
rick_h_heh, cool thing of the day http://moongift.jp/2014/02/bookie-%E3%82%B7%E3%83%B3%E3%83%97%E3%83%AB%E3%81%A7%E5%AE%9F%E7%94%A8%E7%9A%84%E3%81%AA%E3%82%BD%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A3%E3%83%AB%E3%83%96%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%83%9E%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AF/11:53
rick_h_ugh on the url11:53
rick_h_but bookie hits japan11:53
cmaloneyGood morning btw13:15
cmaloneyrick_h_: Congratulations!13:16
cmaloneyhttps://bmark.us/redirect/e0abe6379bd95d <- better link. ;)13:17
rick_h_yes, much better13:18
brouschCongrats on what?13:21
rick_h_I got a pie13:21
cmaloneybrousch: Follow that link13:21
rick_h_it was yummy13:21
brouschShould I translate it?13:22
cmaloneyUnless you can read Japanese I would.13:22
jrwrenrick_h_: run ads, you can retire :p14:10
rick_h_jrwren: hah14:17
brouschOuch. All of the Blackwell rooms are Kings, no doubles16:41
rick_h_yea :/16:42
brouschno sharing unless you want to snuggle up16:43
* greg-g finally starts OMC episode 9017:53
* greg-g feels famous17:54
greg-gCraig Maloney: Ego Booster.17:55
brousch"Ubuntu (phone) puts the control back into the hands of our partners"18:04
rick_h_brousch: !!!!! http://arstechnica.com/business/2014/02/google-fiber-chooses-nine-metro-areas-for-possible-expansion/18:13
rick_h_brousch: that's it. I'm drugging my wife and not letting her wake up until we're out in portland :)18:13
rick_h_lmao http://arstechnica.com/business/2014/02/google-fiber-chooses-nine-metro-areas-for-possible-expansion/?comments=1&post=2627097118:16
brouschWhat is bad about Portland?18:21
rick_h_I <3 rain18:22
greg-gCarrie has nixed Portland/Seattle because of it. She spent a few months there and pretty much had SAD the whole time.18:22
jrwrengreg-g: slip her vitamind supplements :p18:24
brouschI also like rain18:29
cmaloneygreg-g: hah. :)18:29
cmaloneyHope you enjoy the heck out of that episode.18:29
rick_h_yay found my sewer drain in front of the house. Maybe now I can drain lake Harding18:50
brouschgo for a quick swim first18:50
rick_h_almost did, some lady came speeding through the sub and was thowing up water 10' in the air until she saw me and crushed her brakes18:51
rick_h_of course that sent a wave my way and now I've got new socks yay me18:51
brouschthrow an iceball at her18:51
rick_h_all I had was a shovel, thought about it :)18:51
jrwrensmoser: did that cloudinit stuff make it into 12.04.4 ?19:09
smoseri dont think i uploaded that yet.19:10
smoseri'm sorry.19:10
jrwrenno worries.19:10
smoserfwiw, 12.04.4 is really a no-thing19:10
smoseri really wish we'd never made "point releases"19:10
smoser12.04.X is 2 things:19:10
smoser a.) a media cut of what is in the archive + updates at an arbitrary point in time19:11
smoser b.) a bad decision to use a different kernel and expose the end user to pain if they chose to use that kernel.19:11
smoserer... if they chose to install from that media19:11
smoser(ie, 12.04.X has a "hardware enablement kernel" in it)19:11
smoserwhich will be installed by default.19:11
jrwreneven just having the security updates alreayd there is kind of nice for a cloudimg19:12
jrwrenless to apt-get upgrade and my instance will be ready sooner.19:12
greg-gcmaloney: I listened to the whole episode straight through. Well done.19:25
greg-g"bong breaker" heh19:25
mrgoodcatso is there a chc meeting at bean and leaf tonight? i know it seems like an obvious question but since i've never attended i just want to make sure i'm right. its too long a drive for me to be wrong19:38
rick_h_mrgoodcat: yep19:40
widoxmrgoodcat: yep, starts @ 8pm19:41
mrgoodcatok. someone may want to update the topic in #coffeehousecoders19:42
mrgoodcatit says 9:0019:42
mrgoodcatbut it seems like nobody talks in that channel anyways19:42
widoxoh, that's the AA CHC time I think19:42
widoxand yeah, its pretty dead most of the time19:42
mrgoodcatgot it19:42
widoxmrgoodcat: http://royaloak.coffeehousecoders.com/19:43
mrgoodcatyea i got that. the reason i asked was because of the discrepancy between that and the topic in channel19:43
rick_h_heh, yea CHC started out as an Ann Arbor thing but we copied it and made it actually something that occurs19:45
rick_h_but yea, every wed night. There'll be a handfull of us out there.19:46
cmaloneygreg-g: awesome. Glad you enjoyed it!19:47
mrgoodcati think i'll be there tonight19:48
rick_h_mrgoodcat: cool19:48
cmaloneysmoser: Did you send me your slides for your MUG presentation yet?19:48
smoseri did not. i can do that *right now*19:49
cmaloneyDanke. :)19:49
cmaloneyI can get that up on the site tonight then. :)19:49
smoseri'll email you the pdf19:50
smoserbut thats the source that generated it19:50
cmaloneyAwesome. I'll post that to the site tonight19:50
smoserok. i think you have email19:52
mrgoodcatare you doing a talk at the upcoming meeting or the one i just missed?19:52
cmaloneysmoser: Thanks so much!19:53
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Was at the last MUG meeting last Tuesday.19:53
smosercmaloney, i would liek to do a "secondary" talk (not the primary one) on shell scripting. its somethign i've wanted to talk about for some long time. "shell programming tips"19:54
mrgoodcatah well. is there a way i can get a more human readable version than the tex? i'm not on my own computer right now otherwise i'd just compile it19:54
cmaloneymrgoodcat: I'll have it posted later tonight19:54
mrgoodcatoh cool19:55
cmaloneysmoser: We'd love to have it.19:55
cmaloneysmoser: If you'd send a note to board@mug.org we can capture it and work out the particulars.19:56

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