
robert_ancelljasoncwarner, no, but xnonx proposed we generate it https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/unity-greeter/off-the-grid/+merge/20589600:50
=== duflu__ is now known as duflu
didrocksTrevinho: hum, it seems unity doesn't respect disabling keyboard shorcut for menu anymore08:10
didrocksTrevinho: like I'm used to use Alt + a on weechat, (I disabled it in gnome-terminal to not use the menu shortcut), but now, alt + a displays "Affichage" (View) menu…08:11
larsuhey Laney09:02
Laneydesrt: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72260409:02
ubot2`Gnome bug 722604 in general "Various tests are failing with 2.39.3" [Normal,Unconfirmed]09:02
Laneyhowdy larsu09:03
Laneyhow do?09:03
larsuvery good, thanks. How about yourself?09:03
* larsu is trying to fix black-window-syndrome again09:03
larsuof course, it involves overlay-scrollbar. Again :/09:04
LaneyI'm good09:04
Laneyogra_ was complaining yesterday that his evolution wasn't fully fixed btw09:04
ogra_yeah, i have a black frame around the message view09:05
ogra_but i didnt re-login, i only killed evo and restarted it09:05
larsuogra_: did you get both updates? (evo and light-themes?)09:05
ogra_do i have to log out ?09:05
larsuwhich theme?09:06
ogra_i will have to check once i'm near my laptop ... Ambiance i think09:06
* Laney dist-upgrades to check09:06
larsuit is still broken in adwaita iirc09:06
seb128good morning desktopers09:06
Laneyhey seb12809:06
seb128hey Laney larsu, how are you?09:06
larsuseb128: did you test the theming fixes?09:06
larsuseb128: awesome :)09:06
seb128larsu, yes, it fixes the preview widget color for me09:07
larsuseb128: ogra_ still sees a black background around the mail itself (where the mail headers are)09:07
seb128oh, that I didn't test09:07
larsuI don't have that though and was wondering if somebody else did09:07
seb128wasn't that the part in evo itself than Laney sponsored?09:08
seb128the revert of the revert09:08
seb128I didn't notice this issue either09:08
Laneythat was the symptom of the original bug09:08
Laneythat you said wasn't necessary any more09:08
Laneythe revert09:08
larsuya, it isn't09:08
larsuI'm running the package you gave me and my theming fixes09:09
larsuand it works fine09:09
Laneylemme upgrade09:09
seb128no issue here either09:10
Laneyy u so huge09:10
seb128did anyone got unity8 and co pulled on their dist-upgrade?09:11
darkxstseb128, I saw it wanted to be pulled in09:11
Laneydon't think so09:12
LaneyI saw that there was a problem with recommends from (I think) indicator-datetmie09:13
seb128what problem?09:13
Laneyor maybe u-c-c09:13
Laneythe version was wrong so it satisfied the alternate which was some touch thing09:13
Laneythat could be the problem09:13
seb128do you remember which package/version it was?09:13
seb128that would be useful info09:13
ogra_a recommends that refers to touch would be pretty pointless anyway09:14
ogra_(since touch has recommends disabled09:15
seb128ogra_, we install recommends by default, it makes unity8 being pulled on desktop upgrades09:15
Laneyit's a recommends from indicator-datetime09:15
Laneyso anyway it was             unity-control-center (>= 14.04.3) | ubuntu-system-settings,09:15
ogra_seb128, yes, but if the recommends is there for touch stuff it is pointless09:15
Laneyfrom indicator-datetime09:15
seb128gnome-control-center-datetime | ubuntu-system-settings09:15
Laneybut there's a new u-c-c now09:15
Laneyso at least that one is now alright09:15
seb128oh, right09:15
seb128so maybe it's fixed09:15
Laneywhat's that paste?09:16
seb128old version in my apt-cache show09:16
seb128I've several versions and picked the wrong one09:16
Laneyif you still see it you can diagnose why09:16
seb128you are right, should be fixed09:16
seb128no, I don't see it here09:16
seb128I saw it on another box yesterday evening, I guess that was before the new u-c-c landed09:17
Laneyif it didn't have u-s-s then likely09:17
Laneyoh hey, I have evo black borders too!09:17
seb128right, the box didn't have u-s-s09:18
seb128it was a new install from this week on the laptop I got for touch testing09:19
seb128I didn't change anything since the install09:19
seb128so it was pretty stock trusty09:19
seb128but yeah, u-c-c .3 was published 8 hours ago09:20
seb128so pretty sure that's it09:20
* Laney tries old evo 09:20
darkxstyeh fixed here also09:22
Laneyyeah, that fixes it :/09:22
Laneylarsu: http://ubuntuone.com/1pJMJrUIRBSSaqECfuvgvX like that09:26
seb128so it was the patch that got dropped yesterday that fixes it?09:26
Laneyseems it is still needed, for me at least09:26
Laneywhy wouldn't everyone see it though?09:26
ogra_Laney, well, thats exactly what i see09:32
Laneyyou and me do not everyone make09:32
Laneyas sad as that is to admit :P09:32
seb128Trevinho, bregma, you guys have lot of good work that needs to land, you should file landing ask at least once a day09:34
seb128Trevinho, bregma: need to keep things rolling ;-)09:34
seb128hey Sweetshark09:34
Sweetsharkseb128: Can you please sync mdds 0.10.2 from experimental? LO 4.2.1~rc1 needs it, and possibly we want to put ~rc1 into the archive too, as there are some bugs in Calc that its better to push a rc than leaving stuff as is.09:34
seb128Laney, I wasn't seeing that yesterday, didn't try the version you uploaded yesterday yet09:34
Laneyokay, try upgrading evo then when you get a chance09:35
seb128larsu, ^ :p09:36
seb128Sweetshark, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mdds/0.10.2-109:38
Sweetsharkseb128: thx09:43
seb128Sweetshark, yw09:43
SweetsharkLaney: Linux does endless loops in five seconds. Wasnt glib prepared for that?09:44
seb128Laney, I can confirm the bg color issue for the frame widget09:50
seb128hum, need to run for half an hour, bbiab09:53
larsuLaney: are you sure the package you gave me yesterday had the revert reverted?10:20
Laneylarsu: that's what I installed to take the screenshot10:20
larsuIt would have to, otherwise the theming fix wouldn't make any sense...10:20
larsuweird. I have the same package installed and it wfm10:20
Laneyinstall the one from trusty to be super sure10:20
larsuLaney: wtf? It works with that one as well...10:25
larsuoh wait, that's already the new one, right?10:25
Laneyubuntu4 is broken10:25
larsuI have ubuntu310:26
Laneyget 4!10:26
* larsu updates10:26
Laney3 should work10:26
larsuit was broken for me yesterday, before I fixed the theme10:26
larsu(ubuntu3, I mean)10:26
Laneythree was all black yesterday, but with the theme fix it looks correct now10:26
Laneyfour has the black border like in the screenshot10:27
Laneywhich is exactly how it looked before the revert I did10:27
larsuit looked all black for me (frame and mail widget)10:27
larsuI wonder what's different between the one you gave me and the one in trusty, then10:28
Laneyif you have ubuntu3 then you don't have the one I gave you though10:29
larsuI had ubuntu410:29
larsuI installed ubuntu3 after you said "use the one from trusty"10:29
larsu(didn't update before)10:29
larsu(updating now)10:29
Laneywell they're the same, like I said I used those debs to take the screenshot10:29
larsuokay, I can reproduce10:30
hikikoseb128, hi10:36
hikikoseb128, if you need to rename the gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas, could you then ping me to add the correct dependency in this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/unity-control-center/unity-control-center.per-monitor-fonts-scale-factor-slider/+merge/205227 ? +thanks! :)10:45
seb128hikiko, hey, sure10:48
seb128larsu, want another theming issue? ;-)10:49
* larsu is totally confused by how the evolution thing happened10:52
larsuI definitely had ubuntu4 installed and it worked10:52
seb128did you have hacks/changes in your theme that didn't get merged and were overwritten by today's theme update?10:53
larsuno, I diff'ed them10:53
larsu(before and after updating)10:53
seb128larsu, out of themes issues did you want to look at nautilus menus? (did you start on that?)10:57
larsuyes, I started on that but got distracted by evolution and baobab and glade10:58
* larsu thought he fixes all the theme things once he's at it10:58
seb128larsu, sorry about that10:58
larsumeh, gotta fix it some time10:58
larsutoo bad I'm in o-s code again though :)10:58
seb128larsu, it would make sense to put those on hold, ff is this week and ideally the menu change should land for it10:58
larsuah right10:58
seb128well, spending some hours is fine I guess, but it would be better to not end up with that eating your week10:59
seb128we can fix theming issues after ff10:59
seb128btw the one I was about to mention is10:59
seb128open an archive in file-roller, dnd a row, look at the bg color10:59
seb128(same in language-selector)10:59
larsuseb128: noted11:04
larsuthat seems to be fallout from the no-bg patch11:04
larsushould be easy t ofix11:04
* didrocks wonders where the icon theme is set on touch… it's not in gsettings11:11
didrockswaow, it's hardcoded in unity8 it seems11:15
didrocksand it seems it's larsu's who last touch it! :)11:15
seb128didrocks, I would guess something like that11:15
larsudidrocks: I did?11:15
didrocks  [ Lars Uebernickel ]11:15
didrocks  * Fall back to "ubuntu-mobile" icon theme if $UBUNTU_ICON_THEME is11:15
seb128that's probably quite old11:15
didrocks    unset.11:15
didrocksdaily release pointed at you! :)11:16
didrocks(ok, you probably just did the fallback :p)11:16
larsudidrocks: ah right. They were _only_ using $UBUNTU_ICON_THEME11:16
larsuI added the fallback11:16
larsu(after yelling a lot at them)11:16
didrocksyou touched it though! :p11:16
didrocksbut we don't set UBUNTU_ICON_THEME on the phone11:16
didrocksso, I guess then all apps inherits from tihs11:18
larsuI don't think so...11:19
larsuprobably the sdk calls QIcon::setTheme11:19
didrocksit's weird, I don't see anything in the sdk11:19
didrocksand they use QIcon::getTheme11:19
larsuI wouldn't know how apps could inherit it from unity8 though11:19
didrocksyeah, there is no env variable involved11:20
larsudidrocks: I guess apps don't use themed icons but hardcode everything?11:25
didrockslarsu: well, the sdk is using QIcon11:25
didrocksso something is setting it for the sdk to have access to the theme11:25
larsuright, but I think it's only unity8 that uses themed icons from the sdk11:26
larsunot apps11:26
larsuand unity8 does call QIcon::setThemeName11:26
didrocksdon't tell me that :/11:26
larsuhm. Sorry.11:26
didrocksit's terrible if it's the case11:26
didrockslet me look11:26
didrockslike dialer-app11:26
didrocksthere are dialer icons in the theme11:27
larsusearch for "image://theme"11:27
larsuI bet they're not using that but "file://" urls11:27
* larsu hopes he's wrong, though11:27
larsubut I remember being angry about this at some point last year11:27
didrockslarsu: well, if they did that, they can't use QIcon11:27
didrocks$ grep -r mobile *11:27
didrockssrc/dialerapplication.cpp://On desktop use: export DIALER_APP_ICON_THEME=ubuntu-mobile11:27
didrockshum, nothing else11:27
didrocks    if (!iconTheme.isEmpty()) {11:28
didrocks        QIcon::setThemeName(iconTheme);11:28
didrocks    }11:28
larsuand where does "iconTheme" come from11:28
didrockslarsu: from the env variable11:28
larsuthere you go :)11:28
didrocksand it's the only setThemeName call11:28
didrockslarsu: it would mean that unity8 is setting that for every app?11:29
didrockssounds crazy11:29
didrockslet me launch dialer-app11:29
didrocksand look at its env variable11:29
didrockscat /proc/4010/environ | grep THEME11:30
didrocksso no11:30
didrocksnot *that* bad :p11:30
larsuare you sure they're using themed icons?11:30
didrocksI guess at least for the hud11:31
didrocks$ grep -r hud *11:31
didrocks-> nothing11:31
didrocksok, not that…11:31
seb128didrocks, larsu: dialer-app has src/dialerapplication.cpp:    QByteArray iconTheme = qgetenv("DIALER_APP_ICON_THEME");11:32
didrocksseb128: scrollback, you are lagging dude! :)11:32
seb128didrocks, I misparsed what you wrote11:32
seb128what are you trying to figure out?11:32
didrocksseb128: this part isn't used11:32
didrocksseb128: if you start dialer-app on the phone, the env variable isn't set11:33
didrocksso setThemeName() isn't called11:33
larsudidrocks: dialer-app doesn't make use of any themed icons11:33
didrockslarsu: it can show the hud though, right?11:33
didrocks(so the hud icon)11:33
didrockswhich is part of the theme11:34
didrocks(through the sdk)11:34
larsuwhat's that icon called?11:34
didrockshud.svg in /usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mobile/actions/scalable/hud.svg11:35
larsuno mention of that anywhere in the sdk or the dialer-app...11:35
didrockslet's take an example which is using the theme icons11:35
larsuand the icons I do find are included via relative urls11:35
larsuno mention of image://theme/icon-name11:36
larsuwhich is the only way to include themed icons from qml11:36
didrocksok, let's try system-settings11:36
larsu(I know because I wrote that after finding out they were not using themed icons at all)11:36
didrockslarsu: I see some QIcon usage in the sdk though, but you think, it's only used in the unity8 code?11:37
seb128didrocks, we force the theme in u-s-s11:37
didrockscrazy we don't have a default theme11:37
didrocksin the sdk11:37
didrockssrc/main.cpp:    QIcon::setThemeName("ubuntu-mobile");11:37
didrocksok :/11:37
larsudidrocks: I only find QIcon in the code that I wrote, which exposes themed icons to apps11:37
larsubut no actual usage of themed icons in the sdk11:38
didrocksbut though11:38
seb128https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1098578 also11:38
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1098578 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "On Ubuntu Desktop, the icon theme used by Qt is always 'gnome' (instead of the user set one)" [High,Confirmed]11:38
didrocksif I try notes-app11:38
seb128(qt bug, it doesn't respect the xsettings icon theme config, though that's an issue for desktop, not touch)11:39
didrocksI don't understand why we have themed add button11:39
didrocksin the toolbar11:39
didrockslet me grep for that11:39
larsuseb128: the first bug is the reason I added the fallback to unity811:39
didrocksNotesApp.qml:                    iconSource: Qt.resolvedUrl("Components/graphics/add.png")11:39
didrocksso they ship it…11:40
didrockslarsu: I don't understand how the hud is working, but I guess it's maybe a separate process after all11:40
seb128you probably want to talk to Saviq or somebody who know the details of what they are doing11:40
seb128rather than reverse engineer the behaviour ;-)11:40
larsudidrocks: that's how it is on the desktop - don't know about the phone11:41
* didrocks feels even before talking that the whole icon theme switch is going to be painful11:41
larsumight be the same. Convergence!11:41
didrockslarsu: on the desktop, unity is drawing the hud content11:41
seb128Saviq, help, where are apps on the phone getting their icon theme from?11:41
didrockslarsu: but maybe it's the hud process showing the hud content on the phone…11:41
seb128I would guess that it's unity811:41
didrocksoh yeah, more possible11:42
didrocksand so, we have the theme icon11:42
seb128which sets its theme11:42
didrocksok, that's going to be *fun*11:42
larsuwhy is this an issue right now? Are we changing themes?11:43
didrockslarsu: yeah, from ubuntu-mobile to suru11:43
didrocksa new one11:43
larsuis that just a name change?11:43
larsuoh, interesting11:43
didrocksno, size changes11:43
didrocksso we'll need unity8 adjustement11:43
didrockssome application icon names changes11:43
didrocksindicator icons marging are changing11:45
didrocksso we'll need other tweaks landing at the same time11:45
didrocksSaviq: so, you will need at least that: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity8/suru-switch/+merge/20690711:45
Saviqdidrocks, ok, the indicators should handle it fine11:47
didrocksSaviq: even with the removed margin?11:47
Saviqdidrocks, they're grid-unit-aligned in the panel11:47
didrocksah nice11:48
Saviqdidrocks, so it should be fine11:48
didrocksok, so only my branch with the icon theme11:48
didrocksseb128: want me to add the system-settings one at the same time?11:48
didrocks(to be clear, we won't land that today, just to prepare)11:48
seb128didrocks, if you want, I can do it as well, as you prefer11:48
didrockswell, it's quick enough11:49
didrocksthen, the longer part will be to have the apps icon name which changed to rename so that we can drop the dependency on ubuntu-mobile-icons11:49
didrocksah I know how seb128 knows about the bug report :p11:51
didrocksseb128: you tried to fool us like if it was the awesome bar and that firefox was better! :)11:52
didrocksbut there is a comment in u-s-s:     /* HACK: force the theme until lp #1098578 is fixed */11:52
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1098578 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "On Ubuntu Desktop, the icon theme used by Qt is always 'gnome' (instead of the user set one)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109857811:52
didrocksseb128: FYI: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/ubuntu-system-settings/suru/+merge/206908 (but same, no to switch yet)11:54
didrocksthanks larsu and seb128 for looking as well :)12:04
Laneyyay for giving up12:04
LaneyI was just submitting an MP with "wah wah woe is me, it doesn't work, take this half finished solution" when the problem became visible12:04
larsudidrocks: should we change the fallback on unity8 as well?12:11
didrockslarsu: this is https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity8/suru-switch/+merge/206907, right?12:11
larsuoh, didn't see that one yet12:12
larsuthanks :)12:12
larsudidrocks: looks good to me, but I'll let a unity dev approve12:13
didrockslarsu: thanks, anyway, we'll need a silo with that change and the new icon theme12:13
seb128didrocks, thanks12:21
seb128didrocks, (back from lunch), just for the record I found the qt bug with the awesome bar, and I knew about it because I added that code and comment to u-s-s :p12:22
didrocksseb128: yeah yeah yeah :p12:22
seb128Laney, https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-001/ btw if you want to give it a round of testing, include my column fix for privacy and your 2 fixes from friday12:25
seb128Laney, the new one you submitted is going to be for the next landing round12:26
seb128(the ppa was already set up earlier today before you submitted it)12:26
Laneyseb128: righto12:35
Laneyseb128: I'm wondering if we should turn off the initial update check while that bug is still around btw12:37
Laneyany opinion on that?12:37
seb128Laney, thanks, I just run autopilot and it's happy, let me know if/when you test so I can press the landing button12:37
seb128bregma, hey12:41
bregmaseb128, I see you watching me12:41
seb128bregma, Trevinho was just giving me a list of merge requests in query for a landing and I see you are just putting that in ;-)12:41
seb128sil2100, didrocks: can we get a silo for l16, ff is this week and unity/compiz has some backlog, we are going to need to iterate over landings ;-)12:42
bregma*sigh* the impatience of youth12:42
seb128bregma, you are going to thank me once ff kicks in :p12:43
seb128bregma, I still don't see how you guys are going to land everything you have in the queue12:43
sil2100seb128: looking12:44
seb128sil2100, thanks12:44
sil2100Ah ha!12:44
sil2100bregma, seb128: assigned!12:49
seb128sil2100, bregma: thanks, build started12:49
=== gatox is now known as gatox_brb
desrtLaney: i managed to track down the cause of the two really offensive ones12:59
Laneydesrt: yo13:00
LaneyI saw the comments about the bus_down() thingy13:00
Laneywe marvelled at your interim fix there earlier13:00
desrtnote that i said "this must be reverted" :)13:03
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desrtbut uh ya... basically someone wrote a patch and said "i don't really understand this, but this seems to fix it"13:04
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
desrtand someone else said "great!  accepted!" without really reviewing the patch...13:04
desrtand now we're here13:04
seb128good morning desrt13:05
desrtgood morning :)13:05
seb128bregma, Trevinho: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-006 has compiz/unity building13:05
Laneyseb128: Umm I get two failures13:06
Laneythey aren't related to these landings though13:06
desrtmmm.  i love it.  the freebsd guys are mostly taking care of themselves now and this morning, a 'jhbuild on openbsd' wiki page pops up.13:08
seb128Laney, which ones?13:09
Laneytest_imei (it's N/A for me)13:09
Laneyaaaaaaaaaaand test_updates_not_in_main13:10
seb128did you get an apport prompt about the service?13:10
Laneyon the phone13:10
seb128(did you run on desktop or phone)13:10
seb128hum, k13:10
seb128imei being N/A seems buggy13:10
Laneyit's a weird test13:10
LaneyI might run on the phone without a sim card13:10
seb128oh ok, yeah I'm running without a SIM13:11
Laneyis it N/A for you?13:11
Laneyand the updates one doesn't take into account that there might actually be updates ...13:11
Laneyhow come it doesn't fail if you get N/A?13:13
ogra_i get an IMEI here on a mako without SIM13:13
Laneyit's a HW thing, I got confused13:14
Laneybut still, the logic says !Desktop → has IMEI which is bogus13:14
seb128what logic?13:15
Laneyin the test13:15
seb128Laney, well, I'm running the tests on my laptop, that has N/A and they are green13:15
Laneythat's what I just said isn't it13:15
Laneydunno why I don't get any IMEI though13:16
seb128on the phone?13:17
seb128I'm going to have a look to mine in a bit13:17
seb128it went flat again...13:17
seb128(didn't touch it over the w.e)13:17
seb128Laney, btw what was your "I'm wondering if we should turn off the initial update check while that bug is still around btw" ... what's "that bug"?13:20
Laneythe corrupt updates thing13:20
seb128"update" in sense of system update, got it13:23
seb128they still didn't fix the service?13:23
Laneynot yet, barry is working on it but it's quite bad in the meantime13:24
ogra_Laney, it is fine if you disable "always download on ... "13:24
Laneyme and everyone else13:24
seb128that's a workaround13:24
ogra_which i think is actually off by default13:24
seb128and you have to know about it13:24
Laneyit is on by default13:24
seb128Laney, +1 from me to disable it, if you want to do that13:25
Laneyok, thanks13:26
seb128I hope it doesn't make barry&co lower the priority of the fix then13:26
Laneynah, it's being actively worked on13:26
=== gatox_brb is now known as gatox
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
seb128bregma, Trevinho: new compiz/unity looks fine from local testing, let me know when you are happy with it and I can press the upload button14:08
bregmaseb128, the tests have been underway for a while, but they take hours to complete so stand by14:09
bregmaour next batch of MPs isn;t quite ready to land yet anyway14:09
seb128bregma, k, no hurry, whenever you guys are ready14:09
seb128Laney, did you -1 u-s-s or did you just happen to run into non new issues?14:10
Laneyseb128: no, they're unrelated14:17
LaneyI filed a bug about the update one14:17
Laneyyou can release it, should be okay14:17
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
* Laney lunches14:20
* didrocks stares at and wait for attente_ :)14:21
didrocksbregma: you will do the next batch I guess as after the bootcamp, you will have the rights :)14:22
attente_didrocks, hi :)14:22
didrocksattente_: hey! :)14:22
didrocksso unity7 landed14:22
didrocksand I'm sad14:22
didrocksapparently, it's because of you :p14:22
didrocksso, you fixed the mnemonics which didn't work before, rights?14:23
didrocks(see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk/revision/3650)14:23
attente_didrocks, yes14:23
didrocksso, there is an option in gnome-terminal14:23
didrockswhere you can say "I don't use to use mnemonics, leave them alone"14:24
didrocks(yeah, an *option*, bad, I know :p)14:24
didrocksand this is useful when you run something like weechat14:24
didrocksas Alt + a is "switch to a channel I've been hilighted"14:24
didrocksunity ignores that option though14:24
didrocksand now, shows the "Affichage" (view) menu14:24
attente_didrocks, sorry... :(14:25
didrocksattente_: I hope you are! (kidding ;))14:25
didrocksattente_: do you think you can support that?14:25
didrockslet me grab in en the option so that you can see14:25
attente_didrocks, it sounds a bit difficult because unity does the grab globally14:26
bregmait's an 1172 problem https://xkcd.com/1172/14:26
didrocksbregma: exactly!14:26
didrocksattente_: the mnemonics were working though, before, right?14:26
didrocksor we should ask seb128 to remove the option on unity as it's broken14:27
attente_didrocks, no, they opened the menu bar locally within the window before14:27
didrocksbut it really makes my whole weechat unsable14:27
didrocksattente_: hum, we never add local menu?14:27
didrocks(in unity)14:28
attente_didrocks, i mean it opened it within the window with the 1x1px menubar in a very bad way...14:28
didrocksah, never noticed then ;)14:28
larsudidrocks: isn't it enough to blacklist that app?14:28
didrocksbut it didn't grab and weechat was able to switch14:28
didrockslarsu: it's an option in gnome-terminal, so should be looking at the option + blacklist14:29
attente_didrocks, think larsu is right, blacklisting will prevent it being exported, and unity will no longer grab those mnemonics :(14:29
larsuAlt+[] is a really bad key combination...14:30
didrocksbut then, I'll see the menu?14:30
larsu...says the guy using irssi14:30
attente_didrocks, yes14:30
larsudidrocks: ya14:30
larsudidrocks: can you rebind the key in weechat?14:30
didrockslarsu: I think I can, but even, I'm afraid that a lot of apps are broken now14:31
didrockseven if the new implementation is more correct, it doesn't respect some settings14:31
didrocksso we should remove those settings in gnome-terminal if we can't support them I guess14:31
larsumost desktop apps know better than to make keyboard shortcuts with Alt14:31
attente_didrocks, i can't seem to find the setting in gnome-terminal, which page is it under?14:31
didrocksattente_: I can't run gnome-terminal with lang=C on my session :p14:31
didrocksas weechat is opened14:31
didrocksbut it should be:14:32
didrocksedit -> shorcuts…14:32
tjaaltonfirefox/tbird look weird, due to u-c-c?14:32
didrocks(the item previous the last one)14:32
attente_oh ok14:32
didrocksthen first checkbox14:32
tjaaltonnot using the default theme14:32
didrocksattente_: it's checked by default I guess14:32
didrocksI guess pitti is more lucky because there is no mnemonics starting with "A" in gnome-terminal14:33
didrocksin german14:33
seb128tjaalton, u-c-c?14:34
seb128tjaalton, u-c-c is only configuration UIs, like g-c-c, they are not a service/not running in a session if you don't start it14:34
attente_i wonder how gnome-terminal disables that in the first place...14:34
seb128tjaalton, what's your issue?14:34
tjaaltonwell anyway, daily upgrades broke the tbird/ffox theme14:35
didrocksattente_: I can just tell you it works, maybe a bad hack? :p14:35
mpt“This project gathers together what ubuntu-artworks, ubuntu-mono and light-themes in one package as they all define what ubuntu is.” didrocks, could we improve that project description for ubuntu-themes?14:35
attente_didrocks, sounds likely... :P14:36
didrocksmpt: sure, do you have any suggestion? (as it will get as well sury soon)14:36
seb128tjaalton, is that only those apps?14:36
tjaaltonseb128: seems so14:36
mptdidrocks, “sury” = Suru?14:36
didrocksmpt: yeah, sorry, typo14:36
mptdidrocks, does that mean the PC theme will ship on the phone, and vice versa, because they’re in the same package?14:36
didrocksmpt: no, we'll have one source package producing multiple binary packages14:37
seb128tjaalton, does it happen in a guest session or after a logout/login? can you share a screenshot?14:38
didrocksattente_:       g_object_set (settings, "gtk-enable-mnemonics", enable_mnemonics, NULL);14:38
didrocksin src/terminal-window.c14:38
didrocks(once the value is set to a gobject property)14:39
attente_didrocks, ah, thanks14:39
mptdidrocks, ok, how about: “The code and images that provide the Ubuntu interface theme (previously packaged as light-themes), icon set (previously ubuntu-mono), and background pictures (previously ubuntu-artwork).”14:39
didrocksattente_: so, I guess the problem is larger, you would need to know if the app set gtk-enable-mnemonics or not14:40
tjaaltonseb128: looks like it happens with the guest session too14:40
seb128tkamppeter_, only those 2 apps?!14:40
didrocksmpt: the binary packages still have the same names, so maybe we should just remove all the "previously …"14:41
tjaaltonseb128: probably meant me, but yes14:41
tjaaltonand not daily updates btw, had been postponing the reboot until now14:41
seb128tkamppeter_, sorry, it was for tjaalton14:42
mptdidrocks, are you sure? The last ubuntu-mono and ubuntu-artwork packages that Launchpad knows about were both in Quantal.14:42
mptOh, those are source packages, not binary packages, my mistake.14:42
didrocksmpt: yeah, all is in one source, but binaries don't change :)14:43
seb128tjaalton, k, no idea, you are the only one to report the issue so far, and I fail to see what could impact gtk2 apps only14:43
seb128tjaalton, assuming the issue is gtk2 and not xul or something14:43
didrocksmpt: changed without the "previously …, tell me if this is fine for you14:44
mptthanks didrocks14:44
didrocksyw ;)14:44
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
mptdidrocks, I see about 70 bug reports marooned on the old projects and source packages. Any objection to moving them over?14:53
mpt<mpt> didrocks, I see about 70 bug reports marooned on the old projects and source packages. Any objection to moving them over?14:54
didrocksmpt: no objection at all14:54
mptOk, I’ll do that on Friday (if no-one else gets there first)14:55
seb128mpt, you should ask bdmurray, I think he has scripts to automate those moves14:57
seb128mpt, rather than spending time doing it manually14:57
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
tjaaltonseb128: it's terminator too15:13
tjaaltonso gtk2 is the common nominator15:14
tjaaltonbut happens only on this machine15:14
seb128do you use kde? ;-)15:15
seb128dpm, can you get the files on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/cheese/+imports to be imported? I'm not sure what "No import target selected yet" means, I manually approved the pot earlier but I don't want click through all the options15:16
tjaaltonnot really, but it's installed due to kdenlive15:17
qenghoHi all. I heard of some kind of slider that will adjust screen contents' size or apparent pixel density in Trusty. Does anyone know what that is or what component it's in?15:18
seb128qengho, https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/unity-control-center/unity-control-center.per-monitor-fonts-scale-factor-slider/+merge/20522715:18
seb128qengho, it didn't land yet, getting there15:19
qenghoseb128: thanks.15:19
tjaaltoninstalling kdenlive on another machine didn't break the theme15:20
seb128tjaalton, I though maybe you had the qt/kde theming hacks stuff installed/configured15:21
tjaaltondunno, guess not15:21
tjaaltonheh, kdenlive looks ugly as well15:22
dpmseb128, looking at it now. If the pot file has been marked as imported, then the .po files will follow soon.15:28
seb128dpm, ok, good, thanks15:28
seb128dpm, do you know why the pot needs manual approving the first time. Do we have a way to get a list of pot that are waiting for review?15:29
dpmseb128, let me come back to you later in more detail, jumping into a call now15:29
seb128dpm, thanks15:30
seb128speaking of which15:30
seb128it's meeting time!15:30
seb128qengho, Sweetsha1k, mlankhorst, Laney, tkamppeter_, desrt, attente_, larsu, kenvandine: hey15:30
* kenvandine waves15:31
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
seb128I hope everyone is doing well15:31
seb128the feature freeze is coming this week, please lists things that you still need to land in your summary15:32
seb128(sorry for not thinking about mentioning that in the reminder email)15:32
seb128let's get started15:32
seb128qengho, hey15:32
qengho* in-progress: More chromium high-DPI work. Upstream adding to it too, which is both nice and a headache.15:33
qengho* in-progress: When I'm frustrated with high-dpi, I play with touchscreen support. The CrOS code can probably be pulled in.15:33
qenghoBoth require the new Aura framework, which is really fickle on Linux.15:33
seb128seems like "fun"15:34
seb128how much of that work is going upstream/going to require us to distro patch?15:34
qenghoIt would be worse with Gtk2, I guess.15:34
qenghoWe'll have to distro patch for a month or so, I expect.  I'll try to get it all upstream.15:35
seb128qengho, thanks15:35
seb128is that work available somewhere if some of us want to play with it?15:35
qenghoseb128: Some of it.  I'll get it in a PPA.15:35
seb128ok, let us know when you have a ppa, if you need/want testers15:36
seb128qengho, thanks15:36
seb128Sweetshark, hey15:36
Sweetshark- 4.2.1 rc1 might be fasttracked 4.2.1 final, thus:15:36
Sweetshark-- packed tarballs15:36
Sweetshark-- updated patch queue15:36
Sweetshark-- synced from debian15:36
Sweetshark-- updated PPA15:36
Sweetshark-- checked for needed updated deps15:36
Sweetshark- some work on ./debian/rules cleanup15:36
Sweetshark- finalized GNU make depcache speedup proof-of-concept15:36
Sweetshark- questions about making Ubuntu fonts in default file template (yet. again.)15:36
Sweetshark- bug triage, lots of it15:36
Sweetshark- some upstream orga for hackfests, politics, new board is in power since today15:36
Sweetshark- met with some a11y guys15:36
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
seb128Sweetshark, when is 4.2.1 due?15:37
* qengho 15:37
Sweetsharkseb128: officially first week of March. now: this week.15:38
seb128ok, seems good for trusty ;-)15:38
Sweetsharkseb128: yep.15:38
seb128Sweetshark, I still didn't hear from bdrung about your ppu btw, did you get any news? he said he would deal with email backlog the past w.e15:39
Sweetsharkseb128: nope.15:39
seb128hum, k, I guess I should follow up again on that then15:40
seb128Sweetshark, thanks15:40
Laneyi'll raise that after the election if you don't get any movement15:40
seb128Laney, that would be nice, thanks15:40
seb128mlankhorst, hey15:40
mlankhorstsorry busy :P15:40
mlankhorstmesa 10.1 cft, proposing dma-buf patches upstream again, hopefully for the last time15:41
mlankhorsttesting nouveau upstream kernel and preparing piglit tests for tomorrow15:41
seb128is 10.1 a bug fix update?15:41
mlankhorstit's comparable from going from 9.1 to 9.215:41
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
seb128doesn't tell me a lot on risks :p15:42
mlankhorstit has been enabling some new opengl features and is required for newer hardware support15:43
seb128let's see how the cft goes15:43
seb128mlankhorst, thanks15:43
seb128Laney, hey15:44
Laney• Fix kylin image builds due to their weird script not liking some LO packaging reorg15:44
Laney• Do a couple of merges / syncs prompted by a personal email from a DD15:44
Laney• GStreamer updates (-bad still waiting for testing)15:44
Laney• pango1.0 / cogl updates in Debian, pango needs copyright freshening15:44
Laney• Fix spamassassin-related install failure due to weird upgrade path issues15:44
Laney• Try out Android 4.4 on the nexus 4, seems to fix scan-for-operators / ofono breakage15:44
Laney• u-s-s15:44
Laney∘ Debug 'no operators' bug for ages then figure out that it was the existing SDK one15:44
Laney‣ Look for other areas which are affected by this... didn't find any (need to try with USS_SHOW_ALL_UI though)15:44
Laney∘ Write some AP tests for the manual network selection functionality15:44
Laney‣ patch ofono's dbusmock template so that 'Scan' works (proposed upstream), then will be able to test the refresh functionality too15:44
Laney∘ Debug / discuss a race with system-image now that u-s-s makes a call to it from the main page, work around it for now by disabling the functionality15:44
Laney∘ Small fix to list the default wallpaper in the picker15:44
Laney∘ Try to use the proper DatePicker for manual time selection, can't implement design fully yet because ListItems don't work from within dialogs. Also, there's some confusion as to which dialog to even use.15:44
seb128Laney, speaking about the UITK issue, https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/itemselector-fix1275861/+merge/20694515:45
seb128we finally got some traction on the issue (the day we land the workaround, oh well)15:45
Laneyseb128: neat!15:45
Laneyit annoyed us enough to pressure people15:46
Laneyso that's alright15:46
seb128I guess you saw the new glib this morning?15:46
seb128new webkit is available as well15:46
seb128did you still have ff material work/things you wanted to land btw?15:46
desrtnew dconf would be nice to have too...15:47
Laneycan't think of anything in particular15:47
larsunew gtk would be nice to have too15:47
desrtit has two relatively important fixes for the new file-db stuff15:47
Laneyi'll do gnomey things like those15:47
seb128larsu, loud thinking again? ;-)15:47
larsuoops :P15:47
desrtso sutble that i almost missed it15:47
desrtaka: just right :)15:47
seb128Laney, we should probably have a look to darkxst' request to update gnome-desktop and gnome-control-center (did you say you would review that one?)15:48
Laney Feb 18 Ubuntu Installe (1.2K) [ubuntu/trusty] gtk+3.0 3.11.6 (Accepted)15:48
* seb128 slaps Laney15:48
Laneyhmm, no, but I should install the ppa15:48
seb128Laney, thanks15:48
seb128tkamppeter, hey15:48
tkamppeter- Completed upstream code patches for on-demand running concept of printing-rtelated daemons (avahi-daemon, cups-browsed, cupsd), documented on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1305-printing-stack-with-mobile-in-mind15:49
tkamppeter   o cups-filters: Completed support for on-demand running of cups-browsed, 1.0.45 upstream release, uploaded to Debian and Ubuntu.15:49
tkamppeter   o cups: Added auto-shutdown-on-idle functionality to the CUPS daemon. Uploaded CUPS package with patches for socket-triggered invocation of cupsd via Upstart and for auto-shutdown support.15:49
tkamppeter   o Updated Blueprint and bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/1276713.15:49
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1276713 in upstart "upstart socket activation for cups" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:49
tkamppeter- cups-filters: Applied upstream bug fixes.15:49
tkamppeter- Bugs.15:49
seb128tkamppeter, great work on the on-demand activation!15:50
seb128tkamppeter, did you get feedback on the change yet? (or bug reports)15:50
tkamppeterseb128, not yet, I need xnox' fix for Upstart to be able to relly test the whole thing.15:51
seb128let's wait for that then and see how it goes15:52
seb128tkamppeter, thanks15:52
desrt ☙ found root cause of two of the racy GLib tests (and a bonus bug in the API of GDBusConnection); pushed workarounds ☙ finally solved the locale-sensitive transliteration problem -- patch on bugzilla, under discussion ☙ made "3.11.90" releases for GLib and dconf ☙ did a bunch of porting of GSocket to more modern source API, improving performance and reducing use of fds15:52
desrt ☙ made ood progress on "secretc project" -- adding epoll() to GMainContext.  WIP is up (wip/gmaincontext) but not ready for review. ☙ got accidentally pulled into the init system discussion again15:52
desrtugh.  that did not work out nicely.15:52
desrtthat's what i get for pre-preparing my notes.15:52
seb128\n are nice :p15:52
desrt ☙ found root cause of two of the racy GLib tests (and a bonus bug in the API of GDBusConnection); pushed workarounds ☙ finally solved the locale-sensitive transliteration problem -- patch on bugzilla, under discussion ☙ made "3.11.90" releases for GLib and dconf ☙ did a bunch of porting of GSocket to more modern source API, improving performance and reducing use of fds15:52
desrt ☙ made ood progress on "secretc project" -- adding epoll() to GMainContext.  WIP is up (wip/gmaincontext) but not ready for review. ☙ got accidentally pulled into the init system discussion again15:52
desrtirssi is having a bad day15:52
desrtokay.  i won't try again :p15:53
seb128right, stop it :p15:53
desrtinterestingly, it turned 'good' into 'ood' twice15:53
seb128do we still have discussions about init systems? I though those were over15:53
tkamppeterdesrt, xchat supports pasting \n.15:53
tjaaltonseb128: the bug was that g-s-d was not running15:53
desrtseb128: debian is debating if gnome should be "forced" to support non-systemd init systems15:53
seb128tjaalton, did you get an outdated unity? that bug has been supposed to be fixed yesterday evening15:53
tjaaltonseb128: it's possible yes15:54
seb128desrt, oh, fun, I'm going to stay away from that one15:54
tjaaltonguest session seems fine now15:54
desrtseb128: gnome is pointing at the freebsd work as proof that we're trying to do the right thing15:54
seb128desrt, thanks for fixing the glib test, might give us an happier Laney ;-)15:54
desrti only fixed two of them -- and neither of them are really "fixed" yet15:55
desrtjust worked around15:55
* desrt doesn't consider sleep() to be a fix ;)15:55
desrtalso: i'm sick [still|again].  bah.15:55
desrtnot exactly sure what's going on.  thought i had beat a cold, but now i'm much worse, so it's either back with a vengence or it's a new one15:56
LaneyI'm not sure I can ever be happier again15:56
seb128get a long night, and some tea with honey!15:56
larsudesrt: get well man15:56
Laneysince they always only happened after I did the upload15:56
* Laney emo15:56
seb128Laney, :-(15:56
seb128desrt, thanks15:56
Laneydesrt: R&R!15:56
seb128attente_, hey15:56
attente_seb128, hi15:56
attente_key grabber merged, MP for switching it on in u-s-d15:56
attente_in-progress: indicator-keyboard ibus panel integration15:56
desrtattente_: presumably all this is going to be wrapped up by FF?15:57
* attente_ crossing fingers15:57
seb128key grabber/u-s-d for sure15:57
seb128that's the biggest part15:57
desrtthe indicator is what i'm worried about15:57
desrtattente was crying in valentines day15:57
desrtand it had nothing to do with being lonely15:57
desrtand everything to do with dbus15:57
larsudbus didn't send him flowers or chocolate?15:58
desrtlarsu: no... but it sent him 50 messages per keystroke.15:58
* larsu assumes that's what people do on Valentine's day15:58
attente_larsu, no :'(15:58
seb128attente_, is the issue didrocks reported earlier something that seems like we can workaround in some way?15:58
Laneyhow about that ctrl-space thing?15:58
seb128Laney, that's actually for happyaron, there is a patch from attente_ on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/1278511 to disable that keybinding15:59
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1278511 in ibus (Ubuntu) "CTRL-Space no longer works under Unity" [High,In progress]15:59
seb128happyaron set it "in progress" yesterday15:59
attente_seb128, so if we respect that gtk setting, we can revert it to the old behaviour when it's disabled15:59
attente_yeah, i'm not sure about better options than disabling ibus' trigger16:00
seb128attente_, that would be good, I can see having see devs being unhappy about the shell eating the keybindings of their console apps16:00
seb128I can see devs*16:00
Laneyyeah i've seen a few people crying about it16:00
attente_seb128, the only thing is that it's a global setting16:00
seb128attente_, you mean? it doesn't depend of the focussed win?16:01
attente_seb128, don't think so16:01
seb128hum, how would that work then?16:02
attente_gnome-terminal sets it on the GtkSettings of the current screen, it seems16:02
seb128you would have an option to disable keybindings for your session?16:02
attente_i guess it's either the menu bar mnemonics are working globally or reverted globally regardless of window...16:03
seb128I feel like that's going to be an annoying one16:03
seb128we could restore the old bug? ;-)16:04
seb128e.g that's independent of the layout switching?16:04
attente_let's think of something after FF...16:05
seb128right, I was going to say, I'm just trying to see if we have an escape option16:05
seb128attente_, I'm going to test the u-s-d grabber part after the meeting, hopefully that lands later today or tomorrow16:05
seb128attente_, thanks16:05
attente_seb128, cool, thanks16:05
seb128larsu, hey16:05
larsuoh right16:06
larsufixed some issues with the evince menubar patch from last week16:06
larsu(there was a crash and some accels weren't working)16:06
seb128no complain since, good work!16:06
larsuthere's still a bug open about something16:06
larsuI forget what, but it wasn't super-important16:07
larsufixed notify-osd positioning in multi-head mode16:07
larsuwithout having a second screen to test on16:07
seb128thanks for that one as well, works great, no report so far either ;-)16:07
larsufixed some theming issues in evolution16:07
larsuoh wait, I didn't even commit the last fix16:08
* larsu will get to that soon16:08
larsustarted to port nautilus to gmenumodel16:08
larsushould be done before ff16:08
larsuI *think* that was it16:08
chrisccoulsonhi desktop!16:08
kenvandinehey chrisccoulson!16:08
chrisccoulsonhi kenvandine :)16:09
seb128chrisccoulson, hey!16:09
desrtlarsu: did you get a chance to look at gedit yet?16:09
seb128larsu, what's the status of the sound panel changes?16:09
seb128larsu, do you plan to mp that before ff?16:09
larsudesrt: no. Didn't you have a patch for that though?16:09
seb128desrt, what gedit?16:09
larsuwhen you did the gtk_application_has_traditionlal_menubar?16:10
desrtlarsu: ya... but it was just for improved gearmenu stuff16:10
desrtseb128: the gedit guys are kinda waiting for someone to show up and give them an oldschool menubar16:10
larsuseb128: I didn't find a solution for the gtkrange thing16:10
desrti think they'll more or less take whatever patch we want to give them16:10
larsuand I don't think I can hack that before ff16:10
larsumaybe I need to consult mpt again16:10
larsuhe said he has an alternative idea16:10
seb128desrt, k, seems like post ff work16:10
desrtlarsu's work is getting talked about among gnome app developers -- most of them are fairly positively receptive about it16:10
larsuwhen is ff?16:11
seb128ff is in 3  days16:11
seb128larsu, ^16:11
* kenvandine cries 16:11
desrtyour patch would only work for the new gedit anyway16:11
seb128well, 2.5 rather16:11
desrtand that would require the new gtk...16:11
seb128yeah, not something for us this cycle16:11
larsudesrt: why?16:11
larsugedit has a full menubar right now16:12
desrtlarsu: gedit only completed their gactionification this cycle16:12
desrtincluding pushing gmenumodel into the plugin API16:12
larsuah, right16:12
seb128larsu, let's land the sound panel with the slider issue unresolved (or maybe you should ping mpt again, you said you would think about it before asking again and then he said he had an idea about alternative suggestion)16:12
desrtand right now (in git master) they do not have a menubar16:12
desrtthey made some really interesting design choices though -- it's definitely going to be fun to work on this one16:13
desrtbut ya -- after FF16:13
larsunext cycle, you mean16:13
desrtwell... if you're looking for something to work on, this would be nice :)16:13
desrtbut indeed -- we won't see any benefit until after LTS16:14
desrtbut it has to be done eventually16:14
desrt(and gedit guys are waiting now)16:14
seb128desrt, while I appreciate the forward thinking, can we focus on ff for this week?16:14
desrtseb128: absolutely.  i said that this is post-ff stuff :)16:15
* seb128 would like to know the status of the sound panel redesign16:15
* larsu is looking forward to a time where he will be "looking for something to work on"16:15
chrisccoulsoni can't believe we're nearly at ff, and i still haven't upgraded!16:15
seb128larsu, yeah :/16:15
seb128larsu, anyway, going back to ff16:15
seb128nautilus menus and sound panel16:15
larsuseb128: it's done except for the slider issue and g-s-d/indicator-sound integration16:16
seb128you are working on the first one, the second one was only blocked on the slider issue?16:16
seb128can you ping mpt again about it again? he said he has an alternative suggestion16:16
larsug-s-d/indicator-sound will be easy - read the settings key and adjust the max based on that16:16
seb128otherwise let's land with that issue and resolve it post ff16:16
larsuwill do16:16
seb128maybe let's land that first16:16
seb128nautilus menus seems more obvious for a ffe16:16
seb128well, up to you to decide on order16:16
=== alf__ is now known as alf_
seb128I feel like I've made you context switch too much already this week16:17
seb128larsu, thanks ;-)16:17
desrtlarsu: friendly reminder to at least attempt to upstream the sound panel changes :)16:17
seb128kenvandine, hey (Ken was missing hanging out with the cool kids and wants to give update on stuff he's working on ;-)16:17
* kenvandine waves16:17
kenvandineContent Hub16:17
kenvandine * Changed the way we reference defaults from an APP_ID to the APP_ID triplet, so we can support things like current-user-version for click packages.  This is ready to land, but it needs to land along with gallery-app and camera-app as click packages.16:17
kenvandine * Quite a few changes are queued up to land, they've been blocked on fixes to upstart-app-launch.  All but 1 upstart-app-launch fix has landed, so should be ready to start landing content-hub branches soon.16:17
kenvandine * Refactored handler code in the hub to ensure there is only a single active transfer for an app at a time.  If an app requests an image from the gallery, and you don't finish picking before another app requests an image, the first request gets cancelled and the latest transfer is handled.  This is just until we get trusted sessions, then we'll be able to handle multiple instances.16:17
kenvandine * Added support for creating exports and shares, before we only supported import requests.  I have a branch with this working and tested in the hub and C++ API, but not in the QML bindings yet.  Work in progress.16:17
kenvandine 16:18
kenvandinesadly... we'll need to shoot for an ffe16:19
kenvandinehaven't had anyone to work on the qml bindings16:19
seb128kenvandine, do you know if we get a standard ffe for touch work this cycle?16:19
kenvandinei haven't heard16:19
kenvandinei'll check on that16:19
seb128I should ask about that16:19
larsudesrt: ya, need to talk to aday about it. The problem is that the code bases seem to have diverged a bit already16:19
Laneymail release/phone about it imo16:20
seb128kenvandine, otherwise, when can we start using the new code to import ringtone in system settings? ;-)16:20
kenvandineyup, once the qml bindings are done :)16:20
desrtlarsu: since we're officially forked i'd say that your minimum expected effort here is to point out the fact that we made a change and that this change might be interesting for gnome, with links to code16:20
* larsu nods16:20
kenvandinethat's all i have16:21
seb128Laney, right, I assume somebody (slangasek?) is going to bring that topic again, I should ask them though ;-)16:21
Laneyyou can be the one :P16:21
seb128indeed, I might!16:21
seb128kenvandine, thanks!16:22
seb128ok, my turn16:22
seb128• some desktop updates16:22
seb128• uploaded to push the unity-control-center/unity-settings-daemon transitions (testing, bugs fixing, uploads)16:22
seb128• tested new unity/helping with CI train landings16:22
seb128• some bugs fixes (itstool ftbfs, polkit issue leading to udisks segfaults, unity-control-center small issues, evolution-indicator invalid free)16:22
seb128• reviewed merge requests (unity-control-center option to show username in indicator-session, unity-settings-daemon unknow jack dialog, u-s-s)16:22
seb128• uploade cairo snapshot, and gtk rebuild with it, to trust (Hi-DPI support)16:22
seb128• helped landing changes/fixes from others (larsu's fixes to the theme and evince, indicators, ...)16:22
seb128• desktop bugs triage16:22
desrtseb128: i pushed a bit more to get a cairo release.... :/16:23
seb128desrt, did you get any traction?16:23
desrtno :p16:23
Laneythat situation is kind of sucky16:23
seb128as well16:23
desrti think we might ask behdad or release-team to step in and do a release....16:23
seb128no really traction there either16:23
seb128desrt, ^ behdad :p16:24
Laneyoh wow, there's a bryce in the vcs16:24
seb128though that was more about a 1.12 point update16:24
seb128Laney, yeah, he's quite active ;-)16:24
desrtseb128: ya... i think someone needs to declare maintainer-MIA16:24
seb128that requires somebody wanting to play active maintainer though16:25
seb128if behdad wants to do it that would be good ;-)16:25
desrtpretty hard to justify for him, i guess16:25
seb128meanwhile we are on a git snapshot but things seems to be ok so far16:25
desrtiirc google is not using cairo anymore16:26
seb128hum, k16:26
desrtbut maybe gnome release team could roll some sort of quasi-official 'gnome snapshot' of cairo16:26
desrtsince the gnome release will want to depend on this16:26
seb128that would be better than nothing16:26
seb128sharing version at least16:26
seb128desrt, thanks for mentioning it/trying to push upstream16:27
seb128other questions/topics?16:27
desrtlong meeting!16:27
seb128quite some content, it's ff week as well16:28
seb128thanks everyone16:28
seb128kenvandine, thanks for joining!16:29
Laneywelcome back to the cool crew16:29
desrtkenvandine: was sad to miss you in london16:29
kenvandinedesrt, i missed you guys too, but the weather sure was nice in orlando :)16:30
desrtcoming from toronto, the london weather seemed pretty nice :)16:31
desrtso i'll take it :p16:31
seb128bregma, Trevinho: still testing unity?16:33
Trevinhoseb128: for me its fine...16:34
bregmaseb128, yes, getting weird failures that need to be explained first16:34
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Sweetsharkseb128: btw here is the secret of my 170W power supply (aka "The Brick"): http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/GNU-make-with-depcache-some-general-build-speed-up-tips-three-LibreOffice-GNU-make-forks-considered-l-td4097766.html17:03
Sweetsharkplugging in my notebook without any other changes reduces the build system overhead from 33 seconds to 17 seconds.17:04
seb128session restart, brb17:06
Sweetsharkseb128: one of the kernel guys once said "an unplugged machine is essentially a completely different hardware", but doubling the IO speed o.O17:06
seb128Sweetshark, yeah, I didn't know either that things were scaling down this way, I assumed that you would get the same performances if you started e.g compiling17:12
Laneydarkxst's PPA broke my greeter resolution :P17:13
Sweetsharkseb128: well, this isnt even compiling -- its just stating the build tree to see everything is in the right order mtime wise.17:18
seb128Laney, :/17:18
Laneynow I get to try and downgrade out of a transition17:19
Laneycan't cross the pointer barrier either, but I don't know if I can blame him for that yet17:19
seb128Laney, ppa-clean?17:19
seb128or purge17:19
Laneydoesn't work for transitions17:19
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xnoxseb128: Laney: please review updated https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/unity-greeter/off-the-grid this time does build-time generation of the logo18:01
seb128xnox, mterry and robert_ancell maintain unity-greeter, but I'm happy to give it a try ;-)18:01
xnoxseb128: Laney: comparing with the design provided one, there are small differences, but imho mine one follows design.ubuntu.com guideline metrics for sub-logos to the dot.18:02
seb128xnox, can you show the result to a designer next time you are at the office/get them to approve it?18:03
Laneywill look tomorrow18:03
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Laneythanks for the work there18:03
seb128indeed, thanks ;-)18:04
xnoxseb128: ack. will do screenshots and get them acked by lucy.18:04
seb128do you plan to do the same for system settings btw?18:04
xnoxseb128: yes.18:05
xnoxseb128: first i need to fix plymouth logo.18:06
xnoxseb128: and also updated d-i logos from vintage to modern.18:06
seb128but vintage is cool!18:06
xnoxseb128: (a british response would be ) i'm sorry you feel that way =)))))))))))))))18:10
xnoxseb128: i think we should stick to one logo, i don't care which, as long as it's consistent.18:10
seb128bregma, still dealing with autopilot issues?19:08
bregmaseb128, yes, but I'm convinced they're local to my test machine19:09
seb128bregma, ok, let's publish then and get going on the next round for hidpi ;-)19:10
ochosilarsu: ping19:17
seb128ochosi, he's likely eod at this time, better to let your question in the backlog19:19
ochosiseb128: thanks!19:24
ochosilarsu (and other indicator-devs): i noticed i forgot one piece in my (already merged) merge-request for indicator-power: adding xfce4-powermanager as an alternative recommend: https://code.launchpad.net/~ochosi/indicator-power/recommend-xfce4-powermanager/+merge/20701819:25
GunnarHjseb128: Thanks!19:28
brainwashseb128: hey, I'm the one with the indicator-sound issue, any ideas how to debug it? I've already delete the the stuff in /var/lib/lightdm, but gmusicbrowser still shows up in the list19:28
seb128GunnarHj, yw!19:34
ochosiseb128: oh, i see you approved rev222 for indicator-power, for which this MR i mentioned above is a follow-up to...19:36
seb128brainwash, try to "gsettings get com.canonical.indicator.sound interested-media-players" for the lightdm user19:36
seb128brainwash, or reset the key and see what's the default value for your user19:36
seb128it might be that something it settings a default override...19:36
seb128(it should be empty by default)19:36
seb128ochosi, thanks, approved19:38
ochosiseb128: thanks for taking the time to look at it now, i assume you're having your hands full with FF approaching and all...19:38
brainwashseb128: thanks, I will try this and report my finding in the bug report19:38
seb128ochosi, yw! yeah, I can't say it's not a busy week, but that was an easy review ;-)19:39
seb128brainwash, thanks19:39
seb128we can look at that bug, but likely after feature freeze19:39
seb128e.g not this week19:39
ochosiseb128: indeed, as short as can be :)19:41
* Sweetshark found and killed a nasty phony target. Now noop incremental build is <8 seconds on the notebook.19:55
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robert_ancellLaney, did you see https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/unity-greeter/off-the-grid/+merge/205896?20:09
robert_ancellWe should land that if you're OK with it20:09
seb128robert_ancell, hey, xnox pinged around eod for Laney and he said he would have a look tomorrow, but I'm sure he's going to be fine if you ack it20:37
robert_ancellseb128, ok, cool20:37
robert_ancellseb128, I assume you're OK with generating an image file on build? Is that considered valid by dpkg?20:38
seb128robert_ancell, yes and yes (if you read the comments, I asked xnox to change it from runtime generation to build-time, better to do it once than risky runtime issues)20:39
robert_ancellwell, I guess I didn't read them all :)20:39
xnoxseb128: we'd have to change again to runtime and using svg logo if we'd want to start doing HiDPI stuff though =)20:40
robert_ancellseb128, we need to set up autolanding or train ticketing or whatever it's called for u-g, u-c-c and u-s-d20:40
robert_ancellxnox, cross that bridge when we come to it!20:40
seb128xnox, I guess that greeter is not going to be hidpi friendly20:40
seb128robert_ancell, yeah, I was thinking the same today, going to ping didrocks about that tomorrow20:41
xnoxrobert_ancell: i'd rather not use autolanding/train, it's very low traffic / low-risk development all three of them. And autolanding is heavy-weight towards catching regression on experimental code (e.g. touch)20:41
seb128xnox, not true, CI train is much nicer than having to manual upload20:41
seb128well, maybe not "much"20:41
robert_ancellxnox, agreed we don't want to slow things down, in fact we want to cut out the manual step of doing the manual releases20:41
seb128but it gives you a ppa and buttons to click20:42
robert_ancell(and speed things up)20:42
xnoxseb128: yeah, i feel left out. no buttons for me to click.20:42
robert_ancellseb128, is there a way to get jenkins to automatically put things onto the landing train on each commit?20:42
robert_ancelleach merge I mean20:42
seb128well, training is ongoing, that's a transition period20:42
robert_ancellso we don't even have to do the manual step20:42
seb128robert_ancell, not atm, not sure that's wanted though20:43
seb128the CI train is easy enough, you just get to list the mps you want to land in a table20:43
seb128they give you a "slot"20:43
robert_ancellseb128, because for low risk things we want a brake if something risky is being landed, otherwise just automatic20:43
* xnox off to gym! talk to you all tomorrow20:43
seb128then you have  a ppa with the result and you are in control of the process20:43
robert_ancellThe opposite for high risk stuff20:43
seb128xnox, enjoy!20:43
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robert_ancellseb128, it's a spreadsheet ffs. It's like the biggest sign that process has taken over20:44
seb128yeah, I don't like that part much20:44
seb128but in practice it's smooth enough20:44
seb128it's basically "tick what should land"20:45
seb128ideally you would have a desktop Ui and tick checkboxes for the pending branches20:45
seb128sabdfl, that's not a really secure password ;-)21:12
sabdflno but it is the last half of a name :)21:12
sabdflhow are you guys doing?21:12
seb128busy (as usual, especially before ff ;-), but good21:13
seb128how are you?21:13
robert_ancellseb128, https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/unity-settings-daemon/simplify-xsettings-menu-code/+merge/207011 - any background on that? Was the previous change a mistake?21:13
seb128robert_ancell, we added code to handle gnome-shell and unity session, so having monitors for both21:14
seb128I don't see the need to keep monitoring gnome-shell in our version21:14
seb128I'm not sure if the double monitor is what creates that segfault condition, but it feels like cleaning up that is a win in any case21:15
robert_ancellseb128, ok, I understand it now21:15
robert_ancellseb128, yes, been looking at dropping more non-unity fallbacks21:15
seb128we could rename the _shell to_unity21:15
seb128but I figured out that staying closer from upstream would easy merging fixes21:16
seb128but I thought that*21:16
robert_ancellseb128, did you see https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-control-center/misc-warnings/+merge/206846 https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-control-center/gtk-stock-deprecated/+merge/206839  https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-control-center/gdk-color-deprecated/+merge/20683521:16
robert_ancellthey should be fairly inoffensive21:16
seb128no, looking at those21:16
seb128seems like we don't receive emails through the team21:17
seb128I subscribed to u-s-d yesterday, going to do the same for u-c-c21:17
robert_ancellseb128, I can never work out the LP subscribing thing - please do it if you can21:17
seb128well, I think that not spamming all members is ok, so I'm just going to subscribe21:17
robert_ancellthough team subscriptions are counterproductive I think - since I got in the indicator team I get a load of noise about unrelated branches21:18
seb128robert_ancell, I'm not sure I like https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-control-center/gdk-color-deprecated/+merge/20683521:20
robert_ancellseb128, why not?21:20
seb128robert_ancell, it somewhat feels like we are going to hit https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/gnome-control-center-unity/use-correct-color/+merge/168800 again, but let me look the details21:21
robert_ancellseb128, I made a custom to_string method that matches the old format21:22
robert_ancellI've tested it running both control centers21:22
seb128robert_ancell, oh, ok, I should have read through it before commenting :-)21:22
robert_ancellI've hit this before migrating code21:22
robert_ancellsaves time to sak21:22
seb128robert_ancell, I'm not sure I like https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-control-center/gtk-stock-deprecated/+merge/206839 ... :-)21:26
seb128that's a stupid GTK change21:27
robert_ancellbut it exists21:27
robert_ancelland it makes a ton of warnings on compilation21:27
seb128it forces us to retranslate the stock strings21:27
seb128but it's stupid21:27
robert_ancellbut it exists21:27
seb128we can safely ignore it until gtk421:27
robert_ancellexcept for the ton of warnings21:28
seb128which would save us translation strings21:28
robert_ancellI'm sure the translators find these ones easy - and the tools hint what the strings should be21:28
seb128if you are after warnings we should start cleaning the runtime ones, not the stupid gtk deprecations21:28
seb128I blame mccann for those btw21:29
seb128but fair enough, it's GTK to blame there, I still think it's a stupid change on their part21:29
seb128robert_ancell, ok, approved those ;-)21:34
robert_ancellseb128, ta21:34
seb128robert_ancell, what is remaining in the u-s-d transition?21:34
robert_ancellseb128, packaging up those dependencies21:34
robert_ancelldidn't get to it yesterday21:35
seb128the gnome-session session split?21:35
seb128what else?21:35
seb128robert_ancell, https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-control-center/gsettings-api/+merge/20682121:40
seb128the g_settings_list_relocatable_schemas() points to g_settings_schema_source_list_schemas() not g_settings_schema_source_lookup(), did you drop the relocatable part of the code?21:42
seb128the g_settings_list_relocatable_schemas() api points to*21:43
seb128robert_ancell, I'm also unsure we need to keep handling unity2d, that got dropped in quantal21:44
seb128we should probably just clean out that fallback code21:45
robert_ancellseb128, the new method gets all schemas, regardless of relocatibility21:45
seb128robert_ancell, so why g_settings_schema_source_lookup () and g_settings_schema_source_list_schemas()?21:46
robert_ancellg_settings_schema_source_lookup just sees if there is a schema registered with that name21:46
seb128the api documentation is confusing21:46
seb128g_settings_list_relocatable_schemas() point to g_settings_schema_source_list_schemas()21:47
seb128blame desrt I guess21:47
* popey wonders if he could get some help with bug 1281781 which has some level of mwc-demo based urgency about it.21:48
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1281781 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Please update application icon" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128178121:48
popeynote the list of system apps which have new icons.21:48
desrtseb128: looks like a typo21:49
seb128desrt, https://developer.gnome.org/gio/unstable/GSettings.html#g-settings-list-relocatable-schemas is what I'm looking at for it21:49
desrtnot a typo21:49
desrtthe new _list_schemas() API returns both lists21:50
desrtwhat's the issue here?21:51
seb128desrt, no issue, I'm reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-control-center/gsettings-api/+merge/206821https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-control-center/gsettings-api/+merge/20682121:51
seb128desrt, e.g cleaning up some code21:51
desrtis there something that prevents this from just using the schemas normally?21:52
desrtrobert_ancell: one comment: if you already have the schema object in-hand then it is nicer to call g_settings_new_full() to save the second lookup21:53
seb128not that I know, but didrocks wrote that code, so maybe he has a reason21:53
* seb128 didn't deal much with relocatable schemas21:53
desrtbut seb has an interesting point -- strictly speaking, if you wanted exactly equivalent functionality you should call g_settings_schema_get_path() on the schema to make sure that it's relocatable21:54
desrtbut then you should also make sure that all of the keys that you want to use exist and have the expected types...21:55
popeyIf we have a new icon for a mobile app, in ubuntu-themes, the png *and* svg need updating together, right? (obvious question, but want to check)21:55
robert_ancelldesrt, exactly. Just checking the name is there is probably close enough21:55
desrtrobert_ancell: or you could just assume that the name is there ;)21:55
robert_ancelldesrt, we can't if not running inside unity21:55
robert_ancelldesrt, but yes, now it's u-c-c we might just be able to add some more hard deps21:56
desrtrobert_ancell: we should have the equivalent of gsettings-desktop-schemas and u-c-c should depend on it...21:56
desrthah :)21:56
jasoncwarnerhey chrisccoulson not sure what happened, but I just updated and FF global menu went away21:56
seb128popey, you are probably on the wrong channel/tz for those questions, didrocks looked at the new icons changes today but he's not online at this time21:56
seb128jasoncwarner, dpkg -l | grep unity?21:56
desrtrobert_ancell: but ya... next time you find yourself walking this path, consider using new_full() instead.21:56
popeyseb128: do you know where it was discussed?21:57
desrtotherwise looks good21:57
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner, desktop bug? :)21:57
popey(in case there's a log I can read)21:57
chrisccoulson(just kidding btw)21:57
seb128popey, this channel but not a lot was discussed21:57
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner, are you on trusty?21:57
jasoncwarnerseb128: what do you want me to find?21:57
jasoncwarnerchrisccoulson: yes, just updated to latest21:58
seb128jasoncwarner, the version of the unity binaryt21:58
jasoncwarner(this is a vm, fyi)21:58
chrisccoulsoni should probably upgrade really21:58
seb128popey, he did https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity8/suru-switch/+merge/20690721:58
jasoncwarnerchrisccoulson: , I'd recommend that ASAP ;)21:58
chrisccoulsoni've been holding off because I have enough moving targets already :)21:58
popeythanks seb12821:58
jasoncwarnerseb128: ooooh...unity 8 came down today?21:59
seb128jasoncwarner, can you get chrisccoulson to get firefox updated in trusty? we are 3 version behind and he keeps posting tweets about Orlando nice weather and chicken wings!21:59
seb128chrisccoulson, ^ how about that? ;-)21:59
seb128popey, yw21:59
chrisccoulsonseb128, we had some awesome wings btw21:59
chrisccoulsonjust ask mdeslaur21:59
seb128not listening!21:59
jasoncwarnerseb128 jdstrand mentioned someone was going go look at it. but, yeah, chrisccoulson , all the wings for you :)21:59
seb128robert_ancell, you tested https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-control-center/gsettings-api/+merge/206821https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-control-center/gsettings-api/+merge/206821 ? ;-)22:04
robert_ancellseb128, yes22:04
seb128robert_ancell, ok, fine then ;-)22:04
seb128chrisccoulson, is appmenu support part of firefox nowadays or still an extension?22:05
chrisccoulsonseb128, it's still a patch22:07
seb128chrisccoulson, in what binary package is it?22:09
jasoncwarnerchrisccoulson false alarm...not sure what happened, but I rebooted and it went away.22:13
jasoncwarnercyphermox_ second network indicator is also gone (seb128 fixed my unity8 prob)22:13
seb128on that note, calling it a day22:15
seb128robert_ancell, ok, I approved the pending u-c-c requests, feel free to do uploads during your days, otherwise I'm going to talk to didrocks about putting those under autouploads tomorrow22:16
robert_ancellmterry, hmm, has LP confused itself? https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/lightdm/shared-data-manager/+merge/20559622:36
robert_ancellI just see "empty" for the diff22:36
mterryrobert_ancell, oh god.  I bet I know why.  I accidentally pushed that branch to its already-merged pre-req branch 'refactor-accounts'22:36
mterryrobert_ancell, I'll resubmit22:37
robert_ancelloh, I've done things like that before22:37
pittioh, hey robert_ancell, long time no see22:42
pittihey jasoncwarner22:42
pittibeing at another side of the world changes your perspective :)22:43
robert_ancellpitti, how's it going?22:43
robert_ancellpitti, oh, where are you?22:43
pittirobert_ancell: quite nice, thanks; we have a sprint in Oakland22:43
robert_ancellmterry, MP updated - do you agree with my requests?22:48
robert_ancellI don't want to be too much of a pain in the arse since I guess you want this feature landed some time :)22:48
robert_ancellyay, thermal shutdown22:51
robert_ancellmterry, if you responded I missed it22:52
mterryrobert_ancell, :)  was about to reply on MP, let me do it here22:52
mterryrobert_ancell, if we set a session variable, the greeter can use that too.  So no need to add a gchar * to the API call22:53
mterryrobert_ancell, but as for whether to set it at all....22:53
mterryrobert_ancell, I figured /var/lib/lightdm-data was stable enough to not need it, but it's not hard to add a variable22:53
robert_ancellmterry, except the greeter can write to n locations22:53
robert_ancelland sessions just to one22:53
mterryrobert_ancell, well.  It's just BASEDIR/$USER22:54
mterryrobert_ancell, so we just need to set BASEDIR in a variable22:54
robert_ancellmterry, but then you have to join a string etc... Why not just make it foolproof?22:55
robert_ancelland by getting it from the function call, we ensure that it always exists22:55
robert_ancellIf it's just a known location, you can forget to call the function22:55
mterryrobert_ancell, I can see the logic, I just don't think you're buying much.  You're going to have to join anyway to get the actual directory you're interested in ($BASEDIR/$USER/my-app-namespace or some such22:58
mterryrobert_ancell, I am sympathetic to the nudge to not forget calling it.  But we're talking about greeters, of which there aren't that many.  So not that many opportunities to forget22:59
robert_ancellgo on... I'll make the change if it's just a time issue22:59
mterryrobert_ancell, but it's not a hard change22:59
mterryrobert_ancell, that's it.  It's a reasonable change, I just don't think it's super valuable.  But no reason but time to not make it23:00
mterryrobert_ancell, I can do it tomorrow23:00
cyphermox_jasoncwarner__: ack23:11
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley

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