
weemscannot open display00:00
weemsbut I did not kill xfce00:00
weemsor the x server00:00
weemsshould I?00:00
krytarikweems: Terminal, not CLI. :P00:00
weemsI cant do that00:00
weemsbecause the UI wont load for me00:01
krytarikweems: That is, login, hit Super+T, and then.00:01
krytarik*log in00:01
weemsnow I dont see xfce login screen at all00:03
weemsjust cursor00:03
krytarikweems: How about just restarting then now? LOL00:03
weemsthats what I did I just rebooted the computer00:03
weemsand I didnt get xfce login screen like normal00:04
weemssomething must be up with lightdm00:04
krytarikweems: Then try restarting LightDM with "sudo service lightdm restart" from the CLI.00:05
weemsstart: job failed to start start: Job failed to start00:06
weemsstop: Unknown instance start: Job failed to start00:06
weemsalso had this error http://i.imgur.com/Mu2XHtW.png00:07
krytarikweems: Try "sudo killall lightdm", then try again.00:08
weemsok will do much thanks00:13
weems@ krytarik00:13
weemssays no process found00:14
krytarikweems: Then try again with "sudo service lightdm start", or just restart once more.00:29
weemsstop:unknown Instance start:Job failed to Start00:30
weemsagain :/00:30
Unit193Tried checking xorg logs?00:31
weemshmm ok00:31
weemswhere is the log file00:32
weems./usr/share ?00:32
krytarikweems: "/var/log" - there you'll also find the LightDM logs.00:34
weemskrytarik, thanks01:40
weemskrytarik, unable to determine mouse pointer integration - request initialization failed with return code -4.01:44
weemsthats a numerous error in xorg.0.log01:44
weemsRemoving x server authority. Stopping: greeter display server failed to start <--- from lightdm.log01:46
AussieDownUnderI still don't know how to change the lock screen from xscreensaver to light-locker. I first installed light-locker from ubuntu software source & then again through the terminal. I can test it through the terminal but unsure of how to properly configure/activate it.02:09
Unit193AussieDownUnder: What'd you do so far?02:17
AussieDownUnderadded the ppa source through a terminal, updated apt, installed light-locker from the terminal. Ran "light-locker" in one terminal & then in another ran "light-licker-command -l" which brought me to a different lock out log in screen02:19
AussieDownUnderunit193, ^02:19
AussieDownUnderunit193, I'm probably supposed to disable xscreensaver & set it to light-locker instead somehow right? xubuntu is starting to prove more of a challenge every day.02:20
Unit193What were you expecting?02:20
pac1_I have a desktop launcher with a generic icon (gears).  I want to replace it with the app's true icon.  I tried googling for where to put the icon and found advice for /usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/, placing it there did not make it appear in the the properties emblems tab of the launcher.02:21
Unit193light-locker uses the lightdm login manager as the lock screen.02:21
AussieDownUnderTo change the log in screen after the pc locks to a different log in screen instead of xscreensaver02:21
pac1_any further advice?02:21
pac1_is there a way to set an icon to be used by any theme?02:24
xubuntu794does anyone know how to make the username in the terminal a different color? It's really confusing to not be able to see02:25
Unit193xubuntu794: There should be a commented out section in .bashrc02:25
xubuntu794@Unit193 Thank you so much!!02:26
Unit193pac1_: Not done much, but ~/.icons/ might be used for some things.  Any reason you can't browse to it?02:26
Unit193xubuntu794: Sure.02:26
pac1_Not in this case.02:28
AussieDownUnderunit193, I think I tried running lightdm from terminal but nothing came up, got me a link so I can self educate?02:39
Unit193AussieDownUnder: The login screen.02:44
SirLagzI'm having issues with xubuntu - xfce4 doesn't seem to want to start up and keeps dumping me back to the greeter02:45
SirLagzi'm trying to work out what's crashing but can't seem to find anything to tell me what's dying =/02:45
AussieDownUnderFormat your hard drive02:45
SirLagzAussieDownUnder: a bit overkill don't you think ? :P02:46
AussieDownUnderWhat did you do?02:46
SirLagzi didn't do anything =/02:46
SirLagzwas working last time i turned it on02:46
SirLagzthen turned it on again a few days ago and it was doing this02:47
SirLagzat least I don't recall doing anything intentionally02:47
ubottuIf the GUI hangs after logging in, use <ctrl><alt><f1> to switch to text mode. Log in and do: rm .{X,ICE}authority02:47
SirLagzubottu: sorry, should have mentioned I tried that already. didn't work02:48
ubottuSirLagz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:48
SirLagzUnit193: I've checked htat already02:48
SirLagzUnit193: plus, I can't actually use Ctrl-Alt-F1 to switch to a terminal...it keeps switching me back to the greeter for some reason02:49
SirLagzhmm just tried to login with root and it worked02:50
SirLagzi am confused.02:52
SirLagzi actually logged in for a second...then it dropped me back to the greeter. GRR02:56
AussieDownUnderSirLagz, get your hard drive & put it in the microwave for 2 minutes02:56
SirLagzAussieDownUnder: no.02:56
SirLagzAussieDownUnder: I'm not sure work would appreciate me frying their microwave. :P02:57
AussieDownUnderSirLagz, but obviously don't really do that. What xubuntu version are you running & for how long have you had it installed?02:57
Unit193SirLagz: And what about the logs in /var/log/lightdm/ ?02:57
SirLagzAussieDownUnder: 13.10. It was upgraded about a month ago from 13.0402:57
SirLagzUnit193: I get a Stopping display server, no sessions require it02:58
AussieDownUnderSirLagz, when did this problem start happening & what were you doing to your pc around the time? What pc are you using right now to talk on irc?02:58
SirLagzAussieDownUnder: it started happening a few days ago when I turned the lappie on after not using for about a week or so02:58
SirLagzI have multiple machines to IRC on02:58
AussieDownUnderSirLagz, can you just boot into recovery mode & do something there?02:59
SirLagzAussieDownUnder: sure.02:59
SirLagzUnit193: something is sending a SIGTERM. I don't know what the process is sending it though as it's just showing the pid. I'm assuming it's lightdm though03:00
AussieDownUnderSirLagz, just run a defrib on the side vax & start the flux for a hyper jump03:04
Unit193I don't think that's helping.03:05
Unit193SirLagz: So, you didn't do anything weird with it?  Guest account work?  (Won't have any settings to mess stuff up except defaults.)03:05
SirLagzis there a way I can reset a user's session ?03:05
SirLagzUnit193: guest account doesn't work.03:06
SirLagzroot does though03:06
Unit193rm -r .cache/ .config/  but might want to just move the second one.03:06
SirLagzUnit193: already tried03:06
SirLagzUnit193: actually i didn't do both at once...03:06
SirLagzI'll try doing both at once03:06
SirLagznope. did both and same thing03:07
Unit193Nothing in any other logs either I take it?  (dmesg, syslog, xorg.log)03:07
SirLagzdmesg syslog and xorg.log all show up clean03:08
SirLagzjust lightdm log has some interesting things in it...though I'm having trouble tracing the pid to a process because I can't swith to a terminal =/03:08
SirLagzcan't ssh into it at the moment....I'm at work and I don't have anything to ssh into the laptop with lol03:09
Unit193TTY shouldn't be going back to the login screen..03:09
SirLagzeven if i log into xfce with root, then try to switch it's dumping me back to the greeter03:09
SirLagzhmm wonder if something's wrong with the disk03:10
SirLagzmight do a fsck03:10
AussieDownUnderJust fresh install 14.04 alpha 2 over it all03:11
Unit193Could try it live, sure.03:11
SirLagzAussieDownUnder: i'd rather not install an alpha.03:11
SirLagzUnit193: try 14.04 live ?03:12
Unit193Well, that or 13.1003:12
AussieDownUnderSirLagz, I'm running 14.0403:12
SirLagzAussieDownUnder: that doesn't stop me from not wanting to install 14.04 :P03:12
SirLagzi'm considering just dumping ubuntu altogether and switching to Arch03:13
SirLagzbut steam support of ubuntu makes ubuntu so attractive lol03:13
AussieDownUnderSteam OS03:13
SirLagzfsck came up clean03:14
SirLagzhmm. Opening the browser as root crashes xfce and dumps me back to the greeter03:27
SirLagzthat's probably what's causing it then03:28
Unit193You have quite a crashy system there.03:30
SirLagzit wasn't this crashy before 13.10 lol03:31
genii...And why are you running the browser as root? ...03:32
SirLagzgenii: because I can't login as a normal user03:32
AussieDownUnderFresh install03:32
AussieDownUnder& don't stuff with it03:33
geniiSounds like messed up permissions in the user's home dir03:33
SirLagzgenii: same thing happens with a guest account03:33
geniiSirLagz: Does it go out of the login screen at all then jump back ?03:34
Unit193genii: Going to tty even dumps back to lightdm.03:35
SirLagzgenii: yes03:35
geniiUnit193: So ctrl-alt-f1 doesn't even present a text login screen? Or after they login it boots?03:36
SirLagzgenii: ctrl-alt-f1 dumps me to a black screen, then back to the greeter03:36
geniiThat's very unusual, I'm not sure I've seen that before. Maybe once or twice if framebuffer was being used and not set to a resolution which the display could do03:37
SirLagzgenii: but I can login to Openbox as my normal user03:37
SirLagzso it's something to do with xfce or something to do with my xfce session that i assume is saved03:38
SirLagzoh hey...i'm in TTY now. wtf =/03:38
SirLagzand now i can't get into TTY after restarting lightdm03:39
SirLagz*sigh* maybe a full reinstall would be the best solution =/03:40
SirLagzlets do something stupid. Let's install xephyr to have a nested xserver and see what happens03:46
SirLagzsomething to do with the startxfce4 script is killing something03:59
SirLagzwoooooooooooooooooooo i logged in !04:04
SirLagzi have no idea why it's fixed now =/04:04
AussieDownUnderMaybe it just lagged sir?04:11
* genii ponders if this is some P-I or P-II machine04:13
geniius_0gb: No thanks, I have coffee04:16
AussieDownUnderI'm Vegan I don't drink coffee04:17
AussieDownUnderI shelve it, absorbs quicker04:17
us_0gbSuit yourself then. If you change your mind, it will be over here on the table.04:17
AussieDownUnderIs there going to be a vegan release of xubuntu that runs on love instead of electricity?04:33
AussieDownUnderMy apologies, wrong channel, thought I was in the offtopic.04:34
AussieDownUnderSo if I want to check the version of say xbmc from the stock repositories before installing it. What terminal command could I use to see what version it will be?04:44
Unit193apt-cache policy xbmc  (or s/policy/madison/)04:45
retrythe torrent for latest ubuntu 12.04 LTS is .4 but the mirror link for USA points to .304:45
retrywhere are the .4 iso's ?04:46
retryoh you know, it's only the USA mirror that's behind04:46
retryother mirrors have .4 point release...so nm04:47
retrysomeone may want to update the US mirror though04:47
SirLagzgenii: it's an AMD A4 machine05:13
SirLagznow to attempt to reinstall the ati drivers and hope it doesn't break everything05:14
SirLagzand it seems to be ok. woot05:39
Unit193That makes a lot of sense.05:39
SirLagzUnit193: what does ?06:06
=== dave is now known as Guest78243
jozefkIs xubuntu developed and supported by canonical?07:28
cfhowlettjozefk, yes07:29
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels07:29
jozefkIs it also LTS?07:29
Unit193Community developed, and what do you mean by "supported"?07:30
Unit1933 year LTS.07:30
jozefkIs Ubuntu community developed?07:30
Noskcajjozefk, yes07:31
jozefk3 years. So if I do install xubuntu desktop on Ubuntu 12.04 it will last one more year from now on right?07:31
Unit193Might as well wait for 14.04 at this point, but yes.07:31
NoskcajIt will be supported for that long, yes07:31
jozefkOK. Good. By support I means updates to the system07:32
Unit193Canonical provides the infrastructure, but as far as I know doesn't do paid Xubuntu support.07:33
AussieDownUnderI just want to play Minecraft & it won't let meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee07:59
cfhowlettAussieDownUnder, no details = no help.08:00
AussieDownUndercfhowlett, 14.04 daily, trying to run it from the minecraft.jar, there's not options in properties to allow it to run as executeable. I have Java 7 installed.08:11
koegsstill #ubuntu+1 :)08:11
Unit193AussieDownUnder: java -jar file.jar08:11
cfhowlettAussieDownUnder, you ARE aware that you're running a beta OS - so essentially you're doing testing and should not expect 100% functionality.  support is in #ubuntu+108:25
xubuntu078hello, i need help.09:04
xubuntu078somebody here who can help me installing an nvidia driver ?09:04
serranellushi everybody!11:46
serranellusdoes any geek want to explain me why should xubuntu run slower than ubuntu on my old notebook?11:47
serranelluscould it be a driver or architecture problem?11:48
serranellusthe processor is an AMD Mobile Sempron 3000+ / 1.8 GHz11:51
serranellusram 512 Mb11:51
serranellusthe live cd of xubuntu was unbelivably slow, so I choosed the alternate way, but the result is still lag/bug/annoying11:53
=== SirLagz_ is now known as SirLagz
Unit193512 isn't a lot to work with, but unity should be pretty unusably slow there as well.  Have you looked over at Lubuntu btw?11:58
SirLagzXfce works well with less ram11:58
SirLagzso Xubuntu11:58
SirLagzjust booted up my Xubuntu Laptop and it's sitting on 312 MB of ram used11:59
serranellusI'll try Lubuntu, maybe. Thx Unit193. However as SirLagz said xfce should be a good choice11:59
serranellusis there a way to examine what's wrong with it?12:00
SirLagzserranellus: how much RAM is it using at the moment12:00
Unit193You can turn off the compositor for one, but that's not going to help all that much.12:01
SirLagznot that there's much of a compositor in XFCE anyway12:02
serranellusI'm trying to know about the ram usage...12:02
SirLagzserranellus: free -h in a terminal will tell you12:02
SirLagzserranellus: or add in the applet for mem usage12:03
serranellusnow I'm performing a reboot. And I have to go having lunch.12:04
serranellusThanks a lot, I'll come back in few time.12:04
SirLagzgrr. Brightness Applet doesn't work on my laptop anymore12:05
SirLagzcan't change the brightness of my screen12:05
akishi all. I am wondering if there is any chance for zipcloak's password protect files not to be decompressed from ark or any other zip program because of a future's system update. Any opinion on this?12:17
xubuntu374Hey, how to put correctly iso file on pendrive? I need to mount it or what now12:19
xubuntu374To make it bootable12:20
b3Nxubuntu374: do you mean under Windows or Linux?12:20
xubuntu374I am using linux now12:21
xubuntu374thank you12:21
b3Nno problemn12:21
xubuntu374i think there is another way to reinstall xubuntu 'sitting' on it, isn't it?12:36
xubuntu374I backupd already my data so it is no problem to lose it12:37
akishi again. I am wondering if there is any chance for zipcloak's password protect files not to be decompressed from ark or any other zip program because of a future's system update. Any opinion on this?12:37
=== phunyguy_ is now known as phunyguy
caroline`hey there, I'm running xubuntu 12.04 and today my pc has frozen after ~20 minutes of use (sometimes cursor still responded, sometimes it didn't). i did this one time earlier in the past. What can I do to get more info on the cause of the problem?14:27
caroline`it has frozen about three times in a row14:27
serranellusSirLagz & Unit13914:35
serranellusOr 193?14:35
serranellusI'm back to say that maybe my ram was damaged or else, however with an other ram instead Xubuntu works flawlessly!14:37
John_John_how to start a graphical editor from terminal in xubuntu 13.10 ?15:44
John_John_i don't wanna use vim15:44
koegsJohn_John_: the standard-editor is "mousepad"15:46
John_John_i tried to use that from terminal but after a couple of times it crashed for some reason15:47
John_John_so its mousepad after all15:47
koegsyou can use whatever editor you want, i prefer "geany"15:47
John_John_can i install and run anything else ?15:47
John_John_and how can i then run it with a command from terminal ?15:47
cfhowlettjohn_JOHN of course.  see the software center options15:48
John_John_wait please15:48
John_John_ok i have just installed Geany and it runs fine from the menu but how do i make it run from the terminal also ?15:50
John_John_so i run sudo geany /etc/hosts for example ?15:50
John_John_it's already working that ! but when it runs the console gives me the following..how do i fix it ? (geany:3249): IBUS-WARNING **: The owner of /home/jsimeonidis/.config/ibus/bus is not root!15:52
cfhowlettJohn_John_, since it's a graphical editor, probably need to run gksudo geany15:53
John_John_aha ok sorry i am new to linux :)15:53
cfhowlettJohn_John_, no worries15:53
John_John_ok thanks it worked15:57
John_John_one more detail15:57
John_John_how can i still run geany without blocking the terminal window or without needing to press CTRL+C to unblock it ?15:58
John_John_it's ok..if that's possible of course !!16:00
koegsJohn_John_: "geany test.txt &"16:00
koegsthe & is important16:00
GridCubeJohn_John_, you can also launch apps pressing alt-f2 and writing the command in the box16:01
John_John_really thanks for the help guys :) catch you laterz16:13
=== jamin_ is now known as jamin
iGor2hi everyone :)17:43
iGor2I've some auth_failed problem with Ubuntu One on a 12.04 Xubuntu, and the solutions I've found on the help/faq of the official site don't work for me. Am I at a right place to ask some question about it ?17:45
GridCubeiGor2, i dont know about ubuntu one, but you can ask anyway, if someone knwos they migh answer17:47
TheSheepyou might also try #ubuntu17:47
bazhang#ubuntone as well17:52
bazhangerr #ubuntuone17:52
iGor2ok. So the user of the computer found out that Ubuntu One wasn't synching any more. Opening the client, I saw that the synching wasn't "connected", but I get the account information. The error says "sync error. Auth_failed. I went for documentation on the website but nothing what I read worked. I'm discovering right now the log files under .cache/ubuntuone/log17:53
iGor2on the web site i found this : https://one.ubuntu.com/help/faq/why-am-i-getting-an-the-authentication-failed-error-on-windows/ I reinstalled ca-certificates, but it didn't worked.17:55
iGor2I found also this : https://one.ubuntu.com/help/faq/what-should-i-do-if-authentication-fails-auth_failed-state/ The first solution, I don't know, I can't find any https://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines/ But the client says that this machine is authorized. For the token, I can't fine seahorse on a xubuntu... And I've run the .py script and get this result "Checking credentials...  OK"17:58
iGor2I've read somewhere about setting correctly the clock and timezone, but it's not the problem18:00
iGor2bazhang : thank you, I'm trying this one too18:03
iGor2GridCube : thank for your encouragments :)18:03
=== Arceye_ is now known as Arceye
John_John_i am new to linux and xubuntu. i have downloaded google chrome as a .deb from the official site. now how do i install this ?20:21
Unit193Normally double click it to open with gdebi or software center.20:25
p30nhey all, quick question: is it easy to get netflix working in ubuntu and more specifically in a xubntu? :)21:12
Sysiquite easy21:13
p30nlike through a browser addon for xbmc then or what?21:13
* p30n quits21:13
baizonp30n: 3 steps21:13
baizonSysi: or he can use the netflix app ;)21:14
baizonp30n: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-netflix-in-ubuntu-13-1013-04-using-ppa.html21:14
knomebaizon, that does basically the same thing.21:14
alexforgemeu ingles é pessimo alguem pt br21:15
Sysibaizon: it's exactly the same thing, except that you maybe also run firefox on wine21:15
knome!br | alexforge21:15
ubottualexforge: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.21:15
alexforgemeu ingles é pessimo alguem pt br21:15
p30nwill i get it running like inside the xbmc interface or do i have to multitask to some other "desktop" so to speak21:15
alexforgeops obrigado21:16
Sysip30n: you run it with your browser or an app that essentially is a browser opening fullscreen21:17
alexforgejoin #ubuntu-br21:17
p30nSysi: from inside xbmc? sounds easy enough anyways21:17
Sysip30n: no, webbrowser. Like Firefox21:18
p30nbut my biggest problem then is that im stuck with OE to have my AMD fusion running flawless GPU acceleration in xbmc...21:18
SysiI don't think you can use xbmc but I might be wrong21:18
p30nSysi: oh ok, from X then or ?21:18
Sysibut I'm pretty sure xbmc uses X too21:18
Sysiwine should support GPU acceleration nowdays but your mileage may vary21:19
p30nwell that is not the problem, the problem is playing back HD material inside xbmc on xubuntu21:19
p30nopenelec with OSS drivers is the only distro that does it good on AMD fusion platforms21:20
p30nwonder why no1 has made a "real" xbmc addon for netflix and say spotify yet21:21
baizonp30n: adobe flash21:21
p30nshouldn't be that complicated, at least for netflix since as u say it can run inside a browser21:21
p30nbaizon: afaik netflix don't use flash21:21
Sysiit wouldn't help with hardware acceleration anyway, because of silverlight21:21
Sysiyou'd need to have netflix-people making the xbmc plugin like they do mobile apps21:22
baizonp30n: yeah sorry, its the Microsoft VC1AP (Silverlight)21:22
p30nwell with a firefox addon or chrome addon for xbmc the problem would be solved no?21:22
p30ni cant even find a proper graphical broswer addon for xbmc21:23
baizonp30n: no, because the owner has to pay Microsoft for the licence21:23
Sysiactually there is an xbmc plugin, but it's gonna be exactly the same as using a browser21:23
p30ni would like to have it all inside the xbmc interface without need to revert to any other "desktop" so to speak21:23
Sysino perf difference21:23
p30nSysi: which one?21:23
p30nbaizon: pipelight?21:23
baizonp30n: "Pipelight consists out of two parts: A Linux library which is loaded into the browser and a Windows program started in Wine. The Windows program, called pluginloader.exe, simply simulates a browser and loads the Silverlight DLLs."21:25
p30noh ok21:25
p30nSysi: that looks like a great solution ill dig into it now21:25
p30ni guess its not that easy to get that guide working on a open elec install21:28
panxsholy sheeeeets of ACid Rayne raining dOWn Raymond Sir...22:19
panxsGNOME live!!! @homeLands22:21
xubuntu216I have this issue where the xubuntu installer doesn't see my windows 8 partition, how do you fix this?22:23
xubuntu216this is the problem that affects people with windows 8 installed on an SSD22:24
panxsEFI BIOS settings ?? &&&& might try to run G-Part from 64-bit installer DVD. it should SCAN all known partition types.22:26
Unit193xubuntu216: I'd presume 64bit install?22:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1079056 in os-prober (Ubuntu) "ubiquity does not detect Windows 8(UEFI)" [Undecided,Fix released]22:32
xubuntu216i'll try that22:33
Unit193So yeah, looks like that should be fixed in Saucy...22:34
Unit193I presume that's what you're trying?22:34
xubuntu216yep, fix worked22:38
xubuntu216thanks, just needed to talk it out I guess22:38
panxsok got iT . i think you need 2 Disable Secure Boot in the UEFI "firmware" type interface.  if u have done so, then  GREAT. it just worked. killaz =:?)22:40
=== phunyguy_ is now known as phunyguy
panxsAUDii iLinux **************i would spec Microsoft is hiding NTFS partitions under Windows 8 installs on all new PC machines********** OtherWiseR=ProblemType: Bug DistroRelease: Ubuntu 12.10 Package: ubiquity 2.12.1622:49

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