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Saviqmhr3, reassigned to -shell: bug #128135908:31
ubot5bug 1281359 in unity-scopes-shell "search isn't looking for things in dash on the mwc image" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128135908:31
tsdgeosSaviq: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/+bug/128118808:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 1281188 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Improve itemviews delegate creation range patch" [Undecided,New]08:42
Saviqtsdgeos, yup, saw it yesterday08:43
tsdgeosSaviq: what do you want to do with https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/unity8-mascot-res-workaround/+merge/206114 ? take karni's patch? mine + investigate why karni's doesn't work? mine and not investigate at this stage?08:44
* karni looks08:45
Saviqtsdgeos, I think we should merge into new-scopes and investigate when we have time08:46
karnitsdgeos: ack on your comment. as far as I'm concerned, I'm glad either of the fixs improve the visual quality. the only downside of yours is memory consumption, but I don't mind going down that route, I agree mine's a workaround and not a fix.08:46
tsdgeosSaviq: merge karni's * 4? ok08:47
Saviqtsdgeos, yeh08:47
Saviqtsdgeos, Mirv is away this week :/08:47
karniThank you.08:47
tsdgeosSaviq: ouch, maybe sil2100 can help?08:48
Saviqtsdgeos, not sure there's anyone other than Mirv that will be confident enough to do this :/08:53
tsdgeosSaviq: ppa it?08:54
tsdgeosto demo-stuff ?08:54
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, I think that's best for now08:54
tsdgeosSaviq: do i have permissions to put stuff into that ppa?08:54
Saviqtsdgeos, sure, you're unity-team08:54
Saviqtsdgeos, just make sure you bump the version number08:55
tsdgeosok, will see how i do that08:55
tsdgeosit's a long time since i used a ppa :D08:55
Saviqtsdgeos, let me know if you have issues :)08:55
Saviqtsdgeos, I put it in a branch already https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/ubuntu/trusty/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/improve-delegate-range/+merge/20686508:56
Saviqhmm I might have failed, though08:56
tsdgeoslooks weird :D08:56
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, my branch was post-5.208:57
tsdgeosSaviq: i don't need a branch though, right? Just dput it to the ppa and bedone?08:58
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, sure08:58
Saviqtsdgeos, fixed the branch, fwiw09:03
Saviqtsdgeos, btw, does it apply cleanly to 5.2?09:05
tsdgeosthat is a good question09:05
tsdgeoslet me see09:05
tsdgeosSaviq: yes and no :D09:06
Saviqtsdgeos, I know, wrong file names? ;)09:07
tsdgeosSaviq: the patch does not apply cleanly, but the old one didn't either09:07
tsdgeosno it's just that more member variables are added to the class09:07
tsdgeosso the constructor initialization list part of the patch09:07
tsdgeosdoesn't apply09:07
Saviqtsdgeos, and the old one didn't either?09:08
tsdgeosi guess Mirv has an updated version of the patch in the 5.2 ppa09:08
Saviqtsdgeos, lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/09:10
Saviqtsdgeos, it's there09:10
tsdgeosSaviq: yes, that has the updated version09:12
Saviqtsdgeos, that's a packaging-only branch, so you'd need `bzr bd --export-only` first, to get it unpacked in ../build-area09:13
Saviqtsdgeos, and work on it with quilt09:14
tsdgeosSaviq: you've lost me there already, do you want me to also update the 5.2 beta ppa?09:14
Saviqtsdgeos, no09:14
Saviqtsdgeos, just prepare the patch09:14
Saviqtsdgeos, so that it's ready when Mirv is back09:14
tsdgeosSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/kubuntu-packaging/qtdeclarative-opensource-src_improve-delegate-range/+merge/20687709:51
Saviqtsdgeos, thanks09:51
tsdgeossomeone i got some more changes than i wanted though09:51
tsdgeosnot sure where those came from09:51
tsdgeosi guess lines changed somewhere09:51
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, line numbers09:52
mhr3Saviq, do we have a branch that can open temp dash pages yet?10:02
Saviqmhr3, not yet, am working on it10:02
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, i've updated from demo-stuff packages and confirmed we are only creating like 9 cards now on expansion and not hundreds as before10:05
tsdgeosSaviq: what's next on the MWC road?10:05
Saviqtsdgeos, awesome10:05
Saviqtsdgeos, you could take over scope activation from me, as I'm apparently unable to dig myself out of email, and I'll look at landing unity810:07
Saviqtsdgeos, there's two signals and a method added: lp:~mhr3/unity-scopes-shell/scope-activation10:07
Saviqmhr3, any reason why ↑ is not MP'd yet?10:08
Saviqtsdgeos, gotoScope(string) is meant to switch you to a scope that you have favorited (and thus you have it in your dash)10:09
Saviqtsdgeos, openScope(*Scope) is meant to open that scope in a temporary overlay on top of the dash, with a back button in the page header10:09
Saviqtsdgeos, *or* you could get multi-column previews working with mhr3, but that's lower prio10:10
tsdgeosSaviq: with openScope you can't scroll left/right, right?10:12
Saviqtsdgeos, nope10:12
Saviqtsdgeos, also, in case you get redirected to another scope, it replaces the current one - so it's only ever one overlay at the most10:12
tsdgeosyou mean10:13
tsdgeosopenScope, openScope, back button gets me to the regular dash10:13
Saviqtsdgeos, yes10:14
Saviqtsdgeos, you might get openScope, gotoScope, in which case you'd close the overlay, too10:14
tsdgeosok, bit weird if you ask me, but ok10:14
tsdgeosSaviq: sure i guess i can take over this, do you have any implemntation started? or any idea of how you want to architecture it?10:15
Saviqtsdgeos, no, not really, just go for it10:15
Saviqtsdgeos, can you add review checklist to https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/preview_progress/+merge/205939 please10:17
Saviqgreyback, same for https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/rotatedDDA/+merge/205845 please10:18
tsdgeosSaviq: you mean cimi?10:18
Saviqtsdgeos, <facepalm> yes10:18
SaviqCimi, add review checklist to https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/preview_progress/+merge/205939 please10:18
CimiSaviq, ok10:18
SaviqCimi, same on https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/show_video_playback_screenshot_loading_indicator/+merge/20652510:19
CimiSaviq, why do we need to do this?10:19
SaviqCimi, because that's the process10:20
greybackSaviq: done10:20
Saviqgreyback, thanks10:20
CimiSaviq, I think it's a waste of time10:20
SaviqCimi, just bake it into your review process and there won't be no time wasted10:20
CimiSaviq, it's repeating something is implied in the review10:21
SaviqCimi, explicit > implicit10:21
CimiSaviq, in 4 years I always did that10:21
CimiSaviq, I'd just comment when I don't do things10:21
CimiSaviq, like when CI doesn't pass10:21
CimiSaviq, instead of adding clutter everywhere when it's not needed10:22
Cimiwe move the attention from where it really matters, commenting always10:22
SaviqCimi, you're wasting time now, you know?10:22
tsdgeosSaviq: i'm going to base the branch on new-scopes and not on trunk, i guess i could base it in trunk but it'd be harder than need to be, ok?10:22
Saviqtsdgeos, sure10:22
CimiSaviq, I'm wasting time if you're not paying attention, otherwise I'm not :)10:22
SaviqCimi, you're wasting time because that's the process, deal with it10:23
CimiSaviq, I've indeed added comments, but I've expressed my opinion, and I'd like to know why we no longer imply we're doing our job10:23
SaviqCimi, because that's the process now10:24
mhr3Saviq, it's missing forced refresh, will mp once that's in10:24
Saviqmhr3, ok10:24
mhr3Saviq, but fwiw it's in demo ppa10:25
SaviqCimi, no, everything's public - that is the process now, it's required for the checklist to be filled, that's just what it is10:25
SaviqCimi, and we've just wasted 20 times more time than it takes to copy/paste those two lines in your review just talking about it10:25
mhr3tsdgeos, ^^10:25
SaviqCimi, for us the checklist is pretty minimal, but it's meant to act as a reminder, is all10:26
tsdgeosmhr3: what's forced refresh? and do i care? :D10:27
mhr3tsdgeos, you care that what you need is in demo ppa10:28
tsdgeosmhr3: oki :)10:28
Cimiin 21 reviews we'd have amortised the chat about the checklist then :D10:28
tsdgeosmhr3: any way to excercise it (i.e. get the openScope/gotoScope calls?)10:29
mhr3tsdgeos, yea, previews for scopes scope results will emit it10:29
tsdgeosmhr3: can i get an openScope of a Scope i actually have as favourite?10:30
mhr3tsdgeos, no10:30
mhr3only for non-favourited10:30
tsdgeosmhr3: then would make it more sense to get just one signal and then depending of if i have it in the dash or not i do some thing or another? Or you prefer to have that logic in the unity-scopes-shell level?10:31
mhr3tsdgeos, i thought i'm making it easier for you with the two10:31
mhr3tsdgeos, but if you want one, i can change it to one10:31
tsdgeosmhr3: not specifically want, was just throwing it up for discussion :D10:32
tsdgeosmhr3: but two signals works too, less code on our side :D10:32
mhr3tsdgeos, oh wait, the mem management for temp ones is different10:32
mhr3so better to have two10:32
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, you need to call closeScope(*Scope) on non-favourited ones10:32
mhr3tsdgeos, you're supposed to call closeScope() when you close the temp page10:32
Saviqdednick, there was a branch that un-rotated indicators, did that get merged already or?10:35
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CimiI noticed this command click run by lightdm10:46
Cimikeeps processor awake here10:46
Saviqgreyback, there was a branch somewhere that fixed rotated indicators, did it get merged somewhere? /me can't find10:48
Saviq@unity any other branch we'd like to land asap?10:49
mzanettinot here10:49
Cimidoes anyone knows what's this "click" process?10:53
Cimiwhat it's doing10:53
Cimikeeps using CPU here10:53
Cimimy guess it's for click packages, but still why does it keep running in the background continuoisly?10:54
mhr3karni, btw category headers seem to use wrong color, it shouldn't be light10:55
karnimhr3: noted, will look into it10:55
mhr3karni, so does the running apps renderer for the titles10:55
mhr3karni, ty10:56
karniSaviq: we have a couple "TODO"'s around the code to remove hardcoded color values and use the Ubuntu Palette (which is not yet updated). should we continue these hacks, or should we consider updating the Pallete (ubuntu-ui-toolkit) package?10:56
greybackSaviq: rotated indicators? This for demo-stuff?10:57
Saviqkarni, we need to continue these hacks for now, as we can only use a single theme per QML context, and we still need SuruDark in the rest of the shell10:57
karniSaviq: ACK10:58
Saviqgreyback, yeah, here's how my indicators look now http://ubuntuone.com/1hYa7ap0C18527yzLUDrk910:59
Saviqgreyback, and I did see a change in MenuContent.qml that was fixing that, AFAIK11:00
Saviqbut now I lost it11:00
greybackSaviq: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/rotate-n7/revision/702 should have done it11:01
greybackunless I broke it11:01
Saviqgreyback, ah ok, so updating from demo-stuff should be good11:01
Saviqgreyback, sorry, I just knew I saw it somewhere, but couldn't find it11:01
greybackSaviq: yeah, it landed in demo-stuff last week. np11:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 1275828 in click (Ubuntu) "click process keeps dying and spawning again continuously" [Undecided,New]11:03
Saviqsil2100, hey, I can has silo for unity8?11:06
popeygreyback: http://imgur.com/t5xxEpB,528Nscu,2GjsSPb,fseUpjH this is known issue, right?11:06
popey(rotation for apps - same as the other rotation issues I've seen on nexus 10)11:07
greybackpopey: did you pull today's updates?11:07
popeynot yet11:07
greybackpopey: please do, a rotation fix landed last night11:08
tsdgeosmhr3: i'm a bit confused because those functions are at the "Scope" level11:08
tsdgeosmhr3: wouldn't they make more sense at the Scopes level?11:08
mhr3tsdgeos, yes and no11:08
mhr3tsdgeos, those happen in response to interacting with a scope11:09
mhr3(clicking preview buttons etc, activating results, ...)11:09
mhr3but yes they're very much Scopes-related11:09
tsdgeosi got the gotoScope to work, that's easy11:10
tsdgeosi've no clu how to get an openScope though :/11:10
mhr3tsdgeos, you mean how to simulate it?11:10
mhr3tsdgeos, do you see all remote scopes with unity-scope-tool?11:11
tsdgeosall the scopes scope gives me is gotoScopes11:11
tsdgeosmhr3: i don't know all of them so i don't know :D what should i be looking for?11:11
tsdgeosyou mean grooveshark and stuff?11:11
tsdgeosyes i do11:11
mhr3tsdgeos, good, so just do `UNITY_SCOPES_LIST=scopes unity-scope-tool`11:12
mhr3then you should get *only* openScope()11:12
tsdgeosworks, now let's implement it11:13
mhr3didn't write a test for that, so if it crashes let me know :)11:13
dednickSaviq: unrotated indicators? not aware of it11:14
Saviqdednick, yeah, greyback already solved the mystery ;)11:15
dednickSaviq: ah. cool11:15
greybackpopey: that is the Notes app, in full screen, on tablet? Notes only comes up side stage for me11:16
popeyno, reminders. works now I updated, thanks11:16
greybackpopey: oh good11:17
sil2100Saviq: hi!11:18
sil2100Saviq: let me take a look11:18
sil2100Saviq: please set the landing to Ready: Yes ;p !11:19
Saviqsil2100, right ;)11:20
CimiSaviq, which are the requirements for new scopes branch?11:20
Saviqsil2100, done11:20
SaviqCimi, ppa:ubuntu-unity/demo-stuff11:20
CimiSaviq, tx!11:20
SaviqCimi, erm11:21
SaviqCimi, make that ppa:unity-team/demo-stuff11:21
sil2100Saviq: silo assigned!11:24
Saviqsil2100, thanks11:24
seb128mhr3, seems like unity-scope-loader is hitting quite some errors since the "no libgee use" update11:34
seb128mhr3, it's high ranked on e.u.c, the retracing fails and is useless though, https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/f95da5ec05ef4763b40272b088053a769aafece511:35
mhr3seb128, hm, got stacktrace?11:35
seb128mhr3, look at the recent reports on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libunity/+bugs?orderby=-id&start=0 ?11:35
CimiSaviq, and to see carousel?11:37
mhr3seb128, it's mediascanner related, not libunity11:37
mhr3jamesh, ^^, looks like exception on startup11:37
seb128mhr3, can you reassign the concerned people then?11:38
seb128mhr3, thanks11:38
mhr3done, ty11:38
SaviqCimi, in the mediascanner2 scope, for example11:39
CimiSaviq, I don't have it, am I missing a package?11:40
Cimior maybe because I have no content on the pc?11:40
Cimiwho knoes for the new scopes branch?11:50
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dandradergreyback, working on side stage improvements?12:04
greybackdandrader: yep, this is me: bug 128119912:05
ubot5bug 1281199 in Unity 8 "Can only pull launcher out in landscape from top left on flo mwc image" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128119912:05
dandradergreyback,  and that's caused by the side stage? it's in front of the launcher or something?12:06
greybackdandrader: it's weird, am suspecting some InputArea bug12:06
greybackonly on n7 bizarrely too12:06
Cimimhr3, you know how to show the carousel in new scopes branch?12:06
dandraderwow, my N10 rebooted on its own accord and went to that fastboot screen stating "downloading. Do not turn off!12:09
mhr3Cimi, on the phone?12:10
Cimimhr3, desktop12:12
mhr3Cimi, just run unity-scope-tool, and override a category for whichever scope12:13
mhr3(from unity8's new-scopes branch)12:13
Cimimhr3, I don't understand12:14
Cimimhr3, what am I supposed to do with this tool?12:15
mhr3Cimi, click the override category button, and change "grid" to "carousel"12:15
Cimiah cool, I'll try12:15
Cimimhr3, very cool, thanks12:16
mhr3glad to have helped12:18
tsdgeosmhr3: ping12:29
tsdgeosmhr3: i need a name for the openScope variable in your signal, otherwise the qml magic doesn't know how to give me a name for it12:31
mhr3tsdgeos, oh, fixing12:32
mhr3tsdgeos, pushed to lp:~mhr3/unity-scopes-shell/scope-activation12:34
tsdgeoscan i build directly from there?12:35
tsdgeosor does demo-stuff build from it?12:35
mhr3tsdgeos, build it directly, demo-stuff is slow :)12:35
tsdgeosmhr3: that works tx12:39
tsdgeosnow i need a back button12:39
tsdgeosSaviq: do we have a back button somewhre? or shall i just use the reverse chevron ?12:39
mhr3tsdgeos, k, i refuse to give that to you though :)12:40
tsdgeosmhr3: do you know of a mockup where i can see the back button? i should have some in google drive but can't find anything :S12:41
Cimiunity keeps segfaulting :(12:42
mhr3tsdgeos, https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B-a_7E3tDxOgcV9fbWpCN3pCbVE/edit12:44
tsdgeosok tx12:44
mhr3Cimi, uninstall the mediascanner2 scope12:45
mhr3it's hitting something in unity that makes it crap out12:45
Cimimhr3, I mean unity unity12:45
mhr3nvm then12:45
mhr3complain to Trevinho :)12:46
Cimimhr3, it randomly segfaults with qt creator12:46
Cimiand qt creator dies with it12:46
mhr3so... i think i won't upgrade just yet :)12:46
CimiI keep losing files :D12:46
Cimimhr3, might be hardware issue12:47
Cimiworks fine on the macbook air with VM12:47
cwaynehey guys, should the mediascanner2 scope be pulling descriptions for videos from metadata?12:47
Cimibut segfaults on the real ubuntu pc12:47
mhr3cwayne, we don't really have designs for previews of local videos12:53
cwaynemhr3, that seems not good12:54
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dandradercwayne, about bug 1279582. "When adding a picture to a note from gallery". You mean, from Notes app, you try to add a picture from Gallery app?13:10
ubot5bug 1279582 in Unity 8 "Launching content hub to add an image to a note on tablet, a content hub window is shown with a blank sidestage window that can't be closed" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127958213:10
Saviqthostr_, you might need to mirror the right-pointing one13:12
thostr_Saviq: ?13:14
cwaynedandrader, it's from the reminders app13:14
Saviqthostr_, sorry, was supposed to be tsdgeos ↑↑13:14
cwaynebasically AFAIK it'll always happenw hen invoking content hub on tablet though13:14
dandradermzanetti, you worked on the Reminders app, right? I tap on the "Add note" button in the bottom toolbar and nothing happens... any idea?13:21
mzanettidandrader: are you logged in?13:22
dandradermzanetti, I have to log into something? thus no. :)13:22
mzanettidandrader: you need to open settings -> accounts and add a evernote account there13:22
mzanettidandrader: there is a branch which adds a screen telling you that... just not landed yet13:23
dandradermzanetti, is there a demo/sample evernote account that people use?13:24
Trevinhomhr3: "It's never a my problem"™13:26
mhr3Trevinho, guess who owns the trademark on that? :P13:27
Trevinhomhr3: ehehe :)13:27
TrevinhoCimi: so, crashes, what? CAn you give us a backtrace?13:28
CimiTrevinho, I think it's video driver13:29
CimiTrevinho, it was crashing with VGA connected13:29
Cimimaybe video memory13:29
Trevinhoah ok13:30
karniCan't run new-scopes branch either with ./run nor run unity-scope-tool. Known issue?13:31
karni./builddir/tools/unity-scope-tool: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/unity8/qml/Unity/libUnity-qml.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK5unity6scopes5Scope12create_queryERKSsRKSt3mapISsNS0_7VariantESt4lessISsESaISt4pairIS2_S5_EEERKSt10shared_ptrINS0_14SearchListenerEE13:31
karniSaviq: ↑13:31
rpadovaniHey guys, sorry to disturb you, just a question: there is a plan to reintroduce in HUD support for indicators?13:31
rpadovanilarsu, ^^ Trevinho said me to ask to you13:31
Saviqmhr3, ↑↑13:32
Saviqkarni, not sure, worked here13:32
Saviqkarni, try ./build -c maybe13:32
karniI just bracned fresh13:32
karnidid ./build -s, then ./build -c13:32
karnitried twice13:32
CimiTrevinho, another bug13:32
karnineither ./run nor unity-scope-tool works13:32
karniactually, ./run shows unity8 in a window briefly, then seems to crash13:33
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larsurpadovani: sorry I don't work on hud these days. pete-woods, can you help rpadovani?13:33
karniFTR I'm up-to-date13:33
CimiTrevinho, mouseover launcher to get a tooltip in the middle of the screen, then alt-tab13:33
CimiTrevinho, the alt tab, that is overlapping the tooltip, flashes13:33
mhr3karni, upgrade13:34
* karni runs dist-upgrade13:34
TrevinhoCimi: oh, nice catch... mh13:34
TrevinhoCimi: it might be hard to fix, I'll check13:34
pete-woodsrpadovani: at the moment there isn't, we're currently waiting on our design team for direction on what to do there13:36
CimiTrevinho, hide the tooltip on alt-tab :-P13:37
rpadovanipete-woods, ok, thanks :-) Hope to see it again, it is so useful!13:38
pete-woodsrpadovani: :) I'll make a note to keep you appraised of what we do there13:39
rpadovani\o/ thanks!13:39
tsdgeosSaviq: yeah was thinking to do that13:50
cwayneSaviq, btw let me know if the multiple background bit lands, i know they're gonna ask me about that today re: demos13:51
Saviqcwayne, you mean card background13:51
Saviqah no13:51
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Saviqyou mean greeter background13:51
TrevinhoCimi: yeah, it might be a working and probably good workaround13:51
Saviqcwayne, will talk to mterry when he's around (should be soon)13:52
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mzanettiSaviq: o/14:05
karniIn a scope review meeting, will prob not attend SU14:06
Saviqmzanetti, \p14:08
* Saviq not sure what happened there14:08
mzanettiSaviq: where?14:08
mzanettiwell... there's a meeting now14:09
Saviqone arm around the head and pointing down14:09
Saviqmzanetti, lol14:09
mzanettibut ted doesn't seem to be around either14:09
Saviqmzanetti, ah, bummer14:09
Saviqmzanetti, move it for later?14:09
cwayneSaviq, where are we re: scope activation?14:11
Saviqcwayne, tsdgeos is working on it14:11
tsdgeosSaviq: cwayne: hopefully something usable by todays EOD14:12
Saviqtsdgeos, cool14:12
tsdgeosobviously will need polishing and any kind of animation we want to happen14:12
tsdgeosas now is all IN YOUR FACE14:13
Saviqmterry, hey, q for MWC: can we get per-user backgrounds in the demo model? how about infographics?14:13
tsdgeosbut well14:13
Saviqtsdgeos, ;D14:13
Saviqkarni, where was the dash http proto again?14:13
karniSaviq: come again?14:13
karnilemme find it14:13
Saviqtedg, would you have time later today to chat about version-less appids?14:14
tedgSaviq, Sure14:14
Saviqmzanetti, ↑14:14
Saviqtsdgeos, according to the prototype it's meant to slide the dash to the side14:15
tsdgeoswill do that after getting it to work :D14:15
Saviqtsdgeos, i.e. push through the launcher14:15
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cwaynemhr3, hey, we're seeing local music not showing up in the music scope sometimes, any idea?14:17
mhr3cwayne, search, surfacing?14:19
Saviqmterry, in case you didn't get it:14:20
Saviq<Saviq> mterry, hey, q for MWC: can we get per-user backgrounds in the demo model? how about infographics?14:21
cwaynemhr3, yeah, searching makes them show up14:21
mterrySaviq, the demo model has per-user backgrounds.  It still looks in /usr/share/demo-assets/shell/backgrounds/14:22
mterrySaviq, for infographics, you can use usermetricsinput command line to insert data for various users (but note that you have to actually make the users on the system)14:22
mterrySaviq, pete-woods should be able to help with any issues with that14:22
cwaynemhr3, also on video aggregator, when doing a search, the my videos category is showing up last, that seems wrong14:23
Saviqmterry, hmm with https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/demo-users/+merge/203823 how do you set up the backgrounds?14:24
mterrySaviq, just drop image files in /usr/share/demo-assets/shell/backgrounds/14:24
mterrySaviq, it will assign one to each user14:25
Saviqcwayne, ↑14:25
mhr3cwayne, can you open a bug about that pls?14:25
mhr3cwayne, also "sometimes" is not something i can go with14:25
cwaynemterry, Saviq i tried that14:25
cwaynedidn't work14:26
cwaynemhr3, well, what do you want me to do? it's an itermittent failure14:26
mhr3cwayne, is that after startup, does it fix itself after doing a search and clearing it.. .etc14:26
dandradergreyback, https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/sideStage_lp1281088/+merge/20694614:26
mterrycwayne, huh14:26
mterrycwayne, let me look at code again14:27
Saviqmterry, could we not just add a background= line to the .unity8-demo-users file?14:28
mterrySaviq, we could sure14:28
greybackdandrader: MR checklist please14:28
dandradergreyback, ah, ok14:28
Saviqmterry, and yeah, I can confirm, dropping files in there doesn't help14:28
cwaynemterry, Saviq that's also not a good idea to do anyway since it's r/o14:29
Saviqcwayne, +114:29
cwayneif it were ~/.local/share that'd be better :)14:29
CimiTrevinho, ^14:30
Ciminew unity deco are crashing for me14:30
mterrycwayne, well, a lot of the demo customization requires making the image writable, right?14:30
cwaynenone of it does so far14:30
mterrycwayne, oh well the greeter stuff does, like adding new users for the infographics14:31
mterryOr maybe those bits are already mounted rw14:31
cwaynemterry, i'm still trying to figure that bit out14:31
cwaynethat's the only thing that would require it so far, and i'm trying to find a way around it :/14:31
cwaynewe have demo infographics working for 1 user, trying to find out how to do it for multiple14:31
Saviqkarni, you joining standup today?14:31
Saviqgreyback, ↑14:31
Wellarkhey guys!14:32
SaviqWellark, o/14:32
karniSaviq: I don't have mumble set up :/14:32
karniSaviq: The only thing I have on plate for this team is font color fix for mhr314:32
Wellarkthere are a lot of warnings and errors (binding loops etc) reported when for example running unity8 autopilot tests14:32
karniSaviq: we need to get some scope work done before EOD for my team14:32
Wellarkis anyone actively working on fixing them?14:32
Saviqkarni, sure14:32
mterrycwayne, Saviq: I will try to see why the demo-assets directory isn't working, and then if it's just busted, will add a background= field to the demo config file14:32
Saviqkarni, just asking14:32
karniSaviq: sure, thanks. I'll limit myself to that update today ↑14:33
SaviqWellark, they are warnings mostly, nothing that really affects us14:33
cwaynemhr3, it's after startup, it seems to fix itself after searching14:33
cwaynemterry, i'd prefer the background= anyway14:33
cwaynethat way i can set it up in the custom tarball14:33
SaviqWellark, cleaning the log output is really at the far end of our list14:33
mhr3cwayne, pls open bugs with that info14:34
WellarkSaviq: there are binding loops and null variables etc14:34
cwaynemhr3, any logs that could be helpful?14:34
WellarkI would not say fixing them is "cleaning the logs"14:34
mterrycwayne, hrm, OK14:34
Wellarkand such a things might actually mask real errors14:34
mhr3cwayne, yea, attach ~/.cache/upstart/scope-registry.log14:34
TrevinhoCimi: thanks... it doesn't say much, but it's enough... install the -dgb packages when you can14:34
CimiTrevinho, ok14:35
SaviqWellark, it's mostly during initialization stage, when not everything's ready yet14:35
CimiTrevinho, what's the name of the package14:35
SaviqWellark, and well, everything works as expected (and tests as expected)14:35
SaviqWellark, so sure, I agree we need to clear it up, but it's not super high prio14:35
TrevinhoCimi: unity-dbgsym but I guess you need to add the ddeb repos14:35
TrevinhoCimi: http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/ trusty/main14:36
CimiTrevinho, grazie ciccio14:36
WellarkSaviq: ack.14:36
TrevinhoCimi: prego14:36
mhr3Saviq, check the json def pls14:38
Saviqmhr3, think we should say it supports argb? or the well-known color names, for that matter?14:41
Saviqmhr3, other than that I'm ok14:42
mhr3Saviq, right, pls add, and close to format you expect, i don't want to mangle stuff too much14:42
cwaynemhr3, logged, getting victor to add logs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-mediascanner/+bug/128159814:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 1281598 in unity-scope-mediascanner (Ubuntu) "Local music sometimes not shown in music scope until a search is done" [Undecided,New]14:42
mhr3Saviq, like having to convert #aarrggbb to something different14:42
Saviqmhr3, yeah, you just pass the string as-is14:43
Saviqmhr3, how's that?14:44
mhr3Saviq, +114:45
Saviqmhr3, ok, /me works against that then14:46
mhr3me too14:46
Saviqmzanetti, can you do https://code.launchpad.net/~bfiller/unity8/gallery-and-camera-to-click/+merge/206534 please?14:47
tsdgeoscome on, i was told the albumartprovider would move somewhere else and now it's gaining threads?14:47
mhr3tsdgeos, better than crashing14:48
mhr3although thread per-request... holy mother of god14:48
mhr3unless qtconcurrent does more magic than it appears to14:49
Saviqmhr3, so it'd be the crash when expanding music (bug #1240408)?14:49
ubot5bug 1240408 in Unity 8 "unity8 crashed with SIGSEGV in QCoreApplication::postEvent()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124040814:49
tsdgeosit has a pool and bla ba14:49
mhr3Saviq, linked it already14:49
Saviqmhr3, ok thanks14:49
mhr3tsdgeos, k at least that14:50
CimiTrevinho, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6954754/14:52
Saviqgreyback, https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/rotatedDDA/+merge/205845 is merged into rotate-n7 I assume?14:52
TrevinhoCimi: mh, when is that happening?14:52
dandraderSaviq, yes14:52
CimiTrevinho, when creating windows14:53
greybackdandrader: why not lp:unity8?14:53
Trevinhocimi also bt full and more calls would be nice14:53
greybackdandrader: oh yeah, no tests14:53
dandradergreyback, !?14:53
TrevinhoCimi: can you check gtk-window-decorator is not running there?14:53
CimiTrevinho, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6954760/14:53
greybackdandrader: sorry got confused. You pushed rotatedDDA into rotate-n7?14:54
dandradergreyback, long ago14:54
greybackdandrader: ok14:54
TrevinhoCimi: ok thanks, it's enough...14:55
CimiSaviq, this is the function http://paste.ubuntu.com/6954765/14:55
CimiSaviq, now my question is more where to put it14:55
CimiSaviq, this function gives the number of items on the screen, so the minimum required number to switch from grid to carousel should be at least ceil of this function14:56
SaviqCimi, CardCarousel14:56
TrevinhoCimi: does it happen everytime? With which window? As I can probably mute the crash, but I'm wondering why it happens (as I never got it)14:57
CimiTrevinho, happens frequently with qtcreator14:57
CimiSaviq, yes but isn't cardcarousel already the carousel?14:57
CimiSaviq, shouldn't be somewhere before?14:57
SaviqCimi, it needs to become a carousel that falls back to grid14:58
TrevinhoCimi: ok, I probably got it, thanks14:58
CimiSaviq, that function does not need carousel, just the width14:58
SaviqCimi, it needs minimumTileWidth, which is not known outside of it14:58
SaviqCimi, or well, if you move CardTool out from CardCarousel / CardFilterGrid14:59
CimiSaviq, well, can be abstracted14:59
SaviqCimi, and into GenericScopeView14:59
SaviqCimi, then that might happen inside DashRenderer or something14:59
TrevinhoCimi: is there a bug for that already?14:59
tedgSaviq, mzanetti, when are you guys thinking?  I'm done with meetings today.  I can do work, but what's the fun in that ;-)14:59
CimiTrevinho, no idea14:59
SaviqCimi, but if you put it in DashRenderer, you would still need to instantiate it and switch, so really the CardTool needs to go into GenericScopeView15:00
SaviqCimi, and get passed down to DashRenderer in onLoaded or in a Binding { }15:00
Saviqtedg, mzanetti, I'm free today, too, just ping me when15:00
CimiSaviq, I have to study that branch, I don't understand now the pieces15:01
CimiSaviq, will do now15:02
tsdgeosmhr3: do we have any scope that when you do openScope will do openScope again?15:04
tsdgeosalso anyone knows what's the name of the scope we have to reasign this to? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/128160215:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 1281602 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "When searching videoaggregator scope, local videos are shown at the bottom" [Undecided,New]15:05
tsdgeosmhr3: Saviq: ↑↑↑15:05
mhr3tsdgeos, hmm, not a real one, no15:05
mhr3tsdgeos, what's supposed to happen in that case anyway?15:06
mhr3replace the current temp dash page or stack another one on top15:06
tsdgeosmhr3: according to Saviq it "overwrites" the current "goto" scope, and then back just goes to the dash (i.e. the middle one is destroyed)15:06
mhr3yea, sounds reasonable15:07
tsdgeosbut that gives me a few headaches on how to do the closeScope() thing15:07
tsdgeossince if the second was opened by the first but the first is gone15:07
tsdgeoswhere/when do i call closeScope?15:07
mhr3oh yea, it would destroy it15:07
tsdgeosso if we do not have any scope that does that15:07
mterrycwayne, lp:~mterry/unity8/demo-backgrounds is a start.  Haven't tested it myself yet, but if that's useful for you in testing, all the better15:07
tsdgeosmay as well leave that as a TODO for the future?15:07
mhr3tsdgeos, fine with me15:08
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, and what's the transition then15:08
Saviqtsdgeos, pushing it more to the left would suggest you can go back to it15:08
Saviqtsdgeos, and replacing would be IN YOUR FACE, as you described it15:08
Saviqtsdgeos, so yeah, +1 for later15:08
Saviqsil2100, unity8 can land15:09
tsdgeosSaviq: mhr3: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/new-scopes-scope-activation/+merge/20695815:19
tsdgeoswho does the review?15:19
Saviqtsdgeos, awesome15:19
Saviqtsdgeos, I will15:19
Saviqtsdgeos, I'll have one for you in a few minutes, hopefully15:20
mhr3tsdgeos, gotoScope from openScope should be simple though, no?15:21
tsdgeosmhr3: yeah, shouldn't be that hard, but decided not to implement it without a way to test it15:21
tsdgeosand yes we need tests in new-scopes15:21
tsdgeosbut that's another battle15:21
mzanettitedg: Saviq: I would have time now15:36
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
tedgmzanetti, Cool, works for me.15:38
mzanettiok. I'll start a hangout15:38
mzanettitedg: Saviq: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7acpjhv2o3kvul193n165h4kpc?hl=en15:39
WellarkSaviq: do you know who is responsible of the unity8 autopilot tests?15:46
Wellarkthey fail on me when running the whole unity8 autopilot suite15:47
Wellarkand I can't sign off a silo+MR's on CITrain as those fail15:47
tsdgeosWellark: with which packages in which phone?15:58
Wellarktsdgeos: latest devel-proposed on n4 with silo4 added on top and apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade15:58
Wellark&& autopilot run unity815:58
tsdgeoslet me see15:59
tsdgeoswill take a while15:59
karniSaviq: tsdgeos: Do you guys happen to know where does the music scope live on launchpad?16:01
Saviqkarni, unity-scope-mediascanner16:02
tsdgeoskarni: no idea sorry16:02
karniSaviq: sweet, thanks guys16:02
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch
tsdgeosWellark: do they fail without the contents of the silo?16:18
Wellarktsdgeos: haven't tested yet, but there is absolutely nothing in the silo that would affect the Dash or notifications16:21
tsdgeosWellark: can you please test?16:21
Wellarktsdgeos: ok. I will get back to you16:22
Wellarktsdgeos: btw the assertion that fails on both is16:25
WellarkAssertionError: After 10.0 seconds test on Greeter.created failed: False != dbus.Boolean(True, variant_level=1)16:25
Wellark10 seconds seems awfully strict timeout16:25
tsdgeosyou're getting that?16:26
tsdgeosdo you see the greeter?16:26
tsdgeosgreeter should defenitely show up in less than 10 seconds16:27
Wellarktsdgeos: well if I run the tests separately they pass16:27
Wellarkit's the complete test suite that fails16:27
tsdgeosrunning here16:27
Wellarktsdgeos: unity8 is consuming 100% CPU like most of the time16:29
tsdgeossomething is wrong16:30
WellarkI would guess the load gets so high at some point during the test suite that the 10 second timeout is not enough to bring the greeter on16:30
tsdgeosnot here16:30
Wellarkwell, it's not stuck at 100%16:30
Wellarkjust under heavy load16:30
tsdgeosit takes 100% each time it starts16:30
tsdgeosbecause it has to do some stuff16:30
Wellarkit was at 100% when the AP test was entering SIM PIN16:31
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
Saviqtsdgeos, whatever you have time for: https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/card-background/+merge/20698716:42
tsdgeosSaviq: ok16:47
tsdgeosWellark: all tests run fine here16:47
tsdgeosRan 46 tests in 998.115s16:47
tsdgeosSaviq: why do you specify topMargin: 0 ?16:48
Saviqtsdgeos, because it overrides margins16:49
Saviqtsdgeos, I could specify all the other margins (or well, left and right), but it's not like it'd be much better16:50
tsdgeosSaviq: can i convince you to add some newlines in there?16:50
Saviqtsdgeos, sure, where16:50
tsdgeosmy eyes can't parse this16:51
tsdgeostop: header.visible ? header.bottom : artShape.bottom; left: parent.left; right: parent.right16:51
Wellarktsdgeos: what device?16:52
Saviqtsdgeos, done16:52
tsdgeosWellark: nexus416:52
tsdgeosSaviq: tx16:52
Wellarktsdgeos: I get this Ran 46 tests in 2969.506s16:52
tsdgeosWellark: that's baaaaaaaaaaad :D16:52
Wellarkyeah, tell me about it16:52
Saviqmhr3, we want to activate (not preview) results in scopes scope, right?16:53
Wellarktsdgeos: nothing seems out of place16:53
mhr3Saviq, right16:53
Wellarkexcept those couple of tests failing16:53
Wellarkbut something seems to run _really_ slow16:53
tsdgeosWellark: and your nexus4 being 3 times slower than mine :D16:53
Saviqtsdgeos, I'm stealing your scope activation branch, k?16:54
tsdgeosSaviq: ok16:54
tsdgeosSaviq: but who's going to review it then?16:54
Saviqtsdgeos, I am ;D16:56
Saviqtsdgeos, and mhr3 will16:56
tsdgeosSaviq: ok16:56
Saviqtsdgeos, I just have a minimal addition there16:56
Saviqmhr3, it's trying to put "scope://com.canonical.scopes.amazon" through gvfs-open, should that work yet?16:57
tsdgeosSaviq: if in tryCard16:57
tsdgeosi select art, header - gradient background16:57
mhr3Saviq, no, the scope needs to be fixed16:57
tsdgeosand remove the art from both template and data16:57
tsdgeosthe text seems a bit off16:57
tsdgeosnot sure we are supposed to support that16:57
tsdgeosif i remove the summary it looks ok again16:58
mhr3when will we have new uitk released? it'd be nice not having to get the one from ppa16:59
Saviqtsdgeos, you mean there's no margins from the background?16:59
tsdgeosSaviq: yeah, and the ending ... overlaps with the rounded corner17:00
tsdgeoswhich again is a margin thing17:00
tsdgeosso probably same stuff17:00
tsdgeosSaviq: also katie said "no shapes inside shapes", so the mascot should not be ubuntu-shaped if there's a an external ubuntushape17:01
tsdgeosbut it seems we already do that with art17:01
tsdgeosso it's not "new"17:02
Saviqtsdgeos, not something the spec defines, really17:02
tsdgeosit does17:02
* tsdgeos looks for the sentence17:02
tsdgeosbtw i need a new mouse, my wheel is broken, anyone has a good suggestion?17:02
Saviqtsdgeos, pushed a fix17:03
Saviqtsdgeos, for the margins17:03
Saviqtsdgeos, mascots were always shaped, within an overlay background shape, too17:03
tsdgeosactually i don't see the shaping thing in the spec17:03
tsdgeosi can paste you the discussion with katie if you want17:03
Saviqtsdgeos, https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B-a_7E3tDxOgMHFCWVh6bkJONUk/edit17:03
tsdgeosmeh, ok17:04
Saviqindeed it's not so here https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B-a_7E3tDxOgQ002UmQxbjJmMHc/edit17:04
Saviqbut that would require transparent icons, which shaping is incompatible with17:04
tsdgeosthat was the one17:04
Saviqso well, we need more data17:05
tsdgeos<katie> we don't want shapes within shapes17:05
tsdgeosthat's what she said17:05
Saviqthere's actually more inconsistencies like that17:05
tsdgeosbut you have images that prove otherwise17:05
tsdgeosso ok17:05
Saviqlook, non shape https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B-a_7E3tDxOgQ3lCWGt3WXF1SlU/edit17:06
Saviqlook, shape https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B-a_7E3tDxOgYWZXaVZfdEtPV0k/edit17:06
Saviqhow am I supposed to know when to shape or not :/17:06
mhr3Saviq, me, me, me!17:07
mhr3Saviq, i'll give you design answer - when the icon is flat don't shape, otherwise do :P17:07
Saviqmhr3, define flat17:08
tsdgeosSaviq: now if i have only title and mascot, it seems the thing is not correcly vAligned17:08
mhr3Saviq, i said design answer, not spec :)17:09
Saviqtsdgeos, because you only have one line title17:09
Saviqtsdgeos, it (was not) meant to be vAligned17:10
tsdgeosSaviq: no no, the mascot is not vAligned17:10
Saviqtsdgeos, it was never meant to be17:10
Saviqtsdgeos, or at least not until now17:10
tsdgeosSaviq: really? looks ultra ugly having a bigger top margin than bottom margin17:10
Saviqtsdgeos, I'm afraid the spec is just conflicting in a lot of places like that17:10
Saviqtsdgeos, or not taking stuff into account17:11
tsdgeoslet me take a screenie17:12
tsdgeosjust to make sure you understand what i mean17:12
tsdgeosSaviq: see http://i.imgur.com/89EIAeA.png17:12
Saviqtsdgeos, right, that's the + units.gu(1)17:12
tsdgeoswhy would the bottom part be bigger?17:12
Saviqtsdgeos, let me fix17:13
Saviqtsdgeos, fixed17:13
Saviqgreyback, does bug #1281615 ring a bell?17:14
ubot5bug 1281615 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Some applications launch in the incorrect orientation in the side stage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128161517:14
greybackSaviq: yes, I pushed one big fix, doing another smaller fix now17:15
Saviqgreyback, ok great17:15
Saviqdandrader|lunch, you were looking into bug #1281199 right? can you mark it so, please?17:15
ubot5bug 1281199 in Unity 8 "Can only pull launcher out in landscape from top left on flo mwc image" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128119917:15
tsdgeosSaviq: this is weird, if i select "art, header, summary - wide" and then "Art, title - fitted", it looks wrong, but if i select "art, header, summary - horizontal" and then "Art, title - fitted", it looks fine, any idea why ?17:16
cwaynegreyback, hey, opening a mainstage app, then a sidestage, then opening a new mainstage has an empty sidestage that can't be closed... known?17:16
greybackcwayne: think dandrader|lunch has pushed a fix for that17:17
greybackit hasn't landed yet however17:17
Saviqtsdgeos, binding loops most probably17:18
cwaynegreyback, dandrader|lunch thanks!17:18
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, let's pretend that won't happen then :D17:18
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, Card.qml is full of binding loops like that17:18
tsdgeosSaviq: looks reasonable to me17:20
Saviqtsdgeos, ohkay!17:20
tsdgeosmhr3: do you want to also review or shall i top approve?17:20
Saviqtsdgeos, merging into new-scopes then17:20
mhr3tsdgeos, meh, go ahead17:21
mhr3tsdgeos, i'm sure it's fine :)17:21
Saviqbut first, landing unity817:21
tsdgeosoh, CI hasn't finished yet17:22
tsdgeosso can't approve17:22
tsdgeosSaviq: feel free to merge to new-scopes17:22
tsdgeosi'll top approve tomorrow morning17:22
Saviqtsdgeos, cheers17:22
tsdgeosand with that, tomorrow more17:22
* tsdgeos waves17:22
Saviqgreyback, bug #1281623 would be another one like that?17:23
ubot5bug 1281623 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Music Player app launches sidestage incorrectly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128162317:24
greybackSaviq: suspect so yeah17:24
tsdgeosSaviq: how did https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/fix-1214423/+merge/192868 end up merged?17:25
Saviqtsdgeos, humpf, good question17:26
Saviqtsdgeos, probably cimi's RatingInput widget?17:27
SaviqCimi, comment ↑?17:27
CimiSaviq, y17:28
CimiSaviq, I merged that branch17:28
Saviqtsdgeos, you approved https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/units8.previews_RatingStars/+merge/206239 - so that's what it came with17:29
tsdgeosvery confusing17:30
tsdgeosi did not realize at all one was bringing the other17:31
CimiSaviq, well, it was a modified branch17:31
Saviqtsdgeos, you approved it, so it must've been good :)17:32
Wellarktsdgeos: ok, got it now17:34
WellarkI was running byobu17:34
Wellarkand for some reason it makes the ap tests 3 times slower17:34
Wellarkgo figure..17:34
tsdgeoshonestly, i got tricked, because Cimi renamed the old files to reuse them as new files and then added the old ones, so it did not show the diff properly :-/17:34
tsdgeosWellark: what's that?17:34
Wellarkbut ran the whole suite without byobu and everything passed with around the same time as yours17:34
Saviqtsdgeos, screen-like terminal multiplexer17:34
SaviqWellark, weird, I'm using byobu and is fine17:35
tsdgeosboo for it then17:35
SaviqWellark, byobu on host I assume?17:35
Wellarkyeah.. total surprise for me too17:35
WellarkSaviq: no. on the n4 naturally17:35
tsdgeosSaviq: so yeah, i didn't realize any change was happening to the existing files and i did not review those17:35
Cimitsdgeos, hah I won :P17:35
tsdgeoswhat's the next steps i have no clue17:35
tsdgeoslet's discuss tomorrow thoought17:35
Wellarkbyobu must mess up the IO somehow17:36
Cimitsdgeos, Saviq they are fine, don't worry17:36
* tsdgeos waves again17:36
Cimionly missing bit is the drag mzanetti asked17:36
Wellarkit will get slower if you have a lot of text output in the screens but ap tests don't have any basically17:36
Wellarkbut anyway17:36
Wellarksolved. NOTABUG17:36
mzanettiwhat did I ask for?17:36
Cimimzanetti, support for drag over stars in interactive rating widget17:37
karnithostr_: Thank you for your email update.17:42
Saviqmhr3, can you test lp:~unity-team/unity8/new-scopes-scope-activation ? I'm about to, got no comments on review, will merge into new-scopes if I can confirm it working17:42
Cimisorry mzanetti17:42
Cimiwas actually Saviq requesy17:42
mzanettiCimi: no worries :)17:42
mhr3Saviq, are you forcing me to upgrade uitk? :/17:43
mhr3from the ppa17:43
Saviqmhr3, see the question mark?17:45
mhr3Saviq, would prefer to test it once it's in the ppa17:47
Saviqmhr3, k17:47
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dandraderSaviq, no, greyback is working on bug #128119. But I'll take a look at it now as well.18:10
ubot5bug 128119 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "blad pakietu "update-manager"" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12811918:10
Saviqdandrader, thanks18:10
Saviqdandrader, seems like you chose a polish bug ;)18:11
greybackwell we're combining our powers, as it's mystifying me18:11
Saviqgreyback, let me know if you need more hands18:22
greybackSaviq: might well do18:23
greybackSaviq: I'll assemble list of stuff to do, we can try split it up a bit more18:23
Saviqgreyback, k18:23
mhr3Saviq, rightedge is conflicted, could you fix?18:24
Saviqmhr3, will do18:25
Saviqmhr3, merging scope activation in a sec18:25
Saviqmhr3, kicked a build in both demo-stuff and right edge, with scope activation18:33
Saviqthostr_, ↑18:33
Saviqand card background, for that matter18:33
cwayneSaviq, \o/18:34
cwaynethose both sound exciting18:34
cwayneSaviq, what about new icons in scopes scope?18:35
dandrader"Side stage shadow now never goes away if you dismiss app" <- it's the first time I play with the side stage so I didn't know the shadow should go away :)18:44
dandradergreyback, ^^18:44
dandraderI thought it should stay there to hint the user that there's an app running there...18:44
greybackdandrader: excuses excuses :P18:44
dandraderbut that's easy to fix :_18:45
cwaynedandrader, btw i'm at lteast somewhat available for testing sidestage fixes if you need help :)18:45
Saviqmterry, your demo-backgrounds branch is gone, you working on it?18:49
dandradercwayne, ok, thanks!18:50
mterrySaviq, I remembered that the greeter now gets that data from AccountsService, not the LightDM plugin.  I told cwayne how to set that data in AccountsService18:52
mhr3Saviq, can't we set the demo ppa as a dependency for rightedge? kinda sucks having to build stuff in both ppas18:57
mhr3it's already out of sync, cause the version strings used by both are different18:58
Saviqmterry, ah ok19:00
Saviqmhr3, sure we can, not sure that  cwayne will be able to use two ppas?19:00
Saviqmhr3, as setting a dependency doesn't mean you get packages from both19:01
mhr3yea, that's why i'm asking19:01
mhr3otherwise i'd do it already :)19:01
cwaynethat's not implemented in rootstock yet19:01
cwaynei mean i can hack it i guess? but it'd be less than great19:01
dandradergreyback, btw, does you N10 camera work?19:01
mhr3Saviq, so how about getting rid of most of the rightedge recipes and just binary copy required stuff from demo to rightedge?19:02
greybackdandrader: hmm no19:02
Saviqmhr3, well, we'd need to binary copy them every time, why are they out of sync anyway?19:02
Saviqmhr3, I think I'd rather not touch it now19:03
Saviqmhall119, did you manage to push unity8 docs to developer.ubuntu.com?19:04
mhr3Saviq, since trunk is not trunk, some of the recipes have temporary "merge foo" directives, and kevin just copied those to rightedge, yet i keep changing them in demo...19:06
mhr3plus the different version strings and we're out-of-sync19:07
Saviqmhr3, aha, didn't know you were not doing it from trunks, maybe we just need a common branch then?19:08
Saviqmhr3, like we have new-scopes?19:08
mhr3we'd need that for each project we build19:09
mhr3and it's really mostly pre-landing testing19:10
Saviqmhr3, so would you bin-copy your projects then?19:14
mhall119Saviq: not yet, had we decided to put them there rather than unity.ubuntu.com?19:14
mhr3Saviq, yea, we *mostly* have stuff in distro, so shouldn't be too big of a deal19:14
mhr3Saviq, so i'll delete some recipes and pkgs from the ppas once i finish these branches i'm working on19:15
mhr3and bin copy what needs to be bin copied19:15
cyphermox_bregma: I have a few questions about compiz19:16
cyphermox_bregma: what's the purpose of 00_remove_scalefilter_in_unity_session.py, and what calls it? I see it in diff but nothing seems to call it19:16
cyphermox_bregma, also, why are there still distro patches if this is under ci?19:16
bregmacyphermox_, you're best off letting Trevinho explain the packaging changes19:17
Saviqmhr3, fine with me19:17
bregmacyphermox_, the patches are because compiz is also not a part of Ubuntu, there are other downstreams that use the upstream, despite it being under Ubuntu CI19:18
cyphermox_so why do ci then?19:18
Saviqmhall119, your call19:18
Saviqmhall119, but probably makes sense, yaey19:18
cyphermox_usually we either are upstream and do CI, or not upstream and don't do ci19:19
bregmacyphermox_, there is nothing "usual" about compiz19:19
cyphermox_(not that I care in the grand scheme of things, it's just uncomfortable to review diffs of patches)19:19
cyphermox_if it's just patches..19:19
Trevinhocyphermox_: mh, did I forgot to add it to the migration scripts? :o19:29
TrevinhoCimi: it should be in debian/compiz-gnome.migrations isn't it?19:30
cyphermox_it's in a file .migrations yes19:30
cyphermox_I just have no idea how this all works so asking to make sure things weren't forgotten19:30
TrevinhoCimi: sorry, wrong completion :P19:30
mhr3Saviq, if you still have some review strength, take a look @ https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity-scopes-shell/scope-activation/+merge/20702119:59
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cwayneSaviq, unity-scope-scopes still isn't being pulled into my build..21:27
Saviqcwayne, do you know if recommends should be enough?21:27
cwaynemy best guess would be not, based on this21:28
Saviqcwayne, changed to Depends, kicked rebuilds in both PPAs, let's see what that results in21:30
cwayneSaviq, awesome, thanks21:30
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mhr3Saviq, cards with background and mascots have the mascots shaped, known?22:11
Saviqmhr3, yes, not spec'ed otherwise...22:12
mhr3katie was saying no shapes within shapes22:12
mhr3don't know if it's really in the spec22:13
Saviqmhr3, https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B-a_7E3tDxOgMHFCWVh6bkJONUk/edit22:13
mhr3hm, will talk to her and rosie tomorrow22:13
Saviqmhr3, if it's not in the spec ;) you know the drill ;)22:14
Saviqmhr3, I don't think this can be a general rule22:14
Saviqmhr3, as squared mascots will look crap non-shaped22:15
mhr3you just hate real squares don't you? :)22:16
Saviqmhr3, it's not me, it's Ubuntu that does22:16
Saviqmhr3, the assumption is that non-shaped mascots would be transparent, and that's the only visual design we hae22:16
Saviqmhr3, but that assumption is dangerous22:17
mhr3about as dangerous as keeping the mascots shaped always22:17
Saviqmhr3, you know what the solution is, don't you ;)22:19
mhr3Saviq, anyway, this one is simple - https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity-scopes-shell/background/+merge/20705322:19
Saviqmhr3, think the defaults could be pretty-printed some time, btw?22:20
mhr3Saviq, they are, you the gdoc :)22:20
mhr3we don't want to waste time by parsing whitespace :P22:21
mhr3and that is how you save 2ns22:22
Saviqmhr3, you know there's a helpful thing called QUrl?22:22
mhr3Saviq, i went with it at first but was pretty useless really22:22
mhr3grab path, or maybe fragment, split the fragment, join the path and fragment... eeh22:22
Saviqmhr3, didn't it give you the schema and path separately?22:23
Saviqmhr3, I thought you'd just need the schema and path.split("/")22:23
mhr3gradient:///black/#aarrggbb is partially path, partially fragment22:23
Saviqright, freakin' #22:24
mhr3it's really easier to string manipulate it22:24
Saviqmhr3, btw, I wonder, think you could supply the default with the result for me in the model directly? would save us quite some time to check whether it's there in result and if not, in template?22:24
Saviq(JS time, that is)22:25
mhr3Saviq, if you want too much... but i need to parse it out, it's not like the plugin cared about the template22:26
mhr3Saviq, and we said it's card-background is optional, so could still be null22:27
Saviqmhr3, what you mean it didn't care about the template, I need it parsed in the template, too?22:30
Saviqmhr3, and you do22:30
Saviqmhr3, anyway, it's fine like that22:30
Saviqmhr3, top-ack?22:31
mhr3Saviq, yes pls22:31
mhr3Saviq, i don't suppose you know rgb for the amazon gradient in https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B-a_7E3tDxOgQ002UmQxbjJmMHc/edit ?22:32
mhr3it looks like a nice default :)22:33
Saviqmhr3, gimp says e9e9e722:35
Saviqto white22:35
Saviqor well, f9f9f922:35
mhr3Saviq, do you accept #rrggbb as well, or has to be ##aarrggbb?22:38
Saviqmhr3, aa optional, one #22:38
mhr3right, typo22:38
Saviqmhr3, you mean you'll put it in the default template?22:38
Saviqmhr3, or just for docs?22:39
mhr3no, just the scopes scope22:39
mhr3Saviq, uh oh https://launchpadlibrarian.net/166681341/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-armhf.unity8_7.84%2B14.04.20140218-1newscopes~651~ubuntu14.04.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz22:40
Saviqmhr3, grr22:41
Saviqmhr3, retried22:41
cwaynehey look, scope activation!23:04

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