
xubuntu227i have a question about performance00:16
xubuntu227i installed 13.10 and it was slow as can be and kept locking up so i reinstalled it, but the same thing is happening. Any thoughts on what i'm doing wrong or what's going on?00:17
krytarikxubuntu227: How does the Live session work then, the same?00:19
xubuntu227Live seems to work fine00:20
krytarikDid you preserve your home directory on the reinstall?00:20
xubuntu227i did a complete clean install00:20
krytarikDid you install anything major, like video drivers for example, after the fresh install?00:21
xubuntu227all i installed was nvidia drivers00:22
krytarikAnd how?00:22
xubuntu227i did install synaptic and got the nvidia-current through it00:22
krytarikAre you sure that's the proper one for your graphics device?00:23
krytarikThat is, I'd usually go to Additional Drivers and install what's offered as 'recommended' there.00:24
xubuntu227i was running 12.04 and it was great, i just wanted to upgrade to the newer00:24
xubuntu227it never had a recommended driver. everytime i went there it was blank00:24
krytarikMaybe there is a reason for that. LOL00:25
knomexubuntu227, if you don't have problems without an extra driver, don't install one00:25
xubuntu227lol AMD kinda guy?00:26
xubuntu227it wasn't doing duel monitors is why i installed it00:26
knomei'm not kidding. you didn't say you had any problems without the nvidia driver, so i assumed you didn't have any00:26
knomeyou can use xrandr (or arandr, a gui for the beforementioned) to handle multiple monitors even without the proprietary drivers00:27
xubuntu227i didn't really run it without, i installed it pretty quick after the system install to get both monitors running00:27
xubuntu227ok i'll try xrandr. it's just been a habit i guess since 10.04 to install nvidia-current00:28
knomei would suggest to try the environment without the proprietary drivers.00:28
xubuntu227thank you00:29
knomeno problem, good luck and enjoy00:30
jdimaginahi !!00:31
jdimaginasomebody here know how can i flip my cam when i am for examplo on facebook from google chrome? i'm new on xubuntu and linux and i not found how can i do that,00:33
jdimaginamy cam is not damage and did'nt see vertical flip, i just wanna do and horizontal flip i hate that i move to right and my image go to left, thanks a lot if somebody can help me00:34
arceyein windows I would stop unneeded services from running to speed up the OS...   is this something I can do in xubunu ? if so is it doable in a gui01:47
=== dormito|sleep is now known as dormito
krytarikarceye: Well, you could check the autostart apps.01:50
arceyekrytarik, could you direct me to where I find that01:51
krytarikarceye: "Settings Manager -> Session and Startup -> Application Autostart"01:53
arceyekrytarik, thanks looking in there now01:53
arceyekrytarik, it looks like all I can stop is bluetooth, but it's something , however I found a save session on logout, does that mean it will re open the same windows in the same places when I log back in ?01:56
krytarikarceye: Yup, apart from maybe a couple of apps, usually not in the same places though.01:57
arceyekrytarik, thanks01:58
arceyekrytarik, going back to my ati driver problem , I have an old nvidia card something like a fx5200,   is it possible that would work ?02:00
krytarikarceye: I'd say yes, even with the proprietary Nvidia driver, at least the 'nvidia-96' one, found last in 12.04.02:02
arceyekrytarik,  then that is my task  for tomorrow02:03
arceyeoh!!   just a thought, will it auto detect on startup , or am going to be faced with magic voodoo tricks required ?02:04
krytarikarceye: Yup, just yup. :)02:06
arceyekrytarik, voodoo magic it is then02:06
impossiblehow come i dont see the volume bar at top?02:07
krytarikarceye: But if you'd have any proprietary video drivers (AMD or Nvidia) installed, and hence also a custom 'xorg.conf' specifying the particular driver, that'd be different.02:09
arceyekrytarik, I have no proprietary drivers installed and no xorg.conf file02:09
krytarikarceye: I know, that's why I said "if" - just for your info. :)02:10
arceyehow can I check cpu load in terminal, the gui app uses loads on its own so doesn't give accurate results02:13
krytarikarceye: "top"02:13
arceyenetwork ?02:14
Unit193htop for more fun and games.  vnstat or slurm for network.02:14
Unit193ntop too.02:14
krytarikarceye: There is also "htop" - more colorful, but not installed by default.02:14
krytarikAnd of course Unit193 must be extra-fancy. LOL02:15
* Unit193 likes the ncurses shiny.02:16
arceyeok htop, ntop, vnstat and slurm not installed , which is most useful similar looking to "top"02:16
krytarikarceye: Was that a question? :P LOL -- "htop", as I mentioned.02:18
krytarikarceye: From what I remember, it's basically the colored version of "top". :)02:19
krytarikUnit193 might disagree there though. :P02:20
arceyedownloading ntop in a terminal ( feels like a geek )02:20
arceyeheh  the first thing I install from terminal doesn't work :(02:22
krytarikarceye: Well, it's description says, "display network usage in web browser". :P02:23
arceyeso how do i uninstall it ? the same as install but remove or something instead ?02:24
arceyeI didn't read anythig about it i typed it into terminal and it said to install do this ....   so i did02:24
krytarikarceye: I'd try "sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove ntop".02:25
krytarikNope. :P02:25
* krytarik snickers02:25
=== LjL-DeltaMale is now known as LjL
Unit193Well how about that, it's inconsistent.  I lost.02:26
arceyekrytarik, lets try again.. .what will show the network in the same way top does in the terminal02:26
krytarikarceye: I'd try "slurm" first.02:29
arceyewoohoo   pretty grean and red x's02:31
krytarikAh, it's really x's. LOL02:32
arceyei'm sure I have gone back in time to a bbc computer02:33
krytarikWell, that's how Linux-based OSes are - works without a GUI too. :P02:34
arceyeNote to self " hold back on the sarcasm"   they just don't work with GUI's  :D02:35
krytarikUnit193: Btw, it's not like I didn't stumble across that myself more than once before too, so. :D02:44
arceyeI have given the network something to do ( copying whole load of data ) just to watch the light show :)02:45
Unit193krytarik: I use autoremove and purge, not normally autoremove --purge but a chance. :P02:45
krytarikUnit193: Well, that's the other around, yes. LOL02:45
* krytarik hides02:46
arceyeHmmmm   network speed seems a tad slow , I have 1Gb network but the file transfer is going at 25 - 30 KB/s02:47
krytarikHi bebuchi00.02:52
krytarik*other way around02:54
bebuchi00hello krytarik02:54
bebuchi00i like Xubuntu02:55
bebuchi00is super fast.02:55
holsteinarceye: let me know if you didnt get the resolution sorted out .. as i suggested, you should test the driver only, and not bother with the resolution02:55
holsteinarceye: i never intended that you would reboot and have the desktop at the resolution you intended. i was only thinking you would test (exclusively) the vesa driver, and see if the performatnce as indeed improved. and if so, you would be able to move on to the screen resolution02:57
Unit193arceye: speedtest.net02:59
petesgardenHI.  I'm looking for some help w/ Dual Monitors and an Nvidia 760m card on a ASUS laptop.  I've been trying to get Mint to work for over a week and nothing.  Today I tried Xubuntu and during the live CD boot both monitors came on!  However then the boot crashed due to not setting the nomodset kernel option.  As soon as that is set then the laptop screen remains blank when an external monitor is connected (via hdmi).03:02
holsteinpetesgarden: no modeset will likely disable the driver support you ned03:03
petesgardenI've googled around a bit and there are hints that nomodset breaks dual monitor support in some situations, and rolling back xorg + kernel is the fix.  Unfortunaly the only reference I can find is in a CentOS discussion03:03
petesgardenAnd the problem occurred when upgradting from Cent0S 6.3 to 6.4.03:03
holsteinpetesgarden: its not "nomodeset" "breaking" anything.. its just not loading the driver you need for the hardare you are supporting03:03
petesgardenIt will not boot w/ out it03:04
holsteinpetesgarden: this is the xubuntu channel03:04
petesgardenI know - I'm running xubuntu now.03:04
holsteinpetesgarden: ok.. what wont do what without what?03:04
petesgardenI had hope when I booted the live CD and the xubuntu boot screen showed on both monitors03:04
petesgardenBut then the boot crashed03:04
petesgardenIt only boots w/ nomodset set03:05
petesgardensame thing when using mint - it would only boot w/ nomodset enabled03:05
holsteinpetesgarden: what would i do? install.. and update all available packages.. look for and install a proprietary graphics driver if availble03:05
petesgardenI don't need nvidia drivers in linux.  I just want dual monitor support.03:05
holsteinpetesgarden: friend.. the nvidia drivers are likely what will *enable* that support in linux03:06
petesgardenI've done all that.  using the noaveau (or whatever), packaged nvidia 304-331, and pacakges directly from nvidia03:06
petesgardenI can get the nvidia driver to load fine - but only on the external monitor.03:06
holsteinpetesgarden: ok.. so the open driver didnt support dual head? after upgrading to the most current packages?03:06
holsteinpetesgarden: its quite pluasible that the hardware you have may not support linux well.03:07
holsteinpetesgarden: i usually try and test as much as i can with different live CD's.. its an easy way to test different kernels.. though, it can be challenging to test graphics modules03:07
petesgardenI'm currently d/ling cent 0s03:08
petesgarden6.3 which from what I've read works03:08
petesgardenjust to see the kernel version and xorg version03:08
holsteinpetesgarden: there will be no more friendlier option than ubuntu.. and thats not becuase this is the xubuntu channel03:08
petesgardenand then try to find the equiv xubuntu version w/ those versions03:09
holsteinpetesgarden: this will likely not depend on the distro. its a matter of support in the proprietary module03:09
petesgardenIt's a combo problem of the neaveau drivers not working right03:09
petesgardenso the nomodset param is needed03:09
holsteinpetesgarden: then, dont use them03:09
holsteinpetesgarden: test with the proprietary ones03:09
petesgardenjust to boot -  but that kills dual monitor03:10
holsteinpetesgarden: thats the "best" option03:10
petesgardenso is there a pre-built kernel w/out that driver in xubuntu03:10
petesgardenor can I remove it otherwise03:10
holsteinpetesgarden: what one? the open one? yo uinstall the proprietary one and the neaveau one is blacklisted and not used03:10
petesgardenblacklisted automagically or manually?03:11
petesgardenwhen installing the nvidia packages03:12
petesgardeneven tried the xorg-edger ones (331)03:12
holsteinpetesgarden: you dont need to remove, or ask for removal, or worry about getting a kernel with the open driver removed03:12
holsteinpetesgarden: its *quite* plausible that the hardware doesnt support linux well.. it didnt likely come with a promise of linux support03:12
petesgardenbtw s/nomodset/nomodeset/ my bad03:12
petesgardenha no - I realize that03:13
petesgardenI'm about to return this laptop because of it - but the xubuntu install gave me 2 minutes of hope03:13
holsteinif you can return it, do it. and buy something like a system76 rig that promises linux support03:13
holsteinyou are dealing with someting that promises windows support.. and is delivering that03:13
petesgardenugh other than they get pretty mediocre reviews03:14
petesgardenTrust me I know.  I had a dell 1420N for 7 years before this03:14
holsteinpetesgarden: im giving a great review03:14
petesgardenbought it because it came w/ linux on it03:14
holsteinpetesgarden: there are many resellers of linux machines..03:14
holsteinpetesgarden: you bought what becuase what came with linux on it? the machine you purchased?03:15
petesgardenthe 1420N I'm saying - I've gone that route before03:15
holsteinpetesgarden: sorry, im not following03:15
petesgardenI've been running linux as my primary os for 12+ years.  I got a 1420N 7 years ago when dell was selling linux installed laptops.  I hear ya on the system 7603:16
petesgardenI'm just at a point where I need a windows box as well. THis thing (Asus N56J) runs great - the dual monitor is the only thing killing me at this point03:16
petesgardenI thought it was just totally incompatible03:17
petesgardenso I tried xubuntu (after mint) and the live CD lit up both monitors - euphoric.  But it wouldn't boot.  So I had to set nomodeset which then turns the laptop screen off03:18
petesgardenIf I pull the plug on the external monitor, the laptop screen works fine in xubuntu (and any other distro I've tried over the last 2 weeks)03:19
petesgardenit's that nomodeset doing it.  So if noone know's that's cool03:19
petesgardenI'm going to try cent0S 6.3 just to get the kernel and xorg version then either downgrade those packages in xubuntu or roll back to a really old version of xubuntu03:20
petesgardenFYI - this is what I'm referencing: https://www.centos.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=473803:20
krytarikpetesgarden: What version of Xubuntu did you try exactly, btw?03:23
petesgarden13.10 I believe? the latest from the site. 64 bit03:23
petesgardenjust d/l it a few hours ago03:23
petesgardenso if the nomodeset is needed to stop nouveau, can I just blacklist that and not need the nomodeset?03:24
krytarikpetesgarden: And that's a snapshot of October last year - maybe you should really follow holstein's suggestion and install, then upgrade it.03:25
petesgardenso try latest saucy or is there an unstable branch to test03:26
krytarikWell, that -is- the latest branch.03:27
petesgardenOK - didn't know if there was an equiv to debian stable - test - experimental03:27
krytarikWoops, no, it's not. :)03:27
petesgardenand to which 'version' you meant03:27
krytarikTrusty Tahr 14.04, I meant.03:28
petesgardendo you recommend a full install from scratch or dist-upgrade03:28
krytarikMixed the numbers and versions there. :)03:28
krytarikpetesgarden: With "upgrade" I meant just 'upgrade the installed version', not 'upgrade to the next one'.03:29
petesgardenI've an update since install03:30
krytarikpetesgarden: Thought you didn't actually install?03:30
petesgardenno I did03:30
petesgardenonly the live CD showed both.  I did actualyl install it I'm running it now03:31
petesgardensorry if that wasn't clear03:31
petesgardenI've reinstalled about 6 different times today of mint / ubuntu / xubuntu versions.  I'm asking here because xubuntu was the only one that turned on both screens for a few seconds03:32
krytarikpetesgarden: So, even after being fully upgraded, neither the default 'nouveau' driver, nor any proprietary drivers you've tried works with your setup?03:33
petesgardenthey work w/ both screens until I set nomodeset in boot03:34
petesgardenthat kills it03:34
petesgardenWell - I was hoping someone had some hints.  No biggie.  Googling nomodeset breaks dual monitors pops up some stuff but no real fixes other than that centos thread I posted03:35
krytarikpetesgarden: You could also ask in #ubuntu, btw - same underlyings, you know.03:36
petesgardenyup - may even try debian again too (been years...)03:37
petesgardenok - well of to reboot yet again.  Thanks anyway krytarik and holstein03:38
arceyeoh god, more issues ..03:38
arceyeI am trying to transfer a lot of data to another PC over network , it has a max speed of 26KB over my 1Gb lan , whats up with that ?03:40
arceyeanother driver issue ?03:40
krytarikarceye: Try asking in #ubuntu too.03:44
arceyeok,   i hear what you saying :)03:44
krytarikYeah, well, more people. :)03:45
arceyethat's not what I was thinking :)03:45
krytarikLOL, I was afraid of that.03:45
arceyeI have found some LAN drivers for my motherboard which are apparently linux drivers, maybe they will work :)03:46
krytarikarceye: Honestly, stuff like wired LAN usually should 'just work'.03:47
krytarikarceye: That is, without the need to install some drivers.03:47
arceyeI have installed many distro's on this pc over the time I have had it ( testing to see if its viable for home use ) and never have I had a problem with networking drivers03:49
arceyethe wired network has been the one thing that always worked best03:49
arceyeI think I am going to reboot and see if that helps,03:51
arceyeoh   thats better03:56
arceyewhat was the command agian for network03:56
arceyeyep   I did find test03:59
arceyetext even03:59
arceyestrange ,, its now dropped speed again since opening xchat04:00
arceyebut I don't think xchat hogs that much bandwidth04:01
arceyegotta test, be back in a few minutes04:02
James0r2upgraded to xfce 4.11 by adding the xubuntu 4.10 and 4.12 ppas. i want to roll back to 4.10 now. how can i do this?04:10
krytarikJames0r2: Use "ppa-purge" on both PPAs.04:11
James0r2krytarik: then dist-upgrade?04:11
krytarikJames0r2: Oh, only the one of them. :)04:11
James0r2krytarik: only purge 4.12?04:12
krytarikJames0r2: "ppa-purge" should do that automagically.04:12
krytarikBecause you said you wanted to go back to just 4.10.04:12
krytarikJames0r2: You know how to use "ppa-purge"?04:13
James0r2what's the full command for ppa-purge?04:13
James0r2oh it's an additional package to download. right i've used it before.04:15
krytarikJames0r2: Yep - then run "sudo ppa-purge ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.12".04:17
James0r2krytarik: cool. thanks.04:18
James0r2tried 4.11 out. i use variety to change wallpapers but it looks like it breaks with the new wallpaper setup in 4.1104:18
James0r2i would just use the xfce option but it doesn't have much functionality like Next/Previous etc..04:19
krytarikJames0r2: Well, seems like you could try just downgrading the "xfdesktop4" package to the 4.10 version, and see if it works. :P04:26
* mattwj2002 is installing xubuntu on his new laptop04:48
mattwj2002thanks fibz_04:54
mattwj2002I am having a weird issue04:54
fibz_what is the issue?04:55
mattwj2002it doesn't seen my windows 7 partitions04:55
mattwj2002it sees it as an empty drive?04:55
mattwj2002linux has been able to read ntfs for ages04:55
mattwj2002any ideas fibz_?04:57
fibz_does it show the correct disk size?05:01
mattwj2002500 GB drive05:01
mattwj2002I am shrinking the windows partition using windows to see if that fixes anything05:02
mattwj2002instead of having xubuntu do it05:02
fibz_i wouldnt05:05
mattwj2002why fibz_?05:06
fibz_instead id reboot into windows and force a checkdisk on the drive on next reboot, reboot and let it check it05:06
fibz_see if that helps05:06
mattwj2002fibz_: I found the problem05:17
mattwj2002and hopefully a solution05:17
mattwj2002I have uefi and when I installed windows 7 I deleted all my partitions05:19
fibz_that'll do it05:19
mattwj2002I used boot-repair to hopefully fix it05:19
mattwj2002I'll let you know in a minute05:19
mattwj2002I hate uefi05:20
mattwj2002but it is a new laptop so what do you expect :)05:20
mattwj2002no go05:21
fibz_Disable Secure & Fast Boot, enable CSM, remove the Platform Keys and enable Legacy Boot05:35
mattwj2002hi all06:25
mattwj2002wow uefi is a pain06:26
mattwj2002but I think I got it now06:26
mattwj2002I wiped the gpt tables with gdisk06:27
mattwj2002as soon as I did that xubuntu started to like my disk......now hopefully Windows will still boot :-s06:27
xubuntu701I need help. The color has glowing spots when I play a dvd.09:32
xubuntu701can anyone help09:33
AussieDownUnderHaving trouble finding more settings for more default program options. The area I found to change them only lets me change 2 default programs & lists no others.10:49
well_laid_lawnsome examples might be handy AussieDownUnder10:54
xubuntu103Hello Friends11:38
xubuntu103Is this a place where i can get some help for installing ubuntu?11:39
baizonxubuntu103: #ubuntu11:39
xubuntu103Ow, xUbunut i mean :)11:39
flux242how do I talk to ubottu?11:42
baizonxubuntu103: and your problem is?11:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:43
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots11:44
ubottuWayland is a display server protocol that is intended to replace X. More information can be found at http://wayland.freedesktop.org/ . Ubuntu is instead focusing on development of !Mir; see its factoid for more information.11:50
elfyflux242: the factoids can be found at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi11:50
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots11:51
flux242just playing a bit with the bot11:51
elfywhich is really annoying for those in here looking for support or just following the channel - so please don't ;)11:51
flux242how do i force it to open a private conversation window? It's opened one when I asked about not known factoid.11:54
xubuntu103sudo passwd 'veranderd root passwoord, dus vul hier een passwoord in'  sudo su 'logt in als superuser'  sudo apt-get install fglrx-updates fglrx-amdcccle-updates fglrx-updates-dev sudo aticonfig --lsa sudo aticonfig --adapter=all --initial sudo reboot12:03
xubuntu103someone who can help me ?12:04
bekksyou dont need to use sudo su.12:04
xubuntu103first i need to this sudo apt-get install fglrx-updates fglrx-amdcccle-updates fglrx-updates-dev12:04
bekksthen do it?12:04
xubuntu103Everything installed so then i need to do this12:04
xubuntu103sudo aticonfig --lsa12:05
xubuntu103But it says no supported adapters detected12:05
xubuntu103Any idea what is wrong about it?12:06
bekksThen the driver does not support your hardware.12:07
xubuntu103yeah but any idea how i can solve the problem?12:09
bekksEither use hardware that is support by that driver version, or use a driver version that supports your hardware.12:10
xubuntu103So i installed the wrong version of xubuntu?12:10
bekksThe fglrx driver shipped does not support your hardware.12:11
xubuntu103Bekks can you maby tell me how to install if i give the numbers of my graphic card processor , motherboard etc.12:14
xubuntu103I'm really a newby12:14
xubuntu103Intel Celeron G162012:15
bekksI never used an ATI, sorry. I am on Nvidia only.12:15
xubuntu103Asrock h61 pro BTC12:15
xubuntu103And a Sapphire HD 795012:16
xubuntu103Maby the problem is i use an intel processor and AMD graphic cards12:16
Barry_YngdMy sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  , says that I am still on "quantal" .. How do I upgrade to "Saucy" .. or am I doing it right ?15:06
ubottuBarry_Yngd,: 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120415:06
cfhowlett!eol|Barry_Yngd, nope.  as 12.10 is end of life, you've got a couple extra steps to upgrade15:07
ubottuBarry_Yngd, nope.  as 12.10 is end of life, you've got a couple extra steps to upgrade: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:07
Barry_Yngdyes I am looking to completely upgrade .. so I will now check those links and come back to you .. possibly with afew nicey bugs .. lets looksie .15:08
Barry_YngdAm I right , I need to add these to the sources list ? deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy main restricted universe multiverse15:12
Barry_Yngddeb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucyupdates main restricted universe multiverse15:12
Barry_Yngddeb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucysecurity main restricted universe multiverse15:12
Barry_YngdIt hasn't upgraded anything so far .. I don't know ow to follow the instructions , AND need help .. can someone guide me through upgrading , please ?15:17
Barry_Yngd**how to ..15:17
Barry_YngdI will have another look at those links .. ok15:18
Barry_YngdI am sorry I dont know everything ...15:19
Barry_Yngdyers, I am definately stil on 12.10 .. so the cat says on my terminal .15:24
Barry_Yngd**Yes, I am still ..15:24
Barry_YngdI have asked #Ubuntu-ops , but there all way . so will try tomorrow .. when anybody is available .. the documentation is too generic / or just isn't there ..15:35
Barry_Yngdbut I will try askubuntu ..15:35
Barry_Yngdok .. I unincluded/excluded the cd-rom source .. still no wedding .. will try inserting kisses ..15:41
=== delta-mm is now known as Mohammad-Matini
holsteinBarry_Yngd: i wouldnt mess about with the sources.. if you have broken the system, you'll want to do a fresh install15:57
holsteinif you are on 12.10, you'll have to upgrade from 12.10, to 13.04, to 13.10, and then, in april, to 14.04.. if not in april, in july when 13.10 goes EOL15:58
Barry_Yngdholstein , but I will loose all my data and settings .. do I really want to-do that ?15:58
holsteinBarry_Yngd: well, *all* hard drives fail.. so, you *will* lose all your data when that happens.. why not just plan for that, backup your data, and save yourself a few hours/days of time and headache in the future15:59
Barry_Yngdfair enough .. I guess the answer is .. there is no answer , then .16:00
Barry_Yngdpredictable tho .16:00
holsteinBarry_Yngd: you have an answer16:00
holsteinBarry_Yngd: you *can* upgrade.. but if you have broken your system, you might have broken that ability16:00
holsteinBarry_Yngd: for me, if i were in your position, i would prefer a fresh install, since it would take *much* less time16:01
Barry_Yngdyeps , I guess I should wise up to that , thanks .16:01
Barry_Yngdaside : Does anone know a good vpn service outside the US ?16:02
Barry_Yngd**anyone ..16:02
holsteinBarry_Yngd: i would ask in a networking channel. or, try one of the offtopic channels.. #xubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-offtopic16:03
Barry_Yngdok thanks .16:03
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN16:03
holsteinbut, ^ i dont think there are specific services suggested at that wiki16:03
Barry_Yngdbye for now .. unless theres anything else ?16:03
Barry_Yngdblah .16:05
arceyecan i used gparted to remove the swap partition and still have the pc reboot after ?16:38
elfyyou'd need to make sure that reference to swap in fstab was removed16:39
elfyyou can actually do that from within a running install - install gparted and swapoff first, remove partition, edit fstab16:39
arceyeI am running grparted now, the plan was to unmount swap and remove some other windows partitions, reboot and re add swap,   but what is fstab ?16:43
krytarik!fstab | arceye16:47
ubottuarceye: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions16:47
arceyeelfy, I have opened fstab in and editor currently it says swap was on dev/sd8 during installation16:48
elfythere will be a line that starts UUID under that - with swap in the same line - put a # at the beginning of the line16:48
arceyeso if I remove the partition using gparted then then re-establish it I just need to note where it is then change the /dev/sda8 part to say the current location ?16:49
elfyno - you will need to get the new UUID with sudo blkid and change it16:50
elfythe line above with /dev/ in it has a # at the beginning I would assume - means they are ignored16:50
arceyeelfy, let me try to understand this , I use gparted to unmount then delete the swap partition, I then remove the windows partitions, I then make a new swap partition, is the OS then not inteligent enough to update this fstab file with the new configuration automatically ?16:54
elfyarceye: no it isn't going to do it itself :)16:57
arceyeoh god, probably not worth me trying then16:58
elfyit really is easier than it sounds - I managed shortly after using linux for the first time :)16:58
arceye<--   likes automatic17:00
petr33i have problem17:03
petr33i'm new linux user, and i have problem with pure-ftpd. can u help me pls?17:04
arceyeI plug in my trusty external USB drive to back up some stuff before I break it and what happens ? Nothing the drive sits there flashing for 10 minutes and still isn't mounted17:23
marat560hi  all17:35
marat560This chat have russian ppl?)17:36
marat560why all silent?)17:36
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:36
marat560Sysi Привет)17:37
marat560ubottu thank you)17:37
Random832How do I create a script that runs on login?17:50
Random832I want to run some xinput commands to fix my mouse settings17:50
gzod54Is is ok to install ver 13 on a 8gb usb drive.17:56
bekksWhich version "13"?18:00
asyoulikeithey, is anyone able to help me encrypting the hd before installing xubuntu?18:17
krysztalIs there any way to change settings->desktop->icons->icon type from toolbar or something?18:22
krysztalOr script that can hide desktop icons after some time of inactivity?18:23
arceyeelfy, could you talk me through this fstab thing, I currently have gparted open and ready to unmount the swap drive and delete unwanted partitions18:23
elfyarceye: can't really do anything until you have a new swap partition - but anyone will be able to help you change the UUID in fstab :)18:25
arceyeelfy, so everything is backed up I can delete existing and create new partition now18:26
arceyeok done partition, I now have new swap partition18:31
elfysudo blkid | pastebinit18:33
elfycat /etc/fstab | pastebinit18:34
elfyarceye: then give us the url's you get when you run those 2 commands18:35
arceyeelfy,  I think I got it i ran the "sudo blkid" and it game me the id, can I just copy that id into fstab to replace the existing one ?18:37
elfythe UUID for the swap line yep18:38
elfythen once you've done that you can sudo swapon -a and it will turn it on18:40
arceyeI can't' edit the file permission denied18:40
elfygksudo mousepad /etc/fstab18:40
arceyeok done, now do I need to reboot ?18:43
* xubuntu620 18:47
* xubuntu620 18:47
elfyarceye: no - just sudo swapon -a and swap will be on again18:50
arceyeelfy, I used gparted to turn swap on18:50
elfyprobably better to do it from a terminal - proves the fstab line then :)18:51
arceyeelfy, should I turn it off in gparted then use terminal to turn back on ?18:52
elfyI would - just to be sure18:53
arceyeelfy, nothing bad happened so I assume it worked, I did re open gparted and it shows swap was on18:54
elfythat's it done then :)18:54
arceyeelfy, thanks18:55
elfytold you it was easy :)18:56
arceyeelfy, easy with help , alone I would never have been able to do it, I'm afraid I am used to point here click that and everything else is automated in the background , remembering 1000's of commands isn't something I am fond of18:57
elfyI only remember ones I use a lot - nothing wrong with using gui when it's available :)18:58
arceyeyou see that's the issue I have, the gui was avalable and I feel it should have done the job without me having to do things manually18:59
elfyso you want a partitioner - to partition, check a UUID, open a text editor as root, edit a system file19:00
arceyeyes, like partition edit in windows :)19:00
elfywell - it doesn't do it :)19:00
elfyin the meantime you've learnt how to do things the hard way :)19:01
arceyeI have learned how to ask for help you mean, I will never remember those commands, I am however creating a text file to list the commands I am having to use with their description so I don't have to remember them19:02
elfyI did the same :)19:03
arceyeis there a full list anywhere I can just download ?19:04
elfynot that I know of19:06
elfyor remember at least19:06
elfyplenty on the internet though19:07
arceyeI am finding the internet to be a bad place for advice , it either out of date, or just plain doesn't work as the tutorials show it to19:08
elfyyou do have man pages installed, not always the easiest thing to read though19:09
elfyso man blkid will give you the manual of blkid19:10
arceyeI have no idea, so I guess not19:10
Unit193Internet is helpful for me...  Also the Xubuntu docs have a section on it, and I've expanded that for the next release.19:10
Unit193Applications Menu > Help19:10
elfyarceye: the thing is - this isn't windows - you didn't wake up knowing windows - you learnt to use it, you need to learn this too :)19:11
arceyeI agree, I do need to learn this, but its the inconsistencies and no specific standards that mess me up19:14
arceyefor example you game me a command for gksudo mousepad  to open mousepad as root, I got a message saying not installed, so had to use sudo mousepad instead,   in windows I tell someone to open notepad and it's there19:16
Unit193So, open mousepad and it's there?19:17
arceyeok the point I was making was missed a little19:18
sohail-ahmedI have a web page containing having 20 lectures in pdfs, Is it possible to get all of them using one command like wget or httrack19:28
arceyeok next help I need I am using disks to try to benchmark a drive partition , the partition is unmounted but I am getting Error seeking to offset 3927404544(g-io-error-quark, 13)19:29
sohail-ahmedI want to connect to an ftp site ftp://ftp.ma.utexas.edu/pub/cheney-kincaid/ to download certain files, how can I do that?19:49
sohail-ahmedusing ftp19:49
bekkssohail-ahmed: USe a ftp client, like filezilla.19:49
sohail-ahmedno command line options?19:50
bekkssohail-ahmed: "ftp".19:50
sohail-ahmedyes but I am unable to make that happen, I type ftp "The address"19:50
sohail-ahmedand when I get the prompt >ftp19:50
sohail-ahmedto use "get filename"19:51
bekksat the ftp prompt, type: connect "the address"19:51
sohail-ahmedit say not connect19:51
bekksThen connect before...19:51
Sysijust open that url in firefox19:51
sohail-ahmedthe command >ftp ftp://ftp.ma.utexas.edu/pub/cheney-kincaid/ returns invalid command19:51
bekksBecause ir is an invalid command.19:52
bekks"connect ftp.ma.utexas.edu"19:52
sohail-ahmed>ftp connect ftp://ftp.ma.utexas.edu/pub/cheney-kincaid/ returns invalid19:52
bekkssohail-ahmed: Because it is invalid...19:52
sohail-ahmedftp> connect ftp.ma.utexas.edu/pub/cheney-kincaid/19:52
sohail-ahmed?Invalid command19:52
bekkssohail-ahmed: No. Thats not the command I just gave you.19:53
sohail-ahmedsorry wait19:53
sohail-ahmedI am embrassed to not get this understood but connect ftp.ma.utexas.edu (ftp://ftp.ma.utexas.edu)19:55
sohail-ahmed?Invalid command19:55
sohail-ahmedany ways I am unable to see "connect" as a available ftp command through ftp help19:57
bekkssohail-ahmed: http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch001246.htm20:01
sohail-ahmedThanks for link20:04
sohail-ahmedopen ftp.ma.utexas.edu20:04
sohail-ahmedConnected to dell5.ma.utexas.edu.20:04
sohail-ahmed220 (vsFTPd 2.2.0)20:04
sohail-ahmedName (ftp.ma.utexas.edu:sohail): USER20:04
sohail-ahmed530 This FTP server is anonymous only.20:04
sohail-ahmedLogin failed.20:04
sohail-ahmedftp> open ftp.ma.utexas.edu20:04
sohail-ahmedAlready connected to dell5.ma.utexas.edu, use close first.20:04
sohail-ahmedftp> dir20:04
sohail-ahmed530 Please login with USER and PASS.20:04
bekksUSe a pastebin instead of flooding this channel.20:06
sohail-ahmedWould you please tell me what to put in the user name, when it says "This FTP server is anonymous only."20:09
sohail-ahmedand password = "password", right??20:10
bekksBy default, for anonymous ftp, the username is anonymous and the password is your email.20:11
sohail-ahmeddoes your email show up while typing it as a password?20:12
bekksNormally it doesnt, but that strongly depends on the exact implementation of the ftp program.20:13
sohail-ahmedwhen I type my pass word it say "Cannot locate user entry: ftp" , login failed20:14
sohail-ahmedthe password I am tryping is my email address20:14
bekksThe username "ftp" is NOT the usename "anonymous".20:15
bekksUse "anonymous" as username.20:15
sohail-ahmedyes I did20:15
bekksYou didnt, the error message is very clear about that.20:15
bekksSo the ftp server isnt configured correctly.20:17
sohail-ahmedany solution?20:18
SysiI'm still suggesting using a webbrowser20:18
bekkssohail-ahmed: Use a webbrowser, sicne you cannot reconfigure the ftp server.20:18
sohail-ahmedOK. But there are alot of files, and I dont want to get them one by one. Is it possible to get them at once20:19
bekks"20" are not "a lot of" - 20 can easily be handled one by one :)20:20
bekksYou could have started all 20 downloads meanwhile.20:21
sohail-ahmedI beg to disagree, but there are 16 main folders and then each of these 16 folders have 17 more subfolders20:22
sohail-ahmedis not wget works here???20:23
bekkswget is able to recursively download files.20:23
sohail-ahmedwould you please a write a command for me20:24
Sysiyeah wget seems to support ftp too20:25
bekkssohail-ahmed: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/273743/using-wget-to-recursively-fetch-a-directory-with-arbitrary-files-in-it20:26
sohail-ahmedThanks both of you, it downloading and I am about to see whether it downloaded in exact structure or not..20:29
maratHi all20:32
surajI need some help with auto startup scripts20:59
surajspecifically i am trying to run a script on startup with specifice user (non-root)21:01
suraji am using the following line in my rc.local21:01
surajsu username -c "path to script/script.sh"21:02
surajbut it doesnt run21:02
Sysido you want to run it before login?21:02
suraji have login removed (auto login)21:03
suraji tried ot run it in terminal (as in normally i boot up and opena terminal and run the above line instead of running it from rc.local)21:04
Sysiuse settings -> sessions and startup -> autostart21:04
surajand when i enter su username -c "command"21:04
surajit asks me for a password21:04
surajand then does nothing21:05
Sysido you need to run it as root or different user than you logged in with?21:05
surajdifferent user21:05
surajnot different than the one i logged in woth21:05
surajjust not root21:06
Sysiso use xfce settings21:06
surajbut it should work this way too right21:06
SysiI'm not so sure about that21:07
Sysiit might be possible but it's terribly overcomplicated at least for this situation21:07
surajshouldnt be as simple as add the path to the script in rc.local...thats how i do it normally with the exception that normally i need to run it as root21:08
surajok will try xfce settings21:08
surajbut just asking shouldnt su username -c "command" work on the terminal  (forget autostartup)21:09
Sysi"sudo -u username command" should21:10
Sysieven crontab of the user in question would be better than rc.local21:10
surajhow do i do crontab ---- pardon my lack of knowledge21:11
David-Asuraj: "it asks me for a password and then does nothing" nothing? are you sure the script works? can you run it when you are logged in as the user?21:11
David-Asuraj: remember that a command run with su does not have exactly the same environment as a logged in user.21:12
surajbut su with a prefix of the username does right?21:12
Sysialso it's different to run from rc.local than shell21:13
Sysidoesn't su require root passwd? which you shouldn't have21:13
Sysiyou can edit crontab with crontab -e as the user you want to run command with21:14
surajok then?21:14
Sysithen adding "@reboot command" without quotes should do it21:14
surajok....let me give the ideas you and David mentioned a go .... will be back in 5 mins or so with results.....thanks :-)21:15
surajthe sudo -u username command thing worked in rc.local21:22
surajthanks Sysi and David21:22
surajif you guys are into cryptocurrencies please provide me with your wallet address and i will send a donation your way :-)21:23
noclavI installed ver 13.10 on a 8 gb flash drive and have very little space free anyone know a few programs i can remove im connected via ssh and i dont need games or any other software that ia not necessary22:31
starratsI didn't think xubuntu 13-10 was that big?22:34
David-Anoclav: see if there are languages installed that you dont need, and uninstall them22:38
noclavwhat is the command for apt-get remove to remove all except english22:39
noclavI saw it say downloading lang packs during install22:39
David-Anoclav: the easiest way to see what langs are installed is the Language Support tool. there you can also uninstall the ones you dont want22:40
noclavIs there a way from ssh i install xrdp but when i connect its just a gray screen with an x for cursor22:41
David-Anoclav: see man page of apt-get about "clean", "autoclean" and "autoremove", to clean local repos or uninstall unneeded packages22:44
David-Anoclav: dpkg-query --show '*locale*' '*language*' # may hint what languages are installed22:52
noclavI see different languages for support translations23:04
David-Anoclav: I think only the ones with a version after may be installed. use dpkg-query --status <pkgname> or --list <pattern> for more info about packages23:10
noclavWhat would cause xrdp to display gray scren with x as cursor23:23
=== arc__ is now known as Arceye

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