
=== IdleOne is now known as io
MylesBraithwaiteBobJonkman1 not really first I heard about it14:48
aruna_Hi, will anyone from Toronto be attending the Open Data Event ? http://wiki.opendataday.org/Toronto18:27
MylesBraithwaitearuna_ I was thinking about it if I can get Friday off.18:42
aruna_I have the same problem, have a meeting and some outreach+volunteering to do. Both I can get out of but I do not want to be the only person there from the community..18:44
geniiaruna_: The only location listed is Ryerson for Saturday. Is there some other main venue?18:45
aruna_It's a long session as well, two days from 9 to 518:45
aruna_genii: 1sec lemme check, I believe it is 900 Bay street18:45
MylesBraithwaiteFriday looks like talks and Saturday looks like the hackathon at PodCampToronto18:45
aruna_yuo dats exactly it, Sat is hackathon but Fri there will be city officials who are supportive towards Open source and we do this in a targeted strategic manner we may just get them to listen ?18:46
aruna_hang on genii am re-chekin ( zillions of windows here )18:47
geniiNo worries, I'll make coffee :)18:47
aruna_lol now your talkin :)18:47
aruna_This is for Fri: 900 Bay Street18:48
aruna_Ontario Provincial Building - MacDonald Block (Ontario Room)18:48
aruna_Toronto, ON18:48
aruna_Friday, 21 February 2014 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (EST)18:48
aruna_registration is here :http://www.eventbrite.ca/e/open-data-day-toronto-2014-oddto14-tickets-10509334703?aff=efbnen18:49
aruna_A single person they are highly unlikely to take seriously no matter how well am dressed or how well I present a case for FOSS but as a community group they may think twice ?18:55
aruna_I hate suits anyway so if am going will be jeans and T18:56
aruna_genii: where's the koffee ? :)18:57
aruna_The key session I feel is this :19:01
aruna_1015am - 1230pm:  Challenges19:01
aruna_"Problem Owners" present their issues and discuss solutions with the following Open Data & Open Government leaders:19:01
aruna_---Ron McKerlie, Ontario Deputy Minister of Open Government19:01
aruna_---Rob Meikle, City of Toronto Chief Information Officer19:01
aruna_---Heather Leson, Open Knowledge Foundation Community Engagement Director19:01
aruna_---Keith Loo, "Make Web Not War" (Microsoft foray into Open Source) Open Platform Lead19:01
aruna_---Moderated by Bianca Wylie, Co-Founder, Canadian Open Data Institute19:01
* genii slides aruna_ a fresh mug19:02
aruna_genii: many thank's ( i made some too :) sip-sip19:05
zykotick9i'd skip that Keith Loo talk...19:07
aruna_Well, from what I heard Keith Loo seems to be a good guy am yet to meet in person but my thinking was he represents MS and they have humongous funds ? If we can get Keith to listen and fund us but no strings attached. We code 'open' and GNU General Public License. Think of the possibilities ? If only we had funds to support all our krazy ideas ?19:17
* genii ponders MSBuntu19:18
aruna_hell no !19:18
aruna_neverrrr... die first :)19:18
MylesBraithwaitewe had one of the microsoft open source guys at a GTALUG meeting a few years back.19:18
MylesBraithwaitehe was nice and bought us beer19:19
geniiaruna_: Heh!19:19
aruna_zykotick9: I also had reservations about the way the site make web not war advocated open source but under terms it was the exact opposite. Hypocrisy at its very best if u ask me..19:20
geniiMylesBraithwaite: Do you know Colin McGregor over there?19:20
MylesBraithwaiteya he's on the executive and pog with me19:20
aruna_genii: not funee MSBuntu egad what will Bob Jonkman think ?19:21
geniiMylesBraithwaite: We're both on Toronto Freenet board together, he's a really good guy19:21
geniiaruna_: I think his head might explode....19:22
aruna_genii?: well "we" need him so nothing doing with your MSbuntu19:22
MylesBraithwaiteMS did do a version of unix in 1989: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenix19:23
geniiReminds me of Microsoft joke site they put up years ago: http://www.mslinux.org/19:23
geniiMylesBraithwaite: I actually used Xenix :)19:23
aruna_I met Colin at the dufferin park picnic and he is a very nice person, showed me a nuclear powered gizmo19:23
MylesBraithwaitegenii: that actually pretty cool19:23
aruna_genii: you free on fri ? or have to work ?19:31
geniiaruna_: I do the Mon-Fri 9-5 deal ( when there's not extra stuff needs doing....)19:32
aruna_genii: damn ! I belive in colloboration and this is a opportunity that may not come again and we lose nothing by chatting with Keith and others as long as they don ask us to push MS agendas ?19:34
genii10:15 on a workday isn't possible for me19:34
aruna_I know bro I know....19:35
aruna_Ah well.. I tried :)19:36

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