
basketballhi i know i am not an op here but i am in #coding-n00bs00:33
basketballcan you please tell me if i handled this situaation properly00:34
phunyguyyes because we can see all channels all the time.01:20
* rww spies on phunyguy's sekrit channels01:30
iowhat is?02:53
Picithat question earlier from basketball03:13
ioyeah harris is a little strange03:15
basketballHow do ypu04:17
basketballGuys monitor profanity04:17
geniibasketball: We do it manually04:18
basketballYou dont have a bot04:18
LjL-Calvinowe do, but the bot is the one that needs to be monitored most closely for profanity04:19
basketballDo you know of an op that o can apply that will like mute the perskn who said it04:19
basketballLike the floodbot did04:19
* genii stares in horror at ubottu's potty-mouth04:20
chuNot even gonna try and parse that04:20
rwwbasketball: This is the operator channel for Ubuntu core channels. If you have general op questions, you're better off asking somewhere where that's on-topic, like #freenode.04:20
basketballThanks for not helping04:21
rwwYou're welcome. Hopefully #freenode is more helpful :)04:21
chuNo worries; wasn't our job.04:21
rwwno you04:21
bazhangemacs has acquired the text editor06:24
rwwbazhang: referring to vim mode?06:27
bazhangjust remember, before iMacs came emacs06:27
bazhangrww, ofc06:27
* rww salutes06:27
chuWhat's the "good" vim mode called? evil?06:27
rwwi think so06:27
ubottuIn ubottu, AussieDownUnder said: wht is mode i07:19
rww@mark #ubuntu GnikLlort bringing bot into channel, has been appraised of channel guidelines, ban them next time they do it07:22
ubottuThe operation succeeded.07:22
bazhangswaglord546  <-- is that the bot?07:23
bazhang* [[OpTiC]IRCman] #freenode #ubuntu #debian ##linux11:16
VlanXhi all11:57
VlanXI would like to understand why I got kicked out #ubuntu few time ago11:57
VlanXan op assumed I was xposting just because I posted a similar question on #centos and kicked me w/ out giving me the chance to reply11:58
ikoniaas I kicked you, I'll explain12:00
ikoniayou stated you where using centos in #centos and wanted the shutdown command12:01
ikoniayou then joined #ubuntu and asked for the shutdown command in "linux"12:01
ikoniait's clear you understand that #centos is for centos and #ubuntu for ubuntu as you said "centos" not "linux" in #centos12:01
ikoniahowever as you asked for Linux in #ubuntu not "ubuntu" and you also wanted to know it the specific command for centos it's safe to assume you where cross posting12:01
ikonia11:43 < VlanX> hey guy... is shutdown -p even a correct command for linux/bsd?12:02
ikonia#ubuntu does not support linux, bsd or centos - it supports the Ubuntu linux distribution only12:02
ikoniaI hope that clarifies why oyu where removed from the channel12:02
VlanXikonia: I'm on #ubuntu like 24/7, you should be used to see me there, asking and also responding if I can be of help, couldnt you just have simply warned me instead? It's not like I was trolling or messing around...12:04
ikoniaif you're on ubuntu 24x7 then you know it supports Ubuntu only12:05
VlanXfair enough... alright, it was fun on #ubuntu... hope we'll meet again in the future12:07
PriceyChrist that's a bit harsh ikonia :-/12:25
PriceyWhile I'm at it I'll start perma-banning on ubuntuforums.org where I find people "necro-posting".12:25
k1la lot of nonsense comming form dynamicIP.rima-tde.net :/12:33
DJonesAlso coming from a staticIP.rima-tde.net as well12:36
DJonesI've muted both the static & the dynamic one, although dynamic probably won't last long12:37
DJonesI'd love to know whether its a school/college but I've never found any info on who's using it, but a typical nick is "alumno" which to my mind is "student"12:38
jbroomeskraito doesn't seem to take a hint.12:41
ikoniaPricey: he wasn't banned, I just removed him from the channel as he was doing it in other channels too such as #freebsd12:46
Priceyikonia: Sure, still a bit heavy handed I think.13:31
=== phunyguy_ is now known as phunyguy
bazhangphotek is on: ##linux, #debian, #freenode, and #ubuntu18:11
bazhanglog bot to twitter18:11
=== rww is now known as rw
=== rw is now known as rww
io@mark #ubuntu-offtopic l4is posting inappropriate links.20:59
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:59
io@mark #ubuntu-offtopic I4is posting inappropriate links.21:00
ubottuThe operation succeeded.21:00
phunyguyio:... ?   What was garbage?21:41
Picimeat spin21:41
phunyguyThat site has been linked many times in the channel21:41
iodoesn't make it ok21:41
Picidoesn't mean that it is appropriate21:41
phunyguyoh I didnt' see the meatspin21:42
phunyguyI only saw upside-down-ternet21:42
phunyguyoh, it wasn't a link21:43
phunyguymy bad, carry on21:43
phunyguyI was thinking to myself... what in the world is wrong with upside-down-ternet instructions?21:44
LjL-Calvinowhat if... m--tspin displayed on an upside-down-ternel proxy? mind->boggled21:44
Piciwhat does 'upside-down-ternet' mean?21:44
phunyguypici, neighbor stealing your wifi?  transparently proxy their traffic, and invert all images21:45
LjL-CalvinoPici: it's a humorous website suggesting you set up a honeypot kinda thing where people who use your wifi ap end up seeing an upside down version version of every site21:45
phunyguyI plan on setting it up tonight with strict content filtering, 500kb/s throttling, and very locked down21:45
phunyguyI will make the SSID "FREE INTERNET"21:47
hggdhthat's enticement...21:50
LjL-Calvinophunyguy why not ??u???ui ????21:50
LjL-Calvinooh, my unicode's borked21:51
PiciJordan_U: IMO they should be asking in #ubuntu-br21:52
Picitham ricardooo21:52
LjL-Calvinoi only ask in #ubuntu-br when i'm particularly cold21:53
knomethere was a guy asking about pt_BR language support before in #x, so wondering if they didn't find their way there21:53
knomeseemed to have problems tuping and joining...21:53
hggdhLjL-Calvino: good move21:53
Pici <?ricardooo> Jordan_U: portuguese people sucks they are all lazy21:53
Pici<?ricardooo> Jordan_U: im portuguese i know what im doing...21:54
knomeUnit193, got me. typing...21:54
LjL-CalvinoPici: didn't you know? they're also famous for their consistency21:54
PiciLjL-Calvino: :P21:54
LjL-CalvinoPici: sometimes i've seen jrib deny his own existence21:54
hggdhPici: then it is not -br, it is -pt (which as dead as a door, right now)21:54
Jordan_UPici: To be honest, I expect that their written portugese is equally as rambling and malformed. I may be wrong though.21:54
PiciJordan_U: that is possible.21:54
LjL-Calvinohggdh: not really, since -br is used for both PT and BR support21:55
Picihggdh: pt is the loco channel, br is for the language.21:55
hggdhimmensely so. Portuguese is not an easy language.21:55
Picior language and loco21:55
Jordan_Uhggdh: I assume that sentences are capitalized and end in periods in portugese, correct? (That is the main problem I'm trying to help ricardooo with with regard to their English)21:56
LjL-Calvinowritten portoguese is about as easy as spanish or italian, fwiw... while spoken portuguese is about as easy as spanish or italian if you are a deaf-blind person21:57
hggdhJordan_U: pretty much like English, yes.21:57
hggdhLjL-Calvino: I agree. I can usually make some sense of written Italian, about 80% sense of written Spanish (except Catalá), and so on21:58
Jordan_UI'm at a loss as to how to explain to ricardooo what it means to use proper capitaliztion and punctuation. I think they probably know and just choose not do write properly but I'm not sure.21:58
hggdhJordan_U: I would say it is his intention. There is no excuse for badly formed phrases. If he indeed is Portuguese, he should know that21:59
LjL-CalvinoJordan_U: is the problem they're not capitalizing and using periods *on IRC* (and #ubuntu specifically)?21:59
Jordan_ULjL-Calvino: Yes. (And they're making terrible run on sentences to the point of uninteligibility, but I'm hoping that capitalization and punctuation will help with that).22:01
LjL-Calvinobuuuut... i never capitalize my messages on IRC, or end them with a period22:01
LjL-Calvinoit has rarely seemed to be a problem (except with the very most prescriptivistianist in ##english)22:02
hggdhLjL-Calvino: on the previous sentence you used *both* capitalisation and punctuation marks...22:03
hggdhit is not ending with a period, it is using punctuation marks that is the basic issue22:03
* hggdh notes the absence of a period above22:04
LjL-Calvinohggdh: note that a basic meaning of "capitalize" is to capitalize the first letter in a word (and specifically in a sentence), while a "period" is not any generic punctuation mark22:04
Jordan_ULjL-Calvino: Yes, but you do use them when not having them would make your message uninteligable.22:04
* Pici notes that ikonia has banned them now22:04
LjL-CalvinoJordan_U: true, unless my intention is in fact to make the message unintelligible22:05
=== phunyguy_ is now known as phunyguy
geniiWell, board meeting to attend. Laters23:57

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