[02:58] @comment 59592 Reviewed, not lifted. [02:58] Comment added. [03:06] bro, do you even lift [03:07] @comment 59767 Spanish spam n run [03:07] Comment added. [03:07] LjL-Calvino: Yes :) [03:07] you can run, but you can't hide [03:07] genii: do you lift excessively large mugs of coffee? [03:08] LjL-Calvino: Most of my bans are bots, they can stay on the banlist until it starts filling up.... [03:08] LjL-Calvino: Almost exclusively [03:08] oh i wasn't asking you to justify your ban-related actions [03:08] i'm much much snarkier when i'm trying to do that ;( [03:09] Heh! [03:11] genii: miseria ? [03:12] Unit193: Yup, the site they pointed at looks like some Spanish human rights plea site ( I'm guessing, maybe it's a racist one) [03:13] Hit #ubuntu-devel too. [03:22] @comment 59768 Spamming, see also 59767 [03:22] Comment added. [03:23] @comment 59768 Same behaviour also noted in #ubuntu-devel [03:23] Comment added. [03:24] Unit193: I'm expecting -ot or maybe soon #k for it next ;) [03:45] have you guys seen that annoying miseria spam every day or so? it'd be nice to be rid of it.. thanks [03:48] miseria (~miseria@CPEc8d3a35a59fe-CM000f9fa607d2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) the 12th and 17th (today) at 18:38 and 22:34 EST for #ubuntu-devel (and seems also #ubuntu-kernel.) [03:51] Unit193: same hostname each time? [03:51] if so, I'll forward them over here from -devel and we can have a chat with them [03:51] Yes. [03:52] done === IdleOne is now known as io [11:44] Is there back story to Hassan_ ? [11:46] I think just a frustrated user wanting support, saw the question about an hour ago, originally posted about an hour ago, posted on forums a couple of hours earlier [11:46] Yup, quite a sad response :( [11:46] But they've not had a response from anybody that can help [19:56] Seveas called the ops in #ubuntu (_a500 wants a spanking) [19:56] Beldar called the ops in #ubuntu () [20:32] "cuantos millones de humanos perderian su trabajo si un miserable salario minimo fuera mandatorio en el planeta?" bienvenidos: http://castroruben.com *temo_a_un_ser_sin_rival* [20:32] hello miseria [20:32] super [20:34] they're banforwarded from -devel so we could have a word with them. I'm not sure this plan is going to work if they continue /quitting like that [20:35] I see the flaw [20:36] wouldn't it be more effective if they were just +q-ed? [20:36] I just reported it in #freenode [20:36] fwiw [20:36] hggdh: yeah, that's the next step if this one doesn't work [20:37] I'm assuming it's a bot or something, and was hoping that banforwarding would get it to stick around so I could test that (BF confuses them sometimes) [20:37] looking at the other channels it hit at the same time, you're right, it's a bot [20:38] ikonia: I see #ubuntu-kernel, #ubuntu-offtopic and here, another one? [20:38] +1 [20:41] #ubuntu-meeting [20:41] looks very bot like [20:41] all the same time stamp [20:44] misera spamming even in german ubuntu channels. [20:45] #ubuntu+1 [20:46] sounds like a #freenode problem indeed, then. their hostname is static, so...