
shadeslayerIIRC qapt just compiled with Qt500:11
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mamarleyI just noticed that kde-config-touchpad is obsoleted now.  Is there any intended upgrade path?  How am I supposed to change the touchpad settings now?00:37
manchickenmamarley: Input Devices?00:41
mamarleymanchicken: I thought that was kde-config-touchpad.00:43
manchickenmamarley: http://kshadeslayer.wordpress.com/2014/02/11/new-touchpad-management-app-in-kubuntu-14-04/00:51
mamarleyAh, OK.  Thanks!00:52
* manchicken buys a polo shirt...01:48
manchickenThat awkward moment when your unit tests work, but the application running the exact same scenario is not.03:48
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Peace-Riddell: error on 14.04 08:21
Peace-sudo apt-get install  plasma-widget-*08:21
Peace-Reading package lists... Done08:21
Peace-Building dependency tree       08:21
Peace-Reading state information... Done08:21
Peace-E: Unable to locate package plasma-widget-folderview_4.11.2-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb08:21
Peace-E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'plasma-widget-folderview_4.11.2-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb'08:21
Peace-E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'plasma-widget-folderview_4.11.2-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb'08:21
RiddellPeace-: plasma-widget-folderview is there, what happensif you just install it?08:33
Peace-Riddell: well i have already installed that and if i try to reinstall it it just doens't give me message 08:36
Peace-but with plasma-widget-* gives that error08:36
RiddellPeace-: um hmm, dunno sorry08:55
Peace-Riddell: well it's not a problem for me :D it was just for you, i mean i was trying to help the develop on 14.04 reporting what was not working fine , for me it's not a problem use alphas 08:56
jussiRiddell: do you know when agateau is back?08:57
Riddelljussi: nope, next week I guess08:58
jussiok, thanks08:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: bug 128246109:07
ubottubug 1282461 in kubuntu-notification-helper (Ubuntu) "driverevent not managable through KCM" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128246109:07
apacheloggerbug 128246209:11
ubottubug 1282462 in kubuntu-notification-helper (Ubuntu) "driverevent has apparently private files stored outside its source dir" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128246209:11
apacheloggerbug 128246409:14
ubottubug 1282464 in kubuntu-notification-helper (Ubuntu) "driverevent needs to reopen the xapian index" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128246409:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: what I still don't get btw is why you first getDriverDict and then *always* move on to getDriverMapForDevice, if you always want both anyway, why don't you have one getter that returns a complete map of maps?09:16
apacheloggershadeslayer: bug 1282471 myohmy09:26
ubottubug 1282471 in kubuntu-notification-helper (Ubuntu) "driverevent additon not documented in changelog" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128247109:26
* apachelogger all bugged out again, can't upload k-n-h because changlog is sad09:26
apacheloggerRiddell: I uploaded libkubuntu09:26
Riddellapachelogger: oh cool, one less thing on my todo list09:37
Riddellapachelogger: what about notification-helper?09:37
Riddelltrying out opensuse, they have a black theme, yuck09:41
apacheloggerRiddell: waiting for shadeslayer to write a changelog09:42
Riddellyuck, I try to install umbrello and it wants to install gstreamer and flash09:58
Riddellcome back qapt, all if forgiven!09:58
mikhasRiddell, why do you need to bring UML back from the dead?!10:02
Riddellhey UML is useful, it get me an A at university, academics love that stuff10:02
Riddellnot convinced by the fedora installer, doesn't follow any linear progression10:51
Riddelland Done button in the top left is just confusing10:54
* apachelogger asks Riddell to keep his cards updated https://trello.com/c/fuFnpLVf11:01
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: https://trello.com/c/OUuTZcud did you see my comment?11:02
apacheloggerRiddell: was the plasma-nm git snapshot approved by upstream?11:24
* apachelogger sighs11:24
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 11:26
apacheloggerbug 128252311:26
ubottubug 1282523 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu) "snapshot has no localization" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128252311:26
apacheloggerI am getting overly sick of this btw11:26
Riddellapachelogger: yes, it'll get a release in a couple of weeks11:38
apacheloggerRiddell: upload with po11:38
apacheloggerwe have QA deadlines11:38
apacheloggerand if shit is broken for no good reason the QA is pointless11:39
BluesKajHiyas all12:16
Peace-hola BluesKaj12:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: tried doing it that way earlier, Q/DBus couldn't handle the types12:36
apacheloggerthat sounds wrong given that dbus (and qt) can handle any old binary data even12:41
* ghostcube gets testing kdeconnect 0.5 \o12:41
ghostcubehmmm. anypone the same problem, that the kdeconnect settings part inside systemsettings is empty after upgrade to 0.5?13:05
Riddellhaving looked at opensuse, fedora and debian today I can confidently say we're still the best13:07
Riddellalthough fedora wins points for being kde idealisted with calligra and konqueror installed, but then loses them with a load of gtk config tools13:07
sgclarkRiddell: morning, hope your feeling better, can you take a look at kdbusaddons, had to fix symbols file error13:09
Riddellghostcube: works for me13:09
ghostcubeRiddell: ok, after restart its working again13:11
BluesKajHey Peace- , din't see you there, got joins turned off13:11
Peace-i have killed X i guess 13:12
Riddellsgclark: onto it13:13
BluesKajPeace-,  how?13:13
Peace-BluesKaj: crtl alt backspace13:13
BluesKajoh deliberately , ok :)13:14
Peace-yes i was testing opegl egl with kwin 13:14
Peace-and i closed konsole where was running kwin :D 13:14
Peace-so i was not be able to switch window13:15
mgraesslinpro-tip: use yakuake for such usecases, less chances to accidentially close it13:15
* Peace- got it13:15
BluesKajyakuake rocks13:15
soeeyes :)13:27
apacheloggertrusty vbox still has tiny resolution :'<13:29
Riddellsgclark: kdbusaddons uploaded13:31
Riddelljussi: do you need that shirts announce on the website?13:33
jussiRiddell: that would be nice, havent had time to put it on the wire yet... somethign called "work" :D13:34
apacheloggeroh great, qemu also hates me :'<13:39
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: I did see your comment. I'm not sure what can I do about it. Should I ask the developer to prepare the code for translations?13:40
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: you could ask the translators to translate :P13:41
ghostcubehmmm 0.5 is nice but seems not working as 0.413:45
ghostcubesending files from phone to kde doesnt work here ... hmm13:46
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: how do I do that?13:47
ovidiu-florinHow do I contact them?13:47
ovidiu-florinis there a mail list for this?13:47
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-i18n-doc13:53
apacheloggerhttp://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-i18n-doc&m=139239352006237&w=2 as example mail13:53
ghostcubehmm ok i tried but it think kdeconnect 0.5 broke data send from phone to desktop13:55
ghostcubeit worked fine in 0.4.x13:55
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sgclarkRiddell: kiconthemes ready14:48
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manchicken1apachelogger: Thanks for your help.14:58
BluesKajare the the kde 4.12.2 packages for 12.04 ready for the repos yet?14:59
Riddellsgclark: uploaded15:02
shadeslayerBluesKaj: yeah, I'll copy them over15:08
BluesKajshadeslayer, great, thanks, had a 12.04 user asking whether there was something wrong with his system because it wouldn't update kde.15:10
BluesKajerr upgrade15:10
shadeslayerBluesKaj: done, please wait 30 minutes before upgrading15:11
BluesKajshadeslayer, I'll tell him if he returns 15:12
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1272687] Shutdown sometimes hangs on Kubuntu 14.04 Daily Build @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1272687 (by Marco Parillo)15:14
sgclarkRiddell: kservice is broken, I think it needs to be rebuilt with new dbusaddons, is there a way to do that?15:20
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DonkeyHoteiRiddell: is there any chance kubuntu-active will work by release day?15:58
sgclarkRiddell: is there a reason we named libkf5attica1.0 when it is  attica-4.96.0.tar.xz on frameworks site?15:59
RiddellDonkeyHotei: unlikely, nobody is working on it, but fixes welcome16:00
shadeslayersgclark: probably named after the library that is being installed :)16:00
shadeslayerRiddell: btw did you investigate why calling dh_installwm makes tests work on framework integration?16:01
Riddellsgclark: kdbusaddons is built, just retry kservice no?16:01
Riddellsgclark: kservice is also built, what's the issue?16:01
sgclarkRiddell: correct, shlibs called mispelled dbusaddons, just rebuild16:01
sgclarkRiddell: will correct itself16:02
sgclarkRiddell: kservice that is16:02
Riddellsgclark: the source package attica-kf5 was renamed to stop it clashing with attica that builds with qt416:02
Riddellsgclark: libkf5attica1.0 binary package is named after the library16:02
sgclarkRiddell: right, got that, was confused on 1.0, but clarified nw16:03
Peace-Riddell: the flash kcm module isn't on repos ?16:26
Riddellflash kcm module?16:28
Peace-Riddell: http://nowardev.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/flashkubuntu.png16:29
Peace-Riddell: it's on flashplayer tar.gz that you can get from adobe http://wstaw.org/m/2014/02/20/plasma-desktopF26020.png16:31
RiddellI don't know anything about it I'm afraid, packages welcome but16:39
yofel_bah, missed him. adobe-flash-properties-kde is in partner16:58
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shadeslayeryofel: any news on the lxc front?17:03
shadeslayerRiddell: might want to announce KDE SC 4.12.2 + KDE Workspace 4.11.6 on Kubuntu News17:16
sgclarkRiddell: attica ready17:39
sgclarkRiddell: sorry to bug you, kservice needs to be rebuilt, clogging up the works.17:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: 17:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: I'm not sure how to solve this tbh https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-driver-manager/+bug/128077317:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1280773 in kubuntu-driver-manager (Ubuntu) "List of drivers gets repeated" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:54
yofelshadeslayer: not really, was busy yesterday. I'm looking at it now18:01
shadeslayerRiddell: btw I see a strigi merge18:02
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yofelshadeslayer: hm... I'm running it now. But at least the setup step seems to work. It's installing packages for saucy.18:19
yofelWhere did your test fail again?18:19
shadeslayeryofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6966771/18:21
shadeslayeryofel: if it works for you, please file for a merge18:22
yofelconfiguring upgrader for LTS upgrade18:22
yofelthat's precise->trusty?18:22
yofelok, seems like I'm not at that point yet18:22
yofelshadeslayer: I think that would need a new branch just for the profiles. I remember doing a bunch of LXC changes that I'm not sure should go upstream. (At least not until I look over the diff again)18:24
yofelhm... actually... I remember seeing an LXC network failure once after an upgrade18:24
yofelit failed18:25
shadeslayersame backlog?18:25
yofelnot quite, but same error in the end http://paste.ubuntu.com/6966802/18:26
shadeslayersame backtrace too18:27
yofelyeah, the container is trash18:27
yofelor not o.O18:27
yofelshadeslayer: does ubuntu actually use LXC? I remember that at least the qemu backend worked fine  last year18:29
yofelwe just had no hardware for it18:29
shadeslayerI think so18:30
shadeslayeratleast stgraber was working on it IIRC18:30
yofelhm, lets see if I can figure out what happens18:30
yofelyeah, I remember that18:30
yofelI *think* there's a race condition somewhere. If I run the upgrade process again after the bootstrap was done it starts upgrading18:31
shadeslayerI see18:32
yofelat least it seems to be doing something. Sadly you don't see the package download process during upgrade, but I have something causing network traffic18:34
pedahzurNot sure if this is a dev question, but since it's KDE backports, I'll ask. So, I have "http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu precise main" enabled for my system. Today I see there is an update.  Running dist-upgrade tells me that kdm and kubuntu-desktop will be removed. I know kubuntu-desktop is a meta-package, but removing kdm seems a bit worrisome. Thoughts?19:35
Peace-pedahzur: well kdm it's the login stuff19:48
Peace-pedahzur:btw you should check if you have lightdm 19:48
Peace-cuz it's the default login manager 19:49
yofelpedahzur: could you please run 'apt-get -o debug::pkgproblemresolver=true dist-upgrade' and pastebin the output after cancelling? Thanks!19:53
yofelPeace-: about your flash question earlier: adobe-flash-properties-kde is in partner if you're looking for it19:53
yofeldon't ask me why the installer doesn't have it19:54
Peace-yofel:  on 14.04^?19:54
yofellikely not, unless partner has already been uploaded. The saucy package should work though19:55
Peace-yofel: infact19:55
Peace-ok yofel perfect 19:55
Peace-i have installed it manually btw :D 19:55
Peace-yofel: i had to use it because i was trying to record a video with flashplayer19:56
Peace-yofel: and i am not able to activate the website from flashplayer i mean from here https://www.youtube.com/my_webcam?privacy=public19:57
Peace-yofel: flashplayer refuses to be clickable19:57
yofelI fear I can't help there..19:57
pedahzurPeace-: No lightdm installed.19:57
Peace-yofel: no problem yofel with kcm module i was be able to do the job19:57
pedahzuryofel: Here you go. Looks like a couple broken deps. https://gist.github.com/jkugler/912193319:57
Peace-pedahzur: ok so if you remove kdm you will not have a login manager 19:58
pedahzurPeace-: Right.19:58
Peace-pedahzur: so basically you will not able to login graphically 19:58
pedahzurPeace-: startx isn't a command I've run for quite a while. :)19:58
Peace-ctrl alt f3 will help ;)19:58
Peace-pedahzur: ok 19:58
Peace-pedahzur: just install lightdm and lightdm-kde-greeter 19:59
yofelodd, let me try to reproduce that19:59
pedahzuryofel: Kubuntunix in #kubuntu said he installed a new sysv-rc package from http://ppa.launchpad.net/dirk-computer42/c42-backport/ubuntu/pool/main/s/sysvinit/  Which is great that he got it working, but one probably should nothave to do that, correct? :)20:11
pedahzuruser *Kubuntuix20:11
yofelnot really, I'm looking into it20:11
yofelI think debhelper messed something up here :/20:17
yofelshadeslayer: why did we need a debhelper backport again?20:17
yofelpedahzur: I have a fix, might take 2-3 hours until it's in the PPA though20:24
yofelthanks for bringing this up20:24
yuriyI also ran into this kdm problem. it got removed.20:43
yuriyThe following packages have unmet dependencies:20:43
yuriy kdm : Depends: sysv-rc (>= 2.88dsf-24) but 2.88dsf-13.10ubuntu11.1 is to be installed or20:43
yuriy                file-rc (>= 0.8.16) but it is not installable20:43
pedahzuryofel: You're welcome. Thanks for the quick turn-around!20:46
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shadeslayeryofel: cuz cmake21:36
yofelah right :/21:36
shadeslayerbluedevil, y u no connect to speaker21:37
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kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1282770] PPA (Kubuntu-backports) update 4.12.2 removed KDM & kubuntu-desktop – reinstall fails @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1282770 (by Flames_in_Paradise)22:31
miseriala palabra manipuladora que dice un perdedor y arrogante pacifista si no estas conmigo, eres mi enemigo  bienvenidos httpcastroruben.com temo_a_un_ser_sin_rival22:36
yuriythank you yofel!23:10
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1282770] PPA (Kubuntu-backports) update 4.12.2 removed KDM & kubuntu-desktop – reinstall fails @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1282770 (by Flames_in_Paradise)23:36

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