
=== mwhudson is now known as zz_mwhudson
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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cargillif a charm has a database relation, how should it handle being in relation to multiple databases at once? should it reject the second join? should it ignore it?14:07
hazmatcargill, well as a client to a database, each of the db conns would have different relation names14:19
hazmatcargill, ie.. mediawiki does this.. it can have multiple mysql relations.. one for read slave and one for db.. it distinguishes the usage based on the relation name (which also means different rel hooks)14:20
hazmatcargill, client/require deps are only satisified once per service.14:20
cargillhazmat: but if you have a database relation, the user can still join it with multiple charms, right?14:21
cargill(database charms)14:21
hazmatcargill, right.. the server/provider side can have many instances of the relation14:22
hazmatcargill, in terms of distinguishing between those, you can use relation-ids to list the different instances of that named relation on the server14:23
hazmatcargill, its not clear what your question/use case is.. could you elaborate?14:24
cargillyou say provider can have multiple instances of a relation, but the other side cannot?14:24
cargilldesigning a db-relation-joined/departed, I wonder if I have to handle a user setting up a relation to multiple database charms (where the application can only connect to a single database)14:26
hazmatcargill, well... technically it can, its just not common (and certains tools like the gui don't support it)14:27
hazmatcargill, you mean like they can connect to postgres or mysql?14:27
hazmatcargill, maybe this example clarifies http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6949028/14:29
hazmatactually that simplifies it too much.. here's a better example http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6949032/14:31
cargillso again, the question is, if someone tries to do that (add a second db relation, where one is already active), what's the right response?14:33
cargill(from the *joined/departed hooks)14:34
hazmatcargill, i'd error so it draws attention from admin14:56
hazmatcargill, and log an appropriate error msg14:56
cargillsure :)14:56
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=== frobware is now known as zz_frobware
tomixxx3hi, is it bad if it says "instance-state: missing" after deploying a charm?15:43
tomixxx3agent-state is "started" :-)15:43
marcoceppitomixxx3: is this on local provider?16:17
tomixxx3hi marcoceppi16:17
tomixxx3what do u mean with "local provider" ?16:17
marcoceppitomixxx3: the instance-state: missing, what provider are you using? Local, amazon, hp cloud, etc16:18
marcoceppitomixxx3: interesting, does it still say missing?16:18
tomixxx3yep, btw nodes has internet-access now :-)16:18
tomixxx3i had to set "router ip" in maas dashboard to the same ip of the MaaS-Server16:19
tomixxx3figured this out with jtv in #maas16:19
marcoceppitomixxx3: ah, good to know16:19
tomixxx3marcoceppi: right now, i have deployed a bunch of charms and i'am waiting until the all have "started"16:20
marcoceppitomixxx3: well that means it simply can't figure out if the instance is running or not. missing could mean the instance is gone or it can't get a status16:20
tomixxx3marcoceppi: oh no, sounds not good16:21
tomixxx3but let's see16:21
marcoceppitomixxx3: could you show me your juju status?16:21
marcoceppitomixxx3: also, in the horizon dashboard do you see instances launched?16:21
tomixxx3i mean, i have deployed multiple charms on a single node, because i have not that much nodes16:21
tomixxx3with lxc-creat if u remember16:22
marcoceppiso, are you using openstack or maas?16:22
tomixxx3both ? ^^16:23
marcoceppitomixxx3: can you pastebin your juju status please16:23
tomixxx3one sec16:24
tomixxx3as u can see, cloud2.master is still booting16:25
tomixxx3(ok i cann see the node is booting ^^)16:25
marcoceppitomixxx3: Okay, so this is on the maas environment16:25
tomixxx3however, nova-volume failed16:25
marcoceppiinstance-state missing is probably a known issue with lxc containers, the agent-start is started and that's all that matters16:25
marcoceppicloud2.master probably needs to be power cycled depending on how long ago you commisioned it16:26
marcoceppinova-volume is in error, so try running juju resolved --retry nova-volume/0 see if that helps16:26
tomixxx3cloud2.master is installing ubuntu right now16:26
tomixxx3i have it in front of me16:26
marcoceppitomixxx3: gotchya16:26
marcoceppitomixxx3: also, could you pastebin the log from nova-volume/016:27
marcoceppiit'll be in /var/log/juju/unit-nova-volume-0.log16:27
marcoceppion nova-volume/016:28
tomixxx3i have to login on nova-volume/0 for this i guess?16:28
marcoceppitomixxx3: if you recall, co-locating most all services to LXC /might/ work but isn't recommended. You might need to do some re-jiggering to get it to work16:29
marcoceppitomixxx3: yes, run juju ssh nova-volume/016:29
tomixxx3"re-jiggering" ?16:29
marcoceppitomixxx3: you might have to massage the node a little bit to get it to setup16:30
tomixxx3at home, i have two physical nodes lying around, maybe i attach them to the cloud16:30
marcoceppitomixxx3: it might not be needed16:30
marcoceppiit depends on why nova-volume errored out16:30
tomixxx3do u know how i can Strg+A the content of a file openend with vi16:33
marcoceppitomixxx3: you can install pastebinit16:33
marcoceppithen run cat /var/log/juju/unit-nova-volume-0.log | pastebinit16:33
marcoceppiand it'll give you a pastebin url16:33
tomixxx3a nice ^^16:34
tomixxx3here it is: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/694965916:36
marcoceppitomixxx3: okay, so this is the error16:37
marcoceppinova-volume ERROR: /dev/xvdb is not a valid block device16:37
marcoceppinova-volume needs a block device to take over16:37
marcoceppilike ceph16:37
marcoceppiI don't know if you actually need nova-volume16:38
marcoceppijamespage: do you actually need cinder or nova-volume to deploy openstack?16:39
jamespagemarcoceppi, you can elect to not have block storage and drop it16:39
marcoceppijamespage: cool, thanks16:39
jamespagealso nova-volume is < folsom btw16:39
tomixxx3btw, all other charms are started now :-)16:39
marcoceppijamespage: right, cinder is recommended for folsom right?16:39
jamespageand should not be carried through to 14.0416:40
jamespagemarcoceppi, that's correct yes16:40
marcoceppijamespage: cool, thanks!16:40
marcoceppitomixxx3: what you can do, for the sake of getting your openstack demo running, is remove nova-volume and continue on with the deployment16:40
tomixxx3nova-volume needs its own machine, i guess? (i have read sth like this a few weeks ago, if i remember correct)16:41
cargillin tests, when I've changed a condif value, how do I find out when the change has been carried out so that I can test the result?16:41
marcoceppitomixxx3: yeah, though in future deployments you'll want to use cinder instead16:41
marcoceppicargill: are you using amulet?16:41
cargillnot yet16:41
marcoceppicargill: then there really isn't a way at the moment16:41
cargillbut can do if it makes things like that possible16:42
marcoceppicargill: well, it's not perfect, but it strives to resolve that problem by monitoring the hook queue for all the services to know when the environment is idle16:42
marcoceppicargill: otherwise you'll just have to put a sleep or something in your test for X seconds you think it takes on average for the config-change to occur16:43
tomixxx3marcoceppi: More abstractly, later on, i want to upload sth to my cloud, process sth on my cloud and download sth from my cloud. so, is nova-volume not a kind of cloud-storage which i need?16:43
tomixxx3(for now, i will remove nova-volume)16:44
cargillmarcoceppi: well, a config change can be a change in the deployed version, that means a redownload, there's no telling really, then16:44
marcoceppitomixxx3: you'll probably use an object store, nova-volume is for attaching drives and blocks to your servers16:44
marcoceppiwhere as the object store can be used to upload stuff, have your servers process stuff, then place the results there16:44
marcoceppiswift is the object store used in OpenStack16:44
marcoceppicargill: exactly16:44
marcoceppicargill: that's why I started amulet, to be able to intercept relation values and validate those values and to know when an environment was idle16:45
cargillwhere's the docs for amulet? can't find it in the juju docs16:48
tomixxx3hmm i have executed "juju destroy-service nova-volume" but it does not disappear when i call "juju status"16:48
marcoceppicargill: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/tools-amulet.html16:48
marcoceppitomixxx3: because it's in an error state16:49
marcoceppitomixxx3: just keep runnin juju resolved nova-volume/016:49
tomixxx3if i do "juju add-relation nova-compute rabbitmq-server" i get ambiguoos relation16:51
marcoceppitomixxx3: what's the ambiguous relation output?16:52
marcoceppino worries16:52
marcoceppitomixxx3: nova-compute:amqp rabbitmq-server:amqp16:53
marcoceppitomixxx3: use `juju add-relation nova-compute:amqp rabbitmq-server:amqp`16:53
tomixxx3ok, all relations added16:58
tomixxx3(except those with nova-volume)16:59
tomixxx3now, i should point to http://node-address/horizon16:59
tomixxx3i got an "Internal Server Error" when calling
marcoceppitomixxx3: you may have to wait for a few mins17:00
tomixxx3this leightweight-container thing is quite interesting, they have their own ips ^^17:00
cargillmarcoceppi: amulet is awesome, it actually allows one to look into the service unit and see whether things are ok or not17:02
tomixxx3latest juju state: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/694978017:02
marcoceppicargill: glad you think so, there are still a few bugs being worked out with how subordinates function, but it's coming along quite nicely17:03
cargillwhere anything else would be a lot of boilerplate around ssh duplicated between charms17:03
marcoceppitomixxx3: is the dashboarding working now?17:03
tomixxx3marcoceppi: no, not yet. do i have to expose some charms?17:04
tomixxx3according to guide: 5. Expose the services you want (optional)17:04
tomixxx3but i have maas, not?17:04
tomixxx3guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuCloudInfrastructure#Install_Juju17:05
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marcoceppitomixxx3: maas has no firewaller, so it doesn't matter17:06
tomixxx3ok, btw, works17:06
tomixxx3and it says, it has no content yet17:07
marcoceppitomixxx3: what version of openstack did you deploy? folsom? grizzly?17:07
marcoceppitomixxx3: what does juju get openstack-dashboard show for openstack-origin?17:09
tomixxx3default: true17:09
marcoceppitomixxx3: what does value show?17:10
marcoceppiokay, so you have folosm, which means you ran into the django bug17:11
tomixxx3ok, is this a bad bug?17:16
marcoceppitomixxx3: well it prevents the dashboard from working17:17
marcoceppiwhich is kind of annoying17:17
tomixxx3k, is there a way to fix this or can i deploy another openstack version?17:19
tomixxx3i want a dashboard, i have seen already the dashboard on the usb-all-in-one-node-cloud-demo and it looked nice :-)17:19
tomixxx3gives me the feeling everything works as it should17:20
xp1990Hi! is anyone here available to help me with a problem?.17:23
xp1990I'm using juju 1.16.617:23
xp1990and the I'm getting the old index file contains no data for cloud, error.17:24
xp1990I have generated imagemetadata.json and index.json17:24
xp1990and uploaded them, using swift, to my cloud public bucket17:24
xp1990which is named juju-<hash>/streams/v1/17:25
xp1990then the two json files are there17:25
xp1990yet I still get an error when running juju bootstrap17:25
xp1990any ideas?17:25
tomixxx3horizon is folsom, right?17:26
tomixxx3is this a possible fix to the dashbaord error: https://lists.launchpad.net/openstack/msg17255.html17:27
tomixxx3marcoceppi: ok, i have to go now! however, today we made good progress :-) ty for all your help so far!17:29
marcoceppitomixxx3: np, I'll look for a patch for your django issue17:29
tomixxx3marcoceppi: kk, ty!17:29
marcoceppixp1990: can you run juju bootstrap --show-log -debug and pastebin the output?17:29
jamespagemarcoceppi, the dashboard is hosed with juju deployment prior to havana17:47
jamespagemarcoceppi, cloud-tools contains a new version f django17:47
marcoceppijamespage: yeah, I remember, this is just because the cloud archive has a more recent version of django, right?17:47
jamespageit should be fixed soon - I think its commited in juju-core17:47
jamespagemarcoceppi, yeah - you got it17:48
marcoceppithere should be a way to lower priority remove and reinstall django though, right?17:48
roadmrmarcoceppi: I just juju ssh'd into the node and removed django 1.5. 1.3 mostly works, though it also bombs on a few pages :/17:51
marcoceppiroadmr: bummer, I guess it's best to just use havana if possible17:52
roadmrmarcoceppi: that'd be ideal! I'm lazy and I just juju deployed openstack-dashboard. Is there a way to point juju to charms that use havana?17:53
marcoceppiroadmr: yeah, so you'll have to change the openstack-origin to havana for each charm, but that should trigger an upgrade17:53
roadmrmarcoceppi: oh cool! so it will just upgrade my existing charms/services? (if it destroys stuff that's OK, I don't have anything important there yet)17:54
marcoceppiroadmr: well, something like openstack-origin: cloud:precise-havana/updates17:55
marcoceppiroadmr: but yeah, it'll just upgarde the services and it shouldn't break anything or lose anything in the process17:55
roadmrmarcoceppi: awesome! I'll give it a try, thanks!17:56
jamespageroadmr, it will upgrade yes - but openstack upstream only officially supports serial release upgrades18:04
jamespageso you need to step18:04
jamespagesome things might double jump18:04
jamespageits an area the server team is doing some work on for icehouse18:05
roadmrjamespage: oh ok, I'll keep that in mind18:05
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=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
med_marcoceppi, et al: Is there a way with the local provider to pass in an lxc bind mount (or a way to edit the bindmounts and restart the container?)22:09
* med_ needs to attach a larger drive in an lxc/local-provider22:09
med_and/or is sherpa (ssh provider) now available?22:09
marcoceppimed_: not with lxc/local22:15
marcoceppimed_: but manual provider (previously ssh/sherpa/null) is now available22:15
marcoceppirecommended you use 1.17.2 release for manual provider as it's still relatively new22:15
med_marcoceppi, thanks22:15
med_marcoceppi, https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-manual.html the right place to start with manual/sherpa?22:16
marcoceppimed_: yeah, except it's not called null anymore22:16
med_looks good to me.22:16
med_thanks marcoceppi, giving it a whirl.22:17
* marcoceppi files a bug to fix docs22:17
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* JoshStrobl asks marcoceppi for a link to the bug so he can track it.23:11
marcoceppiJoshStrobl: which one?23:17
JoshStroblmarcoceppi: all of them! :P Well, any that are specific to fixes / improvements to Juju documentation, particularly if there are anything regarding improving documentation for local environments, promoting the use of Vagrant, etc.23:18
JoshStroblIf there aren't any bugs regarding promoting the use of the Vagrant container, I'd be more than willing to file the bug if you just point me in the right place.23:18
marcoceppiJoshStrobl: there's none about that in particular, you can file bugs here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+filebug make sure to target the "docs" branch of juju-core23:21
marcoceppiJoshStrobl: we're also in the process of migrating the docs to gh, so eventually I think we'll track issues there as well23:22
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JoshStroblHey marcoceppi, by branch do you mean apply the "docs" tag in the tag section the file bug form in juju-core?23:27
marcoceppiJoshStrobl: no, there's a way to target a specific series23:28
marcoceppithe docs are a series of juju-core23:28
JoshStroblI see it listed on the right side of https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/docs/+bugs as a "Series-targeted bugs" but when you click "docs" and then go to file a bug, still shows the same form with no input area for providing the series. Is there a way to do that post filing the bug?23:31
* JoshStrobl thinks marcoceppi is probably face-palming right now23:32
marcoceppiJoshStrobl: you have to first submit the bug before changing it23:34
marcoceppiit's just a limitation of lp bugs23:34
JoshStroblWell, hopefully that'll get resolved in the future. Or maybe I should file a bug (if there isn't one already) for that too :P23:35
sarnoldlaunchpad is feeling a touch unloved, 92 critical bugs, 655 high importance bugs, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/23:36
JoshStroblmarcoceppi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/128134523:57

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