
bluesabregood news, I seem to have figured out some of the issues with menulibre :]00:59
jjfrv8knome, you still up?01:40
jjfrv8good to hear, bluesabre :)01:44
jjfrv8knome, something to start the discussion with anyway: http://imagebin.org/29361302:02
Unit193jjfrv8: Miss XP, do we? :P02:03
Noskcajyay, panel 4.1103:28
Noskcajpackaging now03:28
Unit193Handy indeed.03:32
Unit193(Has a commit to fix transparency.)03:32
Unit193Looks like it wasn't tagged though...03:38
andrzejrUnit193, wait a moment...03:45
Noskcajthanks for the releases andrzejr 03:46
Unit193Oh no, he read me. :303:46
andrzejrtags should be ok now03:46
andrzejralso released xfce4-indicator-plugin03:47
andrzejrOne thing unclear about the panel is dependency on xfconf - so far no 4.11.0 version yet but there were some changes in git.03:48
Unit193garcon, yeah.03:55
Noskcajboth updates done, just have to wait for sponsorings04:09
bluesabrefinally... made add directory functionality work right05:08
bluesabreand fixed xfce toplevel adding05:09
bluesabretomorrow will be a good day for menulibre05:09
Unit193Updated my "small-fixes" branch for the seed, s/gcalctool/gnome-calculator/ as it's a transitional package.06:14
elfylderan: how's "Set up a list of applications we want to look at for automated package testing" going?09:05
elfyochosi knome - whiskermenu and gtk3 indicators now on tracker 09:34
DanChapmanelfy lderan are you guys still planning to use autopilot, i have an MP waiting which adds a test runner for the tests so they can be run in a pristine environment much like ubiquity tests10:07
elfyplanning ... can't see it coming to fruition in this cycle though10:17
elfysee 09:05 ^^ :)10:18
elfyDanChapman: ^^10:29
brainwashelfy: looks like we can start disabling all the additional PPAs :)11:08
ochosinice, releases of the panel and indicator-plugin!11:14
ochosithanks a lot andrzejr !11:23
ali12341that's really cool11:25
ali12341the panel transparency fix even got in11:25
ochosiyup :)11:25
ochosiit's pretty much all we need for trusty11:26
ochosi(apart from the usual odd bugfix)11:26
ochosiand that's even before b1, it's hard to believe :)11:27
elfybrainwash: yea indeed, not sure which ones to disable yet lol 11:27
ochosiknome: i'll try to do the panel-layout today11:30
ochosiali12341: would've been nice to see panel-switch get a UI in time for trusty11:30
elfybrainwash: not sure about anyone else but I've got http://pastebin.com/5t1V6eDx11:31
ochosiali12341: we could package/upload it as is, if you think you could do a UI in time for release (could sneak that in as bugfix or FFe)11:31
ali12341i don't think i will have time11:31
ochosielfy: depends on what has landed, but what you can remove once that's landed is: lightdm-gtk-greeter, noskcaj-indicator, shimmerproject, xubuntu-dev11:32
ochosielfy: not sure what's in unit193-trusty again11:32
elfythink it was tabwin 11:32
ochosielfy: and i guess mugshot has already landed, so you can remove everything11:32
brainwashtabwin + root pixmap support11:33
ochosihmm, well that won't make it into 14.04 unless there comes a release for xfwm4 with the branch merged, like tomorrow11:33
elfyochosi: I'll purge them prior to b1 11:33
ochosihm, i wonder whether the packages in trusty won't supercede the PPA packages11:33
ali12341they should do11:33
ochosiif they do, you simply won't be getting updates anymore from teh PPAs11:34
ali12341depends what version number the ppa uses11:34
ochosiali12341: :'( i understand, time is scarce. still, i think this is something really really useful. would you be ok with someone else providing a patch?11:34
ochosii mean while the current implementation isn't perfect and not ready for upstream, i think users will appreciate it11:35
ochosimaybe lderan has time and motivation for another small project11:35
brainwashwhat about the headerbar xfwm4 patch?11:35
ochosiyeah, hasn't been merged yet11:35
ochosiso i dunno, we'd have to sneak that in as a patch11:36
ochosimight be quite big as a patch11:36
brainwashmore apps will switch to headerbar only and look somewhat ugly11:36
ochosiand humm, i'd need to update our themes (that's not really a problem though)11:36
ali12341what apps?11:36
ochosie.g. gthumb11:36
brainwashsome gnome apps, elementary apps11:36
ochosithat's one reason why we dropped it11:36
brainwashand more to come (PPAs)11:37
ali12341i think it looks fine with two header bars actually11:37
brainwashochosi: and gtkparasite :P11:37
ali12341can you hack the theme so that the headerbar doesn't have the title?11:37
ali12341then it would just look like a regular toolbar11:37
ochosinot sure11:38
ochosithat's another workaround i guess11:38
ali12341also the close button11:38
ochosiwould have to be xubuntu-specific though11:38
ali12341just make them height and width 0px11:38
ochosisince greybird supports gnome3 as well11:38
ali12341well, perhaps there are some gnome3 users who don't like headerbar?11:38
ochosinah, it's about the window-manager supporting headerbar11:39
ochosiif i break it, then that won't look nice in all gnome3 apps11:39
ochosicause they use it by default11:39
ochosi3rd party apps are also switching to that very rapidly (without thinking about fallbacks)11:39
ali12341seems like that's gnome3's problem11:39
ochosino, the 3rd party apps also make it our problem11:40
ali12341i remain unconvinced11:41
ochosicould be worse: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-2014-02-16-124320.php11:43
ochosino idea how to remove that close-button though11:45
ali12341if you can hide them it will just look like a regular toolbar11:46
ali12341no need to actually remove them, just style them so that they are invisible11:48
ali12341maybe even render:none; would work11:48
ali12341or display:none;11:48
ochosiyeah, but then there's an empty space there11:51
ochosisince there are options to move the close button to the other side (have yet to find them though), i guess we have to be able to hide them to11:52
ochosijust set "position: /dev/null;"11:52
ali12341or width:0px;11:54
ochosiactually with "0" you don't use "px" anymore11:58
ochosii guess they felt that's uncool :)11:58
ali12341there's a gtk option show-close-button which hides the x12:05
Unit193http://mail.xfce.org/pipermail/xfce4-dev/2014-January/030607.html he used the right term for it.12:09
ali12341why doesn't calculator have a headerbar on trusty?12:14
ali12341i could proably make aLD_PRELOAD hack that selectively disables the header bar if there is nothing in it, or just hides the title and close button if there is12:15
ochosiali12341: ubuntu devs have patched "most" gnome3 apps12:16
ochosie.g. evince12:16
ochosithey submitted patches upstream afaik to provide a fallback-mode if the app is used in !gnome-shell12:17
ali12341for ach individual app?12:17
ali12341that's lame12:17
ochosifor evince it took like 3 versions i think to get fixed12:17
ochosithey're still working on fileroller12:17
ochosito get gnome-appmenu -> normal menu12:17
ali12341well, not much i can do about the appmenus12:18
ochosiit's lame of upstream gnome3 and app-devs to not think of other DEs12:18
ali12341i don't mind those though12:18
ochosiwell they take the full width of a menubar while providing 1 item12:18
ochosithat is lame12:18
Unit193ochosi: But not unexpected at all. :/12:18
ali12341but generally they only have one menu under them12:19
ochosiUnit193: unexpected things still happen ;) (systemd)12:19
ochosiali12341: yup, gnome3 shows that in the panel12:19
ochosiwhich is weird imo, having the gear-menu in the window-deco and that other menu in the panel12:19
ali12341i don't understand12:19
ochosithere are 2 menus in gnome312:20
ochosithe appmenu (with global settings for the app) in the panel12:20
ochosiand the gear-menu, which is in the client-side decorations12:20
ali12341like xfce4-panel?12:20
ochosi(not sure how the latter is called)12:20
ochosino, only in gnome3's panel12:20
ali12341so we can't access that menu at all?12:20
ochosifor us that's in the menubar12:20
ochosithat's already the fallback12:21
ochosie.g. in file-roller in trusty12:21
ali12341sorry i still don't understand :S12:21
ochosiappmenu: http://picomol.de/wp-content/uploads/libreoffice_4.2-gnome_appmenu.png12:22
ali12341can you show me with gthumb?12:22
ochosithat gets converted to a single menubaritem12:22
ochosino, gthumb uses the headerbar, which is something else again12:22
ochosilet me see whether i can find a screenshot with both12:22
ochosiok, e.g. http://scr3.golem.de/screenshots/1205/gnome_36_design/thumb620/calculator-app-menu.png12:23
ali12341so if you run unpatched calculator on xfce where does that menu appear?12:23
ochosias a single item in the menubar12:23
ochosino other options, only these12:23
ali12341what does it look like?12:23
ochosilike a regular menubar12:23
ochosibut it should have 3 items in that menubar12:23
ochosilike it currently has12:23
ochosithat's what the fallback mode does12:24
ochosisry, gotta quickly run out12:24
ochosiali12341: this is what i called the "gear menu": http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news2/GNOME-s-File-Manager-Will-Be-More-User-Friendly-409360-4.png12:39
ochosiali12341: and here you can see both, although not in action: http://blogs.gnome.org/mclasen/files/2013/12/radiance4.png12:40
ali12341what's a good way to create a NULL widget that doesn't draw anything?12:43
ochosihey sergio-br2 13:03
ochosihow's it going with the folders?13:03
ochosiali12341: why would you wanna do that?13:04
ochosior where13:04
ali12341headerbar has "custom title" widget13:04
ali12341if you set it it hides the normal title13:04
ochosiactually for xfce we can simply hide it in the theme13:06
ali12341oh, okay then :)13:07
ali12341this wouldn't work very well anyway13:07
ali12341there's no way to know if the app hides or unhides it13:07
ochosii'll see whether i can tweak the headerbar more during the course of today13:07
ali12341hiding the close button works quite well though13:08
ochosiwell i can do "fg-color=bg-color"13:08
ochosiah, how did you do it?13:08
ali12341replace the gtk_header_bar_set_show_close_button function with a preload stub that always sets it to false13:08
ochosimeh, i thought you did it in the theme13:09
ali12341hmm actually...13:09
ali12341maybe the header bar could be permanently hidden, and then just catch when it packs things into it and put them somewhere else13:09
ali12341like a toolbar13:10
ochosiyou wanna patch gtk upstream?13:12
sergio-br2hey, hello everyone13:13
ali12341ochosi: it's a runtime patch13:17
sergio-br2ochosi, i think places96 branch is ready to merge13:22
sergio-br2it's missing some icons, but you said that they are optional13:23
brainwash_ochosi: should I remove https://code.launchpad.net/~thad-fisch/xubuntu-default-settings/desktop-icon-size ?13:29
brainwash_a new release of xfdesktop will land in trusty hopefully soon and set the icon size to 4813:31
ali12341ochosi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6943234/13:52
ochosiali12341: doesn't look very long, so you'd just add this to the xfce session then?13:54
ali12341i wouldn't recommend anyone actually uses it13:54
elfybrainwash_: 48? wouldn't 24 be better ... :p13:56
ali12341so are there any apps that have a headerbar with no buttons?13:56
bluesabreI would hope not13:58
ochosiali12341: no, headerbar is always toolbar+window-controls13:58
bluesabrethat completely destroys the purpose13:58
ali12341i mean no buttons except window controls13:59
ali12341like calculator13:59
brainwash_elfy: 48 is now the default (upstream), the grid layout is also more compact now, so it looks similar to thunar's icon view14:01
elfywas not serious ;)14:02
ali12341hmm... got another approach... patch GtkHeaderBar out of existence entirely14:42
ochosinot sure that has good chances of getting merged upstream14:48
ali12341well it's still a runtime patch14:49
ochosibrainwash_: yeah, feel free to drop that one. also, i've already changed greybird accordingly14:50
ali12341this works surprisingly well14:52
ali12341basically i patch gtk_header_bar_new to return a GtkBox instead, which has nearly all the same API14:53
ali12341then ignore any operation that isn't adding buttons14:53
ali12341GtkBox, when empty, uses no room14:54
ali12341so this makes the headerbar go away completely unless someone adds a button to it, in which case you only see the buttons, and nothing else14:54
ochosibut the theming is probably a bit strange15:01
ochosicause it's flat, unlike toolbars15:01
ochosi(which would probably be the best option, themingwise)15:01
ali12341yeah, because it is drawn outside the window frame it has no background15:01
ali12341the buttons are themed correctly15:02
ochosiah, hmmm15:02
ochosithat's a problem, the gtkbox not having/drawing a background (in this case)15:02
ochosithat's a bit ... ouch :)15:03
ali12341it's fixable :)15:10
ochosiyeah, i guess15:10
ochosii'm just wondering whether the simple theming trick to make it look like a toolbar is better/easier/safer15:10
ali12341sure, i'm just doing this for fun15:11
ochosii assume you prefer this to writing a UI for panel-switch :}15:14
ali12341cool, it works15:43
pleia2knome: you about?16:57
pleia2knome: need you to review a draft post for the site <316:57
elfyhi pleia2 16:58
pleia2hi there elfy 16:58
pleia2you want to have a look? :D16:58
elfycan do :)16:58
pleia2"Xubuntu Marketing with SpreadUbuntu Flyer - Draft"16:59
pleia2^^ in the list of posts16:59
elfypleia2: yep - assumed as much :)17:01
elfypleia2: can I assume that I don't need to ping you re [xubuntu-website] Run social media campaigning for QA during beta milestones: TODO17:02
elfywhen it comes up17:02
elfypleia2: post looks good to me17:03
pleia2elfy: hah, this ping now should be sufficient! I'll put it on my calendar17:03
elfylol ok :)17:03
ochosithanks sergio-br2, merged places17:46
ochosiwill review the other branches in a bit and then merge them, supposedly17:46
ochosiafter that i'll do a release17:46
ochosireviewed + merged17:48
ochosisergio-br2: project for next release: 96px mimes :)18:16
sergio-br2and there are lot of...18:16
ochosiyup, i know, i've done pretty much all of the 64px ones myself18:16
ochosiand for after that, i guess 128px mimes...18:19
ochosithing is, those are at least used/visible in xfce18:19
ochosimost other 128px icons never show here18:19
sergio-br2ochosi, i did the pull request18:22
sanchopanzatesting, testing.21:09
Noskcajsanchopanza, yeah, we see you21:11
sanchopanzacool. anyone available to guide a newbie through getting started with documentation? 21:11
Noskcajknome, jjfrv8 ^21:14
NoskcajI'm not sure if they're around right now21:14
NoskcajMaybe send an email to the xubuntu-devel mailing list21:14
ochosislickymaster: ^21:15
ochosisanchopanza: depending on how much time you have, you could stick around for a bit21:15
sanchopanzadoesn't look like they're around. i'll try again later. jjfrv8 suggested getting on here for some guidance.21:15
ochosimaybe some of them show up21:16
ochosiwhat kind of docs would you like to work on?21:16
ochosijjfrv8, slickymaster: weeeee, good news, xfce has versioned docs now!22:11
knomeochosi, cool, the patch worked as is?22:11
ochosiknome: not sure: http://git.xfce.org/www/wiki.xfce.org/commit/?id=4d2f0a6d6ef6ec80149d22eb022384181ca601ea22:12
ochosican't remember now what yours looked like22:12
knomelooks similar, but i can't remember what my patch looked like either ;)22:13
ochosiyeah, no surprise it'll look at least similar ;)22:13
knomeyeah, it's the same code22:14
ochosiok cool22:15
knomenice to be of help ;)22:15
ochosiwell now we can clean up the docs on bluesabre's wiki and then i can push them upstream \o/22:16
ochosiknome: actually nick did a bit more than just merge your patch, he also added another helper function in libxfce4ui so apps can send their version for the docs22:18
knomewell that's nice22:18
ochosi(right now it sends the desktop-version)22:18
ochosivery cool improvement22:18
ochosiso we can in fact do parole-docs per version now22:19
ochosihmm, meh, seems like xfdesktop4.11 still sends "4.10" as xfce version22:25
ochosiso i guess we'd need the new feature of libxfce4ui for that to work then22:26

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