
bluesabreochosi, lderan: need any help with light-locker-settings?00:46
ochosiey bluesabre 01:41
bluesabreey chosi01:42
ochosigotta catch up on some backlog01:42
ochosibut i guess we need help with all that python packaging stuff01:42
* ochosi has no clue..01:42
ochosiit's really strange, but writing python felt like *fun*01:43
ali1234python just makes everything so easy01:45
ochosiok, so ppl are demanding setting "Hidden=True"01:45
ochosiali1234: yeah, but the simplistic dialog that we did weighs 25mb, whereas the much more complex xfce4-powermanager-settings weighs around 13mb (according to task-manager)01:46
ochosibluesabre: are you still there?01:47
ochosihm, i also need to write another small patch for the scales01:48
bluesabreyeah, got distracted01:48
ochosithen the dialog should be okayish and pushable01:48
ochosi(with the exception of those desktop-file settings that i know nothing about)01:48
bluesabreI'll see about putting together a base build.py for it01:49
* ochosi doesn't wanna read specs...01:49
ali1234you can use quickly to package up python stuff01:49
ochosiok, lemme quickly fix that screenoff-scale01:49
bluesabrejust tells about each of the keys01:50
ochosistill, me=lazy01:50
ochosii've already spent quite some time on the dialog01:50
ochosiand i wanna push it as is, even if that means ppl will have to restart the session to apply01:50
ochosifinding out whether light-locker is installed/running just has too many variables to be a viable way for *me* to implement in the short time we have now01:51
ochosiand usually you don't change your locker-settings all the time01:51
ochosiand screensaver settings get applied immediately, so i think it's really ok01:51
bluesabreochosi: I'll see about adding some of those things while I'm at it01:51
bluesabremy wife is super late tonight, so I've got some time it seems01:52
ochosiyeah, but for now nr1) is packaging01:52
ochosiwe need this uploaded before FF01:52
bluesabreand thats going to be super tight01:52
ochosibtw, what's the status of lightdm-gtk-greeter?01:52
ochosii know01:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1280670 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu) "Please merge lightdm-gtk-greeter 1.8.1-1 from Debian experimental" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:52
ochosiso don't waste any time now on improving things01:52
ochosii know there's an ample margin01:52
ochosibut still01:53
ochosirewriting the code doesn't help01:53
ochosiwe can "sneak" that in as bugfix later01:53
ochosi(as long as it's not a complete rewrite)01:53
bluesabreshould be about 10 lines01:53
bluesabreits python01:53
bluesabrepython is magic01:53
ochosiwhat do you want to add/change?01:53
bluesabredetecting, restarting light-locker so you don't have to end your session to change a setting01:54
ochosibluesabre: are you sure you can do that *safely* ?01:57
ochosii sense a source for bugs-bugs-bugs01:57
ochosidon't forget, this dialog is quite untested01:57
bluesabredetects running processes, gets their pid, we can kill with that01:57
ochosialso, i haven't removed the one switch01:58
ochosiyeah, but killing isn't very nice...01:58
ochosithe "lock after screensaver"-switch could be removed from the UI and the code01:58
bluesabrewe have enough morals with gpl :)01:58
ochosibecause the range below has a -1 value which == disabled01:58
ochosijust not sure it's clear enough for ppl to understand01:59
ochosi(as elfy's question today nicely illustrated)01:59
bluesabrewell, I'll get this set up tonight01:59
bluesabreafter we get it in ubuntu, I'll help set up translations for it as well01:59
ochosiwell for now, just getting this in is all i'm aiming for02:00
ochosibluesabre: btw, you already have push-rights to the project02:03
bluesabreyup, going to make good use of that :)02:04
* ochosi is afraid there won't be much of the current code left once bluesabre is done with it02:04
ochosiat least for the part that i've written/changed, i'm pretty sure it's cumbersome02:04
ochosiand it doesn't use xlib02:04
* bluesabre is afraid it will be a lot more readable when bluesabre is done with it02:04
ochosiit's a bash-script wrapped in python :)02:04
ochosihey, you should've read it before i started making it more readable! :D02:05
bluesabreochosi: still around?02:09
ochosiwell, "sure" :)02:10
ochosibluesabre: what's up?02:12
bluesabrepull the latest revision to make sure I didn't break anything02:12
ochosiAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'getoutput'02:13
ochosibluesabre: ^02:13
bluesabreone sec02:13
ochosino rush02:14
ochosibetter take a few mins more...02:14
bluesabreyeah, fixing it for python2/3 compatability02:15
ochosibut this app is *only* meant to be used in xubuntu trusty02:16
ochosiwe should find a better solution for T+1 anyway02:16
bluesabreyeah, but good coding standards are a must :)02:17
ochosithen you have to rewrite this, i guess02:17
ochosiwhich was not the point02:17
bluesabrenot a rewrite, just a fix02:21
bluesabreautopep8 fixed a lot of stuff for me02:21
bluesabreninja-ide points out problem parts of the code02:21
ochosino idea what all of that means :)02:26
ochosiwe really need testing especially for the dpms part that i added today02:30
ochosii suppose it works with most "recent" hardware (post-2000 stuff)02:30
ochosibut i couldn't find a good assessment of the general situation02:31
ochosibluesabre: anyway, guess i gotta get some sleep now02:41
bluesabrecan you stick around for 2ish minutes?02:41
bluesabreochosi: try now02:43
ochosihm, we should probably switch from standby to suspend, after reading this: >http://webpages.charter.net/dperr/dpms.htm02:43
bluesabreochosi: does the latest revision work for you?02:46
ochosibluesabre: looks ok02:47
ochosibtw, if you really want to apply all settings immediately, you have to remove all the code for the infobar too02:47
ochosicause that's pretty superfluous then02:47
ochosiand adjust the code for setting the apply-button sensitive02:47
bluesabrebut yeah, some packagers will complain if the code is not pep8 and all that02:47
ochosimhm, thanks!02:48
bluesabreI'll set up the python builder tonight, so that when you release its easy to debianize02:48
ochosifrankly, if you wanna do the release, feel free to02:49
ochosii think that it's no problem for neither lderan nor me02:49
ochosithe core functionality is there02:49
ochosiand priority is to get it into T02:49
ochosiwe can work towards improving it with bugfixes02:50
ochosior even FFe02:50
bluesabreI'll see if I get that far tonight02:50
ochosibut having *someting* is what is important02:50
ochosiyeah, if not, let's aim for tomorrow02:50
bluesabrealrighty, dinner time02:50
ochosiok, gotta get some rest now02:50
bluesabreseeya ochosi02:50
ochosibon appetit02:51
ochosiand seeya bluesabre 02:51
ochosithanks a lot for your help on this!02:51
ochosilast thing i wanted to mention02:53
ochosino idea what the desktop-file stuff does, so i haven't pushed anything for that yet02:53
ochosinight everyone!02:53
bluesabreochosi: I've added a configure script, make file, and rearranged a bit05:06
bluesabrealso added native debian packaging05:06
bluesabrefind an interested party to add a new package to the repos, and also update the seed once more05:07
bluesabreI'll take care of the release in the morning05:07
bluesabrelderan: let me know if all the above is good for you as well05:07
bluesabreNoskcaj, Unit193, ali1234: any concerns? https://code.launchpad.net/~light-locker-settings-team/light-locker-settings/trunk05:10
bluesabreheading to bed, back tomorrow, night folks!05:10
Noskcajbluesabre, You need a longer license in d/copyright if possible, you'll need a wnpp bug and -1 in the release eventually, no chance of a python3 port?05:34
Unit193(Read further back, it's just for Trusty.)05:37
Unit193But d/copyright is still valid, so here: http://paste.openstack.org/show/ndgrlM3flUObEvK7q1Vl05:45
Unit193bluesabre: ^05:45
sanchopanzai just added my first merge request on launchpad: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted-m-cox/xubuntu-docs/command-line-edits/+merge/206854 . any feedback is appreciated: tedmcox@gmail.com. thanks!06:42
lderanbluesabre, all good08:03
ochosiare there folks here who have experience with DPMS?09:13
ochosii'm wondering whether we should use suspend or standby in the light-locker-settings, this page suggests suspend (cause it saves more power): http://webpages.charter.net/dperr/dpms.htm09:14
ochosithanks for the poking, bluesabre 09:15
bluesabreochosi, lderan: https://launchpad.net/light-locker-settings/1.0/1.0.011:01
bluesabreI'll try to get the uploading part in order nexy11:02
ochosithanks a lot!11:06
lderanooo awesome11:06
bluesabreochosi, lderan: sound good? https://bugs.launchpad.net/light-locker-settings/+bug/128153611:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1281536 in light-locker-settings "[needs-packaging] light-locker-settings" [Undecided,New]11:18
slickymaster-jobknome: ping11:22
bluesabreochosi: make me an admin of https://launchpad.net/~light-locker-settings-team so I can add PPAs11:22
slickymaster-jobyou around?11:22
lderanbluesabre, thank you very much for your help :)11:26
bluesabrelderan: thanks for putting together the GUI :D11:33
bluesabreok, lightdm-gtk-greeter-1.8.1 has been uploaded to trusty11:35
slickymaster-jobknome, pleia2 there's a typo in the http://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-marketing-with-startubuntu-flyer/11:40
slickymaster-jobat the end of the phrase of the "Try without installing!" box -> "... works with yout computer."11:41
ochosibluesabre: yay!11:43
ochosibluesabre, lderan: made both of you admins, hadn't noticed that before11:43
ochosiso mostly xubuntu-default-settings and xubuntu-artwork are missing now, right?11:45
ochosiand a few tweaks to seed11:45
lderanochosi, thanks11:47
lderanbluesabre, ochosi is to thank for the GUI :P my original GUI was not as nice or functional11:47
* ochosi bows11:49
brainwashochosi: hi11:49
ochosibrainwash: what's up?11:50
brainwashquestion time11:50
brainwashdid you read my question about the new xubuntu greeter.conf?11:51
brainwashgreeter 1.8 changed some parameter descriptions and made show-language-selector obsolete11:52
brainwashmaybe we could include the changes and make it easier for the user to change the new settings :)11:55
ochosibrainwash: do you even read my comments?11:57
ochosi12:45  ochosi$ so mostly xubuntu-default-settings and xubuntu-artwork are missing now, right?11:57
ochosialso, if you find something that we have to do, you can either propose a merge-request or at least put it down somewhere so ppl will remember to do it when the time is ther11:57
bluesabrewhen the package builds there, I'll finish the needs-packaging bug report12:00
bluesabreits pretty funny, my wife complains about how many feature freezes there seem to be since we've been drilling down on releases lately :)12:01
ochosibluesabre: great stuff, hehe, yeah, this feature freeze did see us at the heights of productivity12:25
bluesabreknome, want to join #ubuntu-moto and help to push for light-locker-settings?12:39
bluesabremicahg ^12:39
brainwash_knome: can you please mark bug 1193716 as wishlist, because it's a feature request13:05
ubottubug 1193716 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Xfce Power Manager does not override the screen saver timeout (X11 Screen Saver extension)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119371613:05
brainwash_we can also drop it from the 14.04 blueprint, now that we ship light-locker + light-locker-settings13:06
ochosibrainwash_: just a suggestion, but you could try to join the bugsquad, then you'd be able to edit bugs13:31
brainwash_ochosi: I am a member of "Ubuntu BugSquad"13:32
brainwash_but that's only a sub group I think13:33
ochosihm, strange, so you can't edit the bug?13:34
brainwash_I cannot triage them, or set the status to wishlist13:34
brainwash_or set the importance level13:36
ochosime neither13:40
brainwash_that's https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol13:42
brainwash_maybe I should apply for membership13:42
knomebrainwash, importance to wishlist you mean?14:23
knomeactually no, we can't wishlist that bug... it's against xfce4-power-manager, and it still has that problem14:25
ochosiali1234: oh wow, that's a bit unexpected14:26
* ochosi wonders whether this is just a rumor14:30
ali1234it looks that way14:43
ali1234i'm investigating...14:43
ochosijjfrv8, slickymaster-job: could one of you two create a 4.12-standalone version of the preferences page of the xfdesktop-docs?15:36
ochosii think it's mostly copy-paste, but i have to attend other matters atm and can't do it myself15:37
ochosii'd like to push things over to docs.xfce on the weekend15:37
ochosibeh, slickymaster ^15:37
brainwashknome: maybe you are right, but I understand it like this: the power manager was never able to alter the screensaver timeout, because an actual screensaver app like xscreensaver does it. adding this functionality -> feature request -> wishlist?15:58
brainwashI'll try to apply for ubuntu bug control, so I can do it myself one day :)16:01
ochosiknome: you around?16:07
ochosifwiw, i have a xfce-docs proposal (regarding xfdesktop, but theoretically also other components). so docs-ppl tell me when you're around16:14
slickymaster-jobochosi: at your service16:15
ochosislickymaster-job: i think you didn't get a few previous lines, let me pastebin them for you...16:16
slickymaster-jobochosi: is it to be done in bluesabre's wiki?16:17
slickymaster-jobI can start to work on it tomorrow, if there's no problems with that time frame16:19
slickymaster-jobthe idea is to create it under the existing namespace, right?16:19
ochosiyeah, in the staging wiki you can simply edit the existing page16:22
ochosii'll then push it over to docs.xfce.org/*/xfdesktop/4.12/16:22
slickymaster-jobokie dokie, let me just finish what I'm doing presently and I'll start it tomorrow16:23
ochosisure, absolutely!16:23
ochosithanks a lot16:23
slickymaster-jobnp 16:23
ochosijust ping me whenever you feel it's ready16:24
slickymaster-jobwill do ochosi 16:24
ochosixnox: i presume you're really busy as FF is approaching, but if you happen to have a minute... https://bugs.launchpad.net/light-locker-settings/+bug/128153616:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1281536 in light-locker-settings "[needs-packaging] light-locker-settings" [Wishlist,Confirmed]16:41
knomeochosi, am now16:44
slickymaster-jobhey knome 16:45
ochosiknome: cool16:45
knomefor a bit at least..16:45
ochosiso i have a suggestion how we can make use of upstream xfce's versioned docs16:45
ochosicurrently, when you hit "help" in xfdesktop, you get to the 4.10 namespace16:45
ochosithat's the DESKTOP_VERSION string that gets sent automatically16:46
slickymaster-jobknome: did you get to see what I pinged you about early this morning?16:46
knomeslickymaster-job, probably did...16:46
ochosisince there is no specific 4.10 namespace currently, you'll fall back to the generic docs-page for xfdesktop16:46
slickymaster-jobknome: there's a typo in the http://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-marketing-with-startubuntu-flyer/16:46
ochosiso, what we can do is change the desktop-version-string in libxfce4util from 4.10 to 4.1116:46
knomeis the typo in the flyer or the article16:47
slickymaster-jobat the end of the firdt setence of the "Try without installing!" box -> "... works with yout computer."16:47
knomeochosi, okay.... and? :)16:47
ochosisince it's not wrong that we're shipping 4.1116:47
slickymaster-jobin the flyer16:47
knomeslickymaster-job, okay, noted16:47
knomepleia2, ping16:47
ochosithen i set up a 4.11 docs-page on docs.xfce.org and we're set16:47
knomepleia2, please get that fixed ;)16:47
knomeochosi, heh, okay16:47
slickymaster-jobwhen you finish with ochosi I have a question for you knome 16:47
ochosiwe can then also update the xfwm4-docs upstream and our users will get to the correct docs16:47
knomeslickymaster-job, just go ahead, i'm able to multitask16:47
ochosiand all other apps will fall back to the 4.10 docs anyway16:48
ochosiso there's no drawbck16:48
knomeochosi, sounds fair16:48
ochosialready talked to eric_the_idiot about it and he's fine with going ahead like this16:48
knomei'm not opposed to that change16:48
ochosiso if you agree, i'll push the xfdesktop docs to 4.11 and then we only need to patch libxfce4util16:48
ochosiit's actually bugfix16:48
slickymaster-jobok, thing is that the translated text of the ubuntu and xubuntu boxes of the flyer are larger than the admissible size of said boxes 16:48
knomeslickymaster-job, are you sure you are using open sans?16:49
slickymaster-jobabsolutely, and respecting the font sizes accordingly  16:49
knomei can look at it if you want to send me the svg16:49
knomeand try to accommodate the layout for the larger stuff16:49
slickymaster-jobI lost your email :P16:50
knomeknome@ubuntu.com works as well if you forget again16:50
slickymaster-jobi a minute16:50
ochosiknome: ok, i'll set you as a reviewer once i've got the patch for libxfce4ui in a MR16:51
knomeochosi, cheers16:51
* ochosi just feels it would be a terrible waste if users wouldn't get to see jjfrv8 and slickymaster-job's awesome xfdesktop docs16:52
knomeyep, agree16:52
slickymaster-jobknome: sent16:55
knomeslickymaster-job, wondering if the US letter size is a regular paper size in portugal? there was a A4-size as well...16:57
slickymaster-jobhmmm I downloaded the source file16:58
slickymaster-jobI supposed it was A416:59
knomewell the file you sent me is _USletter16:59
slickymaster-jobthat's odd16:59
knomeand the size looks like A416:59
knomeUS letter16:59
knomeof course!16:59
knomeA4 would be taller but narrower17:00
slickymaster-jobI'll download  it again and see if the problem subsists 17:01
slickymaster-jobI'll ping if needed knome 17:01
slickymaster-jobtnaks anyway17:01
slickymaster-jobthanks ^^17:01
knomesent back to you and pleia2 17:02
knome(fixed version)17:02
slickymaster-jobyou forgot the attachment knome 17:02
knomeof course!17:03
knomewhere did i save it17:03
knomein /tmp :P17:03
slickymaster-jobbut it isn't preferable to redo it in the correct paper size knome?17:04
knomeslickymaster-job, sure, but if somebody wanted it in US letter...17:04
knome(and since that's done, why waste the work)17:04
slickymaster-jobok, I'll get it done right away17:04
slickymaster-jobwell, when you're right... you're right ;)17:05
knomeUnit193, what's the required list of packages to be able to build xubuntu-docs again? see: ML17:06
pleia2slave driver17:28
slickymaster-jobknome: the same issue happens also with the A4 size17:30
slickymaster-jobdo you want me to email it to you so you can adjust it. Check also the "Try without Installing" and "Ready to Install" boxes because due to the size of the translated text it seems that they might be overlapping 17:33
pleia2so where is the error on the marketing site?17:34
slickymaster-jobit's in the flyer pleia2 17:34
pleia2ah ok17:35
slickymaster-jobpleia2: at the end of the firdt setence of the "Try without installing!" box -> "... works with yout computer."17:35
pleia2I see17:35
slickymaster-jobpleia2: I saw the existent portuguese translation of the flyer and it has a few spelling mistakes17:36
slickymaster-jobseems like a Google translator job :p17:37
pleia2hah, good to know17:37
slickymaster-jobI've got it already translated but there's a small issue with the boxes sizes that I want knome to fix17:38
* pleia2 nods17:38
slickymaster-jobthe reason being that the translated text is bigger then the available boxes sixes17:39
* slickymaster-job is starting to believe that Portuguese is a very verbose language17:40
GridCubeor the translator is 17:44
slickymaster-jobhmm rather not,17:45
slickymaster-jobdo you know Fernando Pessoa, GridCube?17:45
knomeslickymaster-job, sure, just send it to me17:50
slickymaster-jobknome: sent17:53
slickymaster-jobthanks knome 18:01
slickymaster-jobpleia2: later on, after dinner, I'll upload the svg, pdf and png formats of the translated flyer to http://spreadubuntu.org/18:03
pleia2slickymaster-job: yay :)18:03
slickymaster-jobknome: is there, in inkscape a tool similar to 'export as' in gimp?18:09
slickymaster-jobknome: nevermind, there's the 'Save as...' option18:11
ochosilight-locker-settings PPA for those who want to test it: https://launchpad.net/~light-locker-settings-team/+archive/stable18:28
ochosi(trusty only, and it only makes sense if you have already removed xscreensaver and are using light-locker)18:28
elfyit says "Can you really really trust lderan" :)18:30
lderan"why yes, yes you can"18:32
lderan*no, run for your lives!18:33
elfychecking in vm now18:44
* ochosi hopes that blanking works in a vm18:45
ochosielfy: in case you don't want to wait for 1 minute, just try "xset s 10"18:46
elfydoesn't appear to - I'll try it in the other hardware install later18:46
elfyhttp://imagebin.org/294295 restart warning is not very easy to read18:47
ochosistrange, shouldn't look like that18:49
ochosimaybe too old version of greybird/shimmer-themes18:49
ochosielfy: funny thing is, often ppl have reported bugs about the opposite problem (not being able to prevent the screen from blanking, because they didn't know how to set it)18:52
brainwashoh, that screenshot (the desktop icons to be exactly) reminds me, that we should get a new point release of xfdesktop asap :)18:54
ochosithere won't be one before FF18:54
ochosiand it doesn't matter, as there are only bugfixes18:54
ochosialso, greybird already tackles that18:55
brainwashyes, it does change the grid layout18:55
brainwashwould be great to get a new version of xfdesktop for b1 to test all the recent fixes (many things have been fixed)18:58
Unit193knome: docbook-xml, docbook-xsl, xsltproc, gnome-doc-utils19:02
elfyochosi: updated vm to current - same issue, shimmer-themes is 1.7.0-0ubuntu119:13
ochosielfy: unthemed infobar?19:14
ochosior some other issue19:14
ochosithis is what it's supposed to look like: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-2014-02-18-201430.php19:14
elfyno idea - that vm is a standard and updated install19:15
elfyochosi: ok - it looks fine in the other install19:24
elfythat sums up 'this' install ... 19:24
ochosisemi-good to hear though19:25
elfyochosi: this one has had so much done to it I'm not surprised tbh, not so sure about the vm19:26
ochosiNoskcaj: any progress on gmusicbrowser1.1.12?19:37
Unit193It's in the queue.19:37
ochosioh cool19:38
ochosii hadn't noticed19:38
Noskcajin merge queue + in debian waiting for sponsor19:38
ochosinice, thanks Noskcaj 19:42
pleia2slickymaster: spreadubuntu has slots for portugal and brazilian portugese, which is yours?20:48
Unit193pt_PT IIRC.20:49
pleia2I would assume so :)20:49
pleia2I'll upload it as that and if I need to correct I will20:49
pleia2http://spreadubuntu.org/en/node/983 & http://spreadubuntu.org/en/node/984 are up20:56
slickymasterpleia2, Unit193 is right. Mine is pt_PT22:33
slickymasterI'll upload the files in minutes22:34
slickymasterpleia2: you around?22:40
knomeslickymaster, they are uploaded :P22:40
slickymasterI'm getting a 404 error at http://spreadubuntu.org/en/content/node/add/material22:40
slickymasterthe pdf and png also knome ?22:40
knomeyep, i exported them for pleia2 and they should be up22:41
slickymasterhmm thanks knome 22:42
* slickymaster thinks that knome is just buying time so slickymaster work on the ubiquity slidshow22:42
knomewe haven't been slacking off here while you were away anoying 'pane et circenses'22:43
knomeand panem22:43
slickymasterI know the expression22:44
slickymasterI just don't get the why22:44
knomei was just joking :)22:44
knomei was referring to us working hard when you were away ;)22:45
slickymaster:) lol had to pick up my kid22:45
knomewell sure22:45
* ochosi will try to do at least one xubuntu-default-settings merge-request22:51
pleia2slickymaster: they're up! added the links to http://xubuntu.org/marketingresources/22:52
slickymasterpleia2, thanks 22:53
slickymasterknome: already told me that he took care of everything22:53
slickymasterpleia2: just FWIW I getting a 404 error at http://spreadubuntu.org/en/content/node/add/material22:54
slickymasterwas ^^22:54
pleia2slickymaster: are you logged in?22:55
pleia2hm, where did you click to get there?22:55
pleia2http://spreadubuntu.org/en/node/add/material is the "share" link22:55
slickymasterthe "Contribute" link in the home page22:56
slickymasterwell, it's up now22:56
pleia2doh :)22:57
slickymasterbut it's not necessary to upload as knome alredy done it22:57
knomenah, pleia2 did it!22:58
pleia2knome made all the exported files though22:58
slickymasterkudos for both of you ;)22:58
pleia2and romanian! http://spreadubuntu.org/ro/material/poster/flyer-xpto-xubunturomanian23:02
knomepleia2, how's the original flyer doing?23:05
slickymasterbtw pleia2, over at http://spreadubuntu.org/pt/material/poster/portuguese-startubuntu-xubuntu-flyer-a4 the poruguese flag icon isn't being displayed after the language23:05
pleia2slickymaster: can you submit a bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/spreadubuntu23:06
slickymasterok, will do23:06
knomeslickymaster, flags aren't good symbols for languages anyway :P23:06
pleia2knome: my desktop is in the middle of a reinstall (new drives, moved to raid1, woo) so I won't get all set up for a while23:07
pleia2no inkscape + fonts + etc23:07
knomepleia2, ah, that's fine23:07
knomei thought something along the lines of "i quit"23:07
pleia2if you can fix, I can upload changes, but23:07
knomepleia2, but i was meaning, the main startubuntu xp to * flyer23:07
pleia2oh, I thought you meant the typo23:08
pleia2original flyer is ignored23:08
pleia2ours got all the sharing and translations, so I think it became the default23:09
knomeso, a marketing project failed worse than we did?23:10
pleia2I think it's just that mostly the team is made up of ubuntu people and not mint people so everyone prefered to share the all *ubuntu one :)23:11
pleia2plus, who doesn't love xubuntu?23:11
knomeyeah... but weird thinking to include mint in the main one anyway then23:11
pleia2they wanted to offer an alternative that had a more "classic" feel than unity23:12
pleia2so, mate23:12
ochosianyone around with a xubuntu vbox that hasnt been messed with much?23:28
ochosi(i just want to know a default setting)23:28
ali1234by default that key is not set at all23:30
ochosiright, how does it behave then?23:30
ali1234i dunno23:30
ochosithat's actually what i need to know23:31
ochosijust need to know whether we have to set it to "3" by default, so that the trayicon never shows23:31
ali1234i don't see the tray icon23:31
ochosido you have a battery?23:32
knomein vbox?23:32
ochosithen that doesn't help23:32
ochosii'm afraid that the default behavior is to show the trayicon if there's a battery23:34
knomewhat's the problem with that?23:35
ochosi2 battery icons in the panel?23:36
ochosiindicator-power + xfpm-trayicon23:36
ochosiali1234: finally changes that have benefits for !gnome-shell as well: http://worldofgnome.org/app-menus-fallback-became-just-amazing/23:37
ochosi(although the title is a clear overstatement)23:37
brainwashochosi: http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-power-manager/tree/settings/xfpm-settings.c#n116123:37
brainwashSHOW_ICON_WHEN_BATTERY_PRESENT is default23:37
ochosimhm, thought so23:38
ochosiok, then i'll include that setting in my next -default-settings MR23:38
slickymasterpleia2: FIY bug 128183623:45
ubottubug 1281836 in SpreadUbuntu "The Portuguese flag symbol isn't displayed at http://spreadubuntu.org/" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128183623:45
pleia2hopefully someone will look at it :) they've responded to a couple of ones I've submitted, so hopefully23:45
pleia2I would like to help them, but, you know, I'd do that in my free time?23:45
slickymasteryeah, let's keep our fingers crossed23:46
knomepleia2, no way, knome doesn't allow free time23:46
slickymasterof course, and time does feel like sand, splipping through our fingers23:47
knomei haven't *felt* that23:47
slickymasterbah, that's because you don'y go to the beach often enough ;)23:48
slickymasterknome: do you have any idea how we can agitate bug 1185396 ober at debian?23:51
ubottubug 1185396 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "users-admin crashed with SIGSEGV in gst_user_profiles_get_for_user()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118539623:51
ochosidoes anyone here feel like testing the new default panel layout?23:52
ochosi(i mean the xml for it)23:52
slickymasterunable to it now ochosi. But tomorrow, yes I'll be able to23:52
slickymasterto do it ^^23:53
ochosisure, no problem23:53
brainwashshare it pls23:54
ochosiit should only contain the minimum list of settings23:55
ochosiand don't expect anything from whiskermenu there23:55
ochosi(cause that one uses an rc file to store the config)23:55
brainwashvery minimal23:56
ochosithe question is whether it matches the spec: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Trusty/Whiskermenu23:57
ochosior whether it misses anything23:58

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