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WoCAny device on which the status is stable/production ?01:07
WoCMako looking good :)01:12
pokesmotit's impulse buy #2 for me this month, a nexus 4 this time01:16
* pokesmot joins the party01:16
WoCLooks like a good pick01:17
pokesmotmore like the *only* pick01:21
pokesmoti have an optimus l9 currently. and seeing that if i wanted to really use ubuntu touch on a phone, nexus 4 is the way to go01:21
WoCAye, im thinking the same01:22
WoCToo bad that it doesnt have 4G/LTE01:25
pokesmotthe nexux? or the os?01:27
WoCThe Nexus 4 (Mako)01:27
WoCAnd no sd card slot01:28
pokesmotthis will be an issue.01:28
WoCnon removable battery01:29
WoCReleased 2012, November01:29
pokesmotand you say it looks like a good pick/. now i'm having second thoughts!01:30
WoCWell, as you said, its the one they are ahead on01:30
pokesmotin reality though, i'll be keeping my old phone01:30
pokesmotone thing i couldn't part with is flac audio into head unit01:31
WoCMaybe they can get 4G/LTE going with some dsp coding01:31
pokesmotmy car stereo won't play flac over usb, but will tske flac in bluetooth01:31
pokesmotthat is probably one of the few things i couldn't live without.01:32
pokesmotall this other stuff... i had used a candybar phone for years01:32
pokesmotno fancy apps, reminders, blah de blah01:32
pokesmoti'd really hope some day this takes off01:33
WoCSo do I :)01:36
pokesmotif only the desktop os would gain more steam01:36
pokesmotits starting to. i got my roommate to switch 100% to ubuntu, no more windows01:36
WoCI be holding off any phone upgrades for now, til a stable version is released01:36
WoCNice :)01:37
pokesmotspeaking of steam, i hear valve gave up on windows 801:37
WoCHeh, no wonder01:37
pokesmoti was surprised to see all the major titles i cared to play, are available on linux now01:37
WoCWhich one your favorite >01:38
pokesmoti dunno, hslf-life has nostalgia factor.01:38
pokesmoti honestly haven't played any of them in years01:39
WoCIm an ol Q3 fan myself :)01:39
WoCSame here01:39
pokesmotused to be big into cs. but then it went retail, got popular, got lame01:39
pokesmoti stopped playing, and later secured my reason to not play computer games01:40
pokesmoti guess it's hard to play first person shooters without a left hand01:40
WoCOpps, that might be difficult yes01:40
pokesmoti had once made a controller with a few foot buttons and an ardino. but cs will never be the same, really01:40
pokesmotif i want nostalgia i'd sooner play doom... or blake stone for that matter01:41
WoCheh :)01:41
pokesmoti'll play that game all day.01:42
WoCheh :)01:52
pokesmotyes, you may call me a simpleton.01:54
WoCBy the looks of it, by the time there is a release version of ubuntu-touch for Nexus 4, the device will no longer be made....02:00
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pokesmotWoC: the device is no longer being made.02:05
pokesmotcheck it out, https://www.google.com/nexus/4/02:05
pokesmotredirects to nexus 502:05
nhainesI just got a Nexus 5.  :D02:05
pokesmotas yet unsupported by ubuntu touch, i'll guess?02:06
nhainesSure, but the rebasing on Android 4.4.2 ought to make a community port pretty simple.02:06
nhainesAnd it should be supported by 14.10, I'd imagine.02:07
nhainesAnd as long as I don't drop it, the phone *should* have a nice resell value if some Ubuntu super phone comes out and I want to buy that instead.02:07
pokesmotha, if and only if...02:08
pokesmoti am debating bricking my phone on a school night02:08
pokesmoti hve never rooted a phone but i'm just feeling adventurous02:09
nhainesIn the meantime, Android 4.4 is an extremely nice upgrade from 4.3 on my Galaxy Nexus, and it should be a lovely Ubuntu phone, and I changed my plan to be less expensive, which covers the cost of the phone.  So it's win-win for now.02:09
pokesmotof course, this may be because i fried my brain cramming for calculus02:09
nhainespokesmot: which phone do you have?02:09
pokesmotlg l902:10
pokesmoti have a nexus 4 on the way, that's the one ill be putting ubuntu touch on02:10
pokesmotbut i guess i'm getting adventurous with my main phone02:10
nhainesAha!  Just dual-boot then.  It's fairly trivial and extremely well-supported.02:10
pokesmotno, the nexus 4 is going to be perma-ubuntu-touch02:11
pokesmoti'll still have the l902:11
pokesmoti'm debating putting cyanogenmod on the L9 just for something to do02:11
nhainesIf Ubuntu had Google Navigation and Ingress I'd never look back.02:11
pokesmotbut intuition tells me i should wait till the nexus arribes, flash that, then do something w/ the L9 when i have a second, -working- phone02:12
nhainesYes you should.  :)02:12
nhainesUbuntu on my Galaxy Nexus was pretty nice.  Just no useful apps, and the OS tends to be a little stuttery because the video driver sucks (not Ubuntu's fault).02:13
pokesmotit looks mindlessly simple02:15
pokesmothow do i back up my stock android os using fastboot? i didn't see anything about this in the help02:15
nhainesNo idea.  Probably just fingure out how to install nandroid.02:16
WoCthere is a how-to, using adb02:16
nhainesI didn't bother backing up anything when I was flashing.02:16
WoCdang, was just looking at it02:16
WoCright, here; http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/515981/20131023/install-ubuntu-os-version-13-10-lg.htm#.UqfEfuJRTDc02:17
WoCbackup covered02:17
pokesmoti'm speaking of my normal day-to-day phone02:18
pokesmotits an LG optimus L9 i want to put something else on02:19
nhainesWoC: that's just copy-pasted from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install02:19
pokesmotah thanks02:19
pokesmotadb backup -apk -shared -all02:20
nhainespokesmot: nandroid.02:20
pokesmotthats what i needed02:20
pokesmotlesse if it works02:20
pokesmotit works02:23
pokesmotno tool required02:23
nhainesWhat worked?02:25
pokesmotadb backup command02:27
pokesmotthough not sure what i get out, it's not done yet02:27
nhainespokesmot: that doesn't backup your email settings, SMS or call history, or lots of things.  Just be forewarned.02:30
pokesmoti just want the system rom in case of emergency02:34
pokesmoti can lose all data, that wouldn't be an issue02:35
pokesmotthough... does adb restore depend on a working OS?02:36
pokesmotie, isn't it possible for a flash to go wrong, and then being unable to restore a backup with adb?02:37
pokesmotoooh i get it! "phablet" is like a tablet-sized phone02:38
pokesmoti /just/ realized that now.02:38
pokesmoti have seen those things, they were bigger than my handspan02:39
nhainespokesmot: adb restore depends on a working OS.  But if a flash goes wrong, you won't have a working system to restore system data to.03:10
DonkeyHoteii'm trying to netinstall saucy on an x86 tablet so that i can then apt-get install ubuntu-touch, but the net installer won't see the keyboard i plugged into usb so i can't use it. any ideas?04:03
pokesmotwell anyway nhaines , thanks. turns out unlocking an L769 is convoluted so it'll be a rainy day project when i've got another working phone04:06
pokesmotDonkeyHotei: type lsusb in a terminal window to see if the keyboard is recognized./04:07
pokesmoti don't know.. it must be late, but that just sounded comical.04:07
DonkeyHoteii can't get to a terminal window because i have no working keyboard04:07
pokesmoti don't remember the installer... does the touch work?04:08
pokesmotor any sort of input04:08
DonkeyHoteiit's the debian text installer04:08
DonkeyHoteithe volume down button acts like a "go back" in the installer and that's about it04:09
pokesmothmm... sorry, not sure. perhaps it's not detecting the usb controller? i'm not real saavy in that regard, knowing the comings and goings of what devices work04:10
DonkeyHoteiit's as if the kernel is not compiled with usb-hid support04:11
pokesmotif i understand it right (and this is from my limited experience w/ linux on a wide range of devices)... when you get to devices less commonly used, less is supported04:13
pokesmotso, when you try putting it on a laptop support is less rounded. by extension, going to a tablet gets further out in the dark04:14
pokesmotand i'd imagine some devices use some chipset for usb controller or this-or-that, which is never found in a laptop or desktop or embedded system04:14
pokesmotdid you try searching the internet for "04:15
pokesmotlinux on [your tablet]'04:15
pokesmotso, it's real late. i've got class tomorrow and,04:16
pokesmotgood night!04:16
DonkeyHoteiall reports of installations used a graphical installer04:17
DonkeyHoteilatest graphical netboot is precise pangolin, where i can't apt-get install ubuntu-touch04:18
dholbachgood morning07:21
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Laneywhen I try to upgrade using ubuntu-device-flash or system-image-cli from trusty to trusty-proposed the new image doesn't actually get installed. What's up with that?09:37
LaneyIt downloads it, says it'll flash it and then doesn't09:37
Laneyjust reboots back into the old image09:37
DonkeyHoteidoes ubuntu-touch work on saucy?09:43
ogra_Laney, whats the commandline you used for system-image-cli ?09:57
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Laneyogra_: I think --channel trusty-proposed -b 0 -v09:58
ogra_hmm, that should be fine09:58
Laney-i says i'm on version 0, channel 'daily'09:59
ogra_Laney, what device ?09:59
ogra_hmm, weird09:59
* ogra_ waits10:00
LaneyI remember now, this is a 4.4 image10:00
ogra_well, you should still be able to cross-grade it with system-image-cli10:00
ogra_and ubuntu-device-flash sholdnt care at all whats on the device10:01
ogra_can you call it with bootstrap ?10:01
Laneylet me see10:03
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didrocksoSoMoN: good morning. Can you enlight us if https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dialer-app/+bug/1281026 is a design decision or a regression ?10:12
ubot5Launchpad bug 1281026 in dialer-app (Ubuntu) "Putting call on hold no longer gives notification mako #188" [Undecided,New]10:12
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy World Human Spirit Day! :-D10:12
oSoMoNdidrocks, I must admit I don’t know, it might very well be a conscious design decision, we’ll have to wait for boiko/tiago to get online to confirm10:13
didrocksoSoMoN: ok, I'll ask them about it (or do you prefer tracking that?), thanks10:14
didrocksoSoMoN: it's a minor regression, we are not going to block image promotion on this FYI10:14
oSoMoNdidrocks, as you wish, I can ask them when they get online10:15
didrocksoSoMoN: I would appreciate, thanks10:16
oSoMoNdidrocks, sure, will do10:16
MacSlowanybody knows of issues with "phablet-network" not being able to push wifi-settings to a Nexus4 (running image 181). to10:30
MacSlowI've been searching the ubuntu-phone ml for any hints... but no luck sofar10:31
ogra_no, that should just work10:31
ogra_whats the error you get ?10:31
MacSlowogra_, triggering phablet-network just times out10:31
ogra_and adb shell finds a device ?10:32
MacSlowogra_, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6948115/10:32
ogra_hmm, that looks like an error on the phone, strange10:33
MacSlowogra_, the wifi-settings page is also very empty... just one option being displayed "Auto-join previous networks"10:33
ogra_no networks ?10:33
MacSlowogra_, the wifi-hardware certainly works as I had it working with kitkat before I flashed it.10:34
ogra_MacSlow, aha10:34
ogra_MacSlow, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/DualBootInstallation#Android4.4Radio ...10:34
ogra_(ignore that this is for dual boot)10:35
ogra_(same issue)10:35
MacSlowogra_, *sigh* ok... thanks for the hint10:35
MacSlowall over again then10:36
ogra_you just need to flash the radio img10:37
ogra_its a thing of 5 min or less10:37
ogra_(plus download)10:37
MacSlowogra_, ok works again... thanks!10:54
popeyis there some magic to make nexus 10 appear over adb?11:40
popeyah, repeatedly unplug the cable and plug in again "works"11:40
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nik90charles: Do you mind reviewing and testing https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-clock-app/17Feb2014/+merge/20669312:33
nik90charles: it adds argument support to the clock app12:33
nik90charles: the last time this was added back in the 13.10 cycle, it caused the clock app to not be launchable on the phone. I just need someone to review and see if it is good.12:33
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melloheyisit worth installing ubunut touch on the nexus 7?13:11
cwayneogra_, thanks for merging that in :)13:12
Levi190xhello everybody , i'm here for know something about ubuntu phone13:13
Levi190xsomeone can help me please ?13:14
ogra_cwayne, np ... i modified it slightly13:14
cwayneogra_, saw that, it makes sense though :)13:14
ogra_next is multi ppa support13:15
cwayneogra_, i also added a small hack to rootstock-touch to copy over a package-list too, but that's not quite ready for merging13:15
Levi190xi want to know, if it's possible to install ubuntu phones os on my android phone ' Samsung Galaxy S3 "13:16
Levi190xit's possible13:16
popey!devices | Levi190x13:16
ubot5Levi190x: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices13:16
popeycheck that list13:16
ogra_hah, popey beats me13:16
melloheyis it?13:16
ogra_mellohey, the new or the old N7 ?13:17
Levi190xok great thx very much i'll see this now13:17
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melloheyogra_: both13:20
ogra_mellohey, the old one has a pretty bad driver so it only works so/so .... the new one isnt quite supported yet, but there are experimental images fo rir already13:21
ogra_*for it13:21
ogra_onnce we switch to an android 4.4 HAL (probably this week) the old one will be unsupported and the new one will become our default for the 7" form factor13:22
melloheyogra_: thnx, il probobly just wait then13:23
ogra_mellohey, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install_UT_on_android4.4.213:23
melloheyogra_: ty13:25
cwayneogra_, btw did some quick-and-dirty packaging of rootstock, if i can get it nice and cleaned up, care for an MR?13:29
ogra_cwayne, oh, yes, please13:29
ogra_note that the binary should be called rootsotck-touch ... i have further plans in other directions (rootstock-embedded for example)13:30
ogra_(binary package that is)13:30
cwayneogra_, yep, i figured that :)13:31
popeySaviq: do you know when shell rotation / sidestage will be enabled for nexus 7 2013?13:34
cwaynepopey, experimentally working now13:35
cwaynewell, forcing landscape, not actually rotating13:35
Saviqpopey, ppa:unity-team/demo-stuff13:35
popeyi have one and would love to do some testing13:35
Saviqpopey, can you point me at some docs on how to actually get Ubuntu on it?13:35
cwaynepopey, add ppa:unity-team/demo-stuff13:35
popeyogra_: ^^13:35
cwaynepopey, then add NATIVE_ORIENTATION=landscape to /etc/environment13:36
ogra_Saviq, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install_UT_on_android4.4.213:37
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Saviqogra_, thanks13:37
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cwayneogra_, seems you're missing a ';;14:26
cwayne' in rootstock-touch-install14:26
ogra_cwayne, ugh, thx !14:26
ogra_fixed and pushed14:26
popeySaviq: cwayne  installing apps sems broken on that demo unity ppa... if i click "install" I get taken to a json dump in a browser of the store output14:48
cwaynepopey, i think that's not implemented yet14:53
cwaynethostr_, ^ any eta on installing from click-scope?14:53
thostr_cwayne: hopefully tomorrow, give me 30 minutes to verify14:53
cwaynesure thing14:54
AlexHolsgroveI've just installed Ubuntu Touch n my Galaxy Nexus - and just get a black screen :(14:56
ogra_AlexHolsgrove, which channel ?14:58
dakerfrecel: ping14:58
* ogra_ runs the latest trusty-proposed just fine here ... and the trusty i used before worked as well14:58
AlexHolsgrove@ogra_ not sure what you mean by channel - sorry15:01
ogra_AlexHolsgrove, which channel did you use for the installer15:01
AlexHolsgroveI just followed this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install and used the fastboot commands15:02
ogra_(for phablet-flash or ubuntu-touch-install ... )15:02
AlexHolsgrovesorry - it's "Trusty"15:02
ogra_thats kind of obsolete, unsupported ... untested ...15:03
ogra_however you want to call it15:03
AlexHolsgroveah, so I would be better going back a version or two?15:03
ogra_no, you should use the proper installer tools15:03
AlexHolsgroveplease excuse my ignorance. The last install I did of Touch was when it was a non-functinal demo15:04
AlexHolsgrove^ functional15:04
ogra_right, back then we still supported to install zips15:04
ogra_nowadays you should use one of the installer tools15:05
AlexHolsgroveOK, I am running Windows 7 at the moment - is there a tool for that?15:06
ogra_either phablet-flash, or better ubuntu-device-flash15:06
ogra_hmm, i dont think so15:06
AlexHolsgroveI've just been using adb / fastboot as I have the Android SDK on my dev box15:07
popeySaviq: is there a list of the hints like the sidestage one, which go in the desktop file? or are they deprecated?15:16
jcbjoeis ubuntu-touch offical or is everything still in preview ? i have a nexus 7 i would really like to get it on15:18
Saviqpopey, there's only that and X-Ubuntu-Touch true/false15:18
Ohstopityouis Ubuntu-touch going to work on Raspberry Pi ?15:20
ogra_Ohstopityou, nope15:21
Ohstopityouthanks :)15:21
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bmoore_hello all... thinking of dual-booting my nexus 10 with cm11-nightly and touch, but am wondering how updating android regularly will work if--according to the wiki--touch installs in the recovery part... halp?15:42
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FuLgOrE_rsalveti, are you here?15:51
oSoMoNcwayne, hey, I have a fix for the 8tracks issue with selection: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/blacklist-selection/+merge/20674715:52
oSoMoNwell, it’s more of a workaround, but it should do the trick for demo purposes15:52
oSoMoNthe details are in the bug report15:53
cwayneoSoMoN, \o/ awesome!15:54
oSoMoNcwayne, is that something you can test/review?15:54
cwayneoSoMoN, i can test for sure, not sure i'd be the best to review though15:54
cwayneoSoMoN, can you get me an updated deb to try out?15:55
oSoMoNcwayne, if you can test and confirm that the fix works, that’d be a good start :)15:55
cwayneoSoMoN, if you get me a deb i'm happy to test it out :)16:01
oSoMoNcwayne, CI should spit out a deb and post the link to it in the MR soonish16:13
asacCI does that? nice :)16:15
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ogra_asac, not for all branches, but for most16:16
Saviqrsalveti, hey, since `bzr blame` puts it with you, who decided for GRID_UNIT_PX to be 21 for flo?16:17
rsalvetiSaviq: I did :P16:18
JayboneCan I load Ubuntu touch to Samsung series 7 tablet?16:22
Saviqrsalveti, looks like it needs to be reduced, everything's huge16:27
SaviqKaleo, do you have an idea for Nexus7 grid unit?16:27
oSoMoNcwayne, that’s the deb built by CI: http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-builder-trusty-armhf/2941/artifact/work/output/*zip*/output.zip16:27
ogra_Saviq, you dont have 4 icons per row ?16:28
ogra_(it was huge with 3)16:28
Saviqogra_, it should be more than 416:28
rsalvetiSaviq: can't be reduced unless we're in landscape16:28
* ogra_ wouldnt mind 516:28
rsalvetiotherwise you'll get sidestage in portrait16:28
Saviqrsalveti, well, that's easy to fix (and well, we're in landscape already)16:29
rsalvetiSaviq: great, even in portrait I believe it's too big16:29
Saviqrsalveti, sure it is16:30
rsalvetimaybe we can find a better value that would fit both cases well, but we'd need to fix the sidestage behavior then16:30
Saviqrsalveti, sure, once there's a definition for the desired sidestage behavior ;)16:30
rsalvetiSaviq: how is it done currently?16:31
rsalvetiI mean, how do you decide when to show the sidestage?16:31
Saviqrsalveti, > 60GU16:31
rsalvetiSaviq: got it16:32
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KaleoSaviq, should be ~21-2216:45
KaleoSaviq, but jounih is going to have a look16:45
KaleoSaviq, I think a simple policy would be to only have the sidestage in one of the 2 orientation?16:45
KaleoSaviq, maybe the largest one :)16:46
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SaviqKaleo, that's problematic when switching between orientations16:46
SaviqKaleo, what do you do with sidestage apps when you go into no-sidestage mode16:46
SaviqKaleo, especially if it's an app that only supports phone layout (aka sidestage layout)16:47
SaviqKaleo, it's 21 now, and everything's definitely too big16:47
mhall119Kaleo: would you be able to run a session on app performance analysis and profiling for App Developer Week?16:47
Kaleomhall119, darn, when is that?16:48
mhall119March 3-616:48
Kaleomhall119, that's carnaval16:48
mhall119you can dress up :)16:48
Kaleomhall119, literally :)16:48
Kaleomhall119, as in I won't be onlince :)16:48
Kaleomhall119, none of the brazilians will be here :/16:49
popeysome people come up with the darndest excuses ☻16:49
popeythats the best so far16:49
mhall119Kaleo: who else could give a good session on that who won't be dressing up and partying all week?16:49
Kaleopopey, wikipedia backs me up ):16:49
Kaleomhall119, let me think a sec16:49
mhall119^^ as of an edit 30 seconds ago no doubt16:49
mhall119timp: are you in Brazil?  If not, would you be able to run a session on using QML Loaders for App Developer Week, March 3-6?16:51
Pascalmsg mhall119 Hello, I´m Pascal, I´m will Ubuntu for UEFI 64 Bit.16:54
cwaynedavmor2, ping16:54
davmor2cwayne: How do16:54
cwaynedavmor2, good, you16:54
cwaynedavmor2, can you do me a favor and install this: http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-builder-trusty-armhf/2941/artifact/work/output/*zip*/output.zip then try the 8tracks webapp?16:55
cwaynepls :)16:55
PascalHallo ich spreche Deutsch könt ihr auch deutsch?16:55
mhall119hello Pascal, English is the most common language here16:56
mhall119dholbach might be able to help translate though16:56
mhall119or dpm16:56
dholbachPascal, Ich bin nicht mehr lange hier, aber wenn Du kannst, würde ich hier Englisch sprechen - das macht die Sache entschieden leichter.16:57
dholbachPascal, Worum geht's?16:57
Pascalum Ubuntu ich weiß nicht  ob ich die 64 Bit oder die 32 Bit version nehmen soll16:58
KaleoI thought we decided that channel was going to be french only16:59
Kaleowe're slipping16:59
DonkeyHoteidoes ubuntu-touch work on saucy?16:59
PascalHallo dholbach16:59
dholbachPascal, das ist keine Frage, die sich um Ubuntu Touch dreht.... probier mal http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/64-Bit-Architektur?redirect=no und die Leute in #ubuntu-de können Dir sicher besser helfen17:00
PascalHallo dholbach es geht um Ubuntu ich weiß nicht  ob ich die 64 Bit oder die 32 Bit version nehmen soll.17:00
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dholbachPascal, probier den Link aus, den ich Dir geschickt habe und frag das nächste Mal vielleicht in #ubuntu-de (ein deutscher Support-Channel) - hier geht es in erster Linie um die Entwicklung von Ubuntu Touch17:01
RienzillaKaleo: quoi?!17:02
Pascalachso ich probiere den link aus17:02
KaleoRienzilla, rien :)17:03
Kaleomhall119, give me a couple of days or so to figure it ou17:03
davmor2cwayne: let me get set up and grab the latest images and stuff. Then I'll get back to you17:04
PascalHallo dholbach ich habe einen UEFI Bios dan mus ich doch die 64 Bit Vrsion benutzen oder?17:04
cwaynedavmor2, btw to update 4.4.2 images and stage them i got a script setup17:09
brendandi'm getting an error when running phablet-flash ubuntu-system17:10
brendandERROR:phablet-flash:Backup requested but cannot be completed succesfully, try with --system-image-ready if the system is already on an Image Based Ubuntu System to force it or use --bootstrap if data saving is not important or the system is not already on an Image Based Ubuntu System.17:10
brendandcurrently it's on android17:10
cwaynebrendand, add -b17:12
mhall119Kaleo: ok, just let me know if you can (if you can't, that's fine too)17:13
Kaleomhall119, I can't, I was looking at who would be good for it17:13
DonkeyHoteidoes ubuntu-touch work on saucy?17:16
ogra_DonkeyHotei, define "work on saucy"17:20
DonkeyHoteiwell, i did apt-get install ubuntu-touch after debootstrap, and it doesn't start17:20
ogra_on what did you install that package ?17:21
ogra_on a phone ?17:21
DonkeyHoteix86 tablet17:21
ogra_no, that wont work currently17:21
davmor2cwayne: oh was it in one of the emails you sent out17:21
DonkeyHoteiwhat keeps it from working?17:21
ogra_you need the android hardware abstraction layer17:22
davmor2I haven't read it all yet17:22
ogra_Mir needs the GLES drivers17:22
cwaynedavmor2, no, haven't sent it out yet17:22
DonkeyHoteican't just use xorg?17:22
ogra_well, you can17:22
ogra_but that wont be ubuntu-touch anymore17:22
davmor2cwayne: can you send it out to me then please and I give it a bash17:23
ogra_you might be able to run unity8 on top of Xorg17:23
DonkeyHoteiinstalling ubuntu-touch installed xorg for me17:23
ogra_but you will surely have to tweak a lot17:23
ogra_(like the session start scripts etc)17:23
cwaynedavmor2, sure thing17:23
ogra_ubuntu-touch definitely has no dependency on any Xorg stuff17:24
DonkeyHoteiit seems to on amd6417:24
davmor2cwayne: I'm just going to try out rsalveti 's n7 fix first17:24
ogra_we dont maintain that at all17:24
ogra_thats just broken17:25
ogra_(and we dont plan any amd64 images currently ... the only x86 target in the not so far future will be android based x86 tablets17:25
cwaynedavmor2, this will pull that fix17:26
DonkeyHoteiso there is no free alternative to win8 atm?17:26
davmor2cwayne: yeah but I want it minus anything else to ensure that it works before I pull in other stuff that might break it again :)17:27
ogra_DonkeyHotei, you could try a normal Ubuntu install ... with Unity7 ... but thats not that touch friendly17:27
DonkeyHoteii meant a touch-friendly alternative17:28
ogra_DonkeyHotei, it is planned that Unity8 takes over the desktop in the 14.10 release, then the desktop install should work a lot better in touch mode17:28
ogra_for 14.04 we fully concentrate on the phone though17:29
ogra_(and android based tablets)17:29
DonkeyHoteiin 14.10 will there be any difference between ubuntu-touch and ubuntu-desktop?17:29
ogra_yes there will still be differences, but the Ui itself will eb a lot more touch friendly17:30
DonkeyHoteiwhat will the differences be?17:30
ogra_i have no crystal ball near me :)17:30
ogra_we are currently working on 14.04 ...17:31
ogra_anything for 14.10 are only plans yet17:31
ogra_and one of the plans is that unity7 will be gone from the desktop17:31
ogra_and be replaced by unity8 ...17:31
ogra_same for xorg17:31
DonkeyHoteiyou said there are still planned to be differences17:31
ogra_will be replaced by Mir in 14.1017:31
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ogra_no, i didnt say there are planned differences17:32
ogra_i did say that i assume there will be differences17:32
DonkeyHoteioh ok17:32
ogra_simply because we will only replace two parts of the desktop yet17:32
ogra_the rest will likely still be like it is today17:32
ogra_the touch UI doedsnt offer a desktop mode, doesnt use deb packages etc etc17:33
DonkeyHoteino .deb?17:33
ogra_it will take a few releases until all that stuff moved into the desktop space17:33
ogra_14.10 will just be the first one seeing changes in that direction17:33
ogra_and even for that ... it is only plans yet17:34
ogra_we need to finish 14.04 first17:34
ogra_before plans for 14.10 become more concrete17:34
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Kaleoogra_, ask me, I live in the future17:51
timpKaleo: could you please send me the changelog for the MR that I am going to submit at the end of february 2014?17:54
Kaleotimp lol17:55
timpmhall119: I don't live in brasil, but here we have carnival also17:56
timpmhall119: I'll talk to zsombi tomorrow17:56
freceldaker: ping18:06
dakerfrecel: did you managed to report the bugs ?18:06
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freceldaker: I was just about to finish my coffee and get to it18:07
dakerfrecel: ok take your time18:07
dakerfrecel: we hang in #ubuntu-webapps (me & alex-abreu)18:08
Darren-ToshAnyone Here?18:11
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cwayneogra_, got a sec for an MP? :) https://code.launchpad.net/~cwayne18/project-rootstock-ng/mimes/+merge/20678818:49
ogra_cwayne, looks ok to me ... we should put the mime test into a function later18:58
cwayneogra_, yeah, it can definitely be cleaner, but this was a 'holy-shit-its-not-working-lets-fix-it' type of fix :)18:58
ogra_what was not working exactly ?18:59
cwayneon mine (and your machine), the mimetype was showing as application/gzip18:59
cwaynebut on other peoples it was application/x-gzip18:59
cwayneso it was erroring out telling them they needed a valid tarball18:59
ogra_weird people18:59
ogra_merged and pushed19:00
cwayneogra_, thank you19:01
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berseksomeone here? xD19:04
volkovmqxhi !19:22
jcbjoewhen is this channel alive ?19:38
jcbjoeand are people from the US ?19:38
ogra_there are some from the US some from EU19:38
jcbjoecool i been here a couple of days now and really no answer to my question19:39
ogra_(but the US celebrates "first ladies husband day" today)19:39
jcbjoeis ubuntu-touch offical or is everything still in preview ? i have a nexus 7 i would really like to get it on  < -- i heared n7 will be just supported and i have it and i really want to use ubuntu-touch19:39
ogra_it is pretty usable already, but still lacking some apps (no email for example)19:40
ogra_are you talking about a new N7 ?19:40
jcbjoei have a n7 201319:40
ogra_(2013 model)19:40
ogra_that will only be official supported when the android 4.4 stack is used ...19:41
ogra_probably by end of the wweek19:41
jcbjoeeverything else works correct ?19:41
ogra_we have some experimantal images https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install_UT_on_android4.4.219:41
ogra_feel free to try them19:41
barryis ubuntu-device-flash still the command to use to flash devices?  i have the ppa enabled and that command doesn't exist.  phablet-flash does though  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install19:44
barry(unfortunately, phablet-flash tends to brick the device about every other time)19:45
ogra_barry, yes, it is19:45
ogra_sergiusens maintains it19:45
barryogra_: okay.  where does it come from? ;)19:45
sergiusensbarry, apt-get install ubuntu-device-flash19:45
ogra_there should be binaries in the PPA ... i use trusty so i dont know if the PPA works19:46
barrysergiusens: hmm, maybe my apt-cache is out of date :(  it didn't show me19:46
sergiusensbarry, for system images all it does is download a full image and write an ubuntu_commands for it19:46
barrysergiusens: ah, okay.  is that essentially what phablet-flash did?19:46
sergiusensbarry, trusty?19:46
barrysergiusens: yep, trusty19:47
sergiusensbarry, yes, but ordering is different and it's parallelized19:47
sergiusensbarry, it's in the archives for trusty19:47
barrysergiusens: okay, cool.  i've got it installed now.  hopefully i won't run into the same problems as phablet-flash19:47
sergiusens *** 0.2+14.04.20140207-0ubuntu1 019:47
sergiusens        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe amd64 Packages19:47
barrysergiusens: thanks19:47
jcbjoeogra_, im a n00b to ubuntu-touch im assuming i installed ubuntu on parallels once done i can just follow hwat you sent me right ?19:48
sergiusensI use it almost everydays with no issues19:48
sergiusensbarry, if you find a problem, please tell me about it19:49
ogra_jcbjoe, yes, should work19:49
ogra_as long as your desktop is using ubuntu it should be fine ...19:49
barrysergiusens: will do.  but yeah, it's strange.  about every 2nd or 3rd time i'm flashing it, the process fails for some reason and the device just boot-infloops on the google logo.  i have to flash back to android to fix it19:49
jcbjoeogyou said mail isn't working ( native app) but everything else is fine correct ?19:53
ogra_well, there arent apps for everything yet ...19:54
ogra_you really should try it to get an impression yourself19:54
jcbjoeok cool19:58
jcbjoei wonder if anyone uses it as a daily driver19:58
jcbjoewhen this concept came out last year i was so happy19:58
jcbjoebut my devices really didn't work and now i have this n7 and im re-excited19:59
barrysergiusens: does ubuntu-device-flash have a verbose mode?  i can't tell if it's doing anything.  i know the docs say "this step can take a very long time", but some progress indicators would be helpful19:59
sergiusensbarry, you want a spinner for pushing?20:03
barrysergiusens: probably downloading and pushing i guess.  anything to tell me "hey, i'm working on it!"20:04
sergiusensbarry, would be good to see the recovery logs when that happens20:04
sergiusensbarry, downloading is verbose20:04
barrysergiusens: even if it was tied to a --verbose flag20:04
barrysergiusens: hmm, okay, so i guess it's not doing anything then.  `ubuntu-device-flash --channel trusty --revision 174 --bootstrap` just sits there20:04
sergiusensbarry, ahh; I guess I can add an, waiting for fastboot20:05
sergiusensbarry, --bootstrap is meant to run from the bootloader20:05
sergiusensit's in the man and wiki20:05
barrysergiusens: yep, that would help20:05
barrysergiusens: okay, i'll update my script further (i was using --bootstrap from phablet-flash but maybe --wipe is better)20:06
sergiusensbarry, yeah, wipe is basically adding format to ubuntu_commands20:06
barrysergiusens: okay, that makes sense, thanks.  so first install needs bootloader and --bootstrap, and then after that --wipe20:07
barryyep, and now i see download progress20:07
barrysergiusens: got it, thanks20:07
ajalkanewith all these cmake changes, what's the proper way to build a click package for emulator? If I do it from QtCreator I get in the .click package *.desktop.in, not the actual *.desktop20:07
sergiusensbarry, yeah; bootstrap for when another thing was previously on; no args is normal operation and wipe is to format data20:07
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sergiusensbarry, I'll add a message to the --bootstrap option; you are not the first one (it's also in the help btw)20:08
barrysergiusens: "do this from fastboot" could probably use some elaboration yeah20:09
CountryfiedLinuxIs Ubuntu Touch GNU?20:22
ajalkaneCountryfiedLinux: At least the core apps are GPLv3 I think20:24
CountryfiedLinuxoh ok thanks ajalkane20:24
ajalkaneI think GPL is the default, though it's possible some components are under some other license.20:25
Akiva-Mobilewill this run http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/van/sys/4316317091.html?21:06
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tomlabirthi all. I'm trying to flash the ubuntu to my galaxy nexus phone. I followed the instructions on this website until the 4th step: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install, but the system cannot find the following command: ubuntu-device-flash21:46
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tomlabirtanyone who can help me in this problem?21:46
Elleotomlabirt: looks like that page needs updating you also need to apt-get install ubuntu-device-flash21:49
Elleoit used to be done via phablet-flash which was included in the phablet-tools package (which is in the instructions)21:50
tomlabirtthank you, and the arguments are the same? So i can use: phablet-flash --channel devel --bootstrap ?21:53
tomlabirtsorry. it seems to be i missunderstood what you wrote. So the phablet-flash command was the old method, and now i should use the ubuntu-device-flash?21:55
Elleotomlabirt: yes, now you should use ubuntu-device-flash21:58
Elleoyou just need to run 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-device-flash' first21:58
tomlabirtand which package contains this21:59
Elleothe package is just called ubuntu-device-flash21:59
tomlabirti tried to install it but no success21:59
Elleohave you added the phablet-team/tools ppa?22:00
Elleoand done an apt-get update since adding it?22:00
Elleotomlabirt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Step_1_-_Desktop_Setup22:00
Elleo(except with the addition of ubuntu-device-flash in the install line)22:01
tomlabirtohh. . many thanks. I skipped this line. I dont know why.22:02
Elleoeasy enough to do :)22:02
tomlabirtand what are the differences between the channels?22:05
tomlabirtif I'am not a developer, and I just want to try how it looks what should i choose?22:06
Elleothe channels determine how experimental things are, so saucy is the last stable release and won't really change much22:07
mrgoodcati can't get the ubuntu touch templates to show up in the sdk. I have tried a few "solutions" from the internet but nothing has worked. anybody have this issue?22:07
Elleowhereas devel changes frequently (so it has more features, but might break stuff from time to time)22:08
Elleoand devel-proposed is very experimental22:08
mrgoodcati made sure i'm using qt5 and the ubuntu plugins are loading. i just don't see the templates22:09
Elleomrgoodcat: you don't happen to have or had something like the nokia meego qt sdk installed as well do you? I seem to remember that causing some issues with the ubuntu sdk for me a while back22:10
mrgoodcatno nothing like that22:10
mrgoodcatits almost a clean install of 13.1022:10
Elleoin that case I haven't a clue I'm afraid22:11
mrgoodcatthis has happened to me multiple times... i've never gotten the sdk to work22:11
mrgoodcaton multiple different computers22:11
tomlabirti executed the following command: ubuntu-device-flash --channel devel --bootstrap, but no reaction.22:18
om26erdialer-app is opening in landscape on my desktop, HELP ?22:18
tomlabirtthe adb devices command lists my device22:19
mrgoodcati just spun a fresh vm of 12.04 and installed the sdk and can't get the touch templates22:20
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mrgoodcati'm done with this for the day. thanks Elleo for trying to help22:30
Elleomrgoodcat: no worries, sorry I couldn't be more use22:32
Elleotomlabirt: by no reaction do you mean no output at all?22:32
mrgoodcatat least you tried22:33
mrgoodcati've never had so much trouble trying to get help from the ubuntu community. maybe i just picked the wrong time of day to try...22:33
paupavcan i get ubuntu touch update on my galaxy nexus?22:34
paupavthe latest one22:34
Elleomrgoodcat: I suspect part of the problem is that a lot fewer people have deep knowledge about the sdk stuff than about most ubuntu related things22:35
Elleomrgoodcat: so you need to be lucky enough to catch one of the few people who know what they're talking about ;)22:35
mrgoodcati suppose that is possible. i'm just in an awful mood right now from trying to get this figured out22:35
tomlabirtElleo: Yes. No output at all.22:49
Elleosorry, I'm not sure what could be up then22:52
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isantopIs there any way to get Ubuntu Touch (or Unity8 with a log-in session) on an x86 tablet?23:07
beunoisantop, Unity8 on x86 is something that's being worked on23:21
beunoI'm not sure where that work is23:21
beunojasoncwarner may, if he's around (which he shouldn't!)23:21
isantopIs there anything to play with today, or is it all focused on ARM?23:22
isantopI can think of a particular company that's eager to sell Ubuntu tablets.23:22
jasoncwarnerisantop we haven't landed the preview session for 14.04 desktop yet. it's being worked. you can always get the touch image and try it out on a tablet.23:22
RAOFbeuno: You can *install* it now, but I don't know to what extent it works ;)23:23
beunoisantop, will let us know soon!23:23
jasoncwarnerRAOF :)23:23
isantopNot-working is fine. I just need something to show to the higher-ups.23:24
jcbjoefinally got ubuntu on this machine23:29
mhall119isantop: if you can get Ubuntu desktop running on the tablet, you can run Unity 8 in a maximized window to give at least an idea of how it feels23:34
isantopmhall119, That's easy enough; I've already got Ubuntu Desktop on it.23:42

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