
=== Guest66233 is now known as mapps
mappswent to see robocop at the imax01:09
ali1234silly question, but is it good?01:10
mappswas good eya not sure its worth the 14.5001:11
mappswasnt too long either just under 2hours..sick of watching films that could easily be 30mins shorter01:11
ali1234the original is like 100 minutes01:12
shaunostrange irony that detroit turned out to be more apocalyptic than they ever painted it01:21
mappsheh yea01:24
mappsnew spiderman looks good01:24
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
MooDoomorning all06:38
jussimorning MooDoo06:55
jussiMooDoo: O__u06:55
jussi(thats a tea cup in my hand...)06:55
jussimornin mapps06:56
mappsive requested info on one the elephant06:57
mappsmight be moving back to LONDON:D finally06:57
jussimapps: my condolences :P06:57
mappsim from London06:57
jussimapps: still :P06:57
* jussi hugs mapps06:58
* MooDoo hugs his newly firmware updated router after finding out it had a major flaw lol06:58
mappsil be moving to a 2bed flat06:59
mappsnot ideal06:59
mappsa house means i can do whatever i want06:59
jussiMooDoo: is it dd/open-wrt?06:59
MooDoojussi: asus07:00
MooDoono don't think so07:00
MooDoojust seeing if it's supported07:00
MooDoostill lots of routers out there that are providing access to their USB attached hard drives :S07:04
=== IdleOne is now known as io
knightwiseMorning everyone :)07:14
MooDoomorning knightwise07:15
knightwisehey Moodoo , how's it going ?07:16
jussiuk people waking up early today... :D07:16
jussitherefore, day does not equal monday...07:16
MooDooknightwise: not bad thank, panic attack about my router last night, but all ok this morning07:17
MooDoojussi: I'm always in work for 6:3007:17
jussiMooDoo: but you are speshial :P :P07:17
jussibrb, updated and now need to reboot...07:18
MooDoojussi: so people keep telling me, especially the dr's ;)07:18
knightwiseMooDoo: good to hear07:18
* knightwise working from home today 07:18
MooDooknightwise: lucky :D07:18
knightwiseand todays side project is dual booting my I7 mac mini into 12.0407:18
knightwiseI use it as a production machine mainly (osx , for podcast production) but when i'm not creating podcast content it can just as well be a linux desktop07:20
knightwiseI would love to use it for video rendering.07:20
MooDooknightwise: you do a lot of podcasts?07:21
knightwiseone every week07:21
MooDooah cool, something I'm looking to get into.07:22
jussiknightwise: I like your web theme :)07:24
foobarrymorning early birds07:25
MooDoomorning foobarry07:26
knightwisethanx :) its a wordpress plugin07:28
knightwiseMooDoo: podcasting is cool07:28
knightwiseI also do regular stuff for HPR07:28
jussiknightwise: may I *cough* steal it *cough* and modify it?07:29
jussi(err.. read: would you share it?)07:29
knightwisethe theme of the website or the mobile plugin07:30
knightwisethe web theme .. its a modified version of a wordpress theme I bought .07:31
knightwiseI would prefer if you woulnd't steal it , my website guy put quite a lot of work in it and it is also our complete brand style.07:31
knightwisebut I cant stop you from googling it , finding the wordpress theme and giving it your own spin if that is what you mean to do07:32
jussiknightwise: nah, Ill leave it if thats the case. just looking for a new theme for my blog, thats all07:34
knightwisejussi: I appreciate it :) Took me quit a while to get a distinct look for the site07:36
knightwiseits also on or cards and everything07:36
jussiknightwise: yeah, no probs. I wouldnt want to take away from  what youve done - its a sign of recognition if anythign :)07:37
knightwiseTHnax dude ! I appreciate that  :)07:38
mappswhat to watch07:41
knightwisedoes anybody know what the command line name is for the ubuntu app store ?07:42
MartijnVdSubuntu-software-centre I think07:42
MartijnVdSor center07:42
knightwisegot it :)07:47
knightwisefoobarry: was correct :)07:47
* knightwise loves linux :) 07:52
knightwiseInstalled 12.04 on my wifes iMac. enabling the ssh server so i can remotely access her machine ,install apps and put files on her desktop she doesn't find otherwise07:53
MartijnVdSapt-get install keylogger07:54
mappshi MartijnVdS07:55
MooDoomorning mapps :D07:56
MooDoomorning MartijnVdS :D07:56
MartijnVdS\o MooDoo07:56
MooDooMartijnVdS: thanks for last nigth :D07:56
MooDooer router, you know what I mean :d07:57
MartijnVdSheh :)07:59
mappsmorning MooDoo08:03
MooDoohow SuperMatt08:07
SuperMattfor now08:14
* SuperMatt is fred dinenage08:14
diploMorning all08:23
MooDoohello diplo08:27
diploHow're we all this fine morning ?08:32
MooDoodiplo: fine and dandy thanks :D08:33
MooDoodiplo: and what about your good self?08:33
diploHoping for a quieter day at work here, kids have gone back to their mums so DIY/tidy time now :/08:34
diploWell this week08:34
diploNeed to talk divorce with the ex tonight which may somewhat make it a bit suckier!08:34
MooDooouch :(08:40
DJonesMorning all08:41
dwatkinsmoin moin09:13
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Single Tasking Day! :-D09:19
jussinot single tasking day09:20
JamesTaitMy new favourite day.09:22
MartijnVdSJamesTait: now you can irc all day!09:23
* jussi is enjoying http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAVrm3wjzq8 while working... screw single taskign day 09:25
MartijnVdSeww.. musicals, really?09:25
jussiMartijnVdS: you dont have to watch it if you dont like it :)09:28
foobarryi signed a pre nup with my wife that i would never have to watch a musical for the sake of pleasing my wife09:28
foobarrywas top of my list09:28
jussiI love les mis09:28
foobarry"i would do anything for love etc"09:28
jussiyou are all barbarians :P09:29
MooDooI like wicked, chicago oklahoma ;)09:29
MartijnVdSfoobarry: http://www.lifeasaplate.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/meatloaf-stats.jpg09:29
foobarryi don't even know how musicals came about09:30
foobarryits a bizarre concept09:30
jussiMooDoo: everythime I think of oklahoma there comes to mind  that scene from band of brothers...09:30
jussiMooDoo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4Pdob5J3Yo09:31
jussiyay for rain + snow... YUCK10:00
MartijnVdSjussi: snow? what's that? Haven't seen that in at least a year ;)10:01
jussiMartijnVdS: hehe10:02
jussihrm, I have lamb in the fridge. Im thinking of slicing it up, frying it and making pizza(yeah, weird I know). what do people here think would be nice on a lamb pizza...10:06
MartijnVdSgarlic sauce10:07
MartijnVdSjussi: you could also go for something like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kapsalon instead :)10:07
jussiMartijnVdS: that would require me to have potatoes in the house...10:08
MartijnVdSjussi: remember it for next time ;)10:08
brobostigonmorning everyone.10:22
MooDoomorning brobostigon10:22
brobostigonmorning MooDoo10:23
dwatkinsallo allo10:24
JamesTaitMartijnVdS, maybe now I can IRC all day, now I've finished single-tasking on my morning e-mail. :)10:26
brobostigonmorning dwatkins10:27
andrewebdevOn ubuntu server, is there a way to install nginx with the nginx_pagespeed module, directly from the repo? Or would I have to build nginx myself10:43
MooDoonot sure about the module, but you should be able to apt-get install nginx10:44
MooDoohttps://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/how-to-install-nginx-on-ubuntu-12-04-lts-precise-pangolin does this help?10:44
andrewebdevinstalling nginx is not the issue really, it's because nginx needs to be built with nginx_pagespeed enabled10:44
MartijnVdSandrewebdev: what does that module do?10:45
andrewebdevwas basically hoping there may exist some package that does this (am actively googling for that)10:45
andrewebdevMartijnVdS,  https://github.com/pagespeed/ngx_pagespeed10:45
MooDooandrewebdev: what about this :D = http://www.nginxtips.com/how-to-install-nginx-pagespeed-module/10:46
MooDoolooks like you have to build it then again what do I know :D10:46
andrewebdevyeah I was hoping a supported package might already exist within official repos10:47
MooDooandrewebdev: https://launchpad.net/~sandyd/+archive/nginx-current-pagespeed ?10:48
andrewebdevMooDoo, looks promising will review that alongside my other options10:50
MooDooandrewebdev: nice one :D10:50
=== andatche_ is now known as andatche
MooDooyay facebook chat for my page lol small things etc :D11:00
andycIs there an easy way with ubuntu to enable VNC remotely and get access to my other desktop?11:28
MartijnVdSandyc: there used to be, maybe you have to install it manually now11:28
MartijnVdSandyc: "vino" and its preferences tool are what you're looking for11:28
andycI've tried to update preferences for vino but still no joy11:29
andycI'll just keep going at it11:29
MartijnVdSandyc: you may need to log out & back in, or start vino manually once11:29
andycMartijnVdS, Problem solved - I hadn't ticked a box in vino prefs to configure network automatically11:33
jussiandyc: I just allow google to handle it for me (chrome remote desktop)11:47
foobarryjussi: any good?11:57
jussifoobarry: it works easily, simple to install, minimal hassle, no port forwardingg etc11:58
foobarrycool, never tried it11:58
foobarrywonder how it works11:58
jussiand its great for the extended famil, you tell them to click a button and give the code11:58
foobarrytaken me all morning to update bios and ilom firmware on 2 ibm servers12:00
foobarry3 reboots, frequent restarts and fails12:00
foobarryall via the java remote console *shudder*12:01
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
jussifoobarry: note that the wiki page is a bit old though12:03
jussi(linux remote desktop isnt coming soon anymore)12:03
ikoniaI dont suppose anyone has any UK supplier that has unusual coloured ethernet cable, eg: striped, or something a bit unusual12:09
jussiikonia: I dont, but I have a bright pink one here :D12:10
foobarrytried rs components?12:11
ikoniajussi: notohing unusual about pink, a standard colour12:12
foobarryi used to get blue translucent12:12
ikoniafoobarry: looking at RS and commsexpres now, but its all standard colours,12:12
jussiikonia: before I found this one, I had never seen a pink one before12:12
MartijnVdSikonia: http://gizmodo.com/5501265/pink-jeweled-kabling-ethernet-cables-are-the-new-hot-accessory-for-201012:21
MartijnVdSikonia: http://www.ebay.com/bhp/pink-ethernet-cable12:22
jussiikonia: also: http://www.chord.co.uk/product/chord-indigo-ethernet-tuned-aray/12:24
ikonialets see.....12:48
ikoniaMartijnVdS: a good attempt, but it needs to be more than just the connector that is a bit different12:48
MartijnVdSikonia: the connector is different and the cable is pink12:49
ikoniajussi: that's just really "purple" with a massive price tag, not quite the unusual I was thinking12:49
MartijnVdSikonia: what are you thinking of then? :)12:49
ikoniaMartijnVdS: already got pink cable, hence the need for something different12:49
jussiikonia: yeah, hard to find - I spent 10 mins looking and that purple was the best I could find. some nice usb cables available though :P12:50
ikoniajussi: really annoying, I need to basically easy identify a small vlan segment, in a place that already has tons of different coloured cables12:50
jussiikonia: take some electrical tape an spiral it around a normal one?12:51
MartijnVdSikonia: http://www.ebay.com/itm/100pcs-Multicolor-Number-Mark-for-Ethernet-RJ45-12-11-Wire-Power-Cable-/390413623532?pt=US_Cabling_Tools&hash=item5ae67720ec12:51
ikoniajussi: bit sloppy, want "off the shelf" but a good thought12:51
MartijnVdSikonia: those number tags are teh bomb -- use them to tag cables with vlan ids :)12:51
ikoniaMartijnVdS: annoyingly the plain cables all have those on, and they have been proven not to work at this place.12:51
ikoniaMartijnVdS: yeah, used them before, they work great....except with these people12:52
ikoniaI'll find something, I have a blue/white stiped one at home, so some places must do them12:52
jussiikonia: denon have a black with blue dots... unfortunately it costs 499$ :P12:56
MartijnVdSfor audiophiles13:01
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
ikoniayes, not core for sending a few packets down13:05
jussiikonia: btw, is it only color that could be used to distinguish it ?  how about usingthose "flat" cables?13:05
ikoniagot to be colour or a "visual" thing13:06
MartijnVdSso a "flat" cable would work. or a braided one13:11
MartijnVdSikonia: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/New-10M-Network-Fiber-Optic-Flat-cable-for-RJ45-UTP-CAT6a-Cat-6-Ethernet-Patch-F0327/609100336.html13:12
ikoniacould work, I'll check it with them13:14
ikonianice efforts13:14
jussiikonia: yeah, thats the kind of flat one I meant :)13:20
ikoniait's more the light blue that works for me13:20
knightwiseThere :)13:24
knightwiseWife just spent her first day on her brand new linux machine.13:24
knightwise:) I didn't give her an ounce of explenation and she just went ahead and toddled along.13:25
SuperMattknightwise: is she normally computer literate?13:30
knightwiseshe is geeky enough :) I installed elementary on her 24 inch imac13:31
knightwiseshe took to it like a fish to water13:31
SuperMatthmmm... I think the real test is when it's done to someone non-geeky, but props for her taking to it well :)13:31
knightwiseI switched her gran (She's 84 now) to linux about 5 years ago13:32
knightwiseGranny alternates between a W8 laptop and her linux mint machine13:32
SuperMattthat's impressive13:33
SuperMattrunning cinnamon?13:33
knightwise(this is when i switched her to ubuntu)13:35
knightwiseafter unity i moved her over to cinnamon13:35
MartijnVdSI just installed 12.04 for my grandma13:35
MartijnVdS"Oh wow, this is much easier" (she'd only used XP before)13:35
knightwisemust say I simplified cinnamon a little for her ...13:36
MartijnVdSsee, I just gave her Unity :)13:36
* knightwise just not big on unity . I have it on my lts machines though.13:36
SuperMattI love unity13:38
SuperMattI've tried other DEs, and they just don't seem to gel with me13:38
MartijnVdSI run Unity, I don't *use* it much though13:38
MooDooI liked the slab on suse13:38
MartijnVdSjust the button bar and Alt+F213:38
knightwiseI use Küpfer13:38
SuperMattMartijnVdS: I'm much the same. I actually rarely use the dash because I have everything I need in the launcher13:39
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: yeah, I run terminals and a browser.. so that's all that's in there :)13:39
SuperMattI've got files, terminal, firefox, thunderbird, sublime, chrome, software updater, keepass, steam13:40
knightwiseto be very honest , that is what I do the most too13:40
knightwisewhat is sublime ?13:40
SuperMattand this is for my work box13:40
SuperMattanything else isn't required13:40
MartijnVdSknightwise: an editor for people who can't vim13:40
* knightwise is a nano slut13:40
SuperMattI can so use vim!13:40
SuperMattbut it's just as powerful and looks real pretty13:41
MartijnVdSknightwise: poor man13:41
SuperMattI use it mostly for writing code13:41
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: if I use anything other than vim, my files end up full of ":wq"13:41
SuperMattI know what you mean13:41
SuperMattmy command line history can be seen to have !q in it13:41
SuperMattor "/blah/scrip!q"13:42
SuperMattI mean :q!13:42
SuperMattI do that stuff so automatically that when I was just thinking about it, my brain spazzed13:42
ali1234i am looking forward to the day when some hotshot kid takes over maintenance and adds a touch UI to it13:43
MartijnVdSali1234: to what? Unity?13:43
MartijnVdSali1234: vim?13:43
ali1234i will point and laugh at the vim users and tell them "you just hate change, stop living in the past"13:43
MartijnVdSali1234: yes, you type with your on-screen keyboard!13:44
MartijnVdSand you autocorrect13:44
SuperMattusing vim on a touch interface is a pita13:44
MartijnVdSs/using vim on //13:44
ali1234no it isn't, we did extenive user testing with three people and they all said it was much better13:45
SuperMattmmm... pita bread13:45
SuperMattali1234: lawls13:45
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: Pita bread, paid for at a PoS? ;)13:45
ali1234all three people never used vim or a keyboard before, which means they can be much more objective13:46
SuperMattobligatory xkcd post13:46
knightwisewhat do VIM and brokeback mountain have in common ?13:47
knightwise" I don't know how to quit you "13:47
* SuperMatt sniggers13:47
MartijnVdSknightwise: *emacs13:47
ali1234what emacs really needs is an app store13:48
MartijnVdSali1234: suggest it to GNU13:49
* jussi snorts13:49
jussiapp store...13:49
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
MartijnVdSknightwise: Almost 10km ice skating time for Belgium!14:01
shaunoI think what emacs is really missing is a kernel.  one day, hurd, one day14:25
foobarrytouchpad doesn't work in centos?14:31
foobarryi think my install is shagged14:33
foobarryi seem to remember this one never recovered from ctrl-c during a yum update14:33
ali1234is this legit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1y1eex/app_development_and_the_click_store_question/cfh2fs814:33
neuroyum auggggh14:33
ali1234yum is still the least bad rpm front end14:34
foobarrywow ali123414:34
foobarrywhat does debian use to install software?14:34
foobarryvia gui14:34
ali1234foobarry: synaptic14:34
MartijnVdSgdebi 8-)14:35
neurothat's like saying a rusty blunt knife is the least bad implement to stab yourself in the face with14:35
MartijnVdSali1234: until they write that systemd plugin to install packages14:35
foobarry10yrs ago it was synaptic too14:35
ali1234yeah so anyway is that actually true or not? popey? davmor2?14:35
foobarrysomebody should tell omgubuntu14:36
neuroabout the rusty blunt knife?14:36
popeyis what true?14:38
popeyI don't think so.14:38
popeynot that I've heard anyhoo14:38
popeyLaney is on the desktop team, he may know ☻14:38
neuroyeah, i'd be interested to know that guy's sources14:40
neurofwiw, "that guy" = https://launchpad.net/~nhaines14:40
MooDoothere are a lot of websites out there that reference 14.04's software center, so I'm not sure it's going14:40
ali1234it says 14.1014:41
MooDooI'll shut up then14:41
* neuro stops 6 ec2 VMs to save some wonga14:42
neuroone day i'll get auto scaling working14:42
neurobut not today14:42
neurodefinitely not while we're using these &!%$ing centos images :914:43
neurocentos ... the thinking man's rusty blunt knife14:43
foobarrystabs himself14:44
neuroand if i could slap the guy who built them, i would14:44
neuro32-bit installs14:44
foobarryxorg-x11-drv-synaptics conflicts xorg-x11-xserver-xorg14:44
neuroso i can't bump up to the newer ec2 instance types :P14:44
davmor2ali1234: aiui the apps scope will replace USC in unity8.  So usc will nolonger be in the default install of unbuntu but will be supported for the sake of 14.04 until 19.04 when the lts dies.  After that I have no idea what the plans are.14:56
neurowrong bloody window14:57
MartijnVdSneuro: ALT+F415:00
neurodoes nothing15:01
neuromac, remember?15:01
MartijnVdSneuro: sudo poweroff15:01
MartijnVdSneuro: oh, Cmd+Q15:01
MartijnVdSMuch window. Very close.15:01
neuroso gone15:01
neuronot that you'd see anything if i did cmd+q ... irssi proxy + Linkinus ftw15:02
MooDooI'd make a comment about fdisk or something equally is silly but i'd get slapped.15:02
neuroagain, not that it would do much to me15:03
MartijnVdSsudo dd?15:03
neurohmm possibly15:03
neuroi broke a server the other day with some overzealous rm -rf'ing as root15:04
neuroused ; in the command chain rather than &&15:04
neurowhich was stupid15:04
MartijnVdS"and much was learned that day"15:04
neuroleft /bin and /etc looking rather empty15:04
neuroMartijnVdS: yeah, i learned how quickly i could respin the server from an AMI ;)15:05
* popey has put a lambs leg in the oven on low15:05
popeyhouse is starting to smell nicely of dead lamb15:05
popeyThis is a Good Thing ™15:05
neuropopey: if it's on low, make sure you bend your legs, not your back15:05
neurodead meaty things + controlled heat + confined space = nicey smell15:06
neurodead meaty things + uncontrolled heat + outdoors = nasty smell15:06
neuroodd how that works15:07
MooDoosorry I just heard cooked lamb hmmmmmmmmmmm15:10
=== dogmatic69__ is now known as dogmatic69
Gribbles hi, i'm using github and just signed up to openshift. openshift wants my public ssh key, so do i give it the same key i'm using for github or create a new one and give it that?15:45
MartijnVdSGribbles: you can do either. I use the same one everywhere15:47
MartijnVdSGribbles: having multiple keys limits the damage that can be done if the private part gets exposed somehow (hacked machine, government snooping etc)15:48
MartijnVdSexcept if they're all on the same machine, stealing all keys is just as easy as stealing one15:48
MartijnVdSso.. see why I chose one key over several ;)15:48
* awilkins has used the same private key for aaages15:48
* MartijnVdS recently upgraded to a longer one15:49
awilkins1024 bit here15:49
awilkinsI'm an 11 stone crypto-weakling it seems15:50
awilkinsMaybe I should upgrade... same key for my router as well15:50
MartijnVdStook forever to generate15:50
awilkinsLots of frantic mouse wiggling15:50
GribblesMartijnVdS, thanks :)15:51
MartijnVdSawilkins: uhhuh "mouse wiggling"15:51
MartijnVdSaaanyway.. time to go home :)15:52
bashrcthe encryption is only as good as the randomness - hence the wiggling15:52
MartijnVdSbashrc: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCaEjQiaHkU15:52
Dermot_Stryhttp://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/isle-of-man-news/plan-to-create-botanic-garden-of-global-standing-1-6432345    , Note this is using a Manchester company , not a local one . bye.15:56
* awilkins wonders how long an 8192 bit key takes15:56
awilkinsReally fast, apparently15:57
neurocapital one really want me to use their credit card16:49
neuro"Has anyone lost a bag of shopping? A white carrier bag with produce and water has been handed in – found in the Coffee Lounge earlier today."16:53
neurothe fun emails i get at work16:53
jussineuro: capital one :/17:06
knightwiseeeevenin everyone17:23
knightwisehey emma17:23
knightwisehey jussi neuro !17:23
jussiknightwise: hi. hows the wife coping with E?17:24
knightwiseDoin fine :)17:24
knightwisejust did her first workflows today ( mail , printing out some shipping tickets and stuff)17:24
knightwiseshe only mentioned that it looks a little different , but that its also a little faster17:25
knightwiseso thats a good thing :)17:25
knightwiseToday I mounted our picture share in a folder and pointed her screensaver at the directory17:25
knightwiseso now she has her "picture slideshow" as a screensaver17:26
jussiknightwise: you removed the naughty pictures I hope :P :P17:26
knightwiseWe have a seperate share for those :p17:27
neuroello knightwise17:29
SuperEngineerSo let's see who's up for a partion question... "building" a new PC with new disk amonst other stuff...17:29
neuroyou know partion isn't a word, right?17:30
* neuro runs17:30
SuperEngineerif I want to pre-partiton the disk [reason soon obvious]...17:30
knightwisego on ...17:30
SuperEngineercould I create a root partition on new disk & simply copy all root stuff from [single partion setup on existing disk] to the new? [copy using sudo assumed]17:32
SuperEngineerthen create home and do the obvious17:32
neurowhy not just fresh install?17:33
knightwiseDd-ing everythong over is not recommended17:33
knightwisei would do a fresh install and just copy over the /home17:33
neurodd would work if the partition sizes match17:33
neurolike exactly17:33
SuperEngineerwant to wait till 14.04 release rather than start at beta17:34
neurocopying sounds like too much hassle, pain dealing with dev, proc, etc17:34
knightwiseSuperEngineer: give us the whole story .. what are you doin ?17:34
neurowhy not wait til 14.04 comes out then? :)17:35
SuperEngineerknightwise: - semi-building new pc [exisiting is an old Dell Dimension with extra memory & better graphics card & bigger disks etc17:35
SuperEngineernew is based on a Zoostorm [+ nVidia GTX650, extra disk and as much as can be salvagedfrom Dell as is useful17:36
SuperEngineerneuro: I'm soon to go for a knee op - I will be off the road for a little while after - thought that this would be good time to do the dirty17:37
neuro13.10 then?17:37
neuroand do a release upgrade come april?17:37
SuperEngineer...though still waiting for required psu to arrive and for dearest sistewr to send early birthday pressy to double the 4GB RAM in it17:38
neurojust be wary of the ram in the zoostorms17:38
neuroi had to replace mine very very quickly17:38
neuroand the HDD i got was shonky as well17:39
SuperEngineerneuro: that brings me back to original q/  !17:39
SuperEngineerI want to set this up "right" -  I would like separate root, home [+dat] partitions17:39
knightwiseI would do a clean install on a clean system.17:39
knightwiseso seperate partitions for / home and swap17:40
knightwisenice and clean17:40
knightwiseand then just copy over your settings in /home17:40
SuperEngineercopy /home from 12.04 to which - 13.10 [not fancied], 14.04 [still late beta]. hmmm17:41
neurodo a 12.04 install then?17:41
neuroso everything marries up17:41
knightwisei did that today17:41
neurothen do the 14.04 upgrade17:41
knightwiseinstalled 12.04 on my mac mini (and yesterday on my wifes imac)17:42
knightwiseno .. i'm a SLIDER :)17:42
knightwisecross platform guru :)17:42
* neuro hugs his Macs17:42
neurothere, there17:42
neurodon't listen to the bad man17:42
knightwiseHahahah :p17:42
knightwiseI do horrible things to macs :)17:42
SuperEngineeror download 12.04.4 and re-update it!  why the whotsits didn't I think of that option!!!! [thanks for being my brain / bouncing board - sincerely]17:42
knightwisethere you go :)17:43
SuperEngineerI *do* think U-UK should be compulsory or available on the NHS at least ;)17:44
knightwiseneuro : here's a horror story for you http://knightwise.com/switch-week-linux-on-the-imac-and-more/17:44
knightwiseAs the daleks say BLAS-PHE-MY !17:45
* SuperEngineer downloads 12.04.4 - smiles17:45
SuperEngineerdarn... now I've got to thinking about "full utilsation"...18:01
SuperEngineer..any know if there is any advantage in running the desktop monitor from on boarrd graphics and leaving the nVidia to dribe the "big screen" [the TV]18:03
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
SuperEngineeror maybe use spare monitor [vga only] attached to onboard graphics & let nvidia to main monitor + TV18:04
SuperEngineer[or maybe just experiment & find out when all safely uo & running ;) ]18:07
SuperEngineerwhoops - apparently brain thought I was on #SpellItBadly channel18:08
mappswhats up guys18:08
MartijnVdS^ that way18:08
SuperEngineerMartijnVdS: was that for moi?18:09
MartijnVdSno, for mapps18:10
MartijnVdShe asked what up was18:10
SuperEngineerhokey dokeys18:10
mappshey MartijnVdS18:11
* SuperEngineer searches key map for other "ups"18:11
mappshave you been to the amsterdam dungeons?18:11
mappsor london even18:11
MartijnVdSmapps: no.18:11
mappshas anyone? im guessing london dungeons is jack the ripper18:11
shaunoI've always avoided them.  seems like an incredibly cheesy chain18:14
mappsi loved the amstersam dungeon..butr i did expect it to suck tbh shauno18:17
mappsjust wondered how good the london one is18:17
mappsstill not managed to fix the socket errors on this stupid url filtering stuff18:20
shaunothis is absolute genius; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoTMC-uxJoo18:26
shaunoI actually wish we had a use for these 'water curtain' signs just because they look neat18:26
dwatkinsput one in yourt shower18:51
SuperEngineertempted to suggest replacing "yourt shower" with "yoghurt shower" - seems so much more fun18:59
shaunoa shower in a yurt does sound quite awkward19:18
mappsa yurt19:33
mappsthat a tent kinda thing?19:33
ali1234it's new humble bundle time...20:11
MooDooevening all20:26
mappsi noticed my machines connection had died21:36
mappsso i tried21:36
mappsoogging onto it locally..AND its just hanging on login after ive enterred my password21:36
ali1234probably out of memory or disk space21:37
mappsah ok would that cause that? where would an error about that be written to21:39
ali1234but the point is that if you run out of disk space nothing can write to any logs21:39
mappsi think its memory]got 800gb free21:39
diddledanI've also had issues where /dev/pts isn't mounted but that's an esoteric issue that I've only encountered on gentoos21:39
ali1234if you run out of ram it triggers swapping which overloads disk io and makes reading or writing impossible, effectively hanging the machine21:40
diddledanand only affected ssh21:40
ali1234i don't understand why they even bother enabling swap21:40
mappsah so that would be why the connection died too21:40
ali1234all it does is make the computer freeze for 20 minutes before the oom killer kicks in21:40
diddledanali1234: swap is a bit of a mess on linux isn't it?! :-p21:41
ali1234swap isn't the problem, the i/o scheduler is21:41
ali1234it's total garbage21:41
ali1234noop scheduler performs better on any type of disk21:41
ali1234*possibly excluding high end raid arrays, ut who the hell has one of those?21:42
ali1234the other day i tried to tar up a large directory on a web server... the server stopped serving pages until i killed tar21:45
diddledanit's not uncommon to see 4GB of swap available on random boxes - that's gonna take some time to reach the OOM where the system is unresponsive21:45
diddledansimilar behaviour is another reason Gentoo are bad servers when it comes to upgrade time21:46
ali1234i have 16gb ram and 32gb swap21:46
diddledan"I'll just compile this upgradE"21:46
diddledan"in 1GB of RAMs and 1CPU"21:47
ali1234the computer can hang for literally hours if some badly behaved program decides to use 32gb of ram21:47
ali1234it always recovers once the oom killer kicks in, but usually X crashes due to very very overdue irqs21:48
ali1234this is why i want cgroups support, so i can reserve say 1gb for system processes21:49
diddledanisn't the point of an IRQ that it actually interrupts something? :-p21:49
ali1234yeah you'd think that but apparently disk i/o already runs in irq mode, who knows?21:49
ali1234you can't irq inside an irq21:49
ali1234(maybe you can on x86, it wouldn't surprise me all that much)21:50
diddledanit would be nice if the IRQ could use all CPUs/Cores instead of hitting the same one all the time for backwards compatibility (or so I read?)21:51
ali1234it wouldn't really be all that useful21:51
ali1234most IRQs are not time critical in normal operation21:52
ali1234it only becomes a problem when the kernel hangs for more than a few minutes at a time21:53
ali1234you're not supposed to do anything inside IRQ context except clear the flags and marshal the data into some kind of queue so that it can be handled in a non-IRQ context21:53
ali1234of course, that sometimes involves allocating memory...21:54
diddledanisn't there a DoS technique referred to as an interrupt storm? :-D21:54
ali1234i dunno, but i would guess that means something else21:55
diddledanheh the interrupt storm is a modern term for a problem that happened on the apollo 11 lunar lander - the infamous 1201 and 1202 errors22:03
diddledanthat also**22:04
diddledanturns out the guys at nasa were pretty clever22:04
diddledan"""Happily for Apollo 11, the AGC software had been designed with priority scheduling. Just as it had been designed to do, the software automatically recovered, deleting lower priority tasks including the 1668 display task, to complete its critical guidance and control tasks."22:05
diddledanis that an early OOM killer? :->22:06
diddledanwow, the apollo guidance computer (AGC) was used all over the place22:07
diddledaneven in submarines22:08
diddledanI'll just leave this here: http://www.amazon.com/JL421-Badonkadonk-Land-Cruiser-Tank/dp/B00067F1CE/ref=sr_1_3?tag=ohmy0c-2022:26
diddledanwhy would anyone want to?!22:42
diddledanI guess "because it's there and my ashtray is a whole foot the other way"22:42
ali1234i dunno22:42
diddledanwaaa, kernel patches galore]23:51
diddledanI don't get why ksplice isn't used in more places23:53
Monotokoisn't that the one Oracle bought?23:54
diddledanbut it was opensauce beforehand23:54
Monotokothings like that tend to die when companies like Oracle buy them :(23:54
diddledanlooks like the website (ksplice.com) hasn't been updated since the acquisition in 201123:57
diddledanI get the impression that nobody in the wider community either knew about it or thought it was a silly idea23:59

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