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ppisatiyo yo yo07:47
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cking smb, i'm of the opinion IPMI probably be should be for x86 specific arches for T and we don't consider any other support of IPMI by default for other arches11:34
apwyeah for now, the upstream advise was an x86 centric thing, so leavin the others =m sounds reasonable11:35
apwand we can fix those on a whine by whine basis11:35
smb  cking Agreed. I don't know enough about what exists or not in the Arm world to make any better decision11:35
apwi am assuming ppisati is sorting out a patch (if he hasn't already)11:35
smbapw, Yeah11:35
ckingapw, ppisati has sent a patch, and I've commented on it, so I guess another iteration is required to turn it back to =m for anything apart from x8611:36
smbI just saw that from x86 world where you can have some ipmi support but no declaration of it, that default probe just reads from "known" port addresses11:36
smbBut that likely has complete other meaning in Arm11:36
ckingbad x86 centric world view11:36
smbcking, come first serve first... :-P but yeah11:37
infinityWait, why is there ipmi support in the kernel at all?11:39
infinityWhat has Intel done now?11:39
infinitycking: Please tell me this doesn't mean what I think it means (listening to the world with a known-insecure protocol, so everyone and their dog can reboot my computer?)11:43
* cking is now overly concerned too11:47
smbinfinity, ITs an interface to a BMC which should work even when no network access for the bmc has been set up11:51
smbThe driver only "listens" to a character device11:51
infinitysmb: Right, okay.  So, it's the module that ipmitool uses for localhost access.11:52
infinitysmb: That's all that's being discussed here?11:52
smbinfinity, Yes11:52
infinitysmb: Still feels bloaty and wrong to have that build into the zImage, but no, not overly dangerous on x86, I'd guess.11:52
smbinfinity, That we changed ipmi_si (system interface driver, that char device this) to be built-in because it apparently can be a problem if not (on x86)11:53
ckingcompared to ACPI, it's not that bloaty11:53
smbinfinity, Right now it probably is. And not well understood either (hence the fail for probing)11:54
infinitycking: Compared to ACPI, my mom's slim.11:54
smbinfinity, It might be in future when Arm gets not well implemented acpi tables in larger scale...11:54
infinitysmb: On ARM today, the IPMI driver Just Works on the three pieces of hardware that have IPMI BMCs, but probably scribbles the heck all over random memory on everything else. :P11:55
infinityIt's like a return to the dark ages of ISA probing.11:56
infinity"Is that a video card over there?  Maybe a network card?  Wait, I think it's a.  Oh, nevermind, we'll just hang now.  And maybe play an awful tone on the PC speaker just because we hate you so."11:56
smbinfinity, Yeah I would have to re-read it but probably when it found something with the other methods acpi, pci, smi it does not try the "default" method11:56
smbAnd nobody ever wondered whether that default method is working anywhere outside x86... :-P11:57
brendandbjf, i've lost track of the cadence. is this one ending on the 7th of march?13:37
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bjfbrendand, yes13:55
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Doctor_NickHi, the wrong kernel version is in 3.14rc3 on the kernel ppa, can someone please fix this?15:27
apwDoctor_Nick, think i have found a variable aliasing issue, so the binaries are 3.14-rc3 just the .debs are named wrong15:30
apwi'll let it rebuild and see if that resolves it15:30
Doctor_Nickapw: cool, thanks15:32
Doctor_Nickapw: btw, where are the source packages for these?15:32
apwDoctor_Nick, there are no source packages, they are built from the source you get by checking out the commit listed in "COMMIT" and then applying the patches in the same directory15:33
apwDoctor_Nick, having the source pacakges too would about double the disk needed for each build15:34
Doctor_Nicktrue, the kernel package is pretty big15:34
Doctor_Nickwhat's the url for the source repo?15:35
Doctor_Nickoh, you mean directly from the kernel.org git?15:36
_bjfDoctor_Nick, our trusty git repo is at git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-trusty.git15:38
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Doctor_Nickah, ok15:38
apwDoctor_Nick, though in the case of v3.14-rc3 that tag comes direct from the kernel.org repos15:46
Doctor_Nickok, thanks15:47
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ogra_wheee ! beaglebones !17:17
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ppisatiogra_: you what's a pity? that i had to manually craft my own installation for it... if only we had a tool that created custom ubuntu dd-able images... ahhhh.... :)17:43
ppisati*you know17:43
ogra_i'm working on reviving rootstock ... but currentl touch is the only stuff that works in rootstock-ng17:44
ppisatiogra_: you know there's a rainy weekend in front of us, right? :)17:46
ogra_in italy perhaps :P17:46
ogra_germany has sun and springy waether all the time ;) 17:46
JanC> 10 °C expected for tomorrow here too...17:54
JanCand around that for the weekend too, with maybe some rain on Saturday before noon, and sun after that  :)17:55
rsalvetiapw: infinity: why did we published the 4.4 based kernels?18:19
apwrsalveti, i don't recall doing anything there18:20
rsalvetiit seems infinity copied them over18:20
rsalvetialright, as long we don't rebuild the android package until I'm able to drop the 4.4.2 version (which should hopefully happen tomorrow), we're still good18:23
rsalvetiotherwise mako/manta will not even boot properly18:23
apwit looks like we uploaded it to the PPA correctly, but i cannot account for them moving out18:23
rsalvetiyeah, guess infinity just moved everything that made sense (maybe because of FF)18:24
apwhmmm, yeah, i guess if things catch on fire we'll have to work out how to shove the old contents back into the new branch for a bit18:28
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jtaylorhi todays kernel update seem to have broke perf19:48
bjfjtaylor, details? kernel version ?19:49
jtaylor/usr/lib/linux-tools/3.13.0-11-generic/perf -> ../linux-tools-3.13.0-11/perf19:49
jtaylorbut its in /usr/lib/linux-tools-3.13.0-11/perf19:49
jtaylorone level down more19:49
bjfapw, ^ ?19:49
apwbjf, ta19:51
bjfi'm sure19:51
apwjtaylor, heh, that i could believe, i am doing a test build right now for tools so i will check it out19:52
jtaylor< on trusty19:52
apwjtaylor, bah yeah that is just plain wrongo, will sort it out, i assume you can find your perf binary by hand in the interim19:53
jtayloryes I fixed the link and it works19:54
apwjtaylor, well that at least is positive, i'll let these build complete and check i have sorted the pooch19:55
apwi suspect this and the ipmi issue might mean it is worth doing an upload sooner rather than later19:56
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miseriala palabra manipuladora que dice un perdedor y arrogante pacifista si no estas conmigo, eres mi enemigo  bienvenidos httpcastroruben.com temo_a_un_ser_sin_rival22:39
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