
davecheneyaxw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6957563/01:24
davecheneycan you assist with a local provider issue01:24
axwwhat version of juju is that?01:25
axwoh, ...01:25
axwthis looks a lot like a bug that was fixed already01:26
axwis trunk up to date?01:26
davecheneythat is a pull as of 60 minutes ago01:39
davecheneyaxw: is it that juju doenst' know ppc64 is a valid arch ?01:42
axwdavecheney: so there's two problems01:46
axw1) can't bootstrap01:46
axw2) destroy is finding the wrong binary01:46
axwlocal provider destroy now calls juju again with sudo under the covers01:46
axwseems to be finding an old binary that doesn't have the -y flag01:46
axwdavecheney: as for why it can't find matching tools... I have no idea. could be because of the valid arches, as you say01:47
axwdavecheney: can you try with --debug please?01:55
axwdavecheney: you may need to update environs/tools/tools.go, makeToolsConstraint01:55
axwtoolsConstraint.Arches = ...01:55
axwdavecheney: and I've filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1281863 to fix the destroy issue01:59
_mup_Bug #1281863: local: Destroy assumes it is called from "juju destroy-environment" <local-provider> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1281863>01:59
davecheneyaxw: thanks03:13
davecheneythere is still some confusoin about the 'official' name for ppc6403:14
davecheneygo calls it ppc64, but uname -m and others append a suffix03:14
davecheneyaxw: 2014-02-19 03:16:11 DEBUG juju.environs.simplestreams simplestreams.go:471 index file has no data for product name(s) ["com.ubuntu.juju:12.10:amd64" "com.ubuntu.j│·······03:16
davecheneyuju:12.10:i386" "com.ubuntu.juju:12.10:arm" "com.ubuntu.juju:12.04:amd64" "com.ubuntu.juju:12.04:i386" "com.ubuntu.juju:12.04:arm" "com.ubuntu.juju:13.10:amd64" "│·······03:16
davecheneycom.ubuntu.juju:13.10:i386" "com.ubuntu.juju:13.10:arm" "com.ubuntu.juju:14.04:amd64" "com.ubuntu.juju:14.04:i386" "com.ubuntu.juju:14.04:arm" "com.ubuntu.juju:13│·······03:16
davecheney.04:amd64" "com.ubuntu.juju:13.04:i386" "com.ubuntu.juju:13.04:arm"]03:16
davecheneybasicallyt not ppc64 arch03:16
axwdavecheney: even with the change?03:17
axwto tools.go03:17
davecheneysorry, missed that bit03:17
davecheneywill bodge03:17
davecheneyaxw: it worked!03:21
axwswoit :)03:21
davecheneypatch incoming03:25
davecheneyaxw: sonofabitch03:41
davecheneybut can't I get the environ/tools tests to recognose trusty as a series03:41
axwdavecheney: does the csv file have the right thing in it?03:47
davecheneyi thought this was all table driven from ../envions/testing/tools.go03:47
axwoh tests03:48
davecheneyyeah, just trying to add a test that shows we can find ppc tools03:49
axwdavecheney: not really sure sorry. I guess one of the tests is using version.Current, but uploading fake tools for only older series03:49
davecheneyi'll keep hacking on it04:19
davecheneyi can at least get to the next problem04:19
mwhudsondavecheney, axw: are you working on https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1274755 ?08:31
_mup_Bug #1274755: simplestreams test metadata only lists tools for arm and amd64 <hs-arm64> <tech-debt> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1274755>08:31
axwmwhudson: I'm not, but davecheney has been working in that vicinity...08:36
dimiternrogpeppe, hey09:05
rogpeppedimitern: hiya09:05
chris38hi, what 's the state of juju add-machine kvm ?09:05
dimiternrogpeppe, is there a particular reason debug log is streamed through a websocket rather than https?09:05
rogpeppedimitern: because i consulted with the GUI folks and that's what they suggested09:06
rogpeppedimitern: websockets are designed for long-lived connections09:06
dimiternchris38, it's done afaik09:06
rogpeppedimitern: which https connections aren't really09:06
dimiternrogpeppe, they could be, but meh09:07
dimiternrogpeppe, ok, and the log-location passing through the agent conf should be in StateMachineConfig perhaps?09:07
rogpeppedimitern: ah, there is a very good reason it's a websocket actually09:07
rogpeppedimitern: 'cos it's a bidirectional connection09:07
dimiternrogpeppe, ah, that looks like a better reason :)09:08
rogpeppedimitern: yeah, StateMachineConfig looks like a good place for it09:08
chris38I built juj from source the command is executed, but the server stay in pending mode, do I have to install some libvirt stuffs on the maas vm ?09:09
=== axw_ is now known as axw
chris38dimitern, any tip / doc on how to make juju add-machine kvm work ?09:17
dimiternchris38, I think in order to be able to spin up kvm machines certain dependencies have to be met, libvirt included, let me browse through the commit log for clues09:19
dimiternaxw_, does add-machine support adding kvm containers?09:20
dimiternaxw_, it seems it should, but I can't see updated help docs or tests about it09:21
axw_dimitern: I'm not sure sorry09:21
jam1dimitern: thumper would be the one to ping about it. It was supposed to work, and the extra libs are supposed to be installed when a unit sees it needs a KVM target09:22
=== jam1 is now known as jam
dimiternjam, chris38, so if it doesn't work I think it deserves a bug then09:24
chris38I'll check more with installing manually libvirt, and submit a bug09:25
chris38what the magic command to update from source and rebuild juju ? after initial go install -v launchpad.net/juju-core/...09:43
dimiternchris38, I'm using this handy bash script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6959163/ - replace /home/dimitern/work/juju-core with the path to your source checkout10:12
chris38dimitern, thx ;-)10:24
rogpeppedimitern, jam, fwereade: our standup time seems to have moved back an hour - is that correct?10:48
jamrogpeppe: it is now, but that is the same time its been10:48
jamdid you have a TZ change?10:48
rogpeppejam: no10:50
rogpeppejam: it says an hour later than usual on the calendar10:50
mattywrogpeppe, when I come to submit those two mps for the id stuff - shall I make a bug report and link it to them, or just put all my explanation into the branch/review description?11:49
rogpeppemattyw: i'd just do the latter11:49
rogpeppenatefinch: here's that change to the voyeur package i mentioned: https://codereview.appspot.com/6600004313:29
rogpeppea fairly small change - reviews appreciated13:30
natefinchrogpeppe: looking13:30
rogpeppenatefinch: ta13:30
hazmatchris38, go get -u -v launchpad.net/juju-core/...13:35
hazmatdimitern, your script doesn't update src13:36
hazmatchris38, re kvm, its exactly like adding lxc containers .. but with 'lxc' replaced by 'kvm'13:37
natefinchrogpeppe: reviewed13:39
rogpeppenatefinch: thanks13:39
mattywrogpeppe, fwereade I've just submitted my first mp for the add|remove user stuff - just the internal stuff so far, the cli will follow shortly - I'm sure there's still work that needs done - but I thought I'd get the ball rolling: https://codereview.appspot.com/61620043/13:42
rogpeppemattyw: i think i've reviewed parts of that before, haven't I?13:44
chris38hazmat, yep, https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/128199413:49
_mup_Bug #1281994: juju add-machine kvm:0 not working with maas <kvm> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1281994>13:49
dimiternhazmat, no, it just rebuilds the binaries13:56
* rogpeppe goes for some lunch13:58
mattywrogpeppe, you've looked at it before but not gone as far as commenting on it14:01
mattywrogpeppe, as far as I remember there was some things that might get moved - but nothing was decided14:03
hazmatchris38, could you attach the machine-0.log to that bug14:05
hazmatchris38, /var/log/juju/machine-0.log14:06
chris38hatch, yep14:08
hatchhazmat ^14:08
chris38hazmat, I update to last juju14:12
hazmatchris38, ok.. but still need the log14:22
=== natefinch is now known as natef-snowblow
natef-snowblowsomeday it'll stop snowing every 2 days16:04
mgznatef-snowblow: warming willing16:08
fwereadeI'm enjoying the raft paper: "For example, if message exchanges take longer than the16:14
fwereadetypical time between server crashes, candidates will not16:14
fwereadestay up long enough to win an election16:14
rogpeppefwereade: i enjoyed the raft paper too16:27
rogpeppefwereade: it made me think that it wouldn't be *too* hard to build something as a custom state server backing for juju16:27
fwereaderogpeppe, yeah, that's the direction we're pondering16:28
rogpeppefwereade: my inclination was to start by severely cleaning up go-raft16:29
fwereaderogpeppe, I haven't looked at that yet... is it a sorry sight?16:29
rogpeppefwereade: it's not *too* bad. but i'd like to see something with a much smaller interface, that doesn't depend directly on disk access16:30
fwereaderogpeppe, isn't storage persistence necessary?16:31
rogpeppefwereade: sure, but persistence should be implemented by a pluggable interface, i think16:31
rogpeppefwereade: the package interface is about 20 times larger than i'd like to see16:32
fwereaderogpeppe, heh, we often disagree on such issues, but I'll bear that in mind when I look ;)16:32
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rogpeppeoh jeeze, *that's* why i'm not seeing log messages - i've imported launchpad.net/loggo, not github.com/loggo/loggo17:46
=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_
* rogpeppe is done for the day18:57
rogpeppeg'night all18:57
chris38home__hazmat, yippi juju add-machine kvm:0 mostly fixed, indeed it stay the same problem than lxc br0 is not brought up,19:20
hazmatchris38home__, cool, glad you were able to resolve.. it would still be helpful to attach log to bug, .. is it just bridge-utils install early? that's fixed in trunk which it sounds like your using.[19:21
chris38home__I add the interesting part of the lof19:23
chris38home__I marked as a duplicate19:23
chris38home__hazmat,  https://launchpadlibrarian.net/166797169/machine-0.log19:29
chris38home__after ssh-ing on the server and sudo ifup br0, server went up19:30
chris38home__concerning firewall, I have seen some gpg --recv-key in the code that don't set proxy, which make fail maas installs19:33
chris38home__might only be in fast installer19:35
chris38home__I build juju on a wheezy box, builds well but I have got19:37
chris38home__2014-02-19 19:37:16 ERROR juju.cmd supercommand.go:294 invalid series "unknown"19:37
chris38home__I tried to dig in the code but couldn't find where is this unknown set ?19:38
hazmatchris38home__, its a mapping to image and charm lookup19:55
hazmatchris38home__, probably interpreted from lsb_release19:55
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chris38home__thanks, I was suspecting something like that19:57
chris38home__If I just add a new Codename it should do the trick19:59
rogpeppe1chris38home__: it's in the version package19:59
rogpeppe1chris38home__: it's in the version package19:59
rogpeppe1chris38home__: see the readSeries function19:59
=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe
=== mwhudson is now known as zz_mwhudson
sinzuinatefinch, hazmat: Is this bug legitimate. Is the use of manual provider wrong? https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/128223520:37
_mup_Bug #1282235: manual provider: juju bootstrap fails with "102 bootstrapping failed, removing state file: exit status 1" <bootstrap> <ci> <manual-provider> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1282235>20:37
natefinchsinzui: looking20:46
natefinchsinzui: I'm not super familiar with the ins and outs of the manual provider, but that *looks* like it's doing the right thing.... until it fails, obviously.   Is there anything useful in the logs on the machine itself?  The end of the log in the bug description is unfortunately totally unhelpful20:50
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sinzuithank you for your time natefinch21:08
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=== zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson
davecheneymwhudson: axw yeah, i'm trying to fix that23:39
davecheneyas usual, i've fixed the code but can't make the tests pass23:39

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