
inahdcannot get stereo recording to work properly in ardour02:02
hansfordhave a question here....can I run the latest version of Calf plugins under the 12.04 lts?20:15
zequencehansford: The latest version won't be invcluded in the repo, no20:16
zequenceBut, you can of course add repos, usually a PPA20:16
zequence..one which has the latest Calf20:16
hansfordhow do you do that ? ...waiting for 14.o4 is driving me crazy here20:18
Synx_Crouton / chroot / Ubuntu Studio - on a chromebook pixel? - anyone got a clue how to change the crouton deployment to install Ubuntu Studio please ?23:10
zequenceSynx_: Should be the same for all Ubuntu flavors, all though - Ubuntu Studio has its own kernel, and that could make a difference23:17
Synx_on the crouton parameters you can specify the build by giving it names such as "saucy" or "precise" - is there a parameter for ubuntu studio?  or is it a different meta package it uses?  the crouton script drops a tarball of a compiled program - not sure if it has a parameter to specify a target build of studio.  what is the saucy/precise type name of of Ubuntu studio?  or is it just a different apt-get after installation ?23:21
Synx_probably sounds like i dont know what im talking about sorry23:22
zequenceSynx_: Ubuntu Studio is an official flavor of Ubuntu. The same repos23:22
zequenceSynx_: You could basically begin by installing Ubuntu, and add Ubuntu Studio packages onto it23:22
zequenceUbuntu Studio 13.10 is called saucy, as are all flavors released that year and month23:22
Synx_yea config issues between all the software - wanted to try a working distro rather than installing it all myself - just cant seem to get all the JACK config sorted so though i might be able to cheat and use a distro23:23
Synx_but thanks - what you said lets me know i was along the right path23:24
zequenceSynx_: All you need to do is add yourself to audio group, after installing all packages23:24
zequence..to get jack working well23:24
zequencesudo usermod -a -G audio $USER23:24
zequenceAlso, if you want, linux-lowlatency, to get lower latency23:24
zequenceI mean, install it23:25
Synx_yea i cracked that one - sound comes through mute - like you can hear it a tiny bit but cant turn it up - thought it might be a config problem23:25
zequenceThere are no major config differences between the flavors otherwise23:25
Synx_thanks - probably a hardware issue23:25
zequenceWhat is the audio device?23:25
Synx_it is a google chromebook pixel - hang on i try to identify the exact audio device23:26
zequenceThere's no difference between the flavors as far as audio device support is concerned. Sometimes, you might need to use an alsa mixer to get all controls for a device, and Pulseaudio might not support everything that alsa does23:27
zequenceThe device should work the same on all flavors of the same release23:28
zequence(with the same audio servers)23:28
Synx_got you - thanks a lot for your time - i might reinstall.  it does not take long on this box that is why i like it.23:30
Synx_must be something glitchy with what i have so i need to make sure problem is persistent23:30

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