
hatchjujugui looking for a quick review on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/138 to fix the ie test failures00:02
=== hatch___ is now known as hatch
rick_h_this is an annoying damn thing01:55
rick_h_and vmware fusion is irritating, osx terminal is irritating01:55
hatchrick_h_ get iterm01:57
rick_h_yea? is it the thing to get 01:57
hatchit's the best terminal app out there by far01:57
hatchiterm2 actually01:57
hatchand I haven't used fusion before....but I think that's what bac uses01:58
hatchirc client...Textual (it's $2.50 or something in the app store)01:58
hatchPCKeyboard Hack (for remapping the caps lock) and KeyRemap4MacBook for key remappings01:59
rick_h_caps lock moved well enough01:59
rick_h_heh, irc is ssh to my server and irssi02:00
rick_h_I'm there :)02:00
rick_h_fusion says it's 'sharing' the drive but it's empty on the guest02:00
hatchBetterTouchTool for better gesture support02:00
rick_h_so :P lying software02:00
hatchCaffeine so it doesn't go to sleep all the damn time02:01
hatchand umm02:01
hatchI think that's all the suggestions I have02:01
rick_h_k, thanks02:01
hatchSkitch for screenshots and sharing (Evernote companion app)02:02
hatchoh and go and get Xcode started downloading02:02
hatchyou'll need it for things like `make`02:02
rick_h_yea, got xcode02:02
hatchoh and you'll probably want open pgp02:04
hatchbut maybe not if you don't add email to osx02:04
hatchI use Postbox for email because it has pgp support as a plugin but it's $10 so if you don't plan on using osx a whole lot then might as well just stick with email in Ubuntu02:05
rick_h_yea, mutt cli ftw02:05
hatcheww lol02:06
rick_h_woot, finally figured out how to show hidden folders so I could install my fonts02:19
hatchohh yeah that02:19
hatchsorry I forgot about those things02:19
hatchthere should be an off switch to the 'idiot mode' that they start in lol02:20
rick_h_now if I could just figure out how to share folders with this ubuntu instance I could get the gui up and running :/02:20
rick_h_and review/qa your branches02:20
hatchohh wait02:20
hatchuse vagrant02:20
rick_h_no, not that desperate02:20
hatchyou'll be up and running in no time02:20
rick_h_but it blew up on you today02:20
hatchyeah but that's the first time in months02:20
hatchjust DO NOT run two vm software at the same time...it'll kernel panic and crash :)02:21
hatchI did that today haha02:22
hatchI probably do that once a week lol02:22
hatchbut really the vagrant images are just so easy to use02:22
rick_h_hmm, ok might look at it if I can't figure it out I guess02:22
hatchwhen I get some free time I'll set up our vagrant images to use nfs 02:23
hatchbecause the virtualbox fileshare is pretty slow02:24
hatchbut it's good enough for now02:24
hatchI'm running #137 again to see if it passes CI because it's failure was the intermittent one02:25
rick_h_cool yea02:25
rick_h_it's nice to have a fix for that02:25
rick_h_make sure you've got a card for that02:25
hatchcreated friday card02:27
hatchrick_h_ given up yet and gone with vagrant? :)02:46
rick_h_heh, not yet02:46
rick_h_did a reboot, gotten the dock cleaned up, fonts better, and colors tweaked down02:47
rick_h_now if only I could get this drive share...02:47
hatchwhat font did you go with?02:47
rick_h_I'm a liberation mono fan myself02:48
rick_h_ok, ssh works to the vm so we're in business02:48
rick_h_rsync ftw02:48
hatchinteresting...I use source code pro heh02:49
rick_h_yea, guy here is promoting that one02:49
hatchit's a well done font, easy to read02:49
hatchalthough sometimes having those serif's would be nice02:49
rick_h_meh serif02:50
hatchbut it reads well even without them02:50
hatchMakyo wrecked me - he educated me why text has serifs02:50
hatch(don't look it up unless you also want to be wrecked)02:50
rick_h_been there done that02:50
rick_h_it's for print02:50
rick_h_I don't believe in serif for lcd/computer displays02:50
hatchwell no it's so that your eye can move from one character to the other easily across a single line02:51
rick_h_right, but look into it. It's intended for a print medium. 02:51
hatchhmm interesting maybe I'll have to read further into it02:52
hatchoh quickstart you rock02:54
* hatch would love it even more if he could provide git branch info for the gui :)02:54
hatchhah wut?02:55
rick_h_that's the git hash info02:55
rick_h_and the git branch info is from the config02:55
rick_h_juju get juju-gui02:55
hatch`juju quickstart -e amazon -gui="github.com/hatched mybranch"` 02:56
hatchis what I mean02:56
hatchjust save me a step in the future is all02:56
hazmatfrankban, ping09:31
frankbanhey hazmat 09:32
hazmatfrankban, two items.. first via time machine.. do you remember the openstack dashboard work you did? 09:33
hazmatthat integrated juju gui09:33
frankbanhazmat: yes I do09:34
hazmatfrankban, do you happen to have a screenshot of it?09:34
* hazmat is digging through email from late 201209:35
hazmatfrankban, the other item, was the unit-errors branch.. i didn't really understand why the separate feedback mechanism... and the whole watcher handler functions returning callbacks on env seems a bit strange.09:36
frankbanhazmat: looking, but I don't think I have a screenshot, code is here: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-gui-peeps/juju-gui/horizon/files09:36
hazmatfrankban, thanks09:38
* hazmat looks for 2fa dev09:39
frankbanhazmat: the watcher/API layer is still generic. it just allows for injecting semantic. We need a way to react to unit errors in different ways (e.g. just log them, or raise an exception as soon as a unit is found in an error state (which is precisely the current default behavior). That's just a functional approach (pass a function that is called on errors), allowing us to customize the watcher behavior: the importe09:39
frankbanr layer seems still decoupled from the API to me, it just provides some logic09:39
hazmatfrankban, how is that different then the feedback mechanism on deployments?09:42
hazmatwhich was put in place for this exact same reason (handle errors vs warnings differently)09:42
hazmatdepending on usage mode09:43
frankbanhazmat: ISTM the feedback collects messages, errors and warnings, and then code can use the feedback to react to collected messages. here we have a slightly different use cases. we have unit errors, and we need to customize how those are handled. e.g. the default deployer behavior is to exit as soon as possible if a unit is in error, without waiting for all the other entities to be started. in that case the fact we09:47
frankban are logging errors is incidental, the goal is to exit the application asap. from he guiserver perspective, we instead want to log errors but still keep on watching the other units until they are started or in error.09:47
frankbanhazmat: so we need a way to tell to the watcher: please keep watching, do not raise UnitErrors, just notify them to me an d I'll handle them in the way I like. in this scenario, the watcher is a middleware: it has access to the watch, and it is provided on_error logic (as a function) from the caller09:51
hazmatfrankban, that aspect is fine.09:53
hazmatwhere things go strange to me is  the defaults funcs in the watchers as callback generators on env, instead of just passing a feedback style object.. the env isn't really a place to handle that logic imo, its for env manipulation not policy. i'd like to keep the behavioral customization of handling feedback policy on the deployment. 09:55
frankbanhazmat: yes that's unfortunate, but it seemed required to me given the watcher data differences between go and python juju implementations. the log callbacks are closures storing a reference to the env because of that. even before the change that logging code was in the env.wait_for_units for the same reason IMHO. if we want to push that forward, we can just expose a units2errors method on the environment and have 10:02
frankbanthe callback itself call logger.error on the messages returned by that method. it is doable, I ended up with just using the logger stored in the env for practicality. as I said, that code was already on the env, I just moved it in a separate method10:02
hazmatfrankban, the python env impl is going to be deleted, not supporting it would have been fine.10:04
hazmatfrankban, fair enough10:05
hazmatfrankban, is the usage code here juju-gui/server/guiserver/bundles ?10:05
frankbanhazmat: cool, that would simplify things. we can simplify the callbacks once py support is removed10:06
frankbanhazmat: yes. I need to add a small change to that code given the introduction of deployer.guiserver.get_default_guiserver_options10:06
frankbanhazmat: bundles/base.py is where the deployer is imported and used10:08
hazmathmm.. yeah.. i don't see any feedback customization there 10:09
hazmatits still expecting errors10:10
frankbanhazmat: deployer/guiserver.py customizes Deployment._handle_feedback10:11
hazmatfrankban, ic that but its still based on error passing which is fine, the base usage is guarding against impl10:12
frankbanhazmat: no juju-horizon screenshot here, sorry10:15
hazmatfrankban, no worries. thanks for looking. still thinking through the branch and looking for 2fa 10:17
hazmatfrankban, i guess merge as is is okay, would you mind fixing up the merge errors to trunk, the alternative i can find is adding config options to the watch class ie ignore_states, error_states etc, but i don't see anything in the mp that would cause issues for the gui on a refactor later.11:49
frankbanhazmat: great, I'll merge trunk and push then11:51
hazmatfrankban, cool, thanks11:51
frankbanhazmat: thank you for the review! are you in europe?11:56
hazmatfrankban, no.. just bad sleep schedule post capetown11:56
frankbanhazmat: oh :-/11:56
hazmatwell today actually it was toddler wake up call at 4am. it happens.11:57
rick_h_babby hours! :)12:01
frankbanhazmat: branch pushed12:34
frankbanrick_h_: http://jujugui.wordpress.com/2014/02/20/juju-quickstart-1-1-0-released/12:36
rick_h_frankban: awesome thanks! Looks like it auto hit the twitter account as well12:37
hazmatfrankban, merged and released 0.3.212:45
frankbanhazmat: awesome! thanks12:46
frankbanweird that launchpad does not show that12:48
hazmatfrankban, i push to pypi12:49
frankbanhazmat: I know, I mean, https://code.launchpad.net/~juju-deployers/juju-deployer/trunk does not show the revision, and https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/juju-deployer/unit-errors/+merge/206967 does not consider it merged...12:50
hazmatfrankban, oh.. i hadn't pushed master.. the rel is out on pypi though12:51
frankbanhazmat: yeah I see, thanks12:51
frankbanbac: morning, I'll be working on the charm to include deployer 0.3.2 and integrate guiserver changes. when you have time, could you please take a look at how to update juju-quickstart in trusty?12:52
bacfrankban: sure12:53
bacfrankban: so both j-deployer changes are merged?12:53
frankbanbac: yes12:53
bacfrankban: excellent.  no forky12:53
frankbanbac: moved the cards, yeah exactly12:53
bacfrankban: for clarification, the card about updating in trusty is only relevant for post-freeze changes, right?12:54
bacpost-freeze / post-release12:54
frankbanbac: not sure, rick_h_ ? ^^^12:55
rick_h_bac: well james handled getting us submitted into universe. I'm not sure how we make sure that updates 12:55
rick_h_freeze is today, so we'd like to get this new 1.1 release as the frozen trusty version12:55
rick_h_bac: so maybe check with james page on if we need to do anything 12:55
rick_h_bac: and then post-freeze I'd assume we'd fall under the juju ppa and keep updates in there unless they're security related. 12:56
bacrick_h_: will do.  but my understanding of the card was to document what we do after release.12:56
bacsure we can make PPA changes but other non-security changes could potentially be submitted12:57
rick_h_bac: ah ok. That sounds cool, we've also got the initial task of making sure we're in the release I guess12:57
bachere is the Stable Release Update (SRU) explanation, in case you're interested.  i'll summarize its affect on us somewhere:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates12:57
rick_h_bac: and jamespage was working on trying to shepard us into main vs universe12:57
* rick_h_ loads12:57
bacrick_h_: ok12:58
rick_h_bac: thanks for the link. This will definitely be useful over the 14.04 support cycle.12:59
bacrick_h_: getting an SRU is, rightfully, a painful and frightening experience.  let's try to avoid it.12:59
rick_h_bac: definitely, I don't think we've got anything that would jump out as a big security issue but that's about all I can think of atm. 13:00
gary_posteronly sudo usage. :-P13:11
rick_h_gary_poster: as an attack vector?13:12
rick_h_good point. And we shouldn't need it for trusty. Maybe it's worth a freeze exception to be able to go back and remove it once 1.18 hits for 14.0413:13
hazmat1.18 seems required for 14.0413:13
rick_h_they were saying within 2ish weeks13:13
rick_h_if that's true we'd have the ability to drop sudo usage from quickstart for the lifetime there. 13:14
* rick_h_ notes to look into filing a freeze exception13:14
rick_h_frankban: up for 1-1 today? 13:14
frankbanrick_h_: sure13:15
rick_h_frankban: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/rick13:16
* frankban lunches13:25
benjirick_h_: there is a fly in the lower-case search ointment: the search corpus contents are returned via the charmworld API so if we lower case, e.g., the name of the charm then the search results in the GUI will include the improperly cased charm name14:00
rick_h_benji: ummm...suckiness14:01
gary_posteranother field, I guess?14:01
rick_h_yea, we're back at the multi field setup14:02
benjiwe /could/ look up each charm in the search results and substitute in the data in the mongo db14:02
rick_h_benji: but could we add two fields to ES, raw_name and name or something?14:02
rick_h_or the other way around I guess. name and indexed_name14:03
benjiyeah, we considered that at the outset but it looked a bit like the internal structure of charm world really wanted a one-to-one mapping from charm/bundle data to ES field.  Not that it would be impossible to do, it may just take more refactoring than we initially thought14:03
rick_h_right, ok. So we can either expand that, or go back to ES having the multiple indexes on a single field you mentioned yesterday?14:04
rick_h_benji: any idea on which path seems most sane at this point?14:04
rick_h_benji: and do you think either are landable before the EOW and you leave next week?14:04
rick_h_(and MWC starts on monday)14:05
rick_h_benji: we can chat in hangout and do 1-1 when you've got a sec?14:06
benjirick_h_: I am leaning slightly toward the {type: "multi_field"} appraoch right now mainly because it is the way the ES people suggest doing this (this being case insensitive search on otherwise unanylized fields)14:06
rick_h_benji: rgr, that sounds reasonable to me14:07
benjirick_h_: I can hang out when you're ready14:07
rick_h_benji: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/rick14:07
rick_h_hatch: let me know when you get in and we can go over the qa on your branch14:27
rick_h_hatch: I've got the running env up and can get you access to peek at it14:27
hatchrick_h_ yeah please do, I can't reproduce your issue14:34
hatchjujugui a small hack I put together last weekend http://fromanegg.com/post/77277923553/juju-gui-google-hangouts-proof-of-concept14:37
benjivery cool hatch 14:38
hatch:) thanks 14:38
hatchI'm going to email it to canonical tech see if anyone else has any input on it14:38
BradCrittendenhatch: looks very cool14:39
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
hatchthanks bac 14:41
frankbanhatch: great, so, can you use the GUI/ change the environment from inside the hangout?14:41
hatchfrankban you bet, it's a fully functional gui14:41
frankbanhatch: cool14:41
benjiI had thought of something similar, but the other way around, instead of putting the GUI in hangouts I though of using twilio browser client to do in-app voice chat between users 14:42
hatchbenji cool, my first attempt was to integrate a Hangout into the GUI but their api doesn't allow that (at least yet)14:44
hatchintegrated twilio would be cool though, I didn't know hey had a peer to peer api, I thought it was only phone14:44
benjihatch: you might also be interested in https://togetherjs.com/14:45
benjiyeah, they have iOS, Android, and browser integration now; pretty cheap too, 0.25 cents per minute14:46
hatchahh cool 14:46
hatchyeah I've seen togetherjs - it's kind of reproducing what we are doing with the gui heh14:46
benjia bit, yeah; I was specifically thinking about the per-user mouse cursors.  It would be very nice to be able to voice chat (integrated or not) and be able to see the other person's cursor14:48
hatchyeah that would be very cool14:50
frankbanguihelp: is anyone available for reviewing/QAing https://codereview.appspot.com/63570048 (gui charm)?14:51
benjibac: when doing the initial review of your branch yesterday I noticed a regex tweak you could do, but it is proably too late now, so for future reference:14:56
benjithe regex was '^\s*(bundle|charm)[s]{0,1}:(.*)'; the "[s]{0,1}" part could be replaced by "s?"14:56
bacbenji: thanks.14:57
bacbenji: i've got bigger fish to gore14:57
hatchrick_h_ found the bug thanks - I'll have to also check in IE because it's a MIME issue (again) 15:02
rick_h_hatch: rgr, thanks!15:02
baci was just complaining about the internet dropping out a lot here.  my karmic reward?  the water has gone out.15:02
hatchI'd much rather have the internet go out than the water :)15:03
rick_h_bac: time to move? You know we could melt you enough snow to fill your water pot here15:03
bacrick_h_: ship some down here.  it'll melt on its own.15:04
rick_h_bac: let me know when you've got 1-1 time if your interwebs work 15:10
hatchrick_h_ do you still have that env up?15:14
rick_h_hatch: yep15:14
hatchcould you put a debugger in app.js:_determineFileType() and let me know what the dataTransfer.types object is?15:15
hatchplz and thanks15:15
rick_h_second, otp15:15
hatchevery time I see that I think "On The Potty" :D15:15
rick_h_hey, that's still a good excuse15:16
hatchlol true, but in that case you should probably be concentrating on something other than IRC lol15:16
hatchrick_h_ Ie10 bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1282633 prioritize as you will15:20
_mup_Bug #1282633: Clicking service name on icon does not open inspector in IE19 <ie10> <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1282633>15:20
bacrick_h_: free now.  you got a hangout space?15:21
rick_h_bac: yea, on the calendar link. Did you get the invite?15:22
rick_h_https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/rick bac 15:22
bacrick_h_: no15:22
frankbanhttp://python.org has a new look and an interactive shell, seems cool15:36
hatchevery browser has an integrated shell for JS :P15:36
frankbanlol, well... not all browsers IIRC15:38
hatchhaha ok 15:41
frankbanrick_h_: re the "Improve jenv login message (subdivide; see description)" in the maintenance lane: isn't that already done?15:49
rick_h_frankban: so it notes a few parts. One of which is a change to juju-core. Was that completed already?15:49
rick_h_jujugui call in 1015:50
frankbanrick_h_: yes the fix is in core trunk15:50
rick_h_frankban: ok, yea if everying in the notes there then please move that off to releaseable.15:51
frankbanrick_h_: ok cool I'll move the card15:51
rick_h_jujugui call in 215:59
* hatch pokes rick_h_ for that object :)16:31
rick_h_hatch: redeploying the gui on the updated branch. Will be a sec16:33
rick_h_hatch: you pushed your update right?16:33
hatchI just need to know what it is so I can write the proper test16:33
hatchlike what the chrome dev shows as the object 16:34
rick_h_oh, well right now it's deploying the gui and about to get a juju set to your branch again16:34
hatchoh ok :)16:34
rick_h_right, heh will be a few min16:34
gary_posterbiab: lunch and such.  have a 1 PM call so will be back by then16:47
rick_h_hatch: what am I looking for?17:01
hatchrick_h_ could you put a debugger in app.js:_determineFileType() and let me know what the dataTransfer.types object is?17:01
rick_h_ok, destroying17:02
hatchok if it was ["Files"] then it should work...17:03
hatchwhat about...17:03
rick_h_DataTransferItemList {0: DataTransferItem, length: 1, remove: function, clear: function, add: function}17:04
rick_h_kind: "file"17:04
rick_h_type: "application/zip"17:04
hatchhmm odd17:04
hatchit should definitely work then17:04
rick_h_working now17:04
rick_h_but this is on the apple :/17:04
rick_h_let me go back to my desktop17:05
rick_h_bah, trying to sneak lunch in by working from the kitchen counter :)17:06
hatchhaha sorry17:06
rick_h_DataTransferItemList {0: DataTransferItem, length: 1, remove: function, clear: function, add: function}17:07
hatchbut it doesn't work?17:07
rick_h_kind: "file"17:07
rick_h_type: "application/zip"17:07
rick_h_right, it download17:07
hatchok umm17:07
rick_h_this is linux on chrome-dev17:08
rick_h_Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type application/zip: "file:///home/rharding/Downloads/ghost-charm-master/ghost.zip".17:08
rick_h_in the console17:08
hatchcan you put a debugger in showInspectorDropNotification() and see if that method gets called?17:08
rick_h_yes, it's hit17:09
hatchok and one more17:10
rick_h_and completes successfully17:10
rick_h_though I don't see the mask17:10
hatchyou won't, it's transparent17:10
rick_h_appDragOverHandler() fileType is 'zip'17:11
hatchcan you put a debugger in the callback in _attachInspectorDropMaskEvents to see if the drop event is fired17:11
rick_h_no, the drop event is not hit17:13
rick_h_it's a race there isn't it? to create the mask, watch for drop, while the user is dropping?17:13
rick_h_hatch: want a hangout with screenshare to help?17:14
hatchyeah sure17:14
hatchif you're done lunch17:14
rick_h_heh, for wimps17:14
hatchrick_h_ ^17:15
hatchyou left me :(17:28
rick_h_heh, hangouts crashed hard17:28
hatchI'll fire up a vm with stable and see what I can do17:28
rick_h_now when I go back it says to install the plugin17:28
rick_h_hatch: cool thanks17:28
hatchyeah it does that sometimes when doing screenshares in Ubuntu17:28
rick_h_bac: email inbound if you get a few min to look through. 17:55
rick_h_hatch: Makyo wasn't there talk about not exporting the Gui when you do an export?18:23
rick_h_did we ditch that for some reason? or am I not remembering?18:24
hatchthre was talk18:24
hatchI can't remember now....I think it was decided that there shold be the option18:25
rick_h_it's come up today and I'm trying to think if there's a reason not to. The one thing I can see if that if you use quickstart or deployer via cli on a new env you won't have a gui ootb18:25
rick_h_though quickstart will18:25
rick_h_yea, the option would be best, but is there a good reason to not default to not exporting it?18:26
rick_h_if you quickstart deploy you'd get a gui on node 0, otherwise you might already have a gui18:26
hatchdepends if your exporting for a bundle or exporting your environment18:26
hatchyour environment includes the gui18:26
hatcha bundle likely wouldn't18:26
rick_h_right, but even if you export your env is it a pain to not have the gui there?18:27
rick_h_in the export itself18:27
hatchmaybe if you have it configured18:27
* hatch is just being the devils advocate 18:27
rick_h_definitely, please do18:27
hatchI'd say it's easier to remove it form a bundle18:27
hatchthan to miss it from a env export18:27
rick_h_so the only config I can think of that'd be 'environment' required would be the charmworld url?18:28
hatchyeah probably right....but it's a lot easyer to remove something form the bundle than have to manually add it back in 18:28
hatcheasier even18:29
hatchman I can't type today18:29
hatchyou may have subordinates on the gui maybe?18:30
rick_h_oh hmm, that's interesting18:30
hatchthat would make it extra complex to re-create manually18:30
rick_h_the story of jujucharms where the gui is the environment center18:30
rick_h_I just feel like the 80/20 rule says 80% of the time leave it out 18:32
hatchwell it really depends what they are using the export  button for18:33
hatchI'd almost say it's the other way around18:33
* rick_h_ goes back to the email18:33
hatchbecause it goes back to that it's a lot easier to remove it from a bundle export than to add it back into an environment export18:33
rick_h_how so? because you have to know the syntax/charm path?18:34
rick_h_hmm, I guess I see. 18:34
hatchbecause of the potential configurations18:34
hatchyeah....Iunno, I'm for leaving it in until we get a configuration option18:35
rick_h_k, thanks for talking me out of it :)18:36
rick_h_I'll check/create a bug. Something that's come up a couple of times now. 18:37
hatchhaha :)18:39
hatchok back to work now from lunch18:40
luca__rick_h_: hey, what does http://www.cohesiveft.com/ do?18:47
luca__rick_h_: is it purely security and networks?18:47
luca__rick_h_: thanks, the I'm at an event and the CTO is giving a talk, I'm not really following but wondering if there is some overlap with Cohesive and Juju, for possibly user testing.18:48
rick_h_luca__: possibly. It looks like they're layering and wrapping docker containers. 18:49
rick_h_which juju is a level above docker and bcsaller_ was playing with wrapping docker in juju18:49
luca__rick_h_: ah18:49
rick_h_looks like some software networking bits in their image there 18:49
luca__rick_h_: yeah, I was wondering if I should talk to him possibly for network view user testing18:50
rick_h_actually they look like a network tooling company18:50
hatchlooks like they could be a competitor maybe?18:50
bacrick_h_: done with the doc.  i went ahead and made some small changes in place18:50
hatchman their website is confusing....18:51
luca__hatch: yeah hehe18:51
bacrick_h_: looks nice18:51
hatchluca__ rick_h_  if I were to take a guess, i'd say they provide software to connect cloud machines into your own network....not sure where the docker bits come in though18:51
luca__hatch: I see, they need a better website18:52
luca__hatch: and maybe a better offering :D18:52
rick_h_bac: thank you much!18:53
rick_h_hatch: luca__ yea, it looks like they're a software network tool provider and they've extended to proviing their tools on top of cloud providers to compete with amazon virtual private clouds18:53
hatchluca__ lol, well maybe the offering is good....they need a better landing page explaining their offering :D18:53
rick_h_so they'd be a network layer in juju18:53
rick_h_luca__: so yea, I'd say they might be interested if their network layer tools work on things like openstack, etc18:54
luca__rick_h_: I see18:54
luca__rick_h_: I have a word18:54
* hatch ... that moment when tests pass which should fail18:56
hatchMakyo what did you use to record your gui vids?19:15
hatchrick_h_ bleh I found another issue with the local charm upload in FF that we cannot get around - quick hangout to chat about direction?19:30
rick_h_hatch: sure thing19:31
hatchrick_h_ ^19:31
Makyohatch, Audacity and recordmydesktop.  May change with the air, though, depending if there's a better solution there.19:52
hatchMakyo I just tried using Screenflow on OSX and even at $100 it's not very well done20:04
hatchpretty buggy20:04
MakyoBoo :/20:04
hatchit's touted as the best though which isn't saying much20:04
hatchit has some great features, don't get me wrong, but the bugs wreck it20:05
Makyohatch, Used to use http://www.techsmith.com/jing.html# at the library on win/OS X20:05
rick_h_techsmith is a local place. 20:05
rick_h_used to use their camtasia stuff back in the day20:06
hatchhmm I'll check that out20:08
hatchthere appear to be some reasonable video editors as well20:09
hatchmaybe the Ubuntu software has matured enough now...20:09
MakyoI've had pretty good luck with kdenlive20:09
MakyoFor my talk thing I used imovie though, since I only had that on the plane.20:10
hatchcool cool20:10
MakyoOh, I'd forgotten about Lightworks20:19
MakyoCinelerra never did work for me.20:19
hatchfunny that lightworks is for windows and linux ....not osx hah20:25
* bac curses kernel upgrade and vmware20:51
bacbut, happily we have water again20:51
rick_h_bac: yay water20:54
rick_h_running away, night all21:20
=== lazyPower_ is now known as lazyPower
hatchhey rick_h_  if you appear tonight, I have pushed the fixes to the inspector drop branch buuut it looks like Ubuntu chrome has the issue that we were seeing on dev too23:02
hatchI'm not entirely sure how to work around it...23:02
rick_h_hatch: k, so the missing event23:05
rick_h_hatch: let's drop the mask then, just go for straight drop target to get this wrapped up tomorrow 23:06
rick_h_hatch: and we can look again in a bit 23:06
hatchrick_h_ well the mask is the drop target, else we need to make every element in the inspector a drop target23:07
hatchthe only sollution I can think of is to extend the timeout23:07
hatchbut that's still going to hope they move the moose at least every 500ms :)23:08
hatchrick_h_ https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=112409 :(23:09
hatchI guess that's just going to be a bug in Chrome then...23:09
=== hazmat` is now known as hazmat
hatchrick_h_ if you could star the issue - maybe they fix more stars first :)23:10
hatchI'm going to add a comment that it's still an issue23:10
hatchI'll increase the timeout and add this url to the code - but that's the best we can do 23:12

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