
DaekdroomDoes anyone here use Clementine? Whenever I try to search a song in my library, nothing happens and CPU usage spikes.00:58
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vedranmhey guys, does 14.04 pre-release enable ibus by default?09:04
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AussieDownUnderFirst Xubuntu 14.04 bug09:25
AussieDownUnderWhile Steam for linux was installing no matter what I did to change windows or applications I'd continuously be thrown back to the software centre page for steam. Before I moved applications to another workspace I could switch between apps no worries, after I opted to move installers to another workspace I'd be getting thrown back to mostly the software centre screen. I ended up waiting out the steam download/installer09:27
AussieDownUnder & it stopeed after that. So I assume it's to do with the steam install while it's installing09:27
AussieDownUnderCan't seem to find my steam game folder in 14.04, is it hidden?09:57
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soeewhy there is Firefox 25 not 27 http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/firefox ?10:57
BluesKajHiyas all11:43
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riverloopHi, I'm currently running 12.04, I'd like to replace it with Trusty if it is currently in a usable shape.14:43
riverloopCan somebody tell how usable is Trusty currently?14:43
philinuxriverloop;~ hi they get tetchy in #ubuntu with +1 questions14:45
riverloopThat's alright. I'm new to IRC.14:46
philinuxI'm running it now on this acer 1410 laptop14:46
philinuxI would not run it on my main desktop though14:46
riverloopI have Acer 4736z, it's running 12.04 well, but there is a notable delay for the laptop to boot.14:47
philinuxHave you got a spare partition to dual boot 14.0414:47
riverloopI have, in fact.14:47
riverloopI have a 12.10 partition, which I don't use anymore.14:48
philinuxjust be aware that 14.04 is using a beta version of grub14:48
popeyI'm using 14.04 on my laptop and desktop14:48
popeyit's been pretty robust so far14:48
riverlooppopey: do you update it everyday?14:48
philinuxriverloop;~ you can check out some of the issues here > http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=42714:49
philinuxriverloop;~ yep same here update every day14:49
riverloopAlright. Thanks. The links would be helpful for me.14:49
popeyi sometimes update multiple times a day if there's interesting stuff14:50
riverloopI don't have a reliable internet connection, sadly.14:50
riverloopI can't update it too often.14:50
philinuxriverloop;~ dont use software updater14:50
riverloophow do you update it then?14:51
philinuxriverloop;~ terminal or synaptic14:51
riverloopI've always disliked software updater.14:51
philinuxriverloop;~ sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:51
riverloopphilinux: Thanks!14:52
philinuxriverloop;~ watch the dist-upgrade and check if it wants to remove anything14:52
philinuxriverloop;~ or start with just upgrade and see what it wants to do14:52
riverloopOkay. I think it would be wise to take a backup before everything.14:52
philinuxriverloop;~ goes without question14:53
philinuxriverloop;~ read the stickies in the u+1 forum re testing14:53
riverloopAlright. Thanks!14:53
BluesKajfeature freeze on thurs, so upgrade now !  :)14:57
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Nothing_MuchFeature freeze?15:05
Nothing_MuchBluesKaj: What do you mean?15:05
BluesKajNothing_Much, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule15:09
Nothing_MuchAh okay15:11
ice9I installed unity 8 on 13.10 from apt-get, how do I run it?15:40
Nothing_Muchice9: Did you check to see whether it's running or not? It should be enabled by default15:56
ice9Nothing_Much: I did: unity --version and it's 715:56
Nothing_MuchAre you using the FOSS drivers?15:56
Nothing_MuchOr the proprietary ones?15:56
ice9Nothing_Much: FOSS15:59
Nothing_Muchice9: Post the output of this15:59
Nothing_Muchps afx | grep unity-system-compositor15:59
ice911379 pts/5    S+     0:00          |       \_ grep unity-system-compositor16:00
ice9I think its not started16:01
ice9when I rutn unity8 it starts the phone shell demo16:02
Nothing_MuchUnity 8 isn't on the desktop yet16:02
ice9got it16:02
Nothing_MuchYou can run Mir with Unity 7 at the moment for an extra 5 years  on 14.0416:02
Nothing_MuchHopefully Mir gets released by 14.1016:03
ice9why would I use mir instead of X?16:03
Nothing_MuchUh.. you asked?16:04
Nothing_MuchOh wait16:04
Nothing_MuchMir is going to replace Xorg after 14.04, but it should be mature enough for everyday use by 14.1016:05
Nothing_MuchAnd that's when Unity 8 will be available16:05
Nothing_MuchFor the desktop16:05
ice9Nothing_Much: but Mir now is not for product use yet?16:06
Nothing_MuchNot necessarily, it's mostly for users that want to test it out and developers that wanna help contribute16:06
Nothing_MuchIn fact I think I might want to install Mir now..16:06
ice9Nothing_Much: is there any advantages for end users to run Mir instead of X?16:07
Nothing_MuchAs far as I know, there's a slight increase in FPS for *some* games on Intel HD graphics.16:08
Nothing_MuchIt's that and less bloat from X16:09
ice9since it's a wrapper between applications and X, things should get slower not faster16:09
Nothing_MuchIt's not a wrapper, it's something else that I'm not sure what it's named.16:10
philinuxI tried mir on this acer 1410 and saw no diff which is good I suppose16:10
Nothing_MuchBecause it's an X replacement16:10
ubottuA schedule of Trusty Tahr (14.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseSchedule17:41
geniiubottu: schedule is <reply> A schedule of Trusty Tahr (14.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule17:44
ubottuSorry, the @schedule function has been disabled. To see the schedule for meetings see http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar. To see the current time in another time zone, use @now17:44
ubottuBut schedule already means something else!17:44
geniiubottu: !schedule is <reply> A schedule of Trusty Tahr (14.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule17:44
ubottuBut schedule already means something else!17:44
geniiubottu: no !schedule is <reply> A schedule of Trusty Tahr (14.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule17:45
ubottuI know nothing about !schedule yet, genii17:45
geniiubottu: no schedule is <reply> A schedule of Trusty Tahr (14.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule17:45
ubottuI'll remember that genii17:45
ubottuA schedule of Trusty Tahr (14.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseSchedule17:45
* genii smacks the bot17:45
geniiMeh, work17:45
ubottuA schedule of Trusty Tahr (14.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule17:47
geniiPici: Had to specify the channel17:47
Picigenii: oh, so you deleted and re-added it in private?17:47
geniiPici: Yes, so as not to spam and also dissect a bit more it's messages17:48
Picigenii: good good17:48
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=== TomRiddle is now known as ToBeFree
Nothing_MuchIs it safe to use http://ubuntu-manual.org/about as a curriculum?19:03
miseria"cuantos millones de humanos perderian su trabajo si un miserable salario minimo fuera mandatorio en el planeta?" bienvenidos: http://castroruben.com *temo_a_un_ser_sin_rival*20:33
pepeeis this correct?  http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTYwNzU    VDPAU will not be enabled for the radeon driver in trusty?20:39
bekksOk, so who broke the latest kernel yesterday? :P Took me an hour to get my laptop up and runnin again :)20:55
utusanGS upgrade looking better and better. plus got the debian logo wallpaper. nice.22:53
AussieDownUnderIs it possible to change the xubuntu screen that you log back in from after the pc has locked itself? I'd like to see the same screen you use for login if that's possible.23:09
AussieDownUnderHow do I get more options for default programs? Can't set bugger all23:32
bekksAussieDownUnder: What are you actually trying to do?23:45

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