=== cr3_ is now known as cr3 === cr3 is now known as Guest2039 === Guest2039 is now known as cr3 === CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK [19:52] ubiquity seems busted, so no FF until that's sorted =) [19:52] ditto kvm/graphics [20:55] Hi! I just installed ubuntu studion 13.10 with disc encryption, and after reboot it loaded the GRUB CLI. How can i mount the encrypted drive? [20:56] grub should boot into an initramfs [20:56] if you are at the grub prompt, something else went wrong [20:57] (had everything gone right, you should have gotten a decryption prompt.) [20:57] via plymouth [20:59] ok, so what should i do? [20:59] I have no idea, I suck at grub [20:59] you can in theory boot from grub cli by hand [21:00] if you know your root, what kernel to boot, where the kernel is, what initramfs it uses, and any extra options to give it [21:00] its not a thing I can walk you through over irc though [21:01] :) well im new to linux so maybe i try to reinstall. [21:01] are you trying to dual boot? [21:02] just out of curiosity: shouldn't it prompt me for password before grub? [21:02] no, i jst tryed to encrypt the drive ffrom the installer [21:04] i've never saw the partitions the installer created, but i guess it made an unencrypted /boot and encrypted anything else. (hopefully it made me a nice swap partition too) [21:06] so ithink it should prompt for the password , decrypt the drive and do the booting stuff [21:24] WeirdConnection: "it" as you say, needs to be booted before it can ask for a pw, unless you do IDE? or something that your bios can control [21:25] i guess its SATA -2 maybe [21:46] WeirdConnection: Ubuntu Studio doesn't support UEFI [21:46] WeirdConnection: So, could be that's your problem [21:46] WeirdConnection: Set your machine to use BIOS instead [21:47] zequence: thx, will try now [21:47] WeirdConnection: 14.04, which is released in April will have full support [21:50] zequence: it sais no boot device found :( maybe i should reinstall it? [21:51] by the way it listed ubuntu in the uefi boot options.. === darien_ is now known as darien === stgraber_ is now known as stgraber === ppetraki_ is now known as ppetraki