
UncleGusnow I just have to figure out what package/whatever I need to install to use that00:23
olly_just try running it - command-not-found should tell you00:31
UncleGusI just reinstalled xvfb or something00:31
UncleGusreally not sure how that was installed but not installed00:32
UncleGusmind you I've been following so many half-arsed googled fixes for various things that I'm not surprised00:32
olly_there's a depressing amount of bad advice out there00:33
UncleGusand now it's not working again...00:33
UncleGusUncleGus@gusminecraft:/etc$ Xvfb-run00:33
UncleGusNo command 'Xvfb-run' found, did you mean:00:33
UncleGus Command 'xvfb-run' from package 'xvfb' (main)00:33
UncleGusXvfb-run: command not found00:33
UncleGusI think I'm making some progress00:37
UncleGusnow I'm getting other errors00:45
UncleGusI think this is a problem for later00:46
UncleGusI wonder if Xvfb could be having issues with the whole architecture thing?01:27
ajmitchunlikely, but we don't know what you're trying to do & what's happening01:28
UncleGushmm interesting01:35
UncleGusI have two files with the same name in the same directory01:36
UncleGushow is that even possible?01:36
UncleGusno I don't01:36
UncleGusI just can't read01:36
olly_case-sensitivity again?01:36
UncleGusso I have a script file that I have just made exectuable01:37
UncleGusand it won't run01:37
UncleGusit says it doesn't exist01:37
UncleGussdtd@gusminecraft:/etc/init.d$ sudo chmod +x 7dtd.sh01:38
UncleGussdtd@gusminecraft:/etc/init.d$ sudo 7dtd.sh defaults01:38
UncleGussudo: 7dtd.sh: command not found01:38
UncleGussdtd@gusminecraft:/etc/init.d$ 7dtd.sh01:38
UncleGus7dtd.sh: command not found01:38
UncleGussdtd@gusminecraft:/etc/init.d$ ls01:39
UncleGusit's right there01:39
olly_current directory isn't on PATH by default01:39
UncleGusokay, cool, thank you that's working01:39
UncleGus(although what it's trying to execute is failing)01:40
UncleGusbut at least I can run the script!01:40
olly_which is probably a good way to keep things - it stops you running things from the current directory when you wanted a system command01:40
UncleGusstart-stop-daemon not found01:40
UncleGusback to the google01:40
olly_you need to run those scripts as root01:41
olly_and root has /sbin on its PATH, which is where start-stop-daemon lives01:41
olly_i.e. try: sudo /etc/init.d/7dtd.sh defaults01:42
UncleGusHOLY SHIT01:43
UncleGusit lives01:43
UncleGusthank you01:43
UncleGusor at least the script ran successfully01:44
UncleGuswait, now I think I need to do the port forwarding stuff02:00
UncleGusin the azure portal I think02:00
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UncleGusomg I have it working02:22
UncleGusmy Seven Days To Die server is ONLINE02:22
UncleGusprobably going to run like shit02:22
UncleGus... it's02:33
UncleGusit's actually playable02:33
UncleGusthanks everyone for your help03:28
UncleGuswell, thanks olly_03:28
UncleGusoh, and ajmitch03:29
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=== zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson
=== mwhudson is now known as zz_mwhudson
=== zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson

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