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miseria"ajedrez batalla entre negros y blancos, al final del final el blanco no tendra peones y el negro prevalecera" bienvenidos: http://castroruben.com *temo_a_un_ser_sin_rival*03:04
miseria"ajedrez batalla entre negros y blancos, al final del final el blanco no tendra peones y el negro prevalecera" bienvenidos: http://castroruben.com *temo_a_un_ser_sin_rival*03:07
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makarahi. I'm trying to PXE boot 12.04 from LAN07:40
makaraI setup DNSMASQ with TFTP to provide the ISO07:41
makaraIt loads the ISO and setup asks what language and some other steps, but then it gives error07:41
makaracan't find the CD-ROM07:42
MannerManDoes anyone have experience with spacewalk as central patch management for Ubuntu? Landscape looks really nice however since it comes via Ubuntu Advantage program its really expensive09:02
MannerMangot around 90 machines to manage09:03
TJ-You should look at similar tools like Puppet, Chef, Salt, Ansible, cobbler09:09
MannerManTJ-: Already got puppet going09:22
MannerManhowever ensure => latest is not what i'm looking for really09:22
MannerManPuppet is great for config management but its not great at managing patches in a sane way09:24
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* maxb is using the simple approach: collect "apt-get -qqs dist-upgrade" from each machine, feed it through some simple analysis scripts09:31
TJ-MannerMan: what do you mean by 'patches' ? OS package upgrades? Custom packages?09:34
MannerManTJ-, OS upgrades, we run a PHP based webapplication, so nginx/php/postgres patches are very important to us09:36
MannerManwe must make sure that all machines have the same application stack, version wise09:36
TJ-Well "patch" has a very specific meaning, as in a source-code diff fed to the 'patch' tool. OS binary package upgrades are not patches (on Debian/Ubuntu) they're complete replacement packages... the terminology was confusing me a bit09:37
MannerManTJ-, I see, sorry to have caused confusion09:38
MannerManMaybe package upgrades is a better termiology09:39
TJ-Yeah :)  I also get annoyed with Debian's apt terminology - we talk about 'updating' packages but we use "apt-get upgrade" ... but we use "upgrades" to mean change between releases!09:40
MannerManTJ-: It's a mess :P09:41
MannerManAnyways, the spacewalk way of putting the entire package-upgrade process in one place, where one can get an overview and trigger upgrades for several machines is exactly what I'm after09:42
MannerManIt's debian/ubuntu compability seems to be lacking though09:43
TJ-Surely Puppet's configuration management does the same thing?09:43
TJ-That's what MCollective is about - orchestration09:44
MannerManNot that I know of, you can in your puppet module specify to ensure the latest package to be installed, but you have no idea when updates are available, what they change etc09:45
MannerManTJ-, I suppose you could use this to collect available upgrades and then trigger the update process with puppet, will check it out09:53
gnuoyHi, I've fired up a couple of machines in an openstack cloud using precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1 and cloud-init is failing: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6953779/10:42
gnuoyI'm getting the same failure when using an image from 20140113 and 2014021710:43
gnuoyhang on, I see more info in cloud-init-output.log , looks like a problem accessing juju-tools, sorry for the noise10:46
jamespagerbasak, your resync commits for mysql-5.5 look good to me - I'm just test building now12:28
rbasakjamespage: thanks! With FF coming up, I was just going to upload the Ubuntu merge anyway. If you can do a Debian release for me to rebase against, that would be great.12:29
jamespagerbasak, how much delta is left after that?12:29
rbasakjamespage: very little. Off the top of my head: apport, upstart, and the debhelper postrm token thing (upstart needs the debhelper postrm token thing)12:30
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hxmsomeone know an alternative to jira by atlassian opensource?13:23
RealKillazHi There..13:29
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MannerManhxm; http://www.bugzilla.org/14:45
rbasakzul: do you have a minute, and if so, could you please upload a no-change rebuild to php-json for me? I don't have upload rights. I've emailed the DMB to have it added to the server set, but I guess that'll take a while.14:48
zulrbasak:  or i could sign it and upload for you :)14:48
rbasakzul: sure. I have it right here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6954730/14:49
rbasakzul: or do you want changes file etc somewhere?14:49
zulrbasak:  please14:49
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rbasakzul: that broke things, sorry. I'll handle it (or rather Colin, in #ubuntu-devel)15:09
jamespagerbasak, I've committed your sync changes to the mysql-5.5 repo - thanks15:09
rbasakjamespage: thanks!15:09
jamespageI'll ping SpamapS to discuss a release this week if possible15:09
zulrbasak:  greeeeeat15:10
rbasakzul: it's an awkward dependency loop15:10
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hxmMannerMan: thanks15:33
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zulrbasak:  ftbfs as well15:46
rbasakzul: yup - that's the issue. It's a circular dependency. Colin will take care of it with a bootstrap archive - AIUI, there's nothing I can do.15:50
cariboujamespage: FYI, I won't make it to the weekly meeting, sorry for that15:51
cariboujamespage: but I don't have anything on my side15:51
jamespagecaribou, ok15:51
rbasakjamespage: SpamapS: feature freeze being on Thursday, I want to upload a mysql-5.5 merge to Ubuntu before then. A Debian release today or tomorrow would be nice. If not, then I can just keep the delta. Thoughts?15:58
jamespagerbasak, pinged SpamapS on #debian-mysql as well16:00
arosalesjamespage, looks like I may be up to host the meeting this week again as I didn't send minutes16:00
* arosales fail16:00
rbasakThanks. Sorry - I don't have OFTC on auto-connect/join.16:00
jamespagearosales, I noticed16:00
xerxasHi all ! is there a way to configure PS1 system wide ?16:09
xerxasI think skel overrides PS1, but I'm not sure16:10
xerxasso /etc/profile.d , doesn't work ...16:10
jamespagezul, is dovecot mean't to use the snakeoil certs? its not right now (and in 12.04)16:10
zuljamespage:  afaik yes16:10
zuljamespage:  s/afaik/iirc/g :)16:11
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rickbeldincaribou: you still here?16:30
rickbeldinIf I make a change to /etc/modprobe.d/foo.conf on precise (12.04), do I need to rebuild the ramfs to use it?16:33
TJ-rickbeldin: No16:36
TJ-rickbeldin: Changes under /etc/initamfs-tools/  ... yes16:36
rickbeldinTJ: Thanks.  The option I am trying to set in hpsa.conf will change the behavior of the disk controller for the disk used by root.16:37
TJ-rickbeldin: I'm not sure how you deal with that, actually!16:38
rickbeldinOn RHEL, I would just modify the conf file, rebuild initramfs.16:39
TJ-yeah, in the initrd image there's "/conf/modules" ... just can't remember seeing the hooks that write to it16:40
rickbeldinTY:  Tore apart initrd and it has the hpsa file, but it is empty.  Grrr.16:46
jamespagecoreycb, hey - do you want to chat about that rename?16:46
coreycbjamespage, yeah probably a good idea16:47
rickbeldinTY: and I accidentally deleted the contents. ;)16:47
jamespagecoreycb, this is probably a good place to start16:47
jamespagecoreycb, debcheckout -a neutron will get you the right branch to work on as well16:48
coreycbjamespage, great thanks16:49
LeMikeab -A user:password is to login in a site using htpasswd. but I don't want to have my password in the history or shown somehow in the shell. how to avoid that?16:50
coreycbjamespage, it looks like neutron and the corresponding charm will need the update?16:50
jamespagecoreycb, yeah - the charm probably does need some work - but charm renames are not really supported16:51
jamespagerenames on upgrade that is16:51
jamespagelets nail the packaging first, then workout the charm details16:51
jamespageNVP -> NSX I suspect16:51
coreycbjamespage, sounds good16:51
caribourickbeldin: I'm here17:06
rickbeldincaribou:  2.6.32 doesn't boot.  New failure mode with hpsa_simple_mode=1 and latest driver.  still no go.  If you have packages for me to try, I can do it.17:16
caribourickbeldin: yeah, saw your comment17:16
roadmrHello ubuntu-server people. We're looking at removing checkbox (checkbox-cli package) from the ubuntu server image for several reasons. I'd like to ask if anybody has objections about this (or really any other comment about it)17:16
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LeMikegot it now. simple one :) https://github.com/sourcerer-mike/shell-files/blob/master/usr/local/bin/abc17:28
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rostamHi I am using ubuntu 12.04. After sudden shutdown, I am not able to login. After entering the password, for a moment It seems I am in, but then it goes back to login shell. So I do not think the issue is password. Any help greatly appreiciated please? thx18:38
sarnoldrostam: if you can't sort out anything else, you can boot into single user mode (add "single" to the kernel command line in grub) or if that doens't work, boot with init=/bin/sh  -- that'll give you a shell you can use to investigate and fix18:40
rostamsarnold,  how could I stop the boot at grub menu?18:43
sarnoldrostam: maybe left shift? I forget..18:43
rostamsarnold that did it thanks so much18:47
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rostamHI I have installed ubuntu 12.04. update 3 on my server. How do I upgrade to update 4? Thx20:31
ikoniais update 4 out yet ?20:31
rostamI think so I just download it. ubuntu-12.04.4-server-amd64.iso20:32
ikoniarostam: should auto update/offer the update when it hits your repo20:39
ikoniayou won't see any "upgrade" just a few packages20:39
rostamikonia, thanks20:48
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tomreynis systemd required on 13.10 to bring up network interfaces?21:36
hxmi added a crontab every 10 minutes and it is sending me an email every time the cron is executed21:37
PiciIf the job sends something to stdout (and maybe stderr too?), it will get sent to the user that ran the job21:37
tomreynhxm: standard behavior when there is output21:38
bekksThats expected when you configured cron to send mails-21:38
hxmah, then I forgot the >> /dev/nul no?21:38
bekks /dev/null21:38
Pici> /dev/null 2>&121:38
Pici(unless of course, you want stderr output to get emailed to you)21:39
hxmthe proper script sends me an email if needed so I guess I dont need the output21:39
tomreynwould one of you know about systemd + /etc/network/interfaces ?21:40
tomreynmy problem here is that the interface i configured in /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0 just doesn't seem to come up at boot.21:40
tomreynbut the system seems to boot up fine otherwise21:41
tomreynthere's no error message logged about being unable to bring it up21:41
tomreynbut i can't ping it, nor can it resolve its ntp host21:42
roadmrtomreyn: can you bring it up manually with 'ifup eth0'?21:46
tomreynit's remote21:46
tomreyn only have a netbooted recovery system + syslog to play with21:47
tomreyni installed using debootstrap21:47
roadmroops :/21:47

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