFKloa: bad bytes in the header.  guessing there was some sort of timing data on each frame that is what the player used22:56
loai think you could split it into png22:57
loaand implode them after that22:57
FuuqUmiisthello anyone here install goldendict and is able to get databases working properly?22:59
honyis there any way to convert videos to flv format fast using the terminal23:02
irssi-mikehony: i think ffmpg was mentioned23:03
honythanks bro23:03
epsilonorionI am trying to run Ubuntu Server but have an issue.  If I attempted to setup eth or wlan, but there is nothing for them to connect to, the OS hangs for anywhere from 30second to multiple minutes.  If I disable all network connections, it boots immediately.  I know that there is a standard timeout, but I feel this is too extreme.23:04
epsilonorionIs there a place to check timeouts or any other places to find what this problem may be?23:04
aandreOn the live session desktop, i see 3 devices: "File system" (containing the virtual / ), "File system" (the whole hard drive, containing classical windows files: Program Files, Users, etc.) and "System reserved" (containing files i don't know, like BOOT/, BOOTSECT.BAK...). But GParted sees the main drive as empty.23:05
FuuqUmiistwhy do some apps on the ubuntu repos not work?23:05
shahanwhat's something really important to know for ubuntu/general linux use that most people don't know?23:05
daftykinsepsilonorion: servers should have a static IP anyway. NEVER a wireless interface, too23:06
aandreI don't want to corrupt the Windows install...23:06
irssi-mikeshahan: swappiness23:06
daftykinsaandre: i don't see a question23:06
aandrehony: an example you can customize: http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/1594/convert-.flv-to-.3gp23:07
OerHeksFuuqUmiist, why do you not tell which apps?23:07
irssi-mikeaandre: try sudo fdisk -l23:07
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aandredaftykins: Why do GParted does see my HD as empty? How can i install Ubuntu being sure not to alter the Win install.23:08
epsilonoriondaftykins: I would agree with you if I were using this for a server, however, I am using it for a robot system23:08
irssi-mikeepsilonorion: how new is your hardware23:08
epsilonoriondaftykins: but my assumption is setting up a network shouldn't matter23:08
daftykinsaandre: maybe you selected the wrong disk23:09
epsilonorionirssi-mike: I am putting it on an Embedded Odroid U3 system that uses similar hardware to the previous model which is over a year old23:09
daftykinsepsilonorion: so is the timeout DHCP or what?23:09
epsilonoriondaftykins: I am not sure.  One of my questions was to see how to find out if it was23:10
aandreirssi-mike: thank you, fdisk warns me about a GPT it doesn't manage23:10
shahanuh oh might be having issues with irssi in tmux... chat not scrolling..23:10
impossiblemy mouse only has up and down, whats up with that23:11
aandredaftykins: There's only one. GParted sees it as free space, that's the problem...23:11
aandredaftykins: Only /dev/sda :/23:12
daftykinsaandre: so, sudo fdisk -l ?23:12
OerHeksaandre try gdisk for gtp23:13
irssi-mikeimpossible: sudo modprobe -r psmouse && sudo modprobe psmouse23:13
irssi-mikeshot in dark23:14
aandredaftykins: fdisk (Complains about GPT first and then) sees /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda223:14
epsilonorionany ideas on the hanging problem for the network23:14
irssi-mikeepsilonorion: when it boots can you ifconfig23:15
irssi-mikewhat about iwlist scanning23:15
epsilonorionhowever, I will admit there was an occasional point where it froze, but we will ignore that for a moment23:16
daftykinsaandre: pastebin it please23:16
epsilonorionand yes, I can iwlist scan23:16
cgjHi, I have a MacBookPro1,1 (from 2006 and is 32 bit) I've tried to make a booting usb installer with no success. Any hints?23:17
irssi-mikeand that shows networks in area?23:17
aandredaftykins: brb on the other computer23:18
epsilonorionyes. And I do get a connection to the router that I am attempting occasionally.  Basically, it hangs when I am having a hard time getting a connection to the router or if there is no router.23:18
epsilonorionOriginally it seemed like a timeout on DHCP to me, however, when it started going on for over 30 seconds I started assuming a problem23:19
irssi-mikeepsilonorion: something must be autoconfiged, maybe remove it.. /etc/NetworkManager/ connections rm them23:19
epsilonorionirssi-mike: no networkmanager.  I am using server, so I am setting up my own wpa_supplicant23:20
impossibleirssi-mike, restart after?23:20
irssi-mikeepsilonorion: i notive static ip is pretty instant, maybe can set one23:20
TJ-skinkitten: glitsj16: back on the job. build failure - minor issue (installing usb blacklist file) but brain-twisting to figure out the correction to Makefile.am23:20
epsilonorionon my personal router I can, but not the business router (which is the main one I have a problem with)23:20
irssi-mikeimpossible: maybe just gdm23:21
irssi-mikesudo service lightgdm restart something like that23:21
aandrefdisk: http://pastebin.com/YeyjJNcB23:23
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epsilonorionThe current test I am running is with just setting up eth0 to auto, but not connecting it to anything.  I am currently +1min with system hang and counting23:23
irssi-mikeaandre: looks like sda1 is boot for win and sda2 is win, i would resize sda2 and install there23:25
epsilonorionirssi-mike: okay, was between 1 to 1.5 minutes before finishing boot23:25
callipygousAnybody able to help me with my issue?  I'm trying to connect Tuner Studio to my cars ECU, but there is a problem with it creating /var/lock/ files...23:26
callipygous...I've tried changing the permission of /var/lock and also adding my user to group root, but no change23:27
epsilonorionirssi-mike: okay, simply changing the dhcp timeout seems to be it.  So for some reason the default timeout is huge23:27
BaudrateI got ubuntu 13.10 and I must have messed up the installation of 14.1 beta drivers for my AMD card, I also have a Nvidia card in it as well, now it doesn't boot, tried failsafeX no go any suggestions?23:28
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irssi-mikeepsilonorion: what about previous versions of kernel on this hardware, same thing?23:28
epsilonorionirssi-mike: I believe so23:29
aandreirssi-mike: Here is what gparted displays: http://imagebin.org/29375323:29
epsilonorionirssi-mike: though I am not sure how to fix the problem if attempting to make a static ip address.23:30
hatimDAsEi: hello23:33
MacGugesHello, I'm troubleshooting my dad's Ubuntu installation, described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2204900  Ubuntu does not boot from the grub menu.  Can someone advise me?23:33
cgjnot vi23:34
cgj /quite23:34
k1lhatim: /quit to exit irc program23:34
hatimfor what23:35
callipygousanybody able to tell me my /var/lock is causing me problems?23:35
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:35
k1lcallipygous: dont open several programs that work with the package system at the same time23:36
irssi-mikeaandre: here's what you want to do, crank up windows and right click my computer, click manage, resize your NTFS to whatever you want to leave for linux then go back to gparted and slap ext4 on it or just use the install disk23:36
epsilonorionirssi-mike: problem is that now that I have the timeout lower, I never connect to the business router.  I will have to look into my method of connection.  I must be doing something wrong23:36
callipygousthanks OerHeks, but it's got nothing to do with the package system23:36
callipygousI'm trying to get TunerStudio to detect my usb to serial23:37
callipygousbut it runs in to problems with /var/lock/USB...23:37
TJ-epsilonorion: During the boot process, the 'networking' upstart job runs... if an interface is defined as auto dhcp, there can be a long wait for it if the DHCP server isn't available for any reason,23:38
aandreirssi-mike: Thank you very much! I'm really not at ease with those "partition" things... :)23:38
MacGugesI need help troubleshooting the boot up of my Dad's pc.  I only have a few hours tonight to work on this.  grub appears to be ok, but the system logger isn't starting.  What can I do to restore his system?23:39
irssi-mikeaandre: if you're okay with a somewhat gimped version of ubuntu, ubuntu offers wubi. it's neat but much less invasive and won't touch your partitions23:39
rwwiirc Wubi isn't supported these days23:40
irssi-mikerww: good to know23:40
rwwalso, doesn't work with UEFI, which kind of puts a damper on things23:41
aandreirssi-mike: Yeah, i know Wubi, but think i've read it was deprecated or unmaintained, isn't it?23:42
* dramas looks lecherously at callipygous 23:43
dramas<3 your nick23:43
skinkittenTJ-, what happened? =[23:44
glitsj16TJ-: welcome back, it sure isn't the simplest of tasks .. do as you see fit, i've already made a short addition to the forum post on the possible libusb error, looks like quite a few people are looking for the 5.2.10-pre1 gutenprint (no pressure in these lines :) )23:44
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irssi-mikeaandre: well then the live cd can be customized and if even setup with space to make changes, if you have a spare USB drive and want to tinker with it without changing your system23:45
epsilonorionTJ-: So in comparison to NetworkManager, how does it handle the DHCP connection.  I never seem to have the problem with Desktop hanging while waiting for DHCP, but with something that I setup network myself and rely on dhcp, it hangs23:46
sakter12is there a way to make the cursor blink rate faster in gnome terminal?23:47
Arceyewow,    look at me learning , I just installed gparted using a terminal :D23:49
foobar45What distros handle the win key similar to unity ubuntu?23:49
irssi-mikeArceye: ^523:49
junknownHello! I just installed ubuntu 13.10 on my new PC with an GTX 780 inside it. The nouveau driver works with my 1440p resolution out of the box. When I try installing proprietary drivers with the software settings, or with the apt-get... i restart and get a flashign red/blue/green screen. I just now installed the latest drivers using the edgers:ppa repository. Upon restart my system goes into low graphics mode siting an error with detecting23:50
junknown settings correctly23:50
demophobiaHow do I quickly bring up chat windows in Empathy after seeing a notice of an incoming IM?23:50
epsilonorionTo add to my problems, if I do something like "service networking stop" it also hangs23:53
skinkittenbrb keep me updated23:53
irssi-mikejunknown: well you should have been asked to remove nouveau somewhere in the nvidia driver setup, i have 580m but on another machine but it's possible. find a good how to and put cuda on it too23:54
FeebzHello, newbew to 12.04.  Want to upgrade my video card.  Anything I should do before pulling out the old one? Going from ATI > Nvidiea23:54
no_nameI'm running 12.04 w/ NVIDIA drivers and when I run chrome X11 tunnelled via SSH, the first time I run it on my remote machine, the local widgets are all just clips of local video memory garbage.  Later times I run it, it is fine.  If I try it from a windows machine with xming, I don't have this problem.  If I run firefox first I don't have the problem. any ideas?23:54
epsilonorionbut I can cancel it and it will show that networking stopped23:54
ericmuyserhaving a slight problem when I `sudo su myuser` and it's going to /home/ubuntu, not the home dir set in /usr/passwd (echo $HOME is correct)23:55
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TJ-epsilonorion: Sorry, was focused on something else.23:57
k1lFeebz: remove the ati/amd driver (if you installed the flgrx one) then reboot and install the nvidia-current after the new card is in23:57
TJ-epsilonorion: When using manual network configuration, the networking scripts will call "ifup <iface>" for each interface defined in "/etc/network/interfaces"23:58

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