
=== mwhudson is now known as zz_mwhudson
=== zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson
=== mwhudson is now known as zz_mwhudson
UncleGuscan anyone help me out with installing wine in ubuntu?22:10
olly_UncleGus: what's going wrong?22:11
UncleGussudo apt-get install wine gives me:22:13
UncleGus wine : Depends: wine1.6 but it is not installable or22:13
UncleGus                 wine1.7 but it is not going to be installed22:13
UncleGussudo apt-get install wine1.6 tells me that wine1.7 replaces it22:13
UncleGussudo apt-get wine1.7 gives me:22:13
UncleGusThe following packages have unmet dependencies:22:13
UncleGus wine1.7 : Depends: wine1.7-i386 (= 1:1.7.12-0ubuntu1~saucy1) but it is not installable22:13
olly_what architecture are you on?22:14
UncleGussudo apt-get install wine1.7-i386 gives me:22:14
UncleGusPackage wine1.7-i386 is not available, but is referred to by another package.22:14
UncleGusThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or22:14
UncleGusis only available from another source22:14
UncleGusE: Package 'wine1.7-i386' has no installation candidate22:14
olly_UncleGus: dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH22:15
olly_i'd guess you're using a 64-bit install22:16
olly_not sure what the multiarch status of saucy is though - I don't have an ubuntu that recent around here22:16
olly_UncleGus: hmm, i can't see those versions - only 1.4 and older here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&keywords=wine&searchon=sourcenames22:20
UncleGussorry, I got distracted by work22:23
UncleGusinconsiderate boss22:23
UncleGusThe program 'dpkg-architecture' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:22:23
UncleGussudo apt-get install dpkg-dev22:23
UncleGusI think it is 64 bit though22:24
UncleGusis that the issue?22:24
UncleGusshould I be looking for "install wine on ubuntu 64bit"? or something?22:24
olly_well, that'll probably be why "Package 'wine1.7-i386' has no installation candidate"22:24
olly_but I'm unclear where you're getting 1.7 from22:24
olly_do you have some PPA or other external repo added?22:24
UncleGusno idea, man22:25
UncleGusnever used linux before a few days ago22:25
UncleGusI think I have it22:27
ajmitchit's normal for wine to have both amd64 & i386 enabled for dpkg, I think that's been the default22:31
UncleGusI'm following this tutorial thing, and it had an extra step for running wine on 64 bit wheezy, and I ignored it because I'm not using wheezy, or at least I don't know what it is=22:36
UncleGusso I just ran that step and it's doing some stuff22:36
UncleGusinstalling wine22:36
UncleGusyou'd think it would be one of the first things you'd find though, when you google the error22:37
UncleGusit was the first thing you asked me22:37
ajmitchwas the step something like dpkg --add-architecture i386?22:38
UncleGusthen apt-get update22:38
UncleGusthen apt-get install wine:i38622:38
olly_so that's enabled what's know as "multiarch"22:40
olly_which is a fairly recent change which allows installing 32 and 64 bit versions of packages on the same machine22:40
UncleGusso it can run 32 bit and 64 bit22:41
olly_yes, but packages need fixing to support it and not all have been22:41
olly_but most of the ones people really commonly want probably have been22:41
UncleGusnow I'm supposed to run this script but I'm getting a permission error, even when using sudo22:42
UncleGusokay, another question then22:48
UncleGusI'm trying to switch user or something22:48
UncleGussu - username22:48
UncleGusbut it's asking me for a password when I never gave the user one22:48
UncleGusis there some kind of default password?22:48
UncleGusor is there some way I can change a user's password22:51
olly_you can probably do: sudo su - username22:53
olly_or to set/change a password: sudo passwd username22:53
=== zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson
UncleGuswhen you run xvfb, are you supposed to wait for the command prompt to reappear or what?23:11
olly_you probably want to use xvfb-run23:15
=== mwhudson is now known as zz_mwhudson

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