
DanChapmangood morning all08:01
DanChapmanjibel hey I think somethings up with https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Ubiquity/view/Ubuntu/job/ubiquity_ap-ubuntu_devel_daily-run/  it hasn't run since the 5th of Feb11:59
cyphermox_jibel: hey15:36
cyphermox_jibel: are you aware of issues downloading packages as part of an autopkgtest run in jenkins? the NM autopkgtest failed because it couldn't download rfkill15:37
jibelcyphermox_, Hi, downloading packages from the archive or another source?15:47
cyphermox_from archive15:52
cyphermox_I would expect rerunning it to just work, but there already was a rerun and the same problem happened15:53
jibelcyphermox_, ack, I'll look into this this morning15:54
cyphermox_jibel: thanks15:55
senanDanChapman, hey :)16:29
senanDanChapman, did you try that yesterday ?16:47
jibelcyphermox_, so, you test dropped the default route17:56
jibelmaybe you could restore it in the cleanup, that'd allow tests to continue17:57
cyphermox_jibel: yeah. sorry for the trouble I just didn't expect this to happen, I didn't write those tests18:15
DanChapmanballoons, howdy o/18:39
balloonsDanChapman: howdy ho18:41
jibelDanChapman, Ubiquity tests of Ubuntu didn't start because the download of the image failed. the checksums on cdimage.u.c didn't match the iso. We'll see tomorrow if it happens again.18:47
DanChapmanjibel, that expalains it. :-) thanks for getting back to me18:48

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