
twaynepricewrst: You still using Digital Ocean?00:23
wrstbeen prwtty happy with them00:24
twaynepriceI used it again this weekend for the first time in a few months.  It really is hard to beat.  I created about 20 vm's running ubuntu for a few hours.  75 cents.  :)  And they were up and running in about 1 minute.00:26
wrstyeah great place to test things or for me owncloud and irc.00:30
wrstcheaper than paying dropbox for more storage00:30
twaynepriceYup.  And I was able to connect with ssh on my chromebook.  :)00:30
wrstyep :)00:31
wrsti have my phone set to login00:31
twaynepriceI guess it is the ssd drives but it seemed pretty snappy for such a low end vm.00:32
wrsti think it is and that connection also00:34
wrstwhen my connection is not great i will download something to digital ocean in my owncloud folder then i get it more reliable with owncloud syncing00:35
Unit193Problem for me, I'd need dedicated (or a good load balencer?) because I do some compiles. :/00:43
Unit193wrst: So, like rsync? :D00:44
wrstUnit193: sorta, but it uses something else since it is 2 way syncing and so e other reason00:45
twaynepriceI was able to use https://copy.com?r=JFxEPP to transfer files between the instances.  They support headless vm's.00:52
Unit193...You said copy.com before, I was thinking Windows. >_<00:53
twaynepriceNotice the link I put in there.  We both get an extra 5GB is you sign up with it.  :)  20GB for free.00:53
twaynepriceThey have multiple clients.00:53
twaynepriceThey have an api but I haven't used it yet.  I'm really liking the idea of disposable vm's.  Start it up, install whatever I need, run my processes, and then destroy it.01:08
* wrst needs to sign up just to get twayneprice 5 more GB01:17
twaynepriceActually this would be a better link if you haven't used the other one yet.  https://copy.com?r=L0FUtw01:18
wrstok will do when i get to a real computer01:21
wrstcan never have too much storage01:22
twaynepriceyup.  I also use it for cloud sync storage for my plex server.  :)01:27
elachecheHello from #ubuntu-tn :) x)15:44
wrsthello :)15:45
wrstelacheche: tn, as in Tunisia? correct?15:46
elachecheYep :)15:46
wrstcool what brought you to the south eastern US? :)15:46
elachechethe irc log x)15:48
elachecheI was looking for a meeting log.. searching the log using "tn" I find out that there is an other "tn" team :p15:49
wrstha ha yep there sure is, not super active but we are here :)15:50
elachecheBetter than nothing wrst :) BTW.. your .org website is down :/15:51
wrstyes we just noticed that15:51
wrstnetritious: any idea on the website talking with cyberanger the other day on that15:51
wrstI would be more than happy to help out with cost on that15:51
elachecheWe're not the only LoCo who has website problems x)15:55
wrstwell our issue is really inactivity15:56
elachecheThe same here.. Only the MC members are active.. And the others in 90% of the time are just watchers :/15:57
elachecheBut we try to don't miss any FOSS national event or regional ones..15:58
wrstwe aren't near that active16:00
wrstof course geographically we are spread out as far as the regional loco and a nation of course too16:00
elachecheOur huge problem is technical projects :/ The MC (Management Committee) members are trying to share the philosophy of FOSS and the OS usage.. We're just 5.. So there is no time to technical projects :/ And16:02
wrstwe aren't an official team tried to do that a few years ago and really many of us have moved away from Ubuntu, still try to provide help/support that type of thing16:14
elachecheMany of our community members don't really use ubuntu.. They use Arch, Fedora, Debian.. For me I use a very customized version of ubuntu (hate unity and the gnome stuffs :p ).. So we promote Ubuntu for the new users to have an easy OS to migrate from WinBug to GNU/Linux.. after the migration they are free to stay using/supporting ubuntu or not16:17
wrstyes I have done the whole minimal install of ubuntu and that really isn't a bad way to go, just find a lot of time the depends can get a little crazy and aren't all that lean16:18
wrstbut my mom is running ubuntu of course16:18
wrstI don't think putting my mom on Arch would be a very good course of action :)16:39
elachecheI agree.. My family uses Ubuntu too.. But they was using Lubuntu for a while.. the don't have problems with Unity or LXDE x)16:46
wrstUnity is ok really, just annoys me a bit16:47
wrstI prefer gnome, and that's one reason I don't use ubuntu, and I do really prefer a rolling release, but that's certainly not for everyone16:48
elachecheThe same here :D But I like MATE (Gnome 2 fork) and awesome wm16:50
wrstI just tried mate again a week or so ago, still have it installed16:50
wrstI like the look of gnome 3, granted some usefulness is still missing16:51
elachecheI'm trying to have a rolling release on my laptop but just updating the source.list repo @ with every new version.. it works fine for me..16:51
wrstI have tried running debian testing/unstable and its well never stable for me like arch is16:54
wrstof course arch is meant to run that way and debian isn't16:54
wrstI really like the up to date software and also the not worrying about stuff from one release to the next, not that arch is always without issues, changing to systemd was the last major thing, but it really wasn't bad the way the phased it in and sysvinit out17:00
elachecheI see17:02
wrsttwayneprice: I think you should have 5GB coming your way :)17:21
twaynepricewrst: I just saw that.  Thansk!  :)17:22
wrstno problem, just downloaded the android app, can't hurt to have another backup of phone pictures :)17:24
elachecheIt was a pleasure to talk to you wrst.. time to go home.. see you later :)17:27
wrstelacheche: don't be a stranger pop in any time, or lurk all you like17:27
wrstgood to meet you17:27
elachecheI'll be here all the time :p17:27
wrsttalk to you later17:28
wrsttwayneprice: copy seems to wrok just like dropbox17:28
wrstother than having 20GB might get my wife to using that17:28
wrstshe could use more space17:28
twaynepriceYup.  Sign her up and you'll have 25GB.  :)17:31
wrstexactly :)17:49
netritiouswrst: I have no idea about the website. I thought cyberanger was the domain owner?22:00
wrstahh ok :) thanks netritious, and not really a big deal or likely worth messing with in all reality22:11
wrstand... how are you doing ?22:11
netritiouswrst: doing fine, you?22:15
wrstdonig well we have hit 50 two days straight, and there is this strange orange globe shining in the sky22:15
netritioushaha nice22:20

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