
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
msxhello guys, i'm starting with Juju (so far loving it) and while I'm at the configuration stage I want to ask you: how do you usually use Juju, straight from the r00t account (seems somewhat dangerous to me), from a special account setup to that end (like use "juju") or just from the account you usually use to manage your Ubuntu servers?00:15
sarnoldmsx: so far as I've used juju myself, I've just used my own user account; if I had shared administrative tasks with other users, I'd likely take the 'juju' user route and have people ssh in or sudo in ..00:16
msxsarnold: that's what i was thinking, thanks a lot sarnold :D00:17
lazyPowermsx: its common practice to use a jump host when sharing it with a team00:24
lazyPowerthere are newer features in the pipeline that will make sharing administrative control of your juju infrastructure easier, but until thats 100% fleshed out and documented, my suggestion would be to use a shared host/account for management.00:25
msxlazyPower: hei! Sorry for the late reply. Yes, we are a very small team (just two) so my idea is to have both of us the same level of access to all Juju's features, thus I will be creating a juju account tailored for this end00:37
msxlazyPower: thank you very much for your suggestion :)00:37
* lazyPower hat tips00:37
lazyPowerany time00:37
msx"hat tips" lol00:37
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davecheneymarcoceppi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/128139403:50
_mup_Bug #1281394: uniter failed to run non-existant config-changed hook <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1281394>03:50
davecheney^ config-changed isn't manditory, right ?03:50
lazyPowerdavecheney: none of the hooks are mandatory afaik04:16
lazyPowerit basically creates an immutable service, but its not required.04:16
davecheneylazyPower: thanks for confirming04:17
davecheneythis is a regression then04:17
davecheneydeploying the ubuntu charm *used* to work04:17
davecheneyand that is a charm that doens't get much simpler04:17
lazyPowerindeed. i'm running the amulet test against 0.17.2 that arosales wrote04:18
davecheneylazyPower: what does , juju deploy cs:ubuntu04:25
davecheneygive you ?04:25
lazyPowerdavecheney: loading 1 sec.04:46
lazyPoweralso, the amulet test passed04:46
davecheneywell shit04:47
davecheneyone of us did something wrong04:47
lazyPowerwhich version of juju are you running davecheney?04:48
davecheneywhat does juju status ubuntu/0 say04:48
lazyPowermust be in trunk, isn't complaining about the config-changed hook04:48
davecheney2.1 ?04:48
davecheneywhat is that04:48
davecheneyare you doing upload tools from a release vesion ?04:48
davecheneylazyPower: something is very strange then04:49
davecheneyrelease tools do not have a 4th digit04:49
davecheneyoh, you're using the local provider04:50
davecheneynever mind04:50
lazyPoweri can check on a cloud provider, 1 moment04:50
davecheneyhp if oyu can04:51
lazyPowersure thing04:51
lazyPowerdavecheney: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6952734/04:57
davecheneycan you have a look in the unit logs on that machine and see what happened05:02
davecheneydid it try to execute the config-changed hook05:03
davecheneydid it ignore it05:03
lazyPowerdavecheney: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6952783/05:18
lazyPoweri see nothing relating to skipping the config-changed hook. let me check the unit-0 log05:19
davecheneylazyPower: yeah, that paste is the machine agent05:20
lazyPoweryeah nothing in the controller node's logs either05:20
davecheneywont' be05:20
davecheneywill only be in machine-1:/var/log/juju/unit-ubuntu-0.log05:21
lazyPowerthat was included in that first paste05:22
lazyPowerit shoul dhave been appended at the bottom05:22
lazyPoweri did a cat *.log | pastebinit05:22
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xp1990Hi! is anyone here available to help me with a problem?.13:07
xp1990I'm using juju 1.16.613:07
xp1990and the I'm getting the old index file contains no data for cloud, error.13:07
xp1990I have generated imagemetadata.json and index.json13:07
xp1990and uploaded them, using swift, to my cloud public bucket13:07
xp1990which is named juju-<hash>/streams/v1/13:07
xp1990then the two json files are there13:08
xp1990yet I still get an error when running juju bootstrap13:08
xp1990that says the index file has no data for cloud  {RegionOne <ip>}13:09
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marcoceppixp1990: can you pastebin your imagemetadata.json and index.json?13:17
tomixxx3marcoceppi: hi, do u know already a bug fix for the "internal server error" of openstack dashboard?13:18
marcoceppitomixxx3: you have to remove django 1.5 and install 1.3, I don't have the exact steps yet13:21
tomixxx3marcoceppi: kk13:23
hazmatmarcoceppi, do you have any amulet tests for mysql?14:12
marcoceppihazmat: just some very light weight skels, nothing of concequence yet14:13
hazmatmarcoceppi, k, just checking cause of addition of ssl support to interface14:14
marcoceppihazmat: ah, yeah that's fine, I'll make sure a test exists to gen ssl certs and validate those14:14
hazmatmarcoceppi, so.. i'm taking a slightly different approach.. might be more trouble than its worth.. but its much easier to configure.. ie just set ssl="on"  or ssl="only"and mysql services becomes a ca and hands its ca fingerprint on the relation, with only going to establish client cert passing and checking.14:16
marcoceppihazmat: sounds sexy to me14:16
marcoceppiI like making it easier for users14:16
hazmatyeah.. i still have to verify its sane for ha setups.14:17
hazmatbut significantly easier for end users and bundles.14:17
* marcoceppi nods14:17
dimiternhazmat, it seems the fix for bug 1174610 sadly cannot land yet, due to 1.16 having direct state access, and needs to be postponed until the next release14:49
_mup_Bug #1174610: unit ids should be unique <regression> <juju-core:Triaged by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1174610>14:49
hazmatdimitern, yeah.. saw the bug email.. no worries. glad to see it get some attention15:04
tomixxx3marcoceppi: do u think i can investigate the i-net on my own in order to get openstack-dashboard to run? or is it really hard to change django version?16:06
marcoceppitomixxx3: not that hard, just uninstall django16:11
tomixxx3so, sudo apt-get purge django1.5 and sudo apt-get install django 1.3?16:12
roadmrtomixxx3: yes16:14
roadmrtomixxx3: *some* parts of the dashboard will still error out, I got that but haven't looked into it further16:14
roadmrtomixxx3: still you should be able to get an overview and get the all-important credentials16:15
roadmr(it's mostly some graphs and reports that still fail)16:15
tomixxx3do i have to uninstall/restall django only on the openstack-dashboard node?16:17
tomixxx3roadmr: do i have to uninstall/reinstall django only on the openstack-dashboard?16:18
roadmrtomixxx3: yes, only on that one16:25
roadmrtomixxx3: juju ssh openstack-dashboard/0 should get you where you need to be16:25
tomixxx3roadmr: kk16:25
jamespagemarcoceppi, OK - I'm going to bite the bullet and write some amulet tests for the openstack charms16:36
marcoceppijamespage: there's a known bug with subordinates that's being patched16:36
jamespageI need better automated testing in the charm itself - deployer configs are OK - but its hard to get contributors todo that if they don't know about it16:36
jamespagemarcoceppi, is there a good example/guide I can follow?16:37
jamespageand can I use deployer configs?16:37
tomixxx3roadmr: ok i have installed django 1.3 now but i still get the interal server error. do i have to restart apache or sth similar?16:48
roadmrtomixxx3: hmm maybe, I don't remember if I did16:48
tomixxx3btw, i had to use other commands than sudo apt-get purge or install16:48
roadmrtry it and let me know if it works :)16:48
roadmrtomixxx3: oh really?16:48
tomixxx3yes, pip install Django==1.3 to install django for example16:49
tomixxx3can i simple reboot the nodes?16:49
roadmryes that should work16:50
roadmrtomixxx3: didn't apt-get install python-django=1.3.1-4ubuntu1.8 work? (assuming a 12.04 node)16:50
tomixxx3roadmr: dunno i have not tried this, but when i do some i-net investigation, i have read that everyone uses other commands16:51
roadmrtomixxx3: well you could also pip install django=1.4 which I think is the correct version for grizzly16:51
roadmrtomixxx3: I specifically didn't want to go too deep (at that point I may as well ditch juju and manage the servers manually) so I stuck with what I could do with apt-get16:52
tomixxx3roadmr: np, i just investigated google and i have found that other commands so i have tried them :-)16:54
roadmrtomixxx3: cool!16:55
tomixxx3roadmr: an mathematician told me: "todoay, the only important thing is to know WHERE to search" ^^16:56
roadmrtomixxx3: indeed :)16:57
tomixxx3ohoh keystone failed. "hook failed: "config-changed"'16:57
tomixxx3but openstack dashboard is online :-)16:58
tomixxx3i got the following "Unable to communicate with identity service: [Errno 111] Connection refused. (HTTP 400)" when i try to manually invoke "change-config"17:16
xp1990Hi guys, got a bit of an issue, during bootstrap my client will just hang at attempting to connect to17:17
xp1990Any idea how I could fix this, or debug it?17:17
tomixxx3oh keystone is working now oO17:22
tomixxx3i manually executed ./hooks/change-config and i got this http 400 exception but keystone is indicated as "started" when i execute "juju status"17:27
jamespagemarcoceppi, omg - /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/easy_install3 cherrypy17:32
marcoceppijamespage: ugh, I need to stop cherrypy for something else17:32
jamespagemarcoceppi, i object more to 'easy_install;17:32
jamespagemarcoceppi, currently means I can't run amulet inside our QA cloud17:33
marcoceppijamespage: what, would pip be better? I should actually just have the tarbal in there and use a venv I guess17:33
jamespagemarcoceppi, archive or contains in charm good for me17:34
marcoceppiI'll use something from the archive17:34
stubWhat is the syntax in an amulet test to deploy 'this charm'? It seems to be d.add('mycharm'), but that seems  to be hitting the charm store and failing with a 404 (since the charm isn't in the store yet)17:38
jamespagestub, I was just about to ask the same thing17:46
jamespagestub, I need a pre-flight test prior to submission or to review a MP17:46
jamespagemarcoceppi, ^^ is that possible?17:46
marcoceppistub jamespage that's a known issue that's being patched in 1.2.9 - it'll deploy using local, but will attempt to do a remote lookup when running relation grafting17:47
marcoceppiso it does a lookup against the charmworld api, quite annoying I know17:48
stubthat's ok, it means I get to submit my new charm without having to debug these tests ;)17:48
marcoceppistub: technically we don't require tests..yet ;)17:49
stubI require tests ;)17:49
jamespagemarcoceppi, confused17:49
marcoceppijamespage: sorry, when you d.add() charm, if charm is the name of the current charm the test is being run from it'll use that in it's deloy schema. However, later on down the road in the whole amulet stuff, it does a lookup against charmworld (where you're getting the 404) to get relation details. It's failing there17:50
jamespagemarcoceppi, ok- so it's using the local charm - I'm writing tests for an existing charm so that's ok I think17:51
marcoceppijamespage: yeah, it autodetcts if you're in a charm, when you run d.add('charm') and don't specify a charm to pull from, it'll check if the current charm the test is running from is the charm added and use that path for the deployer file, otherwise it'll expand the url to use the charmstore17:52
jamespagemarcoceppi, its used bzr to clone the charm into the deployer directory right?17:52
marcoceppijamespage: pretty much, yes17:52
jamespageOK - so any changes have to be commited to the branch first17:52
jamespageI understand17:52
marcoceppijamespage: actually, I think it does a copydir, I need to verify17:53
marcoceppipretty sure I did that instead to git charms would still work17:53
jamespagemarcoceppi, looks that way17:54
jamespagemarcoceppi, no - I can't tell17:56
marcoceppijamespage: actually, it looks like it leaves it up to deployer17:56
stubOh, charm proof wants a copyright now... anyone know what I should be using?17:57
marcoceppistub: an OSI approved license17:57
jamespagemarcoceppi, what's the assumption on where the things in tests/ get run from? the root?17:58
jamespageof the charm?17:58
marcoceppijamespage: CHARM_DIR17:58
stubSo wack a GPL3 on there since this is on Canonical time17:58
marcoceppistub: sure, a lot of people have been doing the debian style copyright file17:59
marcoceppistub: somethign like this, https://github.com/charms/wordpress/blob/master/copyright18:00
marcoceppibut basically, just who owns the copyright, and the license for all the charm files18:00
* stub copy pastas18:00
stubDid you really write that charm in 2012?18:01
marcoceppistub: yes, it's an old ass charm18:02
marcoceppiand that was a re-write of the original charm, so it existed even before that18:03
jamespagemarcoceppi, I've not got this far yet but does the deployer tidy up after itself?18:07
marcoceppijamespage: how so?18:07
jamespagei.e. will it destroy the services ready for the next run18:07
marcoceppijamespage: yeah, so each test file gets a fresh bootstrap, unless you set a certain flag18:07
marcoceppijamespage: you can log the output of the test run using the -o flag with juju test, which will copy all the logs from the run to the path in -o18:08
jamespagemarcoceppi, juju test was the bit of magic I was missing18:09
marcoceppijamespage: oh, yeah, sorry, amulet and juju-test are decoupled. Ones a framework for writing tests the other is the test executor18:09
jcastroutlemming, how close to non-beta do you consider the vagrant boxes?18:11
marcoceppiutlemming: on a related note, the mounts are broken in the latest images, where should we file bugs?18:12
jamespagemarcoceppi, ah - so I probably don't want to be installing amulet in tests/01-setup18:12
marcoceppijamespage: you probably /do/ want to be doing that18:12
jamespagemarcoceppi, yeah - but juju tests bootstraps and environment to run that script18:13
marcoceppijamespage: I'm working on adding isolation to juju-test, so running it will create an LXC that executes the tests without dirtying your system18:13
marcoceppijamespage: oh, yeah, that's another issue. For the time being people have been making the script non-executable, for the sake of time you can just feed the juju-test plugin the tests  you want to run18:14
marcoceppiie: juju tests 02-other-test 03-this-thing18:14
marcoceppito bypass waiting for a setup/teardown to install deps18:14
jamespagemarcoceppi, ok - nice18:14
arosalesjcastro: do you know if http://askubuntu.com/questions/134977/juju-stuck-in-pending-state-when-using-lxc is still valid for 1.16.x release?18:27
marcoceppiarosales: tjat18:30
marcoceppithat's a really old release of juju18:30
marcoceppiarosales: as in, that's python juju18:32
jcastroI voted to close it18:41
arosalesjcastro: marcoceppi: ack that is what I was thinking based of the comments and release18:48
hazmatand mostly likely its nothing to do with juju but the lxc version of the time if memory serves19:01
jcastroyeah, mostly I want it deleted so we can get the google search namespace back19:01
hazmatactually that quetsion/answer is still revelant19:02
hazmatufw can still interfere with local provider19:02
hazmatjcastro, ie.. this is still a real possibility https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/99823819:02
_mup_Bug #998238: local provider unit agents get stuck in pending state because of host firewall blocking communication <pyjuju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/998238>19:03
hazmatits dated but the symptons and solutions are still the same19:03
jcastroI wonder if we can put a check in core and at least spit something out?19:03
hazmatbugs away19:03
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lazyPowerutlemming: is there a specific launchpad project you'd like me to open bugs against the virtualbox images? I went looking for cloud-images and have found no such project or relevant projects  - the closes was cloud-init.21:53
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