
nhainesrww: if there aren't any booth layout plans, could you send me the SCALE PDF so I can see the booth location?  I'll look at the supply list and work something out.01:49
pleia2nhaines: sec, let me see what I can come up ith01:54
nhainespleia2: thanks!01:55
rwwpleia2: I magiced the SCaLE PDF up for him01:55
darthrobotTitle: [attachment:booths_scale12x.png of CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale12x - Ubuntu Wiki]01:56
pleia2linked to the wiki01:56
pleia2now everyone can have it :)01:56
pleia2(just the map, not the whole pdf, obviously!)01:56
rwwwe're booth 17, so top-left corner of second block down on the left01:58
nhainesBad news: we're in the back.  Good news: we have a corner booth.  So usually we can drop the outer rail, put tables along the back and inside wall, and have an open layout.  Very, very sucessful in the past.01:58
rwwwe were in the back last time I was at SCaLE, didn't seem to hurt much01:58
rwwi am pleased with corner01:58
nhainesrww: corner is much more beneficial than back is bad.01:59
nhainesAnyway, dropping the outside rail gives us more room to aim the catapult at the Mint and Fedora booths.02:00
rwwthere's a mint booth? god help us02:00
rwwthere isn't a mint booth, fortunately :OP02:02
rwwnhaines: what's that semi-open thing to the left of our booth?02:04
nhainesrww: just some kind of supply closet, I think.  It's not actually open.02:05
CoreyWhere should I Food in san francisco?02:27
Coreypleia2: WHERE FOOD?!02:28
pleia2Corey: still in town?02:29
Coreypleia2: Nope, but back again.02:29
CoreyI head south for SCaLE tomorrow night.02:29
pleia2I have no plans, so I'm happy to seek food with you if you want02:29
CoreyWhere were you thinking?02:30
CoreyAnd can we grab MJ this time, or is he off slaving away in the data mines?02:30
pleia2who knows! staying where you were before?02:30
* ianorlin already is south02:30
pleia2he's got a friend in town this week, so they're off having fun w/o me :(02:30
CoreyHoly crap.02:30
CoreyMJ has friends? *rimshot*02:30
pleia2he had to fly her in from boston02:30
pleia2ok, let me think02:31
pleia2been to burger bar in union square?02:31
CoreyThe restaurant in the hotel is great if you're into uninspired food with extortionate pricing.02:31
pleia2it's tastey, they have fancy burgers02:32
Coreypleia2: Sit-down place, or grab-n-go?02:35
CoreyOh, if you've not discovered Katana yet, OH MY GOD02:35
pleia2Corey: sit down02:35
pleia2not heard of katana02:35
* ianorlin is hungry now02:35
pleia2(aside from the slicing weapon)02:35
pleia2ianorlin: hehe02:35
Coreypleia2: Oh my stars!02:35
darthrobot[403] Title: [403 Forbidden]02:36
CoreyOoh. Darthrobot got told to go pound sand by yelp.02:36
pleia2katana looks good02:36
CoreyIt's AWESOME but always busy.02:36
Corey(I know it's a bit nutty to rave about a ramen joint, but...)02:36
pleia2well, if we decide it's too busy there are always 400 other food places right near it02:37
CoreyGood point.02:37
CoreyWant to meet at my hotel lobby then wander over? Gotta get the fitbit steps in!02:37
CoreyOh, anyone else here up to join us?02:37
CoreyGareth: Forget SCaLE, come get ramen with us in SF!02:37
* ianorlin needs to start getting up earlier02:38
pleia2ok, putting my work into a state I can leave it in, meet you in lobby at 7?02:38
CoreyWorks well.02:38
CoreyI just sent Gareth his much-delayed slides for my upscale talk, I think I'm ready to rock.02:39
pleia2cool, see you soon02:39
GarethCorey: bit a drive for ramen :)02:48
nhainesGareth: on the ohter hand, it *is* ramen.  :)02:51
CoreyGareth: But worth it.02:51
CoreyGareth: You can either fly like an eagle, or drive like a peasant.02:54
CoreyAnd now I'm off to meet pleia2 for ramen.02:54
* Gareth snaps a wet towel at Yasumoto 03:10
YasumotoGareth: yow!03:19
* ianorlin is still hungry03:40
GarethYasumoto: how have you been?03:59
rwwGareth: hrm. If I did my SCaLE registration a bit wrong, is that a you thing or a someone else thing?04:18
rwwI paid for it instead of using the LoCo code because I forgot there was going to be a LoCo code, and also I think it says something other than "Community Member / Ubuntu California" for my job title and location04:19
rwwactually, "rww on freenode / Ubuntu California" would work better, I always miss not having an IRC nick on those badge things04:19
Garethrww: I can update it so you're an exhibitor, if thats what your asking.04:21
rwwyes that, sorry04:21
Garethno worries.04:21
Garethrww: when did you purchase your pass?04:25
Garethnm. found you.04:26
rwwah, good, because I can't find the email o.O04:27
rwwthanks :)04:30
rwwwho's organizing keysigning this year? Phil Dibowitz?04:30
nhainesI can't even remember what my badge says.04:37
nhainesProbably "Project Member / Ubuntu"04:37
rwwI think I went a bit loopy and put my actual job info on there. can't remember04:37
ianorlinI can't remember either04:38
Garethrww: Not Phil.  Aaron Toponce.04:47
rwwah, nice04:47
YasumotoGareth: good! keeping rather busy up here, how've you been? :)04:51
GarethYasumoto: good good.  a bit busy myself :)05:02
Yasumotoheh, yah I bet :)05:03
bkerensapleia2: Gareth: do you have any experience bringing lanyards and buttons as carryon in a backpack by chance?05:15
bkerensaTSA doesn't list either but I don't want to be stuck leaving 500 of each at airport05:15
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raevolfirefox was using 200% of my cpu (4-core) so i closed it17:15
raevoland now it's using 300%....17:15
pleia2bkerensa: shouldn't be a problem17:30
pleia2I haven't done it, but lanyards are fine and I can't imagine they'd get grumpy about pins17:31
CoreyGareth: Ooh, Aaron is going to be at SCaLE?17:54
Coreybkerensa: Where are you flying from?17:55
pleia2Corey: next time, less whiskey17:56
Coreypleia2: Train harder!17:56
* pleia2 drinks more water17:56
GarethCorey: seems that way. :)18:24
pleia2lost my grandmother this morning, if anyone needs any last minute scale things... I am probably not the best to ask, head isn't on straight18:46
pleia2(and yes, I'm still coming)18:46
blitzsorry to hear that18:47
Coreypleia2: My condolences.18:51
pleia2thanks Corey18:57
* ianorlin seems likes he missed major sad news19:05
Garethpleia2: so sorry to hear that :(19:33
pleia2ianorlin: lost my grandmother this morning19:37
pleia2Gareth: thanks19:37
ianorlinthat is never good19:50
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=== rw is now known as rww

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