
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
Vivekanandawhen I install software such as java from here http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html  do I have to make sure if the ppa has 64 bit app or 32 bit ?00:00
Jordan_Utongcx: Snappshotting a VM drive generally takes very little time and disk space, but provides no added redundancy. If your goal is to prevent loss of important data / state then you should keep backups (on other media). Those backups can be incremental backups, which gives you space saving in the same way that snappshotting does.00:01
BitwiseHello. I just ran sudo tasksel install mail-server and installed SquirrelMail. Going to the configtest.php from the browser results in:     ERROR: Error connecting to IMAP server "localhost:143".Server error: (111) Connection refused00:02
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Icehawk78Is there something I need to do to get my machine to recognize a new monitor? I replaced my screen with a larger one that supports 1920x1080, and can see the BIOS/grub menus, but as soon as Ubuntu starts to load, the screen goes black, and shows nothing, though I can still SSH in00:04
kdworakHey guys NOOB QUESTION what is the $PATH enviornemntal variable and what is it used for, why would i want to add directories to it???00:05
basketballglitsj16,  are you online00:05
schoppenhauerkdworak: it is the directories which are searched for a command if you type it in your shell00:05
hitsujiTMOIcehawk78: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:05
Guest4044are I going to miss some unity features if I rollback to the LTS version?00:06
kdworakschoppenhauer: so if i added external commands in a directory not currently in the $PATH variable id have to add that directory to use the command?00:06
schoppenhauerkdworak: yes00:07
kdworakmakes sense, THANK YOU00:07
Icehawk78hitsujiTMO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6957339/00:07
Jordan_Ukdworak: Please avoid extranious caps.00:07
kdworakgot it00:07
dgarstang3*sigh* I just don't get apt-cacher-ng. :(00:09
hitsujiTMOIcehawk78: pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:10
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: how are you configuring it on the client?00:10
Icehawk78hitsujiTMO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6957353/00:11
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: Well, I'm not exactly sure how it's supposed to be configured. I'm starting with a chef recipe. He deposits a file in /etc/apt.conf.d that sets a proxy. That works fine, except it then doesn't proxy the stuff in sources.list. Only stuff in /etc/apt/sources.list.d00:11
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: Ideally the client wouldn't have any repo's configured, and would point to the proxy for everything, right?00:11
hitsujiTMOIcehawk78: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.notneeded            then restart lightdm or reboot00:11
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: sources.list should stay the same. all you'd need to do is add Acquire::http { Proxy "http://ip.of.apt.acacher:port"; };00:13
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: is that roughly what chef added?00:13
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: Well, I did an apt-get update, and it was grabbing stuff from ubuntu, not from the proxy...00:14
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: yes, I think that's what it added.00:14
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: yes, it still grapbs stuff from ubuntu repo ... via the proxy00:14
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: eventhough it's logging the address of ubuntu?00:14
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: I'll have to tcpdump that...00:15
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: afaik yes. what you can do is edit the proxy address to an invalid one and try and see if it fails00:16
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hitsujiTMO!away > basketball00:17
VivekanandaI am hoping to stick along longer and pester someone willing with questions :)00:18
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dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: good idea. I'll try that00:18
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Icehawk78hitsujiTMO: renaming xorg.conf and rebooting doesn't seem to have worked - as far as I can tell, it *seems* to be getting stuck somewhere in the boot process, but I'm not sure, since the sshd isn't starting (and I still can't see anything)00:21
MoPacHello. I have a question about full-screen windows on my multi-viewport desktop. Say I'm full-screen streaming a Youtube video and I edge flip over to an adjacent screen. This collapses the full-screen video, leaving the original framed video in the webpage. Is there any way I can turn this behavior off so that full-screen windows only exit when I go to them and hit, e.g., ESC ?00:23
hitsujiTMOIcehawk78: have you removed the ati driver or are you just not using it?00:23
hitsujiTMO!text | Icehawk78 use this to see if you can get the system back up00:23
ubottuIcehawk78 use this to see if you can get the system back up: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode00:23
Icehawk78hitsujiTMO: I removed fglrx last night due to unrelated issues, and was just using the open source drivers now00:24
hitsujiTMOIcehawk78: ok. you don't need /etc/X11/xorg.conf then at least. once you get into the text-only system: pastebinit /var/log/dmesg.000:25
Icehawk78 hitsujiTMO I was able to ssh in acter pressing escape blindly on the keyboard, so I'm able to get logs again. /var/log/Xorg.0.log =>  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6957402/00:26
Icehawk78hitsujiTMO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6957408/00:27
hitsujiTMOIcehawk78: it does suggest that it's working. Could be an issue with the monitor itself00:30
hitsujiTMOIcehawk78: can you also: pastebinit /var/log/syslog00:31
Icehawk78hitsujiTMO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6957431/00:32
Icehawk78hitsujiTMO: Is it's an issue with the monitor, wouldn't the screen not show the BIOS/grub as well?00:34
hitsujiTMOIcehawk78: not necessarily. grub is sending a different signal than xorg. (different resolution etc) ... xorg is using 1920x1080 based upon the reported supported modeline from your monitor, but could be a case that the monitor is reporting it incorrectly00:35
hitsujiTMOIcehawk78: in fact, the monitor is reporting 5 diffrent modelines for 1080p    ... one of them could be bad, and xorg could be trying to use the bad one00:37
Icehawk78hitsujiTMO: Ah. Is there any way to try to force that to a lower resolution to get the screen to boot, perhaps?00:37
Icehawk78Oh, wait. Booting into the recovery version of this kernel shows stuff, so perhaps that's what I need.00:38
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: Seems your correct.00:39
hitsujiTMOIcehawk78: maybe write an xorg.conf and force a preffered modeline https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution00:42
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: sweet. at least you know its working then00:44
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: sort of... next issue... do I need to explicitly add repo's to the client ? or does the proxy just forward everything through the ... proxy?00:45
GalihHi, I have 2 screens and In Nvidia Drivers I put my Left screen like main screen but every time I restart my right screen is the main. How to save the configuration ? Thanks and sorry for my English00:45
kdworakNoob Question guys, environment variables are used by all programs even tho these programs have their own variables correct?00:47
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: It seems like if I try and apt-get install packages on the client (where the repo is on the server), the client can't find them (but  server does)00:47
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: there should be no need for any extra configs00:48
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: yah. that's not working on the client00:48
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: Stuff from sources.list on the client works tho00:48
Jordan_Ukdworak: I don't understand the question. Could you please try to rephrase it?00:49
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: rerun: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install packagename00:49
Vivekanandawondering if a ppa automatically would have 64 and 32 bit versions of app and also if I just apt-get then what am I Installing. the ppa isfrom here --  http://askubuntu.com/questions/109404/how-do-i-install-latest-php-in-supported-ubuntu-versions-like-5-4-x-in-ubuntu-100:49
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: yah I did. "E: Unable to locate package bci-nagios-plugins". That's a custom package in our repo (configured on the proxy server, not on the client)00:50
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: do you mean apt-cacher-ng isn't working with an internal repo?00:50
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: right, but it is with sources.list repos00:50
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: and I confirmed it's using the proxy address for sources.list repo's by setting the proxy's address to a bogus one.00:50
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: """That's a custom package in our repo (configured on the proxy server, not on the client)"""   configured on what proxy???00:51
BeldarVivekananda, PPA's are maintained outside the repos, you can look on their web pages and see the packages there.00:51
kdworakjordan_U: not even sure how ummmm, are environment variables just like variables in a script, but env variables are native to the shell and can be called by all programs...00:51
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: Yes.. the .list file that points to that package is configured on the server. The client has no .list files.00:51
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: server = proxy server... the guy in Acquire::http::Proxy00:52
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: so configured on apt-cacher-ng?00:52
VivekanandaBeldar: if I did not do that but just added and instaled would that give meproblems00:52
Vivekanandaasuuming I have a 64 bit os not 32 ?00:53
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: yes, the .list file is on the apt-cacher-ng box...00:53
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: and I can apt-get install that package on the apt-cacher-ng box00:53
BeldarVivekananda, not an answerable question to many variables, and ppa's are not supported here.00:53
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: ahh ok. apt-cacher-ng won't pass that around to the other clients at all00:54
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: ok... cuz I thought you said a few minutes ago that it would. I need to put the list files on both the apt-cacher-ng box AND the clients?00:54
Vivekanandaummm I installed apache and php from the link above. Can you tell me how to find out which version I installed ? 32 bit or 64 bit version or either ?00:54
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: Something isn't right. I copied the list file from the apt-cache-ng box to the client (as is). Put a bogus address in /etc/apt.conf.d/01proxy and did an apt-get... and it's working, directly to the repo, which means it's not looking at the proxy address (but it was for sources.list)00:57
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: theres not extra work needed to get apt-cacher working. but its also not going to magically pass around extra sources. think of it as a simple http proxy(which is exactly what it is). if you request a file, it stores it. then any further requests for that files it grabs it from the store. thats all it does.    then you're using 2 different sources.list, when you use 2 different sources on different machines, they are sending dif00:58
hitsujiTMOferent sets of urls so will get different results as if they are not using the proxy00:58
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: after copying over the new sources list + bogus proxy did you rerun sudo apt-get update ?00:58
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: just did. got errors00:58
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: it was still working as it was still running of the old apt-cache00:59
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: ic00:59
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: so.. client has to have all the list files as it normally would, as if the proxy wasn't even configured...?00:59
motaka2Is it possible to open vim in a new terminal ?01:00
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: yup01:00
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: seems dodgy. Ok.01:00
Beldar!Who | Vivekananda01:00
ubottuVivekananda: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:00
VivekanandaBeldar: of course01:00
* ceed^ is away: I'm away (gone at 18th Feb, 19:02:17)01:02
=== ceed^ is now known as ceed^`away
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: just remember, the sources.lost determines what urls the clients request,   apt-cacher-ng catches urls,    if you are using 2 different sources.list then you'll have 2 different sets of urls01:02
Beldar!away > ceed^`away01:02
ubottuceed^`away, please see my private message01:02
hitsujiTMOceed^`away: also disable that talking script01:02
n^izzoI have made my .bashrc give me two types of prompts longp: "xanth@X-VboxTux:~➤➤➤ " and shortp: "➤ " I have done this by writing a 0 or a 1 to a file and then there is a if else tree in the PS1 line to determine what length to use01:04
VivekanandaBeldar: so the question remains ummm I installed apache and php from the link above. Can you tell me how to find out which version I installed ? 32 bit or 64 bit version or either ?01:04
n^izzoso my question is... Is there a better way to store a state than writing a 0 or a 1 to a file?01:04
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: *sigh* This isn't working. I'm installing a custom package and it's grabbing dependancies from archive.ubuntu.com. I ran tcpdump to the server and it got no traffic01:04
VivekanandaBeldar: I am trying to find out the version of apache2 and php that I installed01:05
n^izzocode if ayone wants to read it: https://github.com/grifflug/griffDocs/blob/master/terminal_config/xanth-.md01:05
BeldarVivekananda, I have no idea on that stuff.01:05
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: to test from the client add a hosts file entry for: archive.ubuntu.com           in /etc/hosts                  (change archive.ubuntu.com to us.archive.ubuntu.com, or whatever mirror you are using) then retry you'll get an error if it can get from the host01:06
BeldarVivekananda, My guess is a grep command man grep for info01:06
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BeldarI never use these so just a guess Vivekananda01:07
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: I think tcpdump -i eth0 host (the servers IP address) on the client is prety comprehensive...01:07
VivekanandaBeldar: hmm okay . But I was merely thinkig that if I just installed something but did not check and if it is working how would I know if it is an okay versoin or not ?01:07
VivekanandaBeldar: do you have a 64 bit machine and if so how to do you install stuff in it eg java. I am now going to attempt to instal java in it01:08
BeldarVivekananda, You can research it on the web, you can assume that since it works it is working...etc01:08
Nothing_MuchBeldar: You around?01:08
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: normally yes. but sometimes tcpdump doesn't play nice 100% of the time.    what i suggest will 100% work guaranteed01:08
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: ooookiday01:09
BeldarVivekananda, My laptop is 64 bit, I do not worry generally about 32 or 64 bit unless it's a 3rd party, then I check, the repos default prety much.01:09
Nothing_MuchIf it's possible to use ubuntu-manual.org as a means to promote Ubuntu through a charity then please let me know.l01:09
Vivekanandahmm okay01:09
VivekanandaBeldar: so suppose you ahd to install java and went to the uubntu help page and found this -- http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html  . would you just execute the instructions and if that repo did not have 64 bit java would it throw an error ?01:10
hitsujiTMONothing_Much: thats a question that you'd have to ask canonical directly01:10
Nothing_MuchhitsujiTMO: Where would I contact Canonical?01:10
Evilmaxthere is a way to avoid thet locate find an hidden file01:11
hitsujiTMONothing_Much: http://www.ubuntu.com/about/contact-us01:12
Nothing_MuchhitsujiTMO: Uh.. LoCo sounds like it01:15
Nothing_MuchBut there isn't one near me01:15
BeldarVivekananda, Is your computer a 32 bit or 64 bit?01:16
Beldarand your release01:16
Atomix26Is there a proper place to kvetch about a tiny UI problem?01:19
=== KeithLG_ is now known as KeithLG
skinuxAnyone know of a good Twitter applet that will show tweets in a balloon in upper or lower right?01:28
jencaHi, so my machine has "nameserver" in my resolv.conf but I can't resolve anything. I can ping anything fine, but I can't get DNS to save my life. Anyone got any advice?01:30
kdworakNoobQuestion!  typing someprog << EOF causes someprog to accept input until it sees a line that contains only the string EOF (without even a space following it). ---until?  so all text will be input for someprog untill the user types EOF?01:31
=== jenca is now known as ldleworker
kdworakNoobQuestion!  typing someprog << EOF causes someprog to accept input until it sees a line that contains only the string EOF (without even a space following it). ---until?  so all text will be input for someprog untill the user types EOF?01:34
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kdworakmy question was my anwser01:38
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newhoaAre there any gui apps specifically for transferring music (with configurable dir structure would be nice) via MSC/UMS?01:42
andygraybeali did a fresh install of 13.10 after backing up all my 12.04 /home folder.  what is the best way to move my old data onto the new 13.10 /home?01:43
andygraybeali assume copying it (rsync) might not be the best way... ?01:43
sakter12Hi i have a question about powerTOP whenever i set things to be 'Good' from 'Bad' in the tunables they don't stay that way01:44
kdworakman no ones has been anwsering questions for a while gents01:45
sakter12all watching pokemon twitch?01:45
kdworaki have a simple question when a guide says "pass the -a option to tee"  does that mean "tee -a file.txt"?01:46
hewhomustman tee specifies the format01:47
hewhomusttee option file01:47
kdworakcool thx!01:48
kdworakstudying for the LPIC01:48
timekeeperhi, i have a quick q:01:48
timekeeperdefault quantal repos have an oudated version of znc. quantal-backports has 1.0-2, but after adding and udpating, it still thinks .204 is the latest version01:48
timekeeperit does show in apt-get policy though01:49
IriezHey guys, im trying to install google authenticator on ubuntu, i've installed libpam-google-authetnicator but im unsure how to generate a auth key from a QR code I already have (for a specific account). All the guides are for how to enable it for ssh, but that is not my purpose :)01:52
IriezI think the bigger issue is i have NO idea how this works and its really frustrating me :)01:54
IriezIm trying to generate a google authenticator code without using my real google acct or smartphone01:55
newhoagMusicbrowser is incredible. Although I still wish I could find a program specifically for transferring music.01:55
ras3nganTech guys, I need some assistance with Backtrack 5. I'm running backtrack 5, and want to install Ubuntu 13 and remove backtrack from my computer. I burned the image to a disc, and can't seem to run the installer. Any suggestions?01:56
=== SrRaven is now known as zz_SrRaven
XHEART24hi, i am having trouble to install the driver for the NVIDIA Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1) on ubuntu 12.04 lts. please help.01:57
XHEART24when i run a video it goes slow, it did recognize it just right after installed but the next day the system is slow and also the videos01:57
Galihras3ngan  Can you boot on the disc  like  in "live-cd" ?01:58
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XHEART24is there a command to recognize my graphic card nvidia geforce 5200?01:59
Galihras3ngan ?02:00
jacksenechalXHEART24 have you tried enabling the NVIDIA proprietary drivers from the Additional Drivers panel?02:03
XHEART24yes but nothing shows02:03
Ben64XHEART24: how did you install the driver02:03
XHEART24i have not, it actually worked the first time but now it does not02:04
Ben64how do you know it worked then?02:04
jacksenechalXHEART24 do you see the card listed when you do lspci on the terminal?02:05
Galihras3ngan ?02:07
XHEART24product: NV34 [GeForce FX 5200]02:07
XHEART24       vendor: NVIDIA Corporation02:07
jacksenechalsurprising that it doesn't show up under the Additional Drivers window02:07
XHEART24nothing shows on additional drivers02:09
Ben64XHEART24: pastebin the following: "lshw -C VIDEO; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia; lsb_release -a"02:10
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XHEART24sorry caps02:12
jacksenechalI need some help making a debian package. I'm following this post http://lowerstrata.blogspot.com/2010/07/canon-p-150-and-linux.html to get drivers working for my scanner on 64bit Ubuntu. It worked well for me on Ubuntu 12.04, but on 13.10 it's barfing on the command "fakeroot make -f debian/rules binary". dpkg-shlibdeps can't find several libraries that exist, even if I point to them explicitly with LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Paste of ou02:12
jacksenechaltput here: http://pastebin.com/kJnP6jCk.02:12
hitsujiTMOXHEART24: geforce fx 5200 is not even supported but the legacy nvidia driver (304) so you're stuck with the open drivers.02:13
XHEART24not even on 13.04 or 13.10?02:13
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hitsujiTMOXHEART24: last support was in nvidia-17302:14
XHEART24what command i can use to load that one?02:15
hitsujiTMOXHEART24: what version of ubuntu are you on?02:15
XHEART2412.04 lts 32 bit02:15
hitsujiTMOwhat kernel?02:15
hitsujiTMOXHEART24: uname -r02:16
XHEART24what is that command?02:16
hitsujiTMOXHEART24: you could try: sudo apt-get install nvidia-173-updates      but this does break the system for some people02:18
hitsujiTMOXHEART24: realistically tho, you'll not get any benefit over the open driver02:19
hitsujiTMOi'd stick with the open driver if i were you02:19
=== onder`_ is now known as onder`
XHEART24in he beginning it worked great i was able to choose different settings but after a restart it stopped seeing the graphic card installed02:19
XHEART24now it says only "laptop"02:20
tiglionabbitcan I get postgres 9.3 on ubuntu?02:21
hitsujiTMOit could just be that the gpu is on its last legs02:21
XHEART24what is the command for update?02:21
hitsujiTMOtiglionabbit: with the official ppa you should: http://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/ubuntu/02:22
hitsujiTMOXHEART24: sudo apt-get update                 do you mean?02:22
tiglionabbithitsujiTMO: what version do I put in here?  I'm using 13.1002:23
tiglionabbitor I guess I just use the ppa, ok02:23
hitsujiTMOtiglionabbit: looks like they only support LTS versions02:23
XHEART24is there a command to fix broken pipes?02:23
XHEART24i saw this error once a few minutes ago after a reboot02:24
tiglionabbithitsujiTMO: when I added that, it gave me a warning linking here: https://launchpad.net/~pitti/+archive/postgresql02:25
hitsujiTMOtiglionabbit:try this instead  http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Apt02:25
hitsujiTMOthey list 13.10 support on that wiki page with the repo02:26
frodopwnshi, i would like to allow one ssh user access to the reboot command without giving them sudo, can someone point me in the right direction?02:26
hitsujiTMOfrodopwns: myuser ALL = (ALL) /sbin/reboot02:27
frodopwnsdoes that go in visudo?02:28
frodopwnslooks like it does, thanks man02:29
hitsujiTMOfrodopwns: yes,    man sudoers     has some other examples02:29
XHEART24how can i uninstall dropbox?02:30
XHEART24ubuntu 12.04 lts02:30
chris062689What is the quickest way to copy large files (avg size 600 MB, 2TB of data total) from one folder to another?  Seperate paritions, want to verify while copying.02:30
ash__i just installed ubuntu02:31
XHEART24i am connect my usb and external hard drives and it is not mounting it , i can not access them02:31
ash__i can't run the app that i downloaded02:32
ash__it just opens in gedit02:32
hitsujiTMOchris062689: if you also want to verify, then use rsync02:32
XHEART24is there a command to fix my system files?02:33
XHEART24on ubuntu 12.04 lts02:33
ash__how do i run that app?02:36
hitsujiTMOash__: you need to make the START_LINUX file executable.02:37
ash__it is02:38
cookieanyone know stuff about MPOS stratum02:38
cookietrying to get a pool working02:38
jacksenechalash__: pixietracker looks cool. You can't run it by double clicking on the file from the file browser, you need to run it from the terminal.02:39
ash__all other distros of linux and ubuntu run it out of the box with a double click02:40
ash__this is the first time i have ever had this problem02:40
ash__new install 13.1002:40
ash__just opens in gedit02:40
jacksenechal"cd Downloads/pixietracker" (or wherever it is), then "./START_LINUX_X86" or "./START_LINUX_X86_64"02:41
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jacksenechalyeah, must be a new security feature of 13.1002:41
jacksenechalyou can make a launcher for it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles02:42
ash__i dont get it02:43
jacksenechalwhat exactly?02:44
ash__line 12: no such file or directory02:44
ash__never had this problem. this app was always rock solid02:45
jacksenechalworks for me...02:45
jacksenechalcan you see that file?02:46
jacksenechalthe one it can't fine?02:46
tiglionabbitugh, how do I run postgresql-9.3?  It says psql: could not connect to server02:46
tiglionabbitbut the server is running02:46
ash__i see all the files fine02:47
=== codethough is now known as codethought
jacksenechalash__: what does "pwd" say?02:48
skraito-0x71hey ubuntu02:49
skraito-0x71wanna deal with me02:49
ash__i am in the right directory02:49
skraito-0x71is ferudora02:49
skraito-0x71how are ya all btw02:49
BitwiseHi, I'm trying to set up a mail server in Ubuntu and use RoundCube for the web interface. I ran `tasksel install mail-server` and installed RoundCube and sym linked it so I can access it from my apache2 server at localhost. When I log in I get 500 service unavailable and when I click mail it says "Your session is invalid or expired."02:50
jacksenechalash__: and then "ls -l bin"?02:50
skraito-0x71try it guys Our 0x71 (xc) Our Hacker Team AstaraOS02:50
somsip!spam | skraito-0x7102:50
ubottuskraito-0x71: Please don't spam02:50
ash__ls -i bin02:50
somsipskraito-0x71: you were told yesterday...02:50
skraito-0x71spam my ass02:50
ash__the scripts show up as they should02:51
ash__they simply wont run.02:51
jacksenechaltry to execute them directly? "./bin/pixilang_linux_x86_64"02:52
jacksenechalah... it tells me no such file or directory if I try to execute the wrong one for my architecture. are you on 64 bit ubuntu or 32 bit?02:53
XHEART24hi. my videos are running slow02:53
dupingpingIf I click "System->Preferences->Remote Desktop", Which command is run?02:54
skinuxIf Ubuntu is using 0 SWAP, does that mean it has no SWAP partition or just that a setting is too low? I've been seeing notice that a 'disk' is not ready or not present at boot.02:54
XHEART24how can i upgrade from 12.04lts to 13.10?02:55
somsip!upgrade | XHEART2402:55
ubottuXHEART24: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade02:55
skinuxxheart: Change version name in APT config and run apt-get update, then apt-get dist-upgrade02:56
ioXHEART24: you can go from 12.04 to 12.10 all the way up to 13.10, but I would suggest waiting for 14.04 to be released in April if you can, or do a fresh install of 13.10 to avoid having to download all those upgrades.02:56
ash__what do i have to do to get this app to run?02:56
jacksenechalash__: what version of ubuntu are you on, 32 or 64 bit?02:56
XHEART24how do i upgrade to 13.10?02:56
somsipXHEART24: you've been answered. What don't you understand?02:57
jacksenechalash__: and are you trying to execute the 64 bit version of the file?02:57
ioXHEART24: if you chose to go the incremental route then you will need to change the settings in the software center from LTS only to All versions.02:57
ash__either one02:57
ash__they just open in gedit or i get no command found02:57
jacksenechalI think XHEART24 is a bot :-P02:57
dupingpingIf I click "System->Preferences->Remote Desktop", Which command is run?02:58
XHEART24just learning02:58
jacksenechalash__: sorry... I got nothin then. I get the no such file or directory message if I execute the wrong one, but otherwise it works...02:58
tiglionabbitcan I get postgresql-9.3 to work with the uuid-ossp and hstore extensions?02:58
somsipash__: can you explain your problem again?02:59
ajeffcorww: Thanks for the tip on 32/64 bit last night.  After poking it for a day, it's a noticeable difference in general performance02:59
somsiptiglionabbit: what version of ubuntu?02:59
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somsip!info postgresql | tiglionabbit02:59
ubottutiglionabbit: postgresql (source: postgresql-common (148)): object-relational SQL database (supported version). In component main, is optional. Version 9.3+146really9.1+148 (saucy), package size 6 kB, installed size 69 kB02:59
somsiptiglionabbit: so current is 9.302:59
tiglionabbitubuntu saucy only packages postgres 9.103:00
tiglionabbitI had to get 9.3 from the postgres repo03:00
dupingpingIf I click "System->Preferences->Remote Desktop", Which command is run?03:00
tiglionabbitbut it doesn't have uuid-ossp o03:00
dupingpingplz, help me!03:00
dupingpingIf I click "System->Preferences->Remote Desktop", Which command is run?03:00
somsiptiglionabbit: the bot reports 9.3 is current for saucy. We can only support official releases here03:01
tiglionabbitsomsip: show me the packages in the repo then03:01
somsip!patience | dupingping (surely you've been told this often enough)03:01
ubottudupingping (surely you've been told this often enough): Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/03:01
tiglionabbitall the packages have 9.1 in the name03:02
tiglionabbitI see03:02
somsiptiglionabbit: ah - not seen that before. The version is 9.3+146really9.1+148. So it looks like it is 'really' 9.1, Weird03:02
ash__no apps will run under 13.1003:03
tiglionabbitsomsip: "really" ?  wtf?03:03
somsipash__: unlikely. Can you give more details03:03
somsiptiglionabbit: no idea. I've not seen that before.03:04
ash__rock solid app fails03:04
somsip!find sunvox03:04
ubottuPackage/file sunvox does not exist in saucy03:04
ash__you dont need a package03:04
somsipash__: so it's unofficial, the current package is beta, and you should contact the authors of sunvox for help03:05
ash__its your distro03:05
tiglionabbitman I don't know what I'm doing03:05
ash__my phone runs it just fine.03:05
ash__12.10 runs it out of the box03:05
ash__puppy linux runs it out of the box03:05
somsipash__: that's not how things work. If you want general guidance, fine. If it's a problem with sunvox, this is not the place to ask03:06
tiglionabbitI did apt-get install postgres;  But now there's no user role.  Am I supposed to initdb my self or something?  But that command isn't there03:06
ash__you people changed this OS again.03:06
somsip!attitude | ash__03:06
ubottuash__: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines03:06
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Guest46448hi everybody03:07
Guest46448i'm a newbie with ubuntu03:07
Guest46448dos anybody know how to set white levels for the monitor?03:07
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DocfxitI have an old version of Ubuntu.  I'd like to find out how to change to the root folder.?03:17
Docfxitcd doesn't work.03:18
somsipDocfxit: cd / (do you really mean 'root folder')?03:19
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=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as S-USA|Nexus
Docfxitsomsip: thanks I didn't know it needed a space.03:21
DocfxitI would like to find all .tar files.    I tried ls *.tar but it doesn't work.03:22
somsipDocfxit: that will find all tar files in the currect directory. Do you want to find them recursively?03:22
DocfxitI'm in the / folder.03:22
Docfxitsomsip: yes please.03:23
somsipDocfxit: find / -name *.tar (and maybe add '| less' on the end for paging)03:24
Docfxitsomsip:  Thank you very much.03:25
somsipDocfxit: np03:25
=== megabitdragon is now known as zz_megabitdragon
DocfxitThe hard drive ran out of room.  I think a crucial file is missing now.  I have made more room on the drive.  Is there a way to get the file back?03:30
somsipDocfxit: what were you doing that would have installed this crucial file?03:39
DocfxitI run Asterisk on this box.03:40
somsipDocfxit: no idea what that is. Why do you think a file is missing>?03:40
DocfxitAsterisk is a VOIP phone system.  The software won't start.03:41
somsipDocfxit: any log? Run it in a terminal and see if it throws any errors?03:41
DocfxitIt does.  It says a file is missing.03:42
somsipDocfxit: ...which file?03:42
TmacIn order to do some sort of headless ubuntu install (either via modified netboot or kickstart), am I correct in assuming I need an ubuntu pc on hand?03:42
usr13Docfxit: You want to find all *.tar files?03:42
usr13Docfxit: find / -name "*.tar" -type f03:43
Docfxitusr13:  I found them.  Thank you.03:43
usr13Docfxit: Oh, ok03:43
somsip!info asterisk03:43
ubottuasterisk (source: asterisk): Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX). In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (saucy), package size 1137 kB, installed size 3881 kB03:43
somsipDocfxit: I don't know anything about asterisk. I get plenty of search results for 'asterisk.ctl' with possible solutions, but all i'd be doing would be posting the links here for you to check. You might as well do it yourself03:44
DocfxitI found an undelete program called extundelete.  I need to write it to a cd to boot into ubuntu.  When I download it on a windows PC it has an extention of bz2.  Is there a program that runs in windows to write that to a cd?03:49
somsipDocfxit: we don;t do windows here...03:50
hewhomustbz2 theres probably an iso in there just extract it03:51
hewhomustor if not just extract and make an iso03:51
Docfxitsomsip:  Thanks03:52
Evilmaxsomeone tell me how restrict an ubuntu user?03:53
somsipEvilmax: in what way?03:53
Evilmaxi mean...03:53
Docfxitsomsip:  I never know what someone may know.03:53
Evilmaxi want not that an user can perform some commands03:53
Evilmaxor, if it is more easy, restrict an user to only some few commands03:54
Evilmaxspecifics commands03:54
Evilmaxit's possible?03:54
ubottuEvilmax,: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:54
somsip!info chroot | Evilmax03:54
ubottuEvilmax: Package chroot does not exist in saucy03:54
jeffrey_fEvilmax: What is your desired outcome.  Please elaborate03:55
somsip!jail | Evilmax03:55
somsip!chroot | Evilmax03:55
ubottuEvilmax: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot03:55
cfhowlettEvilmax, if you user is not an administrator, he cannot run system commands ...03:55
Evilmaxhe is not admin but can run some command as wget03:56
Evilmaxi do not want he able to use wget03:56
Evilmaxi do not want he able to use any command that connect outside03:56
somsipEvilmax: that may not be best actually. You'd need to setup all whitelist apps, whereas you really want to blacklist certain apps. So you'd be adding him to a group with restricted permissions instead03:57
cfhowlettEvilmax, interesting scenario.  I can't advise on this, but I bet the system administrators over in #ubuntu-server can speak to it03:57
somsipEvilmax: how does the user log in?03:57
Evilmaxah ok...thanks cfhowlett...i will ask there too:) thanks somsip03:57
Evilmaxsomsip...the user is www-data03:58
Evilmaxi want restrict www-data03:58
somsipEvilmax: what is the end goal you want to achieve, given that www-data is a system-only user for the apache daemon?03:58
Evilmaxbecause i see that www-data can use some commands as wget: i do not want this03:59
Evilmaxinfact...from my website...i can perform wget, using a script03:59
somsipEvilmax: then tighten up security on your site.03:59
Evilmaxand how?03:59
somsipEvilmax: what version did you say you were running?04:00
Evilmaxyou mean apache?04:00
somsipEvilmax: ubuntu04:00
DocfxitHow can I see what is in the trash?04:00
somsipEvilmax: ok - I thought you said it was old. No matter. But if you have a website that is so easy to hack that you can run wget on it, you need to do a lot of research yourself.04:01
Evilmaxfor example i changed in /etc/passwd... /bin/sh in /bin/false for www-data: but it seems useless04:01
somsipEvilmax: because it's a system user not a login user04:02
Evilmaxbut my site can run wget...through a bash script04:02
Evilmaxnot directly04:02
Evilmaxbut anyway shell script are owned by wwwdata04:02
somsipEvilmax: that's your security issue right there04:03
Evilmaxif script were not owned by wwdata...it not works04:03
Evilmaxsorry my english04:03
somsipEvilmax: The script does what?04:03
Evilmaxsome commanda: grep, curl, rm04:04
SirLagzEvilmax: are you still running shell scripts via php ?04:04
Evilmaxinside a folder owned by wwwdata04:04
Evilmaxyes Sickki04:04
Evilmaxyes SirLagz04:04
somsipEvilmax: and like I told you, that is a security hole.04:04
somsipEvilmax: safe installs will not allow functions like shell_exec()04:05
barrettmy desktop is doing lots of wierd things, and I think it has to do with for some reason I can't ping or open tcp connections to localhost (although I can ping/connect from another computer).  any thoughts?04:05
SirLagzbarrett: that would do it. is the loopback interface up ?04:05
Evilmaxcould someone show me an example about how format a system running a wwwdata with sudoers privileges?04:07
Evilmaxwould you able to do that04:07
somsipEvilmax: don't give www-data sudo privileges04:07
Evilmaxok, i know: but an example?04:07
somsipEvilmax: no. I'm not spreading poor practices on here04:07
Evilmaxanyway i do not want know for attack but for defence04:08
barrettSirLagz, as far as i can tell it is http://pastebin.com/pYR2pGAC04:08
somsipEvilmax: I've seen solutions to that when someone else was asking for the same thing some time ago. *Everyone* told him not to. He insisted on doing it.04:08
somsipEvilmax: defence is not opening security holes deliberately, for a start04:08
=== MikeJ92 is now known as zz_MikeJ92
BitwiseHi. I'm having trouble finding links to updated tutorials on installing RoundCube. The ones I'm finding talk about localhost/webmail/installer but I don't have an 'installer' directory anywhere.04:11
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somsipBitwise: I'd guess that when you unzip/install the PHP, you would to that to either the /var/www or a virtual host directory. It looks like installer should be in there04:13
Bitwisesomsip, Does it matter that I installed RoundCube from my package manager? (apt-get)04:13
somsipBitwise: I didn't know it was in there. I remember when I installed phpmyadmin from packages it went somewhere most unexpected.04:14
BitwiseI can access the login interface but when I log in it says 500 internal error and anything I click brings me back to the login screen and says session expired/invalid04:14
somsipBitwise: you done this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Roundcube04:14
somsipBitwise: which suggest /usr/share/roundcube as the main install dir04:15
BitwiseI've found that directory, I already created the sym link.04:16
somsipBitwise: it's possible that installation is complete as part of the config process. So maybe there is no need for a /installer directory ?04:17
BitwiseI'm going through dpkg-reconfigure roundcube-core right now04:17
BitwiseThis seems to be what I was looking for.04:17
somsipBitwise: and the roundcore-mysql is installed too?04:17
BitwiseNot sure, let me check.04:18
BitwiseUnable to locate package04:18
somsip!find roundcube04:19
ubottuFound: roundcube, roundcube-core, roundcube-mysql, roundcube-pgsql, roundcube-plugins04:19
somsipBitwise: the bot suggests it is04:19
somsipBitwise: what version of ubuntu?04:19
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somsipBitwise: that's what the bot works with by default, so it should be available to you04:21
somsip!info roundcore-mysql04:21
ubottuPackage roundcore-mysql does not exist in saucy04:21
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BitwiseHmm. I'm still getting the same 500 error. :\04:21
somsipBitwise: roundcube-mysql is a meta package, so maybe you should check you have the dependencies installed? http://packages.ubuntu.com/saucy/roundcube-mysql04:23
somsipBitwise: check your apache error log for full details of the error? /var/log/apache2/error.log04:24
BitwiseThis says it's installed.04:24
somsipBitwise: I thought it would be, but worth checking.04:24
Bitwise[19-Feb-2014 04:25:29 +0000]: PHP Error: Could not perform encryption; make sure Mcrypt is installed or lib/des.inc is available in /usr/share/roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube.php on line 748 (POST /mail/?_task=login&_action=login)04:25
BitwiseI'll argue Mcrypt is installed.04:25
trisqueli use ubuntu 12.04 and i have a canon multifunction printer but the drivers available on the site is for windows only, any possiblity of using those in ubuntu? http://www.canon-europe.com/Support/Consumer_Products/products/Fax__Multifunctionals/Laser/LaserBase_MF_series/i-SENSYS_MF3010.aspx?DLtcmuri=tcm:13-1074060&page=1&type=download04:26
somsipBitwise: seems to give you something to check though04:26
somsiptrisquel: no04:26
trisquelsomsip: ok if i am able to print but not scan any way i could configure the scanner04:27
trisquelsomsip: i downloaded drivers for linux which only enables printing but not scan.04:28
somsiptrisquel: no idea. I avoid printers.04:28
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trisquelsomsip: ok :)04:28
somsipBitwise: web searches suggest that is resolved by making sure php5-mcrypt is installed (or whatever the correct package is now.. I think it changes in 13.10 or 14.04)04:29
Bitwisephp5-mcrypt is already the newest version. :\04:30
somsipBitwise: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php-mcrypt/+bug/124128604:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1243568 in php-ps (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1241286 put ini in correct path" [High,Confirmed]04:31
somsipBitwise: so the ini for mcrypt is in the wrong path04:31
guest98155trisquel: Do you have xsane installed?04:32
Bitwisesomsip, You're amazing. <304:32
somsipBitwise: does it work now?04:32
trisquelguest98155: no04:33
somsipBitwise: cool :)04:33
Shed-34046I need help with something.04:33
somsip!ask | Shed-3404604:33
ubottuShed-34046: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:33
Shed-34046My other laptop that i am planning on installing ubuntu to has ATI HD Radeon 3200.. is that compatible with ubuntu 13.10?04:34
guest98155trisquel:  I would install xsane or vuescan to test your scanner. If they don't work, it must be a deeper problem with the driver setup or scanner backend missing something.04:34
Shed-34046It current runs windows 7 but i want to get rid of windows... ugh04:35
somsipShed-34046: it's on the list, so it suggest it is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver However that is the free driver, and the news for proprietary is not so good http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2139644 You may have performance issues with the free drivers04:36
Shed-34046I'm asking as i am wondering because i want the compiz effect wobbly windows :P04:37
somsipShed-34046: read the full thread on the second link04:37
maysaraHello, How can I convert a .srt file or a txt file to UTF-8?04:38
somsipmaysara: it is a text file. It's just in a format that is suitable for subtitle readers. A decent editor will allow you to Save As utf8 if it's not already04:39
Shed-34046somsip so would i be able to use wobbly windows compiz effect if i don't enable or try to enable the additional drivers?04:39
somsipmaysara: sorry - misread the first part of the question...04:39
somsipShed-34046: I can't say for sure. Free drivers are lower performance than proprietary ones. I'm not sure how much performance you need for wobbly windows to work04:40
Shed-34046somsip okay :)04:40
Bitwisesomsip, Are you familiar with RoundCube?04:41
Shed-34046I'm installing ubuntu on the computer as well windows lags to much and i want to have a different computer then the one i am on with windows 8.1 that i use for anything.. I heard ubuntu has free office apps.. They'll come in hany when i start college :)04:41
somsipBitwise: nope04:42
maysarasomsip: the enconding of the file is cp1256. I want to convert it to utf-8 so I can open it with aegisub04:45
somsip!info iconv | maysara04:46
maysaraKate didn't convert it04:46
ubottumaysara: Package iconv does not exist in saucy04:46
somsipmaysara: maybe this will help? http://superuser.com/questions/554349/change-encoding-of-txt-file04:46
maysarasomsip: If the package doesn't exist in sausy. How am I supposted to try this answer?04:49
somsip!find iconv04:49
ubottuFound: libruby1.8, libtext-iconv-perl, python-uniconvertor, python-uniconvertor-dbg, libghc-iconv-dev, libghc-iconv-doc, libghc-iconv-prof, libhtml-wikiconverter-dokuwiki-perl, libhtml-wikiconverter-kwiki-perl, libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl (and 23 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=iconv&searchon=names&suite=saucy&section=all04:49
trisquelguest98155: i installed xsane and its not detecting i think its scanner backend issue04:49
somsipmaysara: it must be in some other package but I? can't see which one. Have you tried running it to see if it is installed?04:49
trisquelguest98155: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SANE%20-%20Installing%20a%20scanner%20that%20isn%27t%20auto-detected04:50
somsipmaysara: iconv --help gives me output so maybe try that04:50
trisquelguest98155: http://www.sane-project.org/sane-mfgs.html04:50
maysarasomsip: thank you04:50
trisquelguest98155: my scanner is listed in the second link..04:51
trisquelguest98155: complete support i checked the product id also04:51
ptgx85I know this isn't exactly a ubuntu question, but does "# multi_Accept on;" under events in the nginx.conf file mean that it's actually disabled because of the hash mark?04:53
somsipptgx85: #nginx is more suited to your needs04:54
ptgx85somsip: yeah I posted it there, it's just kind of dead it seems.04:54
Shed-34046Later this year i am going to build a PC and put ubuntu on it :)04:54
Shed-34046I plan to give the PC I plan to build 10GB of ram :P04:55
trisquelhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SANE - Installing a scanner that isn't auto-detected can someone assist me with this04:55
somsipptgx85: some others have been discussing nginx here so maybe you'll get lucky04:55
somsipShed-34046: good for you, but chat like that should go in #ubuntu-offtopic04:55
Shed-34046somsip oops sorry i didn't know :P Thanks for lettin' me know :)04:56
somsipShed-34046: np04:56
kcdehimposterQuestion: Hey I am building a computer with a Radeon HD 7870 2 GB video card and was wondering what would be the best version of Ubuntu I could choose for the best performance out of it.04:59
rwwkcdehimposter: version as in 12.04 vs. 13.10?04:59
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
rwwkcdehimposter: newer is better, especially if you're going to use the open source driver05:00
* rww has a 787005:00
kcdehimposterSo 14.04?05:00
Shed-34046somsip does it effect the speed of ubuntu if i have it installed where i can choose to boot from ubuntu or windows?05:00
Shed-34046*boot to05:00
rwwkcdehimposter: I can't recommend that yet because it isn't out, so let's go with 13.10 until 14.04's out ;)05:01
somsipkcdehimposter: although it sounds like you want performance, so you'll be using the proprietary driver, and there are loads of links that might be helpful from here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD05:01
somsipShed-34046: no05:01
kcdehimposterThanks, was just double checking before I made an install on a usb drive05:01
rwwkcdehimposter, somsip: fglrx's performance is worse for 2D rendering and the gap between radeon and fglrx continues to close on 3D. fglrx is also not the most stable thing in the world. something to keep in mind.05:02
somsiprww: I didn't know. Thanks for the info.05:02
rwwI'd say try both, but fglrx is also a pain to get rid of sometimes.05:02
rwwbut yes, if you only care about 3D for gaming or something (or you're going to be cryptocurrency mining...), go with fglrx05:02
somsipShed-34046: see what rww says above about the performance of the Radeon drivers05:02
tongcxhi guys, i just learned about resize2fs, but actually how does fdisk, mkfs.ext4 works together?05:03
tongcxlike where is partition table, why i need to resize the ext4 fs?05:03
bob1Is there a way to remove the name of the open program in the Unity bar at the top of the screen. i.e. to hide 'terminal' or 'firefox'. I'm using Ubuntu 1205:03
Shed-34046rww is 3D needed for wobbly windows compiz effect?05:03
rwwShed-34046: yes, but I think either driver would handle that05:04
rwwdepends on your card, I guess05:04
Shed-34046rww its an intergrated one, the laptop is acer aspire 551705:04
rwwtongcx: I don't understand your question, but let me take a stab at it anyway: partitions are like containers. filesystems are like things inside them. if you want to change the size of the thing, you need to resize one, then the other05:05
rwwtongcx: or i guess if you were shrinking you could just resize the fs and have a bunch of wasted space in the box, but that would be a waste05:05
tongcxtongcx: so partition table is in MBR, right? And fdisk basically just change that05:05
tongcxrww: but when change fs online, why the system won't break?05:06
tongcxrww: why do we need parition table anyway? fs is not enough?05:06
rwwtongcx: yes, the basic partition table (sdX1 through 4) is in MBR and fdisk modifies that05:06
rwwtongcx: I don't know the answer to online filesystem resizing, I haven't done it much05:07
tongcxrww: yea, it feels a bit weird05:07
rwwtongcx: You can eschew partition tables and just make a filesystem on /dev/sdX, but it means you only get one filesystem per disk, and some tools don't support it well.05:07
cornfeedhobocan someone that is familiar with ufw answer some questions for me? I am used to shorewall and micromanaging my iptables rules. but this... well, i have 0 rules and the simple incoming deny/outgoing allow rule.... well why the hell am i connected to irc right now??05:07
rww(I would not recommend it.)05:07
rwwcornfeedhobo: ufw defaults to allow, not deny05:08
tongcxrww: it's like you already change the partition table but fs's size is not correct, and then you need to make that right05:08
cornfeedhoborww: yes, but i changed that.05:08
rwwcornfeedhobo: using which command?05:08
rwwcornfeedhobo: ufw default reject (or deny)?05:08
rwwcornfeedhobo: have you done ufw enable too?05:09
cornfeedhoboone sec, let me check history05:09
rwwcornfeedhobo: ufw status will show it too05:09
rww"Status: inactive" if you haven't05:09
cornfeedhoboStatus: active   Logging: on (low)   Default: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing)05:10
rwwtongcx: right. if you want to resize larger, you'd make the box/partition bigger, then make the object/filesystem inside it bigger05:10
cornfeedhobotyping is slower, switching to dvorak right now :)05:10
rwwcornfeedhobo: try ufw default deny outgoing05:11
trisqueli need some assitance with scanner configuration in ubuntu.05:11
rwwassuming that's what you want05:11
bankshow to i check when the next update is for ubuntu?05:11
banksi forgot the code05:11
rwwbanks: "next update" as in new major version (14.04)?05:11
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banksrww, yes05:12
rwwbanks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule05:12
banksrww, no its a code05:12
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+105:12
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases05:12
bankssudo apt-update or something along those lines05:12
rwwoh, a terminal code05:12
cornfeedhoborww: no, i did that, and it acts as expected. back in the day on gentoo+iptables, even if outgoing was allowed, the resulting return connection was blocked by the incomming rule.05:12
cornfeedhoboi am just confused as to why i dont have to whitelist incoming like i did in the past05:13
rwwbanks: i don't know of a way to check the date of a new ubuntu release through the terminal. you can check if there is one available using do-release-upgrade05:13
rwwcornfeedhobo: because it's stateful by default and does that behavior deliberately. I'm not sure how to change that, checking manpage to see if it's doable now05:14
banksrww, is 14.04 stable btw? im using 12.04 and when i tried upgrading to 13.10, my computer almost wen to hell05:14
rwwbanks: no, 14.04 hasn't been released yet, it's still in testing05:14
cfhowlettbanks, you want stability?  perhaps upgrading to a BETA OS won't achieve that05:14
rwwbanks: the only supported upgrade route from 12.04 to 13.10 is through 12.10 and 13.04. did you do all that?05:14
cornfeedhoborww: thats what i was wondering. so because it's stateful, it allows the resulting reply? looking iptables makes me think so, but i am still not the best at reading raw05:15
rwwcornfeedhobo: correct05:15
cornfeedhobook. thanks05:15
dopiehow do i kill the process05:16
cornfeedhoboreally appreciate it :)05:16
dopiegoogle chrome?05:16
banksrww, no i didnt and anyway i get black screens if i try and upgrade to any version other than LTS, i even tried quiet splash and nomodeset, is 13.04 released and stable?05:16
cornfeedhobodopie: that is a very open question05:16
bankscfhowlett, i wasnt planning to upgrade to 14.04, i was jsut asking05:16
cfhowlettbanks, 13.04 is end of life and the current LTS is 12.04 - from which you can upgrade directly to the next LTS 14.0405:17
bankscfhowlett, what do you mean end of life?05:17
ubottubanks,: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:17
dopieis it??05:18
bankscfhowlett, ok i got it, thanks!05:18
dopiecornfeedhobo, i want to kill it because its frozen05:18
cornfeedhobodopie: i figured. first you need the pid05:19
cornfeedhobodopie: i will not be best for advice. my install is heavily modified and running kde05:19
dopiehow do i get the pid05:20
cornfeedhobotop, htop, pidof, various ways05:20
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cornfeedhoboi am not sure if gnome has this, but in kde, there is a defaul key combo of ctrl+alt+esc that will kill the next window you click on, maybe that may be of more ease to you05:22
somsipdopie: xkill in a terminal, then click on the window, as an alternative05:22
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cornfeedhoborww: thanks again. take care05:25
harsesusjust do a 'killall PROGRAMNAME'05:26
harsesusit doesn't need the pid05:26
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dupingpingI wish install VPS(Virtual Private Server) on Ubuntu13.005:32
dupingpingWhere i get VPS for ubuntu13.10?05:32
bob1Is anyone familiar with modifying the Unity bar on Ubuntu 12?05:32
trisquelcan someone explain step 2 please?05:32
cfhowletttrisquel, run the command.  search for the #example-backend line.  delete the #.  save the file.05:33
SargunAre there any Ubuntu WebDav mirrors?05:33
trisquelcfhowlett: run which command ?05:34
trisquelcfhowlett: can i share the file content with u?05:34
cfhowletttrisquel, sudo gedit yadayadayada...05:34
trisquelsudo gedit /etc/sane.d/dll.conf05:34
cfhowletttrisquel, no need to share.    just search out the #example-end and remove the # then save05:35
rabbit5could someone maybe help with a small issue I'm having05:35
rabbit5how does someone remove this from a debian/ubuntu etc05:36
rabbit5wlan0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/wpa_supplicant[2879], /sbin/dhclient[3637])05:36
rabbit5i used chkrootkit05:36
rabbit5and found that with my distro and was wondering if any of you folks had any ideas?05:36
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Richhhhow to remove all files in a folder except those with a certain filename? or remove all files in a folder except those with a certain extension?05:48
Richhhin bash05:49
rwwRichhh: "in bash" means using only bash builtins, or are coreutils allowed too?05:50
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rwwRichhh: also, do you want to recurse into subfolders, or no?05:51
rww(also, do you want to delete subfolders, or no?)05:51
Richhhcoreutils fine, probably wont need to delete subfolders05:52
Richhhknowing both would be useful05:53
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Richhh(recursive and non-recursive)05:53
rwwrecursive is easier: find . ! -iname *.txt -delete05:53
rwwif you're in bash, you'll need \! instead of !05:53
rwwyou should probably do without -delete first to check05:53
rwwoh, and add -type f before the ! to ignore directories05:54
rwwthat command is "find in the current directory things that do not (!) have the case-insensitive name matching *.txt, and delete them"05:54
rwwto only do the current directory, not recursing, use -maxdepth 105:54
Richhhah ok \! is not, got it05:55
jcrubinoI am running 14.04 beta and I am getting E: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty InRelease: Clearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NODATA'05:56
jcrubinowhen I apt-get update05:56
rwwjcrubino: #ubuntu+1 for 14.0405:56
ubottujcrubino,: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+105:56
rwwRichhh: ! is not. You need to escape it in bash so it doesn't think it's a special bash thing, hence \!05:57
rwwotherwise you get a weird error message and your command doesn't work05:57
aclffrdif i'm changing my dhcp server to dish out (currently it only has a 254 range), is there anything more i need to consider except for changing the netmask and dhcp taking care of the rest?05:59
Richhhthanks for the detailed answer rww05:59
rwwaclffrd: erm, is that supposed to be
aclffrdyes sorry06:00
rwwaclffrd: I've not done a whole lot with dhcpd configuration, but that sounds like enough to me06:01
aclffrdand obviously mask changes on anything static06:01
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rjdt0101i m a new user of ubuntu06:07
ubotturjdt0101,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:07
Richhhreading the man page I just learned to '*quote*' my patterns, that's why *foo* wasn't working as expected, ahh06:07
rjdt0101i encountered with broken pipe error at startup on ubuntu version 12.04 LTS06:08
rjdt0101and i also checked for quiet splash in grub from commandline06:09
markie-anybody had any experience with acer aspire one? any good?06:10
rjdt0101i encountered with broken pipe error at startup on ubuntu version 12.04 LTSand i also checked for quiet splash in grub from commandline.Please help me out06:11
kingbeastmarkie-: the one I had served me well06:11
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geirharjdt0101: Seeing the exact line, and the lines around it would help06:12
geirharjdt0101: Use a pastebin to paste multiple lines of text06:13
rjdt0101could not write bytes:Broken pipererror06:13
rjdt0101pipe error06:14
ResQuemy SSD drive doesnt support the "Secure Mode Feature set" is there anyway i can force or tell the drive to trim every block on the device?06:15
ggreerResQue: if you did that, it would erase all data on the drive, right?06:17
ResQueggreer: yes, that is fine06:18
Jordan_UResQue: What is your end goal?06:18
ggreerbut you can't issue an ata secure erase?06:18
ggreer(he probably wants to nuke all data and make his SSD fast)06:18
evilfixcompared to ubuntu backup with duplicity, mint is a lot longer am i right?06:18
ResQueggreer: no, the ssd doenst support atapi secure erase command06:18
ggreerwhat's the SSD model?06:19
rwwevilfix: I expect Ubuntu and Mint would take about the same amount of time to run duplicity.06:19
liubuntu:) hello everyone!06:19
ResQueggreer: asus-JM S4106:19
rwwevilfix: We can't really give advice on what changes Mint makes to their packages though, so I guess you should ask them.06:19
evilfixrww: my mint install has some other backup util, not duplicity tho06:20
ggreerI think you're just SOL :/06:20
mastershakehey guys im running ubuntu 13.10 server and when i boot its saying "waiting another 60 seconds for network autoconfig" and then it doesnt load any network services.. and it says network-services is already started06:20
liubuntudoes any of you use Dooble browser by any chance?06:20
wheatthinok question, can you make duplicity backup more than just the home folder?06:20
rwwevilfix: ah. best to ask them about that.06:20
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org06:20
ubottumastershake,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server06:20
liubuntudoes any of you use Dooble browser by any chance?06:20
ResQueJordan_U: i want to set every single ssd block back to the value 1 for performance reasons06:21
wheatthinnegative.. chromium/chrome for the win :P06:21
ggreermaybe there are some params you can pass to fstrim, but I have no experience with that06:21
Jordan_UResQue: Then it just requires trim, not secure erase.06:21
liubuntuubuntu comes with some older version of dooble and i can't find a way to use flash plugin in Dooble06:21
ggreeryou could probably get close to 100% by formatting the thing ext(whatever), making sure no data is on it (just lost+found), and then issuesing an fstrim06:21
wheatthinI see the proprietary drivers for fglrx have issues with chromium and the way it gpu accelerates by default06:22
ResQueJordan_U: how can i preform a trim on the whole drive?06:22
rjdt0101Please help me out i m getting could not write bytes:Broken pipe error on ubuntu version 12.04 LTS 64bit06:22
ggreerResQue: there's an fstrim utilitiy06:23
ResQueggreer: looking at that now thanks, seems this works at the file system level though06:23
ggreeryeah. you'd have to partition the whole thing into one ext4 or whatever06:23
ggreerthen run fstrim on it06:23
ResQueggreer: sounds like a plan i will try that now06:23
ggreerthat'd trim 99.9% of the blocks06:24
ggreerin practice, I've found that ata secure erase improves performance much more than trimming all free space. at least with intel drives (x-25m G2 and 3xx series)06:24
ggreerbut trimming is definitely better than nothing06:25
ResQueggreer: i agree, but unless i am doing something really stupid here the drive doesnt support secure erase06:25
ggreerthat's a weird SSD. pci-e, supports trim, but no secure erase06:26
ResQuei tried ggreer i tried hdparm -I on two drives, one clearly says it has the secuitry mode feature set which is part of the ata standard, but the ssd in my eee pc note book doesnt list any such feature set06:26
ggreeryeah I totally believe you06:27
ResQueggreer: i just assumed trim support would be there, how can i check?06:27
ggreernot sure06:27
ggreerI don't think I've ever queried a drive for that feature. I just look it up06:27
Jordan_UResQue: *Carefully* use blkdiscard.06:28
ggreerI have the weirdest bug with the backlight brightness on my x140e. no matter what I tried with acpi or boot args or fglrx vs radeon drivers, I couldn't get it to dim. in ubuntu, it was always at max brightness06:29
ggreerthen I saw a bios update that had, "fix brightness setting on linux" in the changelog06:30
ggreerso I upgraded... no dice06:30
ggreerbut once I reset the bios (and then rescued my ubuntu install. thanks uefi), it auto-dimmed06:30
ggreerI still can't manually set it, but at least battery life is a decent 9 hours instead of 606:30
ggreerit's a very new model, but I figured since it was certified I'd have no issues06:31
ResQueJordan_U: thanks a lot06:32
rjdt0101somebody help me out06:33
Jordan_UResQue: You're welcome.06:33
Jordan_Uggreer: I was surprised to hear about an update that fixes a bug that only affects linux. The fact that it's certified may be the only reason such an update was available.06:37
ggreerI ran into bugs with almost every bit of harware06:39
ggreerbluetooth didn't work out of the box (it was detected just fine, but couldn't see any devices or pair with them. I had to compile a custom driver)06:40
ggreerthe installer crashed on startup. I had to use the alternate installer06:40
ResQueJordan_U: is blkdiscard in the ubuntu repo?06:40
ggreerthe bios is uefi, so dual-booting was a big pain. also memtest86 can't seem to boot in uefi06:41
ggreerto get graphics working, I had to grab the beta binary drivers, then patch those with something I found on the arch forums06:41
ggreerwifi transferred at 200kB/sec max, so I had to grab some binary drivers from the broadcom website and fix compilation errors with the latest kernel06:43
ggreernext time I'll be wary of "certified" hardware06:43
Jordan_UResQue: Looks like it's not available in the version of util-linux provided in 13.10 :(06:43
ggreernow that it works, it's a pretty sweet laptop. if macbook airs didn't exist, I'd definitely use it as my main computer06:44
Jordan_UResQue: You can use multiple hdparm trim sector range requests.06:45
Jordan_UResQue: For a one time thing you could also boot an Ubuntu 14.04 (development) LiveDVD or a Fedora 20 (final) DVD, either of which should have blkdiscard.06:46
ggreermaybe plug into ethernet and apt-get install it?06:47
ggreerit'd only last for that boot, but that's all you need06:47
Jordan_UResQue: Actually, it's not even in 14.04 yet (but is in Fedora 20).06:48
ChisholmOK i have a gigabyte 970a-ud3p m/b and i installed Ubuntu 13... I cant find any driver installs for ubuntu linux can anyone help?06:50
ikoniawhy are you looking for drivers06:51
ikoniawhat's not working06:51
Chisholmbecuase the disc wont auto pop06:51
ikoniaChisholm: what ?06:51
ResQueJordan_U: i just tried fstrim on my SSD and it says "Operation not support" is it possible for an SSD not to have trim, i thought erasing blocks was how the srive works internaly06:51
ikoniaChisholm: what is auto pop ?06:51
ggreerResQue: it's definitely possible. the x-25m didn't have it until the G2, and even then it was only after a firmware update06:52
Chisholmpop the cd in and it starts the applciation06:52
ikoniaChisholm: what CD ?06:52
ikoniaChisholm: what application are you trying to run06:52
ggreeryou could try checking for a firmware update, but I bet your SSD doesn't support trim06:52
Chisholmmy gigbyte driver install disk06:52
ikoniaChisholm: why ?06:52
ikoniaChisholm: why are you trying to run something off this CD - that CD will not contain linux software06:52
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ResQueggreer: thanks, i just didnt hdparam -I and i dont see TRIM anywhere, is that where it  would normaly be listed?06:53
Chisholmfor some reason the usb 2.0 and ethenet do not work right now06:53
Chisholmonly the 3.0\06:53
Chisholmright ikonia i figured that out06:53
ikoniaChisholm: so the USB2 ports don't work, but the USB3 port does,06:53
Chisholmbut now where do i find the drives06:53
Chisholmcorrect and i ahve no internet either06:53
rjdt0101please help06:53
ggreerResQue: when I run hdparm -I, I see trim-related stuff on my SSD06:53
ikoniaChisholm: ok, one moment06:54
ggreerData Set Management TRIM supported (limit 8 blocks)06:54
ggreerDeterministic read ZEROs after TRIM06:54
rjdt0101Please help me out i m getting "could not write bytes:Broken pipe error"on ubuntu version 12.04 LTS 64bit06:54
evilfixis 13.10 worth getting or no?06:55
ggreerevilfix: as opposed to... ?06:55
ResQueggreer: thanks06:55
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cfhowlettevilfix, how would we know?  we don't know your needs/uses/goals06:56
ikoniaChisholm: ok, the first thing is, according to the info on the web, that board has no usb2 ports, only usb 306:56
ikoniaChisholm: sorry, my mistake06:56
Chisholmi have 2 3.0 and 8 2.006:56
ikoniait does have them, miss-read06:56
ggreerResQue: you're welcome. sorry your SSD isn't in the cool people club06:56
Chisholm6 i mean06:56
ikoniaChisholm: the gigabyte site is down at the moment, so I can't see it's info to see what ethernet card is in it06:57
Chisholmrealtek gbe06:57
Chisholm10/100/1000 mbit06:57
ikoniaChisholm: that's not the chipset, that's just the brand06:57
IOerrorWhen I try to install Desktop or Server x32 on my netbook, it will copy all the files to the HDD and then just reboot during the post-install script.  Can anyone help me resolve this?06:57
Chisholmright thats where i am cunfused06:57
ikoniaChisholm: http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=4717 that's the product page for it, but as you see, it's down06:57
Chisholmi cant seem to find the chipset info anywhere06:57
ikoniaChisholm: give it an hour and I'll check again (ping me in this channel) and we'll see if the info is up06:58
Chisholmtry that its the ame its working for me06:58
ikoniaChisholm: that's frustratingly missing bits06:58
ikoniaChisholm: how are you testing your ethernet card (that seems the most important bit)06:59
ChisholmI have zero internet and orange light06:59
ggreerbattery is at 71% with 7 hours remaining. sweet sweet backlight auto-dimming06:59
ikoniaChisholm: you have no light on the card ?06:59
ikoniaChisholm: as in the link light07:00
Chisholmtried the usual, but then read the m/b manuel says i have to install drivers with disk before they work07:00
Chisholmjust for the 2.0's and ethernet07:00
Chisholmso whack07:00
ikoniaChisholm: is there any light on the ethernet card at all07:00
ikoniaChisholm: (it must have a cable plugged in at both ends for the light to come on)07:01
Chisholmthere is now that i am in the bios07:01
Chisholmyea got a cat 6 brand new on it07:01
ikoniaChisholm: so there is a link light, correct ?07:01
IOerrorWhen installing Ubuntu server, my netbook will reboot just before the MBR write section.  Is there a way to escape out of the installer to see what the error is?07:01
Chisholmyea a good green one first time yet, but as i said im in the bios about to 1-flash the m/b07:01
ikoniawhy are you flashing the motherboard ?07:02
aki2389IOerror: if I'm not wrong, you can try going to ctrl+alt+107:02
cfhowlettIOerror, there's a way to monitor processes as it's running but I don't know the terminal command...07:02
IOerroraki2389: 1 as in the number one?07:02
aki2389IOerror: yeah, either that or F1. I don't remember.07:02
aki2389IOerror: just try all of them. I think it goes all the way to F907:03
E17NoobI am new to Enlightenment, I just wanted to try it out. I have a Dell laptop with Ubuntu installed. I installed e17 using apt-get and was able to successfully launch into e17 desktop. But my problem is with the dual monitors. E17 mirrors the displays instead of extending it, can someone help me configure it please?07:03
aki2389IOerror: sorry, I'm pretty sure it's F6/F707:03
IOerroraki2389: I will give it a shot.07:03
aki2389E17Noob: I don't think you'll find any help here regarding that... try google07:04
E17NoobI did without luck aki2389.07:04
shoojbe mindful that when you set the cloak it can take a few seconds to configure07:04
IOerroraki2389: Do you know if there is a way to prevent the PC from rebooting if it is a panic or something?07:04
Chisholmikonia i am gonna try to exit bios and go back to os07:04
aki2389trisquel: sorry, were you needing help?07:05
ikoniaChisholm: I have to run now, I'll ba back shortly, get yourself setup with any updates you want to do,07:05
Chisholmbut it seems everytime i do that the green light stops and orange goes on07:05
shoojso if you have any /autoscripts that log you into channels when you connect to the server; it may be best to but a timer or verification in there to only join channels /after/ the cloak is set.07:05
shoojbut a timer = put a timer07:05
Shed-34046Just got ubuntu up and running07:06
shoojwhat version07:06
Shed-34046I was told its possible to zoom in on screen.. If so how do i do this?07:06
Shed-34046shooj, ubuntu 13.1007:06
shoojoh i'm sorry, i'm talking in the wrong channel07:06
IOerroraki2389: Woo, thanx!  I was able to get the error!07:06
shoojnice, shed07:06
aki2389IOerror: nice ^^07:06
shooji'm playing around with trusty tahr (gnome version)07:07
love12hello evry body i have  qustions  i have already installed  squid3 in ubuntu server but i can not  acccess it internet  any help please/07:07
aki2389Shed-34046: ermm... there is an app for that I think. You need to look for it07:07
cfhowlettIOerror, this was the server edition, yes?  #ubuuntu-server might be worth asking07:07
aki2389love12: try looking up the log07:07
IOerrorcfhowlett: it does the same thing on Desktop07:08
aki2389love12: cat /var/log/squid/error.log or something07:08
rowinofwinHi Guys, I have a strange issue with this system. I have an AMD r7 250 with proprietary drivers, when I run a 64 bit game in opengl all is good, in 32 bit it renders everything wrong, all the textures are messed up but the wireframes are intact07:08
Chisholmi was getting help before but they had to run, can anyone tell me where to get linux drivers for this motherboard07:09
aki2389rowinofwin: have you tried the propietary driver instead of the one that comes with Ubuntu?07:09
cfhowlettIOerror, hmm.  ok, next suggestion: netbooks usually prefer a somewhat less substantial meal: lubuntu and xubuntu are optimized for that.  Heck, even the mini ISO might be worth looking at.  and, of course, make sure your bits are right; 32/64?07:09
love12aki2389: the error in the browser is looks like "The system returned: (111) Connection refused"07:09
aki2389love12: are you using any firewall?07:09
* chris-foo is now playing: Nature's Tranquility - Water Meadow Suite07:09
aki2389if yes, you need to open port 312807:09
IOerrorcfhowlett: yes, 32 bit07:10
IOerrorI've tried all flavors of Ubuntu07:10
herpderphurrChisholm: The drivers should be included with the kernel package that gets installed when you install Ubuntu.07:10
love12aki2389: no07:10
cfhowlettIOerror, you're using 13.10?07:10
Jordan_Uchris-foo: Please disable that script in #ubuntu.07:10
Chisholmhmm interesting it seems not07:10
Chisholmmy usb 2.0 and etherenet are not working07:10
aki2389love12: the only thing I can think of for a connection refused is that there is something blocking the port...07:11
IOerrorcfhowlett: yes07:11
love12aki2389:  so how can i check it or how can i solve it?07:11
cfhowlettIOerror, suggest you drop back to the LTS version: 12.0407:12
IOerrorHere's the error: http://pastebin.com/quYXgWpV07:12
aki2389love12: try sudo ufw status07:12
aki2389IOerror: try 64bit07:12
Chisholmherpderphurr: it also says at the bottom of the info get all drivers from 3rd party our the company site07:13
rowinofwinHere are screenshots http://imgur.com/a/b7OLN#007:13
IOerrorMy CPU is an Atom N230, it is specifically 32 bit only, but I'll try...07:13
Chisholmcould it be a v 13 issue?07:13
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aki2389IOerror: wait, lemme check07:13
herpderphurrChisholm: Generally, the drivers you pick up from 3rd party sites are made for the Windows kernel.07:14
herpderphurrChisholm: Ah, never mind. I just got to that part of the page.07:14
aki2389IOerror: N230 is 64-bit capable according to intel07:14
Chisholmits whack i dont really understand it07:14
herpderphurrChisholm: which kernel version are you running?07:14
shoojanyone using trusty tahr?07:14
IOerror"This kernel requires an x85-64 CPU..."07:14
Chisholmits  64 bit v 1307:15
aki2389IOerror: you just tried?07:15
IOerrorMutliboot thumbdrive for the win :)07:15
love12aki2389:  iam in the root but it says ufw is not found?07:15
aki2389love12: are you using ubuntu?07:16
IOerrorNow the odd issue is I can boot into LiveCD just fine.  it's only when I install that I get this issue.07:16
herpderphurrChisholm: Do you mean Linux 3.13 x86_64? You can check by starting the System Monitor application or by running the command uname -a in the terminal07:16
aki2389IOerror: I guess trying different version is your last choice then...07:16
Chisholmherpderphurr k give me a sec07:17
love12aki2389:  debian server07:17
IOerrorIt does the same thing with Debian 7.3.0 and 7.4.0 :/07:17
swaglord546I know 29539 words (169231 contexts, 5.73 per word), 26369 lines.07:17
icedwater!wrong bot07:17
GnikLlortmy bot07:17
rwwGnikLlort: remove your bot from this channel, please07:17
aki2389love12: debian doesn't have ufw... since ufw is Ubuntu FireWall07:17
rwwaki2389: yes, it does07:17
bazhangGnikLlort, please stop that07:17
GnikLlortShe is harmless07:17
aki2389rww: huh u sure?07:18
rwwaki2389: yes07:18
rwwaki2389: also, it's Uncomplicated FireWall07:18
herpderphurraki2389: ufw is definitely installed on my netbook running Debian07:18
rww!guidelines > GnikLlort07:18
ubottuGnikLlort, please see my private message07:18
rwwGnikLlort: note the "no bots except ones we like" section (paraphrased)07:18
aki2389lol... I'm dumb. My bad07:18
Chisholmherpderphurr: im not seeing that type of information07:18
aki2389love12: have you tried restarting squid and see if it works?07:19
love12aki2389:  so how can i check it in debian ofcourse iam not  to much familar in debian?07:19
SirCmpwnwhat package should I install to get a dev toolchain07:19
rwwSirCmpwn: build-essential07:20
shoojanyone using awesome?07:20
SirCmpwnI was, but I switched to i307:20
=== gbyers[Away] is now known as g_byers
aki2389love12: I'm not 100% sure but it should be something like "sudo service squid restart"07:20
love12aki2389:  yes i have already restart it says it works07:20
rwwGnikLlort: thanks :)07:20
shoojwhat's i3?how is it?07:21
herpderphurrChisholm: Do you know anything else about your LAN chip?07:21
GnikLlortShe will be back btw07:21
aki2389love12: try probing the port to see if it's open07:21
rwwGnikLlort: in here?07:21
Chisholmall i got is realtek gbe 10/100/100 mbit07:21
herpderphurrChisholm: Hmm... try running "lspci | grep Ethernet" in the terminal. Copy and paste the 1-line result here07:21
love12aki2389:  but when i  run the status i mean service squid3 status it says  squid is runinig but it doesnt show the proccess ID07:22
aki2389that is fine07:22
aki2389love12: there is no error in the log right?07:22
shooj(wiki time) :P07:22
Chisholmterminallspci| grep Ethernet07:22
rwwAussieDownUnder: IRC usermode +i means that /whois only shows channels that you share with another person, rather than all channels07:22
rwwAussieDownUnder: also, ubottu is not a natural language bot07:23
herpderphurrChisholm: Forgive me for not asking earlier. How familiar are you with Ubuntu? I want to be able to properly tailor my instructions for you.07:24
shooji was going to install awesome, but then i installed a hotkey activated dropdown terminal and decided that was good enough for the time being.07:24
Chisholmherpderphurr: realtek semiconductor, ltd rtl8111/8168/8411 p ci express gig ethernet07:24
shoojbut now i'm thinking about installing it again, so i can have a few shells all on screen in an easy to manage view07:24
aki2389love12: try installing nmap07:24
jozefkAre lubuntu and xubuntu developed and supported by canonical or not?07:25
aki2389love12: and using this command "nmap localhost -p3128"07:25
ggreerhttps://github.com/search?l=C&o=desc&q=stars%3A%3E1000&ref=advsearch&s=stars&type=Repositories booyah I'm #1007:25
SirCmpwnwhere are the zlib headers?07:25
SirCmpwninfuriatingly, the package is not called zlib07:25
Chisholmherpderphurr: first time user hardly familiar but i am a quick learner07:25
ggreerSirCmpwn: zlib1g-dev07:25
ggreerapt-get install that07:25
ggreeryou might also want liblzma-dev07:25
Chisholmas i just figured that out, but i feel that was an easy part07:25
ggreerif you're screwing around with compression libs07:26
SirCmpwnthanks ggreer07:26
AussieDownUnderErm how come you replied here when I asked over in another channel?07:26
SirCmpwnI'm satisfying dependencies for a ./configure07:26
AussieDownUnderrww, ^07:26
rwwAussieDownUnder: I saw you asking in PM with ubottu, not whatever other channel you also asked in.07:26
rwwAussieDownUnder: she relays text matching a certain string to us, as it looks like a factoid edit request07:27
love12aki2389:  for what perpose we use "nmap"07:27
aki2389love12: port scanning07:27
herpderphurrChisholm: All right. we might have the same Ethernet chip. Can you try running, "lspci -nn | grep Ethernet" into the terminal and posting the result? "lspci" lists all the PCI devices in your system, and grep will filter out anything that doesn't contain "Ethernet"07:27
herpderphurrChisholm: this time, the "-nn" option to lspci tells the program to give us the vendor and device ID of your network controller07:28
Chisholmherpderphurr: gettting a repeat line and command not found07:29
AussieDownUnderrww, okay still know idea about how irc operates lol, 1-2 weeks of me on irc for the first time. It's like an Egyptian maths quiz07:29
rwwAussieDownUnder: ah. the intricacies of ubottu are probably something you should ignore for now, then :)07:29
herpderphurrChisholm: hmm.... so the output doesn't have anything like "[10ec:8168]" near the end?07:30
IOerroraki2389: Well, good news is my error isn't from a bad stick of RAM.  Bad news is it must be my CPU :/07:30
Chisholmherpderphurr: nada im not even getting a good return07:31
Chisholmjust blank07:31
aki2389IOerror: that's what i feared...07:31
Chisholmthen command not found07:31
love12aki2389:  instaltion is in progress but i have already change the  defoult port 3128 to 808007:31
Chisholmherpderphurr: hand on i restarted the terminal07:31
Chisholmherpderphurr: got a responses07:31
IOerroraki2389: Poor little EeePC survived Iraq, Afghanistan, and my kids... It does when playing with Ubuntu... Go figure.07:31
herpderphurrChisholm: Must have been a typo that caused our "command not found" error last time07:32
cfhowlettIOerror, sorry to hear it.07:32
Chisholmand a 3:00.0 in the front07:32
IOerrorThanx for everyone's assistance.  Maybe I can reuse some of the parts....07:32
aki2389IOerror: although if liveCD works, you can always install it on an SD Card or something07:33
ggreerIOerror: give it a viking funeral07:33
herpderphurrChisholm: Okay. That's good news.07:33
Chisholmherpderphurr: downlad the 8168 software?07:33
ggreerhttp://geoff.greer.fm/photos/thermite/P1010014_crop.jpg <-- you died well, sparcstation07:34
herpderphurrChisholm: No, not yet. If we find out what's going on, you don't need to download anything else07:34
herpderphurrChisholm: In the terminal, what does the command "uname -a" output?07:34
Chisholmok cool07:34
IOerrorHmm.. one last idea... how do I turn off APIC for the installer?07:34
Chisholmherpderphurr: hang on im on 2 different computers here so i ahve to type it out07:35
IOerrornevermind, got it07:35
herpderphurrChisholm: sure thing. no rushes07:35
ChisholmLinux Tempes1 #19-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 9 16:20:46 UTC 2013 x86 64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux07:36
herpderphurrChisholm: Oh, and to help you learn. uname prints out information about your kernel version. (the '-a' option tells it to print all info)07:36
Chisholmherpderphurr: ahhh that makes sense gotcha07:37
herpderphurrChisholm: Okay, cool. One last check. Run "lsmod | grep r8169". Do you get any results printed?07:37
love12aki2389: this is the result when i try    http://paste.ubuntu.com/6958665/07:38
aki2389love12: something is blocking your port07:38
herpderphurrChisholm: The command "lsmod" lists the drivers that are currently loaded into the kernel. "grep" only allows results that contain "r8169" to filter through07:38
Chisholmherpderphurr: (red)r8169     White 67341  007:39
Psil0Cybinhey guys after just upgrading my kernel as it suggested in the upgrades I notice that my font is viewed a little differently playing with Settings > fonts and hinting does not help07:39
aki2389love12: I'm guessing that there is a firewall active...07:39
Chisholmherpderphurr: (white) mil       13934    1     (red) r 816907:39
aki2389love12: try "sudo iptables -L"07:39
Kartagiscan I increase sensitivity of photorec or testdisk?07:39
herpderphurrChisholm: Okay. that's also good news. The hardware and software drivers are okay for ethernet are okay.07:39
herpderphurrChisholm: So we can eliminate the possibility that you're missing drivers. :D07:40
Chisholmherpderphurr: ok that good but bad haha whats wrong haha07:40
Chisholmherpderphurr: what ever it is is affecting both usb 2.0 and ethernet07:40
love12aki2389: so how can i disable the firwall?07:41
love12aki2389: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6958670/07:41
Chisholmherpderphurr: and the 3.0 usb and 2.0 on the front07:41
herpderphurrChisholm: Is this computer recently built? Is Ubuntu the first OS you're installing on it?07:42
Chisholmabout 3 hrs ago07:42
Chisholmherpderphurr: just built07:42
Chisholmherpderphurr: and yes first os07:42
aki2389love12: your firewall is definitely off... oh! your squid configuration. did you open the ip list?07:42
herpderphurrChisholm: Hmmm.... Your router doesn't have any firewall or blocking rules blocking your new computer from connecting, does it?07:43
Chisholmherpderphurr: shouldnt i ave a motorola- cisco- tp link 24 port switch07:44
Chisholmonly have an password nothing razy on it07:44
love12aki2389: ip list?07:44
Psil0Cybinhey giuys after upgrading to Linux 3.2.0-59-generic-pae #90-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 7 23:07:06 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux my cedarview graphic driver keps crashing and I cannot use the function light keys would I jut uninstall the current kernel and try the old one07:44
aki2389love12: can you past the config file for squid?07:45
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
cfhowlettPsil0Cybin, unless you deleted it, the old kernel is still present.  reboot, choose "older version" and logon07:46
Psil0Cybincfhowlett: is this the only solution, along side with filing bug reports? I keep having issues with every new kernel upgrade that my system recommends I upgrade to07:46
herpderphurrChisholm: Do you use this switch with any other computers?07:46
Chisholmherpderphurr: yea had it on this laptop07:46
Chisholmherpderphurr: worked fine just plug and play pretty much07:46
Psil0Cybincfhowlett: I am wondering if I can attempt something different, or should I just stick to one kernel that works?07:47
cfhowlettPsil0Cybin, I'm guessing you've got a newish computer?  hardware support for new/bleeding edge stuff has a higher likelihood of issues.  submitting bug reports helps, but it does take time.  using the LTS version is another option.07:48
krababbelPsil0Cybin: First, I'd try if the kernel makes a difference07:48
Psil0Cybincfhowlett: I am using an LTS, I am using 12.04 LTS and It is an old computer an Acer Aspire One it is the same problem I keep having and the only problem with this laptop...that each kernel upgrade and cedarview graphics do not get along07:48
aki2389love12: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Squid07:49
herpderphurrChisholm: What OS is the laptop running?07:49
Psil0Cybingoing to Additional drivers cfhowlett shows that Cedar Trail drm driver can be selected but sleecting it states Sorry, installation of this driver failed.Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log07:50
Psil0Cybini will paste my log07:50
Evilmaxif i set ufw to reject by default outside connection07:50
Chisholmherpderphurr: windows 8.107:50
Evilmaxcan i do an exception?07:50
cfhowlettPsil0Cybin, exceeds my tech-fu to help with sorry.07:51
herpderphurrChisholm: Do you know how to look up the following information for your laptop? IP address, subnet mask, default route (AKA gateway), primary and secondary DNS addresses07:51
Psil0Cybincfhowlett: well perhaps if anyone else can help here is the paste to my jockey log07:51
herpderphurrChisholm: (I haven't used Windows 8 nor 8.1. I'm completely lost for those systems. :p )07:51
Chisholmyea it sucks07:52
Chisholmas to why im switching07:52
=== g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away]
ggreermy laptop came with windows 8. it was my first time using windows since XP. I had no idea windows had gotten that bad07:53
herpderphurrChisholm: I have a guess as to what's wrong. Network switches aren't like routers. With a switch, you have to specify a computer at an IP address to be your gateway to the rest of the world. For routers, it's just a simple plug-n-play. Dunno about switches.07:54
Evilmaxufw allow out to from
Evilmaxwhat wrong?07:55
ggreerif someone took the NT kernel and stuck a bunch of gnu or bsd userland tools on top of it, you could end up with a pretty decent system. it'd be able to run photoshop and visual studio and compile memcached and nmap. all the apps you want without any VMs07:55
=== gbyers[Away] is now known as g_byers
Chisholmherpderphurr: so unplug and pick a different outlet?07:55
Shed-34046Why can't i close the flash plugin settings dialog when i right click and click settings?07:55
love12aki2389: i can't copy all of the configuration at the same time is tehre any other mechanisim07:56
herpderphurrChisholm: If you have a router somewhere in the house, it'd be easy to just plug your computer into the router instead of the switch.07:56
Chisholmill do that wquick07:57
herpderphurrChisholm: If there's no router... then I guess we'll have to find the machine that acts as your gateway to the rest of the Internet.07:57
Shed-34046Is it because its a old flash player version?07:57
Chisholmna got a router07:57
Chisholmherpderphurr: no dice07:58
Chisholmstill down07:58
Chisholmjust faser at saying no connection haha07:58
TJ-Chisholm: I missed some of the earlier info; which Ubuntu version is it?07:59
Chisholm13.10 i think the newest07:59
Chisholmshould i reinstall on 12?07:59
TJ-Chisholm: OK, and you installed the Desktop edition ... with GUI ?08:00
TJ-Chisholm: No... I'm sure we can identify the issue08:00
Gr1Hi everyone08:00
Chisholmtj: that i dunt get sorr yhaha08:00
Gr1I am trying to make a deb package08:00
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/  - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring08:01
Gr1Is there any way I can retain the permissions of the files deployed by that package to some specific user?08:01
Chisholmtj: i installed ubuntu v 13.10 via burned disk08:01
Gr1Thanks cfhowlett08:01
TJ-Chisholm: So, network is managed by Network Manager. You see a network icon in the task-bar, top-right?08:01
Chisholmhere or ubuntu?08:01
TJ-Chisholm: On Ubuntu!08:01
Chisholmim on 2 different computers08:01
TJ-Chisholm: I know :)08:02
Chisholmhaha i figured08:02
Chisholmi see it08:02
TJ-Chisholm: If you right-click it, do you see a list of connections... most likely only 1 ... something like "Wired Connection 1" ?08:02
=== james is now known as Guest6258
TJ-Chisholm: OK, that's good, so Network Manager knows about the interface and is managing it, which is what should happen.08:03
TJ-Chisholm: Does your network's router hand out IP addresses using DHCP?08:04
aki2389love12: try following the guide I pasted08:04
Chisholmthat makes sense there is just no interenet and the orange light is on on the lan plug in the back of the computer08:04
TJ-Chisholm: in other words, does you PC get an IP address assigned automatically when you start the PC08:04
herpderphurrTJ-: Does it matter if it's a network switch?08:05
Chisholmno my network is Motorola surfboard- Cisco router-TP LInk switch08:05
TJ-herpderphurr: No, not if its unmanaged08:05
Chisholmit is unmanaged08:05
=== duoi is now known as duoi_afk
herpderphurrTJ-: Neat. I'm learning things too08:05
Chisholmat least the top link is08:05
TJ-Chisholm: But that switch is connected to a router that connects to your ISP, correct?08:05
Chisholmi have unplugged everything except the switch and plugged it back in also08:06
TJ-Chisholm: So the router will likely be operating a DHCP server to hand out IP addresses on your LAN ... like to your Windows PC08:06
love12aki2389: i have already follow the instruction when i  installed but nothing is change08:06
aki2389followed it to the letter?08:06
krababbelChisholm: The light on the port is orange? There is probably no link there then. Faulty or wrong cable or disabled interface.08:06
Chisholmright thats what i am thinking08:06
krababbelUsually it is green08:06
Chisholmi plug the wire into this laoptop it works fine08:07
TJ-Chisholm: At a terminal on the Ubuntu PC, do "ethtool eth0"08:07
krababbelChisholm: 'ip link' in terminal tells you if your eth0 is up08:07
ggreerkrababbel: for most of my gear, orange means gigabit08:07
Chisholmok got a whole bunch'08:07
ggreergreen means 100mbit08:07
TJ-Chisholm: Compare the output you see on your Ubuntu PC, to this http://paste.ubuntu.com/6958771/08:07
ggreerwell, two green is 100mbit, and one green is 10mbit (but that never happens)08:08
krababbelggreer: hm, my intel nic is green with gigabit08:08
ggreerah neat08:08
TJ-Chisholm: especially, compare the lines "Speed" "Duplex"08:08
krababbelbut yes, command line will tell also, if link is up08:08
ggreerI have some ridiculous asus board that glows red, so it's totally believable that my nic lights are non-standard08:08
Chisholmok sorta simpler but a couple differences08:08
TJ-Chisholm: Can you describe the differences accurately for us?08:09
Chisholmggreer: min is a gigabyte running a fx 8 core08:09
Chisholmyes give me a sec08:09
ggreermodel name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz08:10
ggreeraww yeah08:10
Chisholmsupported port: is tp MII not TP08:10
krababbelwell the manual should state what the lights mean08:10
ChisholmI have 1000 base in advertised links08:10
Chisholmadvertises auto-negotiations is yes not no08:10
Chisholmmy speed is 100008:11
Chisholmi have something called link partner advertised pause and auto negotiate08:11
TJ-Chisholm: OK, if it shows a speed the link is up, hardware-wise08:11
Chisholmport is mII not tp08:12
TJ-Chisholm: So, lets move on to the IP side of things08:12
TJ-Chisholm: "ifconfig -a A grep '^eth'  " should list all the wired interface names... there should only be "eth0"... run the command, check that and tell us if theres anything different08:13
TJ-Chisholm: "ifconfig -a | grep '^eth'  " sorry - typo!08:13
aki2389love12: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6958788/08:13
aki2389love12: change the ip to your ip08:14
Chisholmok what do you need?08:14
Chisholmi have one line08:14
love12aki2389: which ip?08:14
zalunI've got strange issue on my laptop - load average 3.12 CPU usage about 2%08:15
herpderphurrChisholm: What's it say?08:15
Chisholm(red) eth0    Link encap: Ethernet  Hwaddr 74:d4:35:5e:c8:f708:15
aki2389love12: the one that I have written is
TJ-Chisholm: Does it show "eth0" ? OK, good08:15
Chisholmthat means written in red08:15
zalunNot that it bohers me THAT much, but feels unpleasant08:15
TJ-Chisholm: don't worry about the colours - they are just to highlight the search term used08:15
TJ-Chisholm: Now do "ifconfig eth0"08:15
Chisholmok gotcha08:15
TJ-Chisholm: You should see something similar to this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6958791/08:16
TJ-Chisholm: In particular, we're interested in whether you have a line with "inet addr ...." shown08:17
Chisholmi ahve inet608:17
Chisholmnot inet08:18
TJ-Chisholm: OK, but no "inet addr" that tells us your PC hasn't got an IP address... that could be because it can't see the DHCP server on the router08:18
TJ-Chisholm: Are both the Ubuntu PC and the Windows PC connected to the switch?08:18
Chisholmyes no inet08:18
love12aki2389:  in which Tag is found?08:19
Chisholmno this pc use to be08:19
Chisholmnow its wifi08:19
Chisholmjust the ubuntu is now08:19
Chisholmits a desktop08:19
Chisholmi have an extra wire if needed08:19
TJ-Chisholm: Aha! OK, so we can't compare like with like. Is the switch connected to the router and the link-light for that port is active?08:19
aki2389love12: Tag acl for acl, and TAG: http_access for http_access08:19
Chisholmgive me a sec08:20
TJ-Chisholm: You'll have 2 patch leads connected to the switch, one from the Ubuntu PC, and one from the router, is that correct?08:20
Chisholmcorrect and yea my upc is showing green along with an extra 1000mbps light08:20
Chisholmand i never had that before on this laptop08:21
TJ-Chisholm: OK, how about the port connected to the router? does that show green too?08:21
sandman13 but still can't decide whether to run commands on the dualbooted Ubuntu or Virtualized Ubuntu08:21
krababbelChisholm: why don't you ping the router?08:21
Chisholmshowing the same double gren08:21
sandman13i am reading this book: http://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php  but still can't decide whether to run commands on the dualbooted Ubuntu or Virtualized Ubuntu08:21
TJ-krababbel: please don't confuse the matter08:21
joheyI have ran apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade in ubuntu 13.10 but haven't got a single package update for weeks. Is that normal?08:21
johey0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.08:22
joheyThe apt-get update is successful.08:22
sandman13johey that's normal08:22
TJ-Chisholm: That's good. OK ... on the Ubuntu PC do "arp -n" ... this is supposed to list the *hardware* MAC addresses of all network interfaces the Ubuntu PC can 'hear'08:22
cretoHello there! I am having a little problem while updating my ubuntu. Its ubuntu 10.04 lts. When I run a Terminal and do $ sudo apt-get update     I get "E:the command takes no arguments"  I also did apt-get update as suggested in the forum but I also get an error, I have the output of that too. Can someone help me?08:22
BlueMintHi sorry for such a horrid question, but I really did try google many times. I have an SD card with an OS installed on it and would like to back it up, could anyone quickly shoot me the console command?08:22
joheysandman13: Ok. All packages are perfect? :)08:22
sandman13if there's an update for the packages you will be notified08:23
ThuboAfter an upgrade on 13.10 I can not login via lightdm to my user. It just throws me back to the greeter. login via terminal works fine....any ideas?08:23
Beldarjohey, what release?08:23
joheyBeldar: 13.10.08:23
TJ-Chisholm: This is the kind of output you'd expect to see: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6958806/08:23
Beldarcreto, This 10.04 desktop?08:23
cretoyes Beldar08:23
Chisholmtj- i am blank08:23
Beldar!eol | creto08:23
ubottucreto: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:23
Chisholmtj-: i just get a new command line with nothing08:24
joheysandman13: I have disabled automatic notifications and updates (at least tried to). I like to do that manually.08:24
TJ-Chisholm: OK, that means there is no physical link from the Ubuntu PC to the router ... Are you able to wire the Ubuntu PC directly into the router, bypassing the switch?08:24
sandman13in that case i have no idea johey08:24
Chisholmtj-: yes08:24
Chisholmi did that before still no luck08:24
Chisholmwell at least typing in google on mozilla08:25
TJ-Chisholm: OK, good08:25
Thubo...guest user works btw.08:25
love12aki2389:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6958817/08:25
SirLagzThubo: removed .Xauthority and .ICEauthority ?08:25
SirLagzThubo: I had the same issue today....08:25
TJ-Chisholm: Do you know the IP address that your Windows PC has been allocated, so we can figure out the subnet allocated to your LAN?08:26
cretoThx Beldar , I am on the read! I tried the forums but I will try that, just one question does this update me to  ubuntu 13 or just updates my version with some packages?08:26
Chisholmi can ip config it will it still be ok wifi?08:26
Chisholmor you want me to hard wire?08:26
TJ-Chisholm: No, just as it is now, it's just the info we need for the next step of trying to manually configure the Ubuntu CP08:27
ThuboSirLagz, should have known myself - worked like a charm. Thanks :))08:27
Beldarcreto, 10.04 is a long term if upgraded correctly it should go to 12.04, back it up, and be sure you do a eol upgrade.08:27
SirLagzThubo: no problems :)08:27
Chisholmtj-: ok i got it what r u looking for?08:27
SirLagzThubo: at least your issue was easy to fix :D08:27
zetheroois there a way to stop jbd2 from running on certain disks?08:28
TJ-Chisholm: The IP address of the Windows PC, and the gateway address08:28
Thuboindeed xD08:28
Chisholmok ipv4
TJ-Chisholm: As an aside - what is the make and model of your Internet router?08:28
Chisholmand the default gateway is long and then
cretoThanks Beldar . Is it not possible to fix this problem without changing from 10.04 to 12.04 ? Because I am running this version as it "light" . I am on a mini laptop.08:29
Chisholmmotaroloa surfbuard 6490 i think - cisco - tp link 24 port switch08:30
Beldarcreto, 10.04 is not supported nor does it have access to the ubuntu repos.08:30
TJ-Chisholm: On the Ubuntu PC let's stop Network Manager so we can manually configure the interface: "sudo stop network-manager"08:30
Chisholmlinksys cisco e420008:31
cretoI see. Ok I will upgrate then Beldar . Thanks08:31
Chisholmi disconnected08:31
Chisholmits not blinking anymore08:31
Beldarcreto, I'm not sure on the error "E:the command takes no arguments" I'm assuming it is lack of repo sync.08:33
TJ-Chisholm: OK: "sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask"08:33
Chisholmtj-: i did tell you the ethernet is not the only thing not working right? just wanted08:33
TJ-Chisholm: Yes... one thing at a time :)08:34
Chisholmtype that excatly?08:34
Chisholmstarting with sudo08:34
TJ-Chisholm: If we can get it on the 'net, you can update and diagnose more efficiently08:34
TJ-Chisholm: Everything inside quote marks is commands you should type verbatim08:34
Chisholmits asking me for a password08:35
Chisholmbut its not letting me type08:35
Chisholmo jesus08:36
herpderphurrChisholm: Don't worry. you won't see anything when you type the password08:36
Chisholmi types in my password and alot jsut came up08:36
Juju_Does someone how to use GeoEnZo with Wine???08:36
TJ-When you type your password the characters aren't echoed08:36
herpderphurrChisholm: That's by design. The user doesn't need to know how long their own password is. :p08:36
Wiz_KeeDGuys I have a small problem, I got a 128GB SSD and a 750GB Caddy that I mounted on 13.10, now it complains that I do not have enough space left as I start filling the Caddy with data, what can I do to have a direct link to the caddy yet for it not to be mounted so it takes up space of the actual drive? :(08:36
TJ-Chisholm: "alot came up". You mean response to that command? Any suggestion of errors or warnings?08:37
love12aki2389:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6958817/08:37
Chisholmyea about 60 lines08:38
Chisholmi ahve no idea one sec08:38
TJ-Chisholm: Well, 60 lines isn't definitely not right... I'd expect at most about 5!08:38
krilcovsseannRegarding Oracle VM, after I install ubuntu.. can I save my progress so it will just load up next time and allowing me to skip the install?08:39
Chisholmlet me type again08:39
TJ-herpderphurr: Are you running 13.10 the same as Chisholm ?08:39
herpderphurrTJ-: Nope. I'm on 12.0408:39
aki2389love12: you didn't change anything?08:39
aki2389love12: whats your ip?08:39
DJonespojisdfgpojksdf: Please stop that08:40
Chisholmok blank line08:40
TJ-herpderphurr: Darn! Is anyone here running 13.10 and can do "uname -m && md5sum $(which ifconfig)"08:40
* TJ- is running 14.04 :)08:40
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TJ-Chisholm: Blank line, that usually means success!08:41
krilcovsseannCan anyone direct me to a question regarding Virtual box?08:41
Chisholmtj-: yea there is nothing there08:41
krababbelkrilcovsseann: You are running Ubuntu in a vm?08:41
TJ-Chisholm: Now check the settings with "ifconfig eth0" and tell us if there's a line with "inet addr:"08:41
krababbelkrilcovsseann: You can save the machine, sure.08:42
krilcovsseanndo I save it before I power down? krababbel? I just lost 6 hours of install time..08:42
krababbelkrilcovsseann: save instead of power down.08:42
Chisholmyup i got one now!!08:42
krababbelkrilcovsseann: power down is probably like pulling teh power plug08:43
krilcovsseannKrababbel: Thanks.08:43
aki2389love12: you have that as your config and it's still not working?08:43
aki2389last resort... try restarting08:43
aki2389the whole computer08:43
love12aki2389:  yes08:43
krilcovsseannKrababbel: How much of a hardrive space should I allocate towards it? 8gb? and ram. 512mb?08:43
krababbelkrilcovsseann: np, if you need to, you can shut down the VM.08:43
TJ-Chisholm: OK, try pinging the router: "ping -nc 5"08:43
krababbelkrilcovsseann: the minimum would be 4GB and probably 384 or 256 RAM, but it depends on what you install08:44
Chisholmtj-: 4 lines of what looks like gibberish came up08:44
finnigani want to compile a program with ./config and terminal tells me error: you need libxtst but i already have it08:44
Chisholmstarting with usage: ping08:44
TJ-Chisholm: lots of numbers?08:44
krilcovsseanni cannot shut it down, because the guest does?08:44
finniganplease help08:44
Chisholmno words08:45
TJ-Chisholm: "destination unreachable" ?08:45
krilcovsseannkrababbel: the guest does not support software shutdown.08:45
krababbelkrilcovsseann: Ubuntu nowadays has built in drivers, so when you click shutdown in oracle vm, it gets a signal08:45
Chisholmno the word destination is there but not unreachable08:45
Chisholmshould i turn the connection mamager back on or no08:45
krababbelkrilcovsseann: strange, do you use a recent version of Ubuntu?08:45
krilcovsseannKrababbel: its a linux os.08:45
castis ifconfig deprecated yet? [am pondering ifconfig eth0 vs ip addr show dev eth0]08:46
sandman13what is the difference between shell scripting and terminal commands08:46
krababbelkrilcovsseann: I mean the virtual machine, you install Ubuntu 13.10 or what?08:46
Chisholm[m- mark] [c- count] [i- inteval] and so on its showing08:46
TJ-Chisholm: Don't change anything08:46
krababbelcast: As far as I know yes, ip is the new command08:47
TJ-Chisholm: Sounds like the help information... this is what you would see for a good response and a bad response (there's two example pings) http://paste.ubuntu.com/6958873/08:47
love12aki2389:  yes it is not working08:47
krababbelkrilcovsseann: then that linux lacks the drivers, it will be a bit slower than it could be, and no shutdown from outside, yes.08:47
krilcovsseannI spent the last four hours trying to figure this out: Krababbel. Atleast I know it works for Ubuntu. What is the process called when you save your VM?08:47
TJ-Chisholm: OK, try again, make sure you typed the command correctly - I suspect you missed the "5": "ping -nc    5"08:48
krilcovsseannKrababbel: thanks, I think I can get the drivers..08:48
krababbelkrilcovsseann: sorry, I haven't used oracle vm in a long time, probably 'save state'08:48
Chisholmnope should i ifconfig again?08:48
krababbelkrilcovsseann: try the drivers, they will also keep the vm's clock in sync with the host08:49
TJ-Chisholm: No. We need to get the 'ping' command working... if you're seeing the help messages, then you typed something incorrectly08:49
herpderphurrTJ-, Chisholm: I think the command is "ping -c 5" (-nc is a non-existent option according to the man pages)08:50
Chisholmok got it it says network unreachable08:50
TJ-herpderphurr: No, it's "-nc 5" ... the "-n" means don't try to resolve names from IP addresses08:51
TJ-Chisholm: Great08:51
herpderphurrTJ-: Ah. I missed that. Sorry08:51
TJ-Chisholm: Let's check the routing table: "ip route ls"08:51
krilcovsseannKrabbabel: Rusty on vm: No idea where to start or do I remember why drivers are an issue. I'll see where this goes. thanks.08:52
TJ-Chisholm: We just need to ensure you have a line looking somewhat like this: " dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src metric 1"08:52
Chisholmhang on i think i fucked up earlier08:53
TJ-Chisholm: you need to be more specific08:53
Chisholmok its pinging08:54
krababbelkrilcovsseann: np, installing the drivers could be tricky, many distros have it built in these days08:54
Chisholmi got 5 mines08:54
TJ-Chisholm: You're getting a response?08:54
TJ-Chisholm: The lines read something like "64 bytes from ..."08:54
Chisholmyes i started over and i didnt sudo end network manager before my bad08:54
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krababbelkrilcovsseann: but saving the state should work without drivers anyway08:54
Chisholmping (again) 56 (84) bytes of data08:55
krababbelkrilcovsseann: you'd have to watch the clock in the vm for example, but still08:55
TJ-Chisholm: Ahhh, so Network-Manager would retake the interface from us08:55
Chisholmthen i get 5 lines of destination host unreachable08:55
ikoniause the network manager interface / gui to set an ip address08:56
ikoniathat's what it's there for08:56
TJ-Chisholm: Ahhh, OK, so we're no better off! That is pointing to the fact that either 1) the router (E4200 ) isn't handing IP addresses, or 2) one of the patch cables is damaged08:57
Chisholmmy xbox is working and my laptop was earlier too08:57
Chisholmand i maybe bought them a month ago and havent touched them since08:57
TJ-Chisholm: The physical links are up, as detected by the switch, but traffic isn't passing. I've seen that before when either the transmit or receive pairs in the patch cables are damaged.08:58
TJ-Chisholm: do you have any alternative known-good ethernet patch cables you can swap in ?08:58
bjorn96can someone help me?? :D08:59
ikoniaas that would be a known good cable08:59
ikoniaunplug the xbox if thats working08:59
krilcovsseannKrabbabel: last question... how do I save state?08:59
krilcovsseann!save state08:59
TJ-Chisholm: If the cables can be proven good then the next thing to consider is that the new motherboard's ethernet port is faulty08:59
Chisholmi ahve a good cable right here a patch or just network one08:59
Chisholmthat would make me mad09:00
krababbelkrilcovsseann: The oracle manual should tell you that, or ask in #virtualbox?09:00
TJ-Chisholm: network cables are patch cables... different words09:00
Chisholmcables good09:00
Chisholmits plugged into the laptop right now09:00
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Chisholmit was up instantly09:01
TJ-Chisholm: Looking like a motherboard issue then09:01
Chisholmthat would explain the usb ports and all im guessing right?09:01
TJ-Chisholm: I think you've got a dud09:02
ikoniainstalling a supported OS such as a Windows one would confirm this09:02
Chisholmand def cant be a driver issue?09:02
Chisholmok i will do that now then09:02
ikoniaChisholm: it could be a driver problem, thats why installing a supported OS would prove sucess/failure on the hardware09:03
Chisholmok is there a way for me to get windows without pay 6 million dollars just to test this out09:03
ikoniaChisholm: don't be silly, Windows is cost effective,09:03
Chisholmhaha i know i just dont wanna spend anymore money on an os interface i do not like09:04
love12aki2389:   you tehere?09:04
Chisholmoh and real quick before i go09:04
ikoniaChisholm: then you should have spent time before buying a motherboard that may/may not support linux, to check it DOES support linux09:04
Chisholmif it is a driver issue09:04
Chisholmwhat how do  i check my kernal version09:05
ikoniaChisholm: you've already pasted your kernel version09:05
TJ-Chisholm: hold fire! I may have something09:05
Chisholm and how would i run the the driver packages09:05
ikoniaChisholm: I've told you 3 times - you don't, they are for windows09:05
Chisholmyea i forgot how to do it already09:05
macpoolgood morning09:06
TJ-Chisholm: Listen carefully. Reboot the Ubuntu PC. Enter the BIOS Setup. find the option "IOMMU" and *enable* it. Reboot.09:06
Chisholmok one sec09:06
evilfixanyone know if a chrubuntu install can boot a usb live linux distro?09:06
ikoniaTJ-: that's interesting, that wouldn't stop a dhcp request being sent though09:06
ikoniaevilfix: chrubuntu is nothing to do with this channel.09:07
TJ-ikonia: yes it would.09:07
Chisholmok tj-: where am i looking here09:07
herpderphurrTJ-: Whoa, an IOMMU. how often would consumer-grade mobo's have those?09:07
ikoniaTJ-: why ?09:08
TJ-Chisholm: I'm not sure, you'll have to search around09:08
Chisholmgot it09:08
ws2k3_Hello is Areca 1880i support in ubuntu 12.04 ?09:08
ikoniaTJ-: sort him out, then explain to me, sorry to interupt09:08
ws2k3_raid controller09:08
TJ-Chisholm: Is it enabled now?09:08
TJ-Chisholm: Or I should say, was it already enabled?09:08
ActionParsnipws2k3_: what chip does it use?09:08
Chisholmno it wasnt09:08
Chisholmnow reboot? any chance i can fix the usb 2.0 problem here haha09:09
TJ-Chisholm: Great! OK. Save the BIOS settings and reboot. I think you'll find both network and USB2 works09:09
ws2k3_how can i findout which chip it uses09:09
ActionParsnipws2k3_: do you own the device?09:09
Chisholmrgr that09:09
TJ-ikonia: Because the net and usb devices use iomem to move data under interrupt. Without the iommu there's no interrupts being serviced.09:10
ActionParsnipws2k3_: then run:  lspci   to see the chip09:10
Chisholmhoyl shit09:10
ikoniaTJ-: interesting, I'm watching with interest09:10
ikoniaChisholm: no need for the language09:10
ActionParsnipws2k3_: you need to drive the chip, who makes the card or anything like that is irrelevant, you are driving the chip on the card09:11
Shed-34046help help09:11
Chisholmsorry i cant believe that worked09:11
TJ-Chisholm: Sorted?09:11
ikoniaTJ-: big kudos, great spot09:11
ws2k3_lscpi shwos me : 04:00.0 RAID bus controller: Areca Technology Corp. Device 188009:11
Chisholmone sec tho now my usb 3.0 are down09:11
Shed-34046I think my computer is about to shut off from over heating09:11
ikoniaShed-34046: that's not really helpful is it, that's like me saying "fix fix"09:11
TJ-ikonia: Always forget to check the obvious, lowest-level things! I kept on about wiring but didn't step up one!09:11
ikoniaShed-34046: shut it down then09:11
TJ-Chisholm: You can't have everything :)09:11
Shed-34046ikonia but the fans should cool it down though09:11
Shed-34046It did on windows 709:12
ikoniaShed-34046: right, but it's not, and if it's overheating, shut it down to cool it off09:12
Chisholmok and im getting an ubuntu has experienced and internal failure09:12
TJ-Chisholm: ignore those, just dismiss them09:12
ActionParsnipws2k3_: https://wiki.debian.org/LinuxRaidForAdmins09:12
visva51Hi. I use IMAP with thunderbird, If I delete a mail in webmail, will it also delete the mail in thunderbird when it reconnects to server?09:13
Chisholmok gotcha, yea the usb 2.0's work so does the internet, just the 3.0's are down09:13
TJ-Chisholm: the OS gathers up 'crash' reports and then later asks you if you want to submit them as bug reports... there will be a few from the last few hours09:13
ActionParsnipws2k3_: seems to use the arcmsr module09:13
TJ-Chisholm: Great! with internet you can do some updates immediately now: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"09:13
llutzvisva51: if you havent copied that mail to local archives, yes. thats how imap works09:13
Chisholmits off and going thanks tj09:14
ws2k3_ActionParsnip its a sas controller so i dont think so09:14
ChisholmI really appreciate the help09:15
TJ-Chisholm: OK... once that is done, it'll likely want to reboot. After that, we'll investigate the USB3 issue09:15
ActionParsnipws2k3_: the controller is named on that page:  PCI: 17D3:1880 Areca Technology Corp. ARC-1880 8/12 port PCIe/PCI-X to SAS/SATA II RAID Controller09:15
Chisholmok cool09:15
* TJ- goes to pour another coffee09:16
Chisholmif possible can i contact you later here?09:16
ws2k3_ActionParsnip so this means it is supported ?09:16
ActionParsnipws2k3_: and is said to use the arcmsr module as you can see from the page I linked. Did you even read the page I posted?09:16
ChisholmI ahve to go to bed should have 5 hours ago hahaha09:16
visva51llutz: Thank you.09:16
ws2k3_yes i did read the page09:16
ActionParsnipws2k3_: then please reread, note the text I _copied_ from the same page....09:17
ws2k3_ActionParsnip thanks09:18
ActionParsnipws2k3_: so where and how did you come up with "09:14 < ws2k3_> ActionParsnip its a sas controller so i dont think so09:19
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ws2k3_ActionParsnip yeah i was wrong there09:20
Chisholmtj-: ok it finished but didnt ask to reboot, but im guessing o should09:20
ws2k3_ActionParsnip but i'm still not sure it shows it support but everywher eon internet i read that people have preformance issues09:20
ActionParsnipws2k3_: doesnt mean its not supported, the disks will be accessible that you connect to the controller09:21
TJ-Chisholm: No, that's fine09:21
Chisholmshould i try a 3.0 port?09:21
TJ-Chisholm: It'd only reboot if something like the kernel version was upgraded09:21
TJ-Chisholm: Yeah, go for it!09:22
TJ-Chisholm: Before you plug anything in though...09:22
TJ-Chisholm: In a terminal do "sudo tail -f /var/log/kern.log" ... then watch the messages when you plug a device in... you will see device recognition messages if things are OK09:22
ActionParsnipws2k3_: "slow" doesnt mean it's not supported09:22
bjorn96can i get some help?09:23
TJ-Chisholm: When you want to stop that log tail, press Ctrl+C09:23
herpderphurrbjorn96: I don't see why you shouldn't get help.09:23
bjorn96ok, how do i install a program from .tar.gz? :D09:24
TJ-bjorn96: You try not to!09:24
Chisholmitokits telling me try tail -- help for more info09:25
bjorn96but i cannot find the program in store...09:25
herpderphurrbjorn96: which program specifically?09:25
bjorn96free file sunc09:25
TJ-Chisholm: typo again, then!09:25
TJ-bjorn96: When you install programs from outside the Debian/Ubuntu package management system you run a real risk of messing up the system in unpredictable ways.09:26
bjorn96it is a good program, i have used it for a long time on windows. :D09:27
TJ-bjorn96: Because Ubuntu is popular, usually you can find someone has packaged a program as a Debian archive (.deb) file, possibly in the Launchpad PPAs (Personal Package Archives), even when the program/version isn't in the official archives09:27
Chisholmnow its saying invalid option /09:28
TJ-bjorn96: don't try to bring Windows programs to Linux, use the native tools, they are often much more powerful... You just need to spend a little time familiarising yourself with the alternatives09:28
TJ-Chisholm: "sudo tail -f /var/log/kern.log"09:28
krababbelbjorn96: maybe try rsync or a GUI version of it09:29
TJ-Chisholm: CaSe Is SiGnIfIcAnT09:29
bjorn96see http://www.fosshub.com/FreeFileSync.html09:29
krababbelbjorn96: I use it myself on windows :)09:29
Chisholmok i missed the space after the f09:30
bjorn96and its fine cus i have the sync file un the usb09:30
bjorn96be right back. :D09:30
herpderphurrbjorn96: I use rsync to sync my directories, but if you're absolutely stuck on using FreeFileSync, perhaps try adding the PPA for it: https://launchpad.net/~freefilesync/+archive/ffs09:30
Chisholmi got a whole bunch of stuff, then i plugged something in and got nothing09:31
TJ-Chisholm: when you start tail it will show the previous 10 or so lines from the log-file, then it will (-f)ollow the log-file as new entries are added. If no new lines appeared that confirms there is an issue with the USB3 drivers09:32
adamshsiasdIs anyone there_09:32
TJ-Chisholm: You can stop the tail now by pressing Ctrl+C09:33
Chisholmok its stopped09:33
TJ-Chisholm: Now the Ubuntu PC is connected to the net, I need you to send some configuration reports to pastebin using the following command "lspci -knn | pastebinit" - tell me the URL it provides09:34
adamshsiasdSo i have issues with starting my computer. I think alot of the files in my root are messed up. How, i dont know. in my boot.log: apache2: config test failed: mktemp failed tp create directory via template.09:34
TJ-Chisholm: The "|" between the 2 commands is the Vertical Bar symbol09:34
adamshsiasdI get swtiched over to a tty109:34
Chisholmeasdy enough09:34
bjorn96umm, is there no way to install it "easy"?09:35
Chisholmi dont have it09:35
adamshsiasdWhen i try to update & upgrade i get theese banal packages like bash coreutils etc. Which i already should have09:35
krababbelbjorn96: PPA is easiest if it is not in official repo. And prey the PPA maintainer doesn't kill your install.09:36
Chisholmits telling me to get install09:36
TJ-Chisholm: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit"09:36
Chisholmgot it09:36
krababbelbjorn96: Or take the tar.gz and read the intall manual, if it is good. If it is a small program, it could be doable.09:36
TJ-Chisholm: then redo the previous command so we can get the lspci info09:37
adamshsiasdIs there someone out there that might be able to help?09:37
krababbelbjorn96: Linux works differently for installations.09:37
TJ-adamshsiasd: There's nothing 'banal' about coreutils and bash!09:37
adamshsiasdNo, thats not what i meant. I meant that i already should have them installed.09:38
TJ-Chisholm: OK... did I see you say you wanted to get to bed?09:38
Chisholmyea i have 40 minutes to sleep09:38
Chisholmill keep this up tho and beback around 3pm est09:39
TJ-adamshsiasd: Yes, they will be. But you've just done an upgrade so new versions with bug-fixes might be available09:39
TJ-Chisholm: Well why don't you take a break now and call us in the channel again when you're rested, you've solved the hardest part :)09:39
Chisholmsounds good ty guys soon thanks for the help its appreciated !!09:40
TJ-Chisholm: I already know whats up with your USB3 - there isn't a driver for "02:00.0 USB controller [0c03]: VIA Technologies, Inc. Device [1106:3483] (rev 01)"09:40
adamshsiasdOk. really thanks for your reply!!! When i try to update them i get dpkg failured debconf version is debconf installed?09:40
bjorn96oka, idk about free file sync09:40
TJ-Chisholm: I'll do some digging into that and leave you a MEMO via memoserv on here if there's a fix09:40
adamshsiasdTJ: and when i try to install debconf i get debconf error09:41
adamshsiasdTJ: unable to create new file /var/lib/dpkg/info/format-new09:41
adamshsiasdI'm been very amateurly working with linux for a year now. Never had this problem09:42
TJ-adamshsiasd: That looks like the file-system may have been corrupted, have you had any unclean shutdowns/crashes recently?09:43
aki2389hi fish_09:45
adamshsiasdNo, not what i can recall. I'm running 14.04. I've had low harddrive space, but not anymore removed my mongodb and all was good. The last thing major i did was moving my /home/ to a different parptition09:45
fish_I want to configure /etc/network/interfaces to bring up a macvlan interface and bind a IP to that instead of configuring eth0 - is that supported somehow or do I need to fiddle around with post-up scripts?09:45
xarlii91do u want cibersex?09:46
DJonesxarlii91: No09:46
xarlii91why?? =(09:46
aki2389wait seriously... that just happened?09:47
TJ-adamshsiasd: Support for 14.04 is in #ubuntu+1 ... but as you're running the development version breakage is expected, usually the archives clean themselves up, but you should search the bug reports for your symptoms and if not already reported, file a report.09:47
aki2389love12: sorry, I died lol09:48
adamshsiasdTj-:Thanks for the help! Really appricieate the help!09:49
zetheroois there a way to stop jbd2 from running on certain disks?09:50
trivicharlie 9109:50
xarlii91hola profeee09:50
pumukysoy pumuky09:50
trivivendo pentium 4 1,8 ghz 512 MB09:50
xarlii91me lo quedo09:51
triviq es sexo lo qvendo09:51
bjorn96but how do i add a rizon account to empathy? :D09:55
ActionParsnipadamshsiasd: #ubuntu+1 for Trusty support09:59
adamshsiasdActionParsnip: Yeah, i posted there but it's completley silent.09:59
adamshsiasdThank for the tip09:59
ActionParsnipadamshsiasd: that's pretty normal but doesnt mean its supported here09:59
zetheroowhen accessing samba shares via Nautilus in Ubuntu I am being asked for my sudo password - is there a way to stop this?10:00
ActionParsnipzetheroo: are you sure its not thesamba  password on the server to authenticate?10:01
jdmi have a quick question10:01
adamshsiasdOk. Another question: if fsck says everything ok. But the file system is obviousley funky. Where to go about?10:01
zetherooActionParsnip: it's not ... first I am asked for my sudo password, and then after that comes the request for the share credentials10:01
ActionParsnipzetheroo: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue10:02
bjorn96ned help again10:02
ActionParsnipzetheroo: what is the output of:  groups10:02
Rory!ask | bjorn96 jdm10:03
ubottubjorn96 jdm: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:03
jdm have about 30gb of free hd space and i want to install ubuntu and slowly convert the ntfs partition over to linux, is that possible?10:03
zetherooActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6959146/10:03
ActionParsnipjdm: sounds fine, you can resize ntfs in WIndows and resize the ext4 in ubuntu livecd as you need10:03
bjorn96ok, how do i add a rizon account to empathy? :D10:04
zetherooActionParsnip: I also noticed that after samba was installed there is this new "Samba guest account" created ... but it's disabled ... is that supposed to be enabled!?10:04
ActionParsnipzetheroo: looks fine to me from your paste10:04
timmcvveighanyone know where I can find a wii sdk distro...ie revolution sdk10:05
ActionParsnipbjorn96: rizon is just an IRC network10:05
timmcvveighthere are no valid torrents10:05
timmcvveighnor can I find a valid link10:05
timmcvveighreally I only need ntcompress.exe10:05
timmcvveighI appreciate any response at this point10:05
zetherooActionParsnip: I cannot even mount samba shares via fstab or in the terminal ... the only way is via nautilus ...10:05
zetherooand nobody seems to have a clue why ..10:05
timmcvveighFigured that linux experts are so smart they might have some insight10:05
timmcvveighanyone know anything about wii sdks10:07
ikonianot sure how that is related to ubuntu ?10:08
Wiz_KeeDguys my ubuntu machine froze and I cannot do anything thought the screen is moving10:08
timmcvveighwhere can I get ntcompress.exe or even a linux versus to uncompress .lh extensions10:08
Wiz_KeeDhow do i...ctrl+alt+delete?10:08
timmcvveighpower cycle10:08
philstaranyone know if it's decided which branches of Trusty will be LTS? I'm hoping there's a MATE variant supported...10:08
ikoniaphilstar: I believe it's only the official ubuntu desktop10:08
ikoniathe core os is LTS,10:08
jdmActionParsnip, which programs in both do the resizing?10:09
philstarikonia: so not even kubuntu? that would be sad...10:09
ikoniakubuntu has been dropped by canonical a while ago10:09
philstarah, didn't know, thanks10:09
ikoniathe kubuntu team are still very active though10:09
ikoniait's just lost official ubuntu sponsorship10:09
philstarI see10:09
sandman13what if download fails in the midst of installing a package? will that be automatically removed or we can resume it later?10:10
ActionParsnipjdm: Windows Disk Manager in Windows, and gparted in Ubuntu liveCD10:10
ActionParsnipphilstar: Lubuntu will be LTS10:10
ActionParsnipphilstar: in 14.0410:11
ikoniaActionParsnip: are you sure, I thought it was only the official unity desktop that got the official LTS statement as a desktop10:11
ActionParsnipikonia: its all over the web dude10:11
ikoniaActionParsnip: got a link ?10:11
sandman13Windows Disk Manager is not that good, try EaseUs Partition Manager in case of windows10:11
bjorn96im now connectet with xchat to rizon and #chat, i want to use empathy, how?? :D10:12
ActionParsnipikonia: julien wrote this to Canonical https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/lubuntu-users/2013-April/003941.html10:13
ActionParsnipikonia: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcAQMbDXc7JJdlOr49H_AnA :)10:13
ikoniaActionParsnip: that email is asking it to be an LTS release, not confirming it's been accepted10:14
ikoniabasically any packages in the core repo should be "LTS" supported10:14
philstarthanks ActionParsnip - some places also mention Xubuntu, although that may just be a misuse of the LTS label...10:14
philstarikonia: so I guess you could try and ride the LTS for the core packages and hope nothing breaks... maybe there could be an LLTS status (Lesser LTS: we won't keep up with the latest but will prevent LTS breakage)10:16
ikoniaphilstar: basically it's the core OS that's supported, and the packages in the core repo will all be supported for the LTS duration10:16
philstarbjorn96: were you asking for a link? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/11/expect-xubuntu-14-04-lts10:16
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ikoniaphilstar: remember the desktop/server install have different durations10:16
philstarikonia: sure, another fault line along which breakage could occur :p10:17
bjorn96no, i was asking how to add a rizon account to empathy?10:18
philstarok can't help you there, sry :)10:18
ActionParsnipikonia: http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=3631510:19
ActionParsnipikonia: you'll find it online. Exciting times10:19
ikoniaActionParsnip: again - I don't see anything there with canonical saying "this is a product we officialy say is an LTS product supported by us"10:20
ikoniaubuntu.com doesn't link to it either10:21
bjorn96ok. is there any ubuntu program to run andro apps?10:21
irssi-mikebjorn96: emulate android from command line10:21
irssi-mikebjorn96: been a while, android sdk or adb?10:22
irssi-mikeyou have to install the apk's via command line10:22
bjorn96ok, how?10:23
irssi-mikethat's a good question, i don't remember10:23
=== xmzhou_ is now known as kelinks
Rory#android is a thing10:24
bjorn96i dont get empathy, how do i open the chat?10:25
k1lbjorn96: type "/join #android"10:26
Kartagiscan I increase sensitivity of photorec or testdisk?10:27
Kartagismaybe depth10:27
philstarbjorn96: FWIW I prefer Pidgin - have you tried that? not sure if it supports your requested protocol, but might be worth a look10:27
benmcteebjorn96: are you trying to install an apk on your android device from the command line on your computer?10:29
bjorn96now, im trying to RUN the app on the pc, like bluestacks on windows10:29
irssi-mikeit's gonna be kind of slow, slower than your phone10:30
bjorn96it works fine in bluestacks10:30
irssi-mikemaybe my hardware stinks10:31
bjorn96im just looking for software for ubuntu that works like bluestacks10:31
benmcteebjorn96: do you have the Android SDK installed?10:31
bjorn96tell me, im totally new to ubuntu. :D10:31
benmcteebjorn96: http://xmodulo.com/2013/03/how-to-run-android-emulator-on-ubuntu-or-debian.html10:32
benmcteebjorn96: you will first need to install the SDK, Java, etc., and then set up an Android Virtual Device Manager. Once you create the virtual device, you can then open the emulator and load up your app.10:35
bjorn96wow, a lot of hard work10:35
benmcteeit's not that bad. what's your end goal?10:35
bjorn96to run my apps inside a program that pretend its a tablet10:36
bjorn96like bluestacks, no work at all10:36
benmcteeI'm not familiar with bluestacks, or really anything outside of Office products on Windows, sorry. But are you a developer, or you just want to play around?10:37
philstarbenmctee: afaiu, he wants to run Android apps on Linux b/c he can't figure out the native ones10:37
bjorn96just playing around10:37
bjorn96(im not even able to install office on ubuntu). :/10:38
k1lbjorn96: use libreoffice10:38
benmcteeLibreOffice should come preinstalled10:38
k1lif you need MS office use wine or complain at MS that they dont ship a Linux version10:39
k1l!wine | bjorn9610:39
ubottubjorn96: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu10:39
benmcteebjorn96: it sounds like you have recently switched from Windows, or are just trying out Ubuntu. What I recommend to my friends who have successfully switched is to ditch what you _think_ you need from the Windows world. There are equivalent or better free products for the Linux world.10:40
bjorn96yea, im allready using wine (cad and wordlist) but im not able to isnatll office 2010 inside it10:40
benmcteeGive it a month going full-bore Linux without trying to make Windows programs work and without customizing your desktop to remind you of Windows XP/7/8... and just use it. In the future, you will be glad you did10:41
bjorn96benmctee, im usig ubuntu alongside windows. :D10:41
benmcteeIf you just want to mess around with Ubuntu without the desire to learn (ie Google for answers) yourself, then anything we say here isn't going to help you.  But, back to your original question regarding Android emulator: http://xmodulo.com/2013/03/how-to-run-android-emulator-on-ubuntu-or-debian.html10:44
benmcteeAnything that says "apt-get" installs software on your machine. Don't do the "yum" commands, as those are for RedHat10:44
k1lhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/279816/how-to-emulate-androids-applications-in-ubuntu   bjorn9610:45
benmcteeDo you have any questions regarding terminal commands from either of those pages?10:45
bjorn96wait a sec, downloading still. :D10:46
allXunderAnyone know how to fix mpm-itk module fail after updating to apache 2.4 (ubuntu 12.04)?10:48
fish_can I have multiple 'up' lines per interface in network/interfaces?10:49
llutzfish_: yes10:51
fish_llutz: cool thanks10:51
llutzfish_: see examples "zless /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/network-interfaces.gz"  near the end10:51
fish_llutz: ah right10:52
llutzfish_: also "man 5 interfaces " under IFACE OPTIONS10:52
DiplomaticoHello, How do I know the size of the persistence folder on my lubuntu live usb?10:54
benmcteeallXunder: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=73486510:54
ubottuDebian bug 734865 in apache2,libapache2-mpm-itk "libapache2-mpm-itk: fails to install: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Serious,Open]10:54
PigFlui just tried to install ubuntu, and i chose "install alongside windows 7" and clicked continue10:55
PigFluhowever, it never asked me on which partition i wanted to install10:55
PigFluhave i now overwritten windows?10:56
bjorn96the problem with ubuntu is that its english help. :D10:56
bjorn96PigFlu, that deppends10:56
k1lPigFlu: what does "sudo fdisk -l" give you? please pastebin10:57
FlexyRexhi everybody, I have a hard disk with 500GB, I have installed Win 7 on a 250GB partition, and afterwards I installed ubuntu from a USB stick on a 150GB alongside windows, all went good, the only problem is that I installed grub loader on the same partition as I installed ubuntu, so now, grub doesn't show up, and only win7 loads up and I can't acces10:57
FlexyRexs ubuntu, What can I do? I am also very short on the remaining bandwidth for me, so reinstalling ubuntu is practically not an option.10:57
k1l!no | bjorn9610:57
ubottubjorn96: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!10:57
FlexyRexhow can load ubuntu and win7?10:57
bjorn96aha, er du norsk da? :D10:57
PigFlumy worry is that i never got this during installation: http://pad3.whstatic.com/images/thumb/f/ff/Install-Ubuntu-Linux-Step-8.jpg/670px-Install-Ubuntu-Linux-Step-8.jpg10:59
PigFluright now its asking me my location and keyboard config and stuff, and im too scared to continue10:59
benmcteeFlexyRex: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/10:59
k1lPigFlu: the exact pages on the version of ubuntu you try to install11:00
PigFluim not sure what version im trying to install tbh11:00
k1lPigFlu: if you want to be on the safe site, shrink windows partition manually and then make own partition layout then choose that in the installer11:00
GrewnukРебят кто может подсказать почему не монтируется ntfs раздел с windows 8.1. Перелопатил кучу форумов, разные варианты испробовал, ничего не помогает. Может кто сталкивался?11:01
ikonia!ru | Grewnuk11:01
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ubottuGrewnuk: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:01
PigFluk1l: i did shrink my windows partition, and i was hoping to be able to select that new partition during installation11:02
FlexyRexbenmctee: thanks a billion, that seems extremly help ful, only that my system doesn't have a DVD drive and I installed ubuntu from a bootable USB flsh drive, will that work still?11:02
PigFlubut i never got the option11:02
PigFluisnt that a little weird?11:02
benmcteePigFlu: Open terminal, type: sudo lsblk -o11:02
PigFluwhat will that do11:02
k1lPigFlu: ok, then it will choose that free space11:02
PigFluyou sure?11:02
benmcteeFlexyRex: yes, step 1 basically just says boot from live media, but he said CD... USB stick will work11:03
k1lPigFlu: i dont see and know what you are doing there exactly. so i cant give you a guarantee11:03
DiplomaticoHow do I know the size of a persistence folder on my live usb?11:03
benmcteePigFlu: that will tell us if you have an NTFS partition on your HDD11:03
FlexyRexbenmctee: how can I open a terminal? there is no option for that?11:03
Diplomatico<FlexyRex>ctrl alt T11:04
PigFlubenmctee: its installing right now, i dont think i can open a terminal11:04
benmcteeah, I missed that part11:04
FlexyRexI should press those buttons when I see the first boot menu?11:05
allXunderbenmctee, ubottu thanks! Was not able to found it :(11:05
benmcteeYou can try Ctrl+Alt+F6 to see if you can get a terminal from there, and then Ctrl+Alt+F7 to get back to GUI, but I wouldn't mess with it during install.11:05
benmcteeFlexyRex: no, the Alt+F2 gets you a terminal once Ubuntu is up. I missed the part where you were in the middle of an install11:06
FlexyRexok, so how about going to "try ubuntu without installing it" and then getting a terminal from Ctrl+Alt+F1 ?11:07
FlexyRexwill that work?11:07
benmcteeFlexyRex: What point of the install are you at right now?11:08
FlexyRexbenmctee: I have completely installed ubuntu, with no errors, and now I am in Win7 cause I can't get into ubuntu or load it.11:08
DiplomaticoOk, does someone know how to check the size of the persistence folder on my live usb pen drive?11:09
hewhomustflexyrec how did you boot the usb drive11:09
FlexyRexhewhomust: http://rufus.akeo.ie/11:10
benmcteeFlexyRex: OK, so you haven't wiped Windows, so you're safe there. Do you have different boot options now upon startup?11:10
hewhomustbenmctee: I dont think he has grub11:10
FlexyRexbenmctee: no only windows, it loads automatically11:10
hewhomustFlexyRex: how did you boot it from the bios11:11
FlexyRexI told ubuntu installer to install grub on the same partition as ubuntu itself11:11
FlexyRexhewhomust: F12 -> boot USB11:11
elhamhi.I want to upgrade my Ubuntu (13.04), and u know software updater does not work any more!how can I upgrade my distro with command line?11:12
hewhomustFlexyRex: you should install it to sda11:12
FlexyRexNow that grub is installed on the same partition as ubuntu and not the first partition I can't get ubuntu to load into memory11:12
FlexyRexhewhomust: how can I do that?11:12
PigFluwhat does fdisk -l do11:12
hewhomustPigFlu: lists the disks and partitions11:13
benmcteeFlexyRex: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootPartition11:13
bjorn96when i do ~/android-sdks/tools/android it doesent find anything??11:13
PigFluhewhomust: it did nothing11:13
elhamhewhomust, how can I upgrade my distro (ubuntu 13.04) with command line?11:13
hewhomustsudo fdisk -l11:14
VanfanelHi, is it possible to use jiffies from an userspace program? I'm trying to do so, but after passing the  kernel headers route to gcc, it says: "fatal error: asm/linkage.h: No such file"11:14
hewhomustelham back up all of your files then sudo apt-get do-release-upgrade11:14
elhamhewhomust, thank u dude11:15
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benmcteebjorn96: where did you download it to?11:15
bjorn96sorry, didnt. :/11:15
bjorn96doing it now. :D11:15
PigFluwhy is there no restard button..11:15
fish_what is the right way to restart networking? /etc/init.d/networking restart says it's deprecated11:16
elhamhewhomust: Invalid operation do-release-upgrade11:16
fish_service networking restart doesn't work either11:16
bjorn96ill be back in a sec11:16
fish_and restart networking also not11:17
Gnusmashow safe is tor-chat11:18
llutzfish_: "service network-manager restart"11:18
DiplomaticoGnusmas, tor is not safe...11:19
benmcteefish_: may need to add sudo to the beginning of llutz's command11:19
fish_llutz: not using networking manager11:19
pulsar78i need some help with fluxbox keys11:19
hewhomustelham: sudo apt-get install update-manager update-manager-core11:19
fish_but it seems that just the restart parameter is deprecated11:19
Gnusmasso vpn is good11:19
llutzfish_: sudo ifdown <iface> && sudo ifup <iface>11:20
hewhomustthen do do-release-upgrade11:20
elhamhewhomust, oh yeah I got it,really thanks11:20
benmcteefish_ most services started on boot can be restarted with "sudo service <servicename> restart"11:20
fish_benmctee: yep, but not networking11:20
fish_llutz: that's not restarting everything11:20
llutzfish_: from askubuntu, not sure if that works as desired: "sudo ifdown --exclude=lo -a && sudo ifup --exclude=lo -a"11:21
llutzfish_: should restart all but lo11:21
fish_llutz: networking stop, then start works so that's fine for me11:22
fish_but now it seems I can't bring up networking again and it doesn't say why11:23
fish_it's still in stop/waiting after service networking start11:23
fish_well, let if a reboot fixes that11:25
benmcteefish_ : it appears there is a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/110250711:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1072518 in Ubuntu "duplicate for #1102507 Restart networking crashes (apparently) the desktop manager" [High,Confirmed]11:25
benmcteefish_: I just tried it on my laptop... am now restarting my laptop11:26
fish_hehe :)11:26
benmcteeI would definitely say that's a serious bug. Why doesn't network-manager work for you?11:27
fish_benmctee: it's a server11:27
benmcteehmm.. guess I'm not up to speed on the differences, maybe others can help11:28
fish_it's just super messy. I would love to see ubuntu move all remaining stuff to upstart11:28
llutzfrom one mess into another one?11:29
benmcteeI had to go to tty6 as my keyboard wouldn't respond (as expected) to reboot. Now, I have a solid purple screen, and switching tty does nothing11:30
fish_llutz: rather one mess than two11:32
bjorn96there was no help at #ubuntu-no11:32
benmcteefish_: interesting, apparently sudo reboot wasn't enough to undo whatever sudo service network restart does... had to power off, and then it booted up fine11:33
ramsrambounable to select and install updates listed in update manager11:38
hewhomustramsrambo: try running it from terminal just sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:40
ramsrambohewhomust: these are nvidia graphics driver11:42
VlanXhey guy... is shutdown -p even a correct command for linux/bsd?11:43
ramsrambohewhomust: that did not work11:43
sonfackprobleme depuis 2 mois intaller proxy11:43
b3NVlanX: yes... power off after11:44
ikoniaubuntu-studio: control the language please.11:44
ikoniano problem11:44
ramsrambohewhomust: sudo apt-get upgrade gave me 2 not upgraded11:44
sonfackproblem installing squid on Debian 611:44
ikoniasonfack: join #debian11:44
hewhomustramsrambo: sudo dist-upgrade11:44
hewhomustsome packages were held11:45
b3NVlanX: correct usage would be an uppercase though11:45
ikoniab3N: he's gone11:45
b3Nyep, just saw that11:45
=== warlord is now known as Warlord
ramsrambohewhomust : same status11:45
Austin___hi all, im trying to get a server im sshing into to join a VPN, but when i connect, i lose the SSH connection to my server, is there an easy way of retaining this connection?11:45
k1lramsrambo: some updates still need other updates to be made before and are waiting for that other updates first11:47
k1lramsrambo: run a "sudo apt-get udpate && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and put all that into a pastebin11:47
rjdt0101on startup i m getting could not write,broken pipe error on ubuntu version 12.04 LTS 64 bit11:50
ActionParsniprjdt0101: desktop or server?11:53
ActionParsniprjdt0101: if you log in to the 2D session, is it ok?11:53
b3NAustin___: Are you using openvpn?11:53
Austin___does anyone know how to retain an ssh connection if the remote machine connects to a VPN?11:53
rjdt0101i have checked grub2 file11:53
Austin___b3N: yes11:54
rjdt0101nope it is directly booting in cmd mode11:54
b3NAustin___: in the VPN configuration, can you check "use this connection only for resources on its network"?11:54
ActionParsniprjdt0101: is this when you login, or is this before the OS fully loads?11:54
rjdt0101when i try to boot in graphical mode it shows broken pipe error11:54
rjdt0101before os fully load11:54
rjdt0101just after purple screen of ubuntu11:55
Austin___b3N: im using the remote machine to access the internet. i dont have to do this very often, i'd be happy with getting the remote machine to give me the new IP somehow and ill just connect that way11:56
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ActionParsniprjdt0101: if you boot an older kernel, is it ok?11:57
b3NAustin___: I don't know of an elegant way off the top of my head to get the remote machine's IP. The way I go about it is Plex.  I log in to MyPlex, and it will tell me what my server is broadcasting. There must slimmer software out there though that will publish the IP to some destination for you.11:57
rjdt0101nope actually m not able access system through older kernel11:58
Austin___yer thats what im looking for really11:58
Austin___ill see if my VPN provider will tell me the connected IP on their website11:58
ActionParsnipb3N: are you on the same network presently?11:58
rjdt0101i have to use recovery mode to login into cmdline mode11:58
ActionParsniprjdt0101: is the RAM healthy if you test it with Memtest11:59
rjdt0101yes ram is healthy11:59
ActionParsniprjdt0101: what GPU do you use?11:59
b3NAustin___: no, I port forward SSH11:59
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rjdt0101dont have any12:00
rjdt0101a basic machine with 2gb ram12:00
ActionParsniprjdt0101: you must. ALL systems on the planet have a GU or the system will not POST12:00
Austin___ill have a think and get back to this tonight, its only meant to be a quick fix for something but ill have more time in a few hours12:01
Austin___thanks for your help b3N12:01
rjdt0101ok ok12:01
rjdt0101let me check12:01
k1lENG20: please dont do that12:01
b3NActionParsnip: Sorry, that went to Austin___... what were you referring to?12:01
ActionParsniprjdt0101: or does the system have a make and model?12:01
ActionParsnipb3N: is the system you are wanting the IP of on the same network as you are?12:02
zetheroois it possible to stop jbd2 from running on certain disks?12:02
ENG20Register for a FREE site that deposits cryptocoins each day (more if you have referrals!) http://qoinpro.com/e08404c88f7ec83e333372f22439484b12:03
b3NActionParsnip: no, I use SSH remotely, and then port forward inside the network12:03
ActionParsnipb3N: so which IP do you want?12:05
rjdt0101hey buddy m not able figure out12:06
iwantoskiwhat's the different in mounting a hard drive to a folder using "mount" or by editing /etc/fstab?12:06
rjdt0101i've installed win 7 today12:06
ActionParsniprjdt0101: does the system have a make and model?12:06
SirLagziwantoski: one can be mounted at bootup automatically, the other is manual12:06
ActionParsnipiwantoski: you mount partitions on drives, not the drive12:06
b3NActionParsnip: For example, I am at a coffee house, and I want to SSH into my server at home. I need to know the IP address of my cable modem. Therefore, I log into MyPlex, grap the IP address that the server publishes to the world, and SSH to that. My Airport router handles the work of forwarding all SSH traffic to my static IP server within my network.12:07
iwantoskiActionParsnip: Aye, correct. I worded that incorrectly.12:07
b3NActionParsnip: is there an easier way to grab my dynamic public IP address of the cable modem?12:07
SirLagzb3N: telnet ?12:08
iwantoskiSirLagz: Meaning I will have to mount it manually on each startup - so I guess to do it correctly (i.e. not temporarily) I'd do it by editing /etc/fstab12:08
ActionParsnipb3N: then I suggest you get a web facing domain account. no-ip do free ones. You can install noip2 to your PC and it will refresh the IP to name pairing if your cable modem's DHCP lease expires and you get a new IP12:08
b3NSirLagz: not sure I follow12:08
SirLagziwantoski: indeed12:08
ActionParsnipb3N: you can then use the name you registered to no-ip.com and it willwork all the time12:08
SirLagzb3N: can you telnet into your cable modem to get it's external IP address ?12:08
rjdt0101System Manufacturer:BIOSTAR Group12:08
rjdt0101System Model:H61MGV312:08
rjdt0101System Type:X86-based PC12:08
rjdt0101Processor:Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3210 CPU @ 3.20GHz, 3200 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)12:08
rjdt0101BIOS Version/Date:American Megatrends Inc. 4.6.5, 3/1/201312:08
rjdt0101SMBIOS Version:2.712:08
iwantoskiSirLagz: Alright. And from the resources I've been reading I've come to understand that using the UUID is the preferred approach?12:09
b3NSirLagz: how does this help outside the network?12:09
SirLagzb3N: oh right. never mind12:09
b3NActionParsnip: that sounds like a good plan.12:09
SirLagzb3N: sorry only read some of hte conversation.12:09
ikonia!pastebin | rjdt010112:09
ubotturjdt0101: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:09
SirLagziwantoski: yep12:09
SirLagziwantoski: although in same cases, uuid doesn't work.12:09
iwantoskiSirLagz: Many thanks monsieur!12:09
b3NSirLagz: no worries12:09
ActionParsniprjdt0101: http://www.biostar.com.tw/app/en/mb/introduction.php?S_ID=63812:09
iwantoskiSirLagz: Really? Depending on what?12:09
ActionParsniprjdt0101: so you are using the Intel GPU inside your CPU (Sandy/ivy bridge)12:09
SirLagziwantoski: no idea. I can't use UUID to mount the SD card on my eeePC though12:09
ActionParsniprjdt0101: so you have an INtel GPU12:10
iwantoskiSirLagz: Ah. Okey, Well, wish me luck! Many thanks for your assistance.12:10
ActionParsniprjdt0101: why do I know more about your PC than you do?12:10
ActionParsniprjdt0101: have you tried the boot option:   nomodeset12:10
SirLagziwantoski: no probs12:10
b3NActionParsnip: I was hoping to find some script that would e-mail me if the server detected a different gateway, notifiying me of the new IP.12:11
rjdt0101nope i have not tried that12:11
ActionParsnipb3N: you could set one up12:11
b3NActionParsnip: I suck at scripting12:11
SirLagzb3N: I have a script that detects when my external IP address has changed, and then emails me the new IP address12:11
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b3NSirLagz: care to share?12:12
SirLagzb3N: though my IP address is accessible on my Linux router which is where the email is from12:12
SirLagzb3N: I don't mind sharing, don't know if it will help you though12:12
ActionParsnipb3N:  wget -qO- icanhazip.com -      gives you the WAN IP, you can write that to a file if it changes, then cron a job to run the same command and if it's different, send you a mail and update the text file12:12
ActionParsnipb3N: no-ip.com is a LOT easier12:13
SirLagzb3N: http://sirlagz.net/2012/03/11/how-to-email-yourself-your-ip-address-each-time-it-changes/  <-- that's how mine is written12:13
=== 45PAAHFLO is now known as foggalong
rjdt0101which version is better for compiling android12:13
SirLagzActionParsnip: Or do both ! :D12:13
ActionParsnipSirLagz: why not :)12:13
SirLagzrjdt0101: which version of what ?12:13
foggalongThe Firefox aurora PPA at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily has stopped working12:13
foggalongI'm not sure who I should be telling about this12:13
ActionParsnipfoggalong: so?12:13
SirLagzActionParsnip: that's what I've done :D noip + dyndns + email myself the IP12:13
ActionParsnipfoggalong: contact the PPA maintainer12:13
ActionParsnipSirLagz: I just use no-ip12:14
SirLagzActionParsnip: i was having issues with no-ip for a while, so I signed up with dyndns too12:14
SirLagzas a backup of sorts12:14
ActionParsnipfoggalong: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa12:14
b3NActionParsnip: wow, that was too simple. Thank you.12:14
ActionParsnipfoggalong: PPAs dont have to be on, they are managed by Joe Somebody on the web12:14
ActionParsnipb3N: usually is in Linux :)12:15
rjdt0101which version of ubuntu is better for compiling and android12:16
foggalongActionParsnip: I know PPAs are optional, I just wanted to clarify what I should be doing about this. I've already contacted the owner but as far as I can tell all changes for a while have been done by a bot maintainer12:16
ActionParsniprjdt0101: the ones which are supported12:16
ActionParsnipfoggalong: they are not supported here12:16
ActionParsnipfoggalong: you have done as much as anyone can do12:16
rjdt0101ok ok12:16
foggalongActionParsnip: thanks for the clarification12:17
ActionParsniprjdt0101: Trusty is out in April, you could use Precise and then upgrade direct to Trusty on release day, or install the pre-release Trusty now and see how you get on12:17
rjdt0101but how to solve broken pipe error12:17
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rjdt0101i encountered it  3-4 times12:18
rjdt0101i reinstalled ubuntu12:18
rjdt0101please suggest some solution for this problem12:18
bjorn96how do i open ~/android-sdks12:20
bjorn96in folder view12:20
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b3Nbjorn96: ~/ is your home folder12:22
b3Nbjorn96: so if you were in terminal, instead of typing cd /home/username/etc/etc/  you would type cd ~/etc/etc12:22
bjorn96i cannot see /android-sdks12:23
b3Nyou probably did not save android-sdks to your root partition12:23
b3Nwhere did you save it to?12:23
bjorn96i downloaded it to desktop12:23
b3Nok, so that is /home/username/Desktop12:23
b3Nif you want it to be in ~/android-sdk, then move it from your desktop to your home folder12:24
k1lbjorn96: if you give paths, you need to start at root-level. so its /home/username/Desktop/android-sdks   and not just /android-sdks12:24
b3Nbjorn: think of / as C:\12:24
k1lbjorn96: doe a "ls -al" to see what is in you folder12:24
bjorn96i meant that i cannot see that folder12:25
b3Nso C:\Documents and Settings\Username  =  /home/username12:25
rjdt0101command can also be used12:25
b3Nbjorn96: do you know how to open the terminal yet?12:26
bjorn96lol. ctrl alt t12:26
bjorn96i have downloaded Android SDK ADT and saved it on desktop12:27
bjorn96then i unpacked it12:27
bjorn96shoud i rename it?12:27
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ActionParsniprjdt0101: was the nomodeset option helpful?12:29
bjorn96b3N, help me, ok? :D12:29
* Koma afk (lunch)12:30
Peneim going to rape you12:30
ActionParsnipwell, that had only one outcome12:31
DJonesphilstar: Best asking /lastlog 81-33-17112:31
bjorn96no help?12:36
aki2389bjorn96: hi12:37
fish_bjorn96: what's your problem?12:37
bjorn96http://xmodulo.com/2013/03/how-to-run-android-emulator-on-ubuntu-or-debian.html is my problem12:37
aki2389and your problem is?12:38
cake_bjorn96: that doesnt sound like a problem, but like a guide/howto12:38
bjorn96maybe. :D12:38
bjorn96i have a problem with it. it doesent work12:39
aki2389at which point is it crashing?12:39
bjorn96im not able to install it12:39
fidel_bjorn96: "it doesnt work" is somehow unspecific. try to describe your problem as detailed as possible12:39
iwantoskiI just want to make sure I did this correctly. I created a partition (100% of available disk) on a second virtual drive (vdb). However, it's only one, and from the looks of it its named "vdb", NOT "vdb1" as I would have expected. Should I be worried or is this because I only have one partition?12:39
blackwcHi. I installed nginx-extras and it says that fancyindex directive isn't supported. Did I miss something?12:40
aki2389bjorn96: "For 64-bit Linux user: you must install another prerequisite called ia32-libs since Android emulator is 32-bit software. "12:40
vitimitiI got a question about that: how can I install ia32-libs in ubuntu 13.10? or at least know the libraries needed when the package is just telling me ia32-libs12:41
bjorn96aki2389, i have done all commands, but i dont get the window on the last command12:41
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ActionParsnipblackwc: does the service need restarting to apply the change?12:42
blackwcwhen i restart the service it says that the fancyindex directive isn't supported12:42
blackwcbut the nginx-extras is supposed to have that.12:42
ActionParsnipblackwc: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue12:42
Rakesh_Hi guys, I am facing some trouble with my ubuntu 12.04, from this morning it shows the message "system is running in low graphics mode", I have tried many solutions from google, but could not fix it :( Can someone help please12:42
blackwcActionParsnip: OK hold on12:42
SirLagzRakesh_: what video card ?12:42
blackwcUbuntu 12.04.4 LTS \n \l12:43
Rakesh_ATI (Gigabyte Motherboard)12:43
aki2389bjorn96: what's the error?12:43
blackwcActionParsnip: Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS \n \l is the output for that12:43
bgardnerbjorn96: See: http://askubuntu.com/questions/107230/what-happened-to-the-ia32-libs-package12:43
ActionParsnipblackwc: http://corz.org/server/tricks/htaccess.php?page=all12:44
ActionParsnipRakesh_: what video chip do you use?12:44
ActionParsnipblackwc: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/how-to-install-linux-nginx-mysql-php-lemp-stack-on-ubuntu-12-0412:44
Rakesh_Hi ActionParship, its GigaByte mother board, ATI graphics card12:45
blackwcI'm not sure exactly how this solves my issue12:45
blackwceverything I want working is working fine. I see no need to to follow this guide. I need a module that doesn't seem to be present in the package I installed12:45
blackwceven though it is supposed to be there12:45
SirLagzRakesh_: are you using ubuntu packaged drivers or drivers from ATI ?12:45
ActionParsnipblackwc: the first link shows how to add the line in htaccess, or something12:46
ActionParsnipblackwc: have you asked in the apache channel too?12:46
blackwchtaccess is required?12:46
bjorn96E: could not find the package is32-lib12:46
blackwcthat seems strange12:46
ActionParsnipRakesh_: which ATI GPU?12:46
ActionParsnipblackwc: no idea, Im simply searching the web....12:47
blackwcwell thanks for the help12:47
blackwcI'll look further into it12:47
bjorn96dont care about the last one, one letter to few. :/12:47
bjorn96missed a s12:47
bjorn96sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ok?12:47
ActionParsnipblackwc: http://uksysadmin.wordpress.com/2010/11/09/apache-fancyindexing-and-php-5-mod_autoindex/12:48
ActionParsnipblackwc: http://www.superk.org/index.php/Apache_FancyIndexing12:48
blackwcI'm using nginx12:48
blackwcnot apache12:48
blackwcsorry if I forgot to mention that12:48
blackwcit's OK. it's trivial anyway. I'll just use the standard autoindex12:49
ActionParsnipblackwc: have you tried asking in the nginx channel?12:50
blackwcno but I will.12:50
Rakesh_ActionParship: How can I find which GPU ?12:50
SirLagzRakesh_: lspci12:51
aki2389bjorn96: yeah12:53
glamberthi, using precise and I'm trying to install dbmail from source.  getting an error on ./configure of "configure: error: Could not find OPENSSL library."   ---- anyone know why? I've installed libssl1.0.0 and openssl but still not working12:54
bjorn96aki2389, i dont understand. maybe im stupid. :/12:54
Rakesh_Hi, its says Radeon 300012:55
somsipglambert: proabbly need the -dev version of the library12:56
Rakesh_Hi guys, I am having a problem from this morning.. It says "system is running in low graphics mode" Ubuntu 12.0412:57
Rakesh_SirLagz: it says Radeon 300012:58
SirLagzhave you uninstalled hte ubuntu drivers ?12:58
Rakesh_SirLagz: Yes it was all ubuntu defaults, was working till this morning, suddenly happened12:59
SirLagzRakesh_: so the drivers have been uninstalled now ?13:00
ActionParsnipRakesh_: try the boot option:  radeon.blacklist=113:01
Rakesh_No did not do so, I tried installing fglrx (from some google suggestions) and then removed them13:01
ActionParsnipRakesh_: there is a known issue with 2xxx 3xxx and 4xxxx radeon GPUs, there is a legacy ppa with a driver that may help13:01
Rakesh_So now I am in recovery mode and in root prompt (with networking enabled), what shall I try now?13:03
ActionParsnipRakesh_: https://launchpad.net/~makson96/+archive/fglrx13:03
ActionParsnipRakesh_: if you have web access then the commands will run ok13:04
glambertsomsip, thanks13:04
Rakesh_yes I have, let me try13:04
Xuisceglambert: heyo13:05
glambertXuisce, sorry?13:05
Xuisceglambert: oh just a hello13:06
Rakesh_apt-get-repository is this is a command? it says command not found13:06
jdm_how much are 1-2TB external hd's now?13:10
Rakesh_ActionParsnip: I am trying the commands now13:10
geirhajdm_: You might as well just ask "Who's fastest at searching with google?"13:15
Roryjdm_: Affordable13:15
fossjonon mars, there's a shortage of platters though13:15
fossjonso dont buy from that planet please13:15
PapaSierramorning. i have 12.04, and a while ago i wanted to install php 5.4. to achieve this i added the dotdeb apt repo. now i'm trying to simply run "sudo apt-get install gearman-job-server" but it seems like the dobdeb thing is interfering. i don't understand what's going on. http://www.hastebin.com/raw/yeyoyuxiba13:18
PapaSierrai have tried "apt-get -f install", and it does a few minutes of work, but then still the same issue when i try to install gearman-job-server13:19
DF10I only have one question: has the issue with laptop double video card been fixed on latest version of Ubuntu?13:22
Rory!details | DF1013:22
ubottuDF10: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:22
RoryDF10: Oh you mean like Nvidia Optimus?13:22
DF10yeah, I got Intel+Nvidia with Nvidia Optimus13:23
RoryI wasn't aware it was "broken", it works on my thinkpad13:23
RoryNot for switching between them on-the-fly, but both work when I choose one or the other from the BIOS13:23
DF10Ok, this is what I wanted to hear. I can't do the switch from BIOS because I have to use Windows also. So it would be nice if on Ubuntu there was too the on-the-fly witch.13:24
DF10Thanks anyway, bye!13:25
PapaSierraanyone with dotdeb experience?13:27
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:28
Rakesh_ActionParsnip: Are you there ?13:31
dslrhi, i would like to build the current kernel image from source.  i need the exact same version, because i have a pre-compiled kernel module (.ko) file with me which i need to then load into my kernel.13:32
dslri have been doing apt-get source linux-image-`(uname -r)`, but that also patches the kernel to a version that is ahead of the current version on my machine.13:32
PapaSierraRory: i asked above in the scrollback ^ and waited but go no reply, sorry for the "does anyone..."13:33
PapaSierramorning. i have 12.04, and a while ago i wanted to install php 5.4. to achieve this i added the dotdeb apt repo. now i'm trying to simply run "sudo apt-get install gearman-job-server" but it seems like the dobdeb thing is interfering. i don't understand what's going on. http://www.hastebin.com/raw/yeyoyuxiba13:33
=== basketball is now known as basketball-away
Rakesh_SirLagz: Are you there?13:33
SirLagzRakesh_: yes13:33
RoryPapaSierra: Can you please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get update"13:33
Rakesh_I tried following what andy said, but no luck :(13:33
ikoniadslr: why do you want to rebuild the kernel from source13:33
ikoniadslr: what benifit do you hope to get ?13:33
RoryPapaSierra: Np, sorry I must have missed your question higher up =)13:33
dslreg., my machine has version 3.2.0-41, but when i do apt-get, i end up getting 3.2.46-.., any way to get specific source code for 3.2.0-4113:33
dslrikonia: i have to load a kernel module that i have modified, it is tuned for an application that i want to use.13:34
Rakesh_SirLagz: Any other suggestion ?13:34
SirLagzRakesh_: what have you tried so far ?13:35
Rorydslr: Can't you just sudo apt-get source linux-image-3.2.0-41-generic13:35
SirLagzRakesh_: have you upgraded your kernel ?13:35
ikoniadslr: you don't need to rebuild the kernel to load a module13:35
dslrRory: i tried that, but it still patches the kernel to a version ahead.13:35
Rorydslr: I don't really understand why you are putting in the "uname -r" if you don't want the same version as reported by uname -r13:35
Rakesh_SirLagz: Dont know, but did not do anything intentionally this morning. If you want me to check anything, I can13:35
dslrRory: i want the same version as reported by uname -r13:35
Rorydslr: Are you sure you're cding into the right directory and building the right kernel?13:36
SirLagzRakesh_: I'd do a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -u dist-upgrade to make sure you're all up to date13:36
basketball-awayi have supybot in my channel how do i make him send messages and kick people13:36
Rakesh_I just did a apt-get update and apt-get upgrade13:36
dslrikonia: i understand that; but the kernel module that i want to load from my modified source is already built-in into the existing kernel image. which means, i cannot load it again unless i rmmod the existing one.13:37
Rorybasketball-away: Hi, you've accidentally joined #ubuntu this is the Ubuntu support channel :)13:37
dslrikonia: which i cannot, because the kernel image has it as built-in, and not as a module.13:37
dslrRory: yes, I am sure13:37
cederfjardIs anyone aware of a pdf-viewer with "session management"? Google is failing me so far.13:37
PapaSierraRory: http://pastebin.com/yjU3DadK notice the references to dotdeb13:37
Roryerr PapaSierra that says "squeeze" which is a Debian release name... are you sure your ubuntu version is supported by dotdeb?13:38
PapaSierraRory: the history is i was stuck on ubuntu 12.04, but i needed php 5.4. 12.04 packages go up to 5.3 only. i had to hack something to install php 5.4, so i added dotdeb13:39
RoryPapaSierra: OK, and now you have broken your package manager :P13:40
Rakesh_SirLagz: I am trying your command now.. .13:40
RoryPapaSierra: Remove the dotdeb repository and apt-get remove any packages you installed from it13:40
PapaSierrahow do you mean?13:40
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Rakesh_SirLagz: It says nothing to upgrade..13:40
PapaSierraRory: that will remove php though, no?13:40
ikoniait's all the dependencies13:40
ikonianot just the package13:41
RoryPapaSierra: There's a PPA for PHP. Take a look here http://askubuntu.com/questions/109404/how-do-i-install-latest-php-in-supported-ubuntu-versions-like-5-4-x-in-ubuntu-113:41
ikoniait's probably pulled in loads of stuff13:41
RoryPapaSierra: Yes, that will remove PHP13:41
RoryPapaSierra: You're probably going to need a reinstall13:41
san007from this irc you could get info regarding your problem in using ubuntu aka linux related help13:41
SirLagzRakesh_: is fglrx driver currently installed ?13:41
PapaSierraRory: so i should just kill the vm and start over?13:41
san007later tell its advantages13:41
RoryPapaSierra: You could try to fix it as a learning experience13:41
PapaSierraRory: :)13:42
san007BRB SirLagz13:42
Rakesh_SirLagz : I just followed this, https://launchpad.net/~makson96/+archive/fglrx13:42
SirLagzI would just remove fglrx altogether and see what happens13:43
Rakesh_apt-get purge fglrx* ?13:43
Simonechat Italiana?13:45
DJones!it | Simone13:45
ubottuSimone: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:45
Rakesh_SirLagz: Just removing..13:46
SirLagzRakesh_: ok13:46
Rakesh_SirLagz: Removed, any command to check anything or just reboot?13:46
Rakesh_SirLagz: Rebotting into normal mode..13:47
Rakesh_SirLagz: No, same issue, it seems the driver is changed (the system is running in low .....), that dialog, seems to have a different size13:49
starnixhello people please help me get back my laptops screen resolution, I uninstalled the nvidia drivers but still I have same 640x480 screen13:49
richardjust a test13:50
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Rakesh_SirLagz: Any login anything to check?13:50
pippijnI installed ubuntu-gnome-desktop, but was not pleased with it, so I uninstalled it and got ubuntu-desktop back13:51
pippijnnow my desktop theme is the one from gnome-desktop13:51
pippijnhow can I change it back?13:51
pippijnbefore: https://paste.xinu.at/BFhzW/13:52
pippijnafter: https://paste.xinu.at/QxE/13:52
pippijnI prefer the before style13:52
somsipSo what do I need to run in Unity to change the default repo source toi something closer to home?13:52
Rakesh_SirLagz: Are you there?13:53
SirLagzRakesh_: sorry yes I'm here13:54
SirLagzRakesh_: not sure then. That's what I did to fix my issue13:54
Rakesh_SirLagz: Hmm, I see13:54
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somsipsomsip: answering self - Update Manager | Settings13:59
=== basketball-away is now known as basketball
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=== harris is now known as basketball-away
james-ubchey is there any way to add magnet links to deluge without triggering the prompt?14:03
survietaminehello, on a 12.04 server, I'd like to change dns /etc/resolv.conf, it's managed by resolvconf package. Is editing /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/original the "right" way ?14:06
llutzsurvietamine: edit head or base, not original which is only a backup14:07
survietamineI don't have network manager nor unbound/dnsmasq on this server14:07
survietaminellutz: ah ok, thank you14:07
llutzsurvietamine: run "sudo resolvconf -u" after finishing your changes14:07
survietaminellutz: but theses files has warning inside too "#     DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN"14:08
llutzsurvietamine: thats the warning being copied into /etc/resolv.conf, don't worry14:08
survietaminellutz: ah ok, confused :/14:08
survietaminellutz: hmmm, so I wrote new nameserver line in "base" file, and run resolvconf -u, now my resolv.conf file contains old dns first and new just after. I'd like to *replace* old entries14:11
llutzsurvietamine: does "head" contain your old dns?14:12
survietaminellutz: no, it's just in "original" file14:13
llutzsurvietamine: you get your dns via dhcp?14:13
survietaminellutz: I guess this file is from "setup" time14:13
survietaminellutz: no, it's static config on my servers14:13
llutzsurvietamine: grep dns-nameservers /etc/network/interfaces            any output?14:14
somsip!info git-el precise14:14
ubottugit-el (source: git): fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (emacs support). In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (precise), package size 27 kB, installed size 600 kB14:14
survietaminellutz: yes, old entries are there but with the comment "# dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed"14:15
survietaminellutz: on old debian releases I used to write directly in interfaces file but now, I don't know what to do on new ubuntu releases14:15
survietaminellutz: so I have to remove it from interfaces file ?14:16
llutzsurvietamine: rename the "original" file into original-bak and run resolvconf -u again. any changes?14:16
llutzsurvietamine: if interfaces lines start with "#" those are only comments and shouldn't affect the resolv.conf-file14:16
survietaminellutz: no still have old entries with new ones14:17
llutzsurvietamine: and "head" doesn't contain the old dns too?14:18
survietaminellutz: no, just the warning :/14:18
survietaminellutz: I'm reading this page, http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ the author says same as you "original is just a backup"14:19
Austin___gunna have another crack at this14:19
Austin___im SSHing into a remote server and then connecting that server to a VPN14:19
Austin___when i do so, the SSH connection is broken14:20
llutzsurvietamine: that's odd. as a workaround you could add "nameserver x.x.x.x " to "head"  which should place it on 1st row but resolv.conf still would contain your old dns, wherever it comes from14:20
Austin___is there an easy way to see what the new IP is so i can just reconnect on the new IP14:20
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survietaminellutz: is that "dangerous" if I manually remove old entries from interfaces file ?14:21
llutzsurvietamine: not really, to be on the safe side, make a backup of the file before14:21
llutzAustin___: "ip a s" or "ip r s" should show you14:22
survietaminellutz: I've seen that etckeeper package exists, I've never used it before, do you think it's a good idea ?14:22
llutzsurvietamine: if you know how to use git, yes14:22
Austin___llutz: thing is, i dont have SSH access after i connect the remote server to the VPN, so i can't run that command14:23
survietaminellutz: yes, but it seems based on bazaar, I've never used it, but I guess it similar14:23
survietaminellutz: by putting new nameserver lines in both head and base files, I have now twice these entries in resolv.conf :)14:23
llutzsurvietamine: sure, add it only to one of those files14:24
llutzsurvietamine: iirc etckeeper can be configured to use git, not bzr14:24
survietaminellutz: I've seen -a and -d options to resolvconf, maybe I can use it to update my interfaces file ? I don't get what is IFACE.PROG14:27
llutzsurvietamine: iface like "eth0" from interfaces-file14:29
Austin___hi all, excuse me if im asking in a unrelated channel. I've got a remote server that i administer over ssh and want to connect it to a VPN and then restore the SSH connection, but when i make the VPN connection, my SSH connection times out and i've got no idea what the new IP is. is there an easy way of getting that new IP address to me so i can just SSH to the new address?14:29
daniell`my xubuntu 12.04 machine has frozen a few times today, what should I do to get more info to diagnose the problem?14:30
usr13daniell`: Complete freeze?  (No response from mouse or keyboard?)14:31
survietaminellutz: yeah, iface I knows that but why IFACE.PROG ?14:31
daniell`usr13: no response from keyboard, sometimes no response from mouse14:32
llutzsurvietamine: idk, i thought it's the same think, just different naming in resolvconf. if you change the "iface eth0...." part in your interfaces file and add dns-nameservers .... , you run "sudo resolvconf -a eth0" after that14:33
usr13daniell`: Most of the time, it is an issue with RAM.  Frist thing I'd do is shut down and boot to memtest and run it for 6 or 8 hours and see if you get any errors.  You could also just re-seat the memory sticks, see if that helps.14:33
daniell`usr13: last time i left it frozen for a while and even the graphical shell was dead14:33
usr13Well, that's a different story, if the keyboard quits and mouse still works or if mouse quits and keyboard still works, it could be something else, (other than RAM).14:33
daniell`usr13: allright, I'll try that. But it seems kinda weird it would suddenly start doing this. The PC is brand new and has worked perfectly for a few months now14:33
usr13daniell`: Is it the mouse usually?14:34
daniell`usr13: 2/3 times the mouse didn't respond (not sure though, helping someone else)14:35
usr13daniell`: PS2  or   USB?14:35
daniell`usr13: keyboard usb, mouse ps2. I just foudn a segfault in kern.log14:36
usr13daniell`: Has he tried unplugging and plugging in again?14:37
usr13daniell`: Ok... you may be on the right track....14:38
nautilus_Mitn räidn kemment de Leit zomme !14:38
DJones!at | nautilus_ (Hope this is the right language factoid),14:40
ubottunautilus_ (Hope this is the right language factoid),: Das österreichische Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-at, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie auch in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.14:40
daniell`usr13: the culprit is libdbus-1.so.3.5.814:40
daniell`usr13: I guess I can't just delete the pakage as tons of stuff depends on it; how would I go about fixing it?14:41
usr13daniell`: You might try dpkg-reconfigure14:45
PCLinuxHi everybody14:46
usr13daniell`: Are you even sure the culprit is libdbus-1.so.3.5.8?14:47
smokealot420hey yall14:48
usr13daniell`: sudo dpkg-reconfigure libdbus-1-3  ?14:49
PigFlui just installed ubuntu 12.04 and i cant say i recognize the layout. it suddenly looks like OS X, except the toolbar is vertical14:49
PigFluhow can i change this?14:49
Pici!notunity | PigFlu14:49
ubottuPigFlu: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.14:49
usr13Pici: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop14:49
daniell`I'm sure that there is a segfault with dbus in kern.log, which is the last entry of that boot cycle. Next entries start a few minutes later14:49
PiciPigFlu: or just install your DE-du-jour and pick it in the sessions menu in light-dm14:49
PigFluyea i have no idea what you're talking about :(14:50
daniell`usr13: but maybe it's not the causo of the crashes, the computer owner did not write down the exact times of the crashes14:50
PigFlui dont use linux/ubuntu THAT much, just for programming occasionally14:50
daniell`usr13: I did the dpkg-reconfigure thing but it didn't give any output14:50
cfhowlettPigFlu, you can sample any/all of the DE (look and feel)., e.g. sudo apt-get install lxde xfce4 kde      and so forth14:50
PigFluhmmm will try14:51
PigFluare those "themes" i install, and then apply in settings, or?14:51
cfhowlettPigFlu, install, logout, choose your DE, login14:52
peerduheya. how come i can't write to a HFS+ (journaled) disk?14:52
PigFluthat seems odd. what is a DE?14:53
somsippeerdu: OSX encrypted by any chance?14:53
cfhowlettPigFlu, desktop environment.  look and feel14:53
peerdunah, no filevault active14:53
somsippeerdu: k - no idea then. A recent enquiry from someone wanting to mount HFS encrypted was a non-started, so thought I'd ask14:53
usr13peerdu: http://askubuntu.com/questions/332315/how-to-read-and-write-hfs-journaled-external-hdd-in-ubuntu-without-access-to-os14:54
peerduits really odd. i need to read out a hfs+ partition and copy it to another hfs+ which is not possible due to "read-only file system"14:54
=== rickyb98 is now known as RickyB98
hans_henrikbug with both 12.04.2 installer and 13.10 installer (and i guess everything in between), when you have a cdrom read speed of ~40Kbps, the setup will freeze after pressing "install" ; upping to ~1Gbps , it doesn't freeze. the exact MB it tries to read from 12.04 is also consistent, but i dont recall the exact number (either 1.6MB or 2.6MB)14:54
peerduthanks usr1314:54
hans_henrikok i think it was, it reads 2.6MB and freeze14:55
hans_henrik(or "install ubuntu on this machine" or whatever it was called)14:56
usr13hans_henrik: USB14:57
glicerio_any one alive?15:00
=== MarkoPerkovic is now known as Jah
peerdumy live ubuntu is happening to freeze a lot when trying to mount a certain hdd. is there a way to stop a current process when its already frozen up?15:07
elichai2ppa is just a nice tool to add repos?15:08
PCLinuxI have a PC loaded with Windows XP and I used the Ubuntu 12.04LTS windows installer to run ubuntu side-by-side with windows. I want to add another hard drive to my system so that linux will have its own drive. My question is...Can I use the windows installer to install ubuntu onto the other drive so that at the PC post screen it will ask me which drive to boot?15:10
tomshredsHey folks, I have php5-fpm 5.4.6 installed on Ubuntu 12.04. I'm trying to upgrade it to 5.5.x but I can't. Is there any specific way to do so? The package has no update is it because I'm still on 12.04?15:12
cfhowlettPCLinux, the windows installer, aka wubi is for TESTING ubuntu, not for long term installation.  moreover, it is no longer a supported project.  for testing, consider virtualbox.  otherwise, look into a proper dual boot configuration.  why?  the weaknesses of the NTFS filesystem can easily break your ubuntu.  Once broken, almost impossible to fix whereas in dual boot or virtualbox ...15:13
nooblerI'm trying to make my computer dual boot.. and even though both installations have gone successful, only my windows install is booting15:14
cfhowlett!details|noobler, more details needed:15:14
ubottunoobler, more details needed:: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:14
nooblermy ubuntu install, however, doesn't and the computer is not giving me an option to boot into it. I've treid manually opening the boot sleection list and it only shows windows 715:15
nooblerI installed windows 7 along with ubuntu 13.1015:15
cfhowlettwin7 first, ubuntu next?15:15
noobleryes cfhowlett15:16
nooblerI partitioned a clean hard drive into 3 partitions. i  made a 50 gb partition for windows, 30gb partition for ubuntu, and the rest as shared storage.15:16
usr13noobler: Install win7 in virtualbox15:16
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usr13!virtualbox | noobler15:16
ubottunoobler: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox15:16
nooblerthe 50gb partition and 30 gb partition were both left unformatted so that the installers would format them themselves to make the reserved space and swap space for the corresponding OS15:17
PCLinuxWell that explains why my linux installation has errors.15:17
FourFirewhich channel should I inquire about VNC ?15:17
nooblerI don't want to use the virtualbox because i need both full operating systems.15:17
geniuosjpedroza2k use cairo dock15:18
cfhowlettPCLinux, wubi ubuntu's tend to slowly accumulate windows induced errors until it just - breaks.15:18
noobleralso, when instlling ubuntu's bootloader, it asks where to install it and i selected the harddrive rather than any particular partition. any suggestions/15:18
peerduone more: how can i mount a disk to a folder using a specific uid ?15:19
FourFireyeah I don't reccomend WUBI15:19
Valduareim having a hell of a time with ubuntu on my macbook pro 7.1 hardware - the stock graphics driver crashes after few seconds, and the proprietary drivers boot to black screen15:19
FourFireinstall real Ubuntu15:19
AstyanxCan someone provide me a guide / help with connecting to a VPN?  I'm running 13.10 server.  Everything I've found either points to using the desktop version, or that you know a fair bit about what you're doing... :D15:19
FourFirealright, can someone help me setup a VNC server/client for the first time?15:20
FourFireI have two different softwares at both ends (cross platform)15:20
llutzpeerdu: use chown for unix-fs or uid=xxx mount-option on non-unix-fs15:20
cfhowlettnoobler, a full ubuntu takes perhaps 10 gigs.  give it 15 to be safe; /15 /swap /home of as much as you want15:20
FourFireUbuntu 12.04 - Android 4.415:20
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX15:20
nooblercfhowlett i gaveit 30 gbs15:20
elichai2ppa is just a nice tool to add repos?15:20
llutz!ppa | elichai2 no, ppas are repos15:21
ubottuelichai2 no, ppas are repos: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:21
PCLinuxSo, Can cfhowlett help me get an installer for my second drive and maybe even tell me where to information on making my PC ask which drive to load??15:21
peerdullutz: thanks, what syntax is preferred to find out hfs+ uid ?15:21
cfhowlettnoobler, your box but that is WAY excessive.  I've got combined ubuntustudio + the dell sputnic packages and haven't broken 10 gigs yet15:21
nooblercfhowlett with the swap being in the shared partition of 350+ gb. by shared i mean both operating systems haave access to it and i only use it for documents, pictures, usic etc..15:21
FourFireI'm on a secure local network, so I don't need to SSH15:21
elichai2llutz, so what the diffrence between ppa and sources.list15:21
FourFirethat guide just completely casts aside VNC, wth?15:22
cfhowlettPCLinux, I've not done the multiple hdd configuration - not the best person to ask.15:22
cfhowlettnoobler, you mean windows and ubuntu share?15:22
llutzelichai2: sources.list (files) are just files containing repos to be used with apt15:22
hans_henrikVNC is a horrible protocol for remote desktop*****15:22
PCLinuxOk...Can you recommend someone?15:22
cfhowlettPCLinux, sorry, I don't know everyone's setup?  :)15:23
nooblercfhowlett yes, but they're only sharing those kinds of documents. they're not sharing that space for anything else. i mean they both have access to it. That storage space is NTFS formatted and in no way attached to the operating syste,s. it's a seperate partition.15:23
llutzpeerdu: i have no idea about hfs+, but maybe this helps http://askubuntu.com/questions/100167/how-to-mount-hfs-drive-and-ignore-permissions15:23
compdocFourFire, which version of Ubuntu are you using? VNC is broken in the newest versions15:23
cfhowlettnoobler, not the way I'd go, but - doable I guess.15:23
PCLinuxit is ok, thanks15:23
FourFire12.04 LTS15:23
compdocoh, ok - thats good15:24
elichai2llutz, and this different from ppa how?15:24
FourFireI want to see my screen on android 4.415:24
FourFirehow do I set it up?15:24
llutzelichai2: scroll up and read what ubottu told you15:24
compdocFourFire, you might look into xrpd - very easy to install15:24
FourFireI have X11VNC server and something called remina15:25
elichai2llutz, that ppa's are from launchpad repo?15:25
FourFireon android I have "androidVNC"15:25
nooblercfhowlett i used this guide here after i tried it myself and failed the same way. http://lifehacker.com/5403100/dual+boot-windows-7-and-ubuntu-in-perfect-harmony15:25
nooblercfhowlett, just so you have an idea of what i did exactly. I did not have windows installedon this hard drive at all15:26
cfhowlettnoobler, reading now15:26
nooblercfhowlett ty so much15:26
cfhowlettnoobler, during install, did ubuntu see your win7?15:26
nooblerno, it never mentioned anything about it15:27
cfhowlettnoobler, ?  have you booted win7 since installation?15:27
noobleryes i'm currently on it15:27
noobleron a different pc15:27
cfhowlettnoobler, has your win7/ubuntu computer booted both OS's since you installed them?15:28
nooblerno, it will not display ubuntu in the bootuplist. it only displays windows 7 and i have to access the menu manually. The pc will not automatically recognize that I should have an option15:29
FourFirecompdoc, if you can help, I'd be grateful15:29
cfhowlettnoobler, in order: 1.  ubuntu installed successfully, but grub did not.  reinstall grub15:29
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:29
cfhowlettnoobler, 2.  ubuntu did NOT install.  reinstall ubuntu.15:30
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flouriccompdoc, so vnc15:31
nooblercfhowlett i can't boot into ubuntu though, so should i open up ubuntu with the live cd?15:32
flouriccompdoc my screen is borked and barely working sometimes so I want to view desktop on this android device15:33
cfhowlettnoobler, and seriously consider your need for a shared data partition for win7/ubuntu.  After much experimentation, I realized that the only files I regularly wanted in both OS were my music library and certain documents.  I mount the windows partition and ONLY use the music.  documents are in virtualbox installed in both OS.15:33
cfhowlettnoobler, did you try to reinstall grub?15:33
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nooblercfhowlett i'mtrying it now. and the files that are in the shared partition are simply things like music and  programs that I have ashomework that have to bounce between both os's15:34
cfhowlettnoobler, yeah, well.  problem is that ntfs is a less stable system than ext4 and it's quite easy to accidentally muck things up as your bounce between OS's.  YMMV15:35
cfhowlettkeeping your homework in a dropbox would fix that, would it not?15:36
jostcan someone recommend a low level XMPP client? It should be possible to send my own stanzas15:36
nooblercfhowlett well, neither os is dependent or involved at all on the drive. so i'll just simply transfer them over on a usb.15:36
cfhowlettnoobler, OK.  so - grub?15:37
=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne
nooblercfhowlett ook so i typed in "sudo grub-install /dev/sda" which is the correct drive and it gave me the error "Path '/boot/grub' is not readable by GRUB on boot. Installation is impossible. Aborting"15:39
nooblerholwing down left shift on startup does nothing cfhowlett15:42
cfhowlettnoobler, restart and tap the shift key after Power On Self Test15:43
nooblercfhowlett i just did and continues right  on with windows 7 startup15:43
cfhowlettnoobler, so you can't even enter your bios?  is this a new computer?15:44
nooblercfhowlett i can enter, using f2 though.15:44
cfhowlettnoobler, OK - set your computer to boot the USB or CD rom15:45
Guest57373noobler: good you can enter bios15:45
Guest57373noobler: what is the issue you are having15:45
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nooblercfhowlett already did.15:46
nooblerGuest57373 i'm trying to dualboot ubuntu and windows 7 using this guide http://lifehacker.com/5403100/dual+boot-windows-7-and-ubuntu-in-perfect-harmony but  windows 7 is booting fine and ubuntu is not even in the boot up option list. if i access the list manually, ubuntu is not on the list even after successful install. i tried reinstalling grub but the computer tells me the 'path 'boot/grub' is not readble by grub on boot15:47
OerHeksnoobler sounds like you have a GPT partitioning15:48
noobleroerheks: gpt ? not sure what that is15:49
whoevernoobler: so where are you stuck, what is going on15:49
x3_iVaNnoobler: yo may use EFI for booting Win15:49
noobleri'm stuck on getting ubuntu to boot. it has successfully installed according to the installation prompt but wil not display once i boot the computer.15:50
dalithi im finding difficulty in using android sdk manager in ubuntu12.0415:50
x3_iVaNnoobler: look at your BIOS config to change EFI to normal boot15:50
nooblerit automatically boots into windows 715:50
whoevernoobler: what order did you install windows and ubuntu15:50
nooblerx3_iVaN  ok give me 1 sec15:50
nooblerwhoever i installed windows first then ubuntu15:50
nooblerthey are both on seperate partitions15:51
whoevernoobler: edit your grub list15:51
whoeverand and it15:51
usr13noobler: When you look for instructions on stuff to do with modern computer systems, make sure it is current.  When you follow 2 or 3 year old guides, there are sometimes stuff that doesn't exactly fit right.  And when using ubuntu, try and stick with the ubuntu forms.15:51
whoeversounds like the ubuntu entry some how isn't adde15:51
dalitcan somebody please guide me, here's a shot http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_from_2014-02-19_21_17_48-lmHJX2TD.png15:52
nooblerusr13 i notice that and looked for others. they were allsimilar but i chose this one because it made more sense to me15:52
x3_iVaNI guess if he use GPT partitions, installation can't write to MBR15:52
usr13noobler: For instance:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot15:52
whoevernoobler: this is a fairly straight forward process, you can eiter edit the grublist, hit e, and enter the correct path to see that ubuntu boots, or just wipe the drive and start over15:53
usr13noobler: ... Just giving some friendly advise.  (And sometimes the simplier stuff is just that simple.)15:53
dalithi im finding difficulty in using android sdk manager in ubuntu12.04, can somebody please guide me, here's a shot http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_from_2014-02-19_21_17_48-lmHJX2TD.png15:54
whoeverdalit: are you codeing with it15:54
dalitno im not15:54
nooblerno usr13 thank you very much . although it is very similar to the other guide, this onepoints out a problem that cfhowlett asked about. the ubuntu installation never  recognized or detected that windows 7 was installed on a different partition while this one guide says it will15:54
daliti just want to run android app on my ubuntu pc15:55
whoeverdalit: what are you using the sdk manager for then15:55
usr13noobler: If you have Ubuntu installed, what you need to do is to boot the system, (from aboot disk), and repair the grub boot loader.15:55
daliti just want to run android app on my ubuntu pc using it15:55
nooblerusr13 whoever how do i re[air the grub boot list if you have time15:56
cfhowlettdalit, run android on ubuntu?  what?15:56
usr13noobler: See:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub   &    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:56
dalitwhoever : i just want to run android apps like WhatsApp on my ubuntu pc using it15:57
OerHeksdalit so you have an glib.so error, but i have no experience with android15:57
ubottudalit,: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:57
usr13noobler: What version of Ubuntu do you have installed?15:58
black_angelhey,guys, i installed ubuntu 12.04 into Thinkpad E430, and now, the problem is, it can't use the nvidia driver.15:59
nooblerusr13 i have 13.10 64 bit15:59
daliti dont know if its an error of sort,but it gives a blank screen like this http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_from_2014-02-19_21_29_05-m3K41Acx.png15:59
dalitOerHeks , cfhowlett , whoever16:00
whoeverdalit: are you using this http://askubuntu.com/questions/290845/how-to-run-an-android-emulator-in-ubuntu-13-0416:00
nooblerusr13 i'm going to try the grub2 restore right now, give me 2 minutes16:00
whoeverdalit: you can't do it nativly16:00
usr13noobler: Did you install from CD or USB media?16:00
black_angelit just always use the default 'i915' driver, though the driver 'nvidia' is loaded.16:01
usr13noobler: Ok.  let us know...16:01
nijo_Hi all When will official ubuntu touch image for nexus 5 comes out???16:01
black_angelwho can help me?16:01
usr13!phone | nijo_16:01
ubottunijo_: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch16:01
nooblerusr13 from usb16:01
nijo_but nexus5 not listed in it??16:01
somsipnijo_: discussion in #ubuntu-touch ...16:02
cfhowlettnijo_, not listed, not officially supported.16:02
nijo_will official images for nexus5 come soon??16:02
TheteThere any other good display managers i can slap onto Ubuntu other than Unity or KDE?16:02
dalitwhoever , actually i referred this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174280316:02
somsipnijo_: not here, eh?16:02
cfhowlettnijo_, do you even read?  go to the !touch page16:02
nijo_ok sorry16:02
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch16:02
cfhowlettThete, yes.16:03
gordonjcphow annoying, python-moinmoin has a broken package16:03
Thetecfhowlett: What seems to be the most popular at the moment?16:03
llutzThete: neither unity nor kde are display managers16:03
black_angeland i can see that the NVIDIA UNIX x86 kernel module 331.38 has been loaded. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6960551/16:03
Thetellutz: Desktop environments16:03
cfhowlettThete,  software center > desktop environments > look at the ratings16:03
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:04
Thetecfhowlett: hmm, that would mean I have to actually have it installed at the moment to do that16:04
gordonjcpwhy does python-moinmoin insist on installing apache?16:04
usr13noobler: Reboot your computer and set it to boot from USB, boot into a live session. Install and run Boot-Repair... etc.  (from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub )16:04
TheteI'm just looking for something that'll work ok with Eclipse since the menu's are broken in Unity16:04
gordonjcpthat's a really bad decision16:04
cfhowlettThete, lxde, xfce4 and kde are all part of official ubuntu flavors16:05
nooblerusr13 it worked!!! kinda. now itbooteddirectly into my ubuntu distro and didn't ask for windows16:05
somsipThete: have you looked into the command "wmname LG3D" when Java apps don't play nicely?16:05
Thetecfhowlett: I'll check those out, thank you16:05
cfhowlettnoobler, one step at a time.16:06
OerHeksgordonjcp, nginx is possible > http://moinmo.in/HowTo/UbuntuQuick#Nginx_Installation16:06
llutzgordonjcp: apt-get --no-install-recommends   install <package>              will it still pull apache?16:06
TheteIf I do export UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 before launching eclipse it works16:07
nooblercfhowlett okay, so booting into linux? check! now just need the grub list to show up16:07
somsipThete: ok - so you have a workaround already16:07
TheteYes, but it's not exactly a fix16:07
gordonjcpOerHeks: it works just great under nginx16:07
gordonjcpllutz: yes16:07
gordonjcpOerHeks: well16:08
gordonjcpOerHeks: it used to, until Ubuntu installed apache16:08
whoeverdalit: even if that does work it will be extreemly slow, that method is used when testing android apps16:08
whitehathi group. have a GB 970A-D3 mobo, with all 6 SATA ports populated. installed SiI 3124 4port sata card.  have nothing plugged into sata card because when I do those disks apparently get mapped first and I loose mapping for onboard sata ports regardless of where I put drives in fstab or the method used to specify drives (i.e. UUID or /dev). been looking through bios and on SiI card for options to change but I'm puzzled.  running Ubuntu 13.10 with al16:10
somsipdalit: I believe the x86 emulator is better if you really want to do that sort of thing http://www.android-x86.org/ (but a bit OT for here)16:10
usr13noobler: Do you have Win7 on the same HD?  (Or is it installed on a separate Hard Drive?)16:10
dalitsomsip , surely i will try16:11
nooblerusr13 same hd16:11
somsip!info fabric precise16:11
ubottufabric (source: fabric): Simple Pythonic remote deployment tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.2-5 (precise), package size 264 kB, installed size 1282 kB16:11
elichai2any one here uses weechat?16:12
xeonhello everyone16:12
somsip!anyone | elichai216:12
ubottuelichai2: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:12
elichai2does weechat have a servers list?16:13
Xuisce1hi all16:13
Xuisce1Tai: hello16:14
Astyanxhow can i see a debug of why my VPN client isn't connecting?  is there a line I add to /etc/ppp/peers/ ???16:15
usr13noobler: pastebinit /boot/grub/grub.cfg  #Show us resulting URL.16:16
somsip!alis | elichai216:16
ubottuelichai2: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*16:16
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noobleri cant use pastebin. china has itblocked16:18
usr13noobler: See my PM16:19
nooblerany other suggestions for pasting info usr13?16:19
syntacnoobler, can you see http://sprunge.us/ ?16:30
jpedroza2kGood morning. I have a laptop with an intel 4000 series graphics that has a dock to connect a total of three displays (1080p). All three are connected, but I get the following error when I try and activate all three: GDBus.Error:org.gtk.GDBus.UnmappedGError.Quark._gnome_2drr_2derror_2dquark.Code2:could not set the configuration for CRTC 6316:31
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jpedroza2kI have 2 of the exact same laptop that are working fine with three displays, it is just this one that is having issues.16:35
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Toadstool2does anyone know how to remove the annoying messages panel at the bottom of gnome?16:50
Toadstool2it interferes with my dock16:50
ActionParsnipToadstool2: can you give a screenshot of the issue, or find one online16:51
RoryToadstool2: This extension may help you https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/393/distraction-free/16:51
Toadstool2distraction free dosent work16:51
ActionParsnipToadstool2: you can use imageshack (or similar) to make a URL of the image16:51
Toadstool2lets see16:51
Toadstool2i'll get a screenshot for you16:51
RoryToadstool2: Or you can do this:16:52
jpedroza2k I have a laptop with an intel 4000 series graphics that has a dock to connect a total of three displays (1080p). All three are connected, but I get the following error when I try and activate all three: GDBus.Error:org.gtk.GDBus.UnmappedGError.Quark._gnome_2drr_2derror_2dquark.Code2:could not set the configuration for CRTC 6316:52
Roryedit the file /usr/share/gnome-shell/js/ui/messageTray.js as root, and look for the parameter TRAY_DWELL_TIME (around the line 45).16:52
RoryToadstool2: Change its value to something like 400016:52
john_doe_jrhow do I take the contents of my usb drive and convert those contents to a ios file?16:54
ihrehi, I'd like to split 1 logfile in 2, both containing 50% of the data. I could use vim, 50% dG, :vnew and paste it but that takes ages with a file of 1GB. Is there an easier way for this?16:54
ActionParsnipjohn_doe_jr: so an ISO of the entire USB stick?16:55
Toadstool2there's the screenshot16:55
Toadstool2look at the very bottom16:55
john_doe_jrActionParsnip: yes16:55
Toadstool2where it says "no messages"16:55
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Toadstool2its the most frustrating panel ever16:55
Toadstool2it comes up every time i want to access my dock16:56
ActionParsnipjohn_doe_jr: if you run:  sudo fdisk -l    what is the device name of the usb? eg,   /dev/sdb16:56
Xuisce1hi all16:57
ActionParsnipToadstool2: i can't see 'no message' at the bottom of your screenshot...16:57
ActionParsnipToadstool2: ok, its RIGHT at the bottom16:57
john_doe_jrActionParsnip: it's on /dev/disk116:57
RoryToadstool2: Shame that extension didn't work for you; it seems it does work for a lot of people :( Other than that, and the config file tweak I gave you, I don't know what else to suggestr16:58
ActionParsnipjohn_doe_jr: sudo dd if=/dev/disk1 of=~/USB.iso      will do it16:58
Toadstool2i'll try editing the config file to see what it does16:58
ActionParsnipToadstool2: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue16:58
Toadstool2thanks rory16:58
RoryToadstool2: So if you've tried both those and still no luck, perhaps try making a forum post or on ask ubuntu16:58
mehworkis there a way, from the command line only, to see my power settings such as my laptop's sleep settings?16:58
Toadstool2rory did the extension work for you?16:58
john_doe_jrActionParsnip: it's that easy…wow16:58
nooblerwoohoo usr13 fixed my problemmmmmm16:58
RoryToadstool2: I don't use Gnome-shell ;)16:59
ActionParsnipjohn_doe_jr: yeah, super easy. it'll go til the partition with home on fills, or /dev/disk1's end is reached, whichever happens first16:59
Toadstool2action ubuntu 13.10 \n \l16:59
Toadstool2rory what do you use?16:59
john_doe_jrActionParsnip: how long will it take though…it's about a 4 GB file ?16:59
ActionParsnipjohn_doe_jr: it'll be a while, let it bake17:00
ActionParsnipToadstool2: is it gnome shell?17:00
Toadstool2action: yes17:00
john_doe_jrActionParsnip: is there a 'verbose' option so I can see what it's doing17:00
ActionParsnipjohn_doe_jr: there are some extra bits you can add for prettness but it is doing it17:01
RoryToadstool2: Mate on everything I have a choice about. Unity on my 12.04 development environment so it's as "vanilla" as possible.17:02
john_doe_jrActionParsnip: I don't see any verbose options in man pages of dd17:02
Roryjohn_doe_jr: There's no progress bar for dd, sadly, it's actually quite a long-lamented ommission17:02
ActionParsnipjohn_doe_jr: yeah its a bit more 'bashy'17:02
Vivekanandahi there everyone17:03
Roryjohn_doe_jr: It's because you could be dding from, say, an infinitely long file, and then what would the progress bar look like? :)17:03
ActionParsnipToadstool2: seems to relate to the bottom launcher, have you asked in #gnome17:03
john_doe_jrRory: well, it made a 4 GB file but looks like it's still running17:03
Roryjohn_doe_jr: Wait for it to finish and drop you back to a shell17:03
Roryjohn_doe_jr: Then, to be safe, run the "sync" command before pulling the drive17:03
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Toadstool2edited the config file17:03
john_doe_jrRory: alright…waiting…17:03
Toadstool2about to reboot17:03
Toadstool2i'll be back to let you know rory17:03
RoryToadstool2: Logging off will suffice17:03
ANONYGAMERwhere do you come from ?17:08
Toadstool2okay so i changed TRAY_DWELL_TIME to 900017:08
Toadstool2and it still shows up immediately17:08
nooblerthis isn't a social chat, you come in here to ask for help.17:08
Toadstool2i swear this interface was designed by a room full of monkeys17:08
ActionParsnipToadstool2: did you restart the shell (or log off and on)17:08
ANONYGAMERho ok17:08
Toadstool2i rebooted17:08
Xuisce1hi andrewjs1817:09
Xuisce1ANONYGAMER: hi17:09
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Guest94530what is your linux ROM ?17:10
Toadstool2so i tried editing the config file17:11
Toadstool2i tried distraction-free17:11
Toadstool2rebooted both times17:11
Toadstool2this little bastard panel is like a cockroach17:11
Toadstool2it just wont die17:11
ANONYGAMERhi what is your linux ROM ?17:12
Toadstool2anyone else got any other suggestions?17:12
xanguaANONYGAMER: please stop17:12
Toadstool2im using ubuntu-gnome17:12
xanguaToadstool2: what panel¿17:12
Toadstool2the "messages" panel17:12
Toadstool2at the very bottom17:13
Toadstool2its an osx like panel17:13
Toadstool2so stupid17:13
tdannecyToadstool2: That might be "Plank" or "Docky"17:13
nooblerdid you install the panel as an add-on? or did it come with gnome?17:13
Toadstool2its not docky17:13
Toadstool2i'll post the screenshot again so you can see xangua17:14
libertai have a problem on skype17:14
FiremanEdToadstool: This looks a little old but may have some info. http://askubuntu.com/questions/97046/is-there-a-way-to-hide-the-messaging-tray-in-gnome-shell17:14
libertacan you help me?17:14
libertamy camera is back17:14
libertabut it is normal on cheese17:15
Toadstool2its the panel on the very bottom17:15
Toadstool2the one that says "no messages"17:15
tdannecyToadstool2: I can definitely tell you that's Docky or Plank.17:15
Toadstool2below the dock17:15
Toadstool2not the dock itself but just below it17:15
nooblertoadstool2 read what firemaned posted, looks helpful17:16
tdannecyToadstool2: Your image isn't loading on pastboard. Gimme a sec! I'll check it.17:16
Toadstool2wow that's a lot of steps17:16
Toadstool2okay lets try this17:16
Toadstool2i'll do anything to get rid of that demon panel17:17
libertaToadstool2 your theme is cool17:17
Toadstool2thank you liberta17:17
Belial`Toadstool2, looks like cairo dock to me17:18
nooblerliberta, my friends computer did that once on windows but she had installed an editor that would edit the video real-time. it was funny17:19
noobleri don't know what the cause of your problem is though liberta.17:19
tdannecyToadstool2: Have you looked in your Startup Applications? It might be listed in there.17:19
nooblerliberta: have you tried messing with the setting? if yes, then did you by chance install any sort of video editor? if not, then you might want to check the camera's setting or updating the driver for it17:20
kapadhas anyone here had success with caching a hdd to ssd17:20
kapadusing flashcache or bcache17:20
raptor101hi guys17:20
nooblerkapad, desktop or laptop?17:21
nooblerkapad, the reason i ask is because if it's a desktop, does your motherboard support caching? some of the newer motherboards have a SATA connection that is specific for caching and requires drivers17:22
raptor101i have a problem i need help with17:22
Rory!ask | raptor10117:22
ubotturaptor101: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:22
raptor101i installed ubuntu 13.10 and at 1280x720 on my LCD monitor , the screen is off the edges17:23
Roryraptor101: Is your screen resolution in Ubuntu set to the native resolution of the monitor?17:24
ice9is there any other window system than X?17:24
nooblerraptor101, can you pastebin your /boot/config.txt file?17:24
kapad@noobler Motherboard has some sort of cache. Laptop was bought with Win and had Intel RST working.17:24
ubottuWayland is a display server protocol that is intended to replace X. More information can be found at http://wayland.freedesktop.org/ . Ubuntu is instead focusing on development of !Mir; see its factoid for more information.17:24
Roryice9: ^17:24
raptor101yes 1280x720 is the native resolution of my monitor17:24
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:25
kapadNever knew about this bot. Its sweet.17:25
nooblerraptor101 can you pastebin your /boot/config.txt file?17:25
tdannecy!etiquette | kapad17:26
ubottukapad: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...17:26
Rory!ubottu | kapad17:26
ubottukapad: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:26
raptor101there are many config files here , which one to pastebin ??17:28
nooblerraptor101 it should be called config.txt17:28
nooblerraptor101 open your terminal and type "nano /boot/config"17:29
nooblerthen just copy and paste to pastebin17:29
Armahey does anybody know how to take a screenshot when using the live cd?17:30
libertanoobler, thank you for reply. problem occurred when just i am using skype17:30
Toadstool2i tried firemans suggestion17:30
Toadstool2that didnt work either17:30
raptor101its empty17:30
Toadstool2i think17:30
Toadstool2im going to hire an exorcist17:30
raptor101no such file as config17:31
Toadstool2or switch to fluxbox17:31
Toadstool2is fluxbox still a thing?17:31
libertaotherwise everything is normal17:31
nooblerraptor101 sorry! i meant nano /boot/config.txt"17:31
Armahey does anybody know how to take a screenshot when using the live cd for ubuntu?????17:31
raptor101no i figured, /boot/config.txt is exactly what i typed17:32
Armanevermind i found it, thank you17:33
raptor101in boot directory there config-3.xx-generic files though17:33
hoerdeStat -c %N on ubuntu 13 uses ‘’ characters instead of `' characters, is there a way to control the format?17:33
llutzraptor101: nano /boot/config-$(uname -r)17:33
nooblerraptor101 what distro are you using?17:33
raptor101ubuntu 13.10 along windows 717:34
raptor101it worked with the config-$17:35
skinkittenhi. how can I play a bluray disc? ubuntu 12.04LT17:35
nooblerraptor101 just to make sure, that resolution is the same one you use in windows 7, Yes?17:36
hoerdethis stat format difference is breaking serverspec 'be_linked_to' test17:36
douglwhere do you/we/I chat about ubuntu on tablet (samsung)?17:37
skinkittenAnyone can help with a blueray drive? after insert a bluray disc the driver is not recognized, eject doesn't work too. what can I do? running Ubuntu 12.04 LT17:37
nooblerraptor101 ok let's reset the resolution first and then work from there17:38
hoerdeCan anyone tell me how to get: stat -c %N /etc/blkid.tab to display `/etc/blkid.tab' -> `/dev/.blkid.tab' and not ‘/etc/blkid.tab’ -> ‘/dev/.blkid.tab’17:38
jpedroza2kFound a solution to my issue: Updating 10.10 to kernel 3.12 fixed the multiple monitor issue. It appears it was an existing bug in the 3.11 kernel.17:39
nooblerraptor101 go ahead and type "rm `/.config/monitors.xml"17:39
hoerdeon ubuntu 10.x17:39
nooblerthen can you pastebin or pm me whatever "xrandr" gives you?17:39
nooblerraptor101 sorry again, this keyboard sucks. i meant type "rm ~/.config/monitors.xml"17:40
xanuxare you guys trying to fix screen resolution?17:41
raptor101xanux yes17:41
skinkittenthanks xanux is there something I can do about the drive not ejecting? after inserting a bluray the device is non-existant in the directory and "eject -n" yields eject: unable to find or open device for: 'cdrom'17:41
xanuxtry sudo :S17:42
raptor101deleted monitors.xml17:42
noobleryes i know17:43
skinkittenxanux, pressing the eject button doesn't work too.17:43
skinkittenxanux, doesn't work with sudo17:43
xanuxgive me  a min :P17:43
fossjoni just set a cron to eject every 5 mins17:44
Toadstool2I FIGURED IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!17:44
Toadstool2nothing else would get rid of this demon message tray for me17:45
Toadstool2except for this17:45
xanuxeject /dev/cdrom17:45
Toadstool2insensitive message tray17:45
iterskinkitten: umount /dev/cdrom17:45
Toadstool2works the best17:45
Toadstool2im so happy17:45
Toadstool2holy crap you guys17:45
nooblerraptor101 one sec17:46
Toadstool2it took me almost 3 hours to figure this out17:46
Toadstool2please pass this message to any other poor souls17:46
skinkitteniter, "umount: /dev/cdrom: not found"17:46
iterlast skinkitten17:46
skinkittensystem doesn't see the drive17:47
raptor101take ur time17:47
xanuxplug the cable in :/17:47
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iterskinkitten: sudo lshw | grep -i cdr17:47
Toadstool2waddup nach0z17:48
nooblerraptor101 this si going to sound stupid but change the resolutionback to your native (1280 X 720) then try changing the scan setting on your tv to 4:317:48
iterskinkitten:  you can also check sudo dmesg | grep -i cdr17:48
skinkitteniter, command is accepted because nothing is being returned17:49
itersounds like you don't have drivers for that drive skinkitten17:49
raptor101lol even with 4:3 ratio 720p is cut off, the above taskbat and sidebar are just half visible, no change17:49
iterwhat's the make/model of it17:50
crazydipAm I being dumb or is keys.gnupg.net GONE? not good for the default public key repo... redirects to some wordpress blog17:50
raptor101although i know for sure it works with 1368x768 cuz it worked on a an older installation with no problems , but once upgraded my screen resolution options are severly limited17:51
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iterskinkitten: you could also check sudo dmesg | grep ata17:52
daniel891hi guys, I have a partition with ubuntu on one disk and i want to move that partition to another disk. is that possible?17:53
iterdaniel891: of course17:54
raptor101daftykins check out the cvt for 1366 76817:54
iterdoes your new disk have data on it?17:54
daftykins'cvt' ?17:54
daftykinsraptor101: i'm not sure what you're suggesting17:54
skinkitteniter, it was working before I tried a blueray disc. The dvd that was in it before ran fine.17:54
nooblerrapotor101 if it works at that resolution you can make it17:55
daniel891iter, yes, but I have plenty of space, so I can create new partitions. Ubuntu partition is 100gb and I have 700gb of free space.17:55
iterskinkitten: can you check the output of 'sudo dmesg | grep -i atapi' for the make model17:55
raptor101but that resolution isnt available under display settings anymore after upgrade17:55
nooblerxrandr --output HDMI0 --mode 1368x76817:55
xanuxdoes your monitor have just scan feature?17:55
iterdaniel891: will you need to boot from your new disk and is it currently booting something else17:56
skinkitteniter, paste.ubuntu.com/696111717:56
raptor101xanux sadly no17:56
nooblerxanux i was going to ask that and then forgot what i was going to ask until you said it lol17:56
skinkitteniter, http://www.paste.ubuntu.com/696111717:56
xanuxohhh noooo17:56
nooblerraptor101 if you execute that code ^^^^ it will only last through that session so you're gonna have to figure out how to autmoate it upon startup. i forgot how to do it17:57
raptor101it says cant find mode17:57
skinkitteniter, err it works without the www. http://paste.ubuntu.com/696111717:57
raptor101addmode perhaps ??17:58
nooblertry HDMI-017:58
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nooblerif not, try just HDMI17:58
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noobleroh wait you said mode...17:58
Guest20132hello world17:58
raptor101no the HDMI-0 is right, it cannot find HDMI output17:59
Guest20132someone know python?17:59
TheteGuest20132: Are you wanting to learn it?17:59
nooblerok then try opening your xorg.conf file17:59
Guest20132Yes just the basics17:59
skinkitteniter, xanux ?18:00
TheteGuest20132: https://www.edx.org/course/mitx/mitx-6-00-1x-introduction-computer-149818:00
TheteGuest20132: I'm starting that tomorrow18:00
nooblerumm sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:00
TheteGuest20132: If you audit it, it's somewhat free18:00
nooblerthen where modes are put that in18:00
nooblerguest20132 and thete i would recommend learnpythonthehardway.org18:01
Guest20132i will check that out18:01
Thetenoobler: Is that the same as the book?18:01
TheteThere's a book called that as well that I just bought18:01
xanuxskinkitten still having problems?18:01
Guest20132i have some pdf18:01
nooblerthete exactly the same and it's free if you use the HTML version18:01
Theteoh damn18:01
TheteIt's ok, I don't mind having a paper copy of it too18:02
skinkittenxanux, yes. how do I get the disc out?18:02
nooblerit's always good when you don't want to be switching back and forth thete18:02
xanuxdo you have a paper clip18:02
Guest20132Python the 3rd edition?18:02
Thetenoobler: You wouldn't know by chance if the book comes with access to that site by chance?18:03
iterskinkitten: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=47455218:03
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 474552 in kernel "ATA bug: exception Emask 0x50 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x400800 action 0x6 frozen" [High,Closed: wontfix]18:03
nooblerraptor101 you're going to put it in the subsection "Display" part18:04
raptor101i added 1368x 768_60 to xrandr via addmode and used output to display, works lie a charm18:04
skinkittenxanux, iter "wodim --devices" returns Cannot open SCSI driver!18:04
Guest20132you can download it on tpb18:04
nooblerawesome :D raptor10118:04
Guest20132the pdf18:04
iterthat's really old too18:04
TheteI don't do that18:04
raptor101but i know that it will only work for this session so maybe a script for to make it easier ??18:04
TheteThat stuff is hard work for those guys, I don't mind paying them18:04
nooblerthete, i'm not sure. i know you can get videos on the site. so unless the book came with a code or something, then probably not.18:05
Guest20132thats nice18:05
raptor101thnx for all the help though everyon18:05
dgarstang3I am having troubles with apt-cacher-ng... specifically it's avoiding the proxy specified in Acquire::http::Proxy on the client.18:05
nooblerraptor101 i know there's a file you could add it to one sec18:05
Guest20132exp on Geany, anyone?18:05
skinkitteniter, what am I suppose to do with that? Is that a fix?18:06
iterskinkitten: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/96521318:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 965213 in linux (Ubuntu) "ata1.00: exception Emask 0x50 SAct 0x1 SErr 0x480800 action 0x6 frozen" [Medium,Invalid]18:06
raptor101noobler do u mean xorg ??18:07
iterwell both of those reports ended up being hardware issues18:07
nooblerraptor101 probably. haven't done it in a long time18:07
itercan you reboot to bios and hit eject while its posting18:07
alnkpa2hey, I'd like to use ecryptfs-migrate-home and have two questions: what does "USER really must run ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase(1) or zescrow(1) and record their randomly generated mount passphrase." mean and what happens if I don't? and: will my home dir automatically get decrypted after migration?18:07
skinkitteniter, how do I do that?18:07
iterskinkitten: does the drive have an eject button? Just reboot and press the button when you see the HP screen18:08
skinkitteniter, ok18:08
raptor101its fine, i think i can manage from here, thanks for the help though18:08
dgarstang3I am having troubles with apt-cacher-ng... specifically it's avoiding the proxy specified in Acquire::http::Proxy on the client.18:08
nooblerraptor101 i think you add it to /etc/init.d you simply paste the addmod code and then the change resolution code and it should work. i think! and no problem! have a great day/night wherever you are lol18:09
skinkitteniter, ok the disc is out18:10
skinkitteniter, is there a fix or is this a dead end for the blue ray drive?18:11
iterskinkitten: just to be clear, it worked before and then stopped working18:11
skinkittenfor a dvd iter18:12
iterskinkitten: try to reproduce the issue again please18:12
iterskinkitten: if it's reproducible = usually software, if it's random = usually hardware18:12
daniel891iter, sorry I was bussy with other things. What I'm going to lose if I only save my /home partition and reinstall ubuntu?18:12
iterdaniel891: depends on what you have saved outside home of course18:13
iterdaniel891: what's your goal18:13
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nichlasdaniel891: you'll lose stuff like /var/www, /etc/ and so on. but it is not a problem unless you have changed anything in those dirs yourself18:14
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daniel891nichlas:I'm a php programmer, so I have plenty of things on /var/www Not sure about /etc18:15
iterdaniel891: if you have the disk space available, why not just save everything18:16
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xanuxFlappy Birds Multiplayer!  :O18:17
skinkitteniter, thanks but I'm going to go ahead and work on another issue. Thanks again. xanux thank you for your help.18:17
noobleri hate that game18:18
xanuxhaaha lol me too18:18
nooblerbecause i can't get past the first tube18:18
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xanuxim going to make my own clone off flappy birds18:19
dgarstang3I am having troubles with apt-cacher-ng... specifically it's avoiding the proxy specified in Acquire::http::Proxy on the client.18:19
noobleri was going to make one on scratch for fun yesterday, then decided not to for my computer's safety18:20
nooblerand because i would make a cheat code where i would knock them down instead of dying18:20
bekksdgarstang3: Change the URLs in the clients sources.list to specifically use the apt-cacher-ng server.18:21
dgarstang3bekks: That results in an error, "URL seems to be made for proxy but contains apt-cacher-ng port. Inconsistent apt configuration?"18:22
bekksdgarstang3: Chaneg the URLs and dont use Acquire::http::Proxy on the client.18:23
dgarstang3bekks: Hm18:23
ljetiboHello! Can anyone help me with my network connectivity issues. I was connected to a wireless network before and it worked fine, then my ISP changed the rules and after I connected to wireless I had to connect via the pppoe protocol, I used sudo ppoeconf, followed the tutorial and set that up.18:23
ljetibo2 days ago I log into ubuntu again, and my network icon is now missing, running nm-applet returns an error: "couldn't initialize NMClient". I cannot find the network manager in dash home either. I am currently on a PC and don't know what to do, at all, help appreciated18:23
bekksdgarstang3: Thats how it works for me.18:23
dgarstang3bekks: spose that should work in theory. I was told yesterday I didn't need to change the client url's at all, and that seemed to work for sources.list, but custom repo's in sources.list.d still bypass proxy. I'll give that a try18:24
daniel891if I replace my new /etc file with my old /etc folder, is it going to work?18:24
iterdaniel891: what's your goal18:24
bekksdgarstang3: It works in real life. You just have to change all repo URLs.18:25
daniel891iter: I just want to have the same system I have right now but on a new partition.18:25
dgarstang3bekks: k18:25
iterdaniel891: why not just clone the partition over18:25
bekksdaniel891: Why dont you copy/clone the entire system?18:25
daniel891iter bekks is any guide for that? I found a couple but they seem old18:27
iterthere are lots of ways to clone a partition18:27
iterwill you be booting from the new disk/partition18:28
daniel891iter:I think the boot is in the old disk, I'm not sure.18:29
Smokeyhi all18:29
iteris the system booted up right now18:29
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daniel891iter:I'm on windows right now, it have his own partition. Should I be on ubuntu?18:30
iterlets figure out what you have right now first18:30
iter2 disks, one with windows/ubuntu and one with some data18:31
daniel891no, I have 318:31
Smokeycan someone help me, with what i think is a routing problem on a vps ?18:31
itercan you please describe what you have18:31
=== kat is now known as Guest6234
daniel891The first have only windows and windows apps. The second have a swap partition, 2 ext4 partitions and 1 ntfs partition. The other disk only have 1 NTFS partition.18:32
iterok, and what do you want it to look like when you are done18:33
ljetiboHello! Can anyone help me with my network connectivity issues. I was connected to a wireless network before and it worked fine, then my ISP changed the rules and after I connected to wireless I had to connect via the pppoe protocol, I used sudo ppoeconf, followed the tutorial and set that up.18:34
ljetibo 2 days ago I log into ubuntu again, and my network icon is now missing, running nm-applet returns an error: "couldn't initialize NMClient". I cannot find the network manager in dash home either. I am currently on a PC and don't know what to do, at all, help appreciated18:34
SmokeyI have a vps with two public ip's eth0 and eth0:0. only eth0 is publicly reachable18:34
iterSmokey: pastebin 'sudo ifconfig -a && netstat -nr'18:35
locolocoAnyone know of an Ubuntu-centric workflow to combine/layer two PDFs onto one another? Basically, want to print a Gnumeric spreadsheet onto a PDF stationary.18:35
daniel891iter, I want the 3rd disk to have the same as the 2nd disk. 2ext4 partitions, 1 swap and 1 NTFS.18:35
Tailocoloco perhaps ghostscript?18:36
ohayodoes any body have an idea how to install kali-menu in ubuntu ???18:36
locolocoTai: any leads? How would I go about that operation?18:36
ohayodoes any body have an idea how to install kali-menu in ubuntu ???18:37
Smokeythanks for looking into it...18:37
yacclocoloco: well, xournal and friends all rely on rendering the PDF as an image, plus xournal as such would have an issue with the gnumeric output.18:38
OerHeksohayo, kali is not in our repository's18:38
xanuxwhat is a kal?18:38
yacclocoloco: can you live with converting the text in the PDF to an Image?18:38
bekksxanux: Kali is a linux distribution.18:38
xanuxohhh that18:38
ohayo<OerHeks> yes but am trying to install it(s tools in my ubuntu18:39
iterdaniel891: do you have enough free disk to clean off disk 3?18:39
locolocoyacc: for general invoicing, letters, estimates etc. I guess the quality wouldn't suffer too much18:39
ohayoi searched and i found this http://www.kalilinux.net/community/threads/add-kali-menu-to-other-distro-ubuntu.603/18:40
iterdaniel891: you could backup all data on disk 3, then clone the entire disk 2 to disk 318:40
Taisay for the kali question, have you tried ppa://wagungs/kali-linux ?18:40
iterdaniel891: to clone disk 2 to disk 3 you can use clonezilla-live18:40
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yacclocoloco: actually for invoicing it would make falsifying the invoice harder (not hard, harder, with text there are tools where you can just replace the parameters of the PDF operators)18:40
ohayo<Tai>  NO How ??18:41
iterSmokey: I don't see eth0:0 in there at all18:41
Taioh! You go to terminal and type the following:18:41
daniel891iter: no sorry, i have free space on 3rd disk to create new partitions, but I don't have any other disk where I can backup the data on the disk.18:41
Taisudo add-apt-repository ppa:wagungs/kali-linux18:41
Smokeyi've also put my net interface config up18:41
Taithen sudo apt-get update18:41
Taithen all of the kali tools should be available to install18:42
iterSmokey: your 2nd paste has eth0 and eth1 not eth0 and eth0:018:42
iterSmokey: is that correct?18:42
Smokeymy bad, that's why it's not showing18:42
ohayo<Tai> can i find thhem in software center ???18:42
Smokeythat's since my last reboot18:42
SmokeyI've been trying everything18:42
Taiyou will be after you do that18:43
k1lTai: ohayo be aware that there is no support for 3rd party packages from PPAs18:43
Taioh yeah, sorry, forgot to mention that18:43
locolocoyacc: you've got a point there. Thanks for the tip! I'll give it a try. Meantime, hoping Inkscape will add feature to work spreadsheet data.18:43
SmokeyI'll re do the pastebin again in a min18:43
Taialso, no one is liable for anything that's in there18:43
iterSmokey: you have only one physical network interface right18:43
Smokeyit's a vps with only one 'virtual' interface18:44
ohayoOK thanks a lot18:44
ljetiboHello! Can anyone help me with my network connectivity issues. I was connected to a wireless network before and it worked fine, then my ISP changed the rules and after I connected to wireless I had to connect via the pppoe protocol, I used sudo ppoeconf, followed the tutorial and set that up.18:44
ljetibo 2 days ago I log into ubuntu again, and my network icon is now missing, running nm-applet returns an error: "couldn't initialize NMClient". I cannot find the network manager in dash home either. I am currently on a PC and don't know what to do, at all, help appreciated18:44
iterSmokey: sounds good, so your OS only has one NIC as far as it knows, so you'll be using eth0 and eth0:018:45
Smokeyyes, that's correct18:45
Smokeyre did the pastebin18:45
yacclocoloco: well, pdfsam might do (or not) what you want.18:46
iterSmokey: you can only have one default gateway18:46
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Smokeyyes, I've been reading that alot today.....18:47
Smokeyone is commented out18:47
iterSmokey: currently you have two, so you should comment out the gateway line in eth0:0 and do /etc/init.d/networking restart18:47
Smokeyit would not boot otherwise18:47
AmbiguousOutlierI'm running virtualbox on a headless server using VBoxHeadless and then running RemoteBox on my client, when I click Guest Display I get "the remote display server for this guest is not running." How do I enable it?18:47
yacclocoloco: pdftk can apply a background watermark => that's exactly what you want.18:48
Guest6234Is it possible for one of you to get someone over in the AntiX channel for me18:48
Smokeymy last pastebin show's only one default gateway18:48
iterSmokey: can you pastebin /etc/network/interfaces with the latest version18:48
yacclocoloco: it's only a cmdline tool, so your happyness might vary, for me I like my document workflow as cmdline/scriptable as possible :)18:49
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kat_Now I'm back as kat. Just needed some help with AntiX. How can I get someone to help me over there in that channel?18:50
distortedvoiceI have a script that runs a counterstike server. This script wont run as root though. I cd to the dir and execute that script with an init script. What do I need to include in my init script to run as a different user?18:50
iterSmokey: ok, let's do sudo route del default gw to remove that 2nd one18:50
Smokeywith two gateway's a reboot waits 2 minutes to bring up network which is not working out18:50
Syntheadis there an official package for the nvidia-331 driver?18:50
SmokeySIOCDELRT: No such process18:51
iterSmokey: ok I'm an id10t totally misread that, you currently only have one gw which is OK18:51
Smokeyok, that's good to hear ;D18:52
Smokeyis the problem that traffic needs to be routed from and to eth0:0 for it to be reachable18:52
ljetiboCan I reinstall network manager without internet connection? Would that reset current network setup and give me a clean slate?18:52
locolocoyacc: pdfsam and pdftk rather large javablobs but might just do the trick.18:53
yacclocoloco: I know, that sounds cynic, but a newish i7 quad, >16GB RAM plus a quick and big SSD make even Eclipse somehow useable :)18:55
iterSmokey: well your VSP provider should be routing packets destined for to your interface appropriately18:55
CoolmarioHow do i pervent overheating on an acer aspire 5517 is there a thing i can install to control the fan speeds to make them go faster to pervent overheating?18:55
locolocoyacc: definately prefer cmdline. Looks like pdftk might just do the trick!18:56
iterSmokey: do you have console access to the vps? can we try switching the IPs18:56
Smokeyyea we can18:56
Smokeybut won't this effect postfix and courier and stuff18:56
iterSmokey: well this is a test to see if we can route from outside to your VPS' 2nd IP18:57
bekksSmokey: It will affect entire connectivity.18:57
maysaraHello, I've a weird problem. the bluetooth doesn't work unless I started up the other system I've on my computer. please help18:57
iterSmokey: swap eth0 and eth0:0 in /etc/network/interfaces and do /etc/init.d/networking restart18:57
Smokeyok, so in /etc/network/interfaces swap out ip's for eth0 and eth0:018:57
bekksCoolmario: If it is overheating, you should clean it. By design, a clean fan is sufficient to cool down the system properly.18:57
ljetiboCoolmario: http://askubuntu.com/questions/22108/how-to-control-fan-speed but I'd recommend that before anyhting you go to a PC shot to get your PC/laptop cleaned it it's overheating18:57
iterSmokey: do that from console18:57
Smokeyok, back in a sec18:58
locolocoyacc: running barebones ARM setup here based on Hardkernel's Odroid XU platform [ http://hardkernel.com/main/products/prdt_info.php?g_code=G137510300620 ]18:58
Coolmariobekks the fan is clean18:58
iterSmokey: because you will probably lose net connection to the vps doing that18:58
CoolmarioIts an acer aspire 5517 machine it had acer power mangement install back when it was running win718:58
jab3zHello! I cannot open telnet console. When I'm passing telnet localhost 6023 insted of getting "Connected to localhost \n >>>" I'm getting "Connected to localhost \n Escape character is '^]'.18:58
jab3zWhat I have to do to get in place ">>>"?18:59
Coolmariothe process is amd athlon tf-20 and the graphics is ati radeon hd 320018:59
SmokeyI don't think network restarting is working, prob needs a reboot ?18:59
yacclocoloco: well, 2GB RAM. Guess that would enough if you swap out the Linux kernel.19:00
yacclocoloco: :-P19:00
iterSmokey: do ifconfig -a again and take a look19:00
ljetibocoolmario: I have acer, and even acer says not to use Acer update because it's obsolete, I'll bet you a beer that all it needs is a good clean. Unless of course you've made some adjustments yourself.19:00
iterSmokey: did the interfaces swap?19:00
OkcelI needed to update the e1000e module (intel ethernet device driver) on Ubuntu server 12.04.4.  I did a make install, rmmod e1000e, modprobe e1000e.  lshw -C network shows the proper driver.  However, when I restart the machine it's still using the older version.  Both the new and old version have the same name, is there a way I can load the new version automatically on startup?19:00
Coolmarioljetibo i recently have cleaned the computer though lol19:01
iterSmokey: ok so 80.58 is still available and 82.80 is still unavailable19:01
maysaraHello, I've a weird problem. the bluetooth doesn't work unless I started up the other system I've on my computer. please help19:01
SmokeyI'll reboot19:01
iterSmokey: yeah that new paste, they didn't swap19:02
jab3zanyone? :(19:02
Coolmarioljetibo i am currently on a different newer pc as of right now and gateway live updater works just fine it shows a few updates in it lol I love winodws 8 :319:02
SmokeyI can ssh through hostname19:03
Smokeywhich is bound to the old eth0 address19:03
yacclocoloco: somehow don't think that this thing will be running Ubuntu that quickly, ...19:04
Smokeyso with swaped ip's it is working :S19:04
iterSmokey: right so swapping the interfaces didn't break anything19:04
ljetiboCoolmario: did you clean it yourself? did you take out the processor, did you change your heat sink or the fan to a retail one, how old is it? oh sory, missread acer for asus19:04
ljetiboHello! Can anyone help me with my network connectivity issues. I was connected to a wireless network before and it worked fine, then my ISP changed the rules and after I connected to wireless I had to connect via the pppoe protocol, I used sudo ppoeconf, followed the tutorial and set that up.19:04
iterSmokey: it appears that traffic destined for 82.80 is not making it to your VPS19:04
ljetibo2 days ago I log into ubuntu again, and my network icon is now missing, running nm-applet returns an error: "couldn't initialize NMClient". I cannot find the network manager in dash home either. I am currently on a PC and don't know what to do, at all, help appreciated19:04
iterSmokey: I would open a ticket with your VPS provider and ask them to check it19:04
SmokeyI do not have sla 2 support19:04
Smokeybut I had a tech look into it today19:04
Coolmarioljetibo no i didn't do it myself i took it to a repair shop place to have it cleaned :)19:04
Smokeyand they told me every thing should be working19:05
Smokeyiter: thank you so much for looking into it...19:06
ljetiboCoolmario: except a malfunctioning fan, the only reason that comes to mind would be that they didn't place it back snugly or they cheaped out on the paste, I would suggest you take it back to the shop19:06
iterSmokey: you can try thig19:06
iterSmokey: remove the working IP entirely, configure it with only the non working IP and its gateway19:07
AmbiguousOutlierI'm running virtualbox on a headless server using VBoxHeadless and then running RemoteBox on my client, when I click Guest Display I get "the remote display server for this guest is not running." How do I enable it?19:07
Coolmarioljetibo the repair shop i took it to is one of the best ones around here :P19:07
iterSmokey: at that point you should be offline and can go back to the VPS provider and tell them it's offline19:07
Coolmariothey don't cheap out on anything they use the best of the best19:07
SmokeyI will try19:07
locolocoyacc: hahaha, surprisingly, it's quite a capable little machine. Running 12.04 (mounting a 2TB ext4 HDD for /home separately over USB3). Won't do fun stuff (high-def video, games etc.) but as a dev rig or for general research, admin work, it's perfect.19:07
ljetiboCoolmario: that's a vague description, I do believe they did, and because they're the best of best I'm sure they'll be happy to take it back for another look, software fixing a hardware problem can only end in a disaster. Sry I couldn't be of more help, the link I provided should have more than suffiecient information on how to change fan speeds if it's supported19:09
ljetiboCan I get any directions oh how to reinnstall network manager without an internet connection19:09
jab3zreally no one knows how to run a telnet console?19:10
Picijab3z: is something running that would provide a console interface on port 6023?19:10
iterhe's connected if he gets "Connected to localhost"19:11
jab3zyes, i'm running a spider. yesterday works just fine...19:11
iterjab3z: if you hit enter do you get a prompt?19:11
jab3zyes, i get a prompt. it's like an empty page. but anything i'm typing and hit enter i get no response19:12
jab3zi can't even close it with ^]. just by pressing X button19:12
iterjab3z: do you see what you type?19:12
Picijab3z: it sounds like whatever you think is running on port 6023 isn't responding19:13
yacclocoloco: yeah, but they don't mention anything but Android, anyway I've got new hardware last month, don't think that the purse string holder will allow for more toys, ...19:13
jab3zaha. i'll try a restart19:13
iterjab3z: try to restart your spider process19:13
jab3zthx iter and Pici19:14
ljetiboHello! I was connected to a wireless network before and it worked fine, then my ISP changed the rules, after wireless I had to connect via the pppoe protocol, I used sudo ppoeconf, followed the tutorial and set that up, worked.19:15
ljetibo2 days ago I log into ubuntu again, and my network icon is now missing, running nm-applet returns an error: "couldn't initialize NMClient". I cannot find the network manager in dash home either. I am currently on a PC and don't know what to do, at all, is it possible to reinstall the entire network manager (without net access), help appreciated19:15
ljetibosaaaave me~ :D19:15
usr13ljetibo: What version of Ubuntu do you have installed?19:17
ljetibo12.04 LTS19:17
usr13ljetibo: I'm pretty sure you can just fix what you have....19:17
ljetibousr13: I would really like that19:18
usr13ljetibo: Re-installing applications don't do much in the first place.19:18
jackbrownhi there is there anyone that has experience with VNC ?19:18
bekks!anyone | jackbrown19:19
ubottujackbrown: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:19
usr13ljetibo: (...maybe it does in MS-Windows, but not here... ;)19:19
ljetibousr13: but don't know anything else, tried to follow some of the solutions I found on ask ubuntu, super user etc, none of it really worked19:19
usr13ljetibo: We can only give you Ubuntu related advise, I don't think we can fix your network issue.  If you have specific questions we can give answers to, fire away...19:20
compdocjackbrown, a little19:20
usr13!pppoe | ljetibo19:21
jackbrowncompdoc: i need to stream a remote microphone through VNC  do you know how to do that?19:21
ubottuljetibo: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE19:21
compdocjackbrown, no, I dont use sound for vnc19:21
yacclocoloco: for development it misses memory and additional screen connectors.19:21
jackbrowncompdoc: do you know if there is a way to do that?19:21
jackbrownDoes anyone know if there is a way to stream the microphone on a remote LAN computer ? (for example via VNC)19:22
yaccjackbrown: afaik VNC does not support audio.19:22
compdocjackbrown, no, unfortunately, because I would love to have a mic in the backyard to go with my ip cam19:22
iterjackbrown: use teamviewer?19:22
jackbrownyacc: is there another way to stream audio ?19:22
yaccjackbrown: OTOH some of the Linux Audio output systems like pulse are network capable, at least in theory.19:23
yaccjackbrown: RDP?19:23
jackbrownyacc: RDP ?19:23
compdocRDP can stream video and audio, but I dont know how19:23
ljetiboubottu: I do not need that, I can't start nm-applet (the default network manager for ubuntu), my network connection icon on the top left is missing and I can't even connect to internet via cable, dual boot everything works fine on win7 so I know it's not hardware, it worked fine for months with pppoe over wlan and then died 2 days ago19:23
ubottuljetibo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:23
jackbrownyacc: anyway i can access even with SSH shell to my LAN computer19:23
ljetibowell, now I feel dumb...19:23
yaccjackbrown: what is what you are trying to do?19:24
jackbrownyacc: I just need to stream a microphone on a remote computer on my home lan19:25
usr13ljetibo: Was nm-applet running before?19:25
iterjackbrown: do you need video too? can you use vlc?19:25
iterjackbrown: or teamviewer19:25
jackbrowniter: I just need audio19:25
yaccjackbrown: well, pulse (if setup correctly and that will be a PITA) should be capable of doing that.19:25
jackbrownyacc: where can I find a guide to set up pulse  ?19:26
yaccFor sessions with audio, I seem to remember that NX supports audio too.19:26
usr13ljetibo: Did you *read* https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE ?19:28
usr13ljetibo: If not, please do so...19:28
ljetibousr13: currently doing so....19:29
usr13ljetibo: Ok, good  :)19:29
jackbrownyacc: I found a guide to stream audio could you help me please ?19:30
NfNitLoopI'm trying to do a VirtualBox Netinst of 10.04LTS x86(32bit) and ...  Well, nevermind, it seems to have sorted itself out. :p19:32
ChiarotGooday all, having a quick permission issue, wondering if I could get a hand, I setup a Ubuntu Server as a local development server, I go apache, php, sql and all that good stuff installed & running no problems, now when I FTP in, the FTP account wasn't pointing to the correct directory, (fixed that) how-ever it doesn't have read / write access to that dir (fixed that as well) I had to reboot19:32
Chiarotthe server real quick and no it doesn't have permission to do anything in that ftp directory, any ideas?, I've done ls -l and it shows 777 IS set for the files I need to over write, and it even shows my FTP user as owner... still wont let me change a darn thing :(19:32
NfNitLoopThe installer hung for a couple minutes at downloading installer components.19:32
NfNitLoopChiarot: SOunds like maybe your FTP software is preventing writes?  What error message(s) do you get?19:33
ChiarotResponse:250 Directory successfully changed.19:34
ChiarotCommand:RMD staff19:34
ChiarotResponse:550 Permission denied.19:34
NfNitLoopBTW, FTP is awful.  I'd suggest using SFTP or SCP instead.  (WinSCP is good if you need to do the Win->Linux thing.)19:34
usr13ljetibo:  Why isn't your router/modem doing the pppoe authentication?19:34
NfNitLoopChiarot: Maybe staff isn't empty?19:35
Chiarotnever set it up before :(19:35
jackbrownI need to find my soundcard /dev     Can anyone help me ?)===19:35
NfNitLoopChiarot: If you have "ssh" installed, it's set up.19:35
Chiarotand that dir is empty... (checked it via dir on the server itself)19:35
NfNitLoopChiarot: did you do ls -a to show hidden files?19:35
Chiarotdon't believe I do, as I have the server asa a PC on my kvm ;)19:36
Chiarotand I did not , crap, one moment.19:36
Chiarotonly shows . and .. :) so it is indeed empty19:37
NfNitLoopin the parent directory, what does `ls -ld .` show?19:37
ljetibousr13: My ISP has a weird sense of humour, I am required to connect to a modem which is locked (I can't input username and password in it myself) and then open an dsl connection with my username and password. This of course means that only 1 machine can be connected on 1 username at a time. I don't think that we understand each other well though, I don't even have the network connection icon showing, I have no problems with configur19:38
Chiarotdrwxrwxrwx 7 ftp root 4096 feb 19 13:2419:38
ljetibousr13: I read that program is called nm-applet and that it has dissapeared for other, but they got it back by just writing nm-applet in terminal19:38
ljetibousr13: when I write that in terminal, I get an error19:38
ljetibousr13: and I couldn't find a similar problem to mine online19:39
NfNitLoopChiarot: Hmmm.  Yeah, I'm stumped.19:40
NfNitLoopChiarot: Maybe check /var/log for FTP error messages?19:40
ljetibohttps://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQL5vx9OPrq6jPApRE8b5HwinotsU3Vmrf325e_SGN_oWrpsTSuPA I don't have that network connection icon at all, and can't start it with nm-applet19:40
NfNitLoopNfNitLoop: Have to get back to my real job.  Good luck!  :)19:40
ChiarotI shall look into this WinSCP thing, see if that works out for me :), back to google I go to figure out how to set that up in ubuntu server :D19:41
NfNitLoopChiarot: "sudo apt-get install ssh".19:41
NfNitLoopIt's nice because it's pretty much set up out of the box. :D19:41
Donskoyhow do I change the name of my pc19:41
locolocoyacc: tested pdftk and pdfchain (gui)... works perfect adding a watermark type background image to any pdf printouts.19:41
iterDonskoy: "sudo echo newhostname > /etc/hostname && /etc/init.d/hostname restart"19:42
iterDonskoy: replace newhostname with what you want19:43
bekksthat command will not work.19:43
iterwhy not?19:43
bekksecho newhostname | sudo tee /etc/hostname && sudo /etc/init.d/hostname restart19:43
bekksiter: Your command will not work because echo is sudo'ed but > isnt.19:43
ChiarotNfNitLoop: You my good sir need to take a break and have yourself a cold one!! worked great :) thanks!19:44
iterah see that's what I get for not using sudo enough19:44
iterDonskoy: sudo -s19:44
latteraso I'm working on fixing some bugs related to compiling clamav on ubuntu 14.04 (I know, not released, yet)... what's the best way to do this check, but also link in -lm and -lpthread but only if we're on ubuntu 14.04? https://github.com/vrtadmin/clamav-devel/blob/master/configure.ac#L467-L47019:44
rivstfohi everyone if someone help me i will appreciate http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206371&page=219:44
iterDonskoy: then "echo newhostname > /etc/hostname && /etc/init.d/hostname restart"19:44
rivstfohelp me please http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206371&page=219:45
bekksiter: No.19:45
iterbekks: that's odd, seems to work fine here19:46
iteror you just hate running anything as root ever?19:46
bekksiter: It works doesnt mean it's a good solution ;)19:46
bekksiter: you dont need sudo -s for changing the hostname.19:46
iterdo you need sudo?19:46
rivstfohelp me pleasee http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206371&page=219:46
iterlet me answer that for you19:46
iterso does it matter sudo -s vs sudo tee, other than pedantry?19:47
lvlephI am getting some unmet dependency problems while using autoremove, could someone help me figure out what is going on. Here is the output from apt-get http://pastebin.com/t3U8vG4X19:47
usr13!nomodeset | iter19:47
ubottuiter: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:47
bekksiter: Thats's your point of view, and - in addition - your keyboard is issueing "enter" every few words.19:48
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rivstfoneeed helppp http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206371&page=219:48
usr13rivstfo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206371&page=219:48
usr13!nomodeset | rivstfo19:48
ubotturivstfo: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:48
Beldarrivstfo, Are you ricardo12? this is the black screen issue? Stating this is the way the channel works.19:48
iterbekks: actually the "point of view" here is yours, wherin you say < bekks> iter: No. because you have your panties in a bunch over using sudo -s19:49
iterbekks: so lets agree to disagree and move on to productive things19:49
bekksiter: Well, if you want to take this discussion to my underwear, please stop it in here and join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.19:49
Guest85825hello guys19:49
usr13iter: (This is not the place for a philosophical debate.)19:50
Beldariter, dissing a experienced user here or anyone cuts down on who will even help you.19:51
lvlephI am getting some unmet dependency problems while using autoremove, could someone help me figure out what is going on. Here is the output from apt-get http://pastebin.com/t3U8vG4X19:51
ikonialvleph: looks like it's conflicting with something from another repo19:52
usr13lvleph: sudo apt-get -f install19:52
* iter doesn't feed trolls and is here to help others not look for assistance 19:52
ikoniaiter: then just be quiet instead of making /me statements19:52
usr13lvleph: Could be a ppa issue, (considering what ikonia said).19:53
lvlephusr13, unfortunately I have tried that19:53
lvlephSo, disable all ppas?19:53
kernellinuxGreetings all!19:53
kernellinuxAnyone here using the Google Pixel?19:53
ikonialooking at some of the versions in that pastebin, looks like a ppa/external repo19:53
ljetiboFixed it! Special thanks to usr13 for the moral support. Any interest in how I did it?19:54
lvlephusr13, actually I have no ppa enabled19:54
lvlephI upgraded and so they were all disabled.19:55
ikonialvleph: yes, but you've used them before ?19:55
ikonialvleph: they have been enabled before on this system ?19:55
ikonialvleph: right, so disabling doesn't change what has already been installed19:55
ikonialvleph: so the conflict will be with software that you've already install from them19:55
lvlephAnd I am trying to remove it so why I am getting a conflict is baffling19:56
lvlephnormally you get the conflict on install not removal, ikonia19:56
ikonialvleph: because you've probably had the conflict with packages that either depend or have been superceeded by your PPA packages19:56
lvlephand so what am I to do, because I can't even seem to figure out where the conflict is19:57
ernetasHey guys19:59
ernetashttp://pastebin.com/aS0cTBvG - what could be an explanation for such candidate?19:59
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ernetasWhat do the triple stars mean? Installed?20:00
ikonialvleph: it says the conflicts in the pastebin20:00
ominaewhat is the current stable kernel for 13.10?20:01
ikonia!info linux-image20:01
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB20:01
ikoniathere you go
ominaethank you20:02
ominae!info linux-image20:02
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB20:02
usr13lvleph: You might try using dpkg-reconfigure20:02
hewhomustominae: uname -r to find your kernel version20:02
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usr13lvleph: dpkg-reconfigure -a20:03
OerHeksernetas, likely you added a repo > http://www.percona.com/doc/percona-server/5.5/installation/apt_repo.html which is not supported here20:03
usr13lvleph: Or specificall on those 4 packages?20:03
lvlephspecificall? usr1320:03
usr13lvleph: dpkg-reconfigure libatk-wrapper-java20:04
usr13... and then the other 3320:04
usr133 not 3320:04
ernetasOerHeks: not 5.5, but yes. I understand that it's not supported. Anyways, fixed now.20:04
usr13lvleph: But try -a first20:04
lvlephyeah running -a now20:04
usr13lvleph: You could also try apt-get clean  or autoclean20:07
lvlephusr13, yeah I had already tried clean and autoclean20:08
usr13lvleph: http://askubuntu.com/questions/140246/how-do-i-resolve-unmet-dependencies20:08
ominaeany one know where i can d/l kernel I do see it on http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/20:08
ominae*dont see it20:09
ArceyeDOes anyone know who it was that was helping me over the weekend while I had issues with my gfx car ?20:11
lvlephusr13, none of this seemed to work20:12
howyi was wondering what's the difference between ubuntu and lubuntu and which one is better ???20:13
Beldarominae, In general what you need is not supported here, however an argument as to why you need this is to your benefit. With details on your release....etc20:13
usr13lvleph: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade20:13
Arceyehowy, as far as I am aware * I am a linux newbie ) they are both the same with different front ends20:13
lvlephdist-upgrade should work too usr13?20:14
ominaeBeldar: 13.10 - 3.14 was installed on a machine and now it is having problems. I want to roll it back to the latest stable kernel for 13.1020:14
Beldarominae, Were the previous kernels removed?20:15
usr13lvleph: sudo apt-get install ppa-purge20:15
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Beldarominae, Ah, that is a good reason, I'm not up on kernel installs so someone can help.20:15
latteraso in ubuntu, libcheck links fine if I use clang, but not if I use gcc20:16
latterabecause screw consistency20:17
lvlephusr13, and then?20:17
lvlephI am guessing purge all ppas?20:17
usr13howy: If better to you means more effecient, (as in using less system resources to run), then lubunt or xubuntu is a good choice for you.20:17
usr13lvleph: http://askubuntu.com/questions/140246/how-do-i-resolve-unmet-dependencies20:17
DrGrovHello hello20:18
nomad__anyone here have any experience with xfreerdp on ubuntu?20:18
DrGrovRunning 13.10 64-bit here with the OS on a 60 GB SSD. I can not seem to get TRIM support enabled even though I read through quiet a few instructions on how to get it to work by default at startup.20:18
DrGrovMy OS feels a bit "sluggish" from time to time, a minor but clear downgrade to what it was performing once it was new.20:19
BeldarDrGrov, You want a cron? or just at start up?20:19
Beldaryou can run it from the cli20:19
DrGrovBeldar: That is a good question, what is your opinion on that?20:20
DrGrovBeldar: What would be better?20:20
BeldarDrGrov, I have 4 OS on my 256 SSD, I reboot often, so I have it as the last command after a update/upgrade20:20
usr13nomad__: http://www.freerdp.com/20:21
BeldarI use apt and run update/upgrade everyday pretty much DrGrov20:21
DrGrovBeldar: I do the updates as well on a daily basis, I always check on startup if there is anything that needs to be upgraded.20:21
BeldarDrGrov, here is the command I run it includes the daily of the dev. sudo apt-get autoremove ; sudo apt-get autoclean ; sudo apt-fast update ; sudo apt-fast -y dist-upgrade ; dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages ; zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/trusty-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync ; sudo fstrim -v /20:22
Beldarand lists my installed packages20:23
BeldarI have no seperate home as well20:23
DrGrovBeldar: Okay, so can I do this trimming from a terminal and get it automatically in as a cron at startup?20:23
BeldarDrGrov, A cron will run it as you set it up, I'm not sure on a startup run, I just use the update to trim myself.20:24
John_John_i am new to linux. i have downloaded google chrome as a .deb from the official site. now how do i install this ?20:25
DrGrovBeldar: Okay. I kind of would like it to do it automatically at startup or shortly there after. Somewhere before I get the login screen.20:25
BeldarDrGrov, this is the link I use to set up my rim as well. https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/ssd20:26
whereoHow to use ubuntu as root like backtrack   ???20:26
koubry02Hi eveyone !20:26
ikoniawhereo: you don't20:26
DrGrovBeldar: Ok, thank you. Will look into that.20:26
whereo <ikonia> WHy ???20:26
justithello, have the some problem: connection editor(kde) don't save new just created connections. Just empty after save.20:26
ikoniawhereo: because that's not how the ubuntu security model is setup20:26
justitDoes anybody know what is the problem?20:26
whereo<ikonia> Do you mean there is no way ??20:27
iterjustit: permissions?20:27
iterwhereo: there's a way of course20:27
koubry02Guys, i need a little help, i bought a domain name and i want to link to my machine to use like a hostname20:27
ikoniawhereo: I mean you're not meant to20:27
whereo <iter> How20:27
iterwhereo: sudo passwd root20:27
nomad__usr13: I posted a message on #freerdp, but I don't think anyone uses that channel anymore, which is why I posted here after having no success on their website.20:27
ikoniaiter: please don't push that20:27
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ikoniaiter: it's locked account for a reason20:27
BeldarDrGrov, Cool, Trim can be run at start up I suspect, I would check if that is the best time is all, and really how often it may be needed, and be careful with a "cause" and effect on your sluggish effect20:28
darkgrayHello, hiyo. I'd like to use DHCP on eth0 but also use google's DHCP servers primarily. How do I configure my machine to put above the DHCP provided DNS servers?20:28
BeldarIn other words don't assume a cause is all20:28
rivstfoneed help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206371&page=2http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206371&page=2http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206371&page=2http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206371&page=2http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206371&page=2http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206371&page=2http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206371&page=2http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20:28
ikoniadarkgray: googles dhcp servers ?20:28
darkgrayDNS servers, not DHCP.20:28
Donskoyiter, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6961874/20:28
ikoniadarkgray: so what's the problem20:29
whereo<iter> but this is for changing password  isn it ??20:29
ikoniarivstfo: please just post your question, not links20:29
jpdsGoogle's DHCP servers.20:29
iterdarkgray: edit /etc/resolv.conf and put nameserver at the top20:29
ikoniaiter: that will get over written20:29
darkgrayiter: But ... doesn't it get overwr--20:29
ikoniaiter: no no no20:29
Beldarrivstfo, state the actual issue.20:29
DrGrovBeldar: True, but the computer is so new so there is not other possibility. Hardware is not the issue.20:29
=== rw is now known as rww
ikoniadarkgray: just set the dns servers offered by your dhcp server to googles20:29
ikoniadarkgray: you own the dhcp server, so you can tell it to push out what you want20:29
rivstfoi cant enter in my ubuntu and i cant change partition to reinstall my windows again.................20:30
darkgrayI do?20:30
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whereo<iter> but this is for changing password  isn it ?? i want to login as root20:30
BeldarDrGrov, hmm could be swapping....etc many variables.20:30
DrGrovBeldar: Never seen it swapping at all. Not according to when checking with htop at least.20:30
ikoniadarkgray: well, I assume you do, perhaps wrongly20:30
Beldarwhereo, Ubuntu is not designed to run in root, you can mess up permissions doing it.20:30
Arceyerivstfo, if you boot from windows boot cd/dvd you can configure your partitions20:31
darkgrayI have "iface eth0 inet dhcp\n\n\t dns-nameservers" in my /etc/network/interfaces, but the DHCP-provided servers are put above google's in resolv.conf when it boots.20:31
darkgrayI'd like google to have priority.20:31
rivstfoi used pen drive boot ... :(20:31
juppihello, im trying to boot trisquel from a live usb stick but my bootloader doesn't allow any boot except the already existing ubuntu. how can I boot manually from the usb?20:31
ikoniadarkgray: why are you putting it in the interfaces file20:31
John_John_guys ????20:31
jpdsdarkgray: Then that's not where you put the server settings.20:31
ikoniadarkgray: network manager should control this by default20:31
Donskoyhow do I remove the icon launchers20:31
darkgrayWhy would I want server settings?20:31
John_John_how do i install a .deb package ?20:32
BeldarDrGrov, Cool, I was just pointing out, which I think you are already using, a logical scientific method is all.20:32
Arceyerivstfo, for windows ?20:32
jpdsdarkgray: You go and edit /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf or NetworkManager.20:32
dwarderi just inserted a usb webcam into my linux box, dmesg says that it is recognized and it is using a driver, how do i get still images from it?20:32
jpdsdarkgray: And tweak the "prepend domain-name-servers" line.20:32
darkgrayjpds: All right.20:32
darkgray(this is ubuntu server, so no ui)20:32
darkgraygui anyway.20:32
ikoniathe simple solution would be to change the dns servers on the dhcp server so that everyone gets it20:32
Beldarjuppi, Not supported here.20:32
rivstfofor ubuntu  now i cant even do updates cant enter in ubuntu and i cant change partitions to use my windows 7 again :(((((((((((20:33
darkgrayikonia: I'm not in charge of my ISP.20:33
ikoniadarkgray: ah, so it's your ISP dhcp20:33
iter"the simple solution is to ask your ISP to update their DHCP"20:33
DrGrovBeldar: Yes, thanks for still letting me know that. It can be forgotten from time to time :)20:33
boyanhello dudes20:33
iteredit resolv.conf and make it immutable20:33
ikoniaiter: no20:33
jpdsiter: No.20:33
ikoniaiter: how many times "no"20:33
Beldarjuppi, They have a small channel #trisquel20:33
iteryou all want to make it so complicated, he just wants to use goog dns20:34
jpdsiter: Yes.20:34
ikoniaiter: yes, and updating the dhclient.conf is the right way20:34
jpdsiter: So have him fix it properly in dhclient.conf.20:34
ikoniaiter: not breaking his system20:34
juppiI'm using ubuntu gnome 13.10 and i want to boot manually from usb via terminal or sth20:34
darkgrayWhat's the format on dhclient.conf's prepend thing? Comma-separated? Spaces?20:35
rivstfoArceye can u help mee???20:35
iterprepend domain-name-servers,;20:35
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ArceyeI can't help you with the linux side ( I am a noob ) but, did you install the ubuntu to run as dua boot with windows ?20:36
OerHeksrivstfo, you cannot change partitions that are in use, boot live cd and use gparted to change partitions20:37
rivstfoi cant do that i just can do alt+f2 and write some commands20:38
jhutchinsArceye: There are usually so many conversations going on at once it's hard to track who's talking to who.  It helps to prepend the username.  Try typing the first three letters then hitting Tab.20:38
Arceyejhutchins,  I generally do, sorry just forgot20:38
jhutchinsArceye: np.20:38
rivstfoOerHeks: i cant do that what i only can do is ... use alt+f2 and write some commands20:39
jhutchinsrivstfo: Look for a "terminal" in the applications menu; I think it's under "System".20:39
Arceyerivstfo,  do you have a ubuntu live cd?20:39
rivstfoArceye: no only have pen drive bootable20:40
jhutchinsrivstfo: You can also try Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get a console login.20:40
Beldarrivstfo, Install gparted and take a screen shot put it in a imagebin of it so we can see the HD20:40
Arceyerivstfo, if you boot from the pen drive you should be able to get enough to run gparted20:40
jhutchinsBeldar: He's not trying to alter his partitions, he's trying to get the system to boot back to windows.20:40
rivstfodude enter in this site all of u want to help and u will understand my situation http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206371&page=220:41
Beldarjhutchins, Yeah really hard to tell at least for me what the issue is, a ton of discombobulated posts.20:41
jhutchinsrivstfo: That's something about reinstalling ubuntu and getting a black screen.20:42
Beldarrivstfo, STOP posting links, that is not kosher here. State what the issue are one at a time, in the order of importance!!!20:43
jhutchinsBeldar: If you go back to the first post it's him explaining the problem.  Links to forums and pastebins are kosher.20:44
jhutchinsrivstfo: So is the system booting at all now?20:45
Beldarjhutchins, Even you question there last post, yes links are helpful when an organized manner is used.20:45
rivstfoBeldar: sorry but my problem its quite simple here dont need to spam my problem all over again just need someone help me...20:46
Beldarrivstfo, State it then20:46
jorvisUsing openconnect via the network manager, it connects but doesn't seem to respect the "Additional DNS servers" I put in the configuration.  They aren't written to resolv.conf, though the search domain is.  Has anyone dealt with this?20:47
rivstfojhutchins: bro i cant do reinstall because its just quite20:47
rivstfoBeldar: if u can help me i will appreciate http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206371&page=220:48
Beldar!nomodeset | rivstfo this was posted for your already20:49
ubotturivstfo this was posted for your already: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:49
rivstfoi tried nomodeset dont work!!!20:49
Beldarrivstfo, Then you should have stated that to the person who gave you that link to begin with or the channel.20:49
mr-foolI am trying to install the driver for the printer samsung ml-2165, and everything installed successfully and I added my printer int he printer setting but it only prints a page at a time, I can't print multiple pages20:49
Beldar!pt | rivstfo20:50
ubotturivstfo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.20:50
mr-foolbtw, so my old account on the ubuntu forum is deleted?20:51
mr-foolsince they change the login to sso20:51
agenteohi, I am on 12.04, installed postgres 9.1, removed from init.d, I am seeing the weird FATAL:  could not open file "pg_xlog/000000010000000000000001" (log file 0, segment 1): on a pg_ctl init -D folder. I am executing that not as the postgres user, if I am the postgres user the problem doesn't exist. I looked around but couldn't find the root cause of it, any idea? Thanks20:51
mr-foolI am trying to install the driver for the printer samsung ml-2165, and everything installed successfully and I added my printer int he printer setting but it only prints a page at a time, I can't print multiple pages20:52
lvlephusr13, it all came down to a package requiring a very specific libtiff20:52
ricardoooi enter in this chat again ?? damn20:53
DwarfDefenderis it somehow possible to make single application use vpn connection? i wish all system be clear, however i want firefox to be shuffling data throught vpn, is that possible?20:53
lvlephusr13, I used sudo apt-get install libtiff5=4.0.2-4ubuntu3 and now things work20:53
Jordan_UDwarfDefender: Configure VPN settings within Firefox itself then.20:53
Beldarmr-fool, Your account is still there ask in #ubuntuforums is the driver you used from samsung or the ubuntu repos?20:53
mr-foolBeldar: try both already20:54
Beldarmr-fool, Have you done a restart after installing either?20:54
mr-foolBeldar: you have to?20:55
justitThe other problem: i've added new connections with editor, but they are not in list of available connections. Network manager as root.: http://i.imgur.com/RJKMxjy.png20:55
mr-foolit did not prompt me to restart but I will give it a sec20:55
Beldarmr-fool, I have printing in ubuntu to at times need this is all, an easy check.20:55
agenteosorted, the problem was I was pg_ctl on a samba share20:55
gmachine_24greetings earthings. I back up my install using tar - as in $sudo tar -cvpzf backup2.tar.gz . . . how would I change this so I would have the day/month/year in every file name - so that it would change every day? Thanks.20:56
gigo1980hi all. i have a problem with an softraid. it resync a very long time. how can i stop it ?20:57
mr-foolstill no goal20:57
bekksgigo1980: If you stop it, you have a broken raid.20:58
gigo1980if it is broken i have to resync it again20:58
sd1074_Hi all. I am trying to install 32bit libs on a 64bit ubuntu 12.04. $sudo apt-get install libicu48:i386 wants to remove a whole bunch of packages to proceed. I assume there is a conflict between 64 and 32 libs. How is that possible, and how to reslove it?20:58
sd1074_multiarch-support is installed20:58
gmachine_24OK, never mind. I found it. Thanks anyway.20:58
gigo1980at the moment it has the state resync 91% and will take 1 week to finish20:58
sd1074_other 32bit libs are installed20:58
sd1074_but some 32bit libs (like libicu48:i386) dont want to get installed21:00
Psil0CybinHey guys how can I file proper bug reports when something such as cedarview tail graphic drivers fail to install on new kernel upgrades? I post on the forums but I think I am posting in the wrong sections, or not filing proper bug reports.21:00
Ampelbeinsd1074_: I guess that library hasn't been modified for multiarch in 12.0421:00
usr13!bug | Psil0Cybin21:01
ubottuPsil0Cybin: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:01
jhutchinsPsil0Cybin: Are those drivers from Ubuntu, or are they from a third party?21:01
sd1074_Thanks for your reply, Ampelbein. Do you mean that 32bit libs for 64bit systems are different from 32bit libs for 32bit systems?21:02
gigo1980or is it posible to throtle the resync for all devices in the softraid21:02
DiplomaticoHello is it possible to make two partitions in a pen drive and install permanently Lubuntu in one of them?21:02
usr13Diplomatico: Yes21:03
BeldarDiplomatico, Sure21:03
Ampelbeinsd1074_: No, but the library package has to be modified to allow coinstability of 32 and 64 bit libraries. For example a multiarch enabled library goes to /usr/lib/<ARCH-TRIPLET> instead of /usr/lib. This conversation has to be done manually.21:03
Ampelbeinsd1074_: For icu, this has been done here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/icu/ - released in Saucy.21:03
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Ampelbeinsd1074_: (13.10)21:03
sd1074_I actually tried to manually copy the 32bit libs from another machine into a separate folder. After updateing LD_LIBRARY_PATH I was actually able to run the app.21:04
rabbelHey guys ... I have a little question. I'm trying to do preseeding for Ubuntu Precise Server. I've already managed to do it this way (with debian of course): http://www.wallix.org/2011/11/02/automatic-installation-of-debian-squeeze-from-a-usb-flash-drive/ ... Is there a way to use the same method for Ubuntu? I've found the needed files for this here: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/installer-i386/current/images/hd-media. I'm trying t21:04
rabbelIt would be awesome if one of you guys push me in the right direction :)21:04
Ampelbeinsd1074_: Well, yeah, that works. In a way. But can break hilariously when you upgrade to 14.04 ;)21:04
sd1074_Ampelbein, I cannot upgrade to a new ubuntu. We currently support our project on 12.04.21:05
DiplomaticoThank you usr13, Beldar.21:05
Jordan_Urabbel: Your first message was cut off at "I'm trying t". Also, #ubuntu-server may be more helpfule.21:05
sd1074_Is there any other way to work this problem around?21:06
rabbelOh, lol, thanks Jordan_U :P 3 lines missing ...21:06
sd1074_except keeping those shared libs in a separate folder?21:06
Ampelbeinsd1074_: You could look at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/148072565/icu_4.8.1.1-12_4.8.1.1-12ubuntu1.diff.gz to see how this package got prepared for multiarch and adapt it for the version in 12.04. But that is kinda unsupported here.21:06
sd1074_Ampelbein, so, most likely the problem then  is that it just wants to install into the same dir s the 64bit version. Maybe I can just tell apt-get where to install it?21:08
Jordan_Usd1074_: You could install this app in a chroot.21:08
ricardoooi need everyones help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206371&page=2http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206371&page=2http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206371&page=221:08
Jordan_Uricardooo: Please at least provide a summary of your problem in-channel.21:08
ricardooowaiting for network configuration [problem] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220637121:09
sd1074_Jordan_U, thanks, for the idea.21:09
Jordan_Usd1074_: You're welcome.21:09
=== RickyB98 is now known as rickyb98
ricardooowaiting for network configuration [problem] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220637121:11
riccardo_Hi , I-m having issues with this command $ sudo efibootmgr -v21:11
p30nhey all, quick question: is it easy to get netflix working in ubuntu and more specifically in a xbmc interfaced ubntu? :)21:11
riccardo_I received this error fatal could-t open either sysfs or procfs directories for accessing EFI variables Try modprobe efivars as root21:12
riccardo_any idea how to fix?21:12
xauthriccardo_: efibootmgr works only if you've booted using efi.21:12
Jordan_Uricardooo: You probably aren't booted via UEFI. Are you booted via a LiveCD/USB or an installed system?21:12
ricardoooJordan_U: yes via USB21:13
riccardo_I booted from Ubuntu 13.10 but win7 is corrupted21:13
Jordan_Uricardooo: How did you prepare the USB drive for booting?21:13
ricardoooJordan_U: with some software to do that ...21:14
Jordan_Uricardooo: What software? What iso image did you use?21:14
riccardo_I tried to put more details here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206488&p=12933887#post1293388721:14
ricardoooJordan_U: something called universall i use 13.10 iso man21:15
bodhi_zazenricardooo: reboot, go to your BIOS, re-enable uefi (secure boot) and then reboot to your usb21:15
Donskoyiter, how do I change the hostname? I used your command but forgot what it was and now its newhostname21:15
bodhi_zazenDonskoy: http://askubuntu.com/questions/9540/how-do-i-change-the-computer-name21:16
Jordan_Ubodhi_zazen: UEFI != Secure boot, you can have UEFI without secure boot.21:16
ricardooobodhi_zazen: uefi? where is that???21:16
bodhi_zazenIf you do not edit both files you will break sudo21:16
Jordan_Uricardooo: 32 or 64 bit?21:17
ricardoooJordan_U: 64 bits21:17
bodhi_zazenricardooo: it is a setting in your bios21:17
bodhi_zazenJordan yes, but in the bios it is usually listed under secure boot21:18
ricardooobodhi_zazen: where i find that?? wich column21:18
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bodhi_zazendepends on the bios, boot21:18
Psil0Cybinusr13, Thank you so much...What would be the next steps other than filing bugs? is there any steps in diagnosing video card issues when installing/upgrading new kernels that are recommended using sudo apt-get upgrade?21:18
bodhi_zazenricardooo: looks like this - http://www.top-password.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/disable-UEFI.jpg21:18
ponyofdeathhi, I am trying to ship all logs to a tcp port for logstash with : *.* @@ in 34-logstash.conf. when i do a tcp dump i am not seeing any traffic on that port. any ideas?21:19
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: which video card drivers are you using?21:19
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Psil0Cybinthe issue is with my ascer aspire one, it using cedarview tail graphic, I do not have that laptop on me at the moment I guess I will pop in after with it ikonia but I can actually link you to the issue I posted on ubuntu forum]s21:19
Psil0Cybinbecause it has my jockey log21:20
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: which video card drivers are you using?21:20
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: are they from the official ubuntu repos or external sites/repos21:20
Psil0Cybinoffical repos21:20
riccardo_I have these options BOOT mode  1- Legacy 2- Uefi Hybrid with CSM 3 - UEFI Native without CSM  .. ?21:20
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: ok, so they should load on kernel updates if they come from the official repos21:20
bodhi_zazenuefi with CSM21:20
xauthriccardo_: browse around this site for clarity on UEFI boot: http://www.rodsbooks.com/efi-bootloaders/21:20
ricardooobodhi_zazen: i just have something like legacy in advanced options "legacy usb support" [enabled]21:21
bodhi_zazenricardooo: you do not want legacy boot21:21
Psil0Cybinikonia, this is my issue, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220643221:21
ricardooobodhi_zazen: so i need to put it disabled??21:21
bodhi_zazenyou need uefi, lol21:21
Psil0CybinIt will not install the cedarview trailer driver with the new kernel anmd when I go to additional drivers, it says i can reinstall it but than it states it cannot install21:21
Psil0Cybinand to check my jockey log ikonia21:21
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xauthuefi = bios the next generation.21:22
justithi! I've added new vpn connections with editor, but they are not in list of available connections in network manager plugin. Network manager as root.21:22
xauthuefi can have compatibility support to boot as bios used to.21:22
ricardooobodhi_zazen: i dont have ur options in boot column dudee21:22
Psil0Cybinperhaps you can take a look at my post ikonia "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206432"21:22
dgarstang3Anyone using apt-cacher-ng?21:22
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: just reading it21:22
xauththat compatibility support is called Compatibility Support Mode - CSM.21:22
bodhi_zazenricardooo: "riccardo_I have these options BOOT mode 1- Legacy 2- Uefi Hybrid with CSM 3 - UEFI Native without CSM .. ?"21:23
bodhi_zazenyou want option 221:23
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: what version of ubuntu is it ?21:23
Psil0Cybin12.04 LTS21:23
ricardooobodhi_zazen: man im another ricardo look the name lol21:23
ricardooowaiting for network configuration [problem] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220637121:23
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: there is your problem could not find module fglrx_experimental21:24
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bodhi_zazentoo many ricardo's21:24
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xauthUEFI has a feature called secure boot. You can use it (usually when booting windows), or you can do without. For linux, you usually do without.21:24
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ricardooowaiting for network configuration [problem] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220637121:25
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: spoke too soon, ignore that21:25
bodhi_zazenxauth: you can boot linux with secure boot enabled as long as you are not using custom drivers21:25
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ricardooowaiting for network configuration [problem] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220637121:26
OerHeksricardooo, fuzzy postings, what is your actual issue? black screen as in the last post?21:26
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: so the core issue appears to be that cedarview_gfx is not in your kernel21:26
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: where did you get the cedarview_gfx module ?21:26
riccardo_I tried to boot Ubuntu with UEFI with CSM  but sudo efibootmgr -v has always same error21:27
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as s^
bodhi_zazenriccardo_: then try to boot with UEFI and CSM disabled21:27
ikoniaricardooo no need for caps21:27
ricardoooikonia: i need help and no one cares.....21:28
ikoniaricardooo: I care less when you type in caps, others will too21:28
ricardoooikonia: if i didnt use caps u dont even say something to me lool21:29
ikoniaricardooo: now I'll ignore you21:30
ikoniaI just joined the channel so hadn't seen you post before21:30
riccardo_bodhi  I have also SecureBoot option21:30
ricardoooikonia: bye21:30
=== s^ is now known as SonikkuAmerica
bodhi_zazenricardooo: it would help if you gave a better description of your problem. At any rate, see this - http://askubuntu.com/questions/162075/my-computer-boots-to-a-black-screen-what-options-do-i-have-to-fix-it21:30
Jordan_Uricardooo: Is English your first language?21:30
bodhi_zazenricardooo: if that fails, you need to then identify your hardware (video card)21:30
ricardoooJordan_U: no bro21:31
Psil0Cybinikonia, I got the module from older kernels, when I installed the computer it came with cedarview available in additional drivers, so I nstalled it through there using other kernels successfully.21:31
Psil0Cybindo you think I can remove the new kernels and just try again? to upgrade?21:31
ikoniaPsil0Cybin nah, I think I see a few things wrong here21:31
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: looks like the PAE extension is a bit of a problem in the kernel name21:31
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: an interesting overview here http://askubuntu.com/questions/300208/cannot-install-cedar-tail-drm-in-dkms-format-on-ubuntu-running-on-a-netbook21:31
Psil0Cybinikonia, oh, so do you think this is something that can be fixed later? I am going to read that link right now, thank you! Thank you for helping me diagnose this issue/taking the time to look at it.21:32
ricardooobodhi_zazen: i will try nomodset doesnt work i will see others21:32
kernellinuxWhat's going on guys?21:32
|PiP|is it possible to do ssh login that requires both a key and password?21:32
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: give me a nudge when you have time, I think this an be fixed, but I think we'll also need to log a bug to get it fixed properly21:32
ikonia"can" be fixed21:32
ikonia|PiP|: put a password on the key21:33
ikonia|PiP|: then you need the key+the keypassword21:33
bodhi_zazen|PiP|: not at the same time, you can log in with a key, and the key may have a password, or you can log in with password authentication, or if password authentication is enabled, it will fall back to pw if your key fails21:33
Jordan_Uricardooo: Ok. It's hard to understand the posts you've made here and on ubuntuforums. It would help if you properly capitalized your sentences and ended them with periods, as well as otherwise using proper punctuation. Could you please try to summarise your entire problem, using proper capitalization and punctuation? Also, there are Ubuntu IRC channels for many languages, so you can likely get help in your native language as well.21:34
|PiP|bodhi_zazen: hmm okay. i wanted to be able to rotate the password periodically without having to change the key21:34
bodhi_zazen|PiP|: you can change the password on the key21:34
Psil0CybinD ikonia, I do not have the laptop on me right now, could I perhaps come back online later tonight with the proper laptop if you are on and you can help me? if Not i will wait untill it is convinent for you, it isnt like an emergency but it would be amazing to debug the issue :D21:34
whitehathave a gigabyte 970A-d3 mobo.all sata 6 mobo ports populated. have SiI 3214 4port sata card. fstab refers to all drives on mobo with UUID.however, when I plug hard drives in 4port card, they are mounted first and mappings get messed up. ideas? running ub 13.1021:35
Psil0Cybinso I can also learn how to file proper bug reports  :D21:35
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: sure21:35
ricardoooJordan_U: portuguese people sucks they are all lazy21:35
|PiP|bodhi_zazen: but would i have to update my servers? im using Amazon EC2 ubuntu images that use an ssh key that they've created21:35
Psil0Cybinikonia, thank you, you rock..21:35
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: i think I see the problem, so this can be worked out21:35
Psil0Cybinperhaps can you post any answers you have for me on the forums so i can review it later?21:35
Psil0Cybineven if you are offline :D21:35
Psil0Cybinso i can give you offical thanks21:35
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: not quite that easy, as we'll need to work it through on your setup21:35
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: need to make sure I understand what's going on21:35
bodhi_zazen|PiP|: no, see http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-ssh-changing-passphrase/21:36
Psil0Cybinalright ikonia so i will wait till i am home and ill message you if you are online so i can provide more information.21:36
riccardo_bios option UEFI without CSM give an error  no bootable image found21:36
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: I'm sure you'll catch me at some point in the next 24 hours21:36
Psil0Cybinamazing, ikonia you are a saint.21:36
|PiP|bodhi_zazen: awesome thanks a lot21:36
ikoniaPsil0Cybin: lets fix it first before praising21:36
Jordan_Uriccardo_: Are you booting via USB or CD? Which iso did you use? If USB, what program did you use to make the USB drive bootable?21:36
Vivekanandahey guys what is a good pdf reader in the repos ? I found okular but it wants me to download the entire kde desktop for it21:37
riccardo_Hi, I am booting from harddisk ubuntu desktop 13.10 at 64bit21:37
Jordan_Uricardooo: Please don't insult entire nations of people in this channel.21:38
ricardoooJordan_U: im portuguese i know what im doing...21:38
jeeves_mossis there a way to run a RDP style server on Ubuntu that you use a web page to interface with it?21:39
Jordan_Uricardooo: Such comments are not acceptable in this channel, period. If you can't respect this channel's guidelines then you will be asked to leave.21:39
Jordan_U!guidelines | ricardooo21:39
ubotturicardooo: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:39
ricardoooJordan_U: ok ok sorry21:39
jhutchinsjeeves_moss: RDP being Remote Desktop Protocol?21:39
bodhi_zazenjeeves_moss: what are you looking for ? something like VNC with a web client ?21:40
bodhi_zazenjeeves_moss: guacamole? http://guac-dev.org/21:41
AmbiguousOutlierhow do i seamlessly connect to a virtualbox via remotebox?21:41
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klafyHow to enable root in Lubuntu ????21:43
willwhsudo su21:43
ubottuWe do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.21:43
bodhi_zazen+1 ubottu21:43
trismVivekananda: it's alot but it isn't the whole desktop, I use okular on unity here with no problems21:43
klafy<ubottu> links please21:44
bodhi_zazenAmbiguousOutlier: IMO easiest method is ssh -X and forward a panel (xfce panel works well, kde panel also). If you need a X server on windows use xming21:44
Pici!root | klafy21:45
ubottuklafy: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:45
bodhi_zazenklafy: use sudo -i for a root shell, gksu or similar for x apps, depends on version of ubutnu21:45
riccardo_I tried to boot also from USB but command sudo efibootmgr -v is not working21:46
jeeves_mossjhutchins, yes.  I would like to run an application on a RDP style server (since there is no web interface for the GUI), but we don't want to give the end user access to RDP.  We need to control the access to it as if it was a web page;.21:46
klafy<ubottu> I want to login as root like in  backtrack21:46
Vivekanandatrism but it is like 200mbs of download21:46
Piciklafy: This isn't the backtrack channel.21:46
Vivekanandathat is bad21:46
Vivekanandano ?21:46
Pici!backtrack | klafy21:47
ubottuklafy: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)21:47
ricardooowaiting for network configuration [problem] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220637121:47
ricardooobodhi_zazen: ur site didnt work :(21:48
bodhi_zazenricardooo: your graphics card is not supported, what graphics card do you have ?21:48
Jordan_Uricardooo: I asked you to please rephrase your entire problem using proper capitalization and punctuation. I think if you do so you will get a better response.21:48
klafy<ubottu> am not asking about those distro i am using Lubuntu and I want to know how to login as root !!21:48
bodhi_zazenricardooo: lspci | grep VGA21:48
ricardooobodhi_zazen: i use toshiba with amd ati radeon 2400 HD21:49
ejuanklafy, sudo su -21:49
Piciklafy: You just said backtrack.21:49
Jordan_Uklafy: Logging in as root isn't supported. Why do you want to do so?21:49
jhutchinsklafy: root login is disabled.  Is that not adequately clear?  Follow the link above for how to use sudo instead.21:49
Jordan_UPici: They want to use Ubuntu the way they used backtrack, in the sense of logging in as root.21:49
PiciJordan_U: oh.21:49
ricardoooJordan_U:  if u cant see my problem is i cant enter in ubuntu so i cant change my partition disk to NTFS to come back to my windows 7 as i can see this ubuntu are all full errors and bugs and im not pro in this to understand it all21:50
Jordan_Uricardooo: Do you know how what it means to capitalize the first word in a sentence?21:51
bodhi_zazenricardooo: your card is not supported http://askubuntu.com/questions/203232/radeon-hd-2000-3000-4000-on-12-10-quantal-fglrx-legacy-12-6-unsupported-wh21:51
ricardoooJordan_U: no but i know what is capital21:51
bodhi_zazenyou can try Ubuntu 12.04 or get an alternate video card or complain to ATI21:52
ricardooobodhi_zazen:  so i need to try install that to change my partition get back to my windows 7??21:52
ricardooobodhi_zazen:  to get back to*21:53
bodhi_zazenWell, getting back to windows and your problem booting ubuntu "ricardooowaiting for network configuration [problem] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206371" are probably unrelated21:54
krababbelricardooo: you need to 'fixmbr' with a Windows boot disc to get back to Windows like it was before Ubuntu.21:54
ricardoookrababbel: fixmbr? how i use that? can u give me some good tutorial please??21:57
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SweetGuMdoes someone have a fileice survey remover for ubuntu? (sorry if this is the wrong place to ask)21:58
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AmbiguousOutliercan i ask ssh -X  forward the entire gnome-desktop21:59
bodhi_zazenricardooo: http://windows7themes.net/how-to-fix-mbr-in-windows-7.html21:59
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bodhi_zazenAmbiguousOutlier: yes you can, but if you are going to do that I suggest FreeNX21:59
Jordan_UAmbiguousOutlier: Yes, but you probably won't like the performance.21:59
ricardooobodhi_zazen: man i love you21:59
ricardooobodhi_zazen: no homo22:00
ejuanAmbiguousOutlier, ive done that before on 100mbit lan, performance was not bad.22:03
hatchetjackhey if I want to partition my disk which version installer do I need22:05
bodhi_zazenAmbiguousOutlier: the other option is Xephyr - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=620003 and http://nims11.wordpress.com/2012/06/24/nested-x-servers-with-xephyr/22:05
hatchetjackis there still an alternate install disk?22:05
bodhi_zazenhatchetjack: any of the desktops will do22:05
hatchetjackbodhi_zazen: last time I tried the 13.10 installer it auto partitioned my disk and I lost my data22:06
jhutchinsbodhi_zazen: Thanks, bookmarked that.22:06
hatchetjackbodhi_zazen: you got to give special options to be able to partition?22:06
jhutchinshatchetjack: Dual boot is an option for most of the installers, but you have to pay attention.22:06
bodhi_zazenhatchetjack: you have to take care at the partitioning part of the installer and pay attention to what it is doing22:07
tripelbmy 12.04 gets errores and needs reboot.... experienced an internal error. system program problem. up to date on updates. 3 pages of "details"22:07
hatchetjackbodhi_zazen: okay does the installer have a vnc option?22:07
bodhi_zazenjhutchins: glad you liked the link, which one ?22:08
jackbrownHello could anyone help me to find my dev/ soundcard ?22:09
bodhi_zazenhatchetjack: not that I know of22:10
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dwarderis mjpg_streamer hdd intensive?22:16
dwarderi want to run it on my flash drive22:16
jhutchinsbodhi_zazen: Win7 MBR fix.22:17
bodhi_zazenjackbrown: ls /dev/snd perhaps22:17
jhutchinsjackbrown: /dev/dsp?22:17
bodhi_zazenjackbrown: you can also try `aplay -l`22:17
jhutchinsjackbrown: What are you really trying to do?22:17
jackbrownok bodhi_zazen i try22:19
jackbrownjhutchins: i need to stream sound from a lan laptopt to another via SSH22:20
jackbrownbodhi_zazen: are u there ?22:20
jhutchinsjackbrown: I believe pulseaudio has a way to do that.22:22
jhutchinsjackbrown: You can use ssh tunneling for stream or other audio protocols.22:22
jackbrownjhutchins: you know how ?22:22
jackbrownjhutchins: is there a guide to do that?22:22
jhutchinsjackbrown: Haven't had the occasion to try, sorry.22:22
jackbrownjhutchins: can u help me to do that ? on internet I found this command  " ssh <username>@ 'dd bs=1k if=/dev/audio' > /dev/audio "22:23
jhutchinsjackbrown: I see some promising results on google from "pulse forward audio"22:23
jhutchinsjackbrown: THat doesn't look likely.22:24
bodhi_zazenjackbrown: http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/6192/stream-audio-over-ssh22:24
jhutchinsjackbrown: http://razor.occams.info/blog/2009/02/11/pulseaudio-sound-forwarding-across-a-network/22:24
bodhi_zazenjackbrown: or other options see http://askubuntu.com/questions/95692/multi-room-multi-zone-diy-audio-setup22:24
bodhi_zazenjhutchins: FYI - http://razor.occams.info/blog/2009/02/11/pulseaudio-sound-forwarding-across-a-network/22:30
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ajoulwhat is make test22:35
ajoulwhat is make test?22:35
Thetemake test?22:37
Thetelike gnu make?22:37
ajoulmake test22:37
ajoulthe command make test22:37
fl0wIs it possible to set environment variables for a system users, i.e www-data?22:37
TheteWell, if there's a test rule in a makefile, that would make whatever is in that test rule22:37
ikoniafl0w: why would you need to do that22:38
ikoniafl0w: they are not interactive, so dont use them22:38
ajoulno ikonia22:38
ikoniaajoul: no what ?22:38
pedahzurGoogling hasn't gotten me anywhere yet.  Anyone know how to play audio over a Skype call on Linux?22:38
fl0wikonia: I don't need to, just was wondering if that would be a nice way to set in example production specific logins only readable by that account (or sudousers)22:39
ikoniafl0w: what you just said doesn't make sense22:39
gde33I'm a newbie, I just typed "running applications" in the help window, nothing came up. lol22:39
fl0wikonia: I realised that. Let me try again.22:39
jhutchinsgde33: What do you want to do?22:40
gde33I want to figure out how to run applications22:41
gde33I installed synergy from the website, there is an icon but that says I have to uninstall it before I can use it22:41
fl0wikonia: I figured, if I can set environment variables like DATABASE_PASSWORD, or NODE_ENV=production, for a system user, it would be nice - but I don't "need to", just wanted to see if it was possible.22:41
ikoniafl0w: as variables are designed for interactive sessions, the short answer is "no"22:42
jhutchinsgde33: Best to stick with Ubuntu software to get started.22:42
ignacio_estevezHowdy, I have a question22:42
jhutchinsgde33: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Saucy https://help.ubuntu.com/ https://ubuntu-manual.org/22:42
tvinI copy a image to clipboard, I think, but when I try to paste it into pinta, nothing happens22:43
gde33the issue is that the help search doesn't bring up any page for "run application(s)", I just found one in google22:43
ignacio_estevezI installed linux on my USB flash drive and now I can only boot into Windows by making sure the flash drive is plugged in22:43
tvinIs there a way to see what is in clipboard? And why isnt the copied image pasting into pinta?22:43
GunArmcan anyone help me fix my loopback device?22:44
snuffthas anyone got skype working on 13.10? or even an alternative program that will run through skype?22:44
hitsujiTMOtvin, how exactly did you copy the image?22:44
genii!info pinta22:44
ubottupinta (source: pinta): Simple drawing/painting program. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-2 (saucy), package size 745 kB, installed size 2677 kB22:44
gde33jhutchins: thanks ;)22:44
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fl0wikonia: Alright. Thanks.22:45
tvinhitsujiTMO: I've tried many ways, including the basic, on website I right click and choose "copy image" and from hard drive "copy". Ive also tried screen shot and choosing send to clipboard.22:45
hitsujiTMOtvin: then it maybe that pinta cannot interpret the clipboard data from other apps. 2 secs and ill install pinta and have a look22:46
tvinwith windows I could just screen shot and past in, this seems so much harder22:46
tvinWell is there a better paint like program then pinta? I have no particular attachment to it22:47
tvinGimp is the name of a paint program?22:47
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hitsujiTMOyup. gnu image manipulation program22:47
krababbeltvin: mypaint22:48
tvinHow do I see what is in my clipboard?22:48
tvinOr is there no way to?22:49
pedahzurtvin: What desktop environment?22:49
tvinI mean direct way22:49
bodhi_zazenajoul: ?22:49
hitsujiTMOtvin: ok, able to paste from a screen shot at least so looks like there's something odd going on with your setup22:49
tvingnome 2.3222:50
gde33jhutchins: if I now click on the synergy icon nothing happens, it doesnt ask me to install the correct version like the last time22:50
pedahzurtvin: Are you looking for a graphical way to check or from a script?22:50
ajoulhow do I output the outputs of a script to a file?22:50
hitsujiTMOajoul: no need for caps. please rephrase your question, it doesn't make sense22:50
tvinpedahzur: Not sure I understand you completely, probably graphical22:50
ajoul> doesn't seem to work22:50
pedahzurtvin: In KDE there is something called Klipper.  Gnome probably has something similar.22:51
ignacio_estevezajoul, what kind of script?22:51
ajoulpython script22:51
ajoulit is a .sh that runs a python script22:51
tvinpedahzur: What is the the name of that classification of program? What search term would I use to search for gnome version of klipper?22:51
krababbeltvin: probably screenshot22:52
hitsujiTMOajoul: ahh, yes > for a redirection.   if its still going to the screen instead of a file, then it may be outputing to stderr, inwhich case you need to redirect stderr to stdout too: ./script.sh 2>&1 > output.txt22:52
ignacio_estevezso you want to output to a file what the python script prints on the screen?22:52
pedahzurtvin: parcellite "Parcellite is a stripped down, basic-features-only clipboard manager with a small memory footprint for those who like simplicity."22:53
tvinkrababbel: That would result in search results that would include the usual way the word is used, I'd never find the program that way22:53
pedahzurtvin: Search for clipboard manager.22:53
pedahzurtvin: also: glipper, clipit22:53
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xanuxVhost mean virtual host?22:55
hitsujiTMOxanux: usually yes22:55
gde33help refers to something called "system", where should I find this?22:55
riccardo_I added some screenshot of my bios in my request http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206488&p=12934046#post1293404622:56
gde33system > preferences ?22:57
gde33is this system settings?22:57
gde33this should be in the help22:58
hitsujiTMOgde33: in what contect are you seeing that?22:59
gde33the help window doesn't tell me where to find system22:59
bengominhi all23:00
bengominsome1 speake russian?23:00
hitsujiTMO!ru | bengomin23:00
ubottubengomin: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.23:00
Beldargde33, You trying to get to that gui you show @askubuntu23:00
bengominо, так тут все на русскам лабают?)23:00
Beldargde33, The gui with the additional drivers tab?23:01
basketballwho here created ubottu23:01
hitsujiTMOgde33: System is a group in System Settings. inside that is "Software & Updates"., last tab there is "additional drivers" as seen in the screenshot in that link23:02
jefinchas anyone tried ubuntu on their phone?23:02
hitsujiTMO!touch | jefinc23:02
ubottujefinc: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch23:02
gde33system = system settings ?23:02
hitsujiTMOgde33: depends on the context.    whats the actual context your are looking for or is the context the link you provided23:03
gde33I guess I just have to stop using the help23:03
gde33just use the websites right?23:03
hitsujiTMOgde33: no idea when how to answer that when you're still being so vague. any chance of context of the original problem so we can clarify whats going wrong?23:04
usr13!details | gde3323:05
ubottugde33: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:05
gde33I used wubi, I started firefox, I installed synergy, I reinstalled synergy, now I'm reading the help pages <-- this is my whole ubuntu experience23:05
gde33I would like to start synergy now23:05
gde33the help is just very confusing, I think that was the problem23:05
gde33I mean the help function not you guys :)23:06
usr13gde33: The first bit of advise I would give is to do a real Ubuntu install, (and ditch wubi). (It's kind of unrleated, or a side coment but...)23:06
gde33I dont have a spare disk23:06
gde33so far wubi was really smooth, it worked wonderfully23:07
hitsujiTMOwhat exactly is the problem with synergy?23:07
gde33starting it23:07
itergde33: just open a terminal and type synergys23:07
hitsujiTMOgde33: wubi tends to break very easily. and there's no way to recover anything whewn it does break23:07
usr13gde33: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto23:07
gde33iter: no configuration available23:08
itergde33: probably should have asked, do you want the ubuntu to be the synergy client or the server?23:09
itergde33: you could run synergyc for client23:09
gde33it sits here next to my windos machine23:09
gde33would like to run as a client23:09
itergde33: synergyc <ip.of.win.machine>23:10
gde33ah now my server complaints about unrecognised client name23:12
iteryeah gotta setup both sides but you're almost there23:12
n-iCeHello! big issue!23:12
gde33it works :)23:13
gde33thanks again :)23:13
n-iCeI am running Ubuntu 13.10 in my usb live, and works awesome, all goes really fast and smooth! but when I do the installation the window effects, and effects in general goes slow, any idea? why can be this happening, thanks!23:13
hitsujiTMOn-iCe: becuase some effects are more comutationally expensive than others23:13
hitsujiTMOn-iCe what gpu do you have?23:14
Beldarn-iCe, What is your end goal with a live usb, it has limitations?23:14
Jordan_Un-iCe: Please pastebin the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log after booting the LiveUSB and after booting the installed system.23:14
n-iCeWell thats not quite easy Jordan_U23:14
n-iCeJordan_U: I am in the live cd and installed as host debian to see if effects are bad in that OS23:15
hitsujiTMOn-iCe: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:15
n-iCehitsujiTMO: Intel® Core™ i3 CPU M 350 @ 2.27GHz × 423:15
Jordan_Un-iCe: It's almost impossible for us to debug an issue with a configuration that you aren't currently using.23:15
n-iCeGallium 0.4 on AMD RV71023:15
hitsujiTMOn-iCe: thats your cpu, not your gpu23:16
n-iCethen no idea, how can I check it.23:16
hitsujiTMOahh ok radeon23:16
n-iCedo you want me to install the os while we talk hitsujiTMO _23:16
hitsujiTMOn-iCe: thats a legacy radeon card, so it may not be able to handle some of the effects, especially where there are filters involved23:17
n-iCehitsujiTMO: why not, is the card bad_23:17
hitsujiTMOnot bad, just old23:18
n-iCeshould not be that better supported?23:18
n-iCelaptop is like 2 years old23:18
n-iCenot quite old, I have an older laptop core 2 dup intel and works really fine23:18
n-iCethis laptop is better23:18
n-iCeand why works fine in live cd and not when I install it23:18
n-iCeotherwise should not work either both23:18
n-iCedont you think?23:19
hitsujiTMOfilters are quite computationally expensive. even some of the newer lower end gpus (basic intel ones for example) struggle with the blur filter used in the background blur of the dash23:19
hitsujiTMOn-iCe: live cd may hove some of the effects turned down23:19
n-iCeI dont understand you quite well, I am just a normal user.23:19
n-iCehitsujiTMO: but the only effect I see difference is when you have multiple windows open and click on the unity bar and the windows go like small23:19
n-iCethat-s the effect I am talking about23:19
n-iCeworks excelent in live usb and not when I install the os23:20
n-iCeI am sure it must be something else23:20
hitsujiTMOn-iCe: in that case can you install the os and pastebin the info Jordan_U requested23:21
n-iCeok! I am installing it, thanks!23:21
Beldarn-iCe, In the right click desktop is a change backdrop in that gui are controls to turn it on and change the sidebar size...etc23:21
n-iCeI don't see a thing about effects in there Beldar23:22
n-iCeBeldar: http://postimg.org/image/tjwnxq6z3/23:23
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Beldarn-iCe, tick enable workspaces23:29
n-iCeBeldar: and now?23:29
Beldarn-iCe, You want the multiple desktop button in the dash to work right?23:30
n-iCeno idea what are you talking baout23:30
izenanyone ever get fglrx to work with RS690M [Radeon Xpress 1200/1250/1270] ??23:31
Beldarn-iCe, Ah I thought you wanted it working but was a differential explanation from the live.23:31
WeLinuxNowim having trouble with Ubuntu saving my dual monitor set up config after restarting, any help? (i've tried EVERYTHING from every forum with this problem nothing works) I'm using nvidia-settings23:31
n-iCehitsujiTMO: still here?23:32
WeLinuxNowall games launch in the wrong monitor23:32
hitsujiTMOizen: thats a l;egacy chipset and no longer supported by ATI23:32
hitsujiTMOn-iCe: yup23:32
n-iCehitsujiTMO: it finished, should I reboot now?23:32
hitsujiTMOn-iCe: please do23:32
n-iCeOk, brb.23:32
tripelbmy 12.04 gets errores and needs reboot.... experienced an internal error. system program problem. up to date on updates. 3 pages of "details" (Sorry if you answered this. My connection keep cutting out. Thanks.)23:32
geniiizen: I'm actually very interested in this also, since I recently got a Samsung 460DXN which has it. Haven't been able to find much on it though. I did get it to work in vesa mode23:33
izengenii: vesa mode?23:35
gde33computer wont boot in ubuntu (the second time), I'm stuck at the pink screen23:35
hitsujiTMOizen: vesa a an absolutely basic driver that is barely usable for an end user system. its used as a default backup to get a minimal working UIU23:36
izenhitsujiTMO: ah yah got yah23:37
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: That apt-cacher-ng thing.... PIA23:37
izengde33: i went with fglrx but aticonfig doesnt see any adapters23:37
dgarstang3Anyone using apt-cacher-ng?23:37
tripelbI never heard of ubuntu failing like this. I have been casually asking for weeks. To no avail.23:37
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: still having trouble?23:37
bekksdgarstang3: Yes.23:37
hitsujiTMOizen: thats coz fglrx no longer supports that card23:38
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: yes. someone here said they got it working by removing the proxy setting on the client and instead pointing every repo to the server directly23:38
hitsujiTMOizen: stick with the open radeon driver23:38
hitsujiTMOgde33: as in the plymouth moading screen?23:38
geniiizen: Yes, I set in /etc/default/grub the graphics mode to 1024x768 and added "forcevesa" as boot option23:38
gde33izen: sorry that was a question (was not trying to answer yours)23:38
bekksdgarstang3: That was me.23:38
dgarstang3bekks: yes, him!23:38
gde33hitsujiTMO: the first purple screen with nothing on it23:38
izenhitsujiTMO: this radeon driver is horrible for rendering even basic video23:39
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: yes, you can do that with: deb http://ip.of.proxy:port/http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise main etc23:39
dgarstang3bekks: Well... with that approach, the URL on the client becomes http://proxy-adress:3142/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu...23:39
bekksdgarstang3: Correct.23:39
unstableWhen I disconnect my external monitor, and reconnect it. Sometimes windows 'disappear'. So right now I have 4 gnome-terminal windows that I can see when I hold alt+tab, though if I select them.. they don't appear.23:39
gde33hitsujiTMO: game over?23:39
unstableHow can I fix this and get it to stop happening?23:39
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: Right, but it becomes a bit of a maintenance nightmare because there's multiple repo's to manage23:39
hitsujiTMOgde33: reboot and try again23:40
bekksdgarstang3: It is a _oneliner_ in bash, using sed.23:40
bekksdgarstang3: Literally a oneline, one moment.23:40
gde33hitsujiTMO: I did a few times, the windows still works23:40
hitsujiTMO!text | gde33 try this23:40
ubottugde33 try this: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode23:40
gde33hitsujiTMO: powered down23:40
dgarstang3bekks: Not really. I'm managing this with chef. Well, on the client, I have to define two URL's just for ubuntu, one for achive.ubuntu.com and another for security.ubuntu.com23:41
dgarstang3it's a proxy... why can't I just have a single entry point on the client to the server?23:41
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: what about creating a local mirror instead?23:42
DaghdhaHello. I just ran update and rebooted. Now after i startup it shows an error dialog on the desktop that some error occured. When i close it and try the dash home button the apps and recently run apps don't show anymore.23:42
DaghdhaAny clues to what causes that?23:42
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: Maybe. I thought this would be easier. Might have assumed wrong23:42
gde33hitsujiTMO: ok have a grub> prompt now, it accepts input23:42
hitsujiTMOdgarstang3: well, it "should" be easier yes.23:42
n-iCeI am here23:43
dgarstang3hitsujiTMO: it'd be easier with a single entry point on the client, and also if the funky proxy-url/original-url wasn't required23:43
hitsujiTMOgde33: esc out of the grub prompt to the menu, and replace "quiet splash" with "text"23:43
n-iCehitsujiTMO: :)23:43
bekksdgarstang3: Well, basically you just have to replace http://*.ubuntu.com with http://ip:port/*.ubuntu.com on all clients all source list files. Thats really not that hard, and easy to maintain.23:43
gde33hitsujiTMO: it gives a new grub> prompt under it when I press escape23:44
hitsujiTMOgde33: use exit then23:44
bekksdgarstang3: basically like this: sudo sed -i 's/\/ppa.launchpad.net/\/\/ppa.launchpad.net/' *.list, as an example.23:44
dgarstang3bekks: This is pretty ugly http://pastebin.com/8dQ6EmCH23:44
hitsujiTMOgde33: then hit "e" to edit the menu entryu23:45
n-iCehitsujiTMO: what's next!23:45
bekksdgarstang3: See that oneline.23:45
hitsujiTMOn-iCe: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:45
dgarstang3bekks: I'm doing this with chef, and the data needs to be encapsulated outside the code23:45
bekksdgarstang3: which data?23:46
gde33hitsujiTMO: exit makes it reboot :/23:46
dgarstang3bekks: the proxy address, the ubuntu archive address, the ubuntu security adress, the ports, the paths23:46
bekksdgarstang3: Then call a script that sets all that.23:46
hitsujiTMOgde33: sounds like grub wasn't installed correctly maybe23:47
dgarstang3bekks: s'ok. lemme see if I can make this suck less23:47
hitsujiTMOgde33: wait, no, you had a working system. ok can you boot the live cd?23:47
gde33hitsujiTMO: it is a wubi install23:47
hitsujiTMOgde33: ahh, wubi sucks. don't use wubi23:48
Toadstool2i agree23:48
Toadstool2dont use wubi23:48
Toadstool2wubi forces you to install linux on a NTFS drive which slows it down23:48
gde33hitsujiTMO: holding shift brings up the gui23:48
gde33hitsujiTMO: pressing e brings up some options23:48
hitsujiTMOgde33: replace "quiet splash" with "text"       then f10 to boot23:49
Daghdha"System Program problem detected23:49
Daghdha"System Program problem detected" How can i see what's causing it?23:50
q0i'd like to destroy my friend's ubuntu machine. What's the fastest way23:50
hitsujiTMODaghdha: where are you seeing this exactly?23:50
Bitwisesudo rm -rf /23:50
Toadstool2Daghdha: when you send the bug report there is a button that lets you see the details23:50
gde33hitsujiTMO: back at the purple screen :P23:50
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!23:50
hitsujiTMO!danger | Bitwise23:50
ubottuBitwise: please see above23:51
geniiBitwise: Don't do that.23:51
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hitsujiTMOq0: do not ask such qestions in here please23:51
GamesForLifeGamiSo I am setting up a Xubuntu server computer and I need the network interface card drivers, how do I know what drivers I need and how do I put them onto the server?23:51
BitwiseSorry, just answering a question. :\23:51
q0Lol seriously ? You're now accusing me of asking an innocent question23:51
hitsujiTMOBitwise: don't answer such questions23:52
BitwiseMy apologies.23:52
q0but i understand your concern my apologies as well23:52
unstableAlso, I have a specific window layout each time I setup my computer in the morning. I have chrome/sublime/hipchat/4 terminal windows, all in a specific layout.. how can I get that layout to be 'setup' fast, without manually dragging? The control/alt/num key pad stuff doesn't fit my use case, since I allocate screen space differently. How can I get this to stop happening? or get the windows to show?23:52
unstableThe only way I know to get out of this, is to kill the program and restart it23:52
q0sudo rm -rf23:52
BitwiseI have a question myself, actually.23:52
Daghdhaat boot, hmm it blames VirtualBox in that screen Toadstool2. But it also doesn't open the (i don't know what it's called) the part  that opens when you press the ubuntu logo button in the top left23:52
BitwiseI'm trying to set up courier but I get /usr/lib/courier/imapd.pem already exists. when I try to install courier-imap-ssl but if I delete it the output I receive is regarding a dead sym link.23:52
BitwiseWhat should I do to deal with this?23:52
hitsujiTMOBitwise: "i'd like to destroy my friend's ubuntu machine" infers that the person wants to destroy someone elses machine. not something we should be helping with on this channel23:53
ggreerq0: you could probably use a hammer. or thermite. or put it on train tracks23:53
ggreerreally, the fact thah it's running ubuntu shouldn't change the method of destruction23:53
DaghdhaAlso, i just did a kernel update. After the reboot it started23:54
gde33hitsujiTMO: in recovery mode it now gets stuck at the loading initial ramdisk entry23:54
gde33hitsujiTMO: caps lock still works23:54
q0Thank you ggreer ! :)23:54
geniiq0: Do not repeat dangerous commands in this channel. There are new users who do not necessarily know you are not talking to them and may type in what you put, killing their system.23:54
hitsujiTMOgde33: sounds like its messed up. time for a reinstall i guess.23:54
genii( it has happened previously)23:55
Daghdhaif i choose Dash Home it's just all empty and the window isn't even  rendered23:55
Daghdhait does put the X - [ ]  at the top left. But no menus and no window23:56
hitsujiTMOgde33: this is one reason why we don't recommend wubi. its far too fragile and is nearly impossible to recover in the event of a failure23:57
impossibleshould someone keep constant backup for that matter? hitsujiTMO23:58
hitsujiTMOimpossible: someone should keep constant backups anywayt23:59
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iterdon't destroy someone's computer, that's very not nice23:59
BitwiseI'm trying to set up courier but I get /usr/lib/courier/imapd.pem already exists. when I try to install courier-imap-ssl but if I delete it the output I receive is regarding a dead sym link. What should I do to properly deal with this?23:59
Toadstool2is there any way for me to backup my entire linux partition and restore it to the same state?23:59
Daghdhawhat is that menu called when you press the ubunty button and previously laucned apps and installed apps are shown as well as a text search box? I need to know it's name so i can google wth it's not showing anymore when i press that button23:59
impossibleI see, do you think the majority uses cloud-based backups or hdds>23:59

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