
=== elky_ is now known as elky
celestehHey, I have a friend on santa cruz who needs help getting ubuntu on her new laptop. Is there a group around there who can help her?13:21
nhainesUbuntu On-Air is up and running.  2 minute delay, possibly.19:02
nhainesJono sees my nick and immediately knows my first name, and since I only see him once every two years I'm flattered but amazed.  :P19:02
blitzis it nhai19:03
blitzthe esteemed Nhai Nes19:03
nhainesHaha, yes, I am the infamous Nhai Nes.19:04
pleia2better than playa two19:04
blitzThe talented mr. ripley 2 feat. Nhai Nes19:05
blitz:the electric boogaloo19:05
nhainesDoes anyone want name badge templates for SCALE?19:42
nhaines(By which I mean "for Ubuntu")19:42
rwwnhaines: yes please20:07
nhainesHuh, I thought I had svgs somewhere... but apparently not?20:12
nhainesOkay, I'm going to have to put name badges on my task list.  Maybe tomorrow.  But it's pretty trivial.20:17
nhainesI'm going to be listening to the Ubuntu handset announcements tomorrow and preparing a fact sheet for SCALE volunteers, because guess what everyone's going to want to know?20:18
nhainesAlso, who knows anything about the SCALE booth this year?20:18
rwwi do20:18
rwwphilip send me the PDF thing with the details20:18
nhainesrww: that's the same every year though.  Although I do forget which booth we're in.20:19
nhainesrww: who's organizing the booth?20:19
rwwin terms of directing how it's set up?20:19
nhainesAnd being there and yeah.20:20
rwwI have a bunch of stuff for it, so me if nobody else steps up.20:21
bkerensanhaines: oh you are awesome20:21
rwws/steps up/decided they want to do it/20:21
bkerensanhaines: almost forgot name tags20:22
nhainesbkerensa: not that the SCALE ones aren't nice but we can do better.  :)20:23
bkerensanhaines: https://wiki.mozilla.org/File:Gear-200155755.jpg20:28
darthrobotTitle: [File:Gear-200155755.jpg - MozillaWiki]20:28
bkerensathats what we use sometimes20:28
ianorlinthings is I don't know unity well and am nto sure I would be most helpful at the booth20:29
nhainesianorlin: what do you know well?  You can talk about that.  :)  Or you can just hang out and see what's involved and see if you feel more comfortable. :)20:32
ianorlinI want to go to some of the talks though20:32
ianorlinhard to bleive really only started last June20:33
nhainesrww: the designs I have are simple: orange http://ubuntuone.com/7doev0ZIJ6o3xdMW7HFFLO and white http://ubuntuone.com/5x3wGfF4Un1jGkWkMXNCC520:37
darthrobotContent type: [image/jpeg] Size: [128476]20:37
darthrobotContent type: [image/jpeg] Size: [107846]20:37
nhainesianorlin: it doesn't take long.  :)20:37
ianorlinyes lot easier than finding a job20:43
bkerensapleia2: shiny thing http://i.imgur.com/uZuQLyF.jpg22:41
darthrobotContent type: [image/jpeg] Size: [375228]22:41
nhainespleia2: so will you be at the Ubuntu booth at SCALE the entire time you're not speaking?22:43
nhainespleia2: you can sleep under the booth tables behind the tablecloths.22:43
pleia2nhaines: I don't think I'm doing much booth duty at all22:53
pleia2bkerensa: how does the tail stay up? :)22:53
bkerensapleia2: its a mystery much like what the fox says22:54
bkerensawhich should be playing at the Mozilla booth if I'm able to fit my BT speaker into my carryon22:54
bkerensapleia2: you should be sure to stop by and pick up some swag and entire our giveaway for splendid swag :D22:55
darthrobotbkerensa: Error: "s/entire/enter" is not a valid command.22:55
EureCAFactoid s/entire/enter not found22:55

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